How to Set Financial Goals (2024)

Personal Growth

Goal Setting

14 Min Read | Dec 29, 2023

How to Set Financial Goals (1)

By Rachel Cruze

How to Set Financial Goals (2)

How to Set Financial Goals (3)

By Rachel Cruze

Do you feel like you’re tryingso hardto make the right decisions with your moneybut never seem to get ahead? Or have you been working your butt off, maybe even picking up a side hustle, but you don’t have much to show for it at the end of the month?

Sure, things likeinflationandrecessionsare real and can feel like huge road blocks to your financial goals. But even when the economy isn’t going crazy, if you don’t set any goals for your money, you’ll definitely feel like you’re spinning your wheels.

If you want to make progress with your money (for real), you need to set some financial goals. But don’t freak out. I’m going to help you figure out what your financial goals actually are—and share the steps to reach them. You’ve got this!

What Is a Financial Goal?

A financial goal is any plan you have for your money. You can have short-term financial goals (like saving up $1,000) or long-term financial goals (like buying a house or investing for retirement). It’s a good idea to setgoals for every area of your life, but having specific financial goals means you’re committing to what you want out of life by planning to save and spend money for those things.

But depending on your relationship with money, trying to decide what to do with it can feel as overwhelming as choosing what to watch on Netflix or as exciting as planning a vacation to Disneyland. There are so many options. But you can’t watch all the home makeover shows or ride all the rides at once. You’ve got to pick and choose, and I recommend tackling your goals in an order that’ll set you up for lifelong success. But first, let’s talk about how you can get in the mindset of setting goals.

6 Steps to Setting Financial Goals

Lots of things can influence the way you set your financial goals, including your motivations, values and dreams for the future. And the way your parents handled money and even your own spending and savings habits (which are unique to you) also has a major impact on how you handle money.

Goal planning takes intention and some self-awareness, so carve out time to think about your goals. Find a few minutes to sit down with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and get ready to dream—big! Once you have a list of goals for your money in mind, you’re ready to break them down into smaller, actionable steps. Here’s how:

1. Make your goal specific.

One reason people don’t hit their money goals is because they’re too vague. You might say, “I want to be better with money.” But what does that actually mean to you? Narrow it down. Or, “I want to upgrade my car someday.” Okay, fun! But what kind of car do you want, and when do you want to buy it?

What if you decided instead totackle your debt? That’s aspecificarea of your money to focus on. Now, let’s talk about how to break this goal down even more.

2. Make your goal measurable.

Okay, so your goal is to pay off debt. Now it’s time to pick an exact amount—what you can measure to know if you hit your goal or not.

While beingcompletely debt-freeshould be your ultimate goal, it’s a good idea to break down that goal into smaller chunks. That way, you have a vision of where you’re going before you get started.

Say you have $30,000 of total debt. You’ll want to start by paying off your smallest debt, like a $15,000 student loan, first. That’s what I mean by setting a measurable goal.

3. Give yourself a deadline.

Here’s the deal: It’s super easy to put off your goals when they aren’t time-sensitive. Stop sayingyou’ll start someday. You need to give yourself a deadline and make it reasonable—but also a little challenging.

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Back to the student loan example:Whendo you want to hit your goal? If you want to pay off $15,000 inone year, you’ll need to pay $1,250 each month. Is this possible but also a bit of a stretch? If so, good!

Now, some goals fall into the short- to mid-term category, and these can be tackled in less than five or so. Think of long-term goals as ones you’ll achieve in five years or more. Here are some examples of short- and long-term financial goals:

Short- and mid-term financial goals:

  • Saving up an emergency fund
  • Saving for a vacation
  • Paying for books for an upcoming semester of school
  • Buying a new kitchen appliance or renovation
  • Saving for an engagement ring
  • Putting down a deposit on an apartment lease
  • Saving for upcoming medical or dental services
  • Buying birthday or Christmas gifts
  • Saving a house down-payment

Long-term financial goals:

  • Buying a new car with cash
  • Paying for your kid’s college in cash
  • Saving for retirement
  • Launching a business
  • Traveling for several months at a time

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4. Make sure they’re your own goals.

When wecompare ourselves to other people, we’re playing a game we’ll never win. So, make sure you’re setting financial goals that make sense foryou. In other words, just because all your friends are taking out second mortgages to renovate their kitchens doesn’t mean you should. Is that one Instagram influencer taking another extravagant vacation? Hey, good for them. But that doesn’t mean you need to do the same thing—or that you’re behind in life if you’re not in the same place. Put the blinders on, focus on your goals, and stay in your lane. And be clear onwhyyou’ve chosen the goals you have.

5. Write your goal down.

Did you know you’re more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down? Yep, it’s true—there’s something about putting pen to paper that helps you commit to the task at hand.

So, go ahead and write down your goals. Then, stick them in your car, to your desk, or on your bathroom mirror. Type them in a notes app on your phone, take a screenshot, and set it as your wallpaper so it’s the first thing you see when you pick up your phone. Keeping your goals where you can see them will keep you on track and motivated.

6. Get a goal accountability buddy.

To take your goals one step further, find a goal accountability buddy. This could be your spouse, a close friend or a community—anyone who will cheer you on and check in as you keep working on hitting your goal. Having a cheerleader in your corner and knowing you’re not alone can make a huge difference as you work toward your goals.

5 Examples of Financial Goals

With so much money “advice” floating around, it can be hard to know which financial goals you should aim for first. This is why I have to mention theBaby Steps when I talk about setting financial goals. The Baby Steps will help you save for emergencies, pay off debt, and build wealth. But there’s a process to follow.

Should you pay off debt first? Save for your kids’ college? Buy a house? Invest for retirement? The 7 Baby Steps cut through all the confusion and give you a clear path to doall those things. Following the steps will help you focus on one goal at a time so you can make more progress with your money and feel financial peace.

If you have no clue what financial goal to go after first, start bytaking this quick assessmentto find out what Baby Step you’re on.

Here are some more of the most common financial goals people set and tips for making them happen. Are any of these on your list?

1. Create and stick to a budget.

Not only is budgeting one of the top financial goals people set each new year, but it’s also the foundation you should build all your other money goals on.

Abudgetishowyou make progress with your money. It’s aplanfor what’s coming in (your income) and what’s going out (your expenses). You’re telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went. When you have this plan for your money, you can feel confident you’re taking steps toward your goal every month.

Budgeting helps you gain momentum ineveryarea of your finances. If you’re already budgeting, bravo! If not,get started for free with EveryDollar.

2. Build up an emergency fund.

Life happens. But youcanbe prepared for any money problems that come your wayifyou’ve got enough money saved up. I’m talking car trouble, medical expenses and busted toilets (you know, some of the most inconvenient parts of being an adult). But when you’ve got anemergency fund, you can rest well at night knowing you won’t have to go into debt to cover those moments.

Start with the financial goal of having$1,000 in savings. Then, if you have debt, it’s time to knock that out. (I’ll talk more about that in a minute.) After that, you want to build up afully funded emergency fund with 3–6 months of expenses. (Again, this is all covered in theBaby Steps—the proven plan to help you take control of your money.)

When you’ve got an emergency fund, you’re ready for those “life happens” moments. Instead of being worried about what could happen next, you’ll feel confident that you’ve got money set aside to deal with it.

3. Get out of debt.

If you’ve gotdebt, it’s time to get serious about paying it off. All of it. Yeah, I know that may seem impossible right now, especially if you’ve got some big numbers staring you in the face—student loans, credit cards, whatever makes up that debt. But here’s the ugly truth: Debt doesn’t move you forward. Itholds you back.You can’t get ahead with your money if it’s always going to lender payments.

4. Save up for your dream retirement.

Let’s take a second to put on our imagination caps and picture the ideal retirement. Maybe that’s five, 10 or 30 years down the road. Do you want to pack up the grandkids and head to Disney every Christmas? Visit a new state with your spouse once a quarter? Stay home and read every book on your shelves? Take up a fun hobby or travel for international cooking lessons?

No matter what you’re dreaming for the future, you’ll need good retirement investmentsnowto make it a reality. After you’re debt-free and have a fully funded emergency fund, I want you to startinvesting 15% of your household income for retirement. And guess what? When you have zero debt, all that money you were spending on payments can go straight into your accounts to fund your retirement dreams.

5. Spend less and save more.

Tons of people whip goals out of the air, like “I want to spend less” or “I want to save more,” without thinking about what it means to actually do those things. People, you’ve got to be specific with your goals and intentional about your money habits.

Becoming successful with money is more about changing your behavior than anything else. This can look like creating and sticking to your budget every month,finding deals, using coupons, paying cash, making more money. And here’s a big one: You’ve got to learn how to sayno—even to yourself. I’m not saying never have fun. But if you want to save money, it’s going to take some planning and lifestyle adjusting.

And finally, here’s one of my favorite tips forspending lessandsaving more: Plan your meals. Food is where most Americans overspend, and meal planning is how you rein that in. Check out my freeto see how to save time and money on food.

An Example of a Financial Goal in Action

Okay, so now that I’ve gone over the basics of financial goal planning, let me give you an example of how this can work in real life.

A while back, my husband, Winston, and I decided to build a house. Before that, all the extra income we brought in went straight to our general savings. But I knew building a house would cost a lot, and random, unexpected expenses were bound to pop up during the process.

So, we made it a goal to save up as much as we could—specifically toward our house. And while saving up that much money seemed almost impossible, breaking it down into monthly goals gave us so much momentum. Having a plan for our money not only made our dream possible, but it also made the process fun.

Having this goal for our money is also what kept my spending tendencies (akaspendencies—trust me, it’s a thing) in check. Knowing my money was going toward something I really wanted (way more than any late-night Amazon purchases) motivated me to spend less. And even though there were moments when we felt fatigued—I mean, there were some days when all I wanted to do was relax and spend money—finding creative ways to hit our goal faster kept us on track each month.

Beyond that, it was character building. It’s a time in our marriage that we’ll always look back on and know we accomplished something hard together. It helped cultivate connection between us andcontentmentin my own heart. Now I realize those benefits of the process are worth more than the new house.

Why Is Setting Financial Goals Important?

Having a goal helps you be more future focused with your money. You’ll start to see how every decision you make adds up and makes a difference with your overallfinancial health.

For example, if you don’t have financial goals, it’s no big deal to buy breakfast and coffeeevery day. But let’s look at just how much that’s reallycosting you. You’ll typically spendat least$25 for just one workweek of lattes—that’s $100 a month! What else could you do with that money?

If you put $100 in an investment account every month for five years, your latte fund could grow into more than $8,000, thanks to the power of compound growth. That’s a whole semester of your kids’ college you’re drinking.

Imagine if you thought evenlonger term and invested $100 a month for 15 years. Your latte savings could grow to over $45,000.

And if you invest your savings for 30 years? Your coffee money could grow to over $280,000. A latte a day or a quarter of a million dollars? You guys, I like a good cup of coffee—but notthatmuch.

If you want to set yourself up to befinancially secure, find small (or large) sacrifices you can make right now.The everyday things you do with your money today will absolutely affect your future.

How to Set Financial Goals (5)

Goals Will Get YouWhere You Want to Be

Financial goals will help you change your mindset, your habits and ultimately your life.

When you’re intentional with every dollar you have, you’re able to make your money go further. That means you get to do more of the stuff you want to do and plan for the things you’ll do in the future.

You can do more than you ever thought possible, but you’ll need financial goals to help you get there. Decide what you want your future to look like and figure out what you need to dotodayto make it happen.

Youcanlive on your terms instead of the bank’s.

Youcanget out of debt once and for all.

Youcanbuild wealth and pay for things that matter to you.

If you’re already planning ahead and dreaming up a vision for the future, check out our 2024 Goal Planner. It’ll help you create and track your goals and stay focused along the journey. Goal setting doesn’t have to be intimidating, and this planner will help keep you heading in the right direction.

And remember, any financial goal you have starts with a budget. This is the foundation. It’s how you get organized and intentional with your money. Go ahead andstart your free budget today with EveryDollar. Then, get moving on those six steps to setting and reaching your financial goals. No matter the time of year, youcanturn these dreams into reality. Go get it!

Start Setting Your Financial Goals Today

  • If you’re already planning ahead and dreaming up a vision for the future, check out ourGoal Planner. It’ll help you create and track your goals and stay focused along the journey.
  • Finally, get moving on those six steps I mentioned to setting and reaching your financial goals.
  • Go ahead andstart your free budget today with EveryDollar.

Check Out EveryDollar

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About the author

Rachel Cruze

Rachel Cruze is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, financial expert, host of The Rachel Cruze Show, and co-host of Smart Money Happy Hour. Rachel writes and speaks on personal finance, budgeting, investing and money trends. As a co-host of The Ramsey Show, America’s second-largest talk radio show, Rachel reaches millions of weekly listeners with her personal finance advice. She’s appeared on Good Morning America and Fox News and been featured in TIME, REAL SIMPLE and Women’s Health, among others. Through her shows, books, syndicated columns and speaking events, Rachel shares fun, practical ways to take control of your money and create a life you love. Learn More.

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How to Set Financial Goals (2024)


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A budget is a financial plan geared toward a specific, often short-term amount of time. Creating a budget can be a great way to keep track of your finances and make changes to the way you spend money. It can also help achieve specific financial goals, such as cutting debt or saving money.

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Some examples of long-term financial goals may include:
  • Saving for a down payment on a house.
  • Funding your retirement.
  • Paying off large debts (e.g., credit cards, student loans, mortgage, etc.)
  • Saving for a child's college education.
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A budget is a financial plan geared toward a specific, often short-term amount of time. Creating a budget can be a great way to keep track of your finances and make changes to the way you spend money. It can also help achieve specific financial goals, such as cutting debt or saving money.

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Short, medium, and long term financial goals
Goal TypeTime FrameStrategy
Short termLess than a yearBudget and save in a bank account or a money jar
Medium termOne to five yearsPlan and invest in a mutual fund or a certificate of deposit
Long termMore than five yearsProject and invest in a stock or a bond

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A better way to write financial goals is to use the SMART method. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. These are five criteria that can help you make your goals clear, realistic, and trackable.

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Savings Benchmarks by Age—As a Multiple of Income
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7 short-term financial goals: What to do next
  1. Create an emergency fund. Expected time: 6-12 months. ...
  2. Pay off high-interest debt. Expected time: 6-12 months. ...
  3. Save for a big purchase. Expected time: 3-9 months. ...
  4. Plan a wedding or vacation. ...
  5. Put money into health savings. ...
  6. Build a car down payment. ...
  7. Start an investment fund.
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Get started on path to financial success with these three steps: determining budgets, tracking spending, and creating realistic savings goals.

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Here's how to create a financial plan in 11 steps.
  1. Evaluate where you stand. Building your financial plan is like creating a fitness program. ...
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Experts have identified three distinct phases that we experience: wealth accumulation, wealth preservation, and wealth distribution. During these three phases, your financial needs will change. Understanding how each phase works can help you better prepare so you can meet your goals.

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Examples of financial goals
  • Paying off debt.
  • Saving for retirement.
  • Building an emergency fund.
  • Buying a home.
  • Saving for a vacation.
  • Starting a business.
  • Feeling financially secure.
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But having these basic goals – saving for an emergency, eliminating debt, saving for retirement, protecting my family, and saving for my children's future – has helped me establish the foundation for fulfilling future and ever-changing dreams. Do you have financial goals and if so, what are they?

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At least 20% of your income should go towards savings. Meanwhile, another 50% (maximum) should go toward necessities, while 30% goes toward discretionary items. This is called the 50/30/20 rule of thumb, and it provides a quick and easy way for you to budget your money.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.