How To Start A Blog In 2023 - (2024)


So you’re thinking to start a blog. Great for you!

My how to start a blog guide will walk you through the basics of starting a blog and everything that you need to know in order to have your blog live in no-time.

Before we dive into specifics, I want to say that this guide is for you if you are planning to start a blog and make money with it.

If you want to blog just for fun, without any intention of making money from your blog, maybe you should consider the free WordPress blogging platform, Tumblr or any other similar platforms.

Also, you should know that making money with a blog takes time. I personally started making money from my blog after 7 months.

While it might seem long when you are just starting, having a blog is definitely worth it and if you are consistent in putting the work and learning, you will for sure make money with your blog.

How to Start a Blog in 2023

Start a blog by following these steps:

Pick a Niche

Ok, this is a controversial topic. Many bloggers out there advise that you pick a blog niche because only then you’ll be able to make a lot of money. I agree with this to a certain extent.

While it’s true you need to have some sort of focus becausethen your audience will be more engaged, if you look at some of the most successfulbloggers out there, they all cover several topics, not just one.

Here are some niches and sub-niches that you can consider:

  • Finance: personal finance, living frugally, FIRE movement, how to make money
  • Travel: how to travel on a budget, how to travel and make money, country/region guides, and tips
  • Health: yoga, diets, weight loss tips, fitness, workout.
  • DIY: home decorations, organizers
  • Home décor/interior design
  • Home organization: how to organize small spaces, kitchens, and closets
  • Mommy blog: anything related to babies, toddlers, kids
  • Career: career tips, job interview tips, career change, job trends
  • Fashion: beauty, clothes

Ideally, you should pick a niche that you enjoy and are good at. This way, you’ll never run out of topics to write about.

Another thing you need to know is that you don’t need to be an expert on a specific topic. You just need to have enough knowledge and experience that others can find valuable and learn from it.

A great tip to set you up for success before you even start a blog is to define the audience that you would like to speak to. This means finding out what this audience’s pain points are and how can you solve them with your blog.

For example, let’s say you have a lot of travel knowledgeand the destinations you traveled to are known for backpackers. Your audienceis millennials traveling on a budget so you might want to write about hostelsor budget hotels in that country/city, when is the best time to travel to getgreat deals, places that you can visit for free, etc. You get the point.

While it’s great to want to share your knowledge andexperience, unless you are providing a solution to your reader’s problem, mostprobably nobody would read your blog. Unless you are Oprah, and I guess you arenot J.

The best advice that I can give you is to write about 5 articles and see where it will lead you. You might find that you are not enjoying writing about that topic and might want to write about something else.

This is a mistake I’ve done and I strongly recommend youfollow my advice so that you don’t do the same mistake when you start a blog.

Pick a Name

While this seems like a relatively easy task, it’s quitechallenging.

What you need to keep in mind when picking a name for yourblog is your topic. Also, if you followed my advice regarding writing severalarticles before anything, you might find that you wish to cover several topicson your blog, which means that you need to pick a blog name that won’t be veryrestricting.

You can even consider using your own name. In any case, make sure your blog name is not too long.

I’ve done this mistake and now I regret it, like Michelle from Making Sense Of Cents or Abby from Just A Girl And Her Blog.

Another thing you need to avoid is using special characters or hyphens “-“. They can be confusing.

And last but not least, aim to get a .com domain. It’s the most professional and you can literally speak to everyone in the world.

Pick a Hosting

What is hosting anyway and why do I need it to start a blog?

Hosting is a virtual parking place, where you can park your blog or website in exchange for a monthly or annual fee.

If you are looking to start a blog and make money with it, you absolutely need to get hosting for your blog.

This way, you own your blog and nothing can happen to it, as opposed to free blogging platforms, where you don’t own your blog or its content and if those platforms cease to exist, so will your blog.

The great thing with hosting your blog independently is thateven if that hosting company will go bankrupt (which I doubt), you can moveyour blog to another hosting company (parking place) whenever you want.

Another great thing about being self-hosted is that there are basically limitless opportunities to make money with a blog, as opposed to free platforms (which can be very restrictive in terms of monetizing a blog) and besides, most brands or ad providers do require a blog to be self-hosted in order to collaborate.

While there are many hosting companies out there, the leading ones and the ones that 90% of the bloggers use and recommend are Bluehost and Siteground.

While I know that they are equally great, according to bloggers who have used both, I personally have been with Bluehost since day 1 and I couldn’t be happier with their prices, services, and uptime (uptime means the total time your blog is live), which in my case with Bluehost my up time was 100% to date.

I never had any problems and you should consider that when picking hosting for your blog. You don’t want a hosting provider that has anything less than 100% uptime.

Now, if you decide to go ahead and purchase hosting from Bluehost in order to start your blog, this is very easy and it will take just 5 minutes.

After this, you’ll be ready to set up your blog with just a few clicks, thanks to the user-friendly interface of Bluehost.

Also, the great thing about Bluehost is that it comes with a free domain name for one year, which comes handy when you start a blog and have several investments you want to make.

Bluehost also provides a free SSL certificate which you need to make your blog secured for later on when you are collecting email addresses and other information from your visitors and also free WordPress themes, which we will discuss during the next step.

Go to the Bluehost website here and click on Get Started.

How To Start A Blog In 2023 - (1)

After you click on Get Started you will be directed to the hosting plans page where you will have 4 options:

  • Basic
  • Plus
  • Choice Plus
  • Pro
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The recommended plan is Choice Plus, which comes at $5.95/month, although you can start with the basic one and upgrade after a year.

Depending on which Bluehost plan you choose, you will pay either $47.4/year or$71.4/year which is pretty great if you think about it, start your own business for less than $100 per year.

Now you will need to choose your domain, which, as I mentioned, comes for free with Bluehost.

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Don’t forget the earlier tips on how to pick a name for yourblog. Make sure you get a .com domain.

Once you find a great name for your blog, press next. Here you will need to fill in your account information and package information.

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You will see that you can choose between getting a plan for 1, 2 or 3 years. If you get it for 3 years, you’ll be able to unlock the $5.95/month, which is a great deal. Otherwise, if you only purchase it for one year, your monthly cost will be $7.95.

After choosing the package information, next is Package Extras.

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While you don’t need most of the extra services, I strongly suggest you get the Sitelock Security Find. This is why it’s important and what you will get with it.

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Next, fill in your information and payment details andyou’re done with purchasing your Bluehost hosting. Congrats! You are one stepcloser in your journey to start a blog.

Now sign in to your Bluehost account and from there, log in to WordPress.

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Pick a WordPresstheme

As mentioned earlier, the great thing about Bluehost is thatit comes with several free WordPress themes.

What is a WordPress theme?

In an easy way, a WordPress theme is how your blog orwebsite is going to look like. Here are some WordPress themes that areavailable with your Bluehost plan.

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You can preview all of them for a better understanding of how each is going to look like and if it fits your needs and after you decide on one WordPress theme you can just click Activate and voila, your blog is ready!

WordPress is the number one CMS (Content Management System)recommended by bloggers everywhere. It’s amazing because it gives you fullfreedom to customize your blog in any way you want.

If you don’t know yet how you want your blog to look like,you can check other blogs out and get inspiration from there.

If the free available themes do not meet your requirements, you can always purchase a premium WordPress theme.

I Purchased the Ashe Pro Theme from WP Royal and I couldn’t be happier. They have several themes, all with a very modern and fresh look, perfect for bloggers.

The biggest pro to WP Royal themes is that they are built having SEO in mind (we’ll get to that later) and they are fully responsive, meaning they will look great on desktop, mobile, and tablet, without you having to do any extra work.

Besides the fact that Ashe Pro comes with 14 built-in predefined styles, it is also a very affordable theme at just $29 (lifetime license).

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If you hurry up, you can get 10% off today using the 10offday code.

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Get your Ashe Pro theme here.

Install Plugins

Alright! So you have a hosting plan and a great theme.

Next, you will need to install some plugins to make your blog fully functional and professional.

What are WordPress plugins?

The WordPress plugins are small pieces of software that you can install on your blog in order to add new features.

You are already signed into your WordPress account where you can see your dashboard on the left.

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From the Dashboard ->select plugins -> add new.

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On the upper right corner, you will be able to search for plugins. WordPress offers thousands of free plugins, which basically enables you to customize your blog in whichever way you want.

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Here is a list of plugins that you will need as soon as youstart a blog:

  • Yoast SEO: to SEO optimize all your blog posts from day 1
  • Akismet: to protect your blog from hackers and spam
  • Google Analytics: to keep track of your blog traffic
  • Elementor: to customize your pages
  • Social Warfare: to add social sharing buttons to your blog posts
  • Short Pixel Image Optimizer: to shrink your blog pictures in order to have a fast blog
  • WP last Modified Info: although not mandatory, this plugin shows when a blog post was first posted and last modified which is very useful for readers looking for updated information.

All these plugins are free and easy to install with two clicks: Install now -> Activate.

Set Up Your Pages and Categories

All WordPress themes come with sample pages for About,Privacy and Contact.

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You can just customize the existing ones with your own text.Again, if you don’t know what to include in these pages, just get inspirationfrom other bloggers.

In order to customize or to create new pages, go in your Dashboard -> Pages.

These pages are very important if you are planning to monetize your blog with ads. Most ad providers require a blog to have About Me, Privacy and Contact pages.

It’s better to write and publish them from the beginning. Whatever changes you’d like to make later on, it’s possible.

Now let’s create new categories for your brand new blog. You will find the categories under Posts.

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You can always add categories along the way so you don’tneed to spend that much time on this now.

Customize Your WordPress Theme

Now, after you’re all set up in the backend of your blog (WordPress dashboard), it’s time to customize your frontend (how your visitors see your blog).

From the WordPress dashboard, you can either click directly on the Customize your Site or you can hover on Appearance and click Customize.

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This will take you to your theme’s customization dashboard, which will show how your blog looks like in real-time, as soon as you make any changes.

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In this dashboard, you will be able to customize the colors, fonts, general layouts and, well… anything related to your blog’s design.

If you are using Ashe Pro theme and have difficulties getting started, drop me a comment or send me an email and I’d be more than happy to help.

Whichever changes you make, don’t forget to hit publish onthe upper left corner before you leave the page. Pressing X will take you backto the WordPress backend dashboard.

Create Your First Post

You are finally ready to create and publish your first blogpost for everyone to see! Yay!

One of the keys to achieving success as a blogger is working with SEO in mind.

SEO means Search Engine Optimization and whichever piece of content you are putting out there, you should optimize it for Google.

With the help of the Yoast SEO plugin, which you have installed earlier, and with this article on SEO for beginners, you should rock SEO in no time.

Follow my steps on how to do on-page SEO optimization for each blog post if you don’t know where to start.

Promote Your Blog on Social Media

As a new blogger, until you will start showing on the first page of Google, which can take up to 6 months, by the way, social media will be your best friend.

If you don’t want to invest in sponsored ads on Facebook and Instagram, which I totally understand, you should start learning Pinterest.

Yes, you heard that right. Pinterest is a new blogger’s best friend and even 6 figure bloggers out there rely heavily on Pinterest.

I get 60% of my monthly traffic from Pinterest and this iswhat helped me get accepted into ad programs and finally start making moneywith my blog.

Take a look at how to use Pinterest to get traffic to your new blog and also this guide on how to create beautiful visuals for Pinterest.

I hope my guide on how to start a blog will help you prepare to become a successful blogger.

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How To Start A Blog In 2023 - (2024)


Is blogging still profitable in 2023? ›

Yes! Blogging is still profitable and offers plenty of opportunities to make money. With the right strategies and dedication, you can earn a full-time income from blogging alone.

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How To Start a Blog in 2023 for Beginners
  1. Step 1: Find the right niche for your blog.
  2. Step 2: Pick a name for your blog.
  3. Step 3: Choose a hosting site and register the domain name.
  4. Step 4: Sign up with
  5. Step 5: Decide on a website theme.
  6. Step 6: Sort out your legal pages.

Is it too late to start a blog in 2023? ›

It's never too late to start a profitable blog!

Despite any hesitations or difficulties that may arise, a focused effort and the correct approach can still bring about something spectacular through your blog – no matter how long it takes.

Which niche is best for blogging in 2023? ›

Now, let's dive into some of the most profitable and sought-after blog niches:
  • Health and Wellness. The health and wellness niche is a juggernaut in the blogging world. ...
  • Personal Finance. ...
  • Technology and Gadgets. ...
  • Travel and Adventure. ...
  • Home Improvement and DIY. ...
  • Food and Cooking. ...
  • Sustainable Living. ...
  • Affiliate Marketing.
Oct 25, 2023

Which type of blog is best to earn money? ›

Now, let's dive into the types of blogs that make money.
  • Fashion Blogs. In these blogs, readers can find posts like fashion obsessions, back-to-school looks, makeup tutorials, and more. ...
  • Food Blogs. ...
  • Sports Blogs. ...
  • Travel Blogs. ...
  • Lifestyle Blogs. ...
  • Parenting Blogs. ...
  • Gaming Blogs. ...
  • B2B/Marketing Blogs.
Jan 8, 2024

How do I monetize my blog 2023? ›

Here's a short recap of just some of the top ways to generate income from blogging:
  1. Display ads. ...
  2. Start affiliate marketing. ...
  3. Write sponsored blog content. ...
  4. Sell digital or physical products. ...
  5. Set up a membership program. ...
  6. Provide online services.
Jul 4, 2024

How to start a blog with no money? ›

Free blogging platforms such as, Blogger, and Wix offer basic features and functionality to get you started with your blog. They're easy to use, even for those without technical skills, and they often provide pre-made templates and designs to help you get your blog up and running quickly.

Can I start a blog for free? ›

You can start blogging for free by using any of the platforms from our list. For a 100% free options, tools like Wix, Medium, or Substack are great. Keep in mind though that some of them might offer only limited features on their free plans. What is a blogging platform?

How to monetize a blog? ›

There are many ways to choose to monetize your personal blog, depending on your niche. Some of the most popular ways to monetize include offering content by subscription, affiliate marketing, online courses, eBooks and selling ad space on your blog alongside sponsored posts.

What kind of blog is the most profitable? ›

The most successful blogs typically provide high-quality, valuable content in a niche with a strong audience demand. With a unique voice and perspective, you can build a successful blog in an area like personal finance, health and wellness, technology, or pet care.

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13 Profitable Blogging Niche Ideas
  • Niche: Personal Development. ...
  • Niche: Home and Garden. ...
  • Niche: Parenting and Family. ...
  • Niche: Sustainable Living and Eco-Friendly Practices. ...
  • Niche: Technology and Gadgets. ...
  • Home Automation and Smart Homes. ...
  • Online Education and E-Learning. ...
  • Mental Health and Well-being.

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Another Blogging Trend in 2023 is Increased Interactivity

The answer: interactive content. With built-in interactivity, your readers get a chance to engage with your content in new and innovative ways. If you are looking to add some, here are a few good options.

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Essentially there are five main ways to make money from a blog in 2024: ads, affiliate links, sponsored posts, products and services

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If you're asking for our personal opinion—then it's a resounding yes. Our blog has connected us with millions of people around the world, who have not only supported us with their business but have also broadened our perspectives. Our blog is an investment, let's not forget.

Do people still make money off of blogs? ›

Yes — Bloggers still make money. In fact, there are more ways than ever to earn a living blogging. Revenue streams such as display ads, affiliate marketing, digital products, and email marketing are just a few of the popular revenue streams bloggers use to make money.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Views: 5662

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.