How to Stop Spending Money, Today! (2024)

How to Fight the Urge to Spend Money

Are you struggling with how to stop spending money and take control of your finances? Are you often left with a whole lot of month and not enough paycheck? You struggle with cultivating better money habits?

If any of this sounds familiar, check out these simple, easy to follow tips and strategies on how to stop buying stuffand start making your money work for you!

How to Stop Spending Money, Today! (1)

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Tips to Stop Spending Money on Unnecessary Things

Know your weakness.

You know where you love to shop and what you love to buy. If you don’t go, you can’t spend money.

Shop with a list and a time limit.

Give yourself a short window to shop. You don’t need to be racing down grocery aisles like a crazy person, but 15 minutes to purchase a handful of things is more than enough time to get in and get out. The quicker you are in and out, the less time you have to find things that you “need”.

Focus on what something is really costing you.

What’s your hourly rate? Let’s say I have an annual salary of $40,000/ year. My hourly rate would be about $19.23/hour. (40,000/52weeks divided by 40hrs/week). Now, let’s say you are really jonesing for a new purse. This purse is $125. I would have to work 6.5 hrs to pay for that purse. Is it really worth it? This has been a great way to get keep my discretionary spending in check.

Use cash.

Studies have shown that it is harder for you to part with cash than it is to hand over your debit/ credit card. The added bonus here is that once the cash is out, it’s out. No overspending.

Use the 3-day rule for purchases.

In our family budget, we have a limit of $100 for big expenditures. If it’s over $100 despite whether we have the money in our budget or not– if it’s not a need (food, shelter, etc) then we will wait for 3-days before deciding to purchase. Many times, when we aren’t at the store looking at it, once we’ve come home and had time to think about it, we’ll realize we don’t really need it after all. The other side is we have a few days to comparison shop to make sure we are getting the best deal.

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Get a Partner

Just like losing weight, quitting smoking or any other hard to beat habit/addiction– you need someone to help you with accountability.

Food is the typical culpritfor overspending.

Eating out is easy. You are constantly going. You have tons to do. If you are dropping $30 or $40 every time you go out–and you go out just once a week, that’s about $160 month! This is an easy place to trim the budget.

Start with a meal plan to start cutting back on food spending.

If you are looking to save more money at the grocery store check out apps likeIbotta* andCheckout51.You can upload your receipt and earn cash back on certain items that you purchased! You should check what items are earning cash back prior to going to the store to see if anything you need would qualify.

Stop impulsively buying what you don’t need.

Great deals aren’t always great in terms of helping you meet your financial goals.

Marketers are crazy clever. They know and wield spending triggers like–well like it’s their job because it is. BOGO, Black Friday, Buy 2, Get 1 Free.

Then there are all of the convenience items at the shopping checkouts. Did you know you can buy a pack of water for almost the same price as the refrigerated bottle of water at checkout?

I can’t think of a single instance when making an unplanned purchase is a great idea. These types of purchases are usually emotional ones– avoid!

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Don’t bring your cash or debit card.

If you know you are going to a store you struggle with, don’t give yourself the option to cave intofrivolous spending by leaving extra cash or card at home.

Find other ways to deal with your emotions.

Do you find yourself shopping when you are depressed? Happy? Need a boost of self confidence? Emotional spending is a legitimate problem that affects tons of people. Emotions can greatly influence your decision making process when it comes to spending money. Instead seeking gratification and happiness through purchases– try funneling into another constructive outlet. Try things like hiking, riding your bike, start a journal, trade off hosting fun friend day dates, etc.

You aren’t saving money just because something is on sale.

If you were not already planning on purchasing– it doesn’t matter how deep the discount, you are still spending NOT SAVING MONEY!

If you are looking for ways to save money on purchases, check out these great options for online shopping:

Honey.Helps you find the best price on Amazon. It shows you available coupons for the website you are shopping on. It’s as easy as clicking “apply coupons” button on your taskbar (You have to install Honey plugin on your computer).Bonus!When Honey makes a commission from the sale of an item, they split it with you, it’s called “Honey Gold”. Once you receive a certain level of “honey gold” you can redeem for gift cards to a variety of vendors (Target, Amazon, etc.).

Rakuten (formerly Ebates). Want to earn cash back for shopping online buying things that you would have purchased anyway? Then this is for you. Rakuten is huge. You get a certain percentage (it’s different with each vendor) and once a month you’ll get the cash back on the purchases you made. You can use this for booking hotels, airfare, buying clothes, toiletries, groceries, etc. Who doesn’t love free money!! You can join for free and with my referral link, you get $10 after your first purchase of $25 or more!

RetailMeNot.Download the plugin or search through their website and find coupons and promo codes to help save you money.

How Can I Create Better Money Habits?

Know your daily spending limit.

When you are creating your budget, take the extra step for your flex- spending and know what you are allowed to spend each day. It’s easy to rationalize a bunch of $3 expenses when you have $100/month to spend. But when that looks like $3.33/day, maybe you don’t want to blow your whole budget on coffee every morning.

Are you a budgeting beginner?Check out this step-by-step guide to setting up your budget. Downloadable templates are available!

Check-in with your budget often.

You can’t just set it and forget it. You aren’t saving yourself any money if it’s only happening on paper. As tedious as it is– you need to be checking in so you can constantly be course-correcting.

Give yourself some fun money.

You are far more likely to stick to your budget if you give yourself some fun money to spend. Much like dieting, it is far easier to stay the course when you get a little bit of a reprieve for a meal or day.

Remember you are retraining bad spending habits. It is going to take lots of practice to replace them with new habits. Giving yourself a little grace will make it just a little easier to continue with your pursuit.

Give yourself a saving challenge.

I am competitive and goal oriented by nature. Saving worksheets are quick and easy ways to fast track your spending.

Another great way to save money is to take on a money spending freeze!

How to Stop Spending Money, Today! (5)

Don’t Miss This Chance!

Drop your email address below to grab 3 months of money-saving ideas and join a community of 22K other savvy savers!

By entering your email address, you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy and European users agree to the data transfer policy.

Bringing It All Together

Tips to put the breaks on buying stuff you don’t need:

  1. Know your weakness.
  2. Speed shopping. Get in and get out.
  3. What is the ‘real’ cost of that purchase?
  4. Cash is king.
  5. 3-day rule for purchases.
  6. Find an accountability partner.
  7. Food is the typical culpritfor overspending.
  8. Steer clear of likely suspects for impulse purchases (like endcaps and stuff sitting around the register).
  9. Leave cash or card at home.
  10. Don’t be an emotional shopper.

If this list seems overwhelming, don’t try to do them all at once, pick one or two to implement during your first week. Then slowly add in another until you feel good about your control over your money. The good news is that every day is a chance to make a change, so why not start today?!

I would love to hear from you guys. Please comment below with questions or comments!

Strategies to Stop Blowing Your Money Every Month

How to Stop Spending Money, Today! (6)
How to Stop Spending Money, Today! (2024)


How do I train myself to stop spending money? ›

Here are some ideas to help you stop spending money and build healthier financial habits:
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Visualize What You're Saving For.
  3. Always Shop with a List. ...
  4. Nix the Brand Names. ...
  5. Master Meal Prep.
  6. Consider Cash for In-store Shopping. ...
  7. Remove Temptation.
  8. Hit “Pause"
Jul 10, 2024

How do I stop daily spending? ›

How to Stop Spending Money
  1. Know what you're spending money on. ...
  2. Make your budget work for you. ...
  3. Shop with a goal in mind. ...
  4. Stop spending money at restaurants. ...
  5. Resist sales. ...
  6. Swear off debt. ...
  7. Delay gratification. ...
  8. Challenge yourself to reach your new goals.
May 31, 2024

How do I slow down my spending? ›

Here are some tips that could help you reduce expenses and put more of those $1 bills in your wallet.
  1. Start Tracking Your Spending Habits. ...
  2. Get on a Budget. ...
  3. Cancel Unnecessary or Unused Subscriptions. ...
  4. Reduce Electricity Use. ...
  5. Prioritize Sustainability. ...
  6. Reduce Your Housing Expenses. ...
  7. Consolidate Your Debt and Lower Interest Rates.
Jun 20, 2024

What is the uncontrollable urge to spend money? ›

Compulsive buying behavior is one of the primary manifestations of shopping addiction. Individuals with this type of addiction experience an overwhelming and irresistible urge to make purchases, often resulting in excessive and unnecessary buying.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

Why can't I stop spending? ›

Overspending can happen for different reasons, such as: You might spend to make yourself feel better. Some people describe this as feeling like a temporary high. If you experience symptoms like mania or hypomania, you might spend more money or make impulsive financial decisions.

How do I block spending? ›

Nine ways to tackle compulsive spending
  1. Get to know your spending triggers. ...
  2. Track your spending. ...
  3. Work out your reasons for buying something. ...
  4. Control how you use your card. ...
  5. Avoid temptation. ...
  6. Get your retail highs another way. ...
  7. Set a realistic budget. ...
  8. Get help from a friend.

How to fix bad spending habits? ›

Solutions for Overspending
  1. Leave your credit cards at home when you go out. In fact, leave your debit card at home too. ...
  2. Freeze your cards in a cup of water. ...
  3. Don't use your credit cards like a debit card. ...
  4. Create a Needs vs. ...
  5. Learn to shop smarter. ...
  6. Take the "impulse" out of impulse buys.

How to stop spending money impulsively? ›

How to control impulse spending
  1. Make a list and stick to it. Seeing your planned purchases can help keep you on track so you're less tempted to purchase things you don't really need or want.
  2. Set limits. ...
  3. Limit social media. ...
  4. Sleep on it. ...
  5. Build a budget that includes saving. ...
  6. Identify your triggers. ...
  7. Shop with someone.
Jul 26, 2023

What's the best place to put your money? ›

CDs, high-yield savings accounts, and money market funds are the best places to keep your cash when it comes to interest rates. Treasury bills currently offer attractive yields at the lowest risk. Learn how they compare in terms of yield, liquidity, and guarantees.

How to cut back on spending money? ›

7 effective tips for reducing your expenses
  1. Know where your money goes. Writing down what you spend for a week has been found to improve financial confidence. ...
  2. Create spending categories. ...
  3. Only spend on what matters most. ...
  4. Make the most of “monthlies” ...
  5. Eliminate impulse buys. ...
  6. Save on interest where you can. ...
  7. Consider deferment.

How do I stop feeling bad for spending money? ›

How to spend money guilt-free
  1. Step 1: Figure out what is making you feel guilty and take care of it. ...
  2. Step 2: Know where your money is going. ...
  3. Step 3: Be ok spending money on things you enjoy. ...
  4. Step 4: Make room to spend on the things you care about. ...
  5. Step 5: Plan to hit your goals.
Oct 30, 2021

What is it called when you constantly spend money? ›

Compulsive spending - which is also known as oniomania, shopping addiction and pathological buying - is when a person feels an uncontrollable need to shop and spend, either for themselves or others.

What do you call a person who can't stop spending money? ›

spendthrift. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for January 9, 2012 is: spendthrift • \SPEND-thrift\ • noun. : a person who spends improvidently or wastefully.

What mental illness causes excessive spending? ›

Compulsive buying disorder (CBD) is characterized by repetitive, excessive purchasing, and results in mental, social, occupational, financial, and often legal problems. CBD is associated with significant psychiatric comorbidity. The appropriate classification continues to be debated.

How do you discipline yourself to not spend money? ›

Avoid temptation.

Staying away from shopping malls and stores can help you manage spending. Choose an alternative social activity over shopping. Avoid opportunities for impulsive spending by leaving credit and debit cards at home and only carry the amount of cash you can afford to spend.

How can I trick myself into spending less money? ›

'Avoid the 1-click option 100% of the time': 5 ways to trick yourself into saving money
  1. Automate your savings. ...
  2. Think of purchases in hours worked, not dollars spent. ...
  3. Do your spending with cash. ...
  4. Do a spending cleanse. ...
  5. Wait 24 hours before making big purchases.
Apr 20, 2023

How do I start controlling my spending? ›

Manage spending
  1. Step 1: Map your income and spending patterns. ...
  2. Step 2: Budget for “essentials” and cut back on “extras” List. ...
  3. Step 3: Enroll in Direct Deposit and turn on activity alerts. ...
  4. Step 4: Automate with Bill Pay and never miss a payment.

How can I improve myself without spending money? ›

Ways to Treat Yourself without Food or Money
  1. Give yourself a manicure. Freshly painted nails can brighten your hands and your day. ...
  2. Take a nap. If possible, enjoy a rest. ...
  3. Read a book. ...
  4. Have a movie marathon. ...
  5. Listen to favorite music. ...
  6. Play with pets. ...
  7. Visit a free museum or local attraction. ...
  8. Listen to a podcast.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.