How to tell if AirPods are fake (2024)

So you’ve got yourself some brand-spankin’ new AirPods, but after the initial dopamine hit has worn off, how do you tell if they’re actually legit? Do you open the box? Because AirPods are easily the most popular line of personal audio products, they’re also the most likely to be counterfeited because of the large potential profits to be made. Copies are often extremely convincing, sometimes to the point where there often aren’t obvious differences on the outside.

We’re going to go over the signs that your AirPods may actually be fake, but this isn’t gospel: sometimes, the differences between what’s real and what’s not aren’t always obvious.

Editors note: This article was updated on July 18th, 2024, to add more information and answer additional FAQs.

Check the packaging

Before you open the box, you need to verify that the serial number on the back is actually a real product serial number. Some retailers won’t accept a return of an opened set of earphones for various reasons. Because we’re trying to minimize any damage done by fake AirPods, avoiding opening the box should be mission #1 if you’re within your return period.

Take a look at the box of your AirPods or AirPods Pro and try to find the fun little stickers at the side where the UPC and all the compatibility information is. You should be able to see some very obvious tells. For example, if you see missing punctuation or misspelled words, something’s up. Additionally, Apple likes to use multiple stickers on the back instead of just one. This is another tip-off.

How to tell if AirPods are fake (1)

The serial number (blacked out here) will be on the side of the box below the UPC.

You can also look for other tells, like the logo. On the box of any AirPods, you should be able to locate an Apple logo. The bite mark is a perfect semicircle, so there should be no rounding on the points where it meets the outer bounds of the Apple logo. Additionally, if it’s a sticker or inset, also fake.

Finally, check the contents of the box to ensure that there’s more than just a manual in there for documentation: there should also be a warranty card and a safety sheet. If these are missing from your packaging and the box was sealed when you received it, there’s a decent chance you’ve got fakes.

How to tell if AirPods are fake (2)

Lightning and USB-C connectors are similarly shaped but cannot be mistaken for one another.

As obvious as it should be, there is also no such thing as AirPods with alternate colors unless you’re talking about the AirPods Max. You can’t buy red, blue, or black AirPods—they don’t exist. If you see AirPods in any other color than flat white, they’re fake, so don’t buy them.

Check the serial number

The serial number is less obvious. When you look at the same sticker, below the UPC should be small text that reads: “(S) Serial No.” and then a string of letters and numbers. This is your serial number. Bring the box to your computer or mobile device and go to Apple’s serial number checker to verify that it is, in fact, an Apple serial number. This will also have the benefit of helping you determine if you are actually holding stolen AirPods—even less cool than counterfeit ones.

Even if your serial number is confirmed, there’s no guarantee it’s a legit set of earphones, but they sure as heck aren’t if the tool says they’re not. At this point, you’re going to have to open up the packaging and attempt to pair the AirPods with your phone to investigate further. Next you’re going to have to confirm that the serial number of your AirPods are printed on the actual product themselves and confirm that it’s the same one on the box.

AirPods Pro 2nd Generation, and AirPods 3rd Generation serial location:

How to tell if AirPods are fake (3)

The serial number of the AirPods and AirPods Pro is located on the inside of the lid of the charging case.

Open the charging case and look at the inside of the hinged lid. In the indent where the earbuds go should be a bunch of printed text. The serial number should be there, right near the edge of the case.

AirPods Max serial location:

Pop off the left ear pad and look just above the speaker. Right near the top should be a bunch of printed text, and your serial should be there.

Check the charging case

Before you connect your alleged AirPods, look at the outside of the case. On the bottom should be a Lightning port and not a USB-C or micro-USB port. The multifunction button on the back should sit flush with the casing and have next to zero slack. Other signs of counterfeiting are the results of cheaper manufacturing. For example, loose hinges, scuffs, dents, visible seams, and rough raised areas are all good hints that there were shortcuts taken in manufacturing—something Apple takes great care to avoid with AirPods.

Other tells you should be aware of are the LED color and placement. In some counterfeits, you can tell the AirPods are fake because they have a blue LED (not found in genuine AirPods) or the LED is in a really weird spot instead of the front of the case.

Note that the latest AirPods Pro 2 model (released in September 2023) features a USB-C port instead of Lightning. If you’re verifying this specific model, look for a USB-C port on the bottom of the case.

Check the AirPods themselves

With fake AirPods, you should be able to notice some signs that the earbuds weren’t made to spec. For example, if you notice any loose grilles or if the shape of the AirPods deviates from any of the photos on Apple’s site (or ours). You may also notice that the force sensor indent on the stem is replaced by a button or simply missing. You should also be able to pick out minor issues like poorly fastened material, noticeable seams, ill-meshing seams, and circular-shaped nozzles.

Connect to your phone

For iPhone users, connecting to your phone will be a dead giveaway whether your new earphones are legit. Say what you will about Apple products’ “walled garden” style, but a lot of the nonsense associated with being a completely open platform is less of an issue.

How to tell if AirPods are fake (5)

Lil Katz / SoundGuys

When you first pair the AirPods Pro (2nd gen) to your iPhone, you’re met with a few pop-up cards. If you aren’t, it’s possible you have a counterfeit.

Open the case for your AirPods (or follow the pairing procedure for the AirPods Max if that’s what you have). If you have an iPhone, it will either start the pairing process or inform you that the phone can’t verify the product and that you need to connect to your “AirPods” conventionally. This is a great sign that you have a counterfeit pair. Though it’s still possible that something else is up, it’s extremely unlikely.

Other signs will be painfully obvious as well, as features like “find my” earbuds won’t work with counterfeits, as they’re Apple-exclusive features. While it may seem like a really obvious thing to say, it’s insanely difficult to make fake AirPods that will work with every feature Apple offers. For Android users, this will be a little more tricky because these features do not work by default on your phone. It’s one of the many drawbacks of using Apple accessories with non-Apple source devices.

What to do if you have counterfeit AirPods

If you discover you have counterfeit AirPods, the best thing to do is to try getting your money back. Be prepared to be taken for a ride if the vendor knows what they’re doing, but sometimes they, too, are hoodwinked. Don’t try to confront anyone in person, and definitely don’t try to be a hero. Use Apple’s reporting tool to let them know what happened, and supply as much information as you can in order for the company to handle the issue the rest of the way. Though Apple has to play whack-a-mole with counterfeiters, they have a pretty good motivation for going after the manufacturers of such things.

How to tell if AirPods are fake (6)

Scoring a good deal can make anyone happy, but make sure you’re not getting had first.

If you’re in the United States and you bought your “AirPods” with a credit card, try talking to your credit card company about a chargeback—major credit card companies offer many purchase protection options you might not know about. Look on the back of the credit card you used for a customer service number, and they may be able to help you out. They may tell you to file a police report or file an insurance claim. At the end of the day, it will be a bit of work, and it may end up in nothing.

For the time being, the best way to come out on top when buying AirPods is to either buy directly from Apple or another reputable vendor in the first place.

Apple AirPods (3rdGeneration)

How to tell if AirPods are fake (7)

Apple AirPods (3rdGeneration)

H1 chip • Easy for iPhones • Deep Apple integration

MSRP: $195.00

These work with Android, but iPhone users will see the best results

The Apple AirPods (3rd gen) are just a slight upgrade over the second-generation models, but iPhone users will be quite happy with the deep integration and ease of use these earbuds provide.


No, we do not recommend buying fake AirPods. They often lack quality, may not have all the features of genuine AirPods, and could potentially harm your device. You get what you pay for. Purchase directly from Apple or reputable vendors to avoid counterfeits.

No, fake AirPods will not appear in Find My on iPhone. The features like Find My earbuds won’t work with counterfeits, as they’re Apple-exclusive features.

We can’t guarantee that fake AirPods won’t damage or affect your iPhone, as there are numerous fakes out there from many vendors. Better to be safe than sorry and buy the real thing or something else.

They might, if you are lucky, but probably not as well as real ones, and they won’t have all of the Apple-exclusive features.

Real AirPods might fit in a fake AirPods case. However, that doesn’t mean they will work properly. Apple’s AirPods cases are specifically made to work with AirPods, and fake AirPods don’t charge in an authentic AirPods case.​

No, they cannot. When the serial number of fake AirPods is tested on Apple’s Check Coverage online service, it will indicate that a purchase date cannot be validated, confirming that the AirPods are fake. Authentic AirPods always have a valid date of purchase, and it’s impossible for shady manufacturers to replicate this feature in the Apple system.

Some fake AirPods may try to include magnets to replicate the looks and design of real AirPods. But again, they might not be implemented correctly or of the right strength and size to generate a similar sound.

No, fake AirPods are not better than real ones. They lack the advanced features, quality, and compatibility that genuine Apple AirPods offer.

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How to tell if AirPods are fake (2024)


Is there an easy way to tell if AirPods are fake? ›

The easiest and most foolproof way of checking if your AirPods are legit is by doing a serial number check. Look for their serial number on the box and put it into Apple's Check Coverage tool. You'll see details on your AirPods model, purchase date, and warranty if they're genuine.

Do fake AirPods use Siri? ›

The AirPods 2 and AirPods Pro are programmed to work with Siri, so they should listen to your Voice Commands. If Siri fails to work with your AirPods 2 or AirPods Pro, yours might be a fake one.

Can fake AirPods have real serial numbers? ›

Some things to keep in mind when using Apple's serial number check. Consider the serial number: It is possible for a counterfeiter to use cloned serial numbers. For example, the counterfeiter takes the serial number from a 100% legit pair of AirPods and prints that on the box for their 100% non-legit pair of AirPods.

Do fake AirPods sound muffled? ›

Apple's superior sound quality and noise cancellation are two features that counterfeiters have yet to replicate in fake AirPods. If you start hearing an echo or muffled audio while listening to a song, it's a sign that your AirPods Pro are fake.

Is it OK to buy fake AirPods? ›

Your ears are really sensitive, and the opportunity of a speaker going bad and damaging your ear is imminent. Counterfeits will also never work like the products they are imitating.

How to check if an Apple product is genuine? ›

Enter the Serial Number here: View the Results: If all shows up as an AirPod, then you are fine. If not, then these are fake.

Do fake AirPods have an ear tip test? ›

Fake AirPods will continue along with the Ear Tip Fit Test, while legitimate AirPod Pros will halt the test. This test is designed to find the right eartip size for the shape of your ears.

Can the Apple Store check if my AirPods are real? ›

Nobody here can remotely identify fake AirPods. If we were able to give you some means of identification, the counterfeiters would then implement that, too. If you bought from an Apple reseller or from Apple, they almost certainly are real.

Will fake Apple AirPods connect to iPhone? ›

You can choose to not connect your unverified AirPods, or to connect them in Bluetooth settings. If you connect your unverified AirPods, they may not behave as expected. For more information, contact the place of purchase.

How common are fake AirPods? ›

Because AirPods are easily the most popular line of personal audio products, they're also the most likely to be counterfeited because of the large potential profits to be made. Copies are often extremely convincing, sometimes to the point where there often aren't obvious differences on the outside.

How can you tell if Apple Earpods are fake? ›

Verify these are Genuine AirPods:
  1. Get the Serial Number: Find the Serial Number of your AirPods - Apple Support.
  2. Enter the Serial Number here: Check Your Service and Support Coverage - Apple Support.
  3. View the Results: If all shows up as an AirPod, then you are fine.

How to spot fake AirPods on Reddit? ›

Real airpod ear tips has 2 small pill shape cut out parallel to one another at the bottom where they attach to airpods. airpod tips don't fall from their place in the tips box. they have special grooves for them to remain attached, fake one only has small circular indent no grooves.

How do I check if my AirPods are original? ›

Let's get started!
  1. Check for the packaging and branding of the product. ...
  2. Check for the correct spellings and fonts. ...
  3. Check for the build quality of the product. ...
  4. Go for the serial number verification of the product. ...
  5. Check for the sound quality of the AirPods. ...
  6. Analyze the size of the AirPods. ...
  7. Check for the weight of the AirPods.
Mar 12, 2024

Do fake AirPods have a mic? ›

However, they quickly recognized that there was no difference between activated and deactivated noise cancellation. Some victims of fake AirPods have reported a functioning noise suppression, apparently, there are some fakes with real microphones.

Can earwax muffled AirPods? ›

Your AirPods collect dirt, earwax and bacteria every time you pop them in. Not only does all that gunk muffle the sound quality, but it can also transfer bacteria into your ear canal, where a nasty infection can brew.

Are fake AirPods magnetic? ›

Her video shows the worker placing a pair of genuine AirPods next to each other, to demonstrate that they are magnetic. When moving one AirPod closer to the other, the second shifts away due to the magnetic fields. Bishop attempted to do the same thing with her own counterfeit buds, but they didn't move at all.

How to tell fake AirPod Max from real? ›

Authentic AirPods Max have metal pairing buttons that provide a smooth, solid click and no audible sound when pressed. In contrast, counterfeit models often have buttons that make noise and feel stiff, with limited button travel. Authentic Airpods Max will have a small hole in the speaker housing.

Can you track original AirPods? ›

Find My can show your AirPods on a map, play a sound to help find them, and even help find their precise location when they're nearby. On your iPhone, open Find My. In Devices, choose your AirPods. If your AirPods are out of the case, you might have to pick the left bud or right bud.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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