How to Trade the VIX: 4 Ways Explained (2024)

The one constant in the stock markets is change. Otherwise put, volatility is a constant companion to investors, which is why the Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) is such a widely tracked market index. Ever since this measurement of investor sentiment regarding future volatility was introduced (with futures and options following later), many investors have wondered about the best ways to trade the VIX Index.

Realizing the generally negative correlation between volatility and stock market performance, many investors have looked to use volatility instruments to hedge their portfolios. In this article, we'll review four ways you can trade the VIX using specific exchange-traded funds and exchange-traded notes through online brokers.

Key Takeaways

  • Since the Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) was introduced, investors have traded this measure of investor sentiment about future volatility.
  • The primary way to trade the VIX is to buy exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and exchange-traded notes (ETNs) tied to the VIX itself.
  • ETFs and ETNs related to the VIX include the iPath Series B S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (VXX) and the ProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (SVXY).

Start With Understanding the VIX

Before trading exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and exchange-traded notes (ETNs) tied to the VIX itself, it's important to have a clear understanding of what the VIX really represents. VIX is the ticker symbol that refers to the Cboe Volatility Index. While often presented as an indicator of stock market volatility (and sometimes called the "Fear Index"), that is not entirely accurate.

VIX is a weighted mix of the prices for a blend of S&P 500 index options, from which implied volatility is derived. VIX really measures how much people are willing to pay to buy or sell the S&P 500, with the more they are willing to pay suggesting more uncertainty.

This is not the Black Scholes model—VIX is all about "implied" volatility and measures the market's expectations for volatility over the coming 30 days. What's more, while VIX is most often talked about on a spot basis, none of the ETFs or ETNs out there represent spot VIX volatility. Instead, they are collections of futures on the VIX that only roughly approximate the performance of the VIX.

A Host of Choices

The iPath Series B S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (VXX)

While investors will often refer to VIX ETFs, the fact is that the majority of the investments offered are exchange-traded notes (ETNs). One of the largest and most successful VIX products is the iPath Series B S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (VXX). The VXX is issued by Barclays Capital and has an expense ratio of 0.89% and more than $450 million in assets under management (AUM) as of July 21, 2023.

The ETN formerly traded as the iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (VXX) from its inception date of Jan. 29, 2009, until its maturity date of Jan. 30, 2019. Previously, VXX had a 10-year maturity, whereas the series B is a 30-year ETN and matures on Jan. 23, 2048.

This ETN holds a long position in first and second-month VIX futures contracts that roll daily. Because there is an insurance premium in longer-dated contracts, the VXX experiences a negative roll yield (basically, that means long-term holders will see a penalty to returns).

As a result, the performance of the VXX is stronger in the short term but not in the long term. Below are the investment returns based on various time periods as of June 30, 2023.

  • One month: -27.70%
  • Three months: -44.55%
  • One year: -72.23%
  • Three years: -64.26%

Because volatility is a mean-reverting phenomenon, VXX often trades higher than it otherwise should during periods of low present volatility (pricing in an expectation of increased volatility) and lower during periods of high present volatility (pricing a return to lower volatility).

The iPath Series B S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETN (VXZ)

The iPath Series B S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETN (VXZ) is structurally similar to the VXX, but it holds positions in fourth-, fifth-, sixth-, and seventh-month VIX futures.

Accordingly, this is much more a measure of future volatility, and it tends to be a much less volatile play on volatility. This ETN typically has an average duration of around five months, and that same negative roll yield applies—if the market is stable and volatility is low, the futures index will lose money.

VXZ has an expense ratio of 0.89% and more than $47 million in assets under management (AUM) as of July 21, 2023.

Similar to VXX, the returns for VXZ are better in the short term versus the long term. Below are the performance returns based on available time periods as of June 30, 2023.

  • One month: -18.04%
  • Three months: -23.25%
  • One year: -41.11%
  • Three years: -19.54%

The ETN formerly traded as the iPath S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETN (VXZ) and had a maturity date of Jan. 30, 2019. The inception date for the series B 30-year ETN was Jan. 17, 2018, and the maturity date is Jan. 23, 2048.

The ProShares VIX Mid-Term Futures ETF (VIXM)

The ProShares VIX Mid-Term Futures ETF (VIXM) VIXM tracks the S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures Index, which measures the portfolio returns of VIX futures contracts that have a weighted average of five months to expiration. VIXM uses Cboe VIX futures contracts to help investors earn a profit from an increase in expected volatility in the S&P 500 index.

The VIXM has an expense ratio of 0.85% and more than $49 million in assets under management (AUM) as of July 21, 2023.

Below are the performance returns of the VIXM based on available time periods as of June 30, 2023.

  • One month: -18.01%
  • Three months: -23.64%
  • One year: -42.11%
  • Three years: -20.16%

The VIXM holds relatively longer-dated futures contracts and doesn't track the CBOE VIX. As a result, the fund can perform differently from the VIX. The VIXM is designed for knowledgeable investors with a short-term investment goal or who may want to hedge their equity exposure.

The ProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (SVXY)

There is also an ETF for investors looking to play the other side of the volatility coin. The ProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (SVXY) is an inverse ETF that seeks daily investment results equal to one-half the inverse of the daily performance of the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Index.

The SVXY has a slightly higher expense ratio of 0.95% and more than $293 million in assets under management (AUM) as of July 21, 2023.

A critical key for investing in SVXY is understanding that the fund is only intended for short-term trading and is not a buy-and-hold strategy. SVXY seeks its inverse return from its underlying benchmark for a single day, as measured from one net asset value (NAV) calculation to the next. Investors in SVXY should monitor and manage their investments daily. Inverse ETFs held for more than a day can lead to significant losses.

Below are the performance returns of the SVXY based on available time periods as of June 30, 2023.

  • One month: 17.33%
  • Three months: 32.83%
  • One year: 75.65%
  • Three years: 39.05%

Because inverse ETFs can rack up significant losses quickly, they are designed for knowledgeable investors who should carefully consider their risk tolerance before investing.

Beware the Lag

Investors considering these ETFs and ETNs should realize that they are not great proxies for the performance of the spot VIX. These funds can be expected to perform very differently from the VIX. Some may rise or fall in tandem with the VIX, but the rate at which they move and the lag time can make pinpointing entry and exit points challenging even for seasoned traders.

Market volatility investments are best suited for investors with a short-time horizon who can closely watch their positions and move quickly if the market turns against them.

If investors want to place bets on equity market volatility or use them as hedges, the VIX-related ETF and ETN products are acceptable but highly-flawed instruments; however, they certainly have a strong convenience aspect to them, as they trade like any other stock.

What Is the VIX?

The Cboe Volatility Index (VIX) representsthe market’s expectations for the strength of short-term price changes (or volatility) in the S&P 500 index (SPX). The level of market volatility is used to gauge market sentiment and the level of fear and uncertainty among market participants.

How to Trade the VIX?

The VIX, which is a measurement of volatility, can be traded through exchange-traded funds and notes that track volatility with the goal of earning short-term gains or hedging equity market volatility.

When Does VIX Trading Begin and End?

Investors can trade the VIX options and VIX ETFs during regular U.S. trading hours of 9:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Eastern time.

The Bottom Line

Volatility is a measure of dispersion seen in financial instruments. Volatility is represented by the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) and investors have sought ways to trade this index, primarily as a means to hedge their portfolios. For investors, choosing exchange-traded notes (ETNs) and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) as investment vehicles for this purpose are easily accessible options with plenty to choose from.

How to Trade the VIX: 4 Ways Explained (2024)


What is the best strategy to trade VIX? ›

One advanced strategy is using options to hedge short VIX positions. Options can provide downside protection and limit potential losses if the VIX spikes unexpectedly. Traders can implement various options strategies, such as buying protective put options or constructing spreads, to mitigate risk.

How to trade the VIX options? ›

The primary way to trade the VIX is to buy exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and exchange-traded notes (ETNs) tied to the VIX itself. ETFs and ETNs related to the VIX include the iPath Series B S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (VXX) and the ProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (SVXY).

How do you explain VIX? ›

VIX measures the market's expectation of volatility over the next 30 days based on S&P 500 index options. A higher VIX value indicates greater anticipated volatility and market uncertainty, while a lower VIX value suggests market stability. Key levels and trends in the VIX can inform trading strategies.

How do you trade volatility index for beginners? ›

You decide to open a position to buy the VIX with the expectation that volatility is going to increase. By doing so, you might balance out these positions. If you were wrong, and volatility didn't increase, your losses to your VIX position could be mitigated by gains to your existing trade.

How to make money trading VIX? ›

The VIX index is then at very high levels and if the political and economic situation improves, which generally causes positive sentiment in the stock market, a short position can yield significant profits. Then when the S&P 500 index rises, the VIX is likely to fall and you can realise a profit.

Which strategy is best for high VIX? ›

The strangle options strategy excels in high volatility. A long strangle involves buying both a call and a put option for the same underlying share but with different exercise prices, offering unlimited profit potential with low risk.

How to use VIX in day trading? ›

You can use the VIX as part of a trading strategy as it can give indications of whether the S&P 500, and stock market in general, is going to reverse from its current trend. As mentioned above, when the VIX hits highs, it's often seen as a time to buy the market, and when it makes lows, it's seen as a bullish signal.

What are puts and calls on VIX? ›

Call and put VIX options are both available. The call options hedge portfolios against a sudden market decline, and put options hedge against a rapid reversal of short positions on the S&P 500 index. These options thus allow traders and investors to speculate on future moves in volatility.

How much VIX is good for option buying? ›

The India VIX ideal range

The corresponding price fluctuation range is somewhere in the range of +15 to -15. This is taken to be indicative of values for a period of a month, or 30 days. Therefore, if you discover that any value is near about 15, it implies a low degree of volatility.

What is the rule of 16 in VIX? ›

According to the rule of 16, if the VIX is trading at 16, then the SPX is estimated to see average daily moves up or down of 1% (because 16/16 = 1). If the VIX is at 24, the daily moves might be around 1.5%, and at 32, the rule of 16 says the SPX might see 2% daily moves.

What is the VIX formula? ›

VIX Calculation Step by Step

Calculate 30-day variance by interpolating the two variances, depending on the time to expiration of each. Take the square root to get volatility as standard deviation. Multiply the volatility (standard deviation) by 100. The result is the VIX index value.

What makes VIX go up? ›

Volatility values, investors' fears, and VIX values all move up when the market is falling. The reverse is true when the market advances—the index values, fear, and volatility decline. The price action of the S&P 500 and the VIX often shows inverse price action: when the S&P falls sharply, the VIX rises—and vice versa.

How to trade Vix options? ›

Accessing the VIX through futures contracts

Instead, the only way investors can access the VIX is through futures contracts and through exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and exchange-traded notes (ETNs) that own those futures contracts.

What is the best trading strategy for volatility? ›

The Top 5 Volatility Trading Strategies
  • Volatility Spreads. The Volatility Spreads strategy is often considered the best Volatility tactic for CFD traders because it balances potential risks and rewards effectively. ...
  • Long Volatility. ...
  • Short Volatility. ...
  • Long Straddle. ...
  • Volatility Mean Reversion.
Oct 27, 2023

What is volatility for dummies? ›

What is volatility? Volatility is the rate at which the price of a stock increases or decreases over a particular period. Higher stock price volatility often means higher risk and helps an investor to estimate the fluctuations that may happen in the future.

Do you want the VIX to go up or down? ›

VIX and Stock-Market Behavior

While there are other factors at work, in most cases, a high VIX reflects increased investor fear and a low VIX suggests complacency.

What is the best volatility index to trade? ›

8 best volatility indicators to know
  • Bollinger Bands.
  • ATR – Average True Range Indicator.
  • VIX – Volatility Index.
  • Keltner Channel Indicator.
  • Donchian Channel Indicator.
  • Chaikin Volatility Indicator.
  • Twiggs Volatility Indicator.
  • RVI – Relative Volatility Index.

How much VIX is good for trading? ›

As a rule of thumb, VIX values greater than 30 are generally linked to large volatility resulting from increased uncertainty, risk, and investors' fear. VIX values below 20 generally correspond to stable, stress-free periods in the markets.

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