How to Unbanned from Whatsapp Quickly (Best 2024 Solutions) (2024)


Understanding WhatsApp’s policiesCommon reasons for a WhatsApp banHow to check if your WhatsApp number is bannedTypes of WhatsApp BansHow to Unbanned from WhatsApp quicklyWhatsApp unban request message templatesPreventing Future BansHow to contact WhatsApp Support?ConclusionFrequently asked questions

Banned from using WhatsApp and have no idea how to get it unbanned? We’re here to help.

Losing access to your WhatsApp account all of a sudden can be frustrating. You may have important conversations to take care of and important people to contact. Worse, if you have been relying on your WhatsApp number for business conversations, a WhatsApp ban can be devastating.

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Well, if your WhatsApp account is banned, you should get it unbanned as soon as possible, especially if you’re using WhatsApp for lead and client communications. To act quickly, however, you should first understand what type of ban you’re facing and then take the next steps accordingly. Now you might still be wondering, “How to unban my WhatsApp number as fast as possible?”

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How to Unbanned from Whatsapp Quickly (Best 2024 Solutions) (1) Request Demo

In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about WhatsApp bans and how to get your WhatsApp account unbanned quickly. Also, we’ll discuss important steps that you should take once your WhatsApp number is banned.

Table of Contents
Understanding WhatsApp’s policies
Common reasons for WhatsApp bans
How to check if your number is banned
Types of WhatsApp bans
How to get unbanned from WhatsApp quickly
WhatsApp Unban request templates
How to prevent future bans
How to contact WhatsApp support
Frequently asked questions

To understand WhatsApp bans, it’s important to understand WhatsApp’s policies first so you use it “responsibly”. The platform strictly prohibits spamming, unauthorised automations, and the use of third-party apps that mimic WhatsApp’s functionality. These measures, as WhatsApp explains, are important for maintaining an environment that respects individual privacy and promotes hassle-free communication. Here are some WhatsApp policies you’ll need to understand:

Age Restriction:

First things first, you need to be at least 13 years old to use WhatsApp, or 16 if you’re in the European Union. For minors, parental consent is required.

Using WhatsApp:

Next up, the golden rule – respect. WhatsApp wants you to use the service responsibly, without infringing on the rights of others or breaking any laws. WhatsApp is serious about maintaining its reputation as a positive and safe communication platform.

Unauthorised Automation or Bulk-Sending:

WhatsApp strictly prohibits any use of automation or bulk-sending tools that have not been authorised. How would you know if you’ve used an unauthorised bulk-sender? A good indication is that you’ve used a third-party app that requires you to scan your WhatsApp QR code to gain access to your account. For more information, check out our article on the best way to bulk-send on WhatsApp.

Harmful Activities:

Activities that infringe on others’ rights, break the law, or disrupt the functioning of the app, are considered harmful activities by WhatsApp. They may include harassment, intimidation, hate speech, impersonation, sharing illegal content, spamming, or trying to hack the app. Resorting to any of such harmful activities can lead to a ban. To put simply, you will be banned from using whatsapp if you don’t respect the rules of the platform and its users.

Updates to the Terms:

WhatsApp’s Terms of Service may change as the platform evolves. As a user, you agree to accept these updates to continue using the service. Always stay updated with the latest terms to ensure a smooth experience.

Remember, being a responsible WhatsApp user is all about understanding and respecting these terms, the rights of others, and the platform’s rules.

Common reasons for a WhatsApp ban

WhatsApp can ban accounts without prior warning if they believe the account poses a severe risk to the community. Hence, adhering to WhatsApp’s policies and using the platform responsibly is always recommended. However, in some rare instances, WhatsApp may automatically ban you out of suspicion that you may have been involved in malicious activity if it notices a sudden spike in your activity.

If your number has been banned from WhatsApp, here are some common reasons for WhatsApp ban you’ll want to know:

Using unofficial WhatsApp applications

WhatsApp discourages the use of unauthorised versions of the app, such as WhatsApp Plus or GB WhatsApp. These third-party applications are not developed by WhatsApp (in spite of their name), and thus cannot guarantee the security standards the official app does. How to know if the third-party tool you’re using is unsafe? If the app doesn’t open up the official WhatsApp application when you want to send a message, it could be an unsafe tool.

If you have been using these unofficial apps and WhatsApp team detects it, your number will be banned from using WhatsApp.

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Sending spam or bulk messages

WhatsApp’s policies strictly prohibit spamming. WhatsApp will ban your number if you have been spamming people on the platform.

Alternatively, if you’re sending a high volume of similar messages to multiple users, especially those who are not in your contact list, WhatsApp may interpret this as spam. Bulk-forwarding of messages to multiple contacts may also be considered as spamming. Violation of these rules may result in a ban of your WhatsApp account.

Suggested Read: How to Send Bulk WhatsApp Messages without Getting Banned

Too many users are reporting you

If a significant number of users block you or report your account due to inappropriate behaviour, content, or spam, WhatsApp may ban your account. This part can be tricky if you’re using your phone number for business communications. Sometimes, while reaching out to your leads, they may mistake your messages for spam and report you if your message isn’t clear or sounds robotic.

WhatsApp doesn’t know what happens outside WhatsApp or whether you’re spamming or genuinely reaching out to leads. Therefore, always make sure you’re sending a clear and concise message to your leads when you’re reaching out to them for the first time. Always introduce yourself in the first line of the message. This ensures the people know why you’re messaging them. Here’s an article on how to message new leads so they actually reply to you.

Creating fake account or impersonating someone

Creating a false identity, impersonating someone, or using a profile picture that’s not yours, especially to mislead or harm others, is against WhatsApp’s policies and can result in a ban.

Promoting illegal activities

Conducting any illegal activities, including sharing content that promotes violence, illegal goods, or services, can lead to an immediate and permanent ban of your WhatsApp account.

Sharing inappropriate content

Sharing explicit, offensive, or harmful content is against WhatsApp’s policies. This includes hate speech, graphic violence, nudity, or any form of discrimination. It’s also a common reason behind WhatsApp account bans.

WhatsApp Terms of Service violation

Violation of any other terms as outlined in WhatsApp’s Terms of Service can also lead to your account being banned from using WhatsApp.

The answer to knowing if your WhatsApp number is banned is pretty straightforward. Simply launch the WhatsApp application on your phone. WhatsApp will immediately display a notification or message informing you of the ban or temporary suspension if your number has been banned. You won’t be left in the dark in case of such actions as the app itself will make it clear if any action has been taken against your number.

Types of WhatsApp Bans

The WhatsApp team may ban your number or account without prior warning if they believe that the account poses a risk to the community or that the account was created with malicious intent.

There are basically two types of bans on WhatsApp: Temporary and Permanent. You can know which ban was imposed on your account from your app. Let’s discuss the two types of bans.

Temporary ban

Temporary WhatsApp ban is a first-level measure against policy violations. You will be temporarily banned from WhatsApp if you violate its policies but the violations are less serious. If you’re using an unsupported version of WhatsApp, or if your activities are considered spammy but not necessarily malicious, you may receive a temporary ban.

Temporary banned WhatsApp numbers will not be able to access the account for a specified period, ranging from a few hours to several days. A countdown timer will usually be displayed, showing the length of the ban. The aim of this ban is to give users a chance to correct their behaviour.

If you’ve received a temporary ban due to the use of an unofficial version of WhatsApp, you’ll need to back up your chat history (if possible), delete the unauthorised apps, and then install the official WhatsApp application from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Permanent ban

A permanent ban is the most serious action WhatsApp can take against an account. This action is usually taken for severe or repeated violations of WhatsApp’s policies.

Some actions leading to a permanent ban could include spreading harmful or illegal content, continuously spamming other users, getting blocked by a significant number of people in a short time, or any other severe violation of WhatsApp’s Terms of Service.

Once an account is permanently banned, it cannot be reinstated. You’ll need to create a new account with a new number in order to use WhatsApp again. However, you can reach out to WhatsApp’s support team for further clarification or to appeal against the decision if you think your number has been banned unfairly. But keep in mind that WhatsApp’s decision is final in the case of violations leading to a permanent ban.

Once your number is banned by WhatsApp, there are some immediate corrective actions you can take to recover it. But you’ll have to go through different courses of action for temporary and permanent bans. Here’s a guide on how to quickly unban a WhatsApp number.

How to unbanned my WhatsApp number from a temporary ban?

If you receive an in-app message saying your account is “Temporarily banned”, your WhatsApp account is banned for a limited period of time and will be reinstated soon. A temporary ban is more like a warning from WhatsApp that your activity might not be adhering to their policy. This usually happens if you’re using an unofficial version of WhatsApp, or harvesting information, which is known as scraping.

However, keep in mind that a temporary ban might lead to a permanent ban if you have failed to review your activities and fix them. Here are recommended steps for you to take to get unbanned from a temporary ban.

  1. Log out from and delete unofficial apps that mimic WhatsApp.
  2. Cease scrapping activities.
  3. Wait it Out: You may wait it out until you’re able to use your account for temporary bans. During this time, review WhatsApp’s Terms of Service and make sure you’re not breaking any rules.
  4. Appeal the Ban: If you think you have been wrongfully banned and can’t wait till your account is reinstated, you can appeal to WhatsApp support. If it’s a permanent ban, you’ll need to appeal to WhatsApp. Open the app, where you’ll see a screen informing you of the ban. Click on “Contact Us”.

How to unbanned my WhatsApp number from a permanent ban?

If your account is banned permanently, you’ll see a message saying “This account is not allowed to use WhatsApp”. Permanent bans are mostly irreversible. However, if you think you were falsely banned from WhatsApp, you can appeal for it in order to get your WhatsApp account unbanned. You may want to follow the process below.

  1. Appeal the Ban: If it’s a permanent ban, you’ll need to appeal to WhatsApp. Open the app, where you’ll see a screen informing you of the ban. Click on “Contact Us”.
  2. Write Your Appeal: In the text field, write your appeal. Clearly state that you believe your account has been banned unfairly and request a review. Be polite and professional in your communication and include relevant and complete details that may help your case.
  3. Send Your Appeal: Once you’ve written your appeal, click “Send”. It may take a few days for WhatsApp to respond, so be patient.

Ensure your appeal message includes an explanation of the corrective actions you’ve taken and a commitment to adhere to WhatsApp’s policies moving forward. Keep in mind that WhatsApp deals with numerous requests like yours, so they may take some time to review your case and get back to you.

WhatsApp unban request message templates

If you’re having trouble writing an appeal request message to WhatsApp to unban your number, here are suggested templates for different situations.

Situation 1. Mass Messaging or Spamming

Your number can be flagged as spam if you have been sending a large number of unsolicited messages or repeatedly sending the same message. This can result in a ban.

Suggested appeal template

Dear WhatsApp Support, I believe my number was banned because I’ve been sending numerous messages from my WhatsApp Business account. However, I assure you that I never intended to and haven’t misled the recipients with my messages. However, I also admit that I wasn’t fully aware of the guidelines, and I will be mindful of them in the future. I kindly request you to reconsider and unban my number. Thank you.

Situation 2. Creating multiple groups with unknown contacts

Rapidly creating multiple groups with many users who aren’t saved in your contact list can seem suspicious. This may sometimes lead to a ban.

Suggested appeal template

Dear WhatsApp Support, I recently created several groups which may have raised suspicion. These groups were made for a community event with my loyal customers. I apologise if this action violated any guidelines and ensure that I’ll be mindful of them in the future. I also request you to restore my account.

Situation 3. Receiving many block or report complaints

When a significant number of users block or report you, WhatsApp may consider your activity as suspicious and ban your account.

Suggested appeal template

Dear WhatsApp Support, I’ve come to understand that many users may have reported or blocked my number. I’m not sure why this happened, but I promise to adhere to WhatsApp guidelines moving forward. I would really appreciate it if you consider unbanning my account.

Situation 4. Using modified WhatsApp versions or unauthorised apps

Using unofficial versions of WhatsApp or unauthorised external tools can lead to a ban since these could violate WhatsApp’s Terms of Use as well as data privacy regulations.

Suggested appeal template

Dear WhatsApp Support, I’m writing to request you to reactivate my account that has been recently banned. I suppose using an external app to manage my account was the reason behind it. I was genuinely unaware that using external tools to manage my WhatsApp account was against the terms of service. I have now uninstalled it and also made sure I have the official WhatsApp version.

Situation 5. General violation of WhatsApp’s Terms of Service

Engaging in activities that directly violate WhatsApp’s Terms of Service, like automated messaging, can result in a ban.

Suggested appeal template

Dear WhatsApp Support, I apologise for inadvertently violating the terms of service. I have now reviewed them thoroughly and will ensure full compliance moving forward. I kindly request the restoration of my account.

While appealing, be respectful, acknowledge any mistakes, and assure WhatsApp that you will adhere to their guidelines in the future.

Next steps after your appeal

After lodging your appeal, await the team’s response. They might ask for further information or detail the next steps. Depending on the severity of your alleged violation, your account might be reinstated, or the ban may remain.

Once you’re back on WhatsApp, it’s important to prevent any future bans. You can follow some rules for yourself, including sticking to the official version of WhatsApp, refraining from spamming, respecting others’ privacy, and ensuring your behaviour aligns with the platform’s policies. Responsible usage of WhatsApp not only prevents bans but also contributes to a healthier digital communication space.

How to contact WhatsApp Support?

If you believe your WhatsApp account has been banned unfairly and you’d like to appeal the decision, you should reach out to WhatsApp’s customer support to appeal your ban. There are different ways to contact WhatsApp customer support. Let’s discuss them below.

Directly from the Banned Message

When you try to log in to your banned account, you’ll see a message informing you that your number is banned from using WhatsApp. That message mostly comes with an option, such as “Contact Support” or “Learn More.” Tap on it. This will open a pre-formatted email or contact form. Provide a detailed explanation about your situation and ask for a review of the ban.

Through WhatsApp Settings

If you can still access the app settings,

  • Open WhatsApp.
  • Tap on the three dots in the top right corner to open the menu.
  • Go to “Settings” > “Help” > “Contact Us.”
  • Describe your situation in the provided space clearly and concisely.

WhatsApp support email for banned number

You can also email WhatsApp’s support directly via While reaching out via email, use a clear subject line, such as “Appeal for banned number” to make your issue noticeable.

In the email body, describe the situation, acknowledging any mistakes, and request a review of your account’s status.

Web support

You can also reach out to WhatsApp by visiting the official WhatsApp website.

  • Navigate to the Support or Help section.
  • Look for relevant FAQs or guides. If you can’t find a solution, there might be a “Contact Us” option.

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How to Unbanned from Whatsapp Quickly (Best 2024 Solutions) (2) Request Demo

Dealing with WhatsApp bans can be challenging, but understanding the platform’s policies and respecting the digital communication environment can save you from such hassles. While the appeal process offers a chance of account reinstatement, preventing any possible ban is always the best option. So, always make sure to understand WhatsApp policies and not violate them.

Frequently asked questions

My WhatsApp number is banned. How to unbanned my WhatsApp number?

If your account has been banned by WhatsApp, contact WhatsApp support team immediately and explain your situation. You can write to the WhatsApp support team by tapping the “Contact Us” button. You may get unbanned once the WhatsApp team reviews your appeal and determines that you were banned unfairly. However, the process might take some time.

Why is my WhatsApp number banned?

WhatsApp bans accounts that violate their terms of service. This may include sending spam messages, sharing inappropriate content, or being reported by other users for suspicious activity.

What to do if my WhatsApp number is banned?

If your phone number is banned by WhatsApp, you can appeal to WhatsApp support. You’ll need to send them an email explaining your situation and ask them to lift the ban.

How to make sure that my WhatsApp account won’t be banned again?

To prevent your WhatsApp account from being banned again, make sure you understand and comply with WhatsApp’s Terms of Service. This includes not sending spam, not sharing inappropriate content, and not being involved in any suspicious activity.

How long will it take for my WhatsApp number to get unbanned?

The duration of a ban can vary, but it can take 48 hours or more for WhatsApp to review your appeal and lift the ban if they find your appeal legitimate.

I can’t use my WhatsApp, my WhatsApp number is banned from using the service. What should I do?

If you’re banned from using WhatsApp and you think you’ve been banned unfairly, you need to contact WhatsApp support through the contact button on your WhatsApp and explain your situation clearly. They’ll review your case and decide whether to lift your ban or keep it depending on the severity of the policy violation.

Why does WhatsApp keep saying “This account is not allowed to use WhatsApp?”

If you see this message, it means that your number has been banned from WhatsApp because the system has detected some activity on your account that violates their Terms of Service. This could be due to a number of reasons like spamming, sharing inappropriate content, or being reported by other users.

How can I prevent my WhatsApp number from being banned?

You can prevent your WhatsApp number from being banned by understanding and following WhatsApp’s Terms of Service. These include avoiding spamming, sharing inappropriate or illicit content, or engaging in activities that might be deemed suspicious by other users.

What happens when my WhatsApp number is banned?

You won’t be able to send or receive messages and make calls or update your status when your WhatsApp account is banned. You will also see a message indicating that your number is banned from using WhatsApp.

Is there a way to get my WhatsApp number unbanned instantly?

If your number has been banned on WhatsApp, keep in mind that the process of getting unbanned from WhatsApp is not instant. Once you appeal to WhatsApp support, the team will review your case. It might take some time for the WhatsApp team to decide whether to lift your ban or keep it. WhatsApp doesn’t provide a specific timeframe for when you can expect your account to be unbanned.

What are the steps I can take to get my WhatsApp number unbanned quickly?

The first step is to figure out if it’s a temporary or a permanent ban. If your WhatsApp number is banned temporarily, you’ll be able to use it after a certain interval. If it’s a permanent ban, and you think you’ve been banned unfairly, contact WhatsApp support and explain your situation. The quicker you get in touch with them and the clearer your explanation is, the faster they will be able to process your appeal. Remember to be patient and polite in your communication.

How to Unbanned from Whatsapp Quickly (Best 2024 Solutions) (2024)
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