How to Update Your Credit Report Quickly (Rapid Rescoring) - Self. (2024)

In some instances, when you want your credit report updated quickly, you can speed up the process through rapid rescoring. With rapid rescoring, a lender, typically a mortgage lender, submits proof of recent changes to your credit accounts to the three major credit bureaus. This is something you cannot do yourself.[1]

If you’ve recently made payments that may help you qualify for better terms on a time-sensitive loan, you probably want this factored into your score, but lenders typically update your account information only periodically, anywhere from 30 to up to 45 days. However, with a rapid rescore, they can factor in your updated information slightly faster to get you a new, updated score.[2] A rapid rescore can generally be completed two to three business days after the lender submits the documentation, although the time it takes varies by lender.[1]

If you think recent actions you’ve taken could help elevate your credit score, this post explains how a rapid rescore works and how it may work in your favor.

What is a rapid rescore and how does it work?

With a rapid rescore, you request that your lender submits updated information to one or multiple credit bureaus so that an updated, and hopefully, elevated score can be generated.[2] This may be beneficial if you are applying for a loan and your current credit score is just a few points below what you need to get better loan terms, such as a lower interest rate on a mortgage loan or to simply get approved. If you are facing this situation, your lender may recommend, or initiate for you, a rapid rescore.[1]

How to Update Your Credit Report Quickly (Rapid Rescoring) - Self. (1)

It may reflect changes to your credit utilization ratio

Your credit utilization ratio (CUR) factors into your credit score. Your CUR is calculated by taking your total revolving debt and dividing it by your total revolving credit limits. Experts suggest maintaining a CUR below 30% but add that staying under 10% offers the best chance at adding a positive impact to your credit score.[3]

If a high CUR is affecting your credit score, paying down a large credit card balance (and having that change reflected in your credit report using a rapid rescore) may positively impact your credit score.[1]

It may help quickly correct errors on your credit report

You should also consider a rapid rescore to speed up the process of disputing any errors you suspect exist on your credit report. Doing so can save you time and frustration. Rather than trying to resolve the errors yourself,[4] which may take up to 30 days,[5] a rapid rescore may correct mistakes reported by creditors quicker. However, be aware that a rapid rescore is a different process than credit repair.

Examples of such errors include items, such as debts caused by identity theft or accounts that are reported more than once, that create the impression that you have more open lines of credit or more debt than you actually have.

How do you get a rapid rescore?

The process of getting a rapid rescore is not complicated and requires just two simple steps:

  1. You have to request that your lender initiates a rapid rescore because you can’t initiate one on your own. Your lender may also suggest this to you.
  2. If the lender agrees or has recommended you pursue it, the lender will pay a fee to the credit reporting company (Experian, TransUnion or Equifax) to have recent account changes updated in an expedited time frame. You will need toneed to provide proof of the account changes for a lender to submit the rapid rescore.[2]

How long does rapid rescoring take?

The main benefit to getting your credit report updated using a rapid rescore is that you can update your credit report when you need to, rather than wait the typical 30 to 45 days for an update to occur. In contrast, after a lender submits the documentation, a rapid rescore is typically completed and your credit report is updated within two to three days (although the exact time frame depends on your unique situation and the lender).[1]

How much does rapid rescoring cost?

A rapid rescore is done at no cost to the person requesting one. Although there is a fee lenders pay the credit bureaus to perform a rapid rescore, the cost can’t be passed to the consumer under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which prohibits the lender from charging their clients to correct or dispute credit report information.[6]

Limitations of rapid rescoring

Although a rapid rescore can be an excellent solution when you need to update your credit report fast, the process does have some limitations. For one thing, a rapid rescore may lead to only a small increase in your credit score, no increase at all, or possibly even a decrease, so you should check your credit report and weigh your options before proceeding with a rapid rescore request through your lender.

How to Update Your Credit Report Quickly (Rapid Rescoring) - Self. (2)

It won’t remove legitimate negative information

A rapid rescore also does not have the power to remove legitimate negative information; it can only correct or delete actual errors.[4] A rapid rescore won’t undo the damage of previous financial mistakes such as late payments, high credit card debt or collection accounts.[2]

It might only incrementally improve your credit score

Ensure that your expectations are realistic when considering the rapid rescore option. A rapid rescore is typically only used if your credit score is close to the score you need to qualify for a loan or a better rate, so you shouldn’t expect it to improve your credit score more than incrementally.[1]

It may backfire

You should be aware that, in some cases, a rapid rescore can have the undesirable effect of actually lowering your credit scores.[2] For example, if you recently had a late payment on a credit card or a missed payment on your home loan, this would negatively affect your payment history, the most important factor in your credit score. Instead of an incremental lift, you may see your score drop after your credit file is updated. So when making decisions about your personal finances, make sure you don’t do anything to damage your credit leading up to and while working with loan providers for a rapid rescore.

It’s not the same as rebuilding your credit

While a rapid rescore can benefit you if you are applying for a loan, the process cannot undo or remove months or years of negative items in your credit history. It takes time to rebuild your credit.[2] Negative marks stay on your report for 7 to 10 years, but their impact on your score lessens over time, so as you make good decisions with your credit and finances, you can impact your score positively over time.[3]

Other ways to quickly improve your credit

A rapid rescore is not your only option when you want to improve your credit score. But note that alternatives to getting a rapid rescore take considerably longer — it typically takes 30 to 45 days for lenders to report any changes to the bureaus, so you may not see changes for one to two months.

Proactively monitor your credit report and dispute errors

Credit monitoring helps you not be surprised when applying for personal loans, mortgages, or other types of loans and credit. Proactively monitor your credit report and ensure that your report contains no errors and dispute them if there are. Knowing what’s already contained in your credit report gives you a more informed idea of what potential lenders will see.

By law, you can obtain a free credit report once a year at no cost from each of the major credit bureaus, which you can access at Because of the COVID pandemic, the three major credit reporting bureaus (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion) continue to offer free credit reports weekly until the end of December 2023.[7]

Key takeaways

A rapid rescore is a process that may help you when you are applying for a loan such as a mortgage. Its function is to dispute errors that reflect negatively on your credit score or to update it to include information that can elevate your score. In addition to a rapid rescore, you can work on rebuilding your credit by accessing the tools and products that Self provides to inform your credit-building efforts.

Disclaimer: FICO is a registered trademark of Fair Issac Corporation in the United States and other countries.


  1. Experian. “What Is a Rapid Rescore?” Accessed January 3, 2023.
  2. Equifax. “What Is a Rapid Rescore?” Accessed January 3, 2023.
  3. MyFICO. “What Should My Credit Utilization Ratio Be?” Accessed January 3, 2023.
  4. UFCU. “Rapid Rescoring for Credit Report Errors,” Accessed January 3, 2023.
  5. Federal Trade Commission. “Disputing Errors on Your Credit Reports,” Accessed January 3, 2023.
  6. FTC. “Fair Credit Reporting Act.” Accessed January 3, 2023.
  7. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. “How do I get a copy of my credit reports?” Accessed January 3, 2023.

About the author

Ana Gonzalez-Ribeiro, MBA, AFC® is an Accredited Financial Counselor® and a Bilingual Personal Finance Writer and Educator dedicated to helping populations that need financial literacy and counseling. Her informative articles have been published in various news outlets and websites including Huffington Post, Fidelity, Fox Business News, MSN and Yahoo Finance. She also founded the personal financial and motivational site and translated into Spanish the book, Financial Advice for Blue Collar America by Kathryn B. Hauer, CFP. Ana teaches Spanish or English personal finance courses on behalf of the W!SE (Working In Support of Education) program has taught workshops for nonprofits in NYC.

Editorial policy

Our goal at Self is to provide readers with current and unbiased information on credit, financial health, and related topics. This content is based on research and other related articles from trusted sources. All content at Self is written by experienced contributors in the finance industry and reviewed by an accredited person(s).

How to Update Your Credit Report Quickly (Rapid Rescoring) - Self. (2024)


How to Update Your Credit Report Quickly (Rapid Rescoring) - Self.? ›

You can't initiate a rapid rescore on your own. Instead, you'll need to work with a creditor that provides these services, such as a credit card company or another type of lender. Rescoring is commonly offered by mortgage lenders because securing a mortgage is usually more time-sensitive than other loans.

How can I do a rapid rescore myself? ›

You can't order a rapid rescore on your own – your lender must do it for you. But that doesn't mean you won't benefit from a better understanding of what a rapid rescore might be able to do for you.

Can you rush a rapid Rescore? ›

In some instances, when you want your credit report updated quickly, you can speed up the process through rapid rescoring. With rapid rescoring, a lender, typically a mortgage lender, submits proof of recent changes to your credit accounts to the three major credit bureaus. This is something you cannot do yourself.

Is there a way to update your credit score faster? ›

4 tips to boost your credit score fast
  1. Pay down your revolving credit balances. If you have the funds to pay more than your minimum payment each month, you should do so. ...
  2. Increase your credit limit. ...
  3. Check your credit report for errors. ...
  4. Ask to have negative entries that are paid off removed from your credit report.

How do I fix my credit score ASAP? ›

  1. 1. Make On-Time Payments. ...
  2. Pay Down Revolving Account Balances. ...
  3. Don't Close Your Oldest Account. ...
  4. Diversify the Types of Credit You Have. ...
  5. Limit New Credit Applications. ...
  6. Dispute Inaccurate Information on Your Credit Report. ...
  7. Become an Authorized User.

What proof is needed for a rapid rescore? ›

To get a rapid rescore, a lender will collect proof of updated account information—documentation showing the borrower recently paid off their credit card, for example—from the potential borrower.

How fast does rapid Rescore work? ›

What is the timeline for a rapid rescore? Rapid rescoring typically takes three to five business days to complete, although the exact timeframe will depend on your unique situation.

How many points does a rapid rescore give you? ›

A rapid rescore is a method that can raise your credit score quickly by submitting proof of positive account changes to the three major credit bureaus. The process can lift your score by 100 points or more within days when erroneous or negative information is cleared from your credit profile.

Can you force an update to your credit report? ›

While you typically can't force your credit report to update any faster than normal, there are specific steps you can take every month to stay on track with building up – or maintaining – your credit score. Set up reminders to pay your bills on time so you don't accrue late fees.

How can I raise my credit score 100 points overnight? ›

10 Ways to Boost Your Credit Score
  1. Review Your Credit Report. ...
  2. Pay Your Bills on Time. ...
  3. Ask for Late Payment Forgiveness. ...
  4. Keep Credit Card Balances Low. ...
  5. Keep Old Credit Cards Active. ...
  6. Become an Authorized User. ...
  7. Consider a Credit Builder Loan. ...
  8. Take Out a Secured Credit Card.

How to raise your credit score 200 points in 30 days? ›

How to Improve Your Credit Score
  1. Review Your Credit Reports. The best way to identify which steps are most important for you is to read through your credit reports. ...
  2. Pay Every Bill on Time. ...
  3. Maintain a Low Credit Utilization Rate. ...
  4. Avoid Unnecessary Credit Applications. ...
  5. Monitor Your Credit Regularly.
Jul 23, 2024

What is the trick to increasing your credit score? ›

Get a Handle on Bill Payments

That is why, for example, it's better to have paid-off debts (such as your old student loans) remain on your record. If you paid your debts responsibly and on time, it works in your favor. So a simple way to raise your credit score is to avoid late payments at all costs.

How to get 800 credit score in 45 days? ›

Here are 10 ways to increase your credit score by 100 points - most often this can be done within 45 days.
  1. Check your credit report. ...
  2. Pay your bills on time. ...
  3. Pay off any collections. ...
  4. Get caught up on past-due bills. ...
  5. Keep balances low on your credit cards. ...
  6. Pay off debt rather than continually transferring it.

How do I repair my credit myself? ›

Essentially, they involve getting your credit report and systematically fixing inaccurate items that are lowering your credit score.
  1. Request Credit Report. ...
  2. Review Reports Carefully. ...
  3. Dispute Any Incorrect Information. ...
  4. Pay Bills on Time. ...
  5. Pay Off Delinquent Balances. ...
  6. Decrease Your Credit Utilization, and Pay Down Your Debt.

How do I delete my bad credit history? ›

How to remove negative items from your credit report yourself
  1. Get a free copy of your credit report. ...
  2. File a dispute with the credit reporting agency. ...
  3. File a dispute directly with the creditor. ...
  4. Review the claim results. ...
  5. Hire a credit repair service. ...
  6. Send a request for “goodwill deletion” ...
  7. Work with a credit counseling agency.
Mar 19, 2024

How do I reset my credit score? ›

The short answer is no, there's no way to restart, reset or clear your credit report. The purpose of the credit reporting system is to help lenders make informed decisions about potential borrowers. As such, poor credit borrowers restarting their credit anytime would negate the system.

How much does it cost for a rapid Rescore? ›

Rapid rescore FAQ

The rapid rescore service costs between $25-$40 per credit file with each of the three credit bureaus. Even if there is only a single negative item to address, the cost would be between $75 and $120. Keep in mind that homebuyers will not pay these fees — mortgage lenders shoulder the costs.

Can a consumer pay for a rapid rescore? ›

As a Credit Reporting Agency the bureaus charge us, the reseller, the cost of a rescore because it is considered an expedited dispute process. We, in turn, charge the mortgage company client for that cost. However, because of FCRA 611, the bureaus do not allow the borrower to be charged for this service.

How to make your credit score jump 200 points? ›

Make consistent payments

One of the best ways to improve your score is to build up a history of positive payments. Late payments can lower your score. Be sure you know how much you owe on each account, your minimum payments, and your due dates. To avoid late payments, set your accounts up for autopay.

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