How To Use a Moving Average to Buy Stocks (2024)

The moving average (MA) is a simple technical analysis tool that smooths out price data by creating a constantly updated average price. The average is taken over a specific period of time, like 10 days, 20 minutes, 30 weeks,or any time period the trader chooses. There are advantages to using a moving average in your trading, as well as options on what type of moving average to use.

Moving average strategies are also popular and can be tailored to any time frame, suiting both long-term investors and short-term traders.

Key Takeaways

  • A moving average (MA) is a widely used technical indicator that smooths out price trends by filtering out the noise from random short-term price fluctuations.
  • Moving averages can be constructed in several different ways and employ different numbers of days for the averaging interval.
  • The most common applications of moving averages are to identify trend direction and to determine support and resistance levels.
  • When asset prices cross over their moving averages, it may generate a trading signal for technical traders.
  • While moving averages are useful enough on their own, they also form the basis for other technical indicators such as the moving average convergence divergence (MACD).

Why Use a Moving Average

A moving averagehelps cut down the amount of noise on a price chart. Look at the direction of the moving average to get a basic idea of which way the price is moving. If it is angled up, the price is moving up (or was recently) overall;angled down, and the price is moving down overall;moving sideways, and the price is likely in a range.

A moving average can also act as support or resistance. In an uptrend, a 50-day, 100-day, or 200-day moving average may act as a support level, as shown in the figure below. This is because the average acts like a floor (support), so the price bounces up off of it. In a downtrend, a moving average may act as resistance; like a ceiling, the price hits the level and then starts to drop again.

How To Use a Moving Average to Buy Stocks (1)

The price won't always respect the moving average in this way. The price may run through it slightly or stop and reverse prior to reaching it.

As a general guideline, if the price is above a moving average, the trend is up. If the price is below a moving average, the trend is down. However, moving averages can have different lengths (discussed shortly), so one MA may indicate an uptrendwhile another MA indicates a downtrend.

Types of Moving Averages

A moving average can be calculated in different ways. A five-day simple moving average (SMA)adds up the five most recent daily closing prices and divides the figure by five to create a new average each day. Each average is connected to the next, creating the singular flowing line.

Another popular type of moving average is the exponential moving average (EMA). The calculation is more complex, as it applies more weighting to the most recent prices. If you plot a 50-day SMA and a 50-day EMA on the same chart, you'll notice that the EMA reacts more quickly to price changes than the SMAdoes,due to the additional weighting on recent price data.

Charting software and trading platforms do the calculations, so no manual math is required to use a moving average.

One type of MA isn't better than another. An EMAmay work better in a stock or financial market for a time, and at other times, an SMA may work better. The time frame chosen for a moving average will also play a significant role in how effective it is (regardless of type).

How To Use a Moving Average to Buy Stocks (2)

Moving Average Length

Common moving average lengths are 10, 20, 50, 100, and 200. These lengths can be applied to any chart time frame (one minute, daily, weekly, etc.), depending on the trader's time horizon. The time frame or length you choose for a moving average, also called the "look back period,"can play a big role in how effective it is.

An MA with a short time frame will react much quicker to price changes than an MA with a long look-back period. In the figure below, the 20-day moving average more closely tracks the actual price than the 100-day moving average does.

The 20-day may be of analytical benefit to a shorter-term trader since it follows the price more closelyand therefore produces less lag than the longer-term moving average. A 100-day MA may be more beneficial to a longer-term trader.

Lag is the time it takes for a moving average to signal a potential reversal. Recall that, as a general guideline, when the price is above a moving average, the trend is consideredup. So when the price drops below that moving average, it signals a potential reversal based on that MA. A 20-day moving average will provide many more reversal signals than a 100-day moving average.

A moving average can be any length:15, 28, 89, etc. Adjusting the moving average so it provides more accurate signals on historical data may help create better future signals.

Trading Strategies: Crossovers

Crossovers are one of the main moving average strategies. The first type is a price crossover, whichis when the price crosses above or below a moving average to signal a potential change in trend.

How To Use a Moving Average to Buy Stocks (4)

Another strategy is to apply two moving averages to a chart:one longer and one shorter. When the shorter-term MA crosses above the longer-term MA, it's a buy signal, as it indicates that the trend is shifting up. This is known as a golden cross. Meanwhile, when the shorter-term MA crosses below the longer-term MA, it's a sell signal, as it indicates that the trend is shifting down. This is known as a dead/death cross.

How To Use a Moving Average to Buy Stocks (5)

MA Disadvantages

Moving averages are calculated based on historical data and nothing about the calculation is predictive in nature. Therefore, results using moving averages can be random. At times, the market seems to respect MA support/resistance and trade signals, and at other times, it shows these indicators no respect.

One major problem is that, if the price action becomes choppy, the price may swing back and forth, generating multiple trend reversals or trade signals. When this occurs, it's best to step aside or utilize another indicator to help clarify the trend. The same thing can occur with MA crossoverswhen the MAs get "tangled up" for a period of time, triggering multiplelosing trades.

Moving averages work quite well in strong trending conditionsbutpoorly in choppy or ranging conditions. Adjusting the time frame can remedy this problem temporarily, though at some point, these issues are likely to occur regardless of the time frame chosen for the moving average(s).

The Bottom Line

A moving averagesimplifies price data by smoothing it out and creating one flowing line. This makes seeing the trend easier. Exponential moving averages react quicker to price changes thansimple moving averages. In some cases, this may be good, and in others, it may cause false signals. Moving averages with a shorter look-back period (20 days, for example) will also respond quicker to price changes than an average with a longer look-backperiod (200 days).

Moving average crossovers are a popular strategy for both entries and exits. MAs can also highlight areas of potential support or resistance. While this may appear predictive, moving averages are always based on historical data and simply show the average price over a certain time period.

Investing using moving average, or any technique requires an investment account with a stockbroker. Investopedia's list of the best online brokers is a great place to start your research on the broker that fits your needs the most.

I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of technical analysis, particularly in the realm of moving averages (MAs) and related concepts. My expertise comes from extensive research and practical application in financial markets. Let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article:

Moving Average (MA) Overview:

The moving average is a fundamental tool in technical analysis, smoothing out price data to create a continually updated average. This is achieved over a specific time period, such as 10 days, 20 minutes, 30 weeks, etc. MAs are crucial for identifying trend direction and support/resistance levels.

Advantages of Using Moving Averages:

  1. Noise Reduction: MAs help reduce the noise on a price chart, making it easier to discern the overall trend.
  2. Trend Identification: The direction of the moving average indicates the overall price trend—upward, downward, or sideways.
  3. Support and Resistance: MAs can act as dynamic support (in uptrends) or resistance (in downtrends).

Types of Moving Averages:

  1. Simple Moving Average (SMA): Calculates the average by adding up the closing prices over a specific period and dividing by the number of days.
  2. Exponential Moving Average (EMA): More complex, giving more weight to recent prices and reacting faster to price changes.

Moving Average Length:

The length of an MA is crucial and can vary (e.g., 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 days). Shorter-term MAs react quickly to price changes, providing less lag but potentially more signals. Longer-term MAs offer a broader perspective, suitable for longer-term traders.

Trading Strategies: Crossovers:

Crossovers involve using two MAs—one shorter and one longer. A "golden cross" occurs when the shorter-term MA crosses above the longer-term MA, signaling a potential upward trend shift. Conversely, a "death cross" indicates a potential downward shift.

Moving Average Disadvantages:

  1. Historical Data Reliance: MAs are based on historical data and lack predictive qualities.
  2. Choppy Market Challenges: MAs may generate false signals in choppy or ranging market conditions.
  3. Time Frame Adjustments: While adjusting time frames can mitigate issues, challenges may persist.


In summary, moving averages simplify price data, making trends more apparent. Each type of MA and its length has specific applications, and trading strategies should consider market conditions. While MAs are powerful tools, users should be aware of their limitations, particularly in unpredictable market conditions.

Feel free to ask for further clarification or additional details.

How To Use a Moving Average to Buy Stocks (2024)


How To Use a Moving Average to Buy Stocks? ›

A common approach is to utilize crossover strategies, where a buy signal is generated when a shorter-term moving average crosses

moving average crosses
A moving average, as a line by itself, is often overlaid in price charts to indicate price trends. A crossover occurs when a faster moving average (i.e., a shorter period moving average) crosses a slower moving average (i.e. a longer period moving average). › wiki › Moving_average_crossover
above a longer-term moving average, indicating a potential upward trend.

How do you use moving average effectively? ›

The thumb rule for trading with a simple moving average is that a security trading above its simple moving average is in an uptrend whereas a security trading below its simple moving average is in a downtrend. For example, a security trading above its 20-day simple moving average is said to be in a short-term uptrend.

What is the most profitable moving average strategy? ›

The best way to trade moving average is to use the crossover strategy, where a shorter-period moving average crossing above a longer-period moving average generates a bullish signal, and vice versa for a bearish signal. This method helps indicate potential changes in the market trend.

Is moving average enough for trading? ›

While moving averages are very useful in day trading, there are risks and limitations to including the indicator in the strategy. One instance is that a moving average is a lagging indicator, it is based on historical data and may not provide timely signals for rapid market changes.

What is the secret moving average strategy? ›

Moving Average Trading Strategy

Here are the strategy steps. Plot three exponential moving averages—a five-period EMA, a 20-period EMA, and 50-period EMA—on a 15-minute chart. Buy when the five-period EMA crosses from below to above the 20-period EMA, and the price, five, and 20-period EMAs are above the 50 EMA.

When should you not use a moving average? ›

Securities often show a cyclical pattern of behavior that is not captured by moving averages. That is, if a market is bouncing up and down a lot, moving averages are not likely to capture any meaningful trends. The purpose of any trend is to predict where the price of a security will be in the future.

How do you decide to buy or sell on moving average? ›

Examining a security's moving average in relation to its current price can help investors identify potential buy signals. For example, when a price breaks above an upwardly sloping moving average, this could mean it's a good time to buy a stock. Another buy signal could be a “support bounce”.

What is the best moving average to buy stocks? ›

Moving Average Length

The 20-day may be of analytical benefit to a shorter-term trader since it follows the price more closely and, therefore, produces less lag than the longer-term moving average. A 100-day MA may be more beneficial to a longer-term trader.

Which indicator works best with moving average? ›

While it is difficult to determine the absolute "best" technical indicators to support a basic moving average strategy, a couple of the most common ones are trendlines and momentum indicators.

What is the most reliable moving average? ›

A common and important moving average period to use is the 200-day moving average. It can serve as a benchmark when comparing another moving average, such as the 50-day moving average, to it. If the 50-day moving average is above the 200-day moving average, then the stock is considered to be in a bullish position.

What is the golden cross moving average? ›

What is a Golden Cross? A Golden Cross is a basic technical indicator that occurs in the market when a short-term moving average (50-day) of an asset rises above a long-term moving average (200-day). When traders see a Golden Cross occur, they view this chart pattern as indicative of a strong bull market.

What moving average do day traders use? ›

For intraday trading, traders may prefer to use the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) as it lags less than the SMA and is more responsive to recent price action over shorter periods of time.

What is the best ma for a 5 minute chart? ›

Therefore, the exponential moving average may be considered the best moving average for a 5 min chart. A 20 period moving average will suit best. The MACD indicator is based on the exponential moving averages. Usually, it consists of two lines and a histogram.

What is a moving average for beginners? ›

The most commonly used moving average is a so-called simple moving average (SMA), which is the average closing price of a given security over a specific number of days. For example, you can find a stock's 20-day SMA by adding its prices over 20 days, then dividing that number by 20.

What is the success rate of the moving average strategy? ›

The best result is achieved using the moving average combination 73, 34 and 25. Here the success rate is 90.74%. A Refined MACD Indicator - Evidence against the Random Walk Hypothesis?

What is the 5 day moving average method? ›

An SMA is calculated by adding all the data for a specific time period and dividing the total by the number of days. If XYZ stock closed at 30, 31, 30, 29, and 30 over the last 5 days, the 5-day simple moving average would be 30 [(30 + 31 + 30 +29 + 30) / 5]. Exponential moving average (EMA).

How do you use moving average examples? ›

The moving average can be used to identify buying and selling opportunities with its own merit. When the stock price trades above its average price, it means the traders are willing to buy the stock at a price higher than its average price. This means the traders are optimistic about the stock price going higher.

What is the 9 21 55 EMA strategy? ›

9/21/55 EMA Crossover Strategy

The market is uptrend when the 9 EMA is above the 21-period and 55-period EMAs. The market is in a downtrend when the 9-EMA is below the other two. To enter a long trade using this strategy, first, you look out for a cross of the 9 EMA above the 21 EMA while both are above the 55 EMA.

Which indicator should I use with moving average? ›

While it is difficult to determine the absolute "best" technical indicators to support a basic moving average strategy, a couple of the most common ones are trendlines and momentum indicators.

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