How to Value Interest Rate Swaps (2024)

Awide variety of swaps are utilized in the over-the-counter (OTC) market in order to hedge risks, includinginterest rate swaps,credit default swaps,asset swaps, andcurrency swaps. In general, swaps are derivative contracts through which two private parties—usually businesses and financial institutions—exchange the cash flows or liabilities from two different financial instruments.

A plain vanilla swap is the simplest type of swap in the market, often used to hedge floating interest rate exposure. Interest rate swaps are a type of plain vanilla swap. Interest rate swaps convert floating interest payments into fixed interest payments (and vice versa).

Key Takeaways

  • In general, swaps are derivative contracts through which two parties—usually businesses and financial institutions—exchange the cash flows or liabilities from two differentfinancialinstruments.
  • Awide variety of swaps are utilized in finance in order to hedge risks, includinginterest rate swaps,credit default swaps,asset swaps, andcurrency swaps.
  • Interest rate swaps convert floating interest payments into fixed interest payments (and vice versa).
  • The two parties in an interest rate swap are often referred to as counterparties; the counterparty making payments on a floating rate typically utilizes a benchmark interest rate.
  • Payments from fixed interest rate counterparties are benchmarked toU.S. Treasury Bonds.
  • Interest rate swaps can prove to be valuable tools when financial institutions utilize them effectively.

The two parties in an interest rate swap are often referred to as counterparties. The counterparty making payments on a floating rate typically utilizes benchmark interest rates, such asthe London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). Payments from fixed interest rate counterparties are benchmarked toU.S. Treasury Bonds.

Two parties may decide to enter into an interest rate swap for a variety of different reasons, including the desire to change the nature of the assets or liabilities in order to protect against anticipated adverse interest rate movements.Like most derivative instruments, plain vanilla swaps have zero value at the initiation. Thisvalue changesover time, however, due to changes in factors affecting the value of the underlying rates. And like all derivatives, swaps are zero-sum instruments, so any positive value increase to one party is a loss to the other.

Due to recent scandals and questions around its validity as a benchmark rate, LIBOR is being phased out. According to the Federal Reserve and regulators in the UK, LIBOR will be phased out by June 30, 2023, and will be replaced by the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR). As part of this phase-out, LIBOR one-week and two-month USD LIBOR rates will no longer be published after December 31, 2021.

How Is the Fixed Rate Determined?

Thevalue of the swap at the initiation date will be zero for both parties. For this statement to be true, the values of the cash flow streams that the swap parties are going to exchange should be equal. This concept is illustrated with a hypothetical example in which the value of the fixed leg and floating leg of the swap will be Vfix and Vfl respectively. Thus, at initiation:

Vfix=VflV_{fix} = V_{fl}Vfix=Vfl

Notional amounts are not exchanged in interest rate swaps because these amounts are equal; it does not make sense to exchange them. If it is assumed that parties also decide to exchange the notional amount at the end of the period, the process will be similar to an exchange of a fixed rate bond to a floating rate bond with the same notional amount. Therefore, such swap contracts can be valued in terms of fixed-rate and floating-rate bonds.

For example, suppose that AppleInc. decides to enter a one-year, fixed-rate receiver swap contract with quarterly installments on a notional amount of $2.5 billion. Goldman Sachs is the counterparty for this transaction that provides fixed cash flows that determinethe fixed rate. Assume the LIBOR rates (in dollars) are as follows:

How to Value Interest Rate Swaps (1)

Let’s denote the annual fixed rate of the swap by c, the annual fixed amount by C, and the notional amount by N.

Thus, the investment bank should pay c/4*N or C/4 each quarter and will receive the LIBOR rate multiplied by N.c is a rate that equates the value of the fixed cash flow stream to the value of the floating cash flow stream. This is the same as saying that the value of a fixed-rate bond with the coupon rate of c must be equal to the value of the floating rate bond.

βfl=c/q(1+libor3m360×90)+c/q(1+libor6m360×180)+c/4(1+libor9m360×270)+c/4+βfix(1+libor12m360×360)where:βfix=thenotionalvalueofthefixedratebondthatisequaltothenotionalamountoftheswap—$2.5billion\begin{aligned} &\beta_fl = \frac{c/q}{(1 + \frac{libor_{3m}}{360} \times 90)} + \frac{c/q}{(1 + \frac{libor_{6m}}{360} \times 180)} + \frac{c/4}{(1 + \frac{libor_{9m}}{360} \times 270)} + \frac{c/4 + \beta_{fix}}{(1 + \frac{libor_{12m}}{360} \times 360)} \\ &\textbf{where:}\\ &\beta_{fix}=\text{the notional value of the fixed rate bond that is equal to the notional amount of the swap—\$2.5 billion}\\ \end{aligned}βfl=(1+360libor3m×90)c/q+(1+360libor6m×180)c/q+(1+360libor9m×270)c/4+(1+360libor12m×360)c/4+βfixwhere:βfix=thenotionalvalueofthefixedratebondthatisequaltothenotionalamountoftheswap—$2.5billion

Recall that at the issue date—and immediately after each coupon payment—the value of the floating rate bonds equals the nominal amount. That is why the right-hand side of the equation is equal to the notional amount of the swap.

We can rewrite the equation as:

βfl=c4×(1(1+libor3m360×90)+1(1+libor6m360×180)+1(1+libor9m360×270)+1(1+libor12m360×360))+βfix(1+libor12m360×360)\beta_{fl} = \frac{c}{4} \times \left( \frac{1}{(1 + \frac{libor_{3m}}{360} \times 90)} + \frac{1}{(1 + \frac{libor_{6m}}{360} \times 180)} + \frac{1}{(1 + \frac{libor_{9m}}{360} \times 270)} + \frac{1}{(1 + \frac{libor_{12m}}{360} \times 360)}\right) + \frac{\beta_{fix}}{(1 + \frac{libor_{12m}}{360} \times 360)}βfl=4c×((1+360libor3m×90)1+(1+360libor6m×180)1+(1+360libor9m×270)1+(1+360libor12m×360)1)+(1+360libor12m×360)βfix

On the left-hand side of the equation discount factors (DF) for different maturities are given.

Recall that:

DF=11+rDF = \frac{1}{1 + r}DF=1+r1

So if we denote DFifor i-th maturity, we will have the following equation:

βfl=cq×i=1nDFi+DFn×βfix\beta_{fl} = \frac{c}{q} \times \sum_{i = 1}^n DF_i + DF_n \times \beta_{fix}βfl=qc×i=1nDFi+DFn×βfix

Which can be re-written as:

cq=βflβfix×DFninDFiwhere:q=thefrequencyofswappaymentsinayear\begin{aligned} &\frac{c}{q} = \frac{\beta_{fl} - \beta_{fix} \times DF_n}{\sum_i^n DF_i } \\ &\textbf{where:}\\ &q=\text{the frequency of swap payments in a year}\\ \end{aligned}qc=inDFiβflβfix×DFnwhere:q=thefrequencyofswappaymentsinayear

We know that in interest rate swaps, parties exchange fixed and floating cash flows based on the same notional value. Thus, the final formula to find the fixed rate will be:

c=q×N×1DFninDFiorc=q×1DFninDFi\begin{aligned} &c= q \times N \times \frac{1 - DF_n}{\sum_i^n DF_i } \\ &\text{or}\\ &c= q \times \frac{1 - DF_n}{\sum_i^n DF_i}\\ \end{aligned}c=q×N×inDFi1DFnorc=q×inDFi1DFn

Now let’s go back to our observed LIBOR rates and use them to find the fixed rate for this hypothetical interest rate swap.

The following are the discount factors corresponding to the LIBOR rates given:

How to Value Interest Rate Swaps (2)

c=4×(10.99425)(0.99942+0.99838+0.99663+0.99425)=0.576%c = 4 \times \frac{(1 - 0.99425)}{(0.99942 + 0.99838 + 0.99663 + 0.99425)} = 0.576 \%c=4×(0.99942+0.99838+0.99663+0.99425)(10.99425)=0.576%

Thus, if Apple wishes to enter into a swap agreement on a notional amount of $2.5 billion in which it seeks to receive the fixed rate and pay the floating rate, the annualized swap rate will be equal to 0.576%. This means that the quarterly fixed swap payment that Apple is going to receive will be equal to $3.6 million (0.576%/4* $2.5 billion).

How to Value Interest Rate Swaps (3)

Now assume that Apple decided to enter the swap on May 1, 2019. The first payments would have been exchanged on August 1, 2019.Based on the swap pricing results, Apple will receive a $3.6 million fixed payment each quarter. Only Apple’s first floating payment is known in advance because it’s set on the swap initiation date, and it's based on the 3-month LIBOR rate on that day: 0.233%/4* $2.5 billion = $1.46 million.

The next floating amount payable at the end of the second quarter will be determined based on the 3-month LIBOR rate effective at the end of the first quarter. The following figure illustrates the structure of the payments.

How to Value Interest Rate Swaps (4)

Suppose that 60 days had elapsed after this decision. The date is July 1, 2019; there is only one month left until the next payment, and all other payments are now two months closer. What is the value of the swap for Apple on this date? A term structure is needed for one, four, seven, and 10 months. Suppose that the following term structure is given:

How to Value Interest Rate Swaps (5)

It is necessary to revalue the fixed leg and floating leg of the swap contract after the interest rates change, and then compare them in order to find the value for the position.We can do so by re-pricing respective fixed and floating rate bonds.

Thus, the value of fixed rate bond is:

vfix=3.6×(0.99972+0.99859+0.99680+0.99438)+2500×0.99438=$2500.32mill.v_{fix} = 3.6 \times (0.99972 + 0.99859 + 0.99680 + 0.99438) + 2500 \times 0.99438 = \$2500.32 \text{mill.}vfix=3.6×(0.99972+0.99859+0.99680+0.99438)+2500×0.99438=$2500.32mill.

And the value of floating rate bond is:

vfl=(1.46+2500)×0.99972=$2500.76mill.v_{fl} = (1.46 + 2500) \times 0.99972 = \$2500.76 \text{mill.}vfl=(1.46+2500)×0.99972=$2500.76mill.

vswap=vfixvflv_{swap} = v_{fix} - v_{fl}vswap=vfixvfl

From Apple’s perspective, the value of the swap on July 1, 2019 was $ -0.45 million (the results are rounded). This number is equal to the difference between the fixed rate bond and floating rate bond.

vswap=vfixvfl=$0.45mill.v_{swap} = v_{fix} - v_{fl} = -\$0.45 \text{mill.}vswap=vfixvfl=$0.45mill.

The swap value was negative for Apple (under these hypothetical circ*mstances). This makes sense because the decrease in the value of the fixed cash flow is higher than the decrease in the value of the floating cash flow.

The Bottom Line

Swaps have increased in popularity due to theirhigh liquidity and ability to hedge risk. In particular, interest rate swaps are widely utilized in fixed income markets such as the bond market. While history suggests that swaps have contributed to economic downturns, interest rate swaps can prove to be valuable tools when financial institutions utilize them effectively.

How to Value Interest Rate Swaps (2024)


How do you value interest rate swaps? ›

A swap is priced by solving for the par swap rate, a fixed rate that sets the present value of all future expected floating cash flows equal to the present value of all future fixed cash flows. The value of a swap at inception is zero (ignoring transaction and counterparty credit costs).

How to solve interest rate swap problems? ›

To find the swap rate R, we set the present values of the interest to be paid under each loan equal to each other and solve for R. In other words: The Present Value of interest on the variable rate loan = The Present Value of interest on the fixed rate loan.

How do you interpret swap rates? ›

The “swap rate” is the fixed interest rate that the receiver demands in exchange for the uncertainty of having to pay the short-term LIBOR (floating) rate over time. At any given time, the market's forecast of what LIBOR will be in the future is reflected in the forward LIBOR curve.

How to calculate mark to market interest rate swap? ›

Marking to Market

The value of the swap or MtM, is the just net difference between the floating and fixed legs. Said another way, the MtM is the present value sum of the difference between the fixed payments and floating payments (based on market projections at that moment) until maturity.

What is an interest rate swap simplified? ›

Interest rate swaps are forward contracts in which one stream of future interest payments is exchanged for another based on a specified principal amount. Interest rate swaps can exchange fixed or floating rates to reduce or increase exposure to fluctuations in interest rates.

What is an example of an interest rate swap? ›

The two companies enter into a two-year interest rate swap contract with the specified nominal value of $100,000. Company A offers Company B a fixed rate of 5% in exchange for receiving a floating rate of the LIBOR rate plus 1%. The current LIBOR rate at the beginning of the interest rate swap agreement is 4%.

Can you unwind an interest rate swap? ›

The swap can be paid off or cashed in at any time through an early termination (unwind) at the borrower's option. The swap is independent from the underlying loan, so if the loan is refinanced, the borrower will usually have to take action with the swap.

What are the three methods to calculate VaR? ›

There are three methods of calculating Value at Risk (VaR) including the historical method, the variance-covariance method, and the Monte Carlo simulation.

What is the best method to calculate VaR? ›

The historical method is the simplest method for calculating Value at Risk. Market data for the last 250 days is taken to calculate the percentage change for each risk factor on each day. Each percentage change is then calculated with current market values to present 250 scenarios for future value.

What does a 5% Value at Risk VaR of $1 million mean? ›

Informally, a loss of $1 million or more on this portfolio is expected on 1 day out of 20 days (because of 5% probability).

How do banks make money on interest rate swaps? ›

The bank's profit is the difference between the higher fixed rate the bank receives from the customer and the lower fixed rate it pays to the market on its hedge. The bank looks in the wholesale swap market to determine what rate it can pay on a swap to hedge itself.

What is the difference between interest rate and swap rate? ›

The swap rate is a special kind of interest rate that is utilized for the calculation of fixed payments in a derivative instrument called an interest rate swap. An interest rate swap is a financial contract between two parties who agree to exchange interest rate cash flows based on a notional amount.

How do you understand swaps? ›

A swap is an agreement for a financial exchange in which one of the two parties promises to make, with an established frequency, a series of payments, in exchange for receiving another set of payments from the other party. These flows normally respond to interest payments based on the nominal amount of the swap.

How interest rate swaps can be terminated? ›

An interest rate swap can be terminated at any time by giving notice to the Counterparty and agreeing to terminate the transaction on a market or replacement value basis.

How would a company do an interest rate swap to reduce uncertainty? ›

Reduce Uncertainty

The floating rate could rise or fall, and either way it could affect the finances of the company. In order to eliminate uncertainty, the company could enter into an interest rate swap agreement with a bank that allows the company to make fixed payments instead of variable payments.

How to calculate forward starting swap rate? ›

Swap dealers calculate the forward fixed swap rate by equating the present value of all of the fixed payments to the present value of the expected floating rate payments implied by the forward curve.

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