How to Write an eBook and Make Money (A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners) (2024)

Writing your own eBook is one of the best ways to make money and earn passive income.

With that said, the idea of writing your own eBook might seem daunting and extremely intimidating.

After all, there are different ways you can go about writing an eBook, editing, publishing it, and selling it.

Do these questions sound familiar?

  • How do I write an eBook?
  • How can I make money by writing an eBook?
  • What programs do I use to write an eBook?
  • What are the steps to write an eBook?
  • How do I promote it?
  • What platforms can I sell it from?

I mean, the list goes on and on.

Lucky for you, you don’t have to wonder any longer.

I will be walking you step-by-step on how to write an eBook and make money.

Here is an outline:

  1. Why learn to write an eBook
  2. How to find a good eBook idea
  3. How to validate your eBook idea
  4. Writing your eBook
  5. Creating your eBook cover
  6. How much to price your eBook
  7. Where to sell your eBook
  8. Promoting your eBook
  9. Getting ready to launch your eBook
  10. Launching your eBook
  11. What happens next
  12. Additional Resources

I will also be sharing with you some of the behind the scenes of Blogcabulary Plus (my recent eBook), so that you can avoid my mistakes and recreate my successes.

In addition, I will be also including amazing tools and resources that made my eBook writing and selling process easier and more successful.

Blogcabulary Plus turned out to be massive. Coming in at almost 40,000 words, 200+ pictures, and 219 pages, believe me, there was a lot to learn.

But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

First, let’s cover the fundamentals of writing an eBook.

Note: Before we commence you might want to bookmark this post or save it on Pinterest. That way, you can follow along with all of the steps we will cover today as you work on your eBook.

How to Write an eBook and Make Money (A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners) (1)

Why learn how to write an eBook

There are many reasons as to why you would write your own eBook.

Make Money

One of the main reasons for writing an eBook is to make money.

Not just any money, but passive income.

There is no better income than the one that trickles into your bank account without you having to lift a finger.

For instance, in order to receive an income from your job requires that you provide a service on a daily basis in turn for compensation.

If you were to write an eBook, however, you would do all of the work upfront, and set it on autopilot.

You would invest a certain amount of time creating your eBook and setting strategies in place so that once you launch it, there isn’t much to do on your part.

However, I want it to be clear that the eBook writing and selling process isn’t a “get rich quick” gig.

It requires time, patience, and implementing the right tools and strategies to help it succeed.

Creates a reputation within your niche

Writing an eBook enables you to be seen as an expert in your field.

After all, writing an eBook requires knowledge about your eBook topic.

If you are a blogger/entrepreneur who is trying to spread the word about who you are and what you do, creating an eBook is definitely a great idea.

Help Others

One of the most rewarding aspects of writing an eBook is your ability to help a lot of people in the process.

If successful, your eBook will have the potential to reach hundreds if not thousands of people.

However, even if your words are only able to help impact just ONE life, then I think you’ve succeeded.

Leave a Legacy

The written word is one of the most precious gifts that we have been granted.

After all, all we know as humankind was in some way learned from others who left their knowledge written on paper and passed along from generation to generation.

Writing an eBook or a book in general would mean that your knowledge, thoughts, and ideas, will live on as your legacy.

That’s on its own, it’s priceless!


How to find a good eBook idea

I find a lot of people struggle with this basic step.

They know they want to write an eBook but they don’t have the slightest idea as to how to find an eBook topic or title.

Consider these strategies to help you find a good eBook topic:

  • Find something you are good at (if you are a blogger, then great! That means that you already write about something, in particular, you know a lot about)
  • Solve a common problem for your audience
  • Answers common questions within your niche
  • Help simplify a process by walking them step-by-step
  • If you are a blogger, make a list of your top posts and see what they have in common, then elaborate on that subject (in other words, expand on something you’ve already written)
  • Look into what’s trending (Google trends is a great resource to check out)
  • Find ideas at Answer the Public

If you aren’t and a blogger and would like to know how to start a blog, you can do so by signing up for this FREE 7-day email course on “How to Start a Making Money Blog”.

How to validate your eBook idea

Validating your eBook idea is one of the most important steps in the eBook writing process.

Let’s face it, just because we think our eBook idea will be a New York Times best-seller, doesn’t necessarily mean it will be.

We can increase our chances at making it an eBook that people will be interested in, but how do we do that?

Validating your eBook idea simply means making sure that your eBook topic will resonate well with your audience by doing further research.

Consider these tips and strategies to validate your eBook topic idea:

  • Ask the subscribers in your email list
  • Find ideas in Facebook Groups on your niche (if you aren’t a blogger, this is a great way to be amongst your ideal audience and see what questions and struggles they are facing)
  • Check what’s popular on Amazon Books on your topic
  • Create a survey and ask your ideal audience (Facebook Groups in your topic of interest are a great place to do this)
  • Ask family and friends

Write the eBook

Now that you have found and validated your eBook topic is time to put it all on paper.

First, consider writing an outline of your eBook.

Start by creating a table of contents. This will enable you to and organize your ideas for an easier workflow and productivity.

Writing an eBook takes time.

The most important thing is that you are consistent. Set aside time each day to write, or set a goal of a certain amount of words per day/week and try to reach it.

eBook writing software

Many people who are looking to learn how to make an eBook believe that there is a fancy eBook writing software you must use.

Truth is, you can use any writing software and make a successful eBook.

To write Blogcabulary Plus I used good old Microsoft Word. Then, once completed (and edited) I saved it in PDF format. More on book formatting later.

Other tools you can use to create your eBook include:

  • Google docs
  • Adobe InDesign
  • iBooks Author (for making books to sell exclusively on Apple iBooks)

Here is a great list of 13 useful softwares to help you to create your own eBook.

eBook editing

Book editing is a really important step in the eBook writing process.

Whether you are the Spelling Bee Champion of the country or need a little help in the grammar department, you need proof readers.

There are a few ways you can edit/proofread your book:

  1. Give the manuscript to friends and family
  2. Offer the free manuscript to a selected group in your audience for them to proofread it
  3. Have it professionally edited

As you can tell, there are different ways you can go about your eBook editing/proofreading process.

Ideally, you would use all there of the aforementioned option.

Remember, your book will be sold to the public and will represent you and your business.

Selling an eBook full of grammatical and syntax errors is a BAD idea.

From personal experience, I didn’t have the time, patience or expertise to edit a 40,000 page eBook.

I wanted my eBook to be the best version of itself, so I reached out to one of the best ladies in the business.

After many recommendations leading to her, I contacted Liz Thompson from House Style Editing.
Honestly, I couldn’t have done it without her.

How to Design your eBook Cover

EBook cover design in another step in the eBook writing process that people find challenging.

You can choose to create it yourself or hire someone to do it. Fiverr is great place to look for graphic designers.

To create a simple and convenient eBook cover you can also use Canva.

Canva is a free graphic design tool which allows you to create beautiful graphics.

Canva has hundreds of templates for different graphic design projects such as social media graphics, check lists, logos, business cards and MUCH more.

To create an eBook cover using Canva, simply create a free new account and sign in.

Once there:

  1. click the Create a Design button (on the left hand side of the menu)
  2. scroll down and click on the Blogging & Books Section
  3. Click on the Book Cover optionHow to Write an eBook and Make Money (A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners) (2)
  4. Pick a template on the left columnHow to Write an eBook and Make Money (A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners) (3)
  5. Change the colors and the design to fit your topic

It is important to note that if you use a picture that you didn’t take yourself or your eBook cover, that you look into the licensing rights for that picture.

If you use a free image from places like Unsplash and Pixabay ensure that you check their terms of service for the right of use.

I designed the Blogbabulary Plus eBook cover myself by using:How to Write an eBook and Make Money (A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners) (4)

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • PSDCovers
  • Creative Market

Adobe Photoshop allows you to create beautiful design including 3D cover designs. Photoshop comes with a bit of a learning curve but there are plenty of YouTube tutorials to walk you through it.

Photoshop also integrates with PSDCovers which enable you to create gorgeous eBook mockups.

Finally, Creative Market has beautiful, unique, and inexpensive images you can use to make your cover. Remember to look for specification on the image licensing.

By creating a free account you will receive six free digital goodies every week straight to your inbox (stock images, fonts, templates, etc.).

If you are a blogger, Creative Market will be your new addiction, lol.

How much to price your eBook

Pricing your eBook will depend on different factors.

Here are a few things to consider:

  • How long is your eBook?
  • What kind of eBook is it? Educational, instructional, fiction, entertainment…
  • Will your eBook be making or saving people money?
  • How much are similar eBooks in your topic going for?
  • Will you be selling the eBook on your website or on a publishing platform(more on this later)?
  • Will you be using tiered pricing?

Woahhhh…. I know that was rapid-fire, but I don’t want you to get caught up in the specifics.

The rule of thumb is pricing your book depending on the platform you will be using to sell your eBook (e.g. blog, Amazon, etc.), and the price that other books in your niche are selling for.

For instance, if you sell your eBook on your blog/website you can price it at $26 because that’s what similar eBooks on your niche/topic are selling for.

If you opt to sell it on Amazon, you might have to sell at $1.99 in order to compete will similar eBooks on your niche/topic.

If you are a blogger and would be selling your eBook from your blog you can also offer tiered pricing to make it more enticing.

Consider the following strategy I used when selling Blogcabulary Plus:

The original price of the eBook is $34.

A few weeks before launch I created a sales page where I included tiered pricing.

  • Waiting list pricing was $23 (I emailed those subscribers a special promo code effective launch day and 72 hours thereafter)
  • The first week, the launch price was $29
  • The regular price is $34

Many people are more inclined to purchase when there is some sort of deal. That makes tiered pricing a great strategy.

What I would have done differently, however, is shortened the launch promo period to only three 3-4 days versus a whole week.

Where to sell your eBook

There are different places where you can sell your eBook.

  • Through your blog/website
  • Through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform
  • Through other publishers

Selling your eBook through your blog

If you are a blogger, then you my friend are in luck. Because that means that you will be able to use your blog as your selling platform.

What does that mean?

Well, a lot of advantages. Some include:

  • you will be able to set your own price
  • collect all profits from your eBook sales
  • You can create an affiliate program for your eBook
  • Collect email addresses for future eBook promotions and future products
  • A simple PDF version of your eBook will do

By creating an affiliate marketing strategy for your eBook you will pay others a commission to your affiliates when they sell your eBook by using their unique affiliate link.

Sounds more complicated than what it is, but trust me isn’t.

We will go into the specifics of selling your eBook through your blog in a minute (landing page, shopping cart, affiliate program, etc.).

Related articles:

Choosing a publishing platform

If you aren’t a blogger or just simply decide to sell your eBook through other means consider the following.

Depending on where you are looking to sell your eBook, you would have to have your eBook formatted accordingly.

According to BookBaby,com, “eBook formatting is a standard design process that turns your eBook’s text and images into an attractive layout for readers to enjoy. It’s similar to printed book interior design and formatting, but focuses solely on your book in the digital space.”

Examples of formats are; .doc, .pdf, .epud, .mobi, etc.

One of the most popular places to publish an eBook is through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform.

KDP allows you to publish your eBook to the Kindle Marketplace for free.

Anyone who owns a Kindle can purchase your book from the marketplace and read a copy on their Kindle.

With this arrangement, you keep 70% of the price of every copy you sell of your book, provided you set that price between $2.99 and $9.99.

The good news is that you will reach a larger audience than you probably would otherwise.

Note: For more information on how to publish an ebook on Amazon along with video step by step instructions on the entire “writing and publishing an ebook” process, checkout Ebook Bestseller Bootcamp eCourse!

Downsides to selling through Amazon KDP:

  • Publishes your eBook only to Kindle readers, limiting your audience
  • Must format your eBook file specifically Kindle readers (EPUB and MOBI)
  • You must set the price range from $0.99-$9.99 to receive 70% profit (however, books that are priced between $0.99-$5.00 tend to do the best)
  • You don’t control the process (promoting, selling, or collecting profit)
  • You don’t get to collect emails
  • You can’t create an affiliate program
  • You can’t offer tier pricing incentives

You can try to tackle the eBook formatting yourself by using available software.

Or can also pay a professional to have your eBook successfully converted to .epub and .mobi files by paying a fee.

I recently converted my eBook to .epub and .mobi files for a special project I am working on.

I tried to do the formatting change myself and it was a total disaster, haha.

Thankfully, Melinda came to the rescue and took care of everything for me.

Promoting your eBook

Promoting your eBook is not something you do one time.

Promoting your eBook is an ongoing process that must take place before, during, and after your eBook launch.

Once again, if you are a blogger you can greatly benefit from your blogging platform to promote your eBook.

Here are a few ideas:

Before launch

  • Use your email list to let them know what you are working on
  • Ask for feedback in Facebook Groups about your eBook options as you design it
  • If using tiered pricing, promote the landing page for waiting list special pricing
  • Create Pinterest Pins to circulate with Tailwind before launch (if you have a waiting list)

During launch

  • Create an email sequence to send to your list during launch week
  • Post on social media
  • Reach out to some of your blogging friends within your niche to help you spread the word
  • Put your Pinterest Pins in circulation using Tailwind

After launch

  • Continue promoting to your list occasionally
  • Continue promoting on social media
  • Write blog posts that reference your book
  • Guest posts on other blogs about your eBook topic
  • Offer special discounts on holidays
  • Create an affiliate program
  • Continue to circulate your Pinterest Pins

If you aren’t a blogger and will be selling your eBook on a publishing platform then social media will be your best bet at promoting your eBook.

Getting ready to launch your eBook

Before your eBook publishes there are certain things you should do in order to ensure a successful launch.

In addition to the aforementioned ways to promote your eBook before launching, there are necessary steps to take before launch.

If you will be selling your eBook through your blog, these include creating a sales page and setting up a shopping cart.

Create a sales page

Your eBook sales page will be the very first impression a potential customer will have of your eBook.

Your eBook might have awesome content, but is your sales page isn’t visually appealing; many people might not buy it.

Unfortunately, when it comes to sales pages and landing pages, potential customers will literally “judge the book by its cover”.

Again, there are many professionals who will be more than willing to help you create a sales page for your eBook for a fee. Fiverr is a great place to find someone to do it for you.

You can also create a sales page by assigning a simple page on your blog to be your sales page.

Many child themes come with a “sales page/landing page” template that enables some landing page features.

The sales page for Blogcabulary Plus was a total hit!

I created myself using Thrive Architect.

Thrive Architect is a page and layout builder plugin for WordPress.

The ease and drag-and-drop features of this amazing tool made it incredibly easy to create a beautiful page.

Thrive Architect has plenty of templates to choose from so you don’t have to worry about having to create anything from scratch.

My favorite part is that you purchase the program with a one-time fee and that’s it.

Thrive Architect is yours for the life of your blog and you can create as many beautiful pages and posts that don’t require code.

Thrive Architect integrates beautifully with WordPress. So, whenever you would like to create a page or post simply click on the big, green button titled “Launch Thrive Architect” on your page/post editor, and voila!

How to Write an eBook and Make Money (A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners) (5)

In addition, they have a fabulous video tutorial database for their customers, so trust me, “user-friendly” is their goal.

Set up Shopping Cart

Once the landing page is done, the next step is to add a payment gateway to collect the funds.

Because you will be selling a digital product it is important that have a system that collects payment and delivers your customer their digital copy simultaneously.

The digital product platform of my choice and that of many other bloggers is SendOwl.

I can’t tell you how easy and convenient this platform is.

For as little as $9/month you can have SendOwl deliver your eBook (up to 10 products) and collect payment.

For just a little bit more ($15/month which is my current plan), SendOwl allows you to also run and manage your own affiliate program.

SendOwl integrates beautifully with most email marketing companies, such as ConvertKit.

You can automate it so that once someone purchases a copy of your eBook through SendOwl, the customer is tagged for future targeted email marketing.

What’s more, you can create a ConvertKit email sequence to be sent out to your eBook customers with the timeline of your choice.

Here is the Blogcabulary Plus, SendOwl-ConvertKit process so that you can see it in action:


  1. Someone purchase my eBook through my landing page (Created as a WordPress Page and edited with Thrive Architect)
  2. Customer will be tagged as “Blogcabulaly Customers” for the targeted email campaign
  3. SendOwl sends the customer a purchase confirmation order on my behalf and links to their downloadable eBook file (in this case PDF).
  4. Automatically, ConvertKit will also send them a Personalized “Thank You” email (created by me) where they will be given the link to opt-in to the affiliate program
  5. A week later, another automated email from ConvertKit will be sent out to that customer checking in on their eBook progress and other specifications


Once you create the affiliate program through SendOwl they will provide you with a special link where others can sign-up for your affiliate program.

Once they do, they will be given a unique link that will track all future sales.

  1. Someone signs up for Blogcabulary Plus affiliate program
  2. Affiliates will be tagged as “Blogcabulaly Affiliates” for the targeted email campaign
  3. They will then receive an automated “welcome email” with detailed information about the program

Blogcabulary Plus affiliates receive a 40% commission forever eBook they sell through their link.

You can also create a free PayPal Business Account. Once integrated with SendOwl, you will automatically receive all profits from your eBook to your PayPal account.

In addition, you will be able to pay your affiliates from PayPal hassle-free by choosing the “Mass Pay” option.

PayPal Mass Pay enables you to upload an affiliate payout .csv file provided by SendOwl every month, and PayPal sends out the mass payment on your behalf.

You can also choose to pay everyone individually.

If you update your eBook, SendOwl conveniently gives you the option of uploading the new copy and distributing it to all of your current customers automatically on your behalf.

Related Article: 7 Non-Negotiable Blogging Tools I Could’t Do Without

Launching your eBook

Yay! You did it!

You made your first eBook and today is the day. Launch day!

What a great feeling… If you have ever launched a product you know exactly what I mean. If you haven’t, get ready to experience the thrill.

It is such a humbling experience to see how an idea to had, became a full-blown product, and an infinite source of passive income.

On launch day you want to make sure that your payment buttons and your sales page are working. You will be surprised how many things could go wrong in the digital world last-minute.

You should have had an email sequence prepared to be sent out to your list during launch week.

Promote your launch on social media by:

  • Posting in Facebook “Promo Days”
  • Circulating Pinterest Pins using Tailwind
  • Tweeting about it
  • Posting on Instagram and creating Instagram stories

Don’t forget to recruit some good blogger friends who can help you spread the word. That is why networking in the blogging world is so important.

You can find more information on networking in “How to use Facebook Groups to Grow your Blog”.

Alright, no doubt that was a lot of hard work.

But, here comes the best part…

Now you have a product that will provide you passive income for years to come.

There isn’t much to do from here except from creating, implementing, and repeating marketing strategies that you learn along the way.

Many of these strategies we covered in the previous section, so just wash, rinse, and repeat.

Another great thing is that once you have gone through the process of making an eBook from beginning to end, you can now make many more eBooks without the beginner roadblocks.

Additional Resources


How to Write an eBook and Make Money (A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners) (6)

If you need detailed guidance including videos, templates, and sale strategies, a lifesaver resourceis Ebook Bestseller Bootcamp by Ana Sauvica.

Ebook Bestseller Bootcamp is a robust course taking you from “not sure what to write about” to publish your own ebook in a few weeks with 25 step-by-step video instructions.

SPECIAL DISCOUNT: Use promo code EBB20OFF to receive a special $20 discount. Click here to claim your $20 discount<<

This super detailed course includes:

  • Get access to 3 modules
  • Over 25 VIDEO lessons
  • and $500 worth in bonuses

Important lessons include:

  • Self-Publishing An Ebook On Amazon
  • Building & Designing A Stunning Sales Page
  • Creating A Launch Plan & Strategy
  • Email Marketing 101 For Ebook Authors
  • 2 Sure-Fire Ways To Sell More Ebook Copies
  • Pinterest Masterclass For Ebook Authors

Bonuses ($500 worth):

  • Power Words Directory (Over 300 powerful words that you can include in your eBook title)
  • Validate Your Ebook Idea Survey Questions + Training
  • The Perfect Sales Page Blueprint
  • A Professional Book Proposal Worksheet
  • The Perfect Ebook Format Template
  • Amazon Self-Publishing Training

Head over to the EBB sales pageto read the full curriculum, testimonials, frequently asked questions, and more.

REMEMBER: Use promo code EBB20OFF to receive a special $20 discount. >> Click here to claim your $20 discount<<


When you know little to nothing about writing and selling an eBook/book, being part of a community that can help you along the way is priceless!

Write.Publish.Sell is a gold mine Facebook community for any aspiring author.

Created and administered by Alexa Haddock Bigwarfe from Write Publish Sell, Alexa’s Facebook Group is a great place to acquire knowledge about writing, selling, and publishing a book.

Her knowledge and support were instrumental in making sure my eBook writing and launching process was successful.

Alexa also offers book coaching services if you need additional help.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it my friend, the entire guide on how to make an eBook and make money step-by-step.

As always, I hope this was helpful to you.

If you have any comments or questions please share them below, and share them if this was helpful to you.

Oh and one more thing… If your audience could benefit from this information, feel free to link this article to a related post in your blog. Remember Google loves relevant and trusted external links.

Alright, off I go.

Happy and profitable eBook creation.

I know this is a lot of info. So don’t forget to Pin for later.

How to Write an eBook and Make Money (A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners) (7)

How to Write an eBook and Make Money (A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners) (2024)


How to Write an eBook and Make Money (A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners)? ›

The most popular categories for best-selling fiction books are as follows: Romance. Crime/Mystery. Science fiction/fantasy.

How to write an eBook for beginners? ›

Before you get started with writing and publishing your very own eBook, there are a few steps to consider and keep in mind along the way.
  1. Identify your target audience. ...
  2. Choose a topic. ...
  3. Do your research. ...
  4. Outline chapters. ...
  5. Write each chapter. ...
  6. Edit your eBook. ...
  7. Design your eBook.

How much money can you make from writing an eBook? ›

Ebook Writer Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$120,500$58
75th Percentile$98,000$47
25th Percentile$60,000$29

What type of ebook sells the most? ›

The most popular categories for best-selling fiction books are as follows: Romance. Crime/Mystery. Science fiction/fantasy.

How long should an ebook be to sell? ›

Ebook length is measured in word count, not page count

Kindle Singles (short-format eBooks): 5,000–30,000 words. Short stories: 5,000+ words. Nonfiction: 10,000+ words. Novels: 50,000+ words.

What should be on the first page of an ebook? ›

There are only two important design elements that should be on your ebook cover page. These are the title and your name, as the author. However, there are optional information and details you can add as well. We're talking about the subtitle, background images, and graphics.

What program should I use to write an ebook? ›

Microsoft Word is the best entry-level ebook creation software. The greatest advantage is that most people know, use, and trust Microsoft Word. The biggest limitation of this tool is that you're limited to creating an ebook in PDF format.

Do ebooks sell well? ›

Is It Profitable to Sell Ebooks? Ebooks are profitable, but simply publishing one is not enough. eBooks are profitable when they are marketed and sold properly with intent. Some authors who use Amazon to publish their ebooks can potentially make $1000+ a month.

How much does Amazon pay per eBook? ›

Public domain eBook sales pay a 35% royalty. If you also have a physical edition (e.g., a paperback), the list price of your eBook must be at least 20% below the price of the print edition in order to qualify for the 70% royalty.

Who is the richest eBook writer? ›

The writing world is abuzz about Amanda Hocking, the 26-year-old self-published author who sold over 450,000 copies of her e-books in January alone, mostly priced between 99 cents and $2.99. She's now a millionaire.

How to create an eBook to sell? ›

How to Write an Ebook
  1. Choose a topic that matches your audience's needs.
  2. Conduct research.
  3. Outline each chapter of your ebook.
  4. Break down each chapter as you write.
  5. Design your ebook.
  6. Use the right colors.
  7. Incorporate visuals.
  8. Highlight quotes or stats.
Feb 2, 2024

How to make an ebook from scratch? ›

Launch Canva and type "Ebook" in the search bar to start.
  1. Search for a template. Canva's library of eBook templates includes layouts for every style and theme. ...
  2. Experiment with features. Explore high-quality stock photos, images, illustrations, icons and other graphics. ...
  3. Keep customizing. ...
  4. Publish and share.

Is making an ebook easy? ›

Сreating an ebook may seem a bit scary, but it's easier than you think, and you are definitely able to make an ebook on your own from start to finish. It won't be an amateur document no one wants to read, but a beautiful enticing ebook that grabs readers' attention.

Can I use Canva to make an ebook? ›

Go to Canva and type "ebook" in the search bar. It'll show you hundreds of templates, some of them will be free and others will be premium. You can also choose to design your ebook from scratch instead of using a template. To do this, select either A4 or US letter size for pages.

Can I write and sell an eBook? ›

Ebooks give you a place to dive deeper into a subject than you can on a blog post. You can create and sell an ebook quickly. You can repurpose existing content into an ebook, which means it won't take long to make. You also don't need a lot of equipment or software to get started.

Can anyone write and sell an eBook? ›

Yes! Even digital ones. In this guide, we'll be going over the many ways you can sell ebooks online or on your own website, top writing tips on how to write compelling and profitable ebooks, and how you can successfully market your published work to generate leads and boost your sales.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.