'I Can't Stop Thinking About You:' Explanations and Ways to Cope (2024)

“I can’t stop thinking about you” can be a way of expressing interest in a romantic relationship, but what does it mean when you can’t get someone off of your mind. There are times when people might take precedence in your mind, particularly at the outset of a new romance.

The whirlwind of emotion and feelings of fledgling love can make it difficult to focus on anyone other than the object of your affection.

Sometimes this feeling can be a positive, albeit heady, experience that gradually fades as the initial infatuation, heightened excitement, emotion, and passion gradually temper into a steadier state of love. But sometimes, feeling like you can’t get someone off your mind—whether that person is a new crush or someone else—can be intrusive, disruptive, and distressing.

At a Glance

Factors like attraction, fascination, and admiration might explain why you feel like you can't stop thinking about someone. Sometimes, this interest might be a sign of a problem, so it's important to recognize when this represents more of an obsession than mere interest.

If you want to know how to stop thinking about someone, there are strategies that can help. Avoiding triggers, challenging your thoughts, taking care of yourself, and talking to someone about the problem may help.

Reasons Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Someone

There are a wide variety of reasons why you might think about someone often. Possible reasons:

  • You are attracted to that individual
  • You are fascinated by what they think, say, or do
  • You are impressed by something they have accomplished
  • They have qualities that you appreciate
  • There are similarities in your backgrounds, goals, or experiences
  • You feel a connection with them

Unfortunately, sometimes thinking of someone all the time is the result of negative feelings. In such cases, the other person might occupy your thoughts because you dislike them or because you are afraid of them or what they might do.

Factors That Can Play a Role

If you find yourself constantly thinking of a single person, it is important to consider some of the factors that might be playing a role.


In some cases, you might find that you can’t stop thinking about someone because you are attracted to them. There are many different types of attraction, so your interest might stem from a romantic, physical, sexual, emotional, or intellectual attraction to that person.


Attachment can also cause you to think about another person. This can happen in close relationships, such as friendships or romantic partnerships, but it can also occur in other types of relationships. You might feel attached to a boss, mentor, teacher, or even a celebrity.

Emotional attachments are important for mental well-being. But sometimes, these attachments are not healthy—or even toxic. In such cases, they can contribute to anxiety, insecurity, low self-esteem, and obsessive thinking.

Problems with attachment, such as having an anxious or preoccupied attachment style, can also lead to a great deal of insecurity in relationships. People who experience attachment anxiety may spend an excessive amount of time thinking about their relationships and seeking reassurance from others.

Mental Health Conditions

Obsessive thoughts centered on a single individual may sometimes stem from unresolved or untreated mental health symptoms. Such thoughts may be influenced by:

  • Anxiety: Feeling of anxiety can sometimes contribute to worries or intrusive thoughts linked to a specific individual. For example, people who have generalized anxiety disorder may experience excessive worry about the health and safety of loved ones.
  • Loneliness: Sometimes you might find yourself thinking about someone because you are feeling lonely and are longing for their company or companionship.
  • Low self-esteem: In some instances, low self-esteem might lead people to think about others who they do not have the confidence to approach in real life.This can contribute to feeling preoccupied with that person.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): OCD is characterized by obsessions (repeated thoughts and images) and compulsions (repetitive behaviors). Obsessive thoughts often center on things such as fear of germs or a need for order, but they can sometimes be focused on a specific individual.

If your thoughts are accompanied by other symptoms that create distress or disrupt your ability to function in your daily life, consider talking to a healthcare practitioner or a mental health provider.


It’s important to remember that not being able to get someone off your mind does not give you permission to intrude on that individual’s time or space unless they welcome or return those feelings. If you are interested in building a closer relationship with that person, let them know and see if they reciprocate those feelings. If they do not, it is important to respect their boundaries and look for ways to deal with your thoughts.

Signs Thinking About Someone Might Be a Problem

Not being able to stop thinking about someone can sometimes be normal or even pleasant, such as the feeling that you get in the early stages of a romantic relationship. But it can often be a problem if it is linked to a deeper mental health issue or if it causes disruptions in other areas of your life.

Some signs that this type of thinking might be a problem include:

  • You are fixated on a person to the point that it interferes with your ability to focus on other things
  • Your thoughts are accompanied by anxiety, depression, or other mental health symptoms
  • Your thoughts about the person are intrusive and unwanted
  • You find yourself monitoring, following, or stalking the person online or in person
  • You are making repeated attempts to contact the person, even if they have made it clear that they do not want to talk to you
  • You are making plans or taking steps to harm yourself or the other person

If you are experiencing any of these signs, it is important to reach out for help. Talking to a therapist or another mental health professional can help you understand your thoughts and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact theNational Suicide Prevention Lifelineat988for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911.

For more mental health resources, see ourNational Helpline Database.

How to Stop Thinking of Someone

If you find that you can’t stop thinking about someone, there are a few things you can do to try to reduce the frequency of those thoughts or at least make them less distressing.

Identify Your Triggers

One of the first steps in managing intrusive thoughts is to identify what might be causing them. If you can be aware of what tends to set off these thinking patterns, you can sometimes avoid those triggers—or at least be prepared to deal with them.

Some common triggers for thinking about someone include:

  • Seeing the person in person
  • Thinking about things that remind you of that person
  • Seeing the person’s name
  • Hearing the person’s voice

Once you have identified your triggers, look for ways to minimize them as much as possible. If you can’t avoid your triggers, find ways to cope with them.

For example, if you know that hearing the person’s voice will trigger thoughts about them, have something else ready to listen to so you can distract yourself.

Challenge Your Thoughts

Another way to deal with intrusive thoughts is to challenge them. This means taking a close look at the thoughts and asking yourself if they are really true. You may often find that the thoughts you can’t stop thinking about might be based on unfounded assumptions or irrational anxieties.

For example, you might find yourself thinking about someone all the time because you are convinced that they are angry at you. What this really means is that you might be using cognitive distortions such as jumping to conclusions and mind-reading, which cause you to make assumptions about what the other person is thinking.

By challenging your thoughts, you can start to see them for what they really are: irrational and based on fear. This can help you to start to let go of those obsessive, intrusive thoughts.

Focus on Self-Care

Another way to deal with intrusive thoughts is to focus on taking care of yourself by making sure that you are taking care of your physical and mental health. When you are feeling good physically and mentally, you are less likely to be focused on intrusive thoughts.

Some self-care activities that can help reduce intrusive thoughts include:

  • Exercising
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation

It is also important to make sure that you are not using alcohol or drugs to cope with your thoughts. While it might seem like substances can offer a temporary reprieve from your uncomfortable, distracting, or upsetting thoughts, they can often make this thinking worse and lead to more problems in the long run.

Talk to Someone

If you are struggling to stop thinking about another person on your own, it might also be helpful to talk to a trusted friend or loved one about what you are experiencing. This can be a helpful way to get some emotional support and gain additional perspective on the situation.

Enlisting the help of other people in your life means you’ll have someone to turn to if your thoughts become overwhelming. They can also help you make a plan for how to deal with the problem and offer to help find ways to keep you distracted from your thoughts.

Seek Professional Help

If you find that you can’t stop thinking about someone and it is affecting your ability to function effectively in your daily life, it is important to seek professional help. A therapist can help you understand your thoughts and develop healthier ways to cope.

A mental health professional may recommend treatments such as talk therapy, medications, or a combination of both. Types of therapy that may help include cognitive-behavioral therapy or dialectical behavior therapy. Medications that might be prescribed include antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs.

The specific treatment your therapist or doctor recommends will depend on your situation, symptoms, and diagnosis.

Keep in Mind

If thinking about someone so much is interfering with your ability to function in your daily life or causing distress, it is important to take steps to get out of this thought pattern. There are a number of steps that you can take on your own, but talking to a mental health professional can also be helpful.

If You Still Miss Them or Are Struggling to Move On, These Tips Can Help

'I Can't Stop Thinking About You:' Explanations and Ways to Cope (2024)


How do you respond to "I can't stop thinking about you"? ›

The 11 Best Ways to Respond to an "I'm Thinking About You" Text
  1. 1 “The thought of you thinking about me is really exciting!”
  2. 2 “Hmm, I was thinking about tacos but I like where you're headed here.”
  3. 3 “Then think about this—I can't wait to see you Saturday.”
  4. 4 “Same here. ...
  5. 5 “Thank you, that's nice to hear.”
Feb 25, 2022

What to say when a man says he can't stop thinking about you? ›

I hope this is good news for you, if not don't play him along let him know how you feel if you don't feel the same way.. You have many options, depending on how you feel about him and what the nature of your relationship is. A few examples: I think about you too!

How do you stop thinking about a problem you can't solve? ›

These tips can help you move in the right direction.
  1. Step back and look at how you're responding. ...
  2. Find a distraction. ...
  3. Take a deep breath. ...
  4. Meditate. ...
  5. Look at the bigger picture. ...
  6. Do something nice for someone else. ...
  7. Recognize automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) ...
  8. Acknowledge your successes.
Jul 3, 2024

What does it mean when someone says I can t stop thinking about you? ›

Reasons Why You Can't Stop Thinking About Someone

Possible reasons: You are attracted to that individual. You are fascinated by what they think, say, or do. You are impressed by something they have accomplished. They have qualities that you appreciate.

How to respond when he says I'm thinking about you? ›

How to Reply to a "Thinking of You" Text
  • 1 "Thank you. Hope you've been well!”
  • 2 "You always know what I need to hear.”
  • 3 "Thanks. I'm lucky to have you as a friend.”
  • 4 "Things have been tough, but your words help.”
  • 5 "I needed to hear that. Wanna catch up soon?”
  • 6 "Thanks. ...
  • 7 "Only good things, right?”
  • 8 "Oh yeah?

How do you get over a guy you cant stop thinking about? ›

The 12 strategies below can help you refresh your focus.
  1. Figure out why. ...
  2. Focus on the facts. ...
  3. Accept instead of reject. ...
  4. Write it down. ...
  5. Find a positive distraction. ...
  6. Work on self-discovery. ...
  7. Prioritize meeting your own needs. ...
  8. Keep a healthy distance.

Is it love If I can't stop thinking about him? ›

Many times, explains Sitka, “love” isn't what you're experiencing when you can't stop thinking about someone, especially if you barely know them. “The feelings we can develop for an unrequited love can be quite intense, but it is different from real love,” she says.

What does psychology say when you can t stop thinking about someone? ›

Strung-out and sleep deprived, assailed by intrusive thoughts and a craving that won't turn off. You can't get them out of your head. That mental state of romantic obsession is known as limerence, and one of the commonest causes of it is infatuation for someone you can't have.

What does it mean when you suddenly can t stop thinking about someone? ›

Things You Should Know

You may be thinking about someone because you're attracted to them, or you admire their positive traits and accomplishments. If you can't stop thinking about an ex, you may be idealizing your relationship with them, or you may have unresolved feelings about them.

How do you know someone is thinking about you? ›

You may receive a text or phone call from the person out of the blue, or they may send you a gift or card for no apparent reason. This could be a sign that they are thinking of you and want to reach out and connect with you. Another sign that someone is thinking of you is seeing repeated symbols or coincidences.

How to stop overthinking about someone you love? ›

  1. Strategy 1: Gain Awareness Into Why You Overthink.
  2. Strategy 2: Develop Trust.
  3. Strategy 3: Share With Your Partner.
  4. Strategy 4: Be clear with yourself about what it is you really need in a relationship.
  5. Strategy 5: Make Positivity A Habit.
  6. Strategy 6: Be Present.
  7. Strategy 7: Fill Your Time.
  8. Strategy 8: Start Journaling.
Jul 28, 2021

How to let something go that bothers you? ›

Exercise, journaling, and talking to a trusted friend or therapist are great ways to release pent-up emotions and gain clarity. For example, after a tough day, take a brisk walk in nature to clear your mind, or write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal to process your emotions.

How do I stop dwelling on things that bother me? ›

6 Ways to Stop Dwelling on It
  1. Distract Yourself. Put on music and dance, scrub the bathtub spotless, whatever engrosses you—for at least 10 minutes. ...
  2. Make a Date to Dwell. ...
  3. 3 Minutes of Mindfulness. ...
  4. Call a Friend. ...
  5. The Best and Worst Scenarios. ...
  6. How to Move On.

How do you respond to I'm just thinking about you? ›

Say thank you. And, if you are thinking about them, say I am also thinking about you a lot these days. I hope you're keeping well and always remember that I am there for you whenever you need me.. I've had this happen.

How to respond to what are you thinking about? ›

You can be honest and sincere, or try a flirty response.
  1. Be honest: You can tell him what you're actually thinking about, or something you know he takes pride in. ...
  2. Be flirty: You can try a jokey response like "Good question. ...
  3. Ask him back: You can say something like "Me too.
Jun 21, 2024

How to respond to a heartfelt message? ›

You might say, I love you, too, more than words can express. If you're not ready to say it back, be honest and kind. You could say, thank you for sharing your feelings. I need a little more time to be sure of mine.

How do I respond to "I care about you"? ›

Respond with “I care about you too” to let the other person know how important they are, or use “I appreciate it, but I don't feel the same” to politely reject them.

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