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What Are Utility Tokens?

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The cryptocurrency world is chock-full of technical terms and financial jargon. Even for the most experienced investors, these concepts can be difficult to grasp. Take the terms coin and token for instance. Despite referring to assets with completely different investment characteristics, these terms are often used interchangeably. To have a better understanding of what utility tokens are, it’s helpful to define what cryptocurrency, coin, and security tokens are in conjunction.


The word cryptocurrency refers to both coins and tokens since it is an umbrella term for any digital asset that is exchanged over a blockchain ledger. This means that cryptocurrency is a word used to recognize the overarching technology of blockchain and encryption used to establish a medium of exchange.

Now, let’s consider the difference between a coin and a token. Essentially, a coin is a medium of exchange like the USD. It can be used in exchange for everything or anything. Therefore, coins are the very definition of “currency”, since they are easily exchangeable for goods and services. An example of a coin would be Bitcoin or Litecoin.

On the other hand, a token is a digital asset that’s tied to a very specific blockchain project. When a company launches a blockchain project, they will often offer a token in exchange for capital from interested investors. Since these tokens don’t hold any value outside of the scope of the project, they are not easily exchangeable for goods, services or other assets; unlike coins.

You can find out more about differences between coins and tokens in this article Coins vs Tokens here at GetSmart Hub.

Lastly, let’s discuss the difference between a utility token and a security token. It’s all comes down to functionality. Basically, a utility token gets its name based on its ability to be used to purchase a good or service provided by the issuer of the token sometime in the future. Therefore, a utility token is like a coupon or voucher, which may be redeemed at a later date.

This is in contrast to a security token which does not have any future utility for its holder. Security tokens are simply equity that has been issued by the blockchain company. Like a stock or promissory note. We’ll talk more about the different types of tokens in the following articles.

4 min read

What Are Utility Tokens?

You may have noticed a lot of cryptocurrencies popping up in the last year, but did you know the word cryptocurrency refers to both coins and tokens? To a certain extent, these words have been used interchangeably, but it’s likely that the cryptocurrencies you are most familiar with like Bitcoin and Litecoin, are coins, not tokens. Coins have different investment characteristics compared to tokens. While coins are general storage of value that can be exchanged for goods and services, tokens are backed by a unique initiative and represent specific assets. In this article, we will take a deeper dive into utility tokens, which grant access to a specialized good or service in the future, like a voucher or coupon.


The word token usually refers to a type of cryptocurrency that is tied to a unique project. Utility tokens give their holder special access to a product or service in the future. Usually, these tokens are distributed to reward investors for their interest in a project. However, for a utility token to hold any value, the custodian of the token must be informed of its use directly from the company. Since they have such specific functionality, these tokens are not easily exchangeable, compared to a coin like Bitcoin.

Utility tokens are powerful tools for companies to generate interest in their blockchain projects. When a company is planning a project, they will announce an ICO (initial coin offering) to interested investors. When an ICO is launched, the company conducts a Crowdsale, where interested parties can purchase utility tokens. Utility tokens are a special kind of virtual currency that resides on its own blockchainand give access to the specialized products or services the company is working on.

This helps the company generate capital, as a fundraiser, and allows interested investors to be rewarded for their contribution. It’s also important to note, utility tokens are beneficial for the company because they don’t cost much, but can be applied as useful marketing tactics.


It is important to understand that utility tokens are exempt from Federal tax laws governing other financial asset classes, meaning they are not yet regulated investment vehicles. A utility token is like a coupon for a retailer or a ticket to an event, which is why, investing in a utility token and hoping for its price to increase based on the hype around a project, is similar to buying tickets to a hockey game and hoping for the team to win more games. The demand for these tokens can be very difficult to predict, making the returns a lot riskier and certainly not guaranteed.

Although these tokens have yielded high returns in the past, it can be limiting to hold on to utility tokens if you are not aware of their function. These tokens are not easily exchangeable, so their demand must really be apparent for them to have any investment potential. Although demand for tokens tends to bump up near project launch dates, such speculation can seriously backfire. Therefore, it is always important to recognize the risk associated with such ventures, before committing funds to them.


In these early years of cryptocurrency market development, there is still a lot of misinformation circulating the crypto space, so broadening your knowledge base becomes vital towards making informed investment decisions. Otherwise, it can be easy to get coaxed into exchanging your more easily transferable Bitcoin for a utility token you may know nothing about. The rule of thumb is, if you don’t know what a utility token does, then it’s basically worthless, like receiving a gift card for a store you’ve never even heard of.

Since authorities are still struggling with how to regulate the market, as an investor you must understand the limitations of your own risks and returns. By learning more about the characteristics of utility tokens, you can knowledgeably manage your own risk and return expectations.

You can start learning all about cryptocurrency here at CoinSmart’s GetSmart Hub, where we explain the basic concepts and discuss the hottest topics in cryptocurrency industry for all levels of investors from total beginners to the wolves of Wall Street. Share this article on social and let us know if you have any questions!

7 min read

What Are Utility Tokens?


Coins are a term reserved for cryptocurrency assets that are easily exchangeable for goods and services and therefore are equivalent to a more traditional form of “currency”. Similar to fiat currencies like USD or CAD, these coins behave like traditional money since they are fungible, divisible and easily exchangeable. The most common example of this would be Bitcoin.

On the other hand, assets called tokens, often don’t carry much value outside the scope of the blockchain project that issued them. These are still technically “cryptocurrencies” since that term is just a broad way of recognizing digital assets that are exchanged using an encrypted distributed ledger. However, tokens, do not function in the same way as coins since they are not easily exchangeable for goods and services, unlike traditional forms of money. An example of this would be ERC-20 tokens.

Since tokens are tied to a specific blockchain entity, their value is derived from the workings of this project. For example, if the underlying blockchain project that issued the token has not garnered much attention from investors, the value of the token will be lower. Therefore, the value of a token is completely dependent on the blockchain with which it is associated.

Although the inner workings of a blockchain can have an impact on the value of coins as well, the prices of these assets are also dependent on other factors. For example, the fact that a coin can easily be exchanged for other crypto or fiat currencies has a major impact on its price. Ultimately, the price of the coin is then determined not just by its own blockchain network, but also in the context of assets for which it can be exchanged.


The difference between a security token and utility token is rooted in the names. A security token is equivalent to financial security like a stock or bond. These are issued by blockchain companies to generate capital but also act as a representation of equity held by the investor in the company. Therefore, security tokens function as financial assets.

As for utility tokens, the “utility” is a good or service provided by the issuer which can be purchased using these tokens at a later date. Essentially, utility tokens are like a pre-order or a concert ticket since they have a very specific function that can only be redeemed at a certain date in the future. As such, utility tokens are not like traditional financial assets. Granted, utility tokens may still be traded for coins or currency if there is an interested counterparty, similar to how a concert ticket may be sold if there is a willing buyer. However, there may not always be enough of a market presence to execute such trades at a fair price.

Utility tokens can be used for a wide range of functions outside of simple transactions. For example, The Aventus Protocol promises to deliver a “Blockchain for Ticketing”. The Aventus website states that “The protocol permits rights holders to define rules across the ticketing supply-chain including promoters, venues, primary/secondary agents – to which everyone must adhere.” In this instance, the blockchain would deploy a utility token that represents the tickets to a concert or event. These utility tokens would then be distributed based on certain permissions established by the rights holder, like the performing artist.


In 2017, as more upcoming blockchain companies issued tokens to generate investment capital for their projects began emerging, there was an opportunity to exploit the lack of regulations. The tokens space quickly gained the reputation of the
‘Wild West’ as many tokens were exposed to be scams.

This has led to efforts by certain token issuers to try to self regulate. In fall 2017, at the peak of the ICO craze, the Token Alliance was formed, which had private sector companies, law firms, exchanges and consultancies amongst its members. This organization was created in an effort to self-regulate the token market.

The other regulatory body that has a large impact on the status of tokens is the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC is an independent federal body in the United States responsible for enforcing securities laws, proposing securities rules, and regulating the securities industry. Therefore, many curious investors outside of the U.S. have looked to the SEC for the security classification of tokens.

The SEC uses the “Howey Test” for testing whether an instrument qualifies as an investment contract in terms of the securities act. This four pronged test from the 1940’s is used to determine if an instrument, like tokens, can be classified as a security, and therefore regulated as such by the SEC. This classification is important since it can help stabilize these volatile markets.

However, in the past year, the SEC has charged several token companies with issuing unregistered securities on a case by case basis, which has created even more uncertainty in the market, since no clear-cut rules have been implemented across the board.


All in all, it’s important to understand the role that tokens play in the world of blockchain. The fact of the matter is, cryptocurrency cannot be stripped from blockchain technology. Often times, the “blockchain without bitcoin” narrative is sold to curious investors, however, digitized tokens are central to the incentive and security model that makes blockchain technology so promising. Therefore, regulations surrounding tokens will be critical for how these markets develop in the future.

Disclaimer: This post is intended for informational purposes only. The views expressed in this post are not, and should not be construed as investment advice or recommendations. This document is not an offer, nor the solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell any of the assets mentioned herein.

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It may be due to lack of adequate sleep and rest, distractions while reading, poor nutrition, failure to choose the right book, or memory issues such as decay or shallow processing. As you move through life and gain new experiences, your brain is continually undergoing some upgrades.

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Reading encourages critical thinking by helping students think differently, use prior knowledge, question facts, identify issues, provide solutions, connect with the text and the world, and justify arguments with examples.

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Only highlight after you've reached the end of a paragraph or a section. Stop and think about what you read and determine the main concepts before you highlight. This will help you pinpoint key concepts and decrease mindless highlighting. Limit yourself to highlighting one sentence or phrase per paragraph.

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‍Why do I struggle to retain information? ‍Your retention abilities might be meager due to a lack of brain training and stimulative exercises that target cognition and creative thinking and challenge your memory.

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Anterograde amnesia is a type of memory loss that occurs when you can't form new memories. In the most extreme cases, this means you permanently lose the ability to learn or retain any new information. On its own, this type of memory loss is rare. Anterograde amnesia is often temporary.

How do you retain 90% of what you read? ›

Studies cite that the average person retains 90% of what they learn when they teach the concept or immediately put it into practice. When teaching or applying a concept, you'll quickly identify your areas of weakness. Revisit the material until you feel confident in your ability to explain it to someone else.

Can you improve reading retention? ›

Improving a student's reading retention requires practice and active reading strategies. Parents and teachers who sit down with a child and read will provide more opportunities for the student to test their skills and learn strategies for improving retention.

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Despite this, there are still recommended guidelines to the amount of time a person should spend on the activity. Although there isn't a definitive set time that people must read for, many studies suggest that a daily reading habit of around 15-35 minutes is a good amount of time to aim for.

What are the 7 habits of good readers? ›

To improve students' reading comprehension, teachers should introduce the seven cognitive strategies of effective readers: activating, inferring, monitoring-clarifying, questioning, searching-selecting, summarizing, and visualizing-organizing.

What are the 7 reading skills? ›

The seven strategies of highly skilled readers include activating, summarizing, monitoring and clarifying, visualizing and organizing, searching and selecting, questioning, and inferring.

What to highlight when reading? ›

Highlight key words and phrases instead of full sentences. When looking back over these words and phrases, quiz yourself on them before reading further. Consider color-coding: choose one color for definitions and key points and another color for examples.

Why do I keep forgetting everything I read? ›

One of the reasons we forget information is because we're trying to process too much at once. Our working memory can only handle so much information at a time, so if we're bombarded with too much information, we're likely to forget most of it. One way to combat this is to chunk information together.

How can I improve my reading retention of information? ›

7 Effective Tips for Active Reading
  1. Identify Unfamiliar Words and Phrases. ...
  2. Make Notes, Outlines, or Highlights. ...
  3. Learn the Main Idea and Key Concepts. ...
  4. Ask Questions–Lots of Them. ...
  5. Think Beyond the Text. ...
  6. Visualization. ...
  7. Write or Present a Book Summary.
Jul 29, 2022

Why am I missing words when I read? ›

If you notice that he skips words or lines while reading, it may be more than just carelessness or disinterest. The actual reason behind this issue could be a visual processing problem such as poor eye tracking skills, Auditory processing disorder (APD), Dyslexia or even Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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Acute memory loss: Commonly known as amnesia, this usually happens because of a sudden illness, injury or other events that disrupt your memory processes. Progressive memory loss: This is memory loss that happens gradually. It's sometimes a symptom of a degenerative brain disease.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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