I Tried the At-Home Snow Teeth Whitening Kit, and It Brightened My Smile in Three Weeks Flat (2024)

Everyone needs a good toothbrush and toothpaste, but sometimes brushing your teeth just isn’t enough to keep your teeth pearly white — that’s where teeth whitening kits come in. It’s not superficial to want a radiating smile. After all, a beautiful smile holds more than cosmetic value: It's that special ability to emote, initiate social connection and just feel more confident. So when I recently heard about the Snow Teeth Whitening Kit touted for its long-lasting results, I couldn’t contain my curiosity — would it actually make my teeth shine brighter?

I've tried several whitening products in the past, and as the story goes, my teeth and gums became extremely sensitive. Up until recently, I had bid farewell to these DIY teeth whitening products. With the promising allure of gum friendliness and visible results, Snow lured me out of retirement to begin a teeth whitening expedition in uncovering if Snow's teeth whitening lives up to its claims.

Snow Wireless Teeth Whitening System

I Tried the At-Home Snow Teeth Whitening Kit, and It Brightened My Smile in Three Weeks Flat (1)

Snow Wireless Teeth Whitening System

How does Snow Teeth Whitening work?

First things first, there are two kits you can choose from: the Original Teeth Whitening Kit ($149) and the new Wireless Teeth Whitening System ($299). I tried the latter 21-day wireless teeth whitening system, which includes a wireless LED mouthpiece, two whitening wands and an extra-strength whitening serum. The mouthpiece offers dual-light therapy: Its blue LED light claims to whiten teeth and its red LED light claims to support healthy gums. The LED mouthpiece supposedly enhances the serum and is meant to provide longer-lasting results.

Curious as to what makes your teeth whiter? The Snow whitener serum contains hallmark whitening agents hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, plus peppermint oil for a nice flavor. "Peroxide gels break down into water, oxygen and reactive oxygen molecules," according to Sophia Nichols, D.M.D., owner of the eponymous dental practice in Brick Township, New Jersey. "These reactive oxygen molecules treat both the enamel and dentin, oxidizing the bonds of discolored stain molecules. By changing the stain molecules, the tooth becomes lighter."

Teeth whitening happens during peroxide's contact time with teeth — it needs an appropriate amount of time to permeate the enamel, Dr. Nichols says. So, DIY kits like Snow's has less to do with an LED light and more to do with peroxide as an ingredient. The light is most often used as a means to activate the gel as it may help break apart the gel and accelerate the whitening reaction process. "This doesn’t necessarily mean longer-lasting results, as that depends on the patient’s diet and lifestyle which will re-stain the teeth over time," she says.

How to use Snow Teeth Whitening at home

The kit came with instructions on its best practices and steps to follow but even without a guide, I could figure out how to use it just fine. Snow recommends beginning with a 21-day challenge of daily teeth whitening, so I got started: I began by brushing my teeth for two minutes, then rinsing. After, I opened up the tube of serum and brushed a thin layer directly onto my teeth. (Tip: If it’s your first time opening the bottle, twist the tube a few extra times until the serum is visible on the top of the wand.)

I Tried the At-Home Snow Teeth Whitening Kit, and It Brightened My Smile in Three Weeks Flat (4)

During use of the Snow Teeth Whitening Kit.

Once I applied the serum to my teeth, I tapped the power button on the LED mouthpiece and inserted it into my mouth. First impressions: I found the mouthpiece uncomfortable and thought there was no way I would willingly endure it for 21 days. It fit awkwardly into my mouth, and I had to position my head in just the right way in order for it to be bearable (try lying down with your head slightly propped up). Fortunately, I adjusted to the discomfort within a few days, so don’t give up right away — it does get better.

I whitened for about nine minutes as this was the minimum time per day Snow recommended, though you can go up to 30 minutes. Press the button again to use the red light for your gums, which claims to reduce negative bacteria and support healthy gums. I finished off by rinsing my mouth and mouthpiece with water. Patting the mouthpiece dry and placing it back into the charging dock, it was already ready for the next day.

By the end of my month-long journey, my initial discomfort was far from my mind. In fact, I made it a part of my daily nighttime routine. I set a 10-minute timer on my phone, laid in bed and let Snow work its magic. It merely became a habit I performed while scrolling through TikTok or resting my eyes. Most importantly: I never experienced actual pain or sensitivity before, during or after treatment.

The before and after

I captured my whitening results about a month apart from when I first started. In the end, my 21-day endeavor actually resulted in around 31 days. (I forgot my kit at home when traveling, so I took a week-long break before I finished the remaining days). Still, I saw noticeable results by the end of my month-long journey. While there are other white strips that have the potential to brighten teeth just as effectively, Snow won me over for the lack of pain and lack of hypersensitivity I experienced (which I have when using other products in the past).

I Tried the At-Home Snow Teeth Whitening Kit, and It Brightened My Smile in Three Weeks Flat (5)

Before using the Snow Teeth Whitening Kit.

I Tried the At-Home Snow Teeth Whitening Kit, and It Brightened My Smile in Three Weeks Flat (6)

After using the Snow Teeth Whitening Kit.

Is Snow Teeth Whitening safe?

A class action lawsuit was brought against Snow in 2020 for false advertising, with regards to the "product’s overall popularity, FDA approval, awards and accolades and germ-fighting capabilities." That said, the lawsuit doesn't allege that the product is unsafe; rather, "the consumer says the company commits flagrant false advertising about the efficacy of its products." In August 2021, Snow filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, but the outcome of this motion is yet to be determined.

According to Dr. Nichols, the FDA regulates teeth whitening products on a case-by-case basis, depending on the formulation and use. However, most teeth whitening products are classified as cosmetic, and therefore may not be subject to FDA approval.

Consumers can protect themselves against potentially harmful teeth whitening products by having a complete dental check-up. "Teeth that are decayed or broken down should not be bleached as this could cause sensitivity and irritate the pulp tissue (nerve of the tooth)," Dr. Nichols says. "Whitening under dental supervision, either in-office or at-home, is most likely to create the most positive patient experience and best results."

Does Snow Teeth Whitening damage enamel?

Snow teeth whitening won’t damage the enamel if used as directed, but Snow recommends not to exceed 30 minutes per day of teeth whitening. “It’s important not to overdo over-the-counter teeth whitening. There is a limit as to how much teeth will whiten by bleaching them,” Dr. Nichols explains. “It could burn the gum tissue if it's not used properly, just like other bleaching systems." Over bleaching can make teeth look unnatural and give off a blue-grayish, translucent look.

How long do the Snow Teeth Whitening results last?

Results can last for around a full calendar year, according to Snow PR rep Cassidy Lunney. "It depends a lot on outside factors like intake of foods/beverages that are more prone to staining teeth, etc. Some users may see results last for multiple years,” she said. “To get started we recommend taking the 21-day whitening challenge for fast and visibly whiter results.” The kit comes with 75+ treatments, so you can refresh with a session anytime you feel your smile needs a touchup.

The bottom line: Is Snow Teeth Whitening worth it?

The Snow Wireless Teeth Whitening Kit exceeded my expectations. Once I pushed through the initial discomfort of the mouthpiece, the process felt seamless. I saw noticeable results despite taking a week's break in between use due to traveling. Price-wise, the kit is certainly up there, but I found it a worthy investment if it's within your budget and if you want to amp up your oral routine. If you’re seeking to whiten your teeth in the short term (perhaps for a special event) there are plenty of cheaper options, such as Crest Whitestrips and Snow teeth whitening strips. Whichever option you choose, your pearly whites will thank you for it.

Get Snow Wireless Teeth Whitening Kit

I Tried the At-Home Snow Teeth Whitening Kit, and It Brightened My Smile in Three Weeks Flat (7)

Marielle Marlys

Freelance Writer

Marielle Marlys is a freelance writer at Good Housekeeping and Cosmopolitan who graduated from New York University with a degree in Journalism and Global Liberal Studies, and with a Master of Arts in International Relations and Affairs. Additionally, she has held internships at Modern Luxury, Good Housekeeping and Cosmopolitan magazines, CNBC, The Borgen Project, and Almost 30 podcast. Although Marielle is a proud Jersey girl, she has also lived in Florence, Italy and Madrid, Spain.

I Tried the At-Home Snow Teeth Whitening Kit, and It Brightened My Smile in Three Weeks Flat (2024)
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