Identifying & Exploring Risk on DeFi Lending Protocols (2024)

DeFilending protocols are decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms that allow users to borrow and lend cryptocurrencies without intermediaries such as banks.In these protocols, borrowers can use their cryptocurrency holdings as collateral to secure a loan. The collateral is held by the protocol and is released back to the borrower once the loan is repaid. On the other side, lenders can earn interest on their cryptocurrency holdings by lending them out to borrowers on the platform.

The considerable growth of the crypto industry has lured in hundreds of billions of dollars. However, as the industry has expanded, the number ofscamsand vulnerabilities has also increased.These risks are not yet fully understood at the individual and protocol levels. This article aims to provide clarity on the most significant economic risk vectors for DeFi’s lending protocols. We examine the major components of lending protocols and what factors users should consider in order to manage risk exposure.

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In this guide:

  • Why is managing risk in DeFi important?
  • Liquidations indicators
  • Borrowing indicators
    • Lending indicators
    • Keeping track of whales
    • Leverage indicators
    • Understand lending protocols and be aware of the risks
    • Frequently asked questions
    • About the author

    Why is managing risk in DeFi important?

    Identifying & ExploringRisk on DeFi Lending Protocols (1)

    Effective monitoring and control of risks are crucial for any financial service. The recent incidents in the DeFi market have demonstrated that risk management is vital to stimulate the growth of the sector. Both users and protocols must prioritize risk management as a fundamental element for the success of the DeFi ecosystem.

    Although technical issues have caused most attacks in DeFi, the economic risks have resulted in a higher monetary loss.All in all, economic risks can be intricate. However, such risk can be managed by observing indicators. These include shifts in liquidity within the protocols, participation from active liquidators, whale activity, and user leverage. Additionally, users have the ability to take steps to safeguard themselves from economic risks.

    This piece uses indicators fromIntoTheBlocks’s Risk Radarplatform to showcase examples of active risk monitoring. The data shown in the indicators is from theBenqiprotocol.

    Liquidations indicators

    Liquidations are important in DeFi protocols because they help maintain the lending platforms’ stability and well-being.In DeFi lending, borrowers typically use their cryptocurrency holdings as collateral for the loans they receive. If the value of the collateral falls below a certain threshold, the borrower’s position becomesundercollateralized.

    To prevent default and bad debt on the protocol, DeFi lending protocols will liquidate undercollateralized positions. Protocols sell off the collateral on the open market to repay the loan. This process is usually done by independent liquidators operating within the ecosystem. Overall,this process helps to ensure that lenders’ deposits are secure and maintain the solvency of the platform.

    Identifying & ExploringRisk on DeFi Lending Protocols (2)



    The Liquidators Leaderboard indicator can help DeFi lending protocols in mitigating risk by providing information on the effectiveness and efficiency of its liquidators’ activity.


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    By examining the data presented in the leaderboard, the protocol can evaluate its liquidators’ performance and identify trends. These might include which liquidators are the most successful and which collateral types are most commonly involved in liquidations.This data can be used to make adjustments to the protocol’s liquidation process. This might take the form ofincentivizing top-performing liquidators or adjusting the collateral requirements for certain assets.

    Borrowing indicators

    Borrowing activity is crucial for assessing the health and growth of a DeFi lending protocol. A high level of borrowing activity typically indicates a high demand for credit. This can be a positive sign for the protocol’s growth. Additionally, monitoring borrowing activity can help the protocol manage risk, as it allows the protocol to identify potential issues, such as an over-reliance on a single asset or borrower.By tracking borrowing activity, the protocol can adjust its lending policies and collateral requirements to manage its exposure to risk.Thereby maintaining the solvency of the platform.

    Health Factor Distribution Indicator

    The Health Factor Distribution indicator tracks how close a position is to liquidation.If the health factor is below 1, it can be liquidated, resulting in a loss to the borrower. The Health Factor Distribution indicator shows the share of borrowers within a particular range of health factors, excluding recursive loans. This indicator is useful for analyzing the different ranges of the protocol’s borrowers. If most of the supply has a low health factor, the solvency of the pool/protocol is at risk due to big liquidations.

    Identifying & ExploringRisk on DeFi Lending Protocols (8)

    The indicator provides valuable insights for both depositors and liquidators. As the number of loans at risk of liquidation increases, it becomes riskier for depositors to invest in the protocol. On the other hand, liquidators can use this information to their advantage. This is especially the case during periods of marketvolatility, where the indicator can predict where significant liquidations are likely to occur.

    In addition, a balanced distribution of health factors suggests that loans in the protocol are more evenly spread among borrowers.Thus, reducing the likelihood of all loans being liquidated at once. This indicates a decentralized and diverse lending portfolio, which is generally seen as a positive attribute for DeFi lending protocols.

    A DeFi lending protocol with a high distribution of health factors is considered to be more secure for depositors since it lowers the probability of large-scale liquidations. Such massive liquidations can often be unprofitable for liquidators due toslippageondecentralized exchanges(DEXs). Therefore, a high distribution of health factors should provide depositors with more confidence in their positions within the protocol.

    Lending indicators

    The Net Liquidity Flows indicator monitors the inflows, outflows, and net flows of liquidity into the protocol.This indicator helps identify potential liquidity risk vectors that may prompt action among its issuers.For instance, a significant outflow of funds may imply users are withdrawing their funds due to concerns about the protocol’s safety, which may lead to a liquidity crisis. Conversely, a large inflow of funds may suggest user confidence in the protocol’s stability andsecurity.

    Identifying & ExploringRisk on DeFi Lending Protocols (9)



    This metric provides valuable information that allows the protocol to identify potential liquidity risks that may trigger activities among its users.In response to any issues, the protocol can make necessary adjustments to its risk management strategies and take measures to protect itself from bad debt. For instance, it may consider increasing collateral requirements. Or, it might reduce loan-to-value ratios on its loans to minimize its exposure to risk.

    Keeping track of whales

    Keeping track of whales’ activity in lending protocols is important because these large players have the potential to impact the market significantly. Their actions can affect the supply and demand of assets within the protocol, leading to volatility and potential risks for other users.By monitoring whale activity, lending protocols can gain insight into potential market movements and adjust their risk management strategies accordingly.

    This metric monitors large depositors’ lending, repayment, and liquidation activities in a DeFi lending protocol. It can be helpful to analyze high-volume trader strategies and the intentions behind them.

    Identifying & ExploringRisk on DeFi Lending Protocols (10)

    The indicator above offersinsights into the borrowing patterns of the biggest users of the Benqi protocol, which can be useful in guarding against bad debt. By examining the data, the protocol and its users can detect any possible risks or weaknesses in its lending portfolio, such as over-reliance on a small group of users or excessive borrowing.

    Leverage indicators

    Recursive lending strategies are those which borrow an asset that is then resupplied into the lending side and potentially borrowed again. Thus, rehypothecating the protocol’s debt.This type of strategy has gained traction in the DeFi space to earn greater token rewards on a given asset.Nevertheless, it carries some risk as it requires constant monitoring of market conditions and fluctuations in interest rates to prevent liquidations.

    Identifying & ExploringRisk on DeFi Lending Protocols (11)



    Understanding the proportion of recursive lending in a DeFi protocol can be beneficial in assessing the protocol’s stability and the potential for yield generation. The proportion of liquidity derived from recursive lending strategies can indicate how heavily a protocol relies on incentives to attract depositors.

    A high percentage of recursive lending may imply that the liquidity is less stable and more prone to short-term farming of yield rather than being committed to the protocol for the long term.

    Additionally, the proportion of liquidity supplied by recursive lending strategies can serve as an indicator of the level of yield generated within the DeFi protocol. This is valuable in assessing potential investment opportunities.

    Understand lending protocols and be aware of the risks

    DeFi is constantly evolving, and appropriate tools like the ones discussed in this article can help move the ecosytem in the right direction.While DeFi offers attractive yield opportunities, it also poses great risks. Keeping track of all these risks is essential, especially when depositing large amounts.

    On the other hand,the industry is establishing best practices to mitigate technical and economic risks, such as opting for audits, using multi-sigs for deposit management, and improvingoraclesfor price feeds.With the transparent tool insights provided by open-source crypto, the industry as a whole can strengthen and mitigate economic risks. Although risk will continue to exist, developers and users can better understand and take measures to mitigate them.

    Frequently asked questions

    What is recursive lending and why has it become a popular strategy in DeFi?

    Recursive lending, also known as looping, is a strategy in DeFi where users borrow a certain asset, deposit it back into the same protocol, and borrow more assets against it. This strategy has become popular in DeFi because it allows users to obtain a higher amount of token incentives on top of a given asset.

    What are some potential risks associated with the recursive lending strategy?

    The risk with this strategy is that it relies heavily on the stability of the interest rates. A sudden change in rates can lead to liquidations and losses. Additionally, recursive lending can also lead to concentration risk, where a large amount of liquidity is concentrated in a few users or positions, making the protocol vulnerable to sudden withdrawals or market shifts.

    Why is it important for DeFi protocols to monitor the borrowing behavior of their largest users?

    Monitoring the borrowing behavior of large users is important for DeFi protocols because it can help them identify potential risks and vulnerabilities in their lending portfolio, such as concentration risk or excessive leverage.

    What are some of the risks associated with investing in DeFi protocols, and how can they be mitigated?

    Investing in DeFi protocols comes with higher yield opportunities than traditional finance, but also comes with greater risks, such as smart contract vulnerabilities, liquidity risk, and market volatility. These risks can be mitigated by implementing best practices like regular audits, using multi-sigs for deposit management, and building more resilient oracles for price feeds. Additionally, users can mitigate risks by doing their own research and being mindful of the risks involved before depositing large amounts into DeFi protocols.



    About the author

    Pedro Negron is currently a junior research analyst at IntoTheBlock, where he is directly involved with analysis of the most recent developments in crypto. He examines crypto from a data-centric perspective researching major sectors such as DeFi’s major protocols. Other areas of interest include Bitcoin and NFTs, which are analyzed from a data-driven standpoint.



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    Identifying & Exploring Risk on DeFi Lending Protocols (2024)


    What is the risk of lending in DeFi? ›

    If the value of the collateral falls below a set threshold, smart contracts automatically liquidate it, leading to the borrower losing their investment. More terribly, in DeFi lending, direct interaction between borrowers and lenders means no intermediary reduces counterparty risk.

    What are DeFi lending protocols? ›

    DeFi lending platforms are built on specific blockchain protocols. Famous examples include Compound, Aave, and MakerDAO. These protocols set the rules, interest rates, collateral requirements, and other parameters for lending and borrowing.

    What are key risks with decentralised finance DeFi tokens? ›

    Smart contract risk: DeFi relies heavily on smart contracts. Even a minor coding error or oversight can lead to a contract being exploited, potentially resulting in significant losses for DeFi tokens. Regulatory risk: DeFi operates in a decentralised manner, often without intermediaries or financial crime controls.

    What are the risks of market making in DeFi? ›

    Creating liquidity, where anyone with funds can be a market maker, comes with a risk that the price of tokens deposited can drop and cause loss of value. This risk is mitigated by collateralized Stablecoins which peg back volatility in the trading pools.

    What are the risks of DeFi crypto? ›

    Faulty smart contracts are among the most common risks of DeFi. Malicious actors eager to steal users' funds can exploit smart contracts that have weak coding.

    What is the risk of lending crypto? ›

    Crypto loans offer access to cash or crypto via collateralized loans. Crypto loans are inherently risky because margin calls may happen if asset prices drop. Crypto lending platforms act as an intermediary for lenders and borrowers, and both centralized and decentralized markets are available.

    How do DeFi lending protocols make money? ›

    Decentralised Finance (DeFi) protocols are applications on the Ethereum blockchain that offer financial services such as trading, lending, and borrowing. They generate revenue through various methods, including transaction fees, interest from loans, and trading fees.

    How do DeFi protocols work? ›

    DeFi protocols aim to provide financial services without relying on traditional banks or institutions, offering peer-to-peer financing and lending/borrowing platforms. Components of DeFi protocols include smart contracts, oracles, tokens, DApps, decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, yield farming, and more.

    What is DeFi lending and how does it work? ›

    In addition to it, the DeFi lending protocol helps lenders to earn interest on crypto assets. As compared to the conventional loan processing system of the banks, DeFi lending enables individuals to become a lender just like a bank. An individual can easily lend their assets to others and accrue interest on that loan.

    What is the biggest challenge about DeFi? ›

    Technological Immaturity and Security Vulnerabilities

    One of the primary concerns in DeFi safety is the immaturity of its underlying technology. DeFi platforms often operate on complex smart contract systems which, due to their nascent nature, are prone to vulnerabilities.

    Is DeFi risk free? ›

    DeFi lending is subject to counterparty risk and credit risk, but because lending is automated through the DeFi protocol, rather than individual decisions made by an adviser on behalf of an investor, such risks may be exacerbated, particularly if there are flaws in DeFi protocol's code or operation.

    Is DeFi worth the risk? ›

    Most financial experts categorize DeFi as speculative, recommending only to invest 3-5% of your net worth into crypto. Without a central authority, DeFi offers many benefits. Improved accessibility, lower transaction fees, and higher interest rates, to name a few.

    How will DeFi affect banks? ›

    Improve Financial Inclusion: DeFi can provide access to financial services to the unbanked and underbanked, promoting financial inclusion and economic growth. Reduce Costs and Increase Efficiency: DeFi can reduce transaction costs and increase efficiency by automating processes and eliminating intermediaries.

    How does DeFi affect the financial and banking industry? ›

    As more users embrace DeFi, traditional banks may face a decline in their role as financial intermediaries. Access to Financial Services: DeFi promotes financial inclusion by providing access to financial services to individuals who are underserved or unbanked by traditional banking systems.

    Are DeFi protocols complex? ›

    🤖 Technical Sophistication: DeFi protocols often involve intricate smart contract designs and interactions with multiple blockchain networks. This technical sophistication can pose barriers to entry for newcomers and requires a deeper understanding of blockchain technology.

    What are the risks of Fintech lending? ›

    This allows lenders to offer cutting-edge products to broader customer segments while leveraging traditional risk capabilities. Fintech lending to MSMEs has challenges and risks, such as high-interest rates, fraud, and cyberattacks.

    Is DeFi lending legal? ›

    DeFi is an emerging technology and as such, its risks differ from those in traditional markets: Most jurisdictions do not regulate these types of depository accounts or products under banking laws because they are predicated on cryptocurrencies and not the U.S. dollar and other currencies.

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