Immigration Enforcement | OHSS - Office of Homeland Security Statistics (2024)

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December 2023 xlsx 467.16 KB 04/05/2024 2024 Refugees and Asylees, Immigration Enforcement, ENF Legal Processes Monthly Tables 11, 15, 39 Immigration Enforcement and Legal Processes Monthly Tables - November 2023 xlsx 396.09 KB 03/08/2024 2023 Refugees and Asylees, Immigration Enforcement, ENF Legal Processes Monthly Tables 11, 15, 39 Immigration Enforcement and Legal Processes Monthly Tables: October 2023 xlsx 397.15 KB 02/09/2024 2023 Refugees and Asylees, Immigration Enforcement, ENF Legal Processes Monthly Tables 11, 15, 39 Efforts by DHS to Estimate Southwest Border Security between Ports of Entry pdf 815.44 KB 01/09/2024 2017 Immigration Enforcement, ENF border security between ports of entry 15, 40 Immigration Enforcement and Legal Processes Monthly Tables - September 2023 xlsx 391.3 KB 01/05/2024 2023 Refugees and Asylees, Immigration Enforcement, ENF Legal Processes Monthly Tables 11, 15, 39 2022 Family Unit Actions Report pdf 918.16 KB 04/04/2023 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2022 Data Tables xlsx 134.9 KB 11/14/2023 2022 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2022 pdf 683.99 KB 11/14/2023 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Fiscal Year 2022 Border Security Metrics Report (2021 data) pdf 2.24 MB 07/24/2023 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Border Security Metrics 15, 35 Family Unit Actions Report-September 2022 Data Files xlsx 40.57 KB 06/20/2023 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37 Family Unit Actions Report-September 2022 pdf 918.16 KB 06/20/2023 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37 Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - December 2022 pdf 762.96 KB 02/01/2023 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2021 Data Tables zip 170.14 KB 12/22/2022 2021 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2021 pdf 700.87 KB 12/22/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 FY 2021 Enforcement Lifecycle Report pdf 957.05 KB 12/22/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Lifecycle report 15, 34 FY 2021 Enforcement Lifecycle Report Appendix Tables xlsx 64 KB 12/22/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Lifecycle report 15, 34 Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report Data Tables - December 2022 xlsx 48.72 KB 12/19/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38 Family Unit Actions Report-May 2022 Data Files xlsx 39.57 KB 10/07/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37 Family Unit Actions Report-May 2022 pdf 984.5 KB 10/07/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37 Southwest Border Enforcement Report - Fiscal Year 2021 pdf 491.95 KB 09/01/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, Southwest Border Enforcement 15, 36 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2020 pdf 1.1 MB 08/26/2022 2020 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report Data Tables - August 2022_v2 xlsx 54.26 KB 08/24/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38 Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - August 2022 pdf 760.75 KB 08/23/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38 Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report- July2022 pdf 930.78 KB 07/27/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38 Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - June 2022 pdf 473.87 KB 07/01/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38 Fiscal Year 2021 Border Security Metrics Report pdf 2.07 MB 06/10/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Border Security Metrics 15, 35 Fiscal Year 2020 Border Security Metrics Report pdf 1.72 MB 05/25/2022 2020 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Border Security Metrics 15, 35 Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - May 2022 pdf 377.79 KB 05/16/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38 Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - April 2022 pdf 527.01 KB 04/18/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38 Family Unit Actions Report-FY2021-September 2021 pdf 623.32 KB 03/25/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37 Family Unit Actions Report-FY2021-September 2021 Data Files xlsx 46.41 KB 03/25/2022 2021 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37 Family Unit Actions Report-FY2020-September 2020 pdf 9.1 MB 03/25/2022 2020 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37 Family Unit Actions Report-FY2020-September 2020 Data Files xlsx 51.91 KB 03/25/2022 2020 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Family Unit Actions 15, 37 Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - March 2022 pdf 409.73 KB 03/18/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2020 Data Tables zip 212.64 KB 02/22/2022 2020 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort Report - February 2022 pdf 322.97 KB 02/15/2022 2022 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Migrant Protection Protocols Cohort 15, 38 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2018 pdf 374.19 KB 10/31/2019 2018 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2004 Data Tables zip 219.09 KB 04/08/2016 2004 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2017 pdf 873.85 KB 03/31/2019 2017 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2005 Data Tables zip 130.24 KB 04/08/2016 2005 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2016 pdf 373.74 KB 12/31/2017 2016 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2006 Data Tables zip 29.46 KB 09/12/2007 2006 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2015 pdf 239.4 KB 07/31/2017 2015 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2007 Data Tables zip 52.32 KB 10/03/2008 2007 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Fiscal Year 2019 Border Security Metrics Report pdf 1.5 MB 08/05/2020 2019 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Border Security Metrics 15, 35 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2014 pdf 220.17 KB 01/31/2016 2014 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2008 Data Tables zip 102.92 KB 04/17/2009 2008 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Fiscal Year 2018 Border Security Metrics Report pdf 1.18 MB 02/26/2019 2018 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Border Security Metrics 15, 35 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2013 pdf 458.01 KB 09/30/2014 2013 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2009 Data Tables zip 65.45 KB 03/01/2011 2009 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Fiscal Year 2017 Border Security Metrics Report pdf 2.12 MB 05/01/2018 2017 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Border Security Metrics 15, 35 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2012 pdf 730.39 KB 12/31/2013 2012 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2014 Data Tables zip 135.43 KB 03/22/2016 2014 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2011 pdf 415.37 KB 09/30/2012 2011 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2010 Data Tables zip 75.78 KB 06/09/2011 2010 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2010 pdf 327.9 KB 06/30/2011 2010 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2018 Data Tables zip 169.36 KB 07/09/2019 2018 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2011 Data Tables zip 108.91 KB 09/06/2012 2011 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 2020 Enforcement Lifecycle Report pdf 627.98 KB 12/31/2020 2020 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Lifecycle report 15, 34 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2009 pdf 339.72 KB 08/30/2010 2009 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2017 Data Tables zip 170.7 KB 02/16/2018 2017 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2012 (Tables 33-41) zip 118.02 KB 09/10/2013 2012 Immigration Enforcement 15 2020 Enforcement Lifecycle Report - Detailed Appendix Tables xlsx 169.86 KB 12/22/2020 2020 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Lifecycle report 15, 34 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2008 pdf 339.67 KB 07/31/2009 2008 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2016 Data Tables zip 143.84 KB 11/30/2017 2016 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2015 Data Tables zip 144.66 KB 12/13/2016 2015 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 DHS Cohort Outcomes Report (2019 Enforcement Lifecycle Report) pdf 578.84 KB 08/31/2018 2019 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Lifecycle report 15, 34 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2007 pdf 179.31 KB 12/31/2008 2007 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2013 Data Tables zip 119.57 KB 10/27/2014 2013 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2006 pdf 277.48 KB 05/31/2008 2006 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2000 (Tables) zip 214.85 KB 04/12/2016 2000 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2005 pdf 322.65 KB 11/30/2006 2005 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2001 (Tables) zip 204.91 KB 04/12/2016 2001 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2004 pdf 237 KB 11/30/2005 2004 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2002 (Tables) zip 209.41 KB 04/12/2016 2002 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2019 pdf 1.1 MB 09/30/2020 2019 Immigration Enforcement, ENF Annual Flow Report 15, 43 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2019 Data Tables zip 164.72 KB 03/15/2021 2019 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15 Immigration Enforcement Actions 2003 (Tables) zip 186.7 KB 04/12/2016 2003 Yearbook, Immigration Enforcement 9, 15
Immigration Enforcement | OHSS - Office of Homeland Security Statistics (2024)


What is the DHS Yearbook of immigration statistics? ›

The Yearbook of Immigration Statistics is a collection of tables that provides data on foreign nationals who were granted lawful permanent residence, were admitted into the United States on a temporary basis, applied for asylum or refugee status, or were naturalized.

Is Immigration and Customs Enforcement DHS's largest investigative arm? ›

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is the largest investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), charged with preventing terrorist and criminal activity by targeting the people, money, and materials that support terrorist and criminal organizations.

How is ice different from border patrol? ›

ICE and CBP are both components of the Department of Homeland Security; CBP enforces customs and immigration law at and near the border and ICE enforces customs and immigration laws at the border as well as in the interior of the United States.

What is the difference between USCIS and DHS? ›

On March 1, 2003, USCIS assumed responsibility for the immigration service functions of the federal government. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 dismantled the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and separated the agency into three components within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

How do I find someone's immigration records? ›

Requests for individual immigration records should be made directly to USCIS, the federal agency that manages and releases A-Files, where these records are maintained. A-files are a series of records maintained on a person that document the person's immigration history.

Where do most of the immigrants in the United States come from? ›

Mexico is the top country of birth for U.S. immigrants. In 2022, roughly 10.6 million immigrants living in the U.S. were born there, making up 23% of all U.S. immigrants. The next largest origin groups were those from India (6%), China (5%), the Philippines (4%) and El Salvador (3%).

Who has more power, homeland security or FBI? ›

If you mean, “Which agency is senior in the Federal Bureaucracy?” the answer is (the Department of) Homeland Security, a Cabinet-level department with numerous subordinate agencies. The FBI is a component of the Department of Justice, which is another Cabinet-level department.

What are two federal agencies involved in immigration enforcement? ›

Three DHS component agencies are responsible for immigration and enforcement functions: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Who is the leader of the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement? ›

Patrick Lechleitner

Why does ICE detain immigrants? ›

ICE uses its limited detention resources to detain noncitizens to secure their presence for immigration proceedings or removal from the United States — as well as those that are subject to mandatory detention, as outlined by the Immigration and Nationality Act, or those that ICE determines are a public safety or flight ...

What is the age limit for CBP? ›

Applicants to CBP must be U.S. citizens and at least 21 years old, and be under age 37 (unless they are an eligible military veteran or have served in a federal civilian law enforcement position).

Is ICE a police force? ›

ICE was created in 2003 through a merger of the investigative and interior enforcement elements of the former U.S. Customs Service and the Immigration and Naturalization Service. ICE now has more than 20,000 law enforcement and support personnel in more than 400 offices in the United States and around the world.

Is the FBI under the DHS? ›

As part of the homeland security enterprise, the FBI supports the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) mission by investigating threats and incidents which affect the security of protected computers and networks.

Does Border Patrol fall under DHS? ›

The United States Border Patrol is the mobile, uniformed law enforcement arm of U.S. Customs and Border Protection within the Department of Homeland Security responsible for securing U.S. borders between ports of entry.

What is higher than DHS? ›

With more than 240,000 employees, DHS is the third-largest Cabinet department, after the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs. Homeland security policy is coordinated at the White House by the Homeland Security Council.

What is the 2000 Yearbook of immigration statistics? ›

The 2000 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics is a compendium of tables that provide data on foreign nationals who are granted lawful permanent residence (i.e., immigrants who receive a “green card”), admitted as temporary nonimmigrants, granted asylum or refugee status, or are naturalized.

Where can I get immigrant data summary? ›

If you did not receive an immigrant data summary or a USCIS Immigrant Fee handout with your visa packet, contact the U.S. embassy or consulate that issued your visa to request a copy.

How big is the immigration backlog? ›

By the end of FY 2023, the USCIS net backlog (cases pending outside of target processing times) was 4.3 million cases, down over 760,000 (15%) from more than 5 million cases at the end of FY 2022.

What is the role of the DHS in immigration? ›

DHS's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) duties are carried out through more than 400 federal statutes and focus on smart immigration enforcement, humane detention, preventing terrorism, and combating the illegal movement of people and goods.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.