Importance of Credit History | America Saves (2024)

Good credit plays an important role in your financial life. Not only is it essential for obvious things like qualifying for a loan or getting a credit card, but also for less obvious things like getting cellular telephone service, renting a car, and perhaps even getting a job.Click here to download the Importance of Credit History and Successful Savings Packetor read below.

  • What is a credit report and score?
  • Why is saving so important to good credit?
  • How do I start saving?
  • Why is good credit management so important?
  • 5 tips for building good credit
  • Is credit repair a good idea?
  • What is loan consolidation?
  • What is a debt management plan?
  • Where can I get help with debts I can’t afford to pay?
  • FDIC model safe accounts template
  • Frequently asked credit questions
  • Additional resources


Acredit scoreis a three-digit number that measures how likely you are to repay a loan on time. It uses information from your credit report to predict the risk of you not paying that loan back 24 months after scoring.

Acredit reportis an explanation of your credit history. It states when and where you applied for credit, whom you borrowed money from, and whom you still owe. Your credit report also tells you if you’ve paid off a debt and if you make monthly payments on time.

How can I get a copy of my credit report and score?

The three nationwide consumer reporting companies- Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion are required by The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to provide you, at your request, with a free copy of your credit report once every 12 months. (Available

How much does it cost?

You will have to pay around $14 to receive an additional credit report within 12 months of when you received your free report. To receive a copy of your credit score, you will have to pay one of the three nationwide consumer reporting companies around $14.

Who do I get help from if I find something wrong?
You are responsible for correcting inaccurate or incomplete information in your report. There are two things you should do if you find an inaccuracy. First, tell the consumer reporting company (where you got the report from), in writing, what information you think is inaccurate. Consumer reporting companies are required to investigate anything in question and must forward all relevant data to the organization that provided the information. Second, tell the creditor or other information provider in writing that you dispute an item.

Who has access to my credit report?

The FCRA specifies who can access your credit report. Those who have access to your credit report include creditors, insurers, employers, and other businesses that use the information in your report to evaluate your applications for credit, insurance, em­ployment, or renting a home.


It is important for all Americans to have savings. Having a savings account allows people to pay for emergencies, gives people financial freedom, and can contribute to a higher credit score. A high credit score can make it easier to rent an apartment, get utility services, and even get a job.

Paying for Emergencies

Having a savings account allows people to pay for emergencies on their own instead of turning to high-interest credit cards or payday loans. Not being able to pay off these types of loans can severely affect your credit score.

Higher Credit Score

Having savings allows you to pay your bills on time. Paying your bills on time can lead to a higher credit score.


When it comes to saving money, the sooner you start the better. It's not an act that's accomplished overnight, but a process that happens gradually and grows over time. Just remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Making ends meet can be a challenge. And you may wonder how it's possible to spare anything. But any amount saved - a quarter, a dollar - is progress. Those quarters and dollars add up. As you get into the habit of routinely "paying into your savings" you'll see the money you're setting aside grow.

The first thing you have to do to start saving is taking a look at your finances and make sure that you are spending less than you earn.

  • Make a budget
  • Find ways to cut back on spending
  • Set up automatic savings


Good credit plays an important role in your financial life. Not only is it essential for obvious things like qualifying for a loan or getting a credit card, but also for less obvious things like getting cellular telephone service, renting a car, and perhaps even getting a job.

Managing your credit will also help you save for a rainy day. A strong credit history, reflected in good credit scores, will let you qualify for lower interest rates and fees, freeing up additional money to set aside for emergencies, retirement, and other smaller unexpected expenses. Decreasing debt and increasing savings reduces stress and leads to greater financial freedom.

The good news is that having good credit is not difficult. Simply follow these five fundamentals of good credit management and you will build and maintain a credit history that will enable you to get the credit you need, when you need it.


1. Establish a credit report

To establish a credit report you must have an open, active credit account. To get your first credit account talk to your bank or credit union.

2. Always pay as agreed

Make at least the minimum payment due each month and never be late. Delinquent payments and payments that don’t meet at least the minimum contractual amount will have the most immediate, negative impact on your credit report and credit scores.

3. Keep your balances low

Keeping your balances low as compared to your available credit limits is a sign of good credit management and shows lenders you are a good credit risk. Your utilization rate, also called your balance-to-limit ratio is a key component to credit scores.

4. Apply for credit wisely

Do not apply for multiple accounts in a short period of time. Taking on large amounts of debt in a short time is a sign of high credit risk. Apply for credit when you need it, and only in the amount you need. Just because credit is offered, doesn’t mean you have to accept it.

5. Demonstrate good credit habits over long periods of time

In order to have good credit scores you must demonstrate a habit of good credit management over a long period of time.


Every day, companies target consumers who have poor credit histories with promises to clean up their credit report so they can get a car loan, a home mortgage, insurance, or even a job once they pay them a fee for the service. The truth is, these companies can’t deliver an improved credit report for you using the tactics they promote. It’s illegal: No one can remove accurate negative information from your credit report.


A Direct Consolidation Loan allows a borrower to consolidate (combine) multiple federal student loans into one loan. The result is a single monthly payment instead of multiple payments. Use a loan consolidation calculator to find out if this is a good option for you.


Organizations that advertise credit counseling often arrange for consumers to pay debts through a debt management plan (DMP). In a DMP, you deposit money each month with a credit counseling organization. The organization uses these deposits to pay your credit card bills, student loans, medical bills, or other unsecured debts according to a payment schedule they’ve worked out with you and your creditors. Creditors may agree to lower interest rates or waive certain fees if you are repaying through a DMP. Some organizations that offer DMPs have deceived and defrauded consumers. If you are paying through a DMP, contact your creditors and confirm that they have accepted the proposed plan before you send any payments to the organization handling your DMP.


In most communities, there are agencies that can help you manage your debts. The most helpful and most widely available are non-profit Consumer Credit Counseling Services (CCCS). CCCS counselors can work with you privately to help you develop a budget, figure out your options, and negotiate with creditors to repay your debts. Call 1-800-388-2227 to locate the office nearest you.

If your debts are too large, you may want to consider bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can give you a fresh start, but it is a serious step that can make it harder to get credit for years after you declare bankruptcy. Call your local Legal Aid or Legal Services office for advice. If you don’t qualify for their services, ask them for a referral to a bankruptcy attorney


The FDIC Model Safe Accounts Template provides insured institutions with guidelines for offering cost-effective accounts that are safe and affordable for consumers. The accounts reflect the following guiding principles: transparent and reasonable rates and fees and access to banking services that are FDIC insured.


Do Missed Payments Affect My Score?

How many payments you miss, if you don’t pay the debt at all, and how long ago late payments occurred are all important. The further in the past a late payment occurred, the less impact it will have on credit scores and lending decisions. That is why it is important to catch up on your payments if you have fallen behind.

How Can I Get Credit if I Can’t Open a Credit Account?

If you cannot get a credit account through a bank or credit union, you may need a friend or family member to cosign for you or add you as an authorized user on an existing account.

Will Closing Accounts Raise My Credit Score?

Be cautious about closing accounts. Doing so will reduce your available credit limits and will increase your overall utilization rate, making it appear as if you have suddenly taken on more debt. The result is a temporary negative impact on your credit scores.

Will Applying for New Accounts Raise My Credit Score?

Each time you apply for credit an inquiry is added to your credit report. Inquiries are a record that a lender has reviewed your credit report in response to your application for credit. They indicate that you may have new debt that is not yet shown as an account in your credit report, and so represent an unknown risk to lenders. For that reason, recent inquiries can have a small but meaningful impact on credit scores. However, that impact is temporary.

How does Shopping for a Car or Home Affect My Score?

Inquiries for auto purchases and mortgage loans are unique. Because lenders recognize you will shop for the best auto and mortgage loan rates, inquiries for those types of loans in a short period are counted as a single inquiry by credit scoring systems. Doing so enables you to find the best rates with little or no impact on your credit scores.

What is the First Step to Rebuild My Credit Score?

The first step in rebuilding strong credit scores after having credit problems is to bring your accounts current by paying any remaining past-due payments. Before your credit scores will improve significantly, however, you must show that you have regained control of your credit by making on-time payments over time. The more serious your past credit difficulties, the longer it will take to rebuild a positive credit history and strong credit scores.


Industry Resources:

Consumer Federation of America’s Vantage Credit Score Website

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) website

My Fico, About Credit Scores

Money Under 30, Understanding “Your Number”

Bankrate, Credit Scores Explained

Government Resources:

Federal Trade Commission’s, Facts for Consumers (2011)

Importance of Credit History | America Saves (2024)


Importance of Credit History | America Saves? ›

A strong credit history, reflected in good credit scores, will let you qualify for lower interest rates and fees, freeing up additional money to set aside for emergencies, retirement, and other smaller unexpected expenses.

Why is it important to have a credit history? ›

If you don't have good credit, you may miss out on securing a low interest rate on a mortgage, personal loan or credit card, and wind up paying more during the term of your loan. But if you establish a good credit score, you can save money on interest payments and use the savings to invest in your future.

Why is credit score important in America? ›

Good Credit Puts Money in Your Pocket

Good credit management leads to higher credit scores, which in turn lowers your cost to borrow. Living within your means, using debt wisely and paying all bills—including credit card minimum payments—on time, every time are smart financial moves.

Why is it important to check your credit history on Quizlet? ›

Why is it important to check your credit report. It is important because it will tell a person how much money is borrowed, from whom, and whether the bills are paid on time.

How did credit help Americans? ›

Easier access to credit has meant that more consumers can buy more products and services, benefit from using them now, and pay for them out of future income—buy now, pay later.

What are the 4 main reasons credit is important? ›

Here's a look at how good credit can benefit you.
  • Borrow money at a better interest rate. ...
  • Qualify for the best credit card deals. ...
  • Get favorable terms on a new cell phone. ...
  • Improve your chances of renting a home. ...
  • Receive better car and home insurance rates. ...
  • Skip utility deposits. ...
  • Get a job.
Mar 4, 2024

How does credit history impact your life? ›

Your credit score may influence your ability to: Qualify for a credit card, personal loan, private student loan, auto loan or mortgage. Rent an apartment or buy a house. Set up utilities in your home without paying a hefty deposit.

What is credit and why is it important? ›

This is a numerical representation of your trustworthiness as a borrower. Lenders use your credit score to determine whether they are willing to loan you money and, in many cases, what interest rate you will be charged.

What is credit score and its importance? ›

Your credit score is an important indicator to lenders of your ability to repay loans. A credit score is a three-digit numeric summary of your entire credit history. It is prepared based on data gathered from lenders and is consolidated in the Credit Information Report or CIR.

Why do Americans need credit? ›

Building credit

Your credit score is important, for many reasons. It affects the interest rate you pay on loans. If you plan to buy a house, a high credit score could save you hundreds of thousands in interest. In most states, your credit score can even affect your car insurance rates.

What is the most important part of your credit history? ›

Payment history — whether you pay on time or late — is the most important factor of your credit score making up a whopping 35% of your score.

Why is a credit check important? ›

Credit checks play a crucial role in our financial lives, impacting our ability to secure loans, obtain credit cards, and even secure housing or employment. They are essential for both individuals and businesses, serving as a fundamental tool for assessing an individual's or company's financial responsibility.

Why is it so important for your credit report to be completely accurate? ›

Incorrect or outdated negative information on a credit report can adversely affect a consumer's ability to borrow money under the most favorable terms, so it is important to make sure the information is correct.

Is credit important in America? ›

Credit scores

In the U.S., your credit score is one of the most influential factors in determining your eligibility to rent an apartment, take out student loans, and purchase a car or home. The two main types of credit scoring systems used by a majority of lenders are FICO® Score and VantageScore®.

What are the best reasons to maintain good credit history? ›

What are the biggest advantages of a good credit score? A consumer advocate explains
  • You'll have an easier time renting an apartment. ...
  • You'll get the best rates on car and homeowners insurance. ...
  • It's cheaper to borrow money. ...
  • You'll be better prepared for the future. ...
  • You can access perks and enjoy the best rewards.

What is the impact of credit in our lives? ›

Your credit score is important for your life; it directly impacts financial well-being. It influences the interest rates you receive on loans and credit cards, impacting ability to make significant purchases. A low credit score can lead to higher interest rates, which can strain the budget and limit options.

Is it good to have a credit history? ›

Why is it important to build a credit history? A credit history is one of the ways lenders decide whether or not to lend you money. It's partly from looking at how reliable you've been when it comes to making payments on time in the past, that they make a judgement about whether they want to lend to you now.

Is it OK to have no credit history? ›

Lenders evaluate people based on how they've used credit in the past. An empty credit report with no evidence of a borrowing history signals to lenders that you're inexperienced. That makes lenders nervous and increases the chances they will deny you for credit like a car loan, credit card or mortgage.

What are the 3 three main reasons why it's important to check your credit score report? ›

  • Checking your credit history and credit scores can help you better understand your current credit position.
  • Regularly checking your credit reports can help you be more aware of what lenders may see.
  • Checking your credit reports can also help you detect any inaccurate or incomplete information.

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