Improper Authentication | CQR (2024)

Improper Authentication | CQR (1)

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Improper Authentication | CQR (2)

Improper Authentication is a vulnerability in software systems where the authentication mechanism is not implemented properly. This vulnerability can allow unauthorized access to the system, sensitive information or data, or allow attackers to perform malicious actions.

Improper authentication can have serious consequences, including data theft, unauthorized access to sensitive information, and account takeover attacks. It is important for software developers to implement strong authentication mechanisms and properly test them to ensure that they are secure and functioning as intended.

Examples of vulnerable code on different programming languages


  • Web Vulnerabilities
  • Pentesting process
  • Reportings
  • Compliance
  • Protocols
String username = request.getParameter("username");String password = request.getParameter("password");if (username.equals("admin") && password.equals("password")) { // Grant access} else { // Deny access}

This code is vulnerable to improper authentication because the hard-coded username and password are easily discoverable by attackers. In addition, passwords should never be stored in plain text, but rather be hashed and salted for security.


def authenticate(username, password): if username == "admin" and password == "password": return True return Falseif authenticate(request.form['username'], request.form['password']): # Grant accesselse: # Deny access

This code is vulnerable to improper authentication for the same reason as the Java example above.


def authenticate(username, password) if username == "admin" and password == "password" return true end return falseendif authenticate(params[:username], params[:password]) # Grant accesselse # Deny accessend

This code is vulnerable to improper authentication for the same reason as the previous examples.


<?php $username = $_POST['username'];&#xD;$password = $_POST['password'];&#xD;&#xD;if ($username == "admin" && $password == "password") {&#xD; // Grant access&#xD;} else {&#xD; // Deny access&#xD;}&#xD;??>

This code is vulnerable to improper authentication for the same reason as the previous examples.

In each of these examples, the code should be updated to use a secure authentication mechanism, such as hashing and salting passwords, or utilizing a secure authentication library, to prevent improper authentication and protect user data.

Examples of exploitation Improper Authenticationvulnerabilities

Improper authentication vulnerabilities can be exploited in a number of ways by attackers. Some examples include:

  1. Brute force attacks: Attackers can try guessing the username and password by repeatedly attempting to log in with different combinations of credentials. This is made easier if the authentication mechanism allows unlimited attempts.

  2. Dictionary attacks: Attackers can use a list of common usernames and passwords to try and log in to the system. This is made easier if the authentication mechanism does not limit the number of attempts or lock out an account after multiple failed attempts.

  3. Session hijacking: Attackers can steal a user’s session by intercepting or tampering with the session identifier sent between the user’s browser and the server. This can allow attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information or perform actions on behalf of the user.

  4. Man-in-the-middle attacks: Attackers can intercept and modify the communication between the user and the server, potentially allowing them to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information or perform actions on behalf of the user.

  5. Password cracking: Attackers can use tools such as hashcat or John the Ripper to crack passwords hashed with weak algorithms or poor salts.

Privilege escalation techniques for Improper Authenticationvulnerabilities

Privilege escalation is a technique that attackers can use to gain higher levels of access to a system than they are normally granted. Here are some common privilege escalation techniques that can be used to exploit improper authentication vulnerabilities:

  1. Exploiting weak or default credentials: Attackers can gain access to systems or services that use weak or default credentials, such as default usernames and passwords that are commonly known or easily guessable.

  2. Social engineering: Attackers can trick users into providing their credentials, such as by creating a phishing website that looks like a legitimate login page.

  3. Session hijacking: Attackers can steal a user’s session by intercepting or tampering with the session identifier sent between the user’s browser and the server. This can allow attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information or perform actions on behalf of the user.

  4. Man-in-the-middle attacks: Attackers can intercept and modify the communication between the user and the server, potentially allowing them to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information or perform actions on behalf of the user.

  5. Elevation of privilege vulnerabilities: Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in software or systems to gain higher levels of access or privileges.

General methodology and checklist for Improper Authenticationvulnerabilities

Here is a general methodology and checklist that can be used to prevent and remediate improper authentication vulnerabilities:

  1. Requirements gathering: Identify the authentication requirements for the system, including what types of users need access, what information they need to access, and what level of access they need.

  2. Design and implementation: Implement proper authentication mechanisms, including the use of strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and secure communication protocols. Consider using standard authentication libraries or frameworks to simplify development and ensure security.

  3. Password management: Ensure that passwords are hashed and salted, and that password policies are in place to enforce strong passwords. Consider using password managers or single sign-on solutions to simplify password management for users.

  4. User management: Implement mechanisms for creating, modifying, and disabling user accounts, and ensure that users are assigned the appropriate level of access based on their role.

  5. Session management: Implement secure session management mechanisms, including session timeouts and the ability to log out of a session. Consider using secure communication protocols, such as SSL or TLS, to encrypt session data.

  6. Monitoring and reporting: Regularly monitor systems for unauthorized access or unusual activity, and implement mechanisms for reporting and responding to security incidents.

  7. Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing: Regularly assess systems for vulnerabilities, including the use of automated tools, manual testing, and penetration testing.

  8. Training and awareness: Provide training and awareness proper authentication and how to identify and avoid potential security threats.

Tools set for exploiting Improper Authenticationvulnerabilities

Top 10 manual tools for detecting improper authentication vulnerabilities:

OWASP ZAP: An open-source web application security scanner that provides manual testing features for identifying improper authentication vulnerabilities.
Burp Suite: A comprehensive platform for web application security testing that includes manual testing features for identifying improper authentication vulnerabilities.
Telnet: A simple protocol for establishing connections with remote systems that can be used to manually test authentication mechanisms.
Netcat: A tool for establishing network connections and reading/writing data that can be used to manually test authentication mechanisms.
Wireshark: A tool for analyzing and troubleshooting network traffic that can help identify improper authentication issues through manual inspection.
tcpdump: A tool for capturing and analyzing network traffic that can help identify improper authentication issues through manual inspection.
nslookup: A tool for querying Domain Name System (DNS) servers that can be used to manually test authentication mechanisms.
Dig: A tool for querying DNS servers that can be used to manually test authentication mechanisms.
ssh: A secure shell protocol that can be used to manually test authentication mechanisms.
ftp: A protocol for transferring files between systems that can be used to manually test authentication mechanisms.

Top 10 automatic tools for detecting improper authentication vulnerabilities:

Nessus: A vulnerability scanning tool that can automatically detect improper authentication vulnerabilities.
OpenVAS: An open-source vulnerability scanning tool that can automatically detect improper authentication vulnerabilities.
SANS Sysinternals: A suite of security tools that includes PsExec, a tool that can be used to detect improper authentication vulnerabilities.
Metasploit: A framework for developing and executing security exploits that can be used to automatically detect improper authentication vulnerabilities.
sqlmap: An automatic SQL injection tool that can be used to detect improper authentication vulnerabilities in web applications.
Aircrack-ng: A suite of tools for cracking wireless network security that can be used to detect improper authentication vulnerabilities.
John the Ripper: A password cracking tool that can be used to detect improper authentication vulnerabilities.
Hydra: A tool for performing rapid password cracking that can be used to detect improper authentication vulnerabilities.
nmap: A network exploration and security auditing tool that can be used to detect improper authentication vulnerabilities.
Nikto: A web server scanner that can be used to detect improper authentication vulnerabilities in web applications.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and that there may be other tools available for detecting improper authentication vulnerabilities. Additionally, these tools should only be used with the consent of the system owner and in accordance with the law. It is important to work with security experts who have the necessary training and experience to interpret the results of security testing and take appropriate remedial action.

Average CVSS score of stack Improper Authenticationvulnerabilities

The CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) score of an Improper Authentication vulnerability can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the vulnerability and the type of authentication mechanism involved. CVSS scores range from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most severe.

According to the CVSS v3.1 specification, Improper Authentication is rated as a Base Score of 4.3 if the vulnerability is in an application that uses weak authentication mechanisms (such as simple passwords or single-factor authentication), and as a Base Score of 5.3 if the vulnerability is in an application that uses stronger authentication mechanisms (such as multi-factor authentication).

In general, Improper Authentication vulnerabilities that allow attackers to bypass authentication mechanisms or impersonate legitimate users are likely to receive higher CVSS scores, while vulnerabilities that only allow attackers to gain access to limited or non-sensitive information are likely to receive lower CVSS scores.

The Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)

The Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) is a comprehensive list of software weaknesses that can be used to classify software security vulnerabilities. Improper Authentication vulnerabilities are identified and classified in CWE as follows:

  1. CWE-287: Improper Authentication – This CWE represents a failure to properly authenticate users before granting them access to sensitive or restricted resources.

  2. CWE-306: Missing Authentication for Critical Function – This CWE represents a failure to properly authenticate users before granting them access to critical functions within an application.

  3. CWE-309: Use of Equivalent Authentication Mechanisms – This CWE represents the use of an authentication mechanism that is equivalent to one that is known to be vulnerable.

  4. CWE-310: Cryptographic Issues – This CWE represents issues with cryptography that can lead to authentication problems, such as the use of weak encryption keys or the use of encryption that is known to be vulnerable.

  5. CWE-311: Missing Encryption of Sensitive Data – This CWE represents a failure to properly encrypt sensitive data that is transmitted over a network.

  6. CWE-312: Cleartext Storage of Sensitive Information – This CWE represents a failure to properly store sensitive information in encrypted form, leading to its exposure if the data is compromised.

  7. CWE-829: Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere – This CWE represents the inclusion of untrusted code into an application, which can lead to the exposure of sensitive information if the code is malicious.

  8. CWE-798: Use of Hard-coded Credentials – This CWE represents the use of hard-coded credentials, such as usernames and passwords, within an application, which can lead to the exposure of sensitive information if the application is compromised.

  9. CWE-306: Missing Authentication for Critical Resource – This CWE represents a failure to properly authenticate users before granting them access to critical resources within an application.

  10. CWE-307: Improper Restriction of Excessive Authentication Attempts – This CWE represents a failure to properly restrict the number of authentication attempts that can be made, which can lead to a denial of service or the exposure of sensitive information.

Improper Authentication vulnerabilitiesexploits

  1. Brute Force Attacks – In a brute force attack, an attacker tries every possible combination of username and password until they find the correct one. This type of attack is possible when an application does not limit the number of login attempts or has weak password policies.

  2. Session Hijacking – In a session hijacking attack, an attacker intercepts the communication between a user and an application and takes over the user’s session by using their session ID.

  3. Password Reuse Attacks – In a password reuse attack, an attacker takes advantage of the fact that users often reuse the same password across multiple applications. By obtaining a user’s password from one application, the attacker can attempt to use that same password to access other applications.

  4. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks – In a MitM attack, an attacker intercepts the communication between a user and an application and can modify the communication to gain access to sensitive information.

  5. Credential Stuffing Attacks – In a credential stuffing attack, an attacker takes advantage of the fact that many users reuse the same password across multiple applications. The attacker uses a list of leaked usernames and passwords to attempt to access multiple applications and take over user accounts.

  6. SQL Injection Attacks – In a SQL injection attack, an attacker inserts malicious SQL code into an application’s login form, which can be executed by the application’s database. This can result in the exposure of sensitive information or the takeover of user accounts.

  7. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks – In an XSS attack, an attacker inserts malicious code into a web page that is executed by the user’s browser. This can result in the exposure of sensitive information or the takeover of user accounts.

Practicing in test for Improper Authentication vulnerabilities

Practicing in a test environment is an important step for discovering and mitigating Improper Authentication vulnerabilities. Here are a few steps to consider when testing for these types of vulnerabilities:

  1. Establish a test environment: Create a safe and controlled environment where you can simulate attacks and test the security of your application.

  2. Identify entry points: Determine all the entry points where users can enter their credentials, such as login forms, password reset forms, etc.

  3. Test for weak passwords: Attempt to login using weak passwords or easily guessable passwords, such as “password” or “123456”.

  4. Test for session hijacking: Attempt to hijack active sessions by intercepting session IDs and attempting to reuse them.

  5. Test for password reuse attacks: Attempt to use the same password across multiple applications to see if the same password is accepted.

  6. Test for MitM attacks: Attempt to intercept communication between the application and user to see if sensitive information can be exposed.

  7. Test for SQL injection attacks: Attempt to insert malicious SQL code into login forms to see if the application’s database can be compromised.

  8. Test for XSS attacks: Attempt to inject malicious code into web pages to see if sensitive information can be exposed or user accounts can be taken over.

  9. Document findings: Document any vulnerabilities found during testing and prioritize them based on their severity.

  10. Implement mitigation strategies: Based on the findings from testing, implement mitigation strategies to address the discovered vulnerabilities.

For study Improper Authenticationvulnerabilities

If you’re interested in studying Improper Authentication vulnerabilities, here are a few steps you can take:

  • Read about security concepts: Start by learning about general security concepts, such as authentication, authorization, and session management.

  • Read about Improper Authentication vulnerabilities: Research Improper Authentication vulnerabilities and the types of attacks that exploit them. This will help you understand the threat landscape.

  • Study real-world examples: Study real-world examples of Improper Authentication vulnerabilities and their consequences to get a better understanding of the impact they can have.

  • Learn about security best practices: Learn about security best practices for authentication and session management, such as using strong passwords, properly managing session IDs, and implementing multi-factor authentication.

  • Participate in bug bounty programs: Participate in bug bounty programs to get hands-on experience finding and reporting vulnerabilities.

  • Practice in a test environment: Set up a test environment where you can practice finding and exploiting Improper Authentication vulnerabilities.

  • Attend training and conferences: Attend training sessions and conferences related to web security to expand your knowledge and network with other security professionals.

  • Join online communities: Join online communities, such as forums and discussion groups, where you can connect with other security professionals and ask questions.

  • Get certified: Consider getting certified in web security or related fields to demonstrate your expertise and gain recognition in the industry.

  • Stay current: Stay current with the latest developments in the field by reading security blogs, following industry experts on social media, and participating in online communities.

Books with review of Improper Authenticationvulnerabilities

Here are a few books that provide an in-depth review of Improper Authentication vulnerabilities:

  1. “Web Application Security: A Beginner’s Guide” by Bryan Sullivan – This book covers the basics of web application security and provides practical advice for protecting against Improper Authentication vulnerabilities.

  2. “The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws” by Dafydd Stuttard and Marcus Pinto – This book provides a comprehensive guide to finding and exploiting security flaws in web applications, including Improper Authentication vulnerabilities.

  3. “OWASP Top Ten Web Application Security Risks” by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) – This book provides an overview of the top ten web application security risks, including Improper Authentication vulnerabilities, and provides guidance on how to protect against them.

  4. “Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters” by Justin Seitz – This book provides an introduction to using Python for penetration testing and security analysis, including how to find and exploit Improper Authentication vulnerabilities.

  5. “Professional Penetration Testing: Creating and Conducting Effective Penetration Tests” by Thomas Wilhelm – This book provides a comprehensive guide to penetration testing, including how to find and exploit Improper Authentication vulnerabilities in real-world scenarios.

These books are great resources for anyone looking to learn more about Improper Authentication vulnerabilities and how to protect against them. Be sure to read reviews and select the book that best fits your needs and skill level.

List of payloads Improper Authenticationvulnerabilities

A payload is the component of an attack that actually delivers the malicious payload, in this case exploiting Improper Authentication vulnerabilities. Here are some examples of payloads that can be used to exploit Improper Authentication vulnerabilities:

  1. Login credentials (username and password) that have been stolen or obtained through social engineering techniques.

  2. Session tokens or cookies that have been intercepted or obtained through cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

  3. Maliciously crafted URLs or form inputs that exploit logic flaws in the authentication mechanism.

  4. Malicious software or scripts that automate the exploitation of Improper Authentication vulnerabilities.

  5. Maliciously crafted cookies or tokens that are used to impersonate a legitimate user.

How to be protected from Improper Authenticationvulnerabilities

Sigma rules and firewall rules can be useful in blocking or stopping Improper Authentication vulnerabilities. Here are some examples:

  1. Sigma rules for detecting and alerting on suspicious authentication activity, such as multiple failed login attempts from the same IP address within a short period of time.

  2. Firewall rules that block traffic from known malicious IP addresses or countries.

  3. Sigma rules for detecting and alerting on the use of easily guessable or weak passwords.

  4. Firewall rules that limit incoming traffic to only the specific ports and protocols required by the application.

  5. Sigma rules for detecting and alerting on the use of easily guessable or weak session IDs.

  6. Firewall rules that block traffic from untrusted networks or hosts, such as those on public Wi-Fi.

Mitigations for Improper Authenticationvulnerabilities

  • Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all accounts, to ensure that a user must provide multiple forms of authentication before being granted access.

  • Enforce strong password policies, such as requiring a minimum length, the use of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

  • Limit the number of unsuccessful login attempts, to prevent attackers from repeatedly trying to guess a password.

  • Store passwords securely, such as using a secure hash function with a salt to protect against password cracking.

  • Implement session management controls, such as using unique session IDs, expiration times, and invalidation of sessions on logout.

  • Regularly monitor logs for suspicious activity, such as multiple failed login attempts or unexpected changes in user access patterns.

  • Regularly update software and systems to ensure that vulnerabilities are patched and that the latest security measures are in place.

  • Educate users on the importance of strong passwords and proper authentication practices.


In conclusion, Improper Authentication is a critical vulnerability in the field of information security. It can lead to unauthorized access, data theft, and other security breaches. It is important to understand the different types of Improper Authentication vulnerabilities and the ways in which they can be exploited. To prevent these types of attacks, organizations should implement robust security measures, such as multi-factor authentication, strong password policies, session management controls, and regular monitoring of logs for suspicious activity. Additionally, organizations should educate users on the importance of strong passwords and proper authentication practices. By taking these steps, organizations can help to protect themselves against the potential impacts of Improper Authentication vulnerabilities.

Improper Authentication | CQR (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.