In-Office Professional Teeth Whitening vs. Take-Home Whitening Trays (2024)

Cosmetic Dentistry |6 min read

by Love Your Smile

In-Office Professional Teeth Whitening vs. Take-Home Whitening Trays (2)

Professional teeth whitening at the dentist is the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatment, but you may be considering in-office professional teeth whitening vs. take-home whitening trays.

Both are effective in whitening teeth, but the main difference comes down to the application method and the time required before you see results.

It’s no surprise that professional teeth whitening is so popular because it’s effective and inexpensive to improve a smile’s look drastically.

So, which is best for you?

Our team at Love Your Smile offers professional teeth whitening and will help you compare the two options.

What is the best teeth whitening?

The best teeth whitening method for you depends on your ideal shade, time, and budget.

A dentist will recommend the best teeth whitening option, depending on your needs.

The benefits of in-office whitening include:

  • Completed under a dentist’s supervision
  • Quick and takes about 1 hour
  • Has the ability to whiten teeth by several shades in 1 treatment

The benefits of take-home whitening trays include:

  • Can conveniently do it at home in private
  • Slowly whitens teeth and can perform touch-ups when needed
  • Costs less than an in-office professional whitening treatment

The downside to doing your whitening at home is the risk of gum and tooth sensitivity if the instructions aren’t followed correctly.

Fortunately, dentists clearly explain how to whiten teeth safely at home and make it easy with custom-made trays.

It’s important to note that DIY whitening isn’t as strong as in-office whitening, which is why it takes much longer to see the desired result.

Before starting any type of whitening treatment, you should make sure your teeth and gums are healthy and speak with your dentist to compare teeth whitening options.

Why professional teeth whitening?

Are you hiding your smile because it’s not as white as it used to be? Maybe you’ve tried whitening toothpastes, whitening pens, whitening strips. The list goes on…

Factors that affect the color of teeth are controllable and uncontrollable, so sometimes DIY teeth whitening isn’t enough.

Controllable factors that affect the color of teeth include food and drink that cause staining, dental hygiene, and smoking. At the same time, uncontrollable factors include age, injury, medication, and medical history.

As we get older, enamel wears, and teeth may appear duller and discolored.

But you deserve to shine bright with a whiter smile, and a professional teeth whitening may help you achieve this.

Professional teeth whitening by a dentist is safe, quick, and cost-effective.

It comes down to each patient.

The best way to whiten teeth depends on the individual case.

How in-office professional whitening is done:

First, you and the dentist agree on the desired shade of white for your teeth.

Then sit back and relax, and we get to work.

Your mouth and gums are protected, and the whitening gel is placed on the teeth. A light activates the whitening process, and the session takes about 1 hour.

In a single visit, you’ll get a more beautiful, white smile. This option is perfect for someone who has a wedding or big event coming up and needs a fast smile makeover.

It’s the most popular, most comfortable, and affordable cosmetic dentistry procedure.

Learn More About Professional Whitening

How to whiten teeth at home with take-home whitening trays:

In this option, the dentist provides a custom-made whitening kit with fitted trays and a bleaching solution for teeth whitening at home. Instructions are outlined to help you perform the treatment at your convenience.

Step one in getting take-home whitening trays is to schedule a consultation with your dentist and create impressions for the custom-fit whitening trays.

The trays are shaped to whiten teeth evenly and to limit any whitening solution exposure on sensitive areas like the inside of the mouth and gums.

Before whitening at home, you should brush and floss thoroughly. Be sure to rinse well.

When ready, use your whitening kit and follow the instructions to achieve whiter teeth. You’ll see results in just a few weeks.

Looking for the best teeth whitening options in Seattle?

If you’d like to improve your smile in time for a wedding or big event, then our team at Love Your Smile is ready to help you find the best teeth whitening method for your needs.

We offer Zoom!… opens in a new window to Philips website… teeth whitening in the office and custom kits to take home for touch-ups.

In addition to cosmetic dentistry, we offer a wide range of dental care – all under one roof for your convenience.

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  • Contact us online to schedule your appointment
  • Call us at 206-724-0188
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Our services include:

  • Family Dentistry
  • Restorative Dentistry
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Periodontics

Areas served include:

  • Downtown Seattle
  • Lake Union
  • Belltown

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In-Office Professional Teeth Whitening vs. Take-Home Whitening Trays (2024)


Is in-office or at home whitening better? ›

In-office whiteners are much stronger than the other two alternatives because they have more peroxide in the solution. They can change the color of your teeth faster than at-home methods. The in-office whitening takes about an hour.

Is in clinic teeth whitening better than at home? ›

That said, at-home whitening products have lower concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, meaning they may not offer the same degree of shade changes that you get from professional whiteners. Products like brush-on whiteners, strips or trays can be purchased online, at pharmacies and grocery stores, etc.

Is professional teeth whitening better than over-the-counter? ›

While mass-produced, at-home kits might be a cheaper option, consider that professional teeth whitening is a safer and more effective investment. Professional teeth whitening at Sedation Dental Care creates more effective results in a shorter amount of time.

Is it worth it to get your teeth professionally whitened? ›

The results of professional in-office whitening are significantly better than the degree of whitening you can achieve at home with over-the-counter products. The whitening agent I use is more concentrated than commercial whitening agents. As a result, it lightens your teeth by about eight shades in one hour.

Are whitening trays from dentists worth it? ›

The primary reason to rely on your dentist's custom-tailored teeth whitening tray is it will whiten unsightly teeth much better than any product available over-the-counter. The dentist will show you exactly how your personalized teeth whitening tray should be applied to your teeth.

Why is in-office teeth whitening so expensive? ›

The cost difference mainly exists due to the lesser efficacy of whitening from at-home products. These products tend to contain lower concentrations of bleaching agents and do not work as good or fast as in-office teeth whitening.

What is the safest most effective teeth whitening method? ›

What are the 4 safest ways to whiten your teeth?
  1. Over-the-counter whitening toothpastes and gels. Whitening toothpastes and gels are a simple way to make your smile brighter. ...
  2. Whitening strips. ...
  3. Custom-fitted whitening trays. ...
  4. In-office blue whitening treatment.
Mar 7, 2023

How long does in clinic teeth whitening last? ›

If you maintain good oral hygiene, a chairside (or in-office) procedure should provide long-lasting results for 1 to 3 years.

Is it better to whiten your teeth at the dentist or DIY? ›

Professional teeth whitening uses a more effective process

Dr. Yalamanchili is able to use a stronger process in her office, typically approved for use by dentists only. You'll see some difference in the brightness of your teeth with a DIY kit, but not as much as if you had your teeth professionally whitened.

What are the disadvantages of professional teeth whitening? ›

What are the risks of teeth whitening? No matter what treatment you use, there's a chance your gums will be sensitive to the chemicals used in teeth whitening, particularly if you already have sensitive teeth. There's also a chance of burns to gums and some of the whitening kits used at home can harm tooth enamel.

What is the number one teeth whitening method? ›

Option #1: In-Office Laser Whitening

This is one of the popular teeth whitening methods that some people believe is the most effective way to get a brighter smile. Using lasers and peroxide-based whitening agents in a professional setting, this teeth whitening method provides dramatic, lasting results.

What is the most harmless teeth whitening method? ›

If you're wondering how to whiten your teeth without damaging them, consider the following options: Baking Soda: While some argue baking soda is too abrasive to use on your teeth, dental researchers have found it has a rating of seven on the Relative Dentin Abrasivity (RDA) scale of 0 to 269.

Is in-office teeth whitening effective? ›

Whiter Teeth

Last but not least, in-office whitening is the most effective choice. Even though the treatment is quick, it is powerful. At-home kits and whitening toothpaste cannot compete with professional results.

How long do professional teeth whitening results last? ›

With proper care, your brighter smile can last for 1-3 years. A single session may last anywhere between 40 minutes to an hour. The procedure requires applying a specially formulated gel that contains anywhere between 25% to 40% hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide to whiten the teeth.

Do teeth continue to whiten after professional whitening? ›

Some people respond very well and teeth can get up to 3-4 shades lighter after just 5-7days of bleaching or up to 5 shades whiter with one ZOOM in office treatment. Others may not notice as much change. Your teeth will continue to lighten for a couple of days even after you stop a whitening session.

Does in-office teeth whitening last? ›

The results of dental chairside or in-office bleaching are long-lasting but not permanent. With proper care, your brighter smile can last for 1-3 years. A single session may last anywhere between 40 minutes to an hour.

What is the difference between in-office and at-home bleaching? ›

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Your dentist will carefully set up and monitor the procedure, making it safe and pain-free. And unlike in-home teeth whitening, in-office/professional whitening uses high-concentration bleaching gel, which means you'll get immediate, noticeable results from the treatment.

How effective is home teeth whitening? ›

It's not unusual to see your teeth noticeably lighten a few shades with regular use of at-home tooth whitening products. Gel-filled trays work the fastest, with results sometimes seen in as little as a few days, researchers say. Whitening strips and gels typically lighten teeth within two weeks.

Is dentist teeth whitening better than at-home? ›

Some home kits don't contain enough whitening product to be effective. Also, if a dental professional isn't doing the whitening, the mouthguard provided may not fit properly so some of the bleaching gel may leak out onto your gums and into your mouth, causing blistering and sensitivity.

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