Income Method: Meaning, Definition, Formula (2024)

The income approach is an evaluation methodology used for real estate estimation, which is computed by dividing the capitalisation tariff or price by the net operating income of the rental payments. Investors use this computation to value properties based on their profitability.

This methodology approaches national income from the allocation facet. To put it in other words, this methodology quantifies national income at the stage of allocation and appears as the income paid or received by individuals of the nation. Hence, under this methodology, national income is attained by adding up the earnings of all the individuals of a nation. Individuals earn by contributing their own services and the services of their properties such as land and capital to the national production.

Also Read: Circular Flow of Income In Two-Sector Economy

Hence, national income is computed by summing up the rent of a land, salaries of employees and wages, interest on capital, surplus profits of entrepreneurs (including unallocated corporate profits), and earnings of self-employed people. This methodology of evaluating national income has a great advantage of including the allocation of national income among different earning groups such as:

  • Workers
  • Landlords
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Owners of capital

As mentioned earlier, the sum of final expenditures in the economy must be equivalent to the income received by all the factors of manufacturing taken together. This follows from the simple notion that the revenues earned by all the enterprises put together must be allocated among the factors of manufacturing as profits, salaries, interest earnings, wages, and rents.

Also, Refer:
  • What is the Expenditure Method?
  • What is National Income Accounting?
Q.1 Calculate the NDP at FC by using the income method.
S. No.ItemsAmount

( in crores)

(i)Income from domestic products accruing to private sector4,000
(ii)Income from domestic products accruing to public sector2,000


NDP at FC = Income from domestic products accruing to private sector + Income from

domestic products accruing to public sector

= Rs. 4,000 crores + Rs. 2,000 crores

= Rs. 6,000 Crores

Q.2 Calculate the NDP at FC by using the income method.
S. No.ItemsAmount

(in crores)

(i)Compensation of employees1,000
(ii)Operating surplus2,000
(iii)Mixed income of self-employed5,000
(iv)Income from domestic products accruing to public sector10,000


NDP at FC = Compensation of employees + Operating surplus + Mixed income of

self-employed + Income from domestic products accruing to public


= Rs. 1,000 crores + Rs. 2,000 crores + Rs. 5,000 crores + Rs. 10,000


= Rs. 18,000 crores

Q.3 Calculate the NDP at FC by using the income method.
S. No.ItemsAmount

(in crores)

(i)Income from domestic products accruing to private sector14,000
(ii)Savings of non-departmental enterprise12,000
(iii)Income from property and entrepreneurship to government administrative departments23,000


Income from domestic products accruing to public sector = Income from

property and entrepreneurship accruing to government administrative departments

+ Saving of non-departmental enterprises

= Rs. 23,000 crores + Rs. 12,000 crores

= Rs. 35,000 crores

NDP at FC = Income from domestic products accruing to private sector +

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector

= Rs. 14,000 crores + Rs. 35,000 crores

= Rs.49,000 crores

Q.4 Calculate the NDP at FC by using the income method.
S. No.ItemsAmount

(in crores)

(i)Compensation of employees3,000
(ii)Operating surplus2,000
(iii)Mixed income of self-employed1,000
(iv)Savings of non-departmental enterprise4,000
(v)Income from property and entrepreneurship to government administrative departments5,000


NDP at FC = Compensation of employees + Operating surplus + Mixed income of

self-employed + Income from domestic products accruing to public


= Rs. 3,000 crores + Rs. 2,000 crores + Rs. 1,000 crores + Rs. 9,000 crores

= Rs. 15,000 crores

* Income from domestic products accruing to public sector = Income from property and entrepreneurship accruing to government administrative departments + Saving of non-departmental enterprises

= Rs.5,000 crores + Rs. 4,000 crores = Rs. 9,000 crores

Q.5 Calculate the NDP at FC by using the income method.
S. No.ItemsAmount

(in crores)

(i)Compensation of employees3,165
(ii)Income from property2,375
(iii)Income from entrepreneurship1,567
(iv)Mixed income of self-employed4,363
(v)Savings of non-departmental enterprise5,770
(vi)Income from property and entrepreneurship to government administrative departments2,530


Income from domestic products accruing to public sector = Income from property and entrepreneurship accruing to government administrative departments + Savings of non-departmental enterprises

= Rs. 2,530 crores + Rs.5,770 crores

= Rs.8,300 crores

NDP at FC = Compensation of employees + Income from property + Income from

entrepreneurship + Mixed income of self-employed +Income from

domestic products accruing to public sector

= Rs. 3,165 crores + Rs. 2,375 crores + Rs.1,567 crores + Rs. 4,363

crores + Rs.8,300 crores

= Rs. 19,770 crores

Q.6 Calculate the NDP at FC by using the income method.
S. No.ItemsAmount

(in crores)

(v)Mixed income of self-employed5,590
(vi)Savings of non-departmental enterprise2,410
(vii)Income from property and entrepreneurship to government administrative departments8,000


NDP at FC = Compensation of employees + Operating surplus + Mixed income +

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector

= Rs. 2,100 crores + Rs.7,900 crores + Rs. 5,590 + Rs.10,410 crores

= Rs. 26,000 crores

Working Note:

Compensation of employees = Wages in cash

= Rs. 2,100 crores

Operating surplus = Rent + Interest + Profit

= Rs. 5,300 crores + Rs. 1,500 + Rs. 1,100

= Rs. 7,900 crores

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector = Income from

property and entrepreneurship accruing to government administrative

departments + Saving of non-departmental enterprises

= Rs. 8,000 crores + Rs. 2,410

= Rs. 10,410 crores

Q.7 Calculate the NDP at FC by using the income method.
S. No.ItemsAmount

(in crores)

(i)Wages and Salaries32,100
(v)Corporate tax50,590
(vii)Undistributed profit81,000
(viii)Mixed income of self-employed12,110
(ix)Savings of non-departmental enterprise5,190
(x)Income from property and entrepreneurship to government administrative departments15,500


NDP at FC = Compensation of employees + Operating surplus + Mixed income +

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector

= Rs. 32,100 crores + Rs. 2,26,900 crores + Rs. 12,110 crores +

Rs. 20,690 crores

= Rs. 2,91,800 crores

Working Note:

Compensation of employees = Wages and salaries in cash

= Rs. 32,100 crores

Operating surplus = Rent + Royalty + Interest + Profit

= Rs. 52,300 crores + Rs. 12,500 crores + Rs. 10,100 +

Rs. 1,52,000

= Rs. 2,26,900 crores

Profit = Undistributed profit + Dividend + Corporate tax

= Rs. 81,000 crores + Rs. 20,410 crores + Rs.50,590 crores

= Rs.1,52,000 crores

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector = Income from

property and entrepreneurship accruing to government administrative

departments + Savings of non-departmental enterprises

= Rs. 15,500 crores + Rs. 5,190 crores

= Rs. 20,690 crores

Q.8 Calculate the domestic income and national income by using the income method.
S. No.ItemsAmount

(in crores)

(i)Compensation of employees3,000
(ii)Income from property2,000
(iii)Income from entrepreneurship1,500
(iv)Mixed income of self-employed4,500
(v)Savings of non-departmental enterprise5,000
(vi)Income from property and entrepreneurship to government administrative departments2,000
(viii)Net indirect taxes500
(ix)Net factor income from abroad1,000


NDP at FC = Compensation of employees + Income from property + Income from

entrepreneurship + Mixed income + Income from domestic products

accruing to public sector

= Rs. 3,000 crores + Rs. 2,000 Crores + Rs. 1,500 crores + Rs. 4,500

crores + Rs. 7,000 crores

= Rs. 18,000 crores

National income = NDP at FC + Net factor income from abroad

= Rs. 18,000 crores + Rs. 1,000 crores

= Rs. 19,000 crores

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector = Income from

property and entrepreneurship accruing to government administrative

departments + Saving of non-departmental enterprises

= Rs. 2,000 crores + Rs. 5,000 crores

= Rs. 7,000 crores

Q.9 Calculate the NDP at FC and the NNP at FC by using the income method.
S. NoItemsAmount

(in crores)

(iii)Employers’ contribution to social security schemes500
(vii)Mixed income of self-employed2,500
(viii)Savings of non-departmental enterprise4,000
(ix)Income from property and entrepreneurship to government administrative departments5,000
(xi)Indirect taxes1,500
(xiii)Factor income from abroad2,000
(xiv)Factor Income to abroad500


NDP at FC = Compensation of employees + Operating surplus + Mixed income +

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector

= Rs. 3,500 crores + Rs. 3,500 crores + Rs. 2,500 crores + Rs. 9,000 crores

= Rs. 18,500 crores

NNP at FC = NDP at FC + Net factor income from abroad

= Rs. 18,500 crores + Rs. 1,500 crores

= Rs. 20,000 crores

Working Note:

Compensation of employees = Wages + Salaries + Employers’ contribution to social

security schemes

= Rs. 2,000 crores + Rs. 1,000 crores + Rs. 500 crores

= Rs. 3,500 crores

Operating surplus = Rent + Interest + Profit

= Rs. 1,000 crores + Rs. 1,500 crores + Rs. 1,000 crores

= Rs. 3,500

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector = Income from

property and entrepreneurship accruing to government administrative

departments + Saving of non-departmental enterprises

= Rs. 5,000 crores + Rs. 4,000 crores

= Rs. 9,000 crores

Net factor income from abroad = Factor income from abroad – Factor income to abroad

= Rs. 2,000 crores – Rs. 500 crores

= Rs. 1,500 crores

Q.10 Calculate the NDP at FC and the NNP at FC by using the income method.
S. No.ItemsAmount

(in crores)

(i)Wages and Salaries2,000
(iii)Operation surplus3,000
(v)Compensation of employees4,000
(vi)Mixed income of self-employed2,500
(vii)Savings of non-departmental enterprise4,000
(viii)Income from property and entrepreneurship to government administrative departments5,000
(x)Indirect taxes1,500
(xii)Factor income from abroad2,000
(xiii)Factor income to abroad500


NDP at FC = Compensation of employees + Operating surplus + Mixed income +

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector

= Rs. 4,000 crores + Rs. 3,000 crores + Rs. 2,500 crores + Rs. 9,000 crores

= Rs. 18,500 crores

NNP at FC = NDP at FC + Net factor income from abroad

= Rs. 18,500 crores + Rs. 1,500 crores

= Rs. 20,000 crores

Working Note:

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector = Income from

property and entrepreneurship accruing to government administrative

departments + Saving of non-departmental enterprises

= Rs. 5,000 crores + Rs. 4,000 crores

= Rs. 9,000 crores

Net factor income from abroad = Factor income from abroad – Factor income to abroad

= Rs. 2,000 crores – Rs. 500 crores

= Rs. 1,500 crores

Q.11 Calculate the NDP at FC and the NNP at FC by using the income method.
S. No.ItemsAmount

(in crores)

(i)Wages and Salaries4,000
(ii)Rent and Royalty2,000
(iii)Compensation of employees5,000
(v)Corporate tax1,000
(vii)Undistributed profit1,000
(viii)Mixed income of self-employed2,000
(ix)Savings of non-departmental enterprise3,000
(x)Income from property and entrepreneurship to government administrative departments5,000
(xi)Net factor income to abroad1,000
(xiii)Consumption of fixed capital500
(xiv)Employees’ contribution to social security schemes1,000


NDP at FC = Compensation of employees + Operating surplus + Mixed income +

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector

= Rs. 5,000 crores + Rs. 12,000 crores + Rs. 2,000 crores + Rs. 8,000


= Rs. 27,000 crores

NNP at FC = NDP at FC + Net factor income from abroad

= Rs. 27,000 crores + (-1,000)

= Rs. 26,000 crores

Working Note:

Operating surplus = Rent and Royalty + Interest + Profit

= Rs. 2,000 crores + Rs. 6,000 crores + Rs. 4,000 crores

= Rs.1 2,000 crores

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector = Income from

property and entrepreneurship accruing to government administrative

departments + Savings of non-departmental enterprises

= Rs. 5,000 crores + Rs. 3,000 crores

= Rs. 8,000 crores

Q.12 Calculate the NDP at FC and the NNP at FC by using the income method.
S. No.ItemsAmount

(in crores)

(i)Wages and Salaries1,000
(v)Corporation tax2,100
(vii)Undistributed profit550
(viii)Mixed income of self-employed450
(x)Savings of non-departmental enterprise3,000
(ix)Income from property and entrepreneurship to government administrative departments1,000
(x)Net factor income from abroad1,000
(xi)Factor income to abroad500
(xii)Net indirect taxes500
(xiii)Consumption of fixed capital200
(xv)Employers’ contribution to social security schemes100


NDP at FC = Compensation of employees + Operating surplus + Mixed income +

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector

= Rs. 1,100 crores + Rs. 9,050 crores + Rs. 450 crores + Rs. 4,000 crores

= Rs. 14,600 crores

NNP at FC = NDP at FC + Net factor income from abroad

= Rs. 14,600 crores + Rs. 1,000 crores

= Rs. 15,600 crores

Working Note:

Compensation of employees = Wages and Salaries + Employers’ contribution to

social security schemes

= Rs. 1,000 crores + Rs. 100 crores

= Rs. 1,100 crores

Operating surplus = Rent + Royalty + Interest + Profit

= Rs. 2,000 crores + Rs. 2,500 crores + Rs. 1,000 crores + Rs. 3,550


= Rs. 9,050

Profit = Undistributed profit + Dividend + Corporate tax

= Rs. 550 crores + Rs. 900 crores + Rs. 2,100

= Rs. 3,550 crores

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector = Income from

property and entrepreneurship accruing to government administrative

departments + Saving of non-departmental enterprises

= Rs. 1,000 crores + Rs. 3,000 crores

= Rs. 4,000 crores

Q.13 Calculate the domestic income and national income by using the income method.
S. No.ItemsAmount

(in crores)

(i)Factor income to abroad11,000
(v)Tax by companies1,100
(vi)Income from property and entrepreneurship to government administrative departments9,000
(vii)Retained profits11,500
(viii)Mixed income of self-employed14,500
(ix)Factor income from abroad20,000
(x)Income from domestic products accruing to public sector19,000
(xiii)Indirect taxes5,000
(xv)Wages and Salaries11,800


NDP at FC = Compensation of employees + Operating surplus + Mixed income +

Income from domestic products accruing to public sector

= Rs. 11,800 crores + Rs. 59,100 crores + Rs. 14,500 crores + Rs. 19,000


= Rs. 1,04,400 crores

National income = NDP at FC + Net factor income from abroad

= Rs. 1,04,400 crores + Rs. 9,000 crores

= Rs. 1,13,400 crores

Working Note:

Compensation of employees = Wages and Salaries = Rs. 11,800 crores

Operating surplus = Rent + Royalty + Interest + Retained profits + Tax by companies +


= Rs. 21,000 crores + Rs. 12,500 crores + Rs. 2,000 crores + Rs. 11,500

crores + Rs. 1,100 crores + Rs. 11,000

= Rs. 59,100 crores

Net factor income from abroad = Factor income from abroad – Factor income to abroad

= Rs. 20,000 crores – Rs. 11,000 crores

= Rs. 9,000 crores

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Income Method: Meaning, Definition, Formula (2024)


Income Method: Meaning, Definition, Formula? ›

What is the Income Method? It is a process of calculating national income by considering the factors income of an economy. Here, the factor income of every section of and the economy is summed up and then by adding the Net Factor Income from Abroad, National Income is determined.

What is income method and its formula? ›

What is Income Method? The income approach is an evaluation methodology used for real estate estimation, which is computed by dividing the capitalisation tariff or price by the net operating income of the rental payments. Investors use this computation to value properties based on their profitability.

What is the formula for the income approach method? ›

The income approach formula to determine the market value of a property is as follows. Where: Market Value = Net Operating Income ÷ Capitalization Rate.

What is the meaning of income method in accounting? ›

2. Income method. In the income method, the national income is measured by adding up the pretax income generated by the individuals and companies in the economy. It consists of income from wages, rent of buildings and land, interest on capital, profits, etc. in an accounting year.

What does the income method measure? ›

The income method measures GDP by adding together: The Gross Profit of companies and the Self-Employed, plus the wages of employees (Compensation of Employees).

What is the definition of income formula? ›

So put another way, the net income formula is: Gross Income – Expenses = Net Income. Or, if you really want to simplify things, you can express the net income formula as: Total Revenues – Total Expenses = Net Income.

What is income based method? ›

The income-based approach to valuation is sometimes also called the capitalisation method. A valuation on this basis requires expert review and analysis of a company's financial data alongside projections about future growth and earnings potential to determine a current value.

What is the formula for the income statement method? ›

The basic formula for an income statement is Revenues – Expenses = Net Income. This simple equation shows whether the company is profitable. If revenues are greater than expenses, the business is profitable.

What is the formula for the income method of GDP? ›

Income Approach to GDP

Instead of summing the amount spent on goods and services within an economy, it sums the total income generated within an economy as a result of the production of goods and services. It is calculated by summing the total national income, sales tax, depreciation, and net foreign factor income.

What is the formula for net income approach? ›

To calculate net income for a business, start with a company's total revenue. From this figure, subtract the business's expenses and operating costs to calculate the business's earnings before tax. Deduct tax from this amount to find the NI.

How to calculate income? ›

Multiply the hourly wage by the number of hours worked per week. Then, multiply that number by the total number of weeks in a year (52). For example, if an employee makes $25 per hour and works 40 hours per week, the annual salary is 25 x 40 x 52 = $52,000.

How to calculate income in accounting? ›

How to Calculate Net Income
  1. Net Income = Total Revenue minus Total Expenses.
  2. Netflix's income statement from Q2 2022. ...
  3. Netflix's cash flow statement from Q2 2022. ...
  4. Gross Income = Revenue minus COGS (Cost of Goods Sold)
  5. EBITDA = Net Income + Taxes + Interest + Depreciation + Amortization.
  6. EBIT = Net Income + Taxes + Interest.

What is another name for the income statement method? ›

The income statement is also known as a profit and loss statement, statement of operation, statement of financial result or income, or earnings statement.

What is the formula of the income method? ›

NDPFC = Compensation of Employees + Profit + Rent & Royalty + Interest + Mixed income. The last step of calculating National Income through the Income Method is the estimation of Net Factor Income from Abroad(NFIA). NFIA is added to domestic income (NDPFC) to get the National Income(NNPFC). NNPFC = NDPFC + NFIA.

What is the formula for the income approach? ›

Investment Value – value of an investment property to a particular investor; may not equal market value. IRV – notation for the basic capitalization formula used in the income approach where: Income divided by Rate equals Value. V = I ÷R • Know this income approach formula!

What is the factor income method? ›

Factor income is income received from the factors of production: the resources used to produce goods or services. Factor income on the use of land is called rent, income generated from labor is called wages, and income generated from capital is called profit.

What is the equation for income? ›

You would use three formulas throughout the income statement: Step 1: Gross profit = net sales – cost of goods sold. Step 2: Operating income = gross profit – operating expenses. Step 3: Net income = operating income + non-operating income.

What is the formula for income and expenditure method? ›

The expenditure method is the most common way to calculate national income. The expenditure method formula for national income is C + I + G (X - M), where consumer spending is denoted by C, investment is denoted by I, government spending is denoted by G, X stands for exports and imports is represented as M.

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