Insurance: Concept, Principles, Functions of Insurance Company, Q&A (2024)

Business Services

There are no certainties or guarantees in life. There is no guarantee that the business will not suffer an unexpected loss or damages. So while we cannot protect our interests against all risks, we can opt for some insurance. Let us take a look at concepts of insurance and functions of an insurance company.

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Insurance is defined as a contract, which is called a policy, in which an individual or organisation receives financial protection and reimbursem*nt of damages from the insurer or the insurance company. At a very basic level, it is some form of protection from any possible financial losses.

The basic principle of insurance is that an entity will choose to spend small periodic amounts of money against a possibility of a huge unexpected loss. Basically, all the policyholder pool their risks together. Any loss that they suffer will be paid out of their premiums which they pay.

Insurance: Concept, Principles, Functions of Insurance Company, Q&A (8)

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Functions of an Insurance Company

1] Provides Reliability

The main function of insurance is that eliminates the uncertainty of an unexpected and sudden financial loss. This is one of the biggest worries of a business. Instead of this uncertainty, it provides the certainty of regular payment i.e. the premium to be paid.

2] Protection

Insurance does not reduce the risk of loss or damage that a company may suffer. But it provides a protection against such loss that a company may suffer. So at least the organisation does not suffer financial losses that debilitate their daily functioning.

3] Pooling of Risk

In insurance, all the policyholders pool their risks together. They all pay their premiums and if one of them suffers financial losses, then the payout comes from this fund. So the risk is shared between all of them.

4] Legal Requirements

In a lot of cases getting some form of insurance is actually required by the law of the land. Like for example when goods are in freight, or when you open a public space getting fire insurance may be a mandatory requirement. So an insurance company will help us fulfil these requirements.

5] Capital Formation

The pooled premiums of the policyholders help create a capital for the insurance company. This capital can then be invested in productive purposes that generate income for the company.

Principles of Insurance

As we discussed before, insurance is actually a form of contract. Hence there are certain principles that are important to ensure the validity of the contract. Both parties must abide by these principles.

1] Utmost Good Faith

A contract of insurance must be made based on utmost good faith ( a contract of uberrimatefidei). It is important that the insured disclose all relevant facts to the insurance company. Any facts that would increase his premium amount, or would cause any prudent insurer to reconsider the policy must be disclosed.

If it is later discovered that some such fact was hidden by the insured, the insurer will be within his rights to void the insurance policy.

2] Insurable Interest

This means that the insurer must have some pecuniary interest in the subject matter of the insurance. This means that the insurer need not necessarily be the owner of the insured property but he must have some vested interest in it. If the property is damaged the insurer must suffer from some financial losses.

3] Indemnity

Insurances like fire and marine insurance are contracts of indemnity. Here the insurer undertakes the responsibility of compensating the insured against any possible damage or loss that he may or may not suffer. Life insurance is not a contract of indemnity.

4] Subrogation

This principle says that once the compensation has been paid, the right of ownership of the property will shift from the insured to the insurer. So the insured will not be able to make a profit from the damaged property or sell it.

5] Contribution

This principle applies if there are more than one insurers. In such a case, the insurer can ask the other insurers to contribute their share of the compensation. If the insured claims full insurance from one insurer he losses his right to claim any amount from the other insurers.

6] Proximate Cause

This principle states that the property is insured only against the incidents that are mentioned in the policy. In case the loss is due to more than one such peril, the one that is most effective in causing the damage is the cause to be considered.

Solved Question for You

Q: Write a few lines on the Indian Insurance Sector.

Ans: India’s economy has been in a boom for the last two decades. There has been increased manufacturing and financial activities. This, in turn, has triggered a rapid growth in the insurance sector as well.

In the year 2000, the authorities allowed private companies to be a part of the insurance business. Today there are 13 companies in life insurance and 13 in general insurance. The most prominent one is of course LIC. And then there are other major players like New India, Tata AIG, Bajaj Allianz, ICICI Lombard etc.

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Insurance: Concept, Principles, Functions of Insurance Company, Q&A (2024)


What is the function of principles of insurance? ›

The basic principle of insurance is that an entity will choose to spend small periodic amounts of money against a possibility of a huge unexpected loss. Basically, all the policyholder pool their risks together.

What is the function of the insurance company? ›

To provide safety and security to the insured – One of the prime reasons for entering into an insurance contract is to seek financial security in the event of a loss from an unexpected occurrence. Insurance offers support to the policyholder and helps to reduce the uncertainties in the business or in human lives.

What are the 7 principles of insurance? ›

In insurance, there are 7 basic principles that should be upheld, ie Insurable interest, Utmost good faith, proximate cause, indemnity, subrogation, contribution and loss of minimization.

What is the concept of insurance in a PDF? ›

define insurance as a mechanism (or a service) for the transfer to someone called. the insurer of certain risks of financial loss in exchange of the payment of an. agreed fixed amount. The payment is due before the contingent claim is serviced. by the insurer.

What are the basic concepts of insurance? ›

Insurance is a commodity which offers protection against various contingencies. Insurance products available for life and non-life are many. In non-life, apart form personal covers such as accident covers and health insurance, there are products covering liabilities under a particular law and or common law.

What is the main function of insurance quizlet? ›

The purpose of insurance is to transfer risk that we can't handle ourselves.

What best describes the function of insurance? ›

Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss in which, in exchange for a fee, a party agrees to compensate another party in the event of a certain loss, damage, or injury.

What are the critical functions of an insurance company? ›

According to the IRRD, critical functions mean activities, services, or operations performed by an insurance or reinsurance company for the benefit of third parties which cannot be replaced within a reasonable time or at a reasonable cost, and where the inability of the insurance or reinsurance company to perform those ...

What is the main work of an insurance company? ›

Insurance is a contract, represented by a policy, in which a policyholder receives financial protection or reimbursem*nt against losses from an insurance company. The company pools clients' risks to make payments more affordable for the insured.

Who is the biggest insurance company? ›

  • #1: United Health Group (UNH)
  • #2: Berkshire Hathaway Inc. ( BRK.B)
  • #3: CVS Health Corp Group (CVS)
  • #4: The Cigna Group (CI)
  • #5: Elevance Health Inc. ( ELV)
  • #6: Centene (CNC)
  • #7: Ping An Insurance (PNGAY)
  • #8: Allianz (ALIZY)

What are the key benefits of insurance? ›

It can help you live life with fewer worries knowing you'll receive financial assistance after a disaster or accident, helping you recover faster. When it comes to life insurance, this could mean your family doesn't have to move out of the house or that your kids can afford to go to college after you pass away.

What is the basic underlying concept of insurance? ›

One of the most basic cornerstones of modern insurance law is that the duty to defend is broader than the duty to indemnify. An insurer must provide a complete defense to its insured even where some causes of action may be outside coverage.

Which statement best explains the concept of insurance? ›

B. It is a protection that guarantees to pay you in the event of financial losses is correct because insurance companies aim to take back an individual to the financial position they were before the risk happened.

What are insurance fundamentals? ›

Insurance Fundamentals. Insurance. Insurance is a financial device for transferring or shifting risk from an individual or entity to a large group with the same risk.

What is the purpose of principles in a policy? ›

Principles are high-level ideas or rules that guide decisions or behaviours. The principles section provides the agreed framework and directions for how an organization approaches digital preservation in a consistent way.

Why do we need principles of insurance? ›

Insurance contracts are created solely as a means to provide protection from unexpected events, not as a means to make a profit from a loss. Therefore, the insured is protected from losses by the principle of indemnity, but through stipulations that keep him or her from being able to scam and make a profit.

What is the principle of insurance best defined as? ›

Principle of indemnity: -A defining characteristic of insurance, providing that a loss payment will replace what is lost, putting the insured back to where it was financially prior to the loss without rewarding or penalizing the insured for its loss.

Which of the following is a function of insurance? ›

Protection is a function of insurance. Is to provide protection from probable chances of loss. Insurance cannot stop the happening of risk or any unforeseen event but can compensate for losses arising out of it.

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