Integration Testing vs. End-to-End Testing: The Core Differences (2024)

According to Edward A. Strollo, a professor of software engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology, “The software requirements for a product like a plane or a train are so complex that it is impossible to test the system as a whole.” And this line throws a light on how important and complex integration testing and end-to-end testing can be.

This blog post will explore the core differences between integration testing and end-to-end testing and why understanding these differences is crucial for successful software development.

What is end-to-end testing?

End-to-end testing is a software testing technique that verifies the entire software system from start to finish. It tests all the integrated components of the system to ensure that they work together as intended. End-to-end testing aims to identify any potential defects or problems that may occur when real users use the system.

This testing technique is especially important for complex software systems, where integrating different components can be complex and error-prone. By testing the entire system, end-to-end testing can ensure that the system is reliable, efficient, and user-friendly.

Here are some of the benefits of end-to-end testing:

  • It can help identify defects not found in unit or integration testing.
  • It helps ensure that the system meets the user’s requirements.
  • It can help to improve the reliability and performance of the system.
  • It can help to reduce the risk of system failures.

End-to-end testing can be time-consuming and expensive, but it is often essential for ensuring the quality of complex software systems.


We can have a look at a real-time example to understand this End-to-end testing better:

Scenario: A customer purchases a product from an e-commerce website.

Steps for the end-to-end test:

  1. The customer navigates to the e-commerce website.
  2. The customer searches for the product they want to purchase.
  3. The customer adds the product to their cart.
  4. The customer proceeds to checkout.
  5. The customer enters their shipping and billing information.
  6. The customer selects a shipping method.
  7. The customer reviews their order and clicks “Place order.”
  8. The customer receives an order confirmation email.
  9. The customer receives their order in the mail.

The end-to-end test would involve testing all the steps above to ensure that the entire process works as expected.

Table Of Contents

  • 1 What is Integration testing?
  • 2 Integration testing vs end-to-end testing: Key differences
  • 3 Which test do you need?
  • 4 Testsigma for end-to-end and integration testing
  • 5 Summary
  • 6 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 6.1 How do Integration Testing and E2E Testing Complement Each Other?

What is Integration testing?

Integration testing is the process of testing how different software modules or components interact. It is a critical part of the software development process because it helps to identify and fix integration issues early on before they cause problems in the final product.

Integration testing is typically performed after unit testing, the process of testing individual modules or components in isolation. Integration testing ensures that the modules or components work together as expected. This is done by combining the modules or components and testing them as a group.

Different approaches to integration testing exist, such as top-down integration testing, bottom-up integration testing, and sandwich integration testing. The best approach to use depends on the specific software project.

Integration testing is an essential part of ensuring the quality of software. By identifying and fixing integration issues early on, integration testing can help to prevent costly errors and delays down the line.

Here are some benefits of integration testing:

  • It helps identify integration issues early on.
  • It helps to improve the reliability and robustness of the software.
  • It helps to reduce the risk of costly errors and delays.
  • It helps to ensure that the software meets the user’s requirements.


We can have a look at a real-time example to understand Integration testing better:

Scenario: A customer is trying to book a flight and hotel using a travel website.

Steps for the integration test:

  1. The customer navigates to the travel website.
  2. The customer enters their travel dates and destination.
  3. The customer searches for hotels.
  4. The customer selects the hotel.
  5. The customer clicks on “Book Now”.
  6. The customer moves to payment page.

The integration test would test that integration between hotel search, select and payment works.

Integration testing vs end-to-end testing: Key differences

Here are the Key differences between Integraion and End-to-end testing, along with their characteristics explained in detail in the table below:

Characteristic featuresIntegration testingEnd-to-end testing
ScopeIntegration testing tests a single module or a group of related modules.End-to-end testing tests the entire software system, from the user interface to the database.


Integration testing concentrates on the interaction between different software modules or components. It ensures that these modules or components can communicate with each other and exchange data correctly.

End-to-end testing, on the other hand, focuses on the whole software system from start to finish. It ensures the system performs all its intended functions and meets the user’s requirements.

EffortIntegration testing is less effort-intensive than end-to-end testing because it tests a smaller subset of the software system.End-to-end testing is more effort-intensive because it tests the entire software system.
TimeIntegration testing is executed after unit testing, which tests individual modules or components in isolation. This testing is done before end-to-end testingEnd-to-end testing is generally performed after integration testing. Still, it can also be performed after system testing, which tests the entire software system in its final environment.
CostIntegration testing is less expensive than end-to-end testing because it tests a smaller subset of the software system.End-to-end testing is more expensive because it tests the entire software system.
ComplexityIntegration testing is less complex than end-to-end testing because it tests a smaller subset of the software system.End-to-end testing is more complex because it tests the entire software system, which can be complex and interconnected.
BenefitsIntegration testing helps identify issues early on, preventing costly errors and delays.End-to-end testing helps to identify defects that may not be found in unit or integration testing.
DrawbacksIntegration testing may only identify some defects, especially if the software system is complex.End-to-end testing can be time-consuming and expensive, especially for large and complex software systems.

Which test do you need?

If anyone asks you this ‘which’ question, you should know the type of testing you need depends on the specific requirements of your software project. In general, you must perform both integration and end-to-end testing.

However, the emphasis on each type of testing will vary depending on the project. When deciding which type of testing to use, here are some factors to consider:

  • Complexity of the software system: If the software system is complex, you may need to perform both integration testing and end-to-end testing. This is because complex software systems often have many different modules or components that need to interact with each other. By performing integration testing, you can identify and fix any problems with the interaction between these modules or components.
  • Risk of defects: If the software system is high-risk, you should perform more extensive, end-to-end testing. This is because high-risk software systems are more likely to have defects that could cause user problems. By performing end-to-end testing, you can identify and fix any defects that could affect the entire system.
  • Budget and time constraints: Integration testing is less expensive and time-consuming than end-to-end testing. This is because integration testing tests a smaller subset of the software system. If you are on a tight budget or time constraint, consider prioritizing integration testing over end-to-end testing.
  • Availability of test data: You may need to create test data for end-to-end testing, which can be time-consuming and expensive. You must have access to the necessary test data if you need help performing end-to-end testing.

Here are some examples of when you might use integration testing:

  • When testing a new module being added to an existing system.
  • When testing the interaction between two or more modules in a system.
  • When testing a system that is being modified or upgraded.

Here are some examples of when you might use end-to-end testing:

  • When testing a new system from start to finish.
  • When testing a system that real users are using.
  • When testing a system that is critical to the business.

Ultimately, the decision of which type of testing to use is up to the software development team. The team should consider the specific requirements of the project and the factors listed above to make the best decision.

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Testsigma for end-to-end and integration testing

Testsigma is a powerful and easy-to-use automation tool that can help you improve the quality of your software. Testsigma has multiple features, making it an ideal tool for automating end-to-end and integration tests.

It is easy to use, even for non-technical users, and it offers a wide range of features that can help you save time and effort. With Testsigma, you can:

End-to-End Testing-Testsigma:

  1. It is a cloud-based platform to access anywhere. This makes it ideal for distributed teams or teams that need to test on multiple devices or environments.
  2. It is easy to use, even for non-technical users. You can create test cases using predefined NLPs and automate these test cases.
  3. It is scalable, so you can easily add more tests or users as your needs grow.
  4. It offers a wide range of features, including Data-driven testing: You can use data sets to drive your tests, which can help you automate more complex tests.
  5. Parallel execution: You can run your tests in parallel, which can help you reduce the time it takes to test your software.

Integration Testing-Testsigma:

  1. It lets you automate your web, mobile, APIs, and desktop tests from the same place while using the same approach.
  2. You can customize your tests if you want to extend them.
  3. With Testsigma, you don’t need to be an expert in coding – you can author and edit your tests like you would write and edit simple English sentences.
  4. Not only that, Testsigma lets you integrate into device cloud labs and lets you run your tests in parallel.
  5. Testsigma is also built-in, with extensive support for parallel testing.
  6. All of the above and more, with 24×7 support.

Testsigma is the perfect tool for teams of all sizes who want to improve the quality of their software.

Automate your tests for Web, Mobile, Desktop and APIs on Cloud with Testsigma. No setup required.

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In conclusion, understanding the differences between integration testing and end-to-end testing is crucial for any software development project. While both types of testing are essential for ensuring a smooth and functional application, they serve different purposes and require different approaches. Choosing the right testing strategy for your project can save time, reduce costs, and ensure a successful launch.

Happy Testing!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do Integration Testing and E2E Testing Complement Each Other?

Integration testing ensures that different modules of a software system work together correctly.

E2E testing ensures that the entire software system works correctly from start to finish.

By combining these two testing techniques, you can get a complete picture of the quality of your software system.

Integration Testing vs. End-to-End Testing: The Core Differences (2024)


Integration Testing vs. End-to-End Testing: The Core Differences? ›

End-to-end testing covers verification of your entire software application from start to finish. E2e tests include all the systems, components, and integrations involved in the application's workflow. Integration testing covers the interaction between different software modules or components.

What is the difference between integration test and end to end test? ›

Purpose: Integration tests are used primarily for testing a single process from third-party software that will be used in conjunction with the main software, while end-to-end tests can be used for a single process executed from start to finish or for different processes involving multiple applications.

What is the difference between integration testing and testing? ›

While unit tests always take results from a single unit, such as a function call, integration tests may aggregate results from various parts and sources. In an integration test, there is no need to mock away parts of the application. You can replace external systems, but the application works in an integrated way.

What is the difference between component testing and integration testing? ›

Integration tests evaluate the interaction and integration of multiple modules or subsystems to ensure that they function correctly when combined. Unlike unit tests and component tests, which focus on isolated parts of the system, integration tests validate the behavior of the system as a whole.

What is the difference between end to end testing and component testing? ›

Component tests differ from end-to-end tests in that instead of visiting a URL to pull up an entire app, a component can be "mounted" and tested on its own.

What are the three types of integration testing? ›

Types of Integration Testing
  • Big Bang Method. This method involves integrating all the modules and components and testing them at once as a single unit. ...
  • Bottom-Up Method. ...
  • Hybrid Testing Method. ...
  • Incremental Approach. ...
  • Stubs and Drivers. ...
  • Top-Down Approach.
Aug 13, 2024

What is an example of integration testing? ›

But if different systems are tested in a combined way, then that will be integration testing. For example the fuel system may be tested in collaboration with an exhaust system, and later, these two module's working is tested in collaboration with the working of an engine. Now, this is integration testing.

What is the difference between API testing and integration testing? ›

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are the canals through which different software components interact. API integration testing is a subset of integration testing focused on verifying that APIs meet functionality, reliability, performance, and security expectations.

What is the difference between integration testing and regression testing? ›

System testing examines the overall functionality of a completely integrated system. Integration testing verifies how the individual modules work when integrating with other modules. Regression testing checks new changes, and bug fixes can't affect the existing functionalities of a system.

What is the difference between integration testing and interface testing? ›

Interface testing is carried out to test an interface to verify the expected result. Integration testing is performed to verify the end to end functionality of the integrated components. Interface testing is tricky and boring. Integration testing is easy but lengthy.

Is UAT and end to end testing same? ›

End-to-End testing is similar to user acceptance testing (UAT) because testers will replicate end-user behavior, like making a transaction through the website. However, UAT is typically executed by business users, while end-to-end testing is performed by a technical testing team or quality assurance (QA.)

What is the difference between end to end testing and integration testing stackoverflow? ›

Let's start with a few definitions: End to End testing is testing the application from start to finish. I.e. a complete flow that a user would be expected to do. Integration testing is testing a group of components together as a single item.

What does end to end testing include? ›

End-to-end testing (E2E testing) refers to a comprehensive validation method that tests an application's workflow from start to finish. It verifies that each component functions correctly within the entire system in real-world scenarios, ensuring the software behaves as intended from the user's perspective.

What does end to end mean testing? ›

End-to-end testing (E2E testing) checks an entire software application from beginning to end, mimicking real user interactions and data. Its goal is to find bugs that appear when all parts of the system work together, ensuring the application performs as expected in real-world scenarios.

What is the difference between E2E test and acceptance test? ›

Conclusion. In conclusion, both UAT and E2E testing are crucial steps in ensuring software quality. UAT focuses on making sure the software meets the needs of its users, while E2E testing looks at how all the different parts of the software work together.

What is difference between system testing and end to end testing? ›

1) In System Testing, dependencies on external systems or components are often mocked or simulated to isolate the testing scope. 2) End-to-End Testing relies on real-world environments and interactions between different systems, making it dependent on the availability and stability of external dependencies.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.