Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Results After 1 Week (2024)

Want to know what are the intermittent fasting results after 1 week? Now it can be a little different for everybody depending on a few factors but here you’ll discover just how much weight you can lose in a week with intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting is far and away one of the most popular weight loss dieting methods out there today and for good reason. It’s a very simple dieting system that actually works.

Now some will get better weight loss results with their intermittent fasting than others after one week but that shouldn’t scare anyone from trying it. Some people are doing it all wrong which could seriously derail the outcome. There’s nothing more frustrating than dieting for a week without any weight loss to show for it.

Here you’ll discover the typical results after 1 week of intermittent fasting. Plus you’ll uncover the reasons why some people don’t end up losing any weight while others have massive success with it. So if you tried intermittent fasting without success or you’re not sure how to lose weight by fasting then you’ll find the answers here.

Table of Contents

Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Results After 1 Week (1)

Now the weight you’ll lose is going to largely depend on how much weight you have to lose in the first place. You’ll most likely lose more weight if you’re 50+ pounds overweight. But if you only need to lose 20-30 then you might not experience as much significant weight loss right off that bat (1). But there are some methods you can use to enhance the weight loss process with it.

And if you already have a low body fat percentage with 10 pounds to lose then you’re going to have to fight for every pound. It’ll be an ongoing battle but using a fast can also help you lose those last 10 pounds. Just keep in mind it might take you longer to get there.

If you’ve ever tried another style of dieting such as Paleo or Keto then you’ll know how difficult it can be sticking with it long term (2,3). Restricting yourself to eating only certain foods all the time can make it near impossible for most to stick with it long term. But fasting’s main benefit is it’s super simple to follow and more sustainable long term (4).

The only problem most people have is getting through some of the hunger that can come with not eating. If your body is used to eating around the clock then cutting out food for hours can cause your hunger levels to crank up. Then you’ll be doomed for failure if you’re feeling hungry all the time and staring at the clock counting down the minutes until you can eat again.

The trick to fighting the hunger pangs is to fill your body up with drinks that won’t break your fast. Lots of water, Keto Elevate, coffee, tea, and zero-calorie sparkling waters will be key to getting through your fast.

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But like with anything the more you’re practicing not eating the less hungry you’re going to end up being in the long run. Your body will become used to not eating for many hours throughout the day. And then your hunger levels will naturally go down as well (5).

How Much Weight You Can Lose in a Week With Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Results After 1 Week (3)

With intermittent fasting, the average person loses about 2-10 pounds in their first week. But keep in mind this is going to depend on how much weight you have to lose, to begin with. Not to mention how well you stick with your schedule. The form of it you’re doing and what you’re eating the rest of the time during your eating window.

Those who had the best outcome were using the 20:4 schedule (6). This is when you fast for 20 straight hours then have a four-hour feeding window. Then those who fasted for 16 hours with an eight-hour feeding window ended up losing less (7).

When you think about it this makes sense because the longer you’re fasting the less you’re going to end up eating. Your body also releases fat-burning hormones like norepinephrine and growth hormone that naturally increase your metabolism (8). The longer you fast the more of these fat-fighting hormones are released into your body.

But starting with a 20 hour fast right off the bat is going to be hard if you’re used to eating a normal schedule. This is why I like to start people off not eating for 13 hours their first week then working their way up by increasing their fasting window by an hour each week.

This makes it a little easier to break into it but it also means fewer pounds lost initially. But when you think long term you’ll end up losing more weight by starting slowly if you’re likelier to stick with it.

Intermittent Fasting 1 Week Before & After

Along with weight loss, you’ll also feel more energized and think clearer while you free your body from eating (9). Many of my clients have told me they feel much more energized now that their body isn’t constantly trying to digest and process foods.

Plus since they’re not eating any sugar or carbs during their fast they won’t be putting their blood sugar and insulin levels on a roller coaster. Insulin sensitivity will become improved with intermittent fasting which has been proven to lead to weight loss.

Fasting will also improve how clear your mind is and improve your thinking. This is why I much prefer to go through the ‘not eating’ period earlier in the day.

Then is the time to get your work done and since you feel more energized and think clearer you’ll be able to be much more productive and focused on your work. And most people prefer to have their feeding window during dinner since they like to eat with their families or like to have a nice dinner to unwind at night.

Your clothes should also start to fit better not only because you’ve lost some weight but because your body fat is lowering. As your body fat lowers then the inches on your arms, waist, hips, and legs are also going to shrink. So if you haven’t been impressed with the outcome after one week then make sure you’re also checking how your clothes fit as well as your inch measurements.

If you’re lifting weights it could throw off the weight scale since you could be adding on a little lean muscle. Muscle weighs something too so it could manipulate the scale. If you’ve lost fat but have replaced it with muscle then it could throw off the scale. This can be psychologically defeating to you mentally to not see the scale go down even though you’ve stuck with your schedule and working out. So don’t just trust the scale but also track your body fat and inches to give a much more accurate picture of your progress and weight loss.

1 Week Intermittent Fasting Tips & Tricks

The biggest question I’ll get is if you can eat whatever you want during your feeding window. And the truth is you actually can the shorter your feeding window is.

If you’re only not eating for up to 16 hours then you’re not going to be able to splurge as much with the food you eat. You’re still going to have to watch your calories and macronutrient intake to make sure you’re not going past your limit. But if you’re fasting 18 hours or 20 hours a day then you’re going to have much more leniency to eat what you want during your feeding window.

There’s a saying you can eat whatever you want if your feeding window is small enough. And it’s true for the most part. If you’re following the OMAD (one meal a day) fasting type diet then you could splurge on that last meal.

Or you could try a fasting every other diet style diet too. Some hardcore people have even gone on a 7-day water fast but I’d use that with caution and only if you’re mentally prepared for it.

Intermittent Fasting also tends to work best on a low-carb diet (10). If you have a lot of weight to lose then cutting out carbs in addition to fasting will make you lose more weight.

I try to eat mostly green leafy and cruciferous vegetables, meats, and some nuts for the most part. Eating a higher protein diet will help to keep your hunger levels down and help give your body a better body composition (11).

If you don’t like to eat vegetables then consider adding a super greens powder to your daily routine:

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There’s no doubt about it you’ll have more weight loss if you add in exercise in addition to fasting. Even if you’re going for a long walk every day it’s going to be better than sitting on the couch or at a desk all day.

This will force your body to burn off more calories and fat for energy thus making you lose more weight. Just make sure to realize if you’re adding in resistance training that it could throw off the scale and manipulate your results.

What happens the first week of intermittent fasting?

Your body is going to start to look to burn off fuel in your body for energy since it’s no longer getting it from the foods you would normally be eating. This is going to cause you to lose weight as long as you’re following the suggestions above with intermittent fasting. You’ll also notice your clothes fitting better, you’ll think clearer and you could even have more energy.

But also expect some hunger pangs the longer you fast especially if you’re used to ‘grazing’ all day on food. Try to use the recommended fasting beverages above to help suppress this hunger so you won’t break your fast but will cut down on the hunger. If you want to know more about how to fast for weight loss then check out my guide here.

How much weight can you lose with intermittent fasting in a week?

This is going to depend on how much weight you have to begin with, how well you stick with your intermittent fasting period, what schedule of intermittent fasting you’re doing, and what you’re eating the rest of the time. Plus if you’re working out too.

But all things being equal most people tend to lose 2-10 pounds their first week of fasting. Keep in mind some of this weight loss can be water weight which could also throw off the scale. Go here to see how much people lost in one month with intermittent fasting.

The Last Word

What makes intermittent fasting my preferred method of weight loss dieting is that it’s super simple to follow and it doesn’t restrict the types of food you eat. I know it can be hard to get through the hunger pains at first if you’re used to snacking all the time. If so then you should start slow which will cut down on your results but it’ll help ensure that you’ll stick with it long term.

Many people treat food as a “free for all” and by limiting yourself to the hours you eat you’ll be instantly cut down on calorie intake. But this doesn’t mean you have to completely cut out on your social life too. The problem with diets that make you eat only certain foods is they’re unsustainable long-term.

With fasting, if you want to hang with your friends for a couple of hours on Saturday you can still eat food. Just reset the timer once you stop eating and then you’ll be right back on your fast.

Plus having your fasting period earlier in the day opens up dinner time to be able to social gather with your family and friends. All in all intermittent fasting can be a great way to lose weight and get results even if you’re only going to try it for a week. Just make sure you’re doing everything else right to maximize your weight loss results.

Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Results After 1 Week (5)

Josh Schlottman, CSCS CPT

Josh holds a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition Science. He’s a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) by the National Strength and Conditioning Association and he’s a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) by American Council on Exercise. He’s worked as a Strength and Conditioning Coach at the high school and college levels. He has over 15 years of experience as a personal trainer and nutrition coach. He strives to bring inspiration and results for people to live healthier lives through smart diet and exercise.

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Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Results After 1 Week (2024)
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