Introduction to the ERC-1155 Token Standard | Rise In (2024)

Understanding the Power and Flexibility of Multi-Token NFTs

Introduction to the ERC-1155 Token Standard | Rise In (1)

Blockchain technology and tokens have revolutionized various industries by introducing decentralized, transparent, and secure methods of transferring value and information. Tokens, which are digital assets created and managed on blockchain networks, can represent a wide array of assets, from currency and property to in-game items and digital art. The ERC-1155 token standard has been around for a while now and developers are starting to realize its benefits. This article will cover everything you need to know about ERC-1155, from basics to tips on how to use it.

What is the ERC-1155 Token Standard?

Definition of ERC-1155

ERC-1155 ( Ethereum Request for Comments 1155) is a novel token standard on Ethereum. It is designed to optimize the creation and management of crypto assets by combining the best features of previous standards. It supports both fungible and non-fungible tokens within a single smart contract, which allows multiple items to be stored and transferred in one transaction.

This design reduces transaction costs and complexity, making it a more efficient and versatile solution for managing digital assets. The ERC-1155 token standard is an ideal choice for applications like gaming, digital art, and decentralized finance, where managing numerous assets efficiently is crucial.

Historical Background and Development

The ERC-1155 token standard was developed to overcome the limitations of existing standards, ERC-20 and ERC-721, by providing a more flexible and efficient framework for managing multiple types of tokens. ERC-20, introduced in 2015, supports fungible tokens, while ERC-721, proposed in 2018, supports non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Both required separate contracts for each token type, leading to inefficiencies in gas costs and storage.

Enjin, a blockchain-based gaming company, proposed ERC-1155 in 2019 to handle both fungible and non-fungible tokens within a single contract, introducing batch transfers and efficient storage. The standard was quickly adopted, particularly in gaming and digital collectibles, with platforms like Enjin, OpenSea, and Rarible integrating ERC-1155 for its efficiency and flexibility.

How Does ERC-1155 Work?

Features of ERC-1155 Tokens

  1. Multi-Token Standard:
    ERC-1155 allows the creation of multiple types of tokens within a single contract. This can include both fungible and non-fungible tokens.
  2. Batch Transfers:
    The standard supports batch transfers, allowing multiple tokens to be sent in a single transaction. This reduces the number of transactions and associated costs.
  3. Efficient Storage:
    By allowing multiple token types to be stored in a single contract, ERC-1155 optimizes storage and reduces gas costs.
  4. Safe Transfers:
    It includes built-in mechanisms to ensure safe transfers, reducing the risk of tokens being lost in invalid transactions.
  5. Atomic Swaps:
    ERC-1155 supports atomic swaps, enabling the exchange of multiple tokens in a single transaction, ensuring that either all transfers succeed or none do.
  6. Metadata:
    The standard provides a way to define metadata for each token type, which can be used to describe the properties and attributes of the tokens.

Transfer of ERC-1155 Tokens

The ERC-1155 token standard enhances the transfer mechanisms for blockchain tokens by introducing support for multiple token types and batch transfers. The mechanism of token transfer in ERC-1155 involves the following steps:

  1. Function Call: The safeTransferFrom function is called to transfer tokens from one address to another.
  2. Parameters: This function requires the from address (current owner), to address (recipient), id (token type), amount (number of tokens), and data (additional data)​.
  3. Validation: The function checks if the sender is authorized, ensures the from address has sufficient balance, and verifies the to address is valid (not zero address)​.
  4. Transfer: Tokens are deducted from the sender's balance and added to the recipient's balance in a single transaction​.
  5. Safe Transfer Check: If the recipient is a contract, the function checks if the contract implements onERC1155Received to confirm it can handle ERC-1155 tokens​.

Similarly, this mechanism works for batch transfer. In the first step safeBatchTransferFrom function is used instead of safeTransferFrom to transfer multiple types of tokens in a single transaction.

Benefits of ERC-1155 Tokens for NFTs

Role of ERC-1155 in Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

1- Multi-Token Support:
Handles both fungible and non-fungible tokens within a single contract. For example, in a game like "Gods Unchained," both in-game currency (fungible tokens) and unique cards (non-fungible tokens) can be managed within a single contract, simplifying development and improving efficiency.

2- Batch Transfers:
Enables multiple tokens to be transferred in a single transaction, reducing gas fees and increasing efficiency. For example, in a digital art marketplace like OpenSea an artist can sell multiple pieces of artwork in one transaction. This reduces gas fees and makes bulk sales more practical.

3- Enhanced Functionality:
Supports atomic swaps for reliable transactions and safe transfer functions to prevent token loss. For example, in Enjin's gaming ecosystem, players can swap multiple in-game items in a single transaction, ensuring that trades are either fully completed or not executed at all, thereby enhancing reliability.

4- Interoperability and Extensibility:
Encourages integration between different token types and supports detailed metadata for rich descriptions. For example, in Decentraland, virtual land parcels (as NFTs) and the currency used for transactions (fungible tokens) can interact seamlessly. This enables a seamless, immersive virtual world experience.

5- Security and Reliability:
Ensures secure and reliable token transfers through atomic operations and safety checks. For example, in an NFT marketplace like Mintable, the safe transfer function prevents accidental loss of tokens.

Differences Between ERC-721 and ERC-1155 for NFTs

ERC-721 is ideal for unique, non-fungible tokens but is inefficient due to higher gas costs and complex contracts. ERC-1155 is more versatile, supporting both fungible and non-fungible tokens in one contract, optimizing efficiency and reducing costs. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Token Type Support:

  • ERC-721: Only supports non-fungible tokens (NFTs), where each token is unique.
  • ERC-1155: Supports both fungible (interchangeable) and non-fungible (unique) tokens within a single contract, making it more versatile.

Batch Operations:

  • ERC-721: Does not support batch transfers, requiring separate transactions for each token, leading to higher gas costs.
  • ERC-1155: Allows multiple tokens to be transferred in a single transaction, reducing gas fees and improving efficiency.

Contract Efficiency:

  • ERC-721: Requires separate contracts for each token type, increasing complexity and deployment costs.
  • ERC-1155: Manages multiple token types within a single contract, simplifying contract management and reducing costs.

Gas Costs:

  • ERC-721: Higher gas costs due to separate transactions for each token.
  • ERC-1155: Lower gas costs due to batch operations and shared storage.


  • ERC-721: Each token has its own unique metadata, stored either on-chain or off-chain.
  • ERC-1155: Allows for both shared and individual metadata, offering more efficient storage and retrieval.

Use Cases:

  • ERC-721: Best for applications requiring unique assets, such as digital art and collectibles (e.g., CryptoKitties).
  • ERC-1155: Suitable for a wide range of applications including games, digital art, and DeFi, managing both fungible and non-fungible tokens (e.g., Enjin's gaming ecosystem).

Security Features:

  • ERC-721: Includes basic transfer and approval functions with standard security checks.
  • ERC-1155: Offers enhanced security with additional safety checks for batch transfers and atomic swaps, ensuring complete transaction success or failure, reducing the risk of token loss.

Comparing ERC-1155 with Other Token Standards

ERC-1155 vs. ERC-20 and ERC-721

1- Token Type:

  • ERC-20: Only supports fungible tokens where each token is identical.
  • ERC-721: Only supports non-fungible tokens where each token is unique.
  • ERC-1155: Supports both fungible and non-fungible tokens within a single contract.

2- Use Cases:

  • ERC-20: Best for cryptocurrencies and DeFi tokens that require identical units.
  • ERC-721: Ideal for unique digital items such as art and collectibles.
  • ERC-1155: Versatile for applications requiring both fungible and non-fungible tokens, such as gaming assets and mixed digital assets.

3- Contract Complexity:

  • ERC-20: Each token requires a separate contract.
  • ERC-721: Each unique token type requires a separate contract.
  • ERC-1155: Multiple token types can be managed within a single contract, simplifying contract management.

4- Batch Operations:

  • ERC-20 and ERC-721: Do not support batch operations, requiring multiple transactions for multiple transfers.
  • ERC-1155: Supports batch transfers and approvals, reducing the number of transactions and associated gas costs.

5- Gas Efficiency:

  • ERC-20: Moderate gas costs for single token operations.
  • ERC-721: High gas costs due to the need for multiple transactions for multiple tokens.
  • ERC-1155: More gas-efficient due to batch operations and shared storage.

6- Metadata Support:

  • ERC-20: Limited to basic information such as name, symbol, and decimals.
  • ERC-721: Detailed metadata for each unique token.
  • ERC-1155: Flexible, allowing for shared and individual metadata for tokens.

7- Transfer and Approval Mechanisms:

  • ERC-20: Uses transfer and transferFrom for transfers, approve and allowance for approvals.
  • ERC-721: Uses safeTransferFrom and transferFrom for transfers, approve and setApprovalForAll for approvals.
  • ERC-1155: Uses safeTransferFrom and safeBatchTransferFrom for transfers, setApprovalForAll for approvals, with batch approval support.

8- Atomic Swaps:

  • ERC-20 and ERC-721: Do not support atomic swaps.
  • ERC-1155: Supports atomic swaps, ensuring that either all transfers in a batch succeed or none do, enhancing transaction reliability.

9- Security Features:

  • ERC-20 and ERC-721: Basic security features, including transfer and approval checks.
  • ERC-1155: Enhanced security with safe batch transfers and atomicity, reducing the risk of partial transactions and token loss.

10- Interoperability:

  • ERC-20: Limited to fungible tokens.
  • ERC-721: Limited to non-fungible tokens.
  • ERC-1155: High interoperability, supporting both fungible and non-fungible tokens, making it suitable for complex ecosystems.

Advantages of ERC-1155 over ERC-721

1- Multi-Token Support:

ERC-721 only supports non-fungible tokens (NFTs), where each token is unique. In contrast, ERC-1155 supports both fungible and non-fungible tokens within a single contract, providing the flexibility to handle a wide range of digital assets.

2- Batch Operations:

ERC-721 does not support batch transfers; each token transfer requires a separate transaction, leading to higher gas costs and inefficiencies. In contrast, ERC-1155 allows batch transfers and batch approvals, enabling multiple tokens to be transferred or approved in a single transaction. This significantly reduces gas fees and improves efficiency, particularly in applications like gaming and marketplaces.

3- Gas Efficiency:

ERC-721 incurs higher gas costs due to the need for multiple transactions for multiple tokens. In contrast, ERC-1155 is more gas-efficient because of batch operations and shared storage for multiple token types, leading to reduced transaction costs.

4- Contract Management:

ERC-721 requires a separate contract for each unique token type, increasing complexity and deployment costs. In contrast, ERC-1155 manages multiple token types within a single contract, simplifying contract management and reducing deployment and maintenance costs.

5- Atomic Swaps:

ERC-721 does not support atomic swaps; each token transfer is an independent operation. In contrast, ERC-1155 supports atomic swaps, ensuring that all transfers in a batch either succeed or none do. This increases the reliability and security of multi-token transactions, preventing partial transfers.

6- Metadata Flexibility:

ERC-721 provides detailed metadata for each token, but each metadata instance must be managed separately. In contrast, ERC-1155 allows for flexible metadata management, supporting both shared metadata for similar tokens and individual metadata for unique tokens, making it more efficient for storing and retrieving token information.

7- Safe Transfers:

ERC-721 includes safeTransferFrom for secure transfers but does not inherently prevent issues with batch operations. In contrast, ERC-1155 incorporates safeTransferFrom and safeBatchTransferFrom, ensuring secure transfers even when dealing with multiple tokens simultaneously. This reduces the risk of tokens being lost or transferred to incompatible addresses.

8- Scalability:

ERC-721 is less scalable due to the need for multiple contracts and higher transaction costs for handling numerous tokens. In contrast, ERC-1155 is highly scalable, capable of handling a large number of different tokens within a single contract and processing multiple token transfers in a single transaction, making it ideal for large-scale applications.

9- Interoperability:

ERC-721 is limited to non-fungible tokens, restricting its use in applications that require interaction between fungible and non-fungible tokens. In contrast, ERC-1155 offers high interoperability by handling both fungible and non-fungible tokens, enabling more complex and integrated applications, such as games that use both in-game currencies and unique items.

ERC-1155 Metadata and Smart Contracts

Integration of Metadata URI in ERC-1155 Tokens

1- Explanation of Metadata URI:

A Metadata URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) is a string of characters used to identify and access metadata associated with a token.

The metadata URI is crucial for providing additional information about the token, such as its name, description, image, attributes, and other properties. This enhances the functionality and usability of the token by allowing users and applications to retrieve detailed information about the token.

2- How Metadata URI Works in ERC-1155:

Typically, the URI points to a JSON file hosted on a web server or decentralized storage solution like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System).

ERC-1155 supports dynamic URIs, allowing the metadata to be updated or changed based on certain conditions or states. This is particularly useful for tokens representing evolving digital assets, such as game characters or items that can level up or change appearance.

ERC-1155 for Handling Various Token Types

The ERC-1155 standard supports fungible tokens ( e.g cryptocurrencies) non-fungible tokens (e.g digital art) and semi-fungible tokens (SFTs)

1- Fungible Tokens:

Fungible tokens are interchangeable tokens where each unit is identical and can be replaced by another unit of the same value. Examples include cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or ERC-20 tokens.

Example: In Enjin-based games, players can earn, spend, and trade in-game currencies, reducing transaction costs and enhancing the gaming experience by using a single contract for various token types​

2- Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs):

Non-fungible tokens are unique tokens that cannot be replaced on a one-to-one basis. Each NFT has distinct properties and values. Examples include digital art, collectibles, and unique in-game items.

Example 1 : OpenSea, one of the largest NFT marketplaces, leverages ERC-1155 to enable creators to mint and trade unique digital artworks and collectibles. Artists can create multiple editions of their work or entirely unique pieces, managing them efficiently within a single contract and reducing gas fees through batch operations​.

Example 2: Adidas utilized ERC-1155 for phases 1, 2, and 3 of their "Into the Metaverse" NFT promotion, which included both physical and digital merchandise. Different versions of the NFTs entitled holders to various rewards, showing how ERC-1155 can manage multiple non-fungible items within a unified contract​

3- Combined Use Cases of ERC-1155 in NFTs and Fungible Tokens:

ERC-1155 allows both fungible and non-fungible tokens to be managed within a single smart contract, reducing the need for multiple contracts and simplifying the development process.

Example: players in Enjin-based games can use in-game currency to purchase unique items, all managed efficiently within a single contract. This combination enhances the gameplay experience and streamlines asset management​.

4- Semi-Fungible Tokens (SFTs):

These unique tokens combine the characteristics of fungible and non-fungible tokens. Initially, SFTs function like fungible tokens, meaning they can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis with other identical tokens. However, once they are redeemed or used, they transform into non-fungible tokens, becoming unique and collectible items.

Example 1: SFTs are particularly useful in gaming, where items like in-game currencies and assets need to be traded easily. Post-use, these items can become unique collectibles, enhancing player engagement and market liquidity​.

Example 2: SFTs can be used for event tickets, which are fungible before the event and turn into memorabilia after use, adding a new dimension of value​.

VIEnsuring Safe Transfers with ERC-1155

ERC-1155 Standard and Token Management

Make sure you are following the best practices to ensure safe and secure token transfers:

  1. Safe Transfer Functions: Use safeTransferFrom and safeBatchTransferFrom to ensure recipients can handle ERC-1155 tokens.
  2. Address and Amount Validation: Verify recipient addresses are valid and confirm transfer amounts are positive and sufficient.
  3. Batch Transfer Safety: Ensure ids and amounts arrays match in length and use atomic operations to avoid partial failures.
  4. Access Control: Implement access controls and require explicit approval for transfers.
  5. Event Logging: Emit TransferSingle and TransferBatch events for transparency and audit trails.
  6. Testing and Audits: Conduct thorough testing and security audits of all transfer functions.
  7. Reentrancy Protection: Use reentrancy guards and function modifiers to prevent reentrancy attacks.

Management of Multiple Tokens within a Single Smart Contract

These techniques are for managing multiple token types within a single smart contract:

  • Unified Storage: Use a single mapping for all token balances to reduce redundancy and optimize gas usage.
  • Batch Operations: Implement safeBatchTransferFrom to transfer multiple token types in one transaction, cutting down on gas costs.
  • Dynamic Metadata URIs: Use a single URI with token IDs embedded to manage metadata efficiently.
  • Event Logging: Emit TransferSingle and TransferBatch events for transparency and tracking.
  • Access Control: Use role-based access control to restrict critical operations to authorized users.
  • Atomic Transactions: Ensure batch transfers are atomic to prevent partial updates and maintain consistency.
  • Minting and Burning: Support batch minting and burning to manage token supply dynamically.

Optimizing Token Management with ERC-1155

Keep these strategies in mind for optimal token management using ERC-1155:

  1. Use batch transfers to move multiple tokens in a single transaction, reducing gas costs and increasing efficiency​.
  2. Deploy a single ERC-1155 contract to manage various token types (fungible, non-fungible, and semi-fungible), simplifying contract management and reducing redundancy.
  3. Utilize shared logic for token transfers, approvals, and balances. This reduces the complexity of your smart contracts and helps maintain a consistent codebase​.
  4. Implement a robust metadata URI system to handle the properties of different tokens efficiently. This allows for easy updates and retrievals of token-specific information.
  5. Optimize gas usage by leveraging ERC-1155's ability to handle multiple token types in a single contract and batch transactions. This minimizes the number of required transactions and thus the total gas fees​>
  6. Take advantage of ERC-1155’s safe transfer functions to prevent tokens from being lost when sent to incompatible addresses. This enhances the security of token transfers​.
  7. Implement role-based access control for minting and managing tokens to enhance security and control over who can create or modify tokens​>
  8. Ensure interoperability with different blockchains by leveraging ERC-1155’s compatibility features. This allows tokens to be used across various platforms and applications, increasing their utility and reach​.


Recap of Key Points

ERC-1155 is a flexible token standard on the Ethereum blockchain that supports the creation of fungible, non-fungible, and semi-fungible tokens within a single contract. Developed by Enjin, ERC-1155 enhances efficiency by allowing multiple token types to be bundled and transferred in a single transaction. This capability reduces gas fees and improves scalability. The standard is especially useful for applications such as gaming, where a game might need various tokens, including in-game currency, collectibles, and equipment. By accommodating multiple token types in one contract, ERC-1155 streamlines the development process and optimizes token management on the blockchain.

Future of ERC-1155

With its capability to manage multiple tokens simultaneously, the ERC-1155 standard stands out as one of the most promising ERC token types. It significantly reduces gas fees and allows for single-transaction asset transfers, while also offering easy customization during token creation. In a few short years, ERC-1155 has rapidly become one of the most frequently used standards. Its future is bright, with the potential to revolutionize token creation, management, and utilization across various sectors, including gaming, DeFi, and digital art. As blockchain technology advances and more projects embrace its benefits, ERC-1155 is set to play a crucial role in the digital asset landscape on the Ethereum network. Crypto experts foresee ERC-1155 becoming especially popular for NFTs, potentially surpassing ERC-721 token standard for NFTs in the future.

Introduction to the ERC-1155 Token Standard | Rise In (2024)


Introduction to the ERC-1155 Token Standard | Rise In? ›

ERC-1155 is a flexible token standard on the Ethereum blockchain that supports the creation of fungible, non-fungible, and semi-fungible tokens within a single contract. Developed by Enjin, ERC-1155 enhances efficiency by allowing multiple token types to be bundled and transferred in a single transaction.

What is the ERC-1155 token? ›

What is ERC1155? ​ ERC1155 is a multi-token standard that allows the creation of fungible, non-fungible, and semi-fungible tokens all in one contract. Before ERC1155, if a use case needed both ERC20 (fungible) and ERC721 (non-fungible) tokens, then separate contracts were required to achieve this.

How to sell ERC-1155 token? ›

Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) on Ethereum

Overview: DEXs on Ethereum provide decentralized trading platforms where users can trade ERC-1155 tokens directly through smart contracts, without relying on intermediaries. These platforms uphold blockchain principles of transparency, security, and user control.

What is the difference between ERC20 and ERC-1155? ›

ERC1155 tokens allow for both fungible and non-fungible tokens to co-exist on a single smart contract. This provides greater flexibility. ERC20 transfers are atomic, meaning the full amount is transferred between wallets or the transfer fails.

How do I create an ERC1155 token? ›

Building an ERC1155 smart contract

Go to the "Smart Contracts" section of the left navigation bar, select the "Builds" tab, and click "Create Build". You will have options to generate a smart contract using token templates or importing your own.

How do I transfer ERC-1155 to safe? ›

By allowing multiple token types to be stored in a single contract, ERC-1155 optimizes storage and reduces gas costs. Safe Transfers: It includes built-in mechanisms to ensure safe transfers, reducing the risk of tokens being lost in invalid transactions.

Which wallet is erc-1155? ›

Coinbase Wallet

Platform: Mobile app (iOS, Android). Features: Supports a wide range of Ethereum-based tokens, including ERC-1155.

How do I convert my ERC20 tokens to cash? ›

Safely exchange your ERC20 tokens through Ledger

In the Ledger Live app Swap tab, select any ERC20 tokens and the accounts of origin and destination. Enter the amount you want to exchange and check the rate. Before confirming the swap, you'll see a summary on Ledger Live.

How much does minting ERC1155 cost? ›

ERC1155D is completely non-fungible in the way ERC721 is, so each token has a unique identifier and a unique owner. With a mint cost of under 51,000 gas, it greatly outperforms every other existing NFT implementation in terms of gas efficiency by a very large margin with savings of 23–66%.

How much is ERC token worth? ›


Is ERC-1155 supported by Metamask? ›

ERC-1155 tokens are supported by Metamask mobile and browser extension in such a way that they can receive and store the tokens. But can't send the tokens. In fact, the token count and image is visible on mobile apps but its not yet supported by the browser extension.

Should I use ERC-721 or 1155? ›

This means that ERC-1155 tokens can be used for fractional ownership or as a form of currency, while ERC-721 tokens are typically used for digital collectibles and other unique digital assets. Another difference is that ERC-721 tokens can only be traded one at a time, while ERC-1155 tokens can be traded in bulk.

How do I know if my contract is ERC-721 or ERC1155? ›

According to EIPs, ERC721 and ERC1155 will implements EIP165. Therefore, we can use the supportsInterface of EIP165 to check whether the contract is ERC721 or ERC1155. The interface id for ERC1155 is 0xd9b67a26 , while the interface of ERC721 is 0x80ac58cd .

Is ERC 1155 an NFT? ›

However different use cases and needs within the NFT community led to the development of new standards like ERC-721A and ERC-1155. Among the various NFT types are ERC-721, ERC-721A, ERC-721C, ERC-1155, Ordinals, and BRC-721E. The widely recognized and popular types of NFTs include ERC-721, ERC-721A, and ERC-1155.

How much does it cost to create an ERC token? ›

The cost of writing a smart contract for a simple token can range from $1,000 to $5,000. However, complex smart contracts can include additional functionality. These functionalities include governance mechanisms, stake features, and integration with other decentralized applications (dApps).

Is ERC1155 an NFT? ›

Among the various NFT types are ERC-721, ERC-721A, ERC-721C, ERC-1155, Ordinals, and BRC-721E. The widely recognized and popular types of NFTs include ERC-721, ERC-721A, and ERC-1155.

What is token name ERC1155? ›

ERC1155 is a novel token standard that aims to take the best from previous standards to create a fungibility-agnostic and gas-efficient token contract. ERC1155 draws ideas from all of ERC20, ERC721, and ERC777. If you're unfamiliar with those standards, head to their guides before moving on.

What is the difference between ERC-721 and 1155 tokens? ›

This means that ERC-1155 tokens can be used for fractional ownership or as a form of currency, while ERC-721 tokens are typically used for digital collectibles and other unique digital assets. Another difference is that ERC-721 tokens can only be traded one at a time, while ERC-1155 tokens can be traded in bulk.

What are ERC tokens used for? ›

Key Takeaways. An ERC20 token is a standard for creating and issuing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. ERC stands for "Ethereum Request for Comment," and the ERC20 standard was proposed in 2015.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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