Is C the Most Common Answer on the SAT? · PrepScholar (2024)

Is C the Most Common Answer on the SAT? · PrepScholar (1)

No doubt you’ve heard one piece of advice more than any other when it comes to test-taking: “If you need to guess on a multiple choice test, always pick C.”

But is the popularity of this strategy an indication of its efficacy? Do you have a better chance at gaining points if you guess C on your SAT questions in comparison toany other guessing strategy? And if not, what can you do to improve your odds when guessing?

Let’s look at the facts.

Why You Should Answer Every Question on the SAT

First things first: the old SAT is dead and gone, and so is any guessing penalty. You will not be penalized for getting a wrong answer on the SAT, so make sure to never leave a question blank!

For every correct answer you choose, you’ll earn one point, and for every blank or wrong answer, you’ll earn zero points. If you don't know an answer and guess it wrong, you'll gain the same number of points that you would have had you left it blank (zero). And if you guess the question right, you'll earn yourself one point!

Of course, guessing is still a last resort, sinceit’s always better to try to find the correct answer first whenever possible. But sometimes you’ll have no choice but to guess and that'swhere guessing strategy is key.

There are two main types of guessing—educated guessing and blind guessing—and you’ll have to figure out which one to use based on the situation you find yourself in.

So let's break down how and when to go about making each type of guess.

Educated Guessing

An educated guess is a guess based on some amount of reason and understanding, whether it be large or small. Typically, an educated guess means you’re able to eliminate one or more answer optionsor estimate a reasonable ballpark range in which the correct answer can lie.

For instance, you can make an educated guess if you:

  • Understand the gist of a question, but don't have the time to work through it completely
  • Understand parts of a question, but don’t quite know how to work through it completely
  • Are torn between a few answer options, but have some idea of what the answer can or can’t be

For example, let's look at an SAT math problem:

Is C the Most Common Answer on the SAT? · PrepScholar (2)

If you're not familiar with either the coordinate plane or slopes, or you just don't think you can solve this problem for any reason, then you can at least make an educated guess and increase your chances of picking the correct answer. It's all too easy to panic and choose an obviously wrong answerwhen you're taking a marathon test like the SAT, so try to take a beat and think strategically before you fill in a bubble.

In a geometry problem like this, figures will generally be drawn to scale unless there's a specific line of text that says otherwise. If you know that coordinates are written as (x, y), then you know that p represents the value along the x-axis. (And if you didn't know this, then you can still infer it by seeing that the point (p, 0) has a rise of 0, which means thatp must be the value along the x-axis, not the y-axis.)

You can immediately eliminate answer choices A and B, since they will be too small to equal p. Why? Ifyou eyeball where the -5 is along the x-axis and place a rough approximate at the opposite side on +5, you'll see why you can cross off A and B straight away.

Is C the Most Common Answer on the SAT? · PrepScholar (3)

C or D must be the correctanswer because they are the only answer options where p is greater than 5. And, since the estimated location for +5 looks about halfway between 0 and p, Dis probably the best guess between the two options.

[Spoiler: D is totally the right answer]

Blind Guessing

The second category of guesswork is blind guessing, which is a guess based more on chance than on reason.

It's time to make a blind guess if you:

  • Come up against a question and have absolutely no clue where to begin
  • Areabout to run out of time and still have questions left to answer

If you can’t eliminate any answer options (or don’t even have the time to read the question), you just have to fill in an answer bubble and keep going. Leaving a question blank is tantamount to throwing your points away, so you may as well fill in something.

But when you have to make a blind guess like this (or multiple blind guesses), are you better off choosing C than any other answer choice? Let's see.

Is C the Most Common Answer on the SAT? · PrepScholar (4) Having a strategy makes any journey easier, and it's no exceptionfor the SAT

Fact or Fiction: Is C the Most Common Answer on the SAT?

If it were true that you're better off choosing C than any other letter, itwould mean that correct answer choices weren't randomly assigned.After all, if the answer keys were randomized, why should C be any more likely to be the right answer than any other letter option?

Now, true randomization will depend on the type of test in question. Someof your high school teachers likely design their tests by hand, which means that their answer keys will not be statistically random. No matter how much your teachers may try to randomize their choices, human beings are NOT random and cannot properly randomize a series. For instance, a truly random sampling will actually produce bizarre strings of patterns—six B’s in a row, or twenty questions without a D—and most people do not (or cannot) create these patterns when they try their best to be “random.”

Fortunately or unfortunately, this is NOT the case on the SAT. Unlike many of the tests you take in high school, SAT answer keys are completely computer generated. And computers are very good at being random. Every answer choice on the SAT will have a statistically even distribution of 1 in 4 for each answer choice letter, A, B, C, or D.

In other words? There is no most common answer on the SAT.

Ultimately, guessing C (or any letter!) will give you the correct answer only a statistical 25% of the time. Which means it's NOT true that choosing C will give you a better rate of success than choosing any other letter for your blind guessing.

What to do, then?

So How Should You Guess?

If C isn't the most common answer on the SAT, then how should you guess? The truth is, that when it comes to making blind guesses, it doesn't matter which letter you pick, only that you stick to the one you choose every time you make a blind guess.

The best strategy, and the one that will maximize your overall point gain, is to pick your favorite letter and fill it in for every blind guess. Whether that letter is A, B, C, or D doesn't matter—just be sure to stick with it every single time.

So, if you like it best, then definitely go right ahead and choose C to be your designated letter! (Just don't expect C to be abetteranswer choice than A, B, or D.)

But maybe youthinkthat this strategy soundsillogical. Why would you be better off filling in the same letter over and over again instead of doing your best to create a random guess spread? Let’s see.

Is C the Most Common Answer on the SAT? · PrepScholar (5)

Once you pick a guessing path, just keep going forward and don't deviate!

Why Does Sticking to One Letter Increase Your Odds of Guessing the Right Answer?

Sticking by the same letter for every blind guess won’t increase your chances of getting any one particular question correct, but it will maximize your total point gain potential. Why? Because people aren’t random. If you’re making your own "random" blind guesses in a spread, you’ll almost certainly reduce your overall guessing odds. Your best attempt at random guessing can never replicate computer-generated randomness.

By sticking to your same designated letter when making blind guesses, you are re-introducing an element of randomness and maximizing your chances for success over time.

Let’s see this in action to better demonstrate why this works.

Scenario: you’re down to the wire, and you’ve run out of minutes on the clock. You have 15 questions left and only a few seconds to bubble in your answers. There’s no time to even look at the questions, so now you’ll have to make the best blind guesses you can and figure out how to get as many points as possible before it’s pencils down.

You’re left with two options: make a random guess spread, or fill in every letter with the same answer choice.

Let’s see how each option does when compared to a real SAT answer guide [note: we are using the first 15 answers from the reading section of the 2016SAT test #1].

(Note: for our random spread, we tried to guess as randomly as we could without looking at the answer key, and for our consistent letter, we simply went with C.)

“Random” SpreadConsistent Guess (C)Correct Answers

By trying our best to guess randomly, we earned 2 points, but by sticking by a consistent choice of C, we earned 3 points (and spared ourselves the effort of trying to be "random").

Again, sticking to the same letter won't work better for each individual question, but on average and over a spread, the strategy will let you maximize your total point-gain.

Is C the Most Common Answer on the SAT? · PrepScholar (6)

If you gotta roll the dice anyway, you may as well learnhow to do it in your favor

The Take-Aways

Is C the correct answer more often than any other? No. But is it the best letter to choose when you're in a bind and don't know what the right answer choice is? Well, yes and no.

When it comes to making guesses, try to eliminate answer choices whenever possible. But if you can't, and you must make a blind guess, then stick to one letter and run with it every single time. If you want this letter to be C, then go right ahead! Just make sure you stick with it for each and every guess.

C isn't any better or worse than any other letter, or any more likely to be the correct answer, but if you decide to stick with it for every blind guess you make, you'll have a better chance of success than if you try your best to be "random."

What's Next?

You've learned how to make the best possible guess on the SAT when you're in a bind, but remember that eliminating answer choices is always better! Check out our guide to eliminating answer options on the SAT.

Want more SAT practice? We've got all the SATs available online, free and available for you to take as practice.

Not sure what SAT score to aim for? Check out what makes a "good" or "bad" SAT score and how to find the perfect score goal for you.

Is C the Most Common Answer on the SAT? · PrepScholar (2024)


Is C the Most Common Answer on the SAT? · PrepScholar? ›

Unlike many of the tests you take in high school, SAT answer keys are completely computer generated. And computers are very good at being random. Every answer choice on the SAT will have a statistically even distribution of 1 in 4 for each answer choice letter, A, B, C, or D.

Is C the most common answer on SAT? ›

Let's be clear: it's not true that C is the “most common answer” on a given test. It's straight-up not, and guessing based on that is tantamount to relying on thaumaturgy to improve your SAT score.

Is C usually the correct answer? ›

Myth 2: C is the best guess letter and is right more often than any other letter. C or H are right (and wrong) as often as any other answer choice. The only guess letter you don't want to use when you are completely guessing is E or K because they only show up on the math test.

Is C still the most common answer? ›

I'm sure you've heard this at some point “if you don't know the answer, always guess C. because it's the most common correct option”. That's just a myth, and generally there are no most common answers on multiple choice tests.

What percentage of answers are C? ›

What to Guess
Correct AnswerPercent

Is it better to guess B or C on SAT? ›

Just make sure you stick with it for each and every guess. C isn't any better or worse than any other letter, or any more likely to be the correct answer, but if you decide to stick with it for every blind guess you make, you'll have a better chance of success than if you try your best to be "random."

Why is C the most likely answer? ›

So, ultimately, guessing C (or any letter!) will give you the correct answer only a statistical 25% of the time (20% on the math section). Which means it's NOT true that choosing C will give you a better rate of success than choosing any other letter for your blind guessing.

What letter is best to guess on SAT? ›

Before beginning the test, choose a letter to use for every guess you make. Maybe your letter is “A for Awesome!” or “D for Done!” It doesn't matter which letter you choose because they are all equally likely to be correct.

Does SAT penalize for guessing? ›

On all questions, there's no penalty for guessing: if you're not sure of the answer, it's better to guess than leave the response blank.

Is it better to guess on SAT or leave blank? ›

Definitely go ahead and guess on the SAT! The current version of the SAT does not have a guessing penalty, meaning you won't lose points for guessing incorrectly. Because of this, it is in your best interest to answer every question, even if you're unsure of the correct answer.

Do wrong answers count against you on the SAT? ›

SAT Scoring - How SAT Test Scoring Works

Here is the information your child needs to know. There is no deduction for incorrect answers, which means students should answer every single question.

What letter is the most common answer? ›

However, the most general assumption is often that 'C' is the correct answer, due to which it can be called the most popular multiple choice answer.

Is it worth it to learn C in 2024? ›

Here are some reasons why C and C++ continue to be valuable languages in the programming landscape: Foundational Knowledge: C and C++ provide a strong foundation in programming concepts, memory management, and system-level understanding.

How many questions are wrong on SAT to get $1500? ›

So, start answering the questions which you find easy. To get 1500 SAT, you need to get at least 48 right out of 52 in the Reading section. 41 right out of 44 in the Language section and 55 right out of 58 in the Maths section. It is essential to note that the marks are collectively calculated to derive an SAT score.

Are you penalized for wrong answers on the SAT 2024? ›

The range for the total SAT® score is 400-1600. Your SAT® score combines two scores with ranges from 200-800: Reading & Writing and Math. Scores are calculated based only on your correct answers. Importantly, you aren't penalized for incorrect answers, so guess rather than leave a question blank.

Does the digital SAT penalize for wrong answers? ›

Remember that there is no penalty for wrong answers. We recommend that if a question is giving you trouble, you skip it and go back to it after you have completed the other questions in that section.

What is the most common score on the SAT? ›

A good SAT score is one that helps you get admitted to a college that you want to go to. The average SAT score is around 1050. Any score above that would be above average. A score of 1350 would put you in the top 10% of test takers and help make your application competitive at more selective schools.

What is the most common letter answer on a test? ›

However, the most general assumption is often that 'C' is the correct answer, due to which it can be called the most popular multiple choice answer.

What is the most common type of Math on the SAT? ›

Hopefully, you noticed that most of them are basic algebra concepts that are within reach for all students. The SAT isn't primarily out to test your knowledge of topics only a few students ever see in high school; it's just making sure you know the fundamentals of algebra, which all students can master.

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