Is pCloud Lifetime Subscription Worth It? A Must-Read Before Buying! (2024)

Is pCloud Lifetime Subscription Worth It? A Must-Read Before Buying! (1)


Elliot Boey

Is pCloud Lifetime Subscription Worth It? A Must-Read Before Buying! (2)


March 04, 2024

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If you’re reading this, it probably means that you’ve come across my friend Sam’s pCloud review and you’re seriously considering treating yourself to an account.

Table of Contents

  • Why did pCloud come out with a lifetime plan?
  • What does the lifetime subscription actually mean?

pCloud Lifetime Plans

  • pCloud Premium 500GB
  • pCloud Premium Plus 2TB
  • pCloud Family
  • pCloud Crypto

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

  1. What if another company buys over pCloud?
  2. What if there isn’t enough storage space?
  3. Opportunity cost – What if something better comes along?

Final Thoughts

  • pCloud lifetime – Thumbs up or down?

We’re not surprised. PCloud takes a tried and tested product and just completely blows it out of the water with improvements, leaving the competition eating serious dust in their wake.

If you told me 10 years ago that I’d be able to securely access my files from anywhere in the world with any of my devices, with 2TB of storage space, be able to roll back a messed up file because of 30 day file tracking and collaborate with others at a touch of a button, I’d spit on the floor, shake my fist at you violently and accuse you of being a snub-nosed liar.

Lucky we didn’t meet 10 years ago, or I’d have to eat my words.

pCloud delivers on everything they say the product does, and more – they’ve given us an option to pay for a LIFETIME subscription, which means we’ll get to enjoy all the perks of a pCloud account in just 1 fixed price.

Thing is, is pCloud’s lifetime subscription really worth it? Let’s find out.

Why did pCloud come out with a lifetime plan?

An annual subscription plan will actually bring pCloud more long term profits, so what does the company gain by giving users the option of paying only once for a lifetime plan?

Honestly, we don’t know.

We’re thinking that pCloud is comprised of a bunch of young, forward-thinking individuals that actually wants to make a difference in the world, instead of having a profit-first mindset.

Realistically, pCloud is still a business and a business needs to maximise profits. Our best guess is that since pCloud is relatively unknown in the market (compared to Dropbox & Google Drive), they’ve come up with these plans to attract new users and gain market share. If this is true, then it’s working – i’ve purchased a plan for myself.

We also suspect that the option to purchase their lifetime subscription plans may not be permanent, so our best advice would be to get it while you still can!


* Premium Lifetime plans starts @ $200 one time payment (500GB)
** pCloud drive, account rewind, mobile apps, 256-bit AES

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What does the lifetime subscription actually mean?

I think we all know that anything that is given to you “for life” isn’t really for life. We did some digging around in their TOS and discovered that their definition of “for life” is actually 99 years, or whichever is shorter.

This throws a wrench in my plans of passing this account down to my grandchildren as a family heirloom, but I guess that 99 years (or death, whichever comes first) is quite a decent deal.

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pCloud lifetime subscription – Plans & Pricing








No. of User



Up to 5

Annual Price




Lifetime Price








Learn More

* Savings are calculated based on the assumption that you signed up for an annual plan and kept it for 5 years.

pCloud’s Lifetime Subscription may look expensive because you’ll have to pay a big sum up front, so we can understand why some people would opt to go for their yearly plan instead.

However, we feel like this is a little bit like leasing vs buying properties; the yearly plan is like leasing (you pay less but the property is never yours to own) while the lifetime subscription is like buying (if the price is right and you like it, why not?)

Anyway, we crunch some numbers to find out. Check out our findings below.

pCloud Premium 500GB

Annually, pCloud’s premium plan costs $49.99 while the lifetime plan costs $200, one time payment. Assuming you keep the annual plan for 5 years, you would have already paid up $249.95, which already far exceeds pCloud’s lifetime subscription plan.

Your savings in 5 years if you pay for the Premium 500GB lifetime plan: $74.95

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pCloud Premium Plus 2TB

Get this, the Premium Plus 2TB plan costs $99.99 per year, versus the lifetime subscription of $400. Again, let’s assume you keep the plan for 5 years. With the annual plan, you would have already coughed up a whopping $499.95, while you’ll only have to pay $350 for the lifetime subscription.

Your savings in 5 years if you pay for the Premium Plus 2TB lifetime plan: $149.95

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pCloud Family

pCloud’s family plan is only available with a lifetime subscription, but since it lets 5 users share 1 account, we’ll use the family plan vs 5 standalone annual premium 500GB plans.

The family plan is gonna cost you $600, while each premium plan costs $49.99 x 5 which amounts to a grand total of $249.95 per year! In 5 years time, that costs freaking $1249.75, which for some reason is making me a little angry.

Your approx savings in 5 years if you pay for the Family lifetime plan: $749

With these numbers, I think it’s pretty safe to say that while the Lifetime subscriptions might feel like they cost more (due to the high 1 off payment), you’ll actually be paying a whole lot less AND getting more value compared to the annual plans. If you’re planning to stick to pCloud long term, we highly suggest buying one of the lifetime plans.

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Additional feature – pCloud Crypto Lifetime

We can all agree that file security is important, but is it worth paying for? After all, our files are already secure in pCloud’s servers.

They already use AES TLS/SSL 256 bit encryption so that if our files are intercepted on the way up to the servers, whoever hijacked it won’t be able to access those files without a key anyway.

So why would we even need pCloud Crypto?

You see, files that are uploaded to pCloud’s servers may enjoy AES encryption on the way up and no one can touch those files, but once they arrive in the servers the files revert back to their original form. Although your files are still secure, the people at pCloud can see what you’ve uploaded.

pCloud Crypto adds an additional layer of security by creating a unique key for you, so that only the person with the key can access those files, keeping them safe from everyone, including pCloud.

Hypothetically speaking, if you’ve got top-secret government data uploaded to pCloud and some terrorist organisation physically hijacks their office, they can force pCloud to hand over the data you’ve uploaded, and use that information for world domination. That’s right, the world is going to hell and it’s your fault, buddy.

With pCloud crypto, even if the most notorious of terrorists pillages pCloud, there is no way they can access your super sensitive private government data, and you would have saved the world from going to hell so now you’re hailed as a hero.

Anyway, let’s talk about the cost.

pCloud Crypto costs $47.88 annually, while the lifetime subscription costs only $125. Over 5 years, you would have saved $114.40. If you’re gonna get pCloud Crypto, do yourself a favour and go for the lifetime version. You’ll be saving so much more.


Crypto is an additional feature to be purchased on top of your cloud storage. Say if you want 2TB lifetime storage with lifetime crypto. The cost will be $400 + $150 = $550.


* pCloud is GDPR compliant & ISO certified (ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001:2013)

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What could possibly go wrong

Like Sam mentioned in his review, there really isn’t much of a drawback to pCloud’s excellent services. However, we do have a few concerns which we’ll talk about below.

1. What if another company buys over pCloud?

Unlikely to happen, but still a valid concern.

We reached out to the support team over at pCloud (which is outstanding by the way) for comments, and they’ve guaranteed us that they’re not looking to sell the company, but they will honour all lifetime accounts, if anyone decides to buy over their company in the future.

However, we like to be sure so we went through their TOS but unfortunately, we couldn’t find anything related to this at all.

They acknowledged that there wasn’t any literature on this in their TOS, but if the thought made us truly uncomfortable, we can always opt to go for their annual plans. We have to agree.

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2. What if there isn’t enough storage space?

2TB of storage space may seem like a lot right now, but file sizes are growing at a rapid rate. In 5 years time, 2TB may not be enough. Will they be upgrading our accounts when the time comes or would we have to purchase more storage space?

What if pCloud decides to create a 5TB account in the future? We’d like to be able to upgrade to that by just paying the difference, but looking at the way things are (you have to pay the full lifetime subscription price even if you have held an annual account for any amount of years) it seems like we’d have to fork out more.

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3. Opportunity cost – What if something better comes along?

Oh the FOMO (fear of missing out) is strong in this one.

All of pCloud’s lifetime subscription plans have excellent value, but let’s face it – $175 is not cheap. I can see people opting to pay annually just because they don’t have the $200 up front, but I digress.

The point I’m trying to make is that we’d be paying so much for an account, and 6 months down the road if some other company decides to create a superior product which costs less, we’d feel like we got served the short end of the stick.

We’d end up having to pay for the new, superior product (on top of what we have already paid pCloud) if we want to use their services, and that’s a lot!

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Final thoughts – Thumbs up or down?

Okay, here are our thoughts – pCloud’s Lifetime Subscription is freakin’ awesome. The cost savings are just too great to ignore. With the 500GB lifetime plan, you’ll be saving $74.95, compared to paying for an annual account for 5 years (the savings just gets bigger with the 2TB and Family plan).

Sure, we’ve got a few valid concerns (lack of future storage, opportunity cost, fear of pCloud shutting down before we use up our Lifetime benefits) but let’s get real; our concerns are valid, but they’re extremely unlikely to happen.

If it really bothers you, you’re always free to go with the annual plan, and upgrade once you start to feel more secure.

So on behalf of everybody here at, I’m giving pCloud’s Lifetime Subscription plan, two thumbs up. Get it before they smarten up and decide to pull the plan!


* Premium Lifetime plans starts @ $200 one time payment (500GB)
** pCloud drive, account rewind, mobile apps, 256-bit AES

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Is pCloud Lifetime Subscription Worth It? A Must-Read Before Buying! (2024)


Is pCloud Lifetime Subscription Worth It? A Must-Read Before Buying!? ›

Our Verdict. Though the initial cost might throw off some users, pCloud's lifetime plans are affordable in the long run and the service offers several ways to store and sync data via excellent and versatile client software.

Is pCloud lifetime safe? ›

With a user base of over 20 million worldwide and an industry-first LIFETIME PLAN, pCloud is a super secure online storage space for all of your memorable photos, videos, favorite music, personal and work documents.

What does pCloud lifetime mean? ›

Lifetime is an official pCloud plan, where we provide you with a lifetime use of your Premium storage at pCloud, at a single, one-time payment. How long does “Lifetime” refer to? We have defined a Lifetime account as 99 years or the lifetime of the account holder, whichever is shorter.

How long will pCloud last? ›

pCloud combines the act of buying a physical device with the security of online storage. You buy it once, you keep it for a lifetime.

What's better than pCloud? ›

Icedrive puts user privacy first and is one of the most secure cloud storage services. OneDrive and Dropbox offer feature-rich cloud storage options and position themselves as good pCloud alternatives. Both have strong native apps and plenty of third-party integrations.

What happens if pCloud shuts down? ›

If pCloud ceases operation, your account will be terminated and pCloud will no longer provide the Site or Services.

Will pCloud delete my files? ›

If you have a free pCloud account, after 12 months of inactivity, it will be permanently deleted, along with the files inside.

Does pCloud look at your files? ›

pCloud as a service provider, is unable to decrypt any hosted data, consequently has zero-knowledge about your files. Even if any authorities require access to your data in the cloud, we have no way to give them such, because it is not accessible by us.

Does pCloud delete inactive accounts? ›

Inactivity means that you haven't logged in or performed any operation in your pCloud account. If you haven't been active for 12 months, your pCloud account will be closed and your files will be scheduled for deletion.

Is pCloud better than iCloud? ›

iCloud vs pCloud: Security and Privacy

However, it's important to note that iCloud backups are encrypted but can be accessed by Apple if required. On the other hand, pCloud offers client-side encryption, where the encryption keys are only known to the user, providing an additional layer of security.

Which is better pCloud or Google Drive? ›

Google Drive works perfectly on all major platforms like Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. Compared to iCloud which has no Android app, Google Drive seems more reasonable. However, pCloud slowly takes the lead over both. For one, pCloud supports all platforms including Linux, which Google Drive doesn't.

Who owns pCloud? ›

Tunio Zafer: pCloud was created in 2013 by Tunio Zafer and Anton Titov, currently CEO and CTO of the company. The company is registered in Switzerland, operating under Swiss law and today is one of the biggest European cloud storage providers, with almost 15 million registered users.

Can I trust pCloud? ›

Because pCloud is located in Switzerland and has to adhere to strict privacy laws, the service is extremely trustworthy. It also states that it doesn't sell user data to third parties, making it a better option for those concerned about their privacy. Is pCloud Better Than Google Drive? For security and privacy, yes.

Why choose pCloud? ›

pCloud: Features

The service makes it easy to share individual or groups of files and folders without much effort. There is also no restriction on the size of the files you share as long as they are within the storage limits of your subscription plan, and upload and download speeds are also free of any restrictions.

Who is the most popular cloud storage provider? ›

Google Drive

Among all of them, Google is one of the finest, easiest & the best cloud storage services. With over 2 billion monthly active users that include Gmail, Docs, Sheets, and other productivity tools, Google provides file storage and synchronization services through Google Drive.

How can I increase my pCloud storage for free? ›

How can I get more FREE space? When you sign up for pCloud, you can get up to 10 GB cloud storage for free. Not all of this space is unlocked. You can unlock space by following the beginner's tutorial or by joining our Invite friends program.

Is pCloud really secure? ›

The files you store in pCloud are secured with 256-bit AES encryption during and after transfer. To further guarantee your files' safety, pCloud uses TLS/SSL protocol, applied when information is transferred from your device to the pCloud servers.

Is pCloud safer than Google Drive? ›

Google Drive uses TLS in transit and 128-bit AES at rest. pCloud uses 256-bit AES at rest and& like Google Drive& TLS in transit. Clearly& your data is more secure with pCloud than it is with Google Drive.

Is my pCloud legit? ›

How Trustworthy Is pCloud? Because pCloud is located in Switzerland and has to adhere to strict privacy laws, the service is extremely trustworthy. It also states that it doesn't sell user data to third parties, making it a better option for those concerned about their privacy.

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.