Is Stock or Broth Healthier for You? Here Are the Differences (2024)

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  • What is stock?
  • What is broth?
  • Differences
  • Which is healthier?
  • Consommé, bouillon cubes and bone broth
  • Recipes
  • Brand recommendations

One of the great mysteries when cooking certain dishes may be whether to choose stock or broth. They are often spoken of, and used in place of one another, although there are significant differences in the preparation and nutritional profiles.

They both add flavor to recipes, although broth can be used as a soup while stock is traditionally used as more of a base. Every cook has likely used one or the other in a pinch, and this article clears up the confusion and provides ways to use both. Also, because the preparation of cooking both from scratch can feel overwhelming for the novice chef, there are many good store-bought versions that we recommend at the end of this article.

Take note that soups, broths and stocks are notorious for being loaded with sodium so check the labels before purchasing, and look for varieties that are labeled "low sodium" or "unsalted" as you can easily add your salt if needed.

What is stock?

Stock can serve as the foundation for many dishes, and while stock usually contains less ingredients than broth, store-bought varieties can be pricier due to being more labor intensive to produce.

Stock is typically made from bones versus meat, and often herbs are used to boost the flavor profile and add a dose of antioxidants. Stock is thicker than broth due to the viscosity from collagen, it also contains more calories, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals than you will find in broth.

Is Stock or Broth Healthier for You? Here Are the Differences (1)

Over the past few years, stock has gained popularity as a sipping drink, commonly known as bone broth, due to the rise of the Paleo, Whole30 and keto diets. The name "bone broth" creates a lot of confusion because in reality it is a stock and not a broth. Bone broth is associated with many unfounded health benefits, although a recent study showed that it may be beneficial for people with gastrointestinal disorders, such as ulcerative colitis, because of the its anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition to sipping, stock is commonly used to make gravy, soups and stews, and can add a boost of vitamins and minerals when used to prepare grains.

Nutrition information (per 1 cup chicken stock)

  • 86 calories
  • 8 g carbohydrate
  • 6 g protein
  • 3 g total fat
  • 0 g fiber
  • 3.7 g sugar
  • 5.4% DV potassium
  • 2% DV magnesium
  • 5.2% DV phosphorus

What is broth?

Broth is usually a clear soup, and is routinely made from simmering the meat from chicken and/or beef and vegetables to create a flavorful and thinner consistency liquid. There are also fish and shellfish variations. Carrots, celery, onion, garlic and herbs are all typically used to prepare broth in addition to animal meat, although many other vegetables can also be used.

Is Stock or Broth Healthier for You? Here Are the Differences (2)

Most recipes call for the meat from chicken and beef, and it cooks for much less time than stock because the meat tends to become overcooked quickly if left to simmer for too long. It can be consumed as is, and although many people drink broth as well, it does not contain as much collagen, vitamins, minerals and anti-inflammatory benefits as found in stock. That said, it can be used in many of the same ways as stock, and is often found as a main ingredient in recipes for soups and stir-fries.

Nutrition information (per 1 cup chicken broth)

  • 15 calories
  • 1 g carbohydrates
  • 6 g protein
  • 0.5 g total fat
  • 0 g fiber
  • 0 g sugar
  • 1% DV potassium
  • <1% DV magnesium
  • <1% DV phosphorus


The main difference between stock and broth is that stock is made from simmering animal bones and herbs for many hours, which produces a gelatinous consistency containing collagen from the bones. Stock often has a rich and heartier taste due to the increased fat content from collagen and the longer cooking method. The bones used to made stock are often roasted to add more depth of flavor, especially beef bones.

Broth, on the other-hand, is made from simmering meat, vegetables and herbs, and can cook for much less time, within thirty minutes if needed.

Additionally, as more people adopt plant-based and vegan diets, vegetable stock and vegetable broth has grown in popularity, although there is less of a difference between these two because they are not made with bones, and there is not any collagen being produced.

Which is healthier?

Generally, store-bought stock contains more vitamins and minerals per cup than store-bought broth. It contains more than double the electrolytes, and is a good source of potassium. It is higher in protein, carbohydrates, fat and calories containing 86 calories per cup versus 15 calories found in broth.

Which one is better for you is really up to your individuals goals and needs. If you are an athlete and lose a lot of sweat while exercising, stock may be a better choice for you due to the higher electrolyte content. If you are working towards a weight loss goal, maybe broth would fit better into your lifestyle because of the lower calorie count.

A few things to remember with both choices, adding herbs, garlic and onions can help to boost antioxidant levels and, again, both can contain high levels of sodium.

Consommé, bouillon cubes and bone broth

  • Consommé: Consommé is often confused with broth, but it is actually a regular stock that has been clarified. To achieve the clarity, stock is simmered with egg white and eggshells and then strained. It is completely clear with no cloudiness and the fat has been removed.
  • Bouillon: Bouillon (broth in French) is made from dehydrated stock and is usually sold in the form of cubes, powder or paste. Bouillon dissolves in water and is often used in place of broth or stock. It can be very high in sodium so look for low sodium versions if purchasing.
  • Bone broth: As discussed above, bone broth is strained stock and is popular as a sipping drink especially with Paleo and keto diets. Many recipes and store-bought versions add apple cider vinegar or lemon to assist in breaking down the collagen.

Is Stock or Broth Healthier for You? Here Are the Differences (3)


Chicken Broth


  • 1 small chicken (2½ to 3 lb) (*take note this recipe include the whole chicken with meat and bones)
  • 1 large onion (8 oz), quartered (leaving the skin is ok)
  • 2 medium carrots (4 oz), trimmed and cut in large chunks
  • 2 stalks celery (4 oz), trimmed and cut in large chunks
  • 8 sprigs parsley
  • 4 sprigs thyme
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 6 peppercorns
  • 1 bay leaf


  1. Place the chicken in a large stock pot (this should be tall and narrow rather than short and wide) and cover with cool water (about 8 cups).
  2. Make sure to use a pot that is a few inches taller than the chicken. This allows the water to flow around ingredients and extract the most flavor. It will also make it easier to skim away anything that rises to the surface.
  3. Gently bring the water to a simmer. As it simmers, skim and discard anything that rises to the top. Simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Add the onion, carrots, and celery and continue simmering for 1 1/2 hours more.
  5. Make the bouquet garni (AKA a package of herbs wrapped in cheese cloth): Lay the parsley, thyme, garlic, peppercorns and bay leaf on top a folded over piece of cheese cloth. Wrap up and tie with twine.
  6. Using this in your stock is like adding a tea bag – it will help to infuse the flavor of the herbs into the broth, while still being easy to remove.
  7. Add the bouquet garni to the pot and simmer until the chicken is super tender and the broth is very flavorful, 30 to 45 minutes (adding the herb package too early can cause the flavors to cook away completely or become dull).
  8. Transfer the chicken and vegetables to a large bowl and season the broth with salt. Shred the meat, discarding the skin and bones, and reserve to serve with soup or use for another recipe.
  9. Line a colander with rinsed cheesecloth (set over another pot or measuring cup) and ladle the broth into it. This will catch any additional scraps left in the broth.
  10. Transfer broth to jars or containers and refrigerate for up to 5 days or freeze for up to 3 months.

    Chicken stock


    • 4 lb. chicken parts or bones
    • 2 carrots
    • 2 medium onions
    • 2 stalk celery
    • 1 washed leek (optional)
    • A bouquet garni, consisting of 1 bay leaf, 1/4 teaspoon fennel seeds, 1 teaspoon thyme, 6 parsley sprigs, 6 peppercorns, and 3 whole garlic cloves, wrapp


    1. Place the bones (and chicken, if you're using one) in a large stockpot with water to cover well. Bring to a simmer, skimming as necessary to keep broth clear of scum.
    2. Add the vegetables and simmer very gently, uncovered, for about 3 hours, skimming periodically. (Remove the chicken when it is cooked through and tender). Add water if necessary to keep ingredients covered; do not allow stock to boil. Strain the stock through a sieve into a bowl.
    3. When stock has cooled, set uncovered in refrigerator for several hours until fat is hardened; scrape off. Use within two days or freeze.

    Brand recommendations

    If you are short on time or if home cooking broth or stock isn't for you, we have gathered a few of our favorite store-bought items:

    The bottom line: Stock and broth can both elevate and enhance many recipes. Stock is traditionally made from bones and herbs, contains collagen produced from the ingredients and has a longer cooking time. In terms of flavor, stock is the winner. Broth is made mainly from meat, vegetables and herbs and takes less time to cook. Broth is usually the base for chicken soup. Vegetable stock and broth are popular plant-based options, but they do not include protein or collagen because there are no bones or meat included. Due to the similarities between broth and stock, when in a pinch they can be used in place of each other.


    Is Stock or Broth Healthier for You? Here Are the Differences (8)

    Amy Fischer M.S., R.D., C.D.N.

    Contributing Writer

    Amy (she/her) is a registered dietitian with the Nutrition Lab at the Good Housekeeping Institute, covering nutrition- and health-related content and product testing. She holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from Miami University of Ohio and a master's degree in clinical nutrition from NYU. Prior to Good Housekeeping, she worked at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City as a cardiac transplant dietitian. She has authored numerous chapters in clinical nutrition textbooks and has also worked in PR and marketing for food company start-ups.

    Is Stock or Broth Healthier for You? Here Are the Differences (2024)


    Is Stock or Broth Healthier for You? Here Are the Differences? ›

    And the Winner Is..

    What is healthier, broth or stock? ›

    Is Stock or Broth Healthier? Stock, whether homemade or store-bought, is considered healthier because it's inherently higher in protein and usually contains less sodium per serving than broth.

    What is the healthiest type of stock? ›


    Since beef bone broth contains a higher overall concentration of collagen and simmers longer than chicken bone broth, there's not only more collagen to break down but more time for that collagen to break down into gelatin. Happy gut, happy you!

    Why use broth instead of stock? ›

    Broth is better for consuming as is because it has seasoning that makes it tastier on its own. Broth may be preferred as a flavor enhancer for cooking plain white rice or grains. Stock may be better to use in a recipe with a complex flavor profile that you don't want to tamper with.

    Which is better vegetable broth or stock? ›

    But if you keep an eye on sodium levels, both broth and stock can be healthy. Taub-Dix notes that stock is often considered healthier than broth since it tends to be slightly higher in protein and other nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, than broth.

    What is the downside of bone broth? ›

    While bone broth is generally considered safe to consume, there are some potential risks to be aware of. Lead contamination. Some studies show elevated levels of lead in bone broths, which can be harmful to health if consumed in large amounts. Bacterial contamination.

    Does stock have collagen? ›

    Stock can be more viscous than broth, because the collagen—the proteins from the connective tissue in the joints and bones—helps to make a stock jiggly and gelatin-y at room temperature or colder. Its rich flavor is what adds depth and savoriness to favorites like chicken noodle soup and Thanksgiving gravy.

    What is the downside of a stock? ›

    Understanding Downside

    Downsides are expressed in terms of an estimation of a security or economy's potential to experience negative movement. A stock analyst, for example, may forecast how far a stock price might fall because of certain events.

    What is the absolute safest stock? ›

    • a.k.a. Brands Holding Corp AKA. ...
    • Praxis Precision Medicines Inc PRAX. ...
    • Outlook Therapeutics Inc OTLK. ...
    • Dianthus Therapeutics Inc DNTH. ...
    • Dogness (International) Corp - Ordinary Shares - Class A DOGZ. ...
    • vTv Therapeutics Inc - Ordinary Shares - Class A VTVT. ...
    • SmartKem Inc SMTK. ...
    • Diversified Energy Company Plc DEC. Price $11.22.

    Is store-bought bone broth as healthy? ›

    The bones used to make commercial broth may contain high levels of heavy metals, which could make their way into the broth. However, homemade or store-bought bone broth levels are very low and unlikely to cause health problems.

    Should I use stock or broth for chicken noodle soup? ›

    Whether to use chicken broth or chicken stock depends on what recipe you're preparing. If you're making a simple soup like chicken noodle soup and the liquid is going to be consumed as is, then you can use chicken broth.

    Which is better for sipping broth or stock? ›

    Stock. The two biggest differences between bone broth and stock are that bone broth can be sipped and it's a bit more complicated to make from scratch. After all, bone broth is made from roasted animal bones and must be slow-simmered for 24 to 48 hours, compared to a stock's 8 to 12-hour simmer time.

    What is the difference between Swanson stock and broth? ›

    Stock is made similar to broth but includes simmering bones in addition to a variety of meats, vegetables, and spices in water. These ingredients also simmer for a longer period of time to enhance the flavor. Simmer time: 4 to 6 hours. The longer simmering time results in a full-bodied richer flavor.

    Does chicken stock go bad? ›

    Information. Chicken broth can be refrigerated for 3-4 days and frozen (for best quality) for 2-3 months.

    Is store-bought chicken stock healthy? ›

    Generally, store-bought stock contains more vitamins and minerals per cup than store-bought broth. It contains more than double the electrolytes, and is a good source of potassium. It is higher in protein, carbohydrates, fat and calories containing 86 calories per cup versus 15 calories found in broth.

    Is drinking stock good for you? ›

    Consuming stock may have various health benefits, including: Improving sleep: Stock and bone broth both contain the amino acid glycine. A 2015 animal study found that oral administration of glycine helped promote sleep in rats. Weight loss: A cup of chicken stock contains more protein than a cup of chicken broth.

    Is broth or stock better for drinking? ›

    It can be consumed as is, and although many people drink broth as well, it does not contain as much collagen, vitamins, minerals and anti-inflammatory benefits as found in stock. That said, it can be used in many of the same ways as stock, and is often found as a main ingredient in recipes for soups and stir-fries.

    Is it healthy to drink broth every day? ›

    Bone broth is generally safe to drink every day if consumed in moderation and as part of a nutritious, omnivorous diet, says Millstine. If you have any food allergies, always check the label.

    Is chicken broth healthy or unhealthy? ›

    Chicken broth is packed with essential nutrients, making it a healthy addition to your diet. It is low in calories and fat, yet high in protein, vitamins, and minerals. The collagen and amino acids found in chicken broth can also promote healthy digestion, joint health, and immune function.

    What has more sodium, broth or stock? ›

    Stock tends to have less sodium than broth because it's often used as a base in recipes that call for added seasoning.

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    Name: Nathanial Hackett

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