Is Supplemental Life Insurance Worth It? (2024)

On This Page:

  • What It Is
  • Who Should Buy It
  • Why It Falls Short
  • Factors to Consider
  • Supplemental Coverage Types
  • Term Life Advantages
  • FAQ
  • What It Is
  • Who Should Buy It
  • Why It Falls Short
  • Factors to Consider
  • Supplemental Coverage Types
  • Term Life Advantages
  • FAQ

Deciding whether supplemental life insurance is worth it involves assessing your personal needs and financial situation. For some, it offers an essential safety net, mainly when traditional term life insurance isn't sufficient due to health or age. You also may want to enroll if your employer provides supplemental employee life insurance coverage at no cost.

However, specific limitations and supplemental life insurance rates might lower the appeal of this coverage for others, particularly when more adaptable and cost-effective alternatives like term life insurance are available. Evaluate your finances to determine if this type of insurance aligns with your goals.

Is Supplemental Life Insurance Worth It? (1)


  • What Is Supplemental Life Insurance?
  • Who Should Buy Supplemental Life Insurance
  • Why Supplemental Life Insurance Often Falls Short
  • Factors to Consider Before Buying Supplemental Life
  • Other Types of Supplemental Life Insurance
  • Term Life Insurance Advantages
  • FAQ

Key Takeaways

Supplemental life insurance adds extra coverage to existing life insurance, enhancing financial security.

Supplemental life insurance coverage is best for those with specific financial needs that basic life insurance does not fully cover.

Before purchasing supplemental life insurance, it's wise to consider rates, coverage adequacy, policy limitations and financial stability.

What Is Supplemental Life Insurance?

Supplemental life insurance is an additional policy that you can purchase to complement your existing life insurance coverage. Most consumers buy supplemental life insurance through their employers.

This type of insurance aims to fill any coverage gaps that your central policy might leave, offering your beneficiaries an extra measure of financial security. Although it enhances your existing coverage, it's important to note that supplemental life insurance has distinct limitations. Understanding its structure and how it complements your primary life insurance helps assess its value in your overall insurance strategy.

Basic vs. Supplemental Life Insurance

When evaluating basic life insurance and supplemental life insurance, it's necessary to understand the distinct roles each plays in your financial security plan. Basic life insurance provides a foundational level of coverage, typically offered to eligible private-sector employees as term or whole life policies. It is designed to meet the essential needs of beneficiaries in the event of the policyholder’s death. This coverage is often enough for most families to handle significant financial obligations such as mortgages, outstanding debts and living expenses.

Supplemental life insurance offers additional coverage beyond the basic policy. This can be vital for individuals who require extra financial security due to higher liabilities or to provide for special circ*mstances. Examples of supplemental life insurance coverage include supplemental employee life insurance, supplemental spouse life insurance and supplemental group life insurance. These policies can complement your primary insurance by covering extra expenses not typically handled by basic life insurance, such as children’s education or specific debts.

Understanding the difference between supplemental and basic life insurance will help you make informed decisions about your insurance needs. Depending on your personal and financial situation, the additional coverage provided by supplemental life insurance might be a worthwhile investment to ensure that your coverage sufficiently meets your family’s future needs.

Who Should Buy Supplemental Life Insurance

Though the convenience of buying supplemental life insurance through your employer might be appealing, it's generally not the best choice for consumers. More flexible and cost-effective alternatives, like term life insurance, are usually better suited to your needs and circ*mstances.

Despite its limitations, there are circ*mstances where supplemental life insurance might be beneficial:

  • Zero-Cost Benefit: If your workplace provides supplemental employee life insurance at no cost, consider accepting it. For more comprehensive coverage, think about supplementing it with term life insurance.
  • Inability to Increase Coverage: If your age or health conditions preclude you from increasing your coverage through term life policies, supplemental life insurance can provide the extra protection you need, although typically at a higher cost.
  • Employer Incentives: When employers offer incentives or matching contributions, employee supplemental life insurance can become a valuable part of the benefits package.
  • Specific Coverage Needs: Supplemental life insurance coverage can fill these gaps if your current policy doesn't cover particular risks or scenarios relevant to you.

Before you decide, consider how supplemental life insurance coverage will serve your unique situation to determine its value for your financial planning.

Why Supplemental Life Insurance Often Falls Short

It's important to know that supplemental life insurance may fall short of term life insurance for several reasons. We highlight these potential disadvantages below:



Supplemental life insurance rates are typically higher for comparable levels of coverage when placed side by side with standalone term life insurance policies. The cost difference can be especially striking for those in good health.



Supplemental life insurance through an employer often lacks the flexibility of term life policies. For instance, you might be unable to keep your policy if you change jobs.


Low Coverage Amounts

Supplemental life insurance often provides relatively low coverage amounts, which might not adequately meet your family's financial needs in the event of your passing.


False Security

Supplemental life insurance coverage tied to a primary policy can create a sense of false security, potentially leading to underestimating coverage needs.

Factors to Consider Before Buying Supplemental Life

Carefully evaluating your options before purchasing supplemental life insurance is a wise first step. Key considerations include:

  • Adequacy of Existing Coverage: Assess whether your current life insurance meets your financial responsibilities.
  • Cost vs. Benefit: Evaluate the premiums for supplemental insurance against the value of additional coverage provided.
  • Policy Limitations: Be aware of any restrictions, such as portability with job changes or coverage ceilings.
  • Financial Stability: Consider whether the added premium is manageable within your budget.
  • Health and Age Factors: Reflect on how your age and health status might affect the cost and availability of supplemental insurance.
  • Future Insurance Needs: Anticipate future financial requirements to determine whether supplemental insurance is appropriate for long-term planning.
  • Employer's Terms: Review the details of your employer's supplemental insurance offer, including any specific advantages or drawbacks.
  • Alternative Options: Consider other insurance products that offer better coverage or more value for your specific circ*mstances.

Your decision should ideally reflect a balance between your current coverage, financial objectives and potential future needs.

Other Types of Supplemental Life Insurance

Apart from employer-offered supplemental life insurance, several other types of supplemental insurance policies are available. Each comes with its unique set of characteristics and potential drawbacks:

    Is Supplemental Life Insurance Worth It? (2)

    Supplemental Spouse Life Insurance

    These policies provide additional coverage for the policyholder's spouse. However, supplemental spouse life insurance often carries higher premiums than an individual term life policy, especially if the spouse is in good health.

    Is Supplemental Life Insurance Worth It? (3)

    Supplemental Partner Life Insurance

    This type of coverage allows individuals to purchase additional life insurance for their partners, typically within a business or domestic partnership. Depending on the insurance provider, this type of insurance might not be marketed as "supplemental partner life insurance" but as part of broader life insurance policies where the insured can designate any beneficiary, including a business or domestic partner. Here are some key aspects:

    • Business Partnerships: In a business context, supplemental partner life insurance can help protect each partner's financial interest in the company. If one partner dies, the policy payout can help the surviving partner(s) manage buy-sell agreements, cover operational costs or facilitate the transfer of the deceased partner’s share without liquidating business assets.
    • Domestic Partnerships: For nonmarried couples, this insurance can provide financial protection similar to that spouses receive under supplemental spouse life insurance. It ensures that the surviving partner has financial support in the event of the other partner’s death, which can be crucial for maintaining their standard of living. It's important to note that the availability and terms of such coverage can vary by insurance provider and state regulations.

    Is Supplemental Life Insurance Worth It? (4)

    Supplemental Burial Insurance

    Also known as final expense insurance, this policy covers funeral and burial costs. However, the premiums can be high, and coverage may be limited, especially considering the overall financial needs of the family after the policyholder's death. A regular term life policy generally offers more coverage for the same or a lower premium. Also, planning for these costs earlier in life can ensure you have money aside to pay for final expenses rather than paying for a policy. See our ranking of the best burial and final expense policies.

    Is Supplemental Life Insurance Worth It? (5)

    Supplemental Child Insurance

    These policies provide a payout if the insured child passes away. However, the financial need for such insurance is often low, as children typically don't contribute to family income. It's generally more cost-effective to ensure parents have adequate life insurance coverage.

    Is Supplemental Life Insurance Worth It? (6)

    Supplemental Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance

    These policies pay out if the policyholder dies or is seriously injured in an accident. While it may seem beneficial, a comprehensive life and disability insurance policy usually offers broader coverage at a more reasonable price.

    Is Supplemental Life Insurance Worth It? (7)

    Supplemental Group Life Insurance

    This type of plan typically refers to additional life insurance coverage that an employer offers to all eligible employees as part of a group policy. Supplemental group life insurance is often available without medical underwriting, and employees may choose to purchase higher coverage at group rates, which can be more cost-effective than individual policies.

Term Life Insurance Advantages

If you're considering supplemental life insurance, it's worthwhile to also think about the alternative options available to you. Term life insurance offers a host of advantages over supplemental life insurance, such as:



Term life insurance provides considerable coverage at a fraction of the cost of permanent life insurance, making it possible to secure adequate coverage without exceeding your budget.



Term life insurance allows you to choose your coverage amount and beneficiaries. You can also keep your policy irrespective of job transitions.


Laddering Option

You're not limited to just one term life insurance policy. You can hold multiple policies simultaneously, allowing you to adjust your coverage in line with evolving financial obligations. This strategy, called "life insurance laddering," may be an effective way to maximize your policies without purchasing supplemental coverage.

FAQ About Supplemental Life Insurance

Explore commonly asked questions about supplemental life insurance to determine whether adding it to your financial planning and insurance strategy is worth it.

What is supplemental life insurance?

Supplemental life insurance is an additional policy that supplements your existing life insurance coverage. Employers often offer it and aim to fill coverage gaps left by your primary life insurance policy.

How does supplemental life insurance differ from standard life insurance policies?

Unlike standard policies, supplemental life insurance is typically an add-on to your existing coverage, often through your employer. It may have terms, coverage limits and portability conditions that differ from standard life insurance policies.

Is supplemental life insurance worth the cost?

The value of supplemental life insurance depends on individual circ*mstances. It can be beneficial if your current coverage is insufficient or your employer offers it at a low or no cost. However, comparing the cost and benefits is essential to determine if it aligns with your financial goals and needs.

Can you keep your supplemental life insurance if you change jobs?

The portability of supplemental life insurance varies. Some policies offered through employers may not be transferable if you leave the job. It's important to review the terms of your policy or consider private options for more portable coverage.

Should you choose supplemental life insurance over increasing your current coverage?

This decision depends on factors like the cost, coverage provided and your specific insurance needs. Comparing the benefits and limitations of both options can help you make an informed decision. Increasing your existing coverage might offer more comprehensive protection.

What is supplemental life insurance used for?

Supplemental life coverage enhances existing life insurance, covering gaps and providing additional financial security for beneficiaries in unforeseen circ*mstances.

Why is supplemental life insurance bad?

Supplemental life coverage isn't inherently bad but may offer less value for some individuals due to higher rates, limited flexibility and potentially inadequate coverage amounts compared to term life insurance.

How does supplemental life insurance pay out benefits?

Upon the policyholder's death, the insurance provider pays out the supplemental life coverage benefits to designated beneficiaries, supplementing the payout from primary life insurance policies.

What is supplemental child life insurance?

Supplemental child life insurance provides a death benefit for the insured child, helping to cover funeral expenses and other financial impacts, though it's generally less essential than parental coverage.

What is spousal supplemental life insurance?

Spouse supplemental life insurance offers additional coverage for a policyholder's spouse, which is potentially beneficial when existing policies don't fully cover the spouse's financial contribution or potential loss.

How much supplemental life insurance should you get?

Consider your financial needs, existing coverage and future obligations to determine the right amount of supplemental life coverage. A financial advisor can provide personalized guidance.

Is supplemental life insurance pre-tax?

Supplemental life insurance premiums are typically paid with after-tax dollars, not pre-tax, meaning you don't receive a tax deduction for the premiums paid. The payout to beneficiaries is usually tax-free. This ensures the full amount of the supplemental life coverage goes directly to your loved ones without being diminished by taxes.

How does supplemental life insurance work?

Supplemental life insurance provides additional coverage in addition to basic policies. It is often purchased through an employer as employee supplemental life insurance.

What does supplemental life insurance cover?

Supplemental life insurance covers financial gaps not met by primary insurance, potentially including debts, educational expenses and increased family needs.

Is supplemental life insurance term or whole?

Supplemental life insurance can be either term or whole, depending on the policy offered by the employer or chosen by the individual.

What is supplemental life and AD&D insurance?

Supplemental employee life and AD&D insurance offer both death benefits and additional payouts for accidental death and dismemberment, enhancing employee supplemental life insurance.

What’s the difference between basic and supplemental life insurance?

Basic life insurance provides fundamental coverage, and employers may offer it at no or low cost as part of an employee benefits package. Supplemental life insurance provides extra protection to cover specific financial needs beyond basic policies.

What happens to supplemental life insurance when you leave a job?

Supplemental life insurance coverage through an employer may end when you leave the job unless the policy includes a portability feature allowing continuation.

What is voluntary supplemental life insurance?

Voluntary supplemental life insurance is another term for employee supplemental life insurance. It refers to the optional life insurance coverage employees can purchase through their employer. This type of insurance is usually offered at group rates and allows employees to add additional coverage on top of any basic life insurance benefits provided by the employer. The term "voluntary" emphasizes that it is an optional benefit, and employees can decide whether or not to participate based on their financial needs and goals.

About Mark Fitzpatrick

Is Supplemental Life Insurance Worth It? (8)

Mark Fitzpatrick is a Licensed Property and Casualty Insurance Producer and MoneyGeek's Head of Insurance. He has analyzed the insurance market for over five years, conducting original research and creating personalized content for every kind of buyer. He has been quoted in several insurance-related publications, including CNBC, NBC News and Mashable.

Fitzpatrick earned a master’s degree in economics and international relations from Johns Hopkins University and a bachelor’s degree from Boston College. He is passionate about using his knowledge of economics and insurance to bring transparency around financial topics and help others feel confident in their money moves.

Is Supplemental Life Insurance Worth It? (2024)


Is it a good idea to get supplemental life insurance? ›

Is supplemental insurance worth it? Supplemental insurance is worth it if you need extra life insurance coverage and your group plan charges a reasonable premium. Supplemental insurance is especially valuable if you have health issues and would struggle to qualify for your own individual policy.

Is it worth getting supplemental insurance? ›

When you're facing a serious illness or accident, supplemental insurance policies can pick up where major medical leaves off by paying for out-of-pocket expenses and even helping with everyday expenses – all for a regular monthly premium.

Does supplemental life insurance have a cash value? ›

If you leave the employer, you'll need to get coverage on your own (or convert it to an individual policy, usually with a higher premium). Plus, supplemental life insurance is typically term life insurance, meaning it does not have a cash value component.

What's the difference between basic life insurance and supplemental life insurance? ›

In short, basic group life insurance is an affordable or free policy offered through an employer's benefits program, while supplemental life insurance lets you to add to that coverage by paying an additional premium. Many employers offer a basic group life insurance policy to employees for free or a minimal premium.

How much should I pay for supplemental life insurance? ›

How Much Supplemental Life Insurance Do I Need? Financial experts and insurance companies recommend having seven to 10 times your annual salary in life insurance, so if you earn $75,000 per year, the guideline would be $525,000 to $750,000 in coverage.

Can you withdraw money from supplemental life insurance? ›

You can tap into a policy's cash value while you're still alive through a loan, withdrawal or if you surrender the policy. Coverage for your family: Some supplemental policies allow you to extend coverage to your spouse, domestic partner or child. But the death benefit for family members might be lower than yours.

Why do people buy supplemental insurance? ›

Supplemental health insurance plans are health care plans used to cover anything above and beyond basic medical coverage. These plans provide extra medical coverage and can also be used to contribute to other costs not covered by your primary insurance plan such as copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles.

What age should you get supplemental insurance? ›

If you are 65 or older, you may be able to purchase a Medicare Supplement insurance plan during the Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Period. This period lasts for six months and begins on the first day of the month in which you are both 65 or older and enrolled in Medicare Part B.

What is the average cost of a supplemental plan? ›

The average Medicare Supplement plan costs in every state
StateMonthly CostRank from least expensive (1) to most expensive (51)
29 more rows
Oct 4, 2023

Can I borrow from my supplemental life insurance? ›

If your policy has adequate cash value, you can borrow against it with flexible repayment terms and low interest rates. Keep in mind that if you do not pay back the loan in full before you die, your death benefit will be reduced.

Does supplemental life insurance cover natural death? ›

Q: Does supplemental life insurance cover natural death? A: It all depends on the type of policy. As mentioned, an AD&D policy only pays a death benefit if the insured is seriously injured or killed in an accident, as defined by the policy.

Is supplemental life insurance tax deductible? ›

Life insurance premiums are typically not tax deductible because the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers them an optional personal expense.

When should you get supplemental life insurance? ›

You may want supplemental life insurance if the existing coverage through your employer isn't enough to provide adequate support to your beneficiaries after your death.

How does a supplemental insurance work? ›

Supplemental insurance is coverage that you can buy in addition to your primary health plan. These policies can help provide coverage for certain kinds of illnesses, accidents and injuries, and life insurance. Supplemental health policies are different from traditional health plans.

Do I need supplemental life insurance if I'm single? ›

Life insurance can be beneficial to financial dependents other than a spouse or child. If you're single but supporting your parents, grandparents, or other loved ones, a life insurance policy could help provide for them if you were to pass away unexpectedly.

Why would a person consider supplemental insurance? ›

Who buys supplemental insurance coverage and why? You may be a right fit for additional insurance coverage if you: Have a family history of certain types of diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc. Want additional financial protection in the event of unexpected accidents or injuries.

What happens to my supplemental life insurance when I retire? ›

At age 65 Supplemental Life Insurance is reduced by 50 percent, then to a flat amount at age 70.

Does supplemental life insurance increase with age? ›

The cost of supplemental life insurance will increase with your age or with an increase in the amount of coverage you have.

Do you have to pay taxes on supplemental life insurance? ›

Dependent and spousal life insurance can be offered either as employer paid or supplemental. If the coverage is over $2,000, the life insurance benefit is taxable as imputed income based on Table 1 rates.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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