Is Travel Insurance REALLY Worth It? (2024)

When I first started traveling, I was at odds with myself. I would ask myself the same question: “Is travel insurance worth it? Nothing is going to happen…right?”

It’s especially hard because, when I’ve just spent so much money on my travels themselves, it can feel like a waste to part with yet another chunk of cash for something I might not even need.

Years ago, I didn’t bother buying traveling insurance. Now, after a decade of traveling, I won’t travel without it. While it might seem like an annoying expense, trust me—travel insurance is worth it.

My$8,000 surgery in Singapore? Covered.

Another $7,000 worth ofhospital visits in Bangkok? Covered.

I’ve heard stories of broken legs, broken backs, helicopter evacuations, near-death drownings…you name it, it’s happened. Not to mention all the flight delays, lost luggage and stolen smartphones.

And, at the risk of sounding far-fetched and cliché, these things do happen to people like you and me.

What Does Travel Insurance Cover?

Is Travel Insurance REALLY Worth It? (1)

You should always do your due diligence when choosingthe best travel insurance.

It’s also worth noting that travel insurance is not only health insurance.What is travel insurance?Travel insurance covers your trip itself and it also covers medical expenses, should you be unfortunate enough to have them.

So is buying travel insurance worth it? Let’s take a look at exactly what you will be paying for if you decide to buy travel insurance.

Trip Cancellation and Interruption

The only thing worse than your travel plans getting ruined is losing all the money you spent on it!

Should your journey be canceled or delayed because you get sick, or if there’s a hurricane or any type of personal or worldly catastrophe, your travel insurance company will reimburse you for everything. But remember—you have to purchase coveragebeforethe trip gets canceled.

One thing to note is that most trip cancellation insurance plans will only pay out if your trip is canceled for an approved reason (things like a serious illness to yourself or a family member, canceled flights, or other “legitimate” reasons). You usually can’t just decide you don’t want to go to Jamaica anymore and expect to get your money back.

If you want the most peace of mind, you can opt to buy cancel for any reason (CFAR) coverage. This usually doesn’t cost a ton more and means trip cancellation is covered no matter what.

Lost or Damaged Baggage and Belongings

If your bags get lost or stolen, your travel insurance will pay to replace your items. Typically this only covers up to a set dollar amount, so make sure your policy has a high enough limit to protect all your belongings.

Whenever I am checking luggage, I stress about whether it will get lost in transit and end up in Antarctica, get chewed up by an angry conveyor machine, or be tossed off a building by a negligent baggage handler (those guys seem to have way too much fun throwing things around violently). Having baggage insurance at least gives me some assurance that if anything bad happens to my stuff, I’ll get some reimbursem*nt for it.

Travel Medical Insurance

The ideal scenario is that you don’t get hurt or sick while you are traveling, but if you do, your normal health insurance probably won’t cover emergency medical care in another country. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to have good travel insurance with medical coverage when you travel.

Trust me, even if you don’t think anything will happen to you on your trip, I’ve experienced unexpected overseas hospital trips first-hand, and all I can say is, I’m glad I had insurance.

Of course, it’s not likely or ideal that you get hurt on your trip, but if you do and you aren’t covered by a decent insurance policy, you could face medical or repatriation costs that run up into the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars (seriously).

Emergency Medical Evacuation

In some cases, rather than undergoing medical treatment in a foreign country, it’s better to return home. Unfortunately emergency evacuation can be incredibly expensive.

An air ambulance from the United States to the UK will cost you around $50,000 if you don’t have insurance.

Suddenly those couple hundred dollars you spent on travel insurance seems a lot more attractive, doesn’t it?

Nobody wants to be “that guy” who makes a panicked phone call to their parents telling them they need $50,000 for hospital bills and an air ambulance across the ocean.

Most travel insurance plans will not just cover medical expenses abroad, but they’ll also pay for medical evacuation. That can save you some hefty bills.

Additional Coverage

Trip cancellation and interruption, lost/damaged items, and medical emergency coverage are the basics of travel insurance, but many policies include a lot more (or have options you can add on).

Here are some common travel insurance benefits you may want to watch for as you’re shopping around. You probably won’t need everything, so look for a plan that fits your needs.

  • Pre-existing medical conditions:If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, look for travel insurance that will still cover you. Sometimes you may have to pay a little more, but it’s definitely worth having.
  • Adventure sports:Some travel insurance policies won’t cover medical costs if you’re injured while doing a “risky” activity like skydiving, skiing, or mountaineering. If you like to live on the wild side, look for a plan that offers adventure sports coverage.
  • Rental car insurance:You know when you go to rent a car and they ask if you want to pay for insurance? Well many travel insurance plans come with rental car insurance included!
  • Missed connection coverage:If you miss a flight connection, many plans will help cover the costs to rejoin your scheduled trip. This could include unexpected hotel stays or additional transportation costs.
  • Vacation rental damage:So you accidentally spilled wine all over the white couch at your AirBnB (sh*t happens). Vacation rental coverage will help pay for any damage during your stay.
  • Pet care:If you are delayed on your return travels, some insurance will cover costs for pet kenneling until you get home.

When you cover yourself with travel insurance, you could save yourself from losing thousands of dollars if your trip is unexpectedly canceled, if you become ill or get injured, or if anything else happens. The whole point of travel insurance is to protect you in case of unforeseen events.

WhatDoesn’tTravel Insurance Cover?

Is Travel Insurance REALLY Worth It? (2)

To be clear, travel insurance isn’t a fool-proof unlimited guarantee that you’ll get your trip funds reimbursed. Most trip cancellation insurance will only pay out claims for events that happen outside your control (unless you buy cancel for any reason coverage).

Many plans also don’t cover expenses related to pre-existing medical conditions or if you’re injured while participating in an activity that’s not approved on the policy. Of course, you can always find plans or add-ons that offer more coverage for medical conditions or adventure activities.

As with anything, it’s worth reading the fine print before buying a plan. Make sure you get what you need, even if you have to pay a bit more.

How Much Does Travel Insurance Cost?

Travel insurance doesn’t cost as much as you probably think it does. Obviously, it depends on who you buy insurance with (and what, exactly, it covers), but it’s a small price to pay for a safe trip abroad.

I bought a comprehensive travel insurance policy for an entire year of traveling in Asia for somewhere around $450.

At first, $450 might seem like an eye-watering price to pay, but in reality, it’s just over a dollar a day. My health (and peace of mind) is well worth that. Travel insurance costs are MUCH lower than the cost (and headache) of having to pay for medical bills, an interrupted trip, or lost baggage while traveling.

The policy I chose covered:

  • Up to $10 million in medical expenses.
  • $200 towards replacing necessities in delayed baggage.
  • $5,000 of cancellation reimbursem*nts.
  • $1,500 for trip interruptions – so that you can continue your trip if an emergency happens and you have to go home.
  • $25,000 payout for personal accidents.
  • $500 for loss or theft of money.
  • $600 to replace lost or stolen travel documents and to cover expenses of travel or accommodation you need in the process.

As you can see, I had myself pretty much covered from every angle.

No, handing over a couple hundo isn’t my favorite activity in the world. It is, however, in every way, preferable to spending 10 or 100 times that amount because I got hurt or because my laptop was stolen.

When Can You Skip Buying Travel Insurance?

Hopefully you’re getting the picture that travel insurance coverage is absolutely worth it, but maybe you’re asking yourself if there’s a situation where you don’t really need it?

Well, yes, in some instances, you may be fine without travel insurance. If you are flying domestically within the US, flights are much less expensive, and your normal medical insurance should cover any medical emergency costs. So, for shorter trips in the U.S., you should be fine without having to purchase travel insurance. Plus, depending on the credit card you have, some level of travel insurance may be included with it.

That said, for more expensive trips, even inside the U.S., you can still get a lot of peace of mind with trip cancellation coverage. This covers nonrefundable trip costs like hotel stays in case your trip is canceled or interrupted.

Fortunately, most travel insurance companies offer policies for trip insurance without needing to pay for included travel medical insurance. These plans are usually very affordable and can save you a lot of cash if your trip is canceled or interrupted.

Plus, you can often get other travel insurance benefits like rental car coverage, vacation rental damage protection, pet care if your trip is delayed, and more.

So, for cheap domestic trips, you can usually get away without travel insurance. For anything else, especially international trips, there’s no getting around the fact that YOU NEED TRAVEL INSURANCE!

How Do You Choose Travel Insurance?

Is Travel Insurance REALLY Worth It? (3)

There are literally hundreds of insurance companies that will offer you every type of policy under the sun. This can make choosing the right travel insurance quite tough. You want to make sure it’s comprehensive but you also don’t want to pay through the roof for it!

I am a fan ofHeymondobecause they offer solid coverage at a good price and have a good reputation for paying out claims. I can personally attest to that.

The average traveler primarily wants to look for comprehensive medical coverage. That said, I travel with expensive camera gear and electronics, so I need coverage for my belongings, too.

I normally opt for a policy that will pay for medical expenses up to $5,000,000, including repatriation costs. The more you can get on this front the better. Bear in mind that if you are buying travel insurance for high-risk destinations or activities, your premium is likely to be a bit higher.

WithHeymondo, I’ve found the price difference to be negligible.

How Do You Purchase Travel Insurance?

Finally ready to cough up the cash to purchase travel insurance? Lucky for you, buying a policy is super simple. You typically have two options: either buy directly from a travel insurance company, or shop and compare policies through a comparison site likeSquareMouth.

With SquareMouth, you just enter your trip details, and they’ll search through dozens of different providers to give you several plan quotes to choose from. I like using SquareMouth to quickly compare many different plans to find the best options and prices.

However, using a comparison site like this, you don’t get plans fromeveryprovider, and you can’t always see all the customization options that you might get from an individual company. If I know specifically what I need, I prefer going through individual company websites to generate custom quotes. I love options, and the best companies have a lot to choose from.

Some of my favorite travel insurance companies to use areHeymondo,SafetyWing, andFaye. You can also check out my full list of theBest Travel Insurance Companies.

So, Is Travel Insurance Worth It?

This will be theleastexciting part of your travel plans and you may even shed a tear when you buy that policy. But trust me when I say that travel insurance isdefinitelyworth it.

When you travel, the unexpected happens. That’s the whole point of travel! Unexpected things can’t be expected (obviously), and there’s a reason they call it an accident. From medical emergencies to canceled flights, it’s always better to be prepared.

Though it may sound obnoxious to say, I honestly believe that if you can’t afford travel insurance then you can’t afford to travel.

Is Travel Insurance REALLY Worth It? (2024)


Is Travel Insurance REALLY Worth It? ›

Travel insurance covers risks like trip cancellations, health emergencies, and lost luggage. Travel insurance costs can range from 4% to 12% of your total trip cost. Travel insurance is best for trips that are long, expensive, nonrefundable, and international.

Does travel insurance actually pay out? ›

Offered as an add-on to many insurance policies, this coverage lets you cancel your trip for a reason not covered within a typical trip cancellation benefit. If you need to use this coverage, you'll typically get 50% to 80% of your prepaid travel expenses refunded.

Is it necessary to get travel insurance? ›

If you would lose the money you paid for your flights, accommodations, rental car, or activities if you had to cancel or go home early, travel insurance that specifically includes trip cancellation and trip interruption is probably a good idea.

Is it bad to not have travel insurance? ›

If you don't have travel insurance you will have to pay out of your own pocket to deal with a problem while you're away. Or you may lose money if you have to cancel a trip and can't get your money back. This could cost you thousands of pounds.

Does it matter when you get travel insurance? ›

Buy travel insurance as soon as you know your travel dates. That way you're covered if your trip is cancelled before you even leave or if you're unable to travel at all.

Do you get a full refund with travel insurance? ›

If your travel insurance policy has a money-back guarantee or review period, you can cancel for any reason and receive a full refund within the timeframe if you haven't filed a claim or departed for your trip yet. But you won't get a premium refund if you cancel your policy after the review period.

How much should travel insurance cost? ›

According to our research, the average cost of travel insurance is $204, but you could pay anywhere between $14 and $765 for travel insurance. Solo travelers can expect to pay around $60-$100 for coverage. Travel insurance provides a range of protection before and during your trip.

What is the best travel insurance to buy? ›

  • Faye. Our Top Pick. 4.6. ...
  • Travelex. Best for families. 4.7. ...
  • Nationwide Travel Insurance. Best for cruise travel. 4.6. ...
  • Tin Leg. Best for customizable coverage. 4.6. ...
  • Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection. Best for luxury travelers. 4.6. ...
  • Seven Corners Travel Insurance. Best for international travelers. 4.5. ...
  • AIG Travel Guard. Best for families.
Aug 6, 2024

Is Allianz travel insurance any good? ›

Allianz insurance has received a four-star average rating from more than 3000 reviews on Product Review, and its dedicated comprehensive offering was awarded an average of 3.8 stars from 550 reviews.

How much medical coverage do I need for travel? ›

How much travel medical insurance do you need? Squaremouth, a travel insurance comparison site, recommends buying at least $50,000 in emergency medical coverage for international travel. For travelers going on a cruise or to a remote destination, the site recommends at least $100,000 in coverage.

What happens if you have a medical emergency abroad? ›

The nearest US embassy or consulate can help travelers locate medical services and notify your friends, family, or employer of an emergency. They are available for emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, overseas and in Washington, DC (888-407-4747 or 202-501-4444).

Do I have to insure my entire trip? ›

Do I Have to Insure My Entire Trip? The short answer is: no. The long answer is: Yes, if you want certain benefits. You may cherry-pick from your list of non-refundable, prepaid trip costs to create your travel insurance policy.

How common is travel insurance? ›

Roughly 38% of surveyed travelers purchased insurance for their trip. About 13% of overall respondents purchased cancellation insurance, and 11% purchased cancel for any reason insurance (CFAR).

Does travel insurance cost go up closer to the date? ›

Unlike other aspects of your travel experience like airfares or hotel-room rates, the price of travel insurance doesn't increase the closer you get to your travel date. There's no financial penalty if you wait to buy travel insurance (except for those bonus coverages, of course).

How long before a trip should I buy travel insurance? ›

Though you can buy travel insurance before you book your flight, it's actually better to wait until after you reserve your seat on the plane. This way, you'll know your ticket price and can make sure your travel insurance will cover the full cost of the ticket, in case you need to file a claim later.

Is it better to buy travel insurance early or late? ›

It's smart to buy travel insurance immediately after booking for two reasons. One: You won't forget! Far too many travelers postpone buying travel insurance and then realize, too late, that they forgot to buy it at all. And two: The earlier you buy insurance, the bigger your coverage window.

What does travel insurance pay out? ›

Most policies include cover for: lost or stolen bags (with baggage cover an extra in some policies) emergency medical expenses, such as the cost of treatment and getting you home. the costs of cancelling, delaying or cutting your trip short (with cancellation cover sometimes an additional extra)

Is it worth claiming on travel insurance? ›

Travel insurance can give you extra protection if your holiday doesn't go as planned. This is very important if you are travelling independently because you may find yourself stranded with no way to get home and no rep to help sort out your holiday problem.

Does travel insurance pay up front? ›

Travel insurance may pay your expenses upfront if you require emergency medical treatment or emergency transportation while traveling overseas.

Does travel insurance cover 100%? ›

If all conditions are met, most of the policies will reimburse you 50% to 75% of your trip costs, unless otherwise noted.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.