John Crickett on LinkedIn: Writing is the most important skill you need to develop as a software… | 82 comments (2024)

John Crickett

Coaching you to be a great tech leader.

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Writing is the most important skill you need to develop as a software developer.Once you reach a reasonable level of technical skill, enough to do your current day to day job without much difficulty, then your promotion and ability to progress will be determined by your soft skills. In particular your communication skills.Writing is a huge part of that. Here are six reasons why writing is so important for software developers:1. You will write every day. You’ll write emails, chat messages, code reviews, bug reports, requirements or user stories, ADRs, design documents, API documentation, ops documentation and let’s not forget CODE!2. The increasingly global nature of work means written communication is ever more important. Our colleagues may be working in a different timezone, and might not share the same first language as us, making clear written communication extremely valuable to avoid confusion and re-work. This is even more important now more of us work remotely and asynchronously.3. The ability to communicate complex topics and ideas will set you apart from your peers. Being able to explain to a non-technical person the impact and cost of their request will improve the team’s experience working with non-technical parts of the business.4. Writing will help you find your next job. Your CV/Resume is a key piece of writing that sells your skills and aptitudes, when applying for a job. Public writing like blog posts, social media posts, books, and even contributions to open source can make you stand out and have recruiters and companies knocking on your door.5. Learning to write effectively and persuasively will help you increase your influence and impact. The more influence and impact you have, the further your career advancement within your current organisation.6. Code is writing - yes we’re back to point 1! Code is read 8-10 times more often than it’s written, so clear writing leads to clear readable and maintainable code. Developers maintaining the code in the future will thank you. And from my experience, the developer who thanks you 6-12 months from now is often you!What are you doing to improve your writing?



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Hajime Yamasaki Vukelic

0.5~100x Developer | Vanilla JS, Vue, React, Go, Accessibility | UX | The 🦆 guy


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Poor developers. Every time they look at their LinkedIn feed, 100 different pieces of advice on what the most important skill is..."Learn how to write""Use ChatGPT for writing""f*ck writing, focus on the f*cking soft skills""No, DSA is king!""You're all wrong. Focus on building your personal brand.""You should focus on leadership!"Ok, people. Let's all just calm down and ease on the pedal. 😂Also, companies should just fire people who select candidates based on irrelevant skills.

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Jean-Philippe Paradis

20+ years programming, 15+ years Common Lisp, 10+ years Common Lisp Open Source. Common Lisp is the best programming language in the world! Let's make it the most popular! Great Common Lisp Revival is coming before 2030!


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This implies that touch typing is a core skill for software developers.

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Dariusz Sadowski

Head of Engineering | Coach | Building IRL Tech & Careers


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Writing consistently for the last 5 months on LinkedIn changed my career for the better. 100% agree John it's a crucial skill in Engineering. Writing is communication that's slowed down and easy to improve before sending out.Reading about copywriting each day helps a lot. Practicing with daily LinkedIn posts helps even more 😁

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Dave Brooks

Proofreader, and coach for written English


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Very well put. And very true.I tried to make the same point in an post a few weeks ago, at .For some time I've been intrigued as to why so many of the hands-on software people who end up in my feed write so very well. Raymond Gan is a very good example. I think you've just answered my question John Crickett (but "Our colleagues *many* be working..." needs a closer look---sorry, "déformation professionnelle" as the French say.)

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Archil Sharashenidze

🎙️ Archill Podcast | Software Engineer | Sharing Tech Insights


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Ability to write precise questions over chat and respond clearly as well, is one fo the most important skills 🔥

Ryan Alexander Wiens

Helping Software Engineers become Confident Communicators | Advanced English Communication Skills for Software Engineers | BA Linguistics | Client Success Stories👇 | DM For Info ✉️


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I am far from the best writer in the world but I am happy to come from a time and place where essay writing was the main way to assess learning. Of course, I hated writing essays. Still do. But it was and is a great way to help structure your ideas clearly.John Crickett what do you think about AI when it comes to the future of writing? I'm definitely impressed by the way it can pump out more formulaic types of writing like emails.

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Anemari Fiser

Helping techies level up in their careers by developing their non-tech skills | Engineering Leader & Certified Career Coach | Country Director GWTL | ex-Thoughtworks


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get feedback on your writing remember: you are not your audience 😁

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Abdullah Jawhari

Senior Software Engineer | IISc


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John Crickett what do you suggest

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Raymond Jones

Software Engineer | Python, AWS, and React.js


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A good, well written post about the benefits of writing.

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Kalpa Senanayake

Solutions Architect at BIG W


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This is so true. Thanks for writing about the importance of writing. The ability to articulate what we think or our perspective of a problem and dissect these complex thoughts in simple but effective chunks is something we have to master by practising writing. Provide thoughtful insights in code reviews and help the team. Explain solution options with pros and cons to a mixed audience of technical and non-technical team members. Expanding a solution design with business goals, scope, system design, dependencies, and architectural quality attributes requires higher writing skills. As a non-native user of English, I realised early in my career that my writing skills were not up to that mark; I started writing technical blogs about interesting technical concepts and problems I have solved. This helped me improve at two things: a rich vocabulary to explain technical concepts, which helps to explain complex concepts simple manner. Secondly, I realised I didn't know enough about some of these concepts during the process, so I started learning more about those areas.

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  • John Crickett

    Coaching you to be a great tech leader.

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  • John Crickett

    Coaching you to be a great tech leader.

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    Coaching you to be a great tech leader.

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  • John Crickett

    Coaching you to be a great tech leader.

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  • John Crickett

    Coaching you to be a great tech leader.

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  • John Crickett

    Coaching you to be a great tech leader.

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John Crickett on LinkedIn: Writing is the most important skill you need to develop as a software… | 82 comments (64)

John Crickett on LinkedIn: Writing is the most important skill you need to develop as a software… | 82 comments (65)


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.