Johnny Weston (2024)

Wow, Vault Dweller, you're going right for the juicy details. I had a family, but either they disowned me or I disowned them depending on who you believe. They could be dust now for all I care. As for romantic partners... I've had many and there's always room for more. But, sorry to dash your hopes and dreams, my friend. While I wouldn't mind shacking up with you occasionally, I don't think Meg would approve.

Gentleman Johnny "Two-Guns" Weston is a member of the Crater Raiders in Appalachia inFallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.


  • 1 Background
    • 1.1 Relationships
  • 2 Interactions with the player character
    • 2.1 Interactions overview
    • 2.2 Quests
    • 2.3 Other interactions
  • 3 Inventory
  • 4 Notable quotes
  • 5 Appearances
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 References


Per his own word, Johnny was born before the Great War in a military family, and grew up near U.S. Army bases all around the nation because of his father's military service. Although his family did not approve, Johnny pursued his dreams of becoming an actor in New York City. This caused a rift between him and his parents, stating that either they disowned him, or he disowned them, "depending on who you believe."[1] However, his career was ultimately a failure, describing himself as a "bum" living on the streets of New York City when the bombs dropped in 2077. It is uncertain how much of his background is truth and how much is fabrication,[2][3] though his claim of breaking into the Federal Reserve Bank of New York seems plausible, as his biometrics exist in surviving government database backups, tied to a felony conviction — which he claims to have suffered only because his crew bailed on him.[4]

During his time as a freelance raider, he was close friends with Hal Gleeson both before and after the War. They did jobs together and Hal turned out to be the most solid partner Johnny had.[5] Working together transformed into a lasting relationship and mutual feelings.[6] Eventually, Johnny became involved with Meg Groberg's raiders, infiltrating the gang and blending in. When Meg finally realized what he did, rather than stringing him up she invited him for drinks, and eventually the two shacked up. Johnny's relationship with Hal deteriorated over Meg, as Hal seemed jealous. When Meg's group finally returned to Appalachia and settled at the Crater, Johnny joined them.[7]

His unique skill set benefited the raiders handsomely, as Johnny is an expert at infiltration and confidence games, giving raiders a lot of soft power. The arrangement is a mutually beneficial exchange, rather than any sort of formal subordination.[5] Settling at the Crater came at a cost, as Hal refused to put down roots and separated from Johnny, going his own way.[5] Johnny realized too late that Hal didn't just leave him: He betrayed him, taking a far greater cut of their last job together than he said, taking it with him and disappeared into the wastelands. Weston hated the fact that his best friend betrayed him like that, and vowed vengeance - no matter how much pain it would cause him.[8]

He got his chance when he was scoping out the Watoga Civic Center and the raiders occupying it for Meg. While the raiders were rejected out of hand as candidates for the Crater crew, as Meg abhors slavery, Weston spotted Hal tending to the spectators in the luxury boxes. Spotting his opportunity, he began to plan how to get inside to free Hal,[9] so that he can kill Gleeson for betraying him. Johnny rationalizes it as a small mercy that would ultimately save Hal from a fate worse than death, namely, a lifetime of slavery,[10] and prefers to bury his feelings for him, as killing Hal will evidently be the most difficult act in Johnny's life thus far.[11]

Until that happens, he operates out of his quarters in the Core, standing out from the other raiders thanks to his spotless black suit. Given that keeping them clean is extremely difficult, it's a feat that he manages it.[12] When not in the field, he passes time by playing cards with other raiders and is no stranger to cheating at them.[13]

Once knowledge of Vault 79 reaches Meg, he begins to prepare for the raid, in case there are any survivors in the Vault who might need to be manipulated, twisted, cajoled, or otherwise convinced to give the raiders what they want.[14] Johnny believes that the world will eventually get back on track and gold will once more become backing for currencies, and as such, controlling the US national reserves would put Crater on track to dominating trade.[15]


Johnny prefers to keep people at arm's length, a tendency that started well before the War when he disowned his family (or his family disowned him, depending on the perspective). He doesn't care about them, and just about the only real relationship he had was with Hal Gleeson. The feeling never really died, either. Hal stands out against a long list of romantic partners Johnny had in that aspect, though Weston's present relationship with Meg is similar. In fact, while he's generally open to new partners in bed, he likes his relationship with her well enough that he'll deny advances, claiming Meg wouldn't approve.[1] While Johnny freely admits they have a physical relationship, Meg at least tries to pretend they're just "discussing important things," but nevertheless[16] the two are very close, and Meg prizes him, even if he's not the hero type.[17]

She is well aware of his faults too, the biggest of which is his ego. Johnny is a capable man, but he can be egotistical and arrogant at his worst.[18] He also indulges his greed at times,[19] which Meg learned to manage and defuse.[20] However, she's unaware of just how deep the problem goes and unintentionally feeds the beast when she really should throttle it.[21][22] However, there's a thought at the back of her head that Johnny is ultimately playing everyone for his own ends, rather than being a team player.[23][24]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]


Johnny Weston (1)

This character cannot be killed. Status expires when Buried Treasure begins.

Johnny Weston (2)

This character is a temporary companion.

Johnny Weston (3)

This character is involved in quests.


  • The Ol' Weston Shuffle: The Vault Dweller of Vault 76 must convince Johnny to join the heist on Vault 79. Although he is already on board, Johnny wants something in exchange. He asks the Vault Dweller to pose as a slave so that they can infiltrate Sargento's gang at the Watoga Civic Center and free Hal Gleeson from slavery. To do this, Johnny invents the character of "Reginald P. Humphries," an English man who became stuck in Washington, D.C. when the airplanes stopped running. After the Vault Dweller fights through their matches (or simply kills all of Sargento's gang) and breaks Hal Gleeson out of captivity, Johnny meets with the two of them. Although Hal was once Johnny's best friend, it is revealed that the true purpose of this mission was so that Johnny could kill Hal and tie up loose ends from when Hal attempted to betray him. Johnny believes that his relationship with Meg caused Hal to become jealous of him.[7] However, Johnny later comes to regret killing Hal, remarking that he loved Hal like a brother.[11]
  • Buried Treasure: Johnny is part of the Vault 79 heist team, and is tasked with disabling the security system. However, he accidentally triggers a sensor which detects him as an ex-convict, leading him to pause and ask the Vault Dweller for advice. If he is lied to and encouraged to proceed, he will be killed by laser turrets. If he is told to stop, he will survive, and will accompany as a temporary companion for the rest of the quest. Either way, he is unable to accomplish his task and an alternate plan must be used.
  • Secrets Revealed: If Johnny survives Buried Treasure, he will continue following the player character as a temporary companion.
    • After dealing with the Vault reactor and collecting the gold bullion, Johnny will attempt to betray the Vault Dweller, and must then be killed or convinced to stand down with Charisma 4+, then a Charisma 8+ check or by bringing up his previous betrayal of Hal.
    • A further Charisma 12+ check can be used to encourage him to give some of his cut of the gold (50 bullion) to the Vault Dweller as an apology for the attempted betrayal when the raid is completed.
    • At the end of the quest, after making the final choice of how to split the gold, Johnny can be talked to in the gold operations center. If the deal with Meg was respected, he will be thankful and friendly. If the deal was broken, he will be disappointed and harsh.

Other interactions[]

  • If Johnny survives Buried Treasure and Secrets Revealed, he will return to his room in the Crater Core. He will occasionally offer some random chems or aid items, and can also be asked about his thoughts on the heist.
  • If he is killed during either quest, the password to his terminal in his room can be obtained from his body.


TuxedoRandom revolverJohnny's password

Notable quotes[]


Johnny Weston appears only inFallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.


Johnny Weston (20)

As depicted in Go for the Gold

Johnny Weston (21)

Johnny in a Wastelanders trailer

Johnny Weston (22)

Johnny in his room in the Crater Core

Johnny Weston (23)

Johnny as Reginald P. Humphries during The Ol' Weston Shuffle

Johnny Weston (24)

Johnny speaking to Sargento during The Ol' Weston Shuffle

Johnny Weston (25)

Johnny killing Hal Gleeson during The Ol' Weston Shuffle


  1. 1.0 1.1 Vault 76 dweller: "Do you have any family? Any romantic interests?"
    Johnny Weston: "Wow, Vault Dweller, you're going right for the juicy details. I had a family, but either they disowned me or I disowned them depending on who you believe. They could be dust now for all I care. As for romantic partners... I've had many and there's always room for more. But, sorry to dash your hopes and dreams, my friend. While I wouldn't mind shacking up with you occasionally, I don't think Meg would approve."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  2. Vault 76 dweller: "Where are you from originally?"
    Johnny Weston: "I don't like talking about it, but I know you'll keep it secret. My dad was military. I saw army bases all over the country as a kid. When the bombs dropped, I was a bum. A failed actor, living on the streets in New York City. My parents never approved of acting for all the reasons you'd expect from a family with strong military tradition. Anyway, that's the story I'm telling you. You can decide for yourself if it's true."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  3. Johnny Weston: "I don't really talk about it. I'm from all over. I used to see a lot of military bases as a kid, until I struck out on my own. When the bombs dropped, I was living in New York. Or maybe, Boston. Or coulda been Detroit, or LA. Maybe even England. Sorry you don't get to know. No one does. I've got my reasons for keeping it that way, and I'm safer for it."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  4. Johnny Weston: "Funny thing. A long time ago, I broke into a similar system up at the Federal Reserve in New York. This here biometric scanner must run off of some sort of central database. Seems it can detect a known felon, and it's completely locked me out. We need it in order to get in."
    Vault 76 dweller: "I thought there wasn't a system you couldn't beat?"
    Johnny Weston: "Hey, that was the only one. I was young and stupid back then, and only got caught because my crew bailed on me. I've learned a lot since then. I'll get this one."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Johnny Weston: "So here's what's what. I used to run jobs with my partner Hal. Hal's a dear old friend. Known him since before the war. Hal and I went our separate ways when I joined up with Meg's crew. Now he's being held as a slave by a group of unsavory hooligans out by Watoga, and being forced to do... who knows what. I've got a plan to free him."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  6. The Core terminal entries; terminal, Hal (deceased)
  7. 7.0 7.1 Johnny Weston: "The story goes that I infiltrated the gang simply by acting the part. For weeks, everyone just assumed I belonged. But there's more to it. When Meg found out, she wasn't even mad. We had drinks, then shacked up. I trust you enough to say that Meg and I have a physical relationship. Beyond that, it just so happens my skill set benefits her whole operation. Now I stick around with her crew and everyone profits. I followed her around until we settled here. You know the whole business with Hal and all that. He never approved of my arrangement with Meg. I think it got him jealous."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  8. Johnny Weston: "Hal ripped me off. On our last job, he took way more than his fair share of the cut, then lied about it. By the time I found out, he had decided to part ways under the guise of not wanting to settle down at the Crater. I needed to send a message that no one pulls a fast one on Gentleman Johnny Weston, not even my best friend, Hal."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  9. Vault 76 dweller: "Watoga's pretty big. Where do we find Hal?"
    Johnny Weston: "These guys run a deadly arena competition out of the old civic center. Meg asked me to scope it out and find out what their deal was. See if maybe we could get them to join us. It was clear these weren't the type of people we wanted in our crew. Slavery's a big no-no with Meg, and these folks are all about it. But, while I was betting on one of the matches, I spotted Hal waiting on people hand and foot in one of the arena's luxury boxes."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  10. Johnny Weston: "In this business, you gotta be cold. Look at it this way: All at once, I got my revenge and saved him from a lifetime of servitude. Think of it as a small mercy."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  11. 11.0 11.1 Vault 76 dweller: "You're really going to do me in like you did Hal? How's that going for you?"
    Johnny Weston: "Damn it... That was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Hal was my partner. My best friend. I loved him like... like a brother. But if I'm being honest, I wouldn't miss you at all. I might even miss you less, since you went and mentioned Hal."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  12. Johnny Weston: "Damn it! Do you know how hard it is to find clean suits out there!"
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  13. Bless y'all's hearts
  14. Vault 76 dweller: "No offense, but I don't know why we need you for the job."
    Johnny Weston: "Let me lay it out for you. There's a reason Meg wants me on this job. She believes we're going to run into people down there. If 79's anything like Vault 76, there are living, breathing people inside just waiting for their vault to open up. And if these people are anything like you and your little friends, they'll be naive and easy as pie to manipulate into giving us whatever we want. No offense, of course."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  15. Johnny Weston: "I know some people believe gold is worthless now, but it's only a matter of time before the world gets back on track, and who'll be laughing then?"
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  16. Meg Groberg: "Hey, can you tell Johnny I want to see him later in my personal bunk? We got... important things to discuss."
    (Meg Groberg's dialogue)
  17. Vault 76 dweller: "[Lie] Johnny died tragically in the vault, sacrificing his life to save me from a horde of feral ghouls."
    Meg Groberg: "sh*t, Seven-Six. I'm sorry to hear that. I never took Johnny for the hero type, but he was always full of surprises. I'm not sure losing him is worth getting back his share of the gold."
    (Meg Groberg's dialogue)
  18. Meg Groberg: "Between you and me, Johnny can be a bit full of himself. He knows what he's doing, but don't let him push you around too much, y'hear?"
    (Meg Groberg's dialogue)
  19. Vault 76 dweller: "Johnny tried to kill me for the gold. I had to kill him."
    Meg Groberg: "sh*t, Seven-Six... I knew Johnny could be greedy, but I never thought he'd go to those lengths. I can't blame you for doing what you had to do."
    (Meg Groberg's dialogue)
  20. Vault 76 dweller: "Johnny was asking for too much. Something had to be done about him."
    Meg Groberg: "So you f*cking killed him? I thought I made it pretty damn clear that you were to let me work things out with him, Seven-Six. Well, problem solved. I hope you're real f*cking happy. sh*t..."
    (Meg Groberg's dialogue)
  21. Meg Groberg: "Somehow I always knew that his own ego would be his downfall, but I didn't think it'd go down like that. I probably should have been more careful not to feed it. Maybe he'd still be around. I don't know. At least we can all learn from it: don't let your head get too big for your own good."
    (Meg Groberg's dialogue) Note: Spoken if Johnny was killed by the player and Meg was informed about his betrayal.
  22. Meg Groberg: "And it's your fault, for playin' judge, jury, and executioner. I wanted you to keep an eye on him, not kill him! I wanted you to do that, because I got other ways to deal with his greed that you don't. But you went and took that, and him, from me. I'll get over it, but it's gonna take some time and effort on your part for me to trust you again."
    (Meg Groberg's dialogue) Note: Spoken if Johnny was killed by the player and Meg was informed it was about his greed, not betrayal.
  23. Meg: "I ain't happy to learn Johnny tried to betray you. I wish he hadn't let greed get the best of him, because then he'd still be here. It's gonna take some time for it to really hit me. He's gone, and he may have been playing' us all. There's a lot to process, but I'll deal."
    (Meg Groberg's dialogue) Note: Spoken if Johnny was killed by the player and Meg was informed about his betrayal.
  24. Meg Groberg: "I'm glad he died a hero, like you said. But, I wish he were still here, Seven-Six. He woulda really liked to see all this gold. I'm gonna miss him."
    (Meg Groberg's dialogue) Note: Spoken if Johnny was killed by the player and Meg was lied to that it was a heroic sacrifice.


Major factions (at release)

Player characterVault Dweller
Brotherhood of SteelElizabeth Taggerdy· Esposito· Gary Weber· Grant McNamara· Hailey Takano· Hannah de Silva· Johnny Moreno· Roger Maxson· Ted Wilson
EnclaveEllen Santiago· Jefferson Grey· MODUS· Ragnarsdottir· Thomas Eckhart
Free StatesAbigayle Singh· Ella Ames· Lucy Harwick· Raleigh Clay· Sam Blackwell
RaidersBrody Torrance· David Thorpe· Freddie Lang· Margie McClintock· Morris Stevens· Olivia Rivers· Rosalynn Jeffries· Rose· Walter Griswold
RespondersDassa Ben-Ami· Hank Madigan· Jeff Nakamura· Maria Chavez· Melody Larkin· Miguel Caldera
MiscellaneousBarbara Elizabeth· Charles· Evan· Evans· Grahm· Otis Pike· Purveyor Murmrgh· Ray Gary· Reuben Gill· Scott Conroy· Scott Turner· Shannon Rivers· Vault 76 overseer· Wise Mothman· ZAX
Ally questsA.T.H.E.N.A.· Beckett· Emerson Hale· Frankie Beckett· Sage· Sofia Daguerre
Crater RaidersAxel· Barb· Caleb Fisher· Creed· Gail· Johnny Weston· Lev· Lucky Lou· Meg Groberg· Ra-Ra· Surge· Weasel
Foundation SettlersFred Radcliff· Jen· Maggie Williams· Mochou· Paige· Penelope Hornwright· Ward
MiscellaneousCarver Timmerman· Daniel· duch*ess· Marion Copeland· Mordecai McCoy· Polly · Roper· Sol· Vault 76 overseer
Brotherhood of SteelColin Putnam· Daniel Shin· Erika Hewsen· Leila Rahmani· Marcia Leone· Marty Putnam· Norland· Odessa Valdez· Russell Dorsey· Vernon Dodge
RaidersDagger· Burke· Pierce· Sheena· Tally Lang
MiscellaneousAries · Cassie Halloway· Edgar Blackburn· Farha· Jain· Jennie Brown· Joanna Mayfield· Mike Tiller· Nellie Wright
The Whitespring RefugeEsme Rousseau· Giuseppe Della Ripa· Lennox· Orlando· Rucker· Skippy Roerich· Sophie Wagoner
The PittAva Rose· Danilo· Hex· Wicker
AppalachiaAbbie Russo· Antonio Russo· Evelyn Russo· Vin Russo
Atlantic CityAnna Barone· Billy Beltbuckles· Concerta Lombardi· Frieda Lane· Juchi Batsuuri· Jullian Batsuuri· Mother Charlotte· Sal 'Sticky Fingers' · Timothy Lane· Veracio Cruz

Other updates

2022Betty Hill· Del Walsh· Gunther Jenkins· Homer Saperstein· Moonshiner Ned· Patricia Myers· Pete Myers
2023Luca Costa· Vera Thornberg


CraterAe-Ri· Axel· Barb· Caleb Fisher· Creed· Gail· Johnny Weston· Kiyomi· Lev· Lucky Lou· Meg Groberg· Molly· Mortimer· Munch· Ra-Ra· Raf· Raider punk· Rocksy· Surge· Weasel· Wren
War PartyBurke· Marcia Leone (optional)· Pierce· Sheena
Blackwater Bad BoysBlackeye· Bruiser· Fishbones· Gills
Other locationsAldridge· Chompkins Johnny Weston (27)· Dicer· Dusty· Former raider· Fritz (formerly)· Gnash (formerly)· Hal Gleeson (formerly)· Hijack· Jackie· Kogan· Moonshiner Ned· Petey· Raider representative· Slayer
The Crater· The Crater Core· The Crater war room· Crater watchstation· Ohio River Adventures
The New Arrivals· Strange Bedfellows· Cheating Death· Fun and Games· The Ol' Weston Shuffle· Siding with Crater· From Russia With Lev· Buried Treasure· Secrets Revealed· Property Rights· Missing Persons· Daily: The Importance of Communication· Daily: Retirement Plan· Daily: Photo Opportunity· Raider Fish Camp· Defend the Raider Camp from attack


QuestsThe WaywardWayward Souls· Hunter for Hire· Strength in Numbers· The Elusive Crane
OverseerThe New Arrivals· Overseer, Overseen
SettlersHere to Stay· Trade Secrets· Invisible Ties· Duty Calls· Siding with Foundation· Division of Wealth· All That Glitters· Secrets Revealed
Crater RaidersStrange Bedfellows· Cheating Death· Fun and Games· The Ol' Weston Shuffle · Siding with Crater· From Russia With Lev· Buried Treasure· Secrets Revealed
Ally (Comander Daguerre)Crash Landing· The Woman Who Fell to Earth (One Small Step· In Case of Emergency· Bring Home the Beacon· The Universe Conspires· Hope Remains· Search and Destroy· Heavy Eyes· Patently False· Privacy Violation· Contractually Obfuscated· Boot Camp· Past Expiration· No Brainer· Calling Long Distance· Who Sat Down Beside Her· Lab Rat)· Mission Out-of-Control
Repeatable: Access Denied· Battery Included· Breaking the Cycle· Build Failure· Close Encounter· Constants· Data Driven· Expired Contract· Faint Signal· Glitchcraft· No Exceptions· Out of Bounds· Overflow Error· Reset Variables· Return Package· Rogue Bot· Run Time Execution· Space Limitations
Ally (Beckett)Narrow Escape· An Eagle Flies Free· (Dirty Little Secrets· Exit Sage Left· Out of Key· Traitor's Demise· Supply and Demand· Spilling Blood· Pet Peeve· Shooting Star· Bot of Gold· Sibling Piracy· Needs of the Many· Eye for an Eye)· Thicker Than Water
Repeatable: Cropping Spree· Loose Ends· Saving Skin· Stalking Stuffer
OtherA Call For Help· Exterminate the Flatwoods Monster· Genetic Tracks· Lucky Find· Making Sacrifices· Marked for Death· Rescue Agency· Search and Rescue· Squash the Mothman· Threat Assessment· Time to Collect· Treasure Unknown
Daily/EventPhoto Opportunity· Radiation Rumble· Retirement Plan· Riding Shotgun· The Importance of Communication· Vital Equipment
AchievementsA Golden Future· A Solid Foundation· Behind the Curtain· Friends in Low Places· Go for the Gold· Gold Rush· Overdue Reunions· The New Fort Knox· Wayward Child· Wish upon a Star
LocationsAmmo dump· Anchor farm· Big Bend Tunnel (East· West)· Blake's Offering· Blood Eagle camp· Bloody Frank's· The Bounty· Carleton Mine· Clancy Manor· Cliffwatch· The Crater (Crater Core · Crater watchstation)· The Crosshair· Crimson Prospect· The Deep (Motherlode Acquisition Facility)· Foundation (Founder's Hall)· Freddy Fear's basem*nt· Gauley Mine exit· Grafton Pawn Shop· Grafton Steel Underground· Hornwright Estate· Hunter's Ridge· Ingram Mansion· Johnson's Acre· Kanawha County Cemetery· The Kill Box· Moth-Home· Mysterious Guidestones· Neighboring homesteads· Ohio River Adventures· Overseer's home· The Pigsty· Point Pleasant· Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 - South expansion· Ripper Alley· RobCo Auto-Cache 001· Rollins labor camp· Rosalynn Jeffries' shrine· Sacrament· Sacrifice altar· Secluded cave· Seneca Gang camp· Skullbone Vantage· The Sludge Works· South Cutthroat camp· Spruce Knob Boat Rental· Summersville (Duncan & Duncan Robotics)· Twin Pine Cabins· The Vantage· Vault 79· Watoga Underground· The Wayward· Widow's Perch· WV Lumber Co.
ItemsWeaponsBow· Cattle prod· Compound bow· Dynamite· Dynamite bundle· Fancy pump action shotgun· Fancy single action revolver· Final Word· Flare· Floater flamer grenade· Floater freezer grenade· Floater gnasher grenade· Gauntlet· Gauss minigun· Gauss pistol· Gauss shotgun· Old Guard's 10mm SMG· Plasma caster· Polly's Assaultron head· Slug Buster· Turbo-Fert fertilizer· The V.A.T.S. Unknown
Weapons modsCryo frame· Explosive frame· Flaming frame· Plasma frame· Poison frame· Prime frame· Standard frame· Shock pads
ApparelBlack suit· Black vest and slacks· Blood Eagle leather jacket and jeans· Blue Ridge Caravan outfit· Blueridge Caravan gas maskJohnny Weston (28)· Chinese stealth armor· duch*ess's outfit· Dud explosive collar· Emmett Mountain hazmat suit· Fashionable raider outfit· Ghillie suit· Insurgent outfit· Polly's old head· Prototype steel mill paint· Radicals face mask· Raider culinarian outfit· Raider scabber outfit· Settler worker outfit· Secret Service armor· Secret Service underarmor· T-65 power armor· Treasure hunter outfit· Wasteland trapper outfit
Consumablesduch*ess's Dram· Mole miner pail· Nuclear Don's Custom Chem Blend· Nuka-Cola Cranberry· Nuka-Cola Vaccinated· Owlet meat· Owlet nuggets· Pepperoni roll
Misc itemsAltimeter chip· Blue Ridge supplies· Broken radio vacuum tube· David's trophy· Deactivated Liberator· Doctor Dias's brain· Experimental Pip-Boy schematic· Eyebot sensor module· Flight recorder· Gina's brain· Greg's brain· Lou's remote detonator· Mysterious map fragments· Package for Sam Blackwell· Package for Quinn Carter· Package for Calvin van Lowe· Package for Madeleine de Silva· Package for Sheriff Darcy· Pip-Boy 2000 Mark VI kit· Pleasant Valley claim ticket· Prepped Doctor Dias brain· Prepped Gina brain· Prepped Greg brain· Radio vacuum tube· Recalibrated Liberator· RobCo tools· Robobrain head dome· Robobrain interpolator· Scanner upgrade· Treasury Note· U.S.S.A. beacon· U.S.S.A. crew dog tags· Vault 79 plans
Junk itemsBuffout supply· Dubious gold bar· Floater flamer pus sac· Floater freezer pus sac· Floater gnasher pus sac· High Int rock· Intrusion module· Medical scanner· Medium Int rock· Multiscope· Poison supply· Questionable gold bar· Suspicious gold bar· Turret circuit board· Water cooled bone saw· Wendigo colossus vocal sac
Characters by factionBlood EaglesFrank the Butcher· Frankie Beckett· Jessi the Hook· Line Chef Larry· Star· The Blood· The Eye
Blue Ridge Caravan CompanyAries· Carver Timmerman· Eugenie· Kieran Kennedy· Libby Wen· Rudy Fernandez· Vinny Costa
Free RadicalsBatter· Davey· Jacky· Roper
Sargento's gangDeathklaus· Glenn· Hal Gleeson· Maximum Maddie· Nuclear Don· Registration guard· Sargento
Secret ServiceAC· Digger· Mercy· Pita· Regs· Slick
SettlersAubrie Willem· Davie Taylor· Derrick Taylor· Dylan Rhodes· Elsie Taylor· Fred Radcliff· Gate guard· Heather Ellis· Jen· Agent Mochou· Oliver Fields· Paige· Penelope Hornwright· Recalibrated Liberator· Rocco· Samuel· Settler forager· Settler wanderer· Sunny· Thompson· Ward
Wastelanders raidersAe-Ri· Aldridge· Axel· Barb· Blackeye· Bronx· Bruiser· Caleb Fisher· Chompkins Johnny Weston (29)· Creed· Fishbones· Former raider· Fritz· Gail· Gnash· Hijack· Johnny Weston· Kiyomi· Kogan· Lev· Lucky Lou· Meg Groberg· Molly· Mortimer· Munch· Ra-Ra· Raf· Raider punk· Rocksy· Ronny· Rose· Surge· Weasel· Wren
The WaywardBessie· Crane· Cherise· duch*ess· Jide· Mort· Patrons· Polly· Smiley· Sol
Miscellaneous charactersArtemis· ATHENA· Beckett· Beggar Johnny Weston (30)· Bethy Mangano· Brass· Fuzzy Brenda· Bronx· Carla· Daniel· Davenport· Dino· Dontrelle Haines· Dorothea Dias· Dylan Rhodes· Emerson Hale· Frida Madani· Gilbert Hopson· Gina Bailey· Greg Goldstein· Hannah· Hubert· Hunter· Hunter (ally) Johnny Weston (31)· Isela Mejia· Joe Creigh· Jonah Ito· Julie· Juliette· Agent Kensington· Lacey Drummond· Liebowitz· Loris· Lucy's owner· Maram Ayari· Marion Copeland· Mechanic Johnny Weston (32)· Murray· The Naturalist Johnny Weston (33)· PANDORA· Professor-bot· Robinson· Sage· Scavengers· Scavenger traders· Skinner· Sofia Daguerre· Tiffany Brantley· Traveling merchants· Treasure hunter· Ursala· Vault 76 overseer· Wandering storyteller· Xavier· Johnny Weston (34) (Estella· James Addison· Kelemen· Miller· Scott Malish· Tom's robot)
CreaturesFloater· Owlet· Wendigo colossus
FactionsBlood Eagles· Blue Ridge Caravan Company· Cult of the Mothman· Free Radicals· Secret Service· Raiders· Settlers
Johnny Weston (2024)


Did Jonny Weston surf the Mavericks? ›

Weston said he did most of his own stunts in the movie, including surfing all but the largest waves at Mavericks.

Who did the stunts in Chasing Mavericks? ›

Among the chargers were other local Maverick”s surfers filling the roles of stunt doubles and actors, such as Anthony Tashnick (stunt double for Moriarity actor Jonny Weston), Shawn Dollar (stunt double for one of Sonny”s evil sidekicks) and Zach Wormhoudt.

Who plays Jay Moriarity? ›

Chasing Mavericks is a 2012 American biographical drama film about the life of American surfer Jay Moriarity (portrayed by Jonny Weston). It was directed by Curtis Hanson and Michael Apted, and stars Gerard Butler, Elisabeth Shue, Abigail Spencer, and Leven Rambin.

Who is Gavin in the tutor? ›

Jonny Weston: Gavin

Add a photo or add a quote.

Can Jonny Weston actually surf? ›

JW: Most of the surfing was actually me. I was at my best in the movie. I was trained really well. That was the strongest paddling I had ever done.

How much of Chasing Mavericks is real? ›

The film is based on the true story of surfing legend Jay Moriarity (Jonny Weston) and his friendship with Frosty Hesson (Gerard Butler in a bushy blond hairdo). Nothing about Chasing Mavericks (* * stars out of four; rated PG; opens Friday nationwide) deviates much from the inspirational sports playbook.

Did Gerard Butler do his own stunts in Chasing Mavericks? ›

Like the daredevil teenage surfer whose incredibly true story is dramatised in this adrenaline-pumping biopic, Chasing Mavericks almost wiped out, but managed to ride its luck.

Is the real Frosty in Chasing Mavericks? ›

In “Chasing Mavericks,” Gerard Butler plays real-life surfing legend Richard “Frosty” Hesson, who was approached by kid named Jay Moriarity (Jonny Weston) who wanted some guidance in becoming a better surfer.

Is Mavericks a real wave? ›

Biggest Surf on the West Coast

Just off the coast, a short distance outside Pillar Point Harbor, Mavericks looms large on the horizon in winter months (November through March), when the storm swell pushes the surf into some of the biggest waves in the world.

Where was chasing maverick filmed? ›

HALF MOON BAY, CA ' OCTOBER 17, 2012 – Half Moon Bay, CA is getting a taste of Hollywood with the release of the biographical film 'Chasing Mavericks' starring Gerard Butler, Jonny Weston and Elisabeth Shue.

What caused Jay Moriarity to drown? ›

Moriarity died a day before his 23rd birthday on Friday, June 15, 2001, in the Indian Ocean off the coast of the island Lohifushi in the Maldives, drowning in a freediving accident. Moriarity was in Lohifushi for an O'Neill photo shoot, went free-diving alone and was not seen after.

Who plays Ethan in the Tudor? ›

An in-demand tutor for the East Coast monied elite, Ethan (Garrett Hedlund) lands a high-paying assignment to instruct a billionaire's son, Jackson (Noah Schnapp), at a remote New York waterfront estate.

Who plays the girlfriend in The Tutor? ›

Victoria Justice

In The Tutor, Victoria plays Annie, the pregnant partner of the tutor Ethan played by Garrett Hedlund.

What is the twist in The Tutor? ›

Ethan and Jackson have a past, one that involves an affair and a murder disguised as a suicide. As the movie reveals to us in its final 40 minutes, when Jackson was just a little kid, Ethan had a fling with his mother, Rachel.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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