Keto Soul Bread Recipes (2024)

Seize the Way |

Bread holds food in place, binds, thickens and adds crunch – but it’s high in sugar. Let’s keep the delicious taste and ditch the harmful ingredients. Let’s make Soul Bread instead.

  • How close to bread is Soul Bread?
  • Soul Bread recipe variations – savory and sweet
  • Printable Recipe eBook

The Original Soul Bread recipe is safe for Atkins Induction and made with all natural ingredients. This isn’t your typical, gritty low carb bread. Soul Bread is tested, tried and true – the triple threat.

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (1)

Finally! A versatile low carb bread that’s easy to make. Soul Bread recipes capture the ultimate bread texture: airy but firm; golden-crusted with a rich and tender crumb.

The Perfect Low Carb Bread

Soul Bread is more than just a one-carb slice. Soul Bread was developed and taste-tested by real low carbers – a shared, connected experience with endless variations.

When was the last time you had a respectable, healthy sandwich that didn’t destroy your eating plan? Let’s guess – on the 12th of Never?

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (2)

Turkey Avocado on Seedy Soul Bread Buns

On cold or rainy days, Soul Bread strengthens and soothes. Topped with grass-fed butter, Soul Bread is the height of guilt-free indulgence.

Carbs in Soul Bread

Generally, each Soul Bread loaf yields about 16 slices, with 200 calories and 1 net carb per slice.

Calories and carbs from ingredients vary by product – especially brands of protein powder and cream cheese. Use the “1 net carb per slice” as a guideline.

There are helpful links to Amazon for the ingredients below.

Perfecting Soul Bread

“I tried really hard to find a suitable low carb bread recipe on the web. Unfortunately, most were too gritty and the taste wasn’t right for, say, a grilled cheese.

I discovered when using cream cheese as a base, the protein powder works great as a flour replacement.

Pat Gunder helped by baking the bread in a lower altitude, making it even lighter than our first batches.

We came up with a bread that works and pleases almost everyone.” – Gloria Koch, aka Souls Song

Original Soul Bread Recipe

.9 net carbs and 207 cals per slice for 16 slices.

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (3)

Original Soul Bread Recipe

Click the recipe to print or save. Opens in a new window.

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (4)

Soul Bread Recipe eBook

View, print or save the Soul Bread eBook with 33 pages of recipes, FAQs, special ingredients and must-have baking accessories.

Recipes included:

  • Original Soul Bread
  • Chocolate Soul Bread
  • Cinnamon Pecan Soul Bread
  • Coconut Rum Soul Bread
  • Lemon Almond Soul Bread
  • Onion Cheddar Soul Bread
  • Seedy Soul Bread
  • Banana Nut Zucchini Soul Bread
  • Chocolate Zucchini Soul Bread
  • Lemon Blueberry Soul Bread
  • Rhubarb Soul Bread
  • Soul Bread Coffee Cake
  • Sesame Onion Soul Bagels
  • Chocolate Chip Soul Bagels/Donuts
  • Cinnamon Sugar Soul Bagels/Donuts

Soul Bread Recipe Variations

What’s the best low carb bread? Soul Bread. Low carbers try it, love it, then return to post unique variations on the Official Soul Bread Recipe Facebook page.

That’s when things get interesting…

Joan’s Recipe Variations

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (5)

Soul Bread recipe modification guru, Joan Snydmiller, provided these delicious photos and recipe variations. Thanks Joan!

Each recipe is included in the Soul Bread Recipe eBook.

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (6)

Pizza Soul Bread, broiled with cheese.

You can see the latest Soul Bread inventions on Joan’s Pinterest board, LCHF Soul Bread Variations.

Chocolate Soul Bread

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (7)

Cinnamon Pecan Soul Bread

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (8)

Coconut Rum Soul Bread

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (9)

Lemon Almond Soul Bread

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (10)

Onion Cheddar Soul Bread

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (11)

Seedy Soul Bread

Soul Bread Coffee Cake

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (13)

Banana Nut Zucchini Soul Bread

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (14)

Chocolate Zucchini Soul Bread

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (15)

Lemon Blueberry Soul Bread

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (16)

Rhubarb Soul Bread

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (17)

Pam’s Recipe Variations

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (18)

Pam Baren Kaplan created stunning bagels and donuts using:

These gorgeous recipe photos are also by Pam. Thank You! Each recipe is included in the Soul Bread Recipe eBook.

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (19)

Sesame Onion Soul Bagels

“My daughter, a professional chef in Chicago, refined these recipes using her culinary background. She’s not a keto cook, but she helped me (post heart surgery) make the old foods I loved low carb!” – Pam Kaplan

Sesame Onion Soul Bagels

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (20)

Chocolate Chip Soul Bagels/Donuts

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (21)

Cinnamon Sugar Soul Bagels/Donuts

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (22)

Soul Bread Ingredients

These brands are well-tested and make excellent loaves of Soul Bread.

Liquid Sucralose

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (23)

EZ-Sweetz liquid sweetener is made of sucralose and has no bitter aftertaste. Zero carb, zero calories, zero impact.

Liquid De-Bittered Stevia

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (24)

EZ-Sweetz’s de-bittered stevia blend has no unpleasant aftertaste. This blend has none of the characteristic bitterness of typical stevia sweeteners.

Erythritol Powder

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (25)

Now Foods erythritol powder is a natural sweetener that’s non-GMO, low glycemic impact and zero calorie.

ISOPURE Isolate Whey Protein

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (26)

Isopure isolate whey proteinKeto Soul Bread Recipes (27) is available in small, 1 pound sizes (makes just under 4 loaves of Soul Bread) and larger bulk sizes (most economical).

Isopure protein powder is available in 19 flavors.

Kiva All Natural Xanthan Gum

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (28)

Kiva all-natural xanthan gumKeto Soul Bread Recipes (29) is non-GMO, vegan and gluten-free. Kiva’s twin pack costs less than a single of the other brands.

Xanthan gum thickens soups and sauces naturally. It adds volume, elasticity, and structure to bread and baked goods.

Dark Chocolate Chips

Lily’s sugar-free dark chocolate chips are your low carb solution for recipes. Lily’s dark chocolate chips melt and blend easily.

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (30)

Soul Bread Q & A

Recipe creator, Souls Song (aka Gloria Koch) answers the most-asked questions about Soul Bread.

What are the best (tested and proven) brands of unflavored whey protein isolate?

NOW, Isopure, Hoosier Hill Farm, Advanced Gold Standard, Georgia’s Protein for Balance and Canadian Protein.

The most important thing is finding an isolate type protein powder – not the concentrate type.

Can I use other types of protein powders to make the Soul Bread?

Any powder you use will change the texture and taste of course, but egg white protein and pea protein powders have been tested and used successfully.

What does xanthan gum do for the bread?

Xanthan gum replaces the gluten found in flour, giving Soul Bread a more bread-like texture.

Will other gums work besides xanthan gum?

Yes! You may substitute guar gum or glucomannan powder instead.

Is there a substitute for using eggs in the recipe?

Yes! Adding 1/4 cup more olive oil, another 2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream and 1 more teaspoon of xanthan gum works as an egg substitute.

Is there a substitute for using olive oil in the recipe?

Yes! Use1/4 to 1/3 cup of melted coconut oil or avocado oil in place of the olive oil.

What if my bread ends up dry?

Add 2 more tablespoons of olive oil to the recipe next time. Be sure not to over-bake.

How do I keep the sweet varieties of Soul Bread from having a bitter aftertaste?

Recipe creator, Souls Song recommends liquid sucralose, erythritol and (rarely) xylitol (keep away from pets). De-bittered stevia is also available from EZ-Sweetz.

“I avoid any aftertaste by powdering my own erythritol. For each cup of sugar equivalent, I use 1 1/4 cup powdered erythritol and add a few drops of liquid sucralose to taste (Erythritol is only 70% as sweet as sugar.), plus an extra pinch of salt.”

Why didn’t my loaf rise very high?

Over-stirring the bread batter after adding the protein powder will prevent maximum rise, resulting in a heavier texture.

Check your protein powder to make sure it’s isolate. The concentrate types will not rise to your expectations.

My bread isn’t cooked all the way through, but the outside is done. What can I do?

Wrap a piece of aluminum foil over the top to keep the bread from burning. Allow the inside to bake a little longer, until a knife or pick comes out clean.

What can I do if there’s a hole in the center of my bread?

Cavities form when air gets trapped in the batter and expands from the heat while baking. Tapping your pan on the counter gets rid of air bubbles before baking and helps keep holes from forming.

How do I store Soul Bread?

Soul Bread stays fresh a few days on the counter, or up to a week in the fridge. You may also wrap individual slices separately and freeze. Soul Bread thaws very well.

Soul Bread Accessories

Classic Bread Pan

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (31)

Farberware’s 9 x 5 inch non-stick bread loaf pan is inexpensive but sturdy, and bakes Soul Bread evenly.

Mini Soul Loaves

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (32)

Freshware’s silicone six-loaf bread mold is perfect for mini Soul Breads. Wrap and store individual 2-carb loaves of your favorite.

Wilton’s Donut Pan

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (33)

Wilton’s nonstick steel donut pan for healthy donuts and bagels.

English Muffin & Bun Silicone Mold

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (34)

Freshware’s bun molds complete your low carb burger like never before. Make perfect Soul Bread buns with flat bottoms and rounded tops.

Chicago Metallic Non-Stick Muffin Top Pan

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (35)

Chicago Metallic’s non-stick muffin pan is made of carbon steel, dishwasher safe, has superior heat conduction and a 25-year warranty.

Almost Zero Carb Meal Plan

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (36)

Enter deep ketosis, break your stall, recover from your cheat day, or reset your diet in three days using this aggressive technique, first made famous by Dr. Robert Atkins over 40 years ago.

Science-Backed and Powerful

The Almost Zero Carb Meal Plan is a powerful tool, allowing metabolically-resistant dieters to reach deep nutritional ketosis quickly.

What happens when you follow the plan? Incredibly rapid fat loss.

Ditch the Nervous Carb Counting

Choose from 150+ easy recipes and food combos (with special macros and almost no carbs), plus a special Holiday Recipe section!

  • Break your toughest diet stall.
  • Lose fat quickly for a special event.
  • Recover from an accidental cheat.
  • Avoid plateau completely: Use once a month.
  • Reach a deeper state of ketosis over the weekend.
  • Finally access and burn stubborn, stored fat.
  • Restart or reset your low carb or keto diet.
  • Add healthy fats effortlessly.
  • Decrease hunger naturally.
  • Sharpen your sense of portion control.

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (37)

If You’re Doing Everything (but Nothing’s Working)…

Take three days off. Create a personalized plan that works, with a decadent variety of workhorse recipes you’ll keep eating long after reaching your goal.

Go Almost Zero and start burning fat with your next meal. Fit in those jeans again. In three days.

Tags: bread, free download, low carb snack, new to low carb, recipes

Category: Recipes

Keto Soul Bread Recipes (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.