Know Your Solar Plexus Chakra And How To Unravel Its Power (2024)

“Radiate your power in the world,” could say the solar plexus chakra. Characterized by the expression of will,personal power, and mental abilities, the energy of the third chakra or Manipura in Sanskrit is mobilized when we assert ourselves in the world. Discover its key characteristics and how to make the most of this powerful energy center.

Introducing the Solar Plexus or Manipura chakra

Know Your Solar Plexus Chakra And How To Unravel Its Power (1)

Let’s start by exploring the basics, including the location, color, and symbol of the solar plexus chakra. Then, we are going to look at possible signs of imbalance in the third chakra and what to do to heal your solar plexus center and restore its balance to its optimal state.

Chakra Key Elements

First, we’re going to look at the Solar Plexus chakra basics:

  • Location: In the solar plexus area (upper part of the belly, where your diaphragm rests); it is the third chakra from the bottom in the traditional system counting 7 chakras
  • Color: Yellow (higher frequencies of this chakra can turn into golden yellow)
  • Symbol: A circle with 10 petals in which is inscribed a downward-pointing triangle
  • Original name in Sanskrit: Manipura
  • Element: Fire

Additional elements used in modern energy healing practices are healing crystals and aromatherapy. If you’re curious, here’s a list of the most common ones:

  • Solar Plexus chakra healing stones: Citrine, tirger’s eye, yellow tourmaline
  • Essential oils: Chamomile, bergamot, cedarwood, rosemary are amongst the most popular soothing oils

Main Chakra Meanings

The main meanings associated with the third chakra are:

  • Will, personal power
  • Taking responsibility for one’s life, taking control
  • Mental abilities, the intellect
  • Forming personal opinions and beliefs
  • Making decisions, setting the direction
  • Clarity of judgments
  • Personal identity, personality
  • Self-assurance, confidence
  • Self-discipline
  • Independence

When the Solar Plexus chakra is open and the energy in this center is balanced, these functions naturally find a clear and effortless outlet. However, in case the flow of energy is disturbed, whether because the Manipura chakra is overactive or blocked, symptoms may range from energetic and emotional to physical.

Chakra Element: Fire

The Manipura chakra is traditionally related to the element of fire, though some contemporary healing movements connect it to the element of air. It has a connection with the sun, heat, the energy of light, all forms of power.

Chakra Color: Yellow

The Solar Plexus chakra is most commonly represented with the color yellow. Since it’s associated with the element of fire, it is also sometimes depicted with yellowish red.

Chakra Location: Solar Plexus

The most commonly accepted location for the third chakra is at the solar plexus level, between the navel and the lower part of the chest. That’s why it’s often referred to as the “solar plexus chakra.”Some traditions place it more loosely in the navel area.

Closely connected to the digestive system, especially the gastric and hypogastric plexi, its main function is to help transform matter into energy to fuel your body. It governs metabolism and is commonly associated with the pancreas.

Chakra Symbol

The main elements of the Solar Plexus chakra symbol are:

  • A circle with ten petals
  • An downward-pointing triangle

The inverted triangle represents the fire element and the transformative power of this energy center. Fire turns matter into energy that can be used to propel, move forward. The ten petals are often represented with the color blue, like the blue color of the flame.

Know Your Solar Plexus Chakra And How To Unravel Its Power (2)

What does Sanskrit name “Manipura” mean?

The most common Sanskrit name for the Solar Plexus chakra is “Manipura”, which means “city of jewels” or “seat of gems”.

The third chakra is also referred to as:

  • Solar Plexus chakra
  • Manipura
  • Manipurak
  • Nabhi
  • The “power chakra”

The word “nabhi” can be translated as “navel”.

What the Solar Plexus chakra is known for

The Solar Plexus chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral functions:

  • Expression of will
  • Intellectual abilities
  • The “accounting mind” that categorizes everything, assesses the pluses and minuses in life
  • Personal power
  • Ability to establish ideas and plans into reality
  • At higher levels, it conveys wisdom

The main function of this energy center is to provide actual momentum to move forward and realize personal desires and intentions in the world. It plays a fundamental role in the development of personal power. It feeds one’s direction in life and the actions taken in order to reach your goals. It influences preoccupations about social status and self-image.

Signs your Solar Plexus chakra may be out of balance

On one side, a balanced solar plexus chakra makes it easy to find balance between your personal power and harmonious relationships with others; on the other side, an imbalanced third chakra could undermine your self-esteem and social life.

When the Solar Plexus chakra is balanced, you may:

  • Be assertive
  • Exert your will in a way that leads to the expected results somewhat effortlessly
  • Have harmonious relationships with your surrounding

Imbalances in the third chakra can manifest as:

  • Excessive control and authority over your environment and people
  • Or the opposite in case of deficiency or blocked energy: Feeling of helplessness, irresponsibility
  • Being obsessed with minute details, seeing life through a filter of plus and minuses while losing sight of the whole picture
  • Being manipulative
  • Misusing your power
  • Lack of clear direction, lack of purpose or ambition
  • Making plans or having a lot of ideas without finding efficient ways to realize them
Know Your Solar Plexus Chakra And How To Unravel Its Power (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.