KOA Rewards - Terms and Conditions (2024)

The KOA Rewards Program is the camper loyalty program formerly known as KOAValue Kard Rewards, operated by Kampgrounds of America, Inc.(“KOA”) in cooperation with Campgrounds.


Fee for an Account Year

  • The fee for a KOA Rewards account shall be $36, which amount may bechanged from time to time by KOA in its sole and absolute discretion(the “Annual Account Fee”). Payment of the AnnualAccount Fee, completion of an application that includes agreement tothese KOA Rewards Program Terms and Conditions (these “Terms and Conditions”) and acceptance of the application by KOA in its sole and absolutediscretion will entitle the purchaser of a KOA Rewards account (an“Account Holder”) to maintain a single KOA Rewardsaccount for a term of one (1) year (a “Account Year”),and to receive benefits of the KOA Rewards Program that are subject tochange by KOA from time to time in KOA’s sole and absolute discretion.The form of application for a KOA Rewards account shall be determined byKOA and may be changed from time to time by KOA, in KOA’s sole andabsolute discretion,

  • An Account Year shall begin on the date when the Account Holder pays theAnnual Account Fee and registers an Account Holder for the account,including agreement to the then-current KOA Rewards Program Terms andConditions, and shall expire on the one-year anniversary of that date.

Charitable Donation

KOA, Inc. donates One U.S. Dollar to the Care Camps Trust for every AnnualAccount Fee paid, regardless of whether the fee is paid in Canadian or U.S.Dollars. For more information about Care Camps, please click here. Thisdonation is made by KOA, Inc. from its share of Annual Account Feescollected, and an Account Holder is not entitled to a tax deduction for thedonation.

Promotional Rewards Accounts & Discount Codes

KOA shall waive the Annual Account Fee, for one Account Year, for anyAccount Holder who is given a Promotional KOA Rewards account (a “Promotional Rewards Account”) by a company with which KOA then has a promotional agreement.Promotional Reward Accounts include One-Year Trial Promotional RewardsAccounts and Regular Promotional Rewards Discount Codes. A “One-Year Trial Promotional Reward Account" entitles its Account Holder to all of the benefits of a KOA Rewardsaccount for a period of one Account Year. A “Regular Promotional Rewards Discount” entitles its Holder only to the 10% discount referenced in the“Discounts” section of these KOA Rewards Program Terms and Conditions, andnot to any other benefits of a KOA Rewards program (including, withoutlimitation, any right to accumulate Points or redeem Rewards), for a periodof one Account Year.

Account Renewals

  • Effective upon expiration of any Account Year, an Account Holder’s KOARewards account may be renewed for a subsequent Account Year uponpayment of the then-applicable Annual Account Fee (except as providedbelow with respect to renewing VIP Account Holders) and registration forthe renewal Account Year, including agreement to the then-current KOARewards Program Terms and Conditions.

  • At the end of an Account Holder’s Account Year, if the Account Holderhas earned VIP status during that Account Year and accepts theiradditional free year (then accepting to the then-current KOA RewardsProgram Terms and Conditions), KOA shall waive the Annual Account Feefor the renewal Account Year and the Account Holder’s status willcontinue to be VIP during that renewal Account Year. However, for anAccount Holder to be eligible for waiver of the Annual Account Fee andcontinued VIP status for any subsequent Account Year, the Account Holdermust have accumulated enough Points during the immediately precedingAccount Year that the Account Holder would have become eligible for VIPstatus even if the Account Holder had started the immediately precedingAccount Year as a Base Account Holder. If the Account Holder has notearned that many Points during any Account Year and elects to renew,then the Account Holder shall be required to pay the Annual Account Feeas a condition to renewal and the Account Holder’s status shall remainBase or revert to Base, as appropriate, for the subsequent Account Year.

Refunds of Annual Fees

  • The Annual Account Fee may be refunded only by the Campground from whichit was purchased (or from KOA’s home office if it was purchased onKOA.com as a stand-alone transaction or via a phone call to KOA’s homeoffice as a stand-alone transaction), and only before checkout from thefirst stay to which the account is applied (i.e. the first stay for newAccount Holders and the first stay of the Account Year for renewingAccount Holders). Once a purchased or renewed KOA Rewards account hasbeen used upon checkout from a Campground), no refund or partial refundof the account fee can be given for the Account Year.

  • A KOA Rewards account that is purchased or renewed at a Campground, orwith a reservation for a Campground online, via phone call or in person,can only be refunded by the Campground from which it was purchased orrenewed.


  • KOA Rewards Account Holders are entitled to a 10% discount on the dailyregistration rate at all Campsites, provided that Campgrounds are notrequired to honor this discount in addition to special offers forweekly, monthly or seasonal rates, or otherwise combine this discountwith any other discounts or special offers. “Campsites”include RV sites, tent sites, KOA Camping Cabins, KOA Deluxe Cabins andKOA Specialty Lodging.

  • From time to time, KOA may offer special discounts and offers availableonly to Account Holders or to VIP Account Holders. KOA reserves theright to allow individual Campgrounds to opt out of such specialdiscounts and offers.

  • If the KOA Rewards account is purchased at a Campground uponregistration or during your stay, then the maximum savings benefit forthe stay (including all nights) shall be equal to the then-currentAnnual Account Fee. This maximum savings limit does not apply to anypreviously-existing KOA Rewards account that is renewed.

  • The KOA Rewards 10% discount may be applied to only one Campsite percurrent KOA Rewards account, except that a VIP Account Holder may use a“SHARE” promotional code, which allows a 10% discount from the dailyregistration fee for a second Campsite used by a guest or guests campingat the same Campground and at the same time as the VIP Account Holder,for a maximum of 4 nights. No KOA Rewards account (of any tier) entitlesany Account Holder or any other person to any discounts on any othergoods or services (other than Campsite fees) sold at any Campground.

  • For a VIP Account Holder, a Campground will waive the standardreservation cancellation fee (currently $10) ordinarily deducted fromits refund of a deposit for a Campsite if the VIP Account Holder cancelsa reservation for tent site or RV site more than 48 hours before (in thetime zone of the Campground) of the check-in date, or a reservation fora KOA Camping Cabin (in the time zone of the Campground) on the datethat is seven days before the scheduled arrival. If the VIP AccountHolder cancels a reservation after the applicable deadline, then the VIPAccount Holder’s entire deposit will be forfeited. However, if aCampground has a special cancellation policy (for example, for KOADeluxe Cabins or KOA Specialty Lodging reservations), then theCampground shall not be required to waive this special cancellationpolicy for a VIP Account Holder.


General Policies

  • KOA Rewards Points (“Points”) are awarded based on thedaily registration rate (after applying the 10% program savings discountor any other discount) for each night stayed.

  • Points are awarded to only one Campsite per KOA Rewards account, unlessa guest has a long-term reservation in place and also chooses to campwith KOA for another short-term stay. In this case, KOA will awardpoints for both reservations.

  • No Points will be awarded for any night with a daily site charge of$20.00 or less.

  • No Points will be awarded for other charges such as extra person, pets,cable, phone, visitor fee, or any other goods or services purchased froma Campground.

  • Points are automatically removed from an account if the account is notrenewed within 59 days of the account expiration date.

  • Points are automatically removed from an account if it is cancelled.

  • Points may not be combined or transferred between Account Holders, orsold, donated or otherwise transferred by any Account Holder to anyother person or entity.

  • An Account Holder may voluntarily cancel his or her KOA Rewards accountat any time by sending a written notice of cancellation to the KOA HomeOffice. Upon any such cancellation, any accumulated Points in thecancelled Account shall be forfeited.

Tiers for Earning Points

For each KOA Rewards Account Holder (a “Legacy Account Holder”) whose account (a “Legacy Account”) was purchased orrenewed prior to February 21st, 2023 (the “Transition Date”),the following tiers (the “Legacy Tiers”) shall be in effectuntil expiration of the current one-year term of the account (a “Legacy Account Year”):

TierRequirement to Attain Tier
BasePurchase or renewal of KOA Rewards account
BonusAccumulation of 6,500 Points in an Account Year
VIPAccumulation of 20,000 Points in an Account Year

During a Legacy Account Year, except with respect to Long-Term Stays andpromotional offers, the Legacy Account Holder shall be entitled toaccumulate Points based on the Campground fee per night as follows:

TierPoints Earned for Nightly Fees
$20.01-$40.00$40.01-$60.00$60.01 +
Base600 Points900 Points1,300 Points
Bonus660 Points990 Points1,430 Points
VIP750 Points1,125 Points1,625 Points

By way of example only, if a Bonus Legacy Account Holder pays an $85 fee forthe single night, then the Legacy Account Holder will accumulate a total of1,430 Points because the fee for the night is greater than $60.01. For theavoidance of doubt, except with respect to Long-Term Stays, the maximumnumber of Points that may be earned by a Legacy Account Holder for nightshall be 1,300 for a Base Account Holder, 1,430 for a Bonus Account Holder,and 1,625 for a VIP Account Holder.

On the Transition Date identified above, KOA shall stop selling LegacyAccounts. Each Legacy Account that is renewed on or after the TransitionDate shall automatically become a New Account.

For each KOA Rewards Account Holder whose account (a “New Account”) was purchased or renewed on or after the Transition Date (a “New Account Holder”), the following tiers (“New Tiers”) shall be in effect:

TierRequirement to Attain Tier
BasePurchase or renewal of KOA Rewards account
VIPAccumulation of 20,000 Points within their current account year

The New Account Holder shall be entitled to accumulate Points based on thetotal costs of individual stays as follows:

TierPoints Earned for Nightly Fees
$20.01-$60.00$60.01 +
Base900 Points1,300 Points
VIP1,125 Points1,625 Points

By way of example only, if a VIP New Account Holder pays an $85 fee for asingle night, then the VIP New Account Holder will accumulate a total of1,625 Points because the fee for the night is greater than $60.01. For theavoidance of doubt, the maximum number of Points that may be earned by NewAccount Holder for any night (irrespective of the length or cost) shall be1,300 for a Base Account Holder and 1,625 for a VIP Account Holder.

Points for Long-Term Stays

A “Long-Term Stay” is any single stay at the sameCampground, for which the camper is paying a rate that has been discountedbecause of the length of the stay and is greater than $0 per night. For anyLong-Term Stay, Rewards points are limited for an Account Holder to 75Points per night throughout the stay, irrespective of whether the AccountHolder is in the Base, Bonus or VIP tier. Notwithstanding anything to thecontrary contained within these Terms and Conditions, an Account Holder(whether a Legacy Account Holder or a New Account Holder) may earn a maximumof 15,000 Points per Account Year for Long-Term Stays.

Points for Booking on KOA.com

In addition to the Points awarded for stays as provided above, an AccountHolder shall be awarded 250 Points for every reservation it books on KOA.com(irrespective of the number of nights in the reservation).


A Campground may participate (but shall not be required to participate) in aKOA Rewards Weekend during any Account Year. A Campground participating in aKOA Rewards Weekend may limit the categories or number of its Campsites forwhich the KOA Rewards Weekend benefits are made available. During a KOARewards Weekend, an Account Holder shall be entitled to the followingadditional benefits at any participating Campground, for the Campsites forwhich it participates in the KOA Rewards Weekend:

  • If the Account Holder pays a Campsite fee for the Friday night of a KOARewards Weekend, then the Campground shall waive the fee for the sameCampsite for the Saturday night of the same KOA Rewards Weekend.

  • A Campground may invite the Account Holder for whom the Campsite fee iswaived for the Saturday night of a KOA Rewards Weekend to make acharitable donation in an amount equal to any amount of the Campsite feethat would ordinarily be donated by the Campground to charity. However,this shall not be required.

  • An Account Holder participating in a KOA Rewards Weekend shall still beentitled to a 10% discount from the Campsite fee for any and all nightsduring the reservation period that precede and/or follow the Friday andSaturday nights of the KOA Rewards Weekend.


Irrespective of whether an Account Holder has accumulated Points as a LegacyAccount Holder and/or as a New Account Holder, the Account Holder may redeemsuch accumulated Points for vouchers that entitle the Account Holder todiscounts that may be applied to offset registration fees for stays atCampgrounds (“Rewards”). The following numbers of Pointsearned entitle an Account Holder to the following Rewards:

Number of PointsValue of Reward
6,500 PointsTen Dollars ($10.00)
15,000 PointsTwenty-Five Dollars ($25.00)
25,000 PointsFifty Dollars ($50.00)
  • Rewards are denominated in $10, $25 and $50 increments, and can beredeemed at check-in at any KOA locations.

  • Rewards are non-transferable.

  • When redeeming a Reward, an Account Holder must ask to use the Rewardeither while making a reservation on-line (when this function becomesavailable) or during check-in at a Campground; otherwise the Campgroundwill not be required to accept the Reward.

  • The maximum amount of Rewards that may be redeemed in a single stay is$50.

  • The amount of a Reward is not a discount to be applied to every night ofa multi-night stay. By way of example only, if an Account Holder staysat a Campsite with a nightly fee of $80 for two nights, after applyingthe 10% KOA Rewards discount, the total fee for the two-night stay willbe $144 ($72 per night). If the Account Holder has a single $50 Reward,it will be deducted once from the $144 total and the fee to be paid willbe $94.

  • Rewards are valid only to offset the costs of daily registration ratesand cannot be used for monthly or seasonal registrations.

  • Rewards have no cash value. Under no circ*mstances may any Reward beredeemed for cash. If a Reward redeemed at a Campground exceeds theregistration rate for the stay, no Points or cash will be given back.

  • The Reward amount will be applied towards your registration fees at thetime of check-in for your stay.

  • For nights in which a Reward is redeemed, Points will be awarded basedon the net nightly registration rate.

  • Rewards may be used in conjunction with other discounts or offers suchas Hot Deals or campground packages.

  • Rewards may be redeemed only to discount registration fees, and not forany other goods or services sold by Campgrounds, or for other fees (e.g.extra person fees) assessed by Campgrounds or taxes.

  • There is no minimum stay requirement for redemption of Rewards.


For all purposes within these KOA Rewards Program Terms and Conditions, anyreference to “Dollars” or “$” means U.S. Dollars for KOA Rewards accountpurchases, Points earnings and Rewards redemptions made in the UnitedStates, and Canadian Dollars for KOA Rewards account purchases, Pointsearnings and Rewards redemptions made in Canada. There shall be noadjustment for any exchange rate between the two currencies. By way ofexample only, if a KOA Rewards account is purchased at a Campground inCanada, the Annual Account Fee shall be denominated in Canadian Dollars(currently $36 CAD). If the same Account Holder, at the Base tier, pays a 40CAD fee to stay at a Campsite in Canada, the account will be Rewarded 900Points. If the Account Holder eventually accumulates 6,500 from stays atCampgrounds in Canada, then the Account Holder will receive a Reward thatmay be redeemed at a Campground in Canada for 10 CAD or at a Campground inthe United States for a discount of 10 USD. Likewise, if an Account Holderpurchases a KOA Rewards account from a Campground in the United States, theAnnual Account Fee shall be denominated in U.S. Dollars (currently $36 USD).If the same Account Holder, at the Base tier, pays a 40 USD fee to stay at aCampsite in the United States, the account will be Rewarded 900 Points. Ifthe Account Holder eventually accumulates 6,500 Points from stays atCampgrounds in the United States, then the Account Holder will receive aReward that may be redeemed at a Campground in the United States for adiscount of 10 USD or at a Campground Canada for a discount of 10 CAD.


  • KOA reserves the right to require an Account Holder to present proof ofidentity at any Campground as a precondition to receiving KOA Rewardsdiscounts and any other Account Holder’s benefits at that Campground.

  • KOA Rewards is a loyalty program and not a membership to belong to KOA.Campgrounds do not require a membership to camp with us.

  • A KOA Rewards account may be cancelled by KOA if KOA finds that theAccount Holder has engaged in a gross misrepresentation to KOA or anyCampground or misuse of the account.

  • KOA may cancel a KOA Rewards account if the Account Holder or any otherperson staying with Account Holder engages in any illegal activity whileat any Campground, mistreats or harasses any Campground or corporateoffice staff, uses improper methods of threats to receive additionaldiscounts or to be refunded for camping fees, and/or for any other justor proper reason as determined by KOA.

  • No refund will be issued if KOA cancels the account for any of the abovereasons.

  • KOA Work Kampers (also sometimes referred to as Work Campers orWorkcampers) who are Account Holders have the same rights andobligations as other Account Holders under these Terms and Conditionsand with respect to the KOA Rewards program.

  • These Terms and Conditions are governed by, and shall be construedunder, applicable laws of the United States and the laws of the State ofNew York, without regard to any conflict-of-law principles thereof thatwould result in the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction.

  • By participating in the KOA Rewards program (the“Program”), an Account Holder (1) consents to thepersonal jurisdiction of the U.S. District Court for the District ofMontana and the state courts in Yellowstone County, Montana forresolution of any dispute arising out of or related to these Terms andConditions or the Program, and waives any objection based on venue orthe doctrine of forum non conveniens to any such dispute beingadjudicated in any such court; (2)WAIVES THE ACCOUNT HOLDER’S RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL IN ANY JUDICIALACTION ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE PROGRAM OR THESE TERMS ANDCONDITIONS; and (3) waives any right of the Account Holder to participate in aclass action to pursue any claim against KOA or any of its affiliatesarising out of or related to these Terms and Conditions or the Program.

  • To be an Account Holder, a person must (1) be a natural person (i.e. ahuman being and not a corporation, business or other legal entity), (2)be at least eighteen (18) years old, (3) not reside in any country inwhich it is illegal for a person to own KOA Rewards Account, and (4) notbe a person with whom KOA is prohibited by applicable laws from doingbusiness.

  • KOA may eliminate the Program at any time, in its sole and absolutediscretion, with or without notice. If KOA exercises this right, thenany Points awarded prior to the effective date of the Program’stermination shall be valid for a period of one (1) year from and aftersuch effective date, after which they shall expire.

  • A person may not own more than one KOA Rewards account at a time. If KOAdiscovers that a person owns more than one KOA Rewards account, then KOAreserves the right to determine, in its sole and absolute discretion,which account(s) is or are the duplicate account(s) and to cancel suchduplicate account(s) without the person or the remaining accountreceiving any Points for the duplicate account(s) cancelled.

  • KOA reserves the right to suspend or terminate the KOA Rewards accountof any Account Holder who (or whose guest staying at a Campsite with theuse Rewards, the account discount or other benefits of the account) (1)uses the Program in a manner inconsistent with these Terms andConditions, (2) violates any applicable laws, or engages in anydisruptive, abusive, hostile, offensive or fraudulent behavior at aCampground or in conjunction with use of a KOA Rewards account. If KOAexercises this right to terminate a KOA Rewards account, then allaccumulated Points and the Bonus or VIP status (if applicable) shall beforfeited. KOA reserves the right to refuse to sell a new KOA Rewardsaccount to, or renew the KOA Rewards account of, any person who has hadan account terminated on any of these grounds.

  • An Account Holder may not sell or otherwise transfer Rewards to anyother person or entity. In the event of an Account Holder’s death, KOAwill consider a request to transfer the Account Holder’s Points andBonus or VIP status to another person. KOA reserves the right to requestappropriate documentation in conjunction with any such decision andshall have sole and absolute discretion to make or withhold any suchrequested transfer. A decision by KOA regarding such a transfer shall befinal.

  • An Account Holder shall promptly inform KOA of any change in the AccountHolder’s address, phone number, email address or other contactinformation.

  • Campgrounds participating in the Program are subject to change from timeto time, without notice. If a facility ceases to be a KOA Campground,then no Points shall be earned for any stay at that facility after thefacility has stopped being a KOA Campground, regardless of when anyreservation for that stay was made.

  • If an Account Holder believes that he or she was not credited thecorrect number of Points for any stay at a Campground, then he or sheshould submit a written request for such Points to the KOA Home Officethat includes the Account Holder’s name, the date(s) of the stay, thename of the Campground and a legible copy of a receipt from theCampground for the stay.

  • KOA shall process all Personal Information obtained from Account Holdersin conjunction with the Program in accordance with KOA’s Privacy Policyas well as these Terms and Conditions, as both may change from time totime. Please click here for a link to the Privacy Policy. The term“Personal Information” within these Terms and Conditions has the samemeaning given to the term in the Privacy Policy. These Terms andConditions supplement the Privacy Policy with respect to KOA’scollection and use of Personal Information from Account Holders.Personal Information collected from an Account Holder through his or herapplication for a KOA Rewards account and/or maintenance of his or herprofile with KOA as an Account Holder may be additional to the PersonalInformation that KOA collects from other campers, or that is identifiedin the Privacy Policy. KOA reserves the right to work with companiesunaffiliated with KOA the owners of its campgrounds to offer additionalbenefits to Account Holders. If KOA exercises this right, then it mayshare some Personal Information of Account Holders with these othercompanies. By participating in the Program, an Account Holder alsoconsents to KOA transferring Personal Information to countries outsidethe United States and Canada or the Account Holder’s home country, whereKOA’s information processing facilities may be located, and where dataprotection laws may differ from those in the United States, Canada orthe Account Holder’s home country. To ensure that Account Holders’Personal Information is accurate and up-to-date, KOA may also share thisPersonal Information with third party contractors of KOA. AccountHolders may receive additional communications from KOA, including offersunique to Account Holders, as well as co-branded messages from companiesunaffiliated with KOA and the owners of its campsites. BY SUBMITTINGPERSONAL INFORMATION TO KOA IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PROGRAM ANDCONTINUING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRAM, A KOA MEMBER CONSENTS TO THESEUSES OF PERSONAL INFORMATION.

  • To the greatest extent permissible under applicable laws, these Termsand Conditions, and any and all KOA Rewards program rules and offers,are subject to change by KOA at any time, in its sole and absolutediscretion, with or without notice. To the extent that notice isrequired by applicable laws, KOA may provide such notice by posting anupdated copy of these Terms and Conditions on its website. An AccountHolder’s continued participation in the Program after any such postingshall indicate the Account Holder’s acceptance of the posted changes.Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, KOA may, in its soleand absolute discretion, at any time and with or without notice,change Point earning levels (including, without limitation, therequirements for an Account Holder to attain these levels andPoint-earning rates and any other benefits associated with theselevels), the redemption value of Points (i.e. the number of Pointsrequired to earn Rewards of various sizes), the increments of Rewards(including whether Rewards are denominated in dollars, nights orotherwise, and the amounts of such increments), the measure of theregular (now 10%) discount available to Account Holders at Campgroundsand whether any such discount continues to be offered, the existence,size, measure and frequency of special discounts available to AccountHolders on a temporary basis, earning methods, posting timelines andexpiration rules. These Terms and Conditions supersede all earlierversions of these Terms and Conditions.



  • For each Account Holder, these Terms and Conditions, as they may beamended from time to time, constitute an agreement between the AccountHolder and KOA with respect to the Program. Participation in the Programindicates an Account Holder’s assent to these Terms and Conditions, asthey may change from time to time. Other than Campgrounds, there are nothird-party beneficiaries to these Terms and Conditions.

  • Any dispute arising out of or relating to the Program or these Terms andConditions must be adjudicated individually and not party of a classaction. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed under andinterpreted with reference to the laws of the State of New York withoutgiving effect to any conflict-of-law provisions thereof that wouldresult in application of the laws of any other jurisdiction.

  • These Terms and Conditions, in their most current form (as updated fromtime to time), constitute the entire agreement between KOA and anyAccount Holder with respect to the Program and supersede all earlierversions of these Terms and Conditions, as well any and all earlierand/or concurrent communications from KOA or any Campground, or betweenKOA and any Campground and any Account Holder or any other person,whether verbal or in writing, with respect to the Program, including(without limitation) any promotional or informational communications.

Last updated February 21st, 2023

KOA Rewards - Terms and Conditions (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.