Korean Age Calculator: What's My Korean Age? (2024)

While it is a taboo to ask someone (especially women) their age in Western countries, one of the first things that native Koreans will ask you when you meet is your age. This is not due to lack of politeness–in fact, it is quite the opposite. Most of you learning Korean know that there are varied levels of politeness when conversing in Korean–and this is exactly why people will ask you your age—they want to know so that they can address you accordingly.

Korean Age Calculator

Enter Your Birth Year Below:

Your Korean age is ? years old.

However, when you give them your answer, you may see them nodding their head and stating a number that is higher than your actual age, or they may inform you that you are actually older in Korean age. Why is Korean age different? This is due to the different Korean age system, which is different from the international age. So if you see any K-Pop star saying their age in Korean, you should know their international age is different.

For example:

  • How old is Jungkook in Korea? His birthday is September 1, 1997.
    • In Korean age: He’s years old from January 1st until December 31st, 2018.
    • In international age: He’s years old until August 30th and years old after September 1st, which is his birthday.

You’ll learn more about how to work out Korean age in this article.

And if you’re an ARMY and want to learn more about BTS, we have a free BTS eBook that helps you learn Korean vocabularly so check it out - 217 Secret Facts about BTS. This eBook is a MUST-HAVE in your collection to become the Greatest BTS Fan!

Korean Age Cheat Sheets 2018

If you meet Koreans for the first time, they’ll ask your name and your age first.
Being able to talk about your age in Korean is very important in Korean culture.

This 10-page eBook is a MUST-HAVE for all Korean learning beginners!

Korean Age Calculator: What's My Korean Age? (1)

How can you download? First, log in to KoreanClass101. Then, simply click on the button below. Download your FREE Korean age PDF today and learn to say your Korean age in no time!
This is a must-have guide for absolute beginners.

Related Lessons

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Table of Contents

  1. International Age vs Korean Age
  2. How to Calculate Korean Age
  3. How to Say Your Age in Korean (Updated in 2018)
  4. Why Do Korean People Always Ask Age?
  5. Citing Age
  6. Related Lessons
  7. Korean Age Calculator

What is the Korean age system? What is the difference between Korean age and American age (International Age or Western Age)?

1) In Korea, you are born one (1) years of age.

While Westerners consider newborn babies to be ‘zero’ years old upon birth, native Koreans actually calculate the time babies spend in their mother’s womb as a ‘year’ (although, technically, it is 10 months, they round it up to one year), so when babies are born in Korea, they are considered to be 한 살(han sal)=”one year old”. This automatically adds one year to the age that you may be used to. So when someone in Korea tells you, for example, that they are 스무 살(seumu sal)=“twenty years old”, they may actually be 열여덟 살(yeol yeodeol sal)=”18 years old” or 열아홉 살(yeolahop sal)=”19 years old”.

2) In Korea, you increase your age count on January 1st of every year, not on your birthday.

Now, why would a native Korean add two years to their ‘Western age,’ you may wonder. This is because Koreans automatically gain a year on January 1st, regardless of whether their birthday has passed or not.

  • International Age measures how long you have lived.
  • Korean Age measures how many years you have experienced.

For example, let’s say a child was born on December 31st, 2010. This child is already a year old, but only two days later, although the child is only three days old, he/she will already be two years old in Korean age, because everyone gains a year when the new year begins. So their actual age in international standards, or 만 나이(man nai), would technically be ‘zero’ years old, but when the parents are asked about the age of their child, they will probably answer, “한국 나이로 두 살이에요.”(hanguk nairo du sarieyo)=”My child is two years old in Korean age.”

One thing to keep in mind is that 만(man) is a Sino Korean word which does not come from the Chinese character ‘萬’, which means “ten thousand”, but from ‘滿’, which means “full” and it’s the same as the international age.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Korean age culture, however, is only a cultural thing–in order to avoid confusion and keep up with international standards, on official documents such as a passport or a birth certificate, everyone in Korea will use their 만 나이(man nai), or international age. This means that when you see the age of Korean sports stars at the PyeongChang Olympics, it will be their international age, not their Korean age concept.

2. How to Calculate Korean Age


Korean Age Calculator: What's My Korean Age? (6)

What is my Korean age? How can I calculate my Korean age? Have you ever wondered? Calculating your Korean age is not very difficult! Here are 3 different but easy ways.

First, all you need to do is add 1 to the current year, then subtract the year of your birth, and you will get your Korean age.


If you were born in 1980 and wanted to calculate your age in 2018:2018 + 1 - 1980 = 39 (Korean Age)

Second, if you’re not good at calculating, you can just follow this:

  • If your birthday has passed: Your Age + 1 = Korean Age
  • If your birthday hasn’t passed yet: Your Age + 2 = Korean Age

Third, use our Korean age converter. This is the easiest way. Just enter your birth year and it’ll calculate your Korean age. Click here to get get your Korean age calculator.

3. How to Say Your Age in Korean (Updated in 2018)


Korean Age Calculator: What's My Korean Age? (7)

If Koreans want to know your ask, they probably use one of these following questions. They all mean ‘How old are you?’.

  • Informal: 몇 살이야? (meot sariya?)
  • Polite: 나이가 어떻게 돼요? (naiga eotteoke doeyo?)
  • Formal: 연세가 어떻게 되세요? (yeonsega eotteoke doeseyo?)

How old am I in South Korea? Have you wondered how old you are in Korea? Do you want to count your age in Korean?

  • Informal: ___이야. (___ iya.)
  • Polite: ___이에요. (___ ieyo.)
  • Formal: ___입니다. (___ imnida.)

Just find your age below and fill out the blank above. The above lines just mean ‘to be’. 살 (sal) below is a counter and it is used when you’re counting the ages of people or animals. You can download the following list here.

Birth Year





1 year old한 살han sal


2 years old두 살du sal


3 years old세 살se sal


4 years old네 살ne sal


5 years old다섯 살da-seot sal


6 years old여섯 살yeo-seot sal


7 years old일곱 살il-gop sal


8 years old여덟 살yeo-dul sal


9 years old아홉 살a-hop sal


10 years old열 살yeol sal


11 years old열한 살yeol-han sal


12 years old열두 살yeol-du sal


13 years old열세 살yeol-se sal


14 years old열네 살yeol-ne sal


15 years old열다섯 살yeol-da-seot sal


16 years old열여섯 살yeol-yeo-seot sal


17 years old열일곱 살yeol-il-gop sal


18 years old열여덟 살yeol-yeo-dul sal


19 years old열아홉 살yeol-a-hop sal


20 years old스무 살seu-mu sal


21 years old스물한 살seu-mul-han sal


22 years old스물두 살seu-mul-du sal


23 years old스물세 살seu-mul-se sal


24 years old스물네 살seu-mul-ne sal


25 years old스물다섯 살seu-mul-da-seot sal


26 years old스물여섯 살seu-mul-yeo-seot sal


27 years old스물일곱 살seu-mul-il-gop sal


28 years old스물여덟 살seu-mul-yeo-dul sal


29 years old스물아홉 살seu-mul-a-hop sal


30 years old서른 살seo-reun sal


31 years old서른한 살seo-reun-han sal


32 years old서른두 살seo-reun-du sal


33 years old서른세 살seo-reun-se sal


34 years old서른네 살seo-reun-ne sal


35 years old서른다섯 살seo-reun-da-seot sal


36 years old서른여섯 살seo-reun-yeo-seot sal


37 years old서른일곱 살seo-reun-il-gop sal


38 years old서른여덟 살seo-reun-yeo-dul sal


39 years old서른아홉 살seo-reun-a-hop sal


40 years old마흔 살ma-heun sal


41 years old마흔한 살ma-heun-han sal


42 years old마흔두 살ma-heun-du sal


43 years old마흔세 살ma-heun-se sal


44 years old마흔네 살ma-heun-ne sal


45 years old마흔다섯 살ma-heun-da-seot sal


46 years old마흔여섯 살ma-heun-yeo-seot sal


47 years old마흔일곱 살ma-heun-il-gop sal


48 years old마흔여덟 살ma-heun-yeo-dul sal


49 years old마흔아홉 살ma-heun-a-hop sal


50 years old쉰 살swin sal


51 years old쉰한 살swin-han sal


52 years old쉰두 살swin-du sal


53 years old쉰세 살swin-se sal


54 years old쉰네 살swin-ne sal


55 years old쉰다섯 살swin-da-seot sal


56 years old쉰여섯 살swin-yeo-seot sal


57 years old쉰일곱 살swin-il-gop sal


58 years old쉰여덟 살swin-yeo-dul sal


59 years old쉰아홉 살swin-a-hop sal


60 years old예순 살ye-sun sal


61 years old예순한 살ye-sun-han sal


62 years old예순두 살ye-sun-du sal


63 years old예순세 살ye-sun-se sal


64 years old예순네 살ye-sun-ne sal


65 years old예순다섯 살ye-sun-da-seot sal


66 years old예순여섯 살ye-sun-yeo-seot sal


67 years old예순일곱 살ye-sun-il-gop sal


68 years old예순여덟 살ye-sun-yeo-dul sal


69 years old예순아홉 살ye-sun-a-hop sal


70 years old일흔 살il-heun sal


71 years old일흔한 살il-heun-han sal


72 years old일흔두 살il-heun-du sal


73 years old일흔세 살il-heun-se sal


74 years old일흔네 살il-heun-ne sal


75 years old일흔다섯 살il-heun-da-seot sal


76 years old일흔여섯 살il-heun-yeo-seot sal


77 years old일흔일곱 살il-heun-il-gop sal


78 years old일흔여덟 살il-heun-yeo-dul sal


79 years old일흔아홉 살il-heun-a-hop sal


80 years old여든 살yeo-deun sal


81 years old여든한 살yeo-deun-han sal


82 years old여든두 살yeo-deun-du sal


83 years old여든세 살yeo-deun-se sal


84 years old여든네 살yeo-deun-ne sal


85 years old여든다섯 살yeo-deun-da-seot sal


86 years old여든여섯 살yeo-deun-yeo-seot sal


87 years old여든일곱 살yeo-deun-il-gop sal


88 years old여든여덟 살yeo-deun-yeo-dul sal


89 years old여든아홉 살yeo-deun-a-hop sal


90 years old아흔 살a-heun sal


91 years old아흔한 살a-heun-han sal


92 years old아흔두 살a-heun-du sal


93 years old아흔세 살a-heun-se sal


94 years old아흔네 살a-heun-ne sal


95 years old아흔다섯 살a-heun-da-seot sal


96 years old아흔여섯 살a-heun-yeo-seot sal


97 years old아흔일곱 살a-heun-il-gop sal


98 years old아흔여덟 살a-heun-yeo-dul sal


99 years old아흔아홉 살a-heun-a-hop sal


100 years old백 살baek sal

4. Why Do Korean People Always Ask Age?


Korean Age Calculator: What's My Korean Age? (8)Why do many Korean people ask your age when you meet them for the first time? How does age work in Korea?

실례지만 나이가 어떻게 되세요?
Sillyejiman naiga eotteoke doeseyo?
Excuse me, but how old are you?

It’s because they want to know which politeness level of the speech they should use and age decides how you address each other.

Why are there so many non-related 오빠(oppa)s=”older brother” and 누나(nuna)s=”older sister” in Korea?

Unlike in Western cultures where you use the same level of politeness regardless of age, in Korea there are various levels of politeness. This is one of the reasons why age asking is so important to native Koreans–they need to find out the age so that they can figure out how to address one another.

If you are 동갑(donggap)=”the same age”, you will likely find yourself forming a fast friendship–as can be seen in the way Koreans count their age, people who are born in the same year are all considered to be the same age.

If you look at the hit Korean movie 동갑내기 과외하기(donggapnaegi gwawehagi)=”private tutoring someone the same age”, the heroine, who is a freshman at college, starts private tutoring the hero, who is a senior in high school but born in the same year as her. This makes their situation tricky, as they are 동갑(donggap), but she is his teacher.

Usually, you will find that your classmates are the same age as you–you are a part of the same age group with the same experiences-everyone goes to school together, and moves up in age together at the beginning of every year. It is a great ice breaker and you find yourself becoming close friends when you find out that you are the same age. This is why when you are introduced to someone else through a mutual friend, you will find native Koreans automatically checking each other’s age so that they can figure out whether they can start using informal speech, or 반말(banmal), right away.


  • A: 몇 년생이세요?
    • (myeot nyeonsaengiseyo?)
    • ”What year were you born?”
  • B: 2000년생이요.
    • (icheonnyeonsaengiyo.)
    • ”I was born in 2000.”
  • A: 저랑 동갑이시네요…괜찮다면 말 놓아도 될까요?
    • (jeorang donggabisineyo…gwenchanttamyeon mal noado dwelkkayo?)
    • ”You are the same age as me…if it is okay with you, shall we speak informally?”
  • B: 그럴까? 그럼 편하게 말 놔.
    • (geureulkkayo? geureom pyeonhage mal nwa.)
    • ”Shall we do that? Then address me informally.”

5. Citing Age


Korean Age Calculator: What's My Korean Age? (9)

You may have noticed in the dialogue above that ‘A’ asked ‘B’ how old they were by asking:

몇 년생이세요?
Myeot nyeonsaengiseyo?
What year were you born?

This is a common question asked by native Koreans when asking age, as they will likely figure out how old you are in Korean age by the year you were born. So instead of answering with your actual age, you could simply reply by giving your birth year as an answer—just let them know the year you were born, or you could just cite the last two numbers of the year you were born:


  • If you were born in 1990, you could say:
    • 1990년생입니다. (1990nyeonsaengimnida)=”I was born in the year 1990.”
    • 90년생입니다. (90nyeonsaengimnida)=”I was born in the year (19)90.”

빠른 __년생
Ppareun ___nyeonsaeng

Another age related expression that may throw you off is “빠른 년생 People.” We will describe why this phrase is used as it relates to the Korean education system. In Korea, the school year starts in March. This means the deadline to make it to a certain grade would be late February. ‘빠른 (ppareun) + insert year of birth’ refers to people that were born in either January or February, whose parents decided to let their children go to school with children born a year earlier.


If you were born in January, 1980, and went to school with classmates born in 1979, you would refer to yourself as 빠른 1980년생(ppareun cheongubaekpalsim-nyeonsaeng), or simply omit the first two numbers and say 빠른 80년생(ppareun palsim-nyeonsaeng). You can even say 빠른 80 (ppareun palgong). ‘Gong’ is another way to say 0 (zero) in Korean.

For example, say a child was born in February, 1999. The parents used to have two options–did they want their child to enter school as the youngest, or did they wait a year and let their child enter school as the oldest student? Depending on the decision that has been made, the child ended up going to school with friends who were born in 1998, or, those who were actually a year older than them. This means that other children born in 1999, who entered school a year later, had to refer to him/her as:

  • 오빠 (oppa) = older brother(addressed by a female)
  • 언니 (eonni) = older sister(addressed by a female)
  • 누나(nuna) = older brother(addressed by a male)
  • 형 (hyeong) = older sister(addressed by a male)

This system even confused native Korean people so it’s not been used since 2003. But those who entered elementary school before 2003 still see 빠른 년생 people. Just remember that these phrases are also used by native Koreans to refer to blood siblings, as well as non-related people who are senior to them.

Now if you ask someone their age and realize that they are younger than you, you can take the initiative and address them informally. However, in most cases, you will likely continue to use polite phrases until the recipient asks you to speak to them informally. And if you find out that someone is older than you, remember to use polite phrases and suffixes.

6. Related Lessons


In this video series, you will learn the Korean alphabet, known as Hangul. We will teach you Hangul using simple steps, showing you the correct stroke order, helpful tricks for memorization, and proper usage in common Korean words. If you want to get started reading and writing Korean, this is THE place to start.

Go to Hangul Series

Want to learn Korean? Don’t know where to start? This is it. The Introduction to Korean Video series is perfect for those who know zero Korean but want to take that first step. In this series, you’ll learn all about the Korean language, as well as grammar, writing and phrases to get you started.

Go to Introduction Series

Ready to sound like a native Korean speaker? Join Alisha and Ara in the Ultimate Korean Pronunciation Series! You’ll learn the ins and outs of perfect Korean pronunciation. You’ll learn the common mistakes learners make, how to avoid them, and the nuances that only native speakers are aware of.

Go to Pronunciation Guide

Learn the basics you need to be polite while speaking Korean. Amy will take you step-by-step through must-know phrases and explain the grammar and composition. Plus, you’ll get some special tips on how to be extra authentic when interacting with native Korean speakers.

Go to 3 Minute Series

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KoreanClass101.com Korean Age Calculator: What's My Korean Age? (14)

Wednesday at 12:37 PM

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How old are you? Can you say it in Korean?

Korean Age Calculator: What's My Korean Age? (2024)


Korean Age Calculator: What's My Korean Age? ›

First, all you need to do is add 1 to the current year, then subtract the year of your birth, and you will get your Korean age. Second, if you're not good at calculating, you can just follow this: If your birthday has passed: Your Age + 1 = Korean Age. If your birthday hasn't passed yet: Your Age + 2 = Korean Age.

How do I find my Korean age? ›

Let's say someone was born in the year 1993, and the current year is 2019. In that case, the basic way of calculating their Korean age would look like this: Korean age = (2019 - 1993) + 1 = 27 . In the Western system, someone born in 1993 will be 26 years old in 2019.

How old is 2000 in Korean age? ›

This method will let them know if you are older or younger than them, and you can address each other accordingly. Example: To calculate your Korean age in an easier way, you can simply consider your Birth Year. For instance, if you were born in 2000, you would be 25 years old in 2024 in Korea.

Is 10 years a big age gap in Korea? ›

On average, give or take between 4–5 years is the MOST desirable age gap but it is only if the man is older than the woman as culturally it is more accepted there. Anything outside this range is considered getting slightly odd or uncomfortable, and anything above a 10 year age gap starts to become taboo.

What is BTS's Korean age? ›

RM his Korean age would have been 30, but his new age is 28. Jimin his Korean age would be 29, but now is 27. Then to V his Korean age would also be 29. His new age is also 27.

How old is 14 in Korean age? ›

3. How to Say Your Age in Korean (Updated in 2024)
Birth YearAgeKorean
201213 years old열세 살
201114 years old열네 살
201015 years old열다섯 살
200916 years old열여섯 살
86 more rows

How do you count Korean age? ›

Under the “Korean age” system, babies are considered to be one year old on the day they are born, and every January 1, a year is added to people's ages – regardless of their actual birthdate. For example, a baby born on New Year's Eve becomes two years old the next day.

Why is age so important in Korea? ›

In Korean society, age differentiates an individual's roles and responsibilities, and this generates a rigid hierarchy system in family, work, and communities. If you have been in a Korean community, you might have experienced that elders have the authority to make decisions.

Why do South Koreans count age differently? ›

It is different from the international age (or Western age) because of two reasons. First, you are automatically one year old at birth. Second, you age another year because of the turn of the calendar year. Your date of birth doesn't affect your Korean age.

What does 18 mean in Korea? ›

Direct translation: Ship-pal / 십팔

Unfortunately, if you say this number with even the slightest error in pronunciation, it sounds an awful lot like the F word in Korean (shi-bal / 씨발). It is actually so similar even amongst Koreans, that '18' is often used as slang on chat rooms and video games to replace the F word.

Do Korean girls date older? ›

Koreans traditionally viewed a couple with a man four years older as a perfect match, partially due to the oriental marriage fortune that says couples with a four-year age difference make the best pairs. Although there are still more newlyweds with older grooms, more women are marrying younger men.

Can an 18 and 17 date? ›

When it comes to dating, California law doesn't impose specific age restrictions. Teens aged 17 and 18 are free to form connections, explore companionship, and share experiences. However, the legal landscape shifts considerably when the relationship ventures into sexual territory.

Is Korean age going away? ›

As of Wednesday, all judicial and administrative areas in the country will begin using the international standard or calendar age, after the National Assembly announced the move last year. It's intended to reduce confusion and to comply with global norms.

Who is Jungkook's twin brother? ›

Did BTS have girlfriends? ›

BTS members have stayed away from dating reports and have never confirmed their relationships. During interviews when asked about their dating lives, the idols just smile and say that they are busy. Being K-pop idols, they sure do have extremely busy schedules. All members are currently serving in the military.

Do Koreans have 2 birthdays? ›

Koreans essentially have two separate celebrations for what the Western world would consider a birthday: their date of birth, and New Year's, when everyone turns a year older. Interestingly enough, birthdays and age aren't related to one another.

How do Korean people tell their age? ›

South Korea's traditional age-counting custom considers every person 1 year old at birth and adds another year when the calendar hits Jan. 1, meaning a child born on Dec. 31 turns 2 the next day.

Is Korea using international age now? ›

The new South Korean law that went into effect on June 28 has scrapped two out of three aging-counting methods. Only the "international age" will be used administratively to avoid any back-and-forth debates.

What is the date format in Korea? ›

Korean Date Format: Year-month-day

However, in South Korea, the date follows a different format: 년 (nyeon): Year. 월 (wol): Month. 일 (il): Day.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.