L3 Updates | Your BTEC | Pearson UK (2024)

Updated 6 September 2024

In July theDfE announcedan immediate pause and review of the post-16 vocational qualification reform in England.

Read the announcement

It means that:

  • The DfE has placed aone year pauseon the removal of 16 to 19 funding from qualifications assessed as overlapping with T Levels in construction and the built environment, digital, education and early years, and health and science. These qualifications were originally scheduled to have their funding approval removed in the 16 to 19 offers after 31 July 2024 but will now continue to remain available up to 31 July 2025.This will allow time for a review of post-16 level 3 and below reforms to conclude by the end of the year.

Review the list

  • The DfE has published a list ofreformed level 2 qualificationsthat will be funded from August 2025,in Construction and the Built Environment, Education and Early Years, Engineering and Manufacturing, and Health and Science.

View the list of reformed level 2 qualifications

  • A reminder that approvedAlternative Academic QualificationsandTechnical Qualifications, will be funded from August 2025.

Read more from the DfE about funding AAQs from 2025

Explore our Alternative Academic qualifications and Technical qualifications

Once the review outcomes are published (anticipated end of the year) we will be in touch, to explain how this impacts you and your learners.

Qualifications in Construction and the Built Environment, Early Years, Engineering, IT and Computing, Health and Science currently have a funding end date of 31 July 2025.

So that your learners remain eligible for funding you should register learners on the full 2-year programme in 2024/25. If learners are registered on the 1-year programme and then topped up, they will not be eligible for funding as this expires on 31 July 2025.

We’ll be working closely with centres that usually follow a top-up model, to ensure you are making the most appropriate registrations for your learners.

For further details for current funding end dates for Level 3 BTEC National qualifications,

Refer to the BTEC Level 3 Funding Checklist for England - Nationals

The approved and funded qualifications are not impacted by the DfE pause and review.

Specifications, Assessment Materials and Transition Guides are available on the website.

Explore BTEC Nationals from 2025 (AAQs)

Explore BTEC Level 3 Technicals

Training events are available from October 2024.

Register your place

We’re pleased to announce ourBTEC Technicalsuite launches in August 2025 and is funded for 16-19-year-olds and adults.

Read the announcement

BTEC Technical qualifications are designed to meet the needs of students and provide progression to an occupation, by an apprenticeship, employment, or further study.

Our first submission includes five BTEC Technical qualifications: Early Years Practitioner, Gym Instructor, Recreation Assistant, Community Activity Leader, and Manufacturing Operative. Additional qualifications are being developed now for cycles 2 and 3, launching in August 2026 and 2027.

Explore our NEW BTEC Level 2 Technical qualifications

To find the latest information, resources and FAQs about the future of post-16 level 3 vocational qualifications in England bookmark this page

To find the latest information, resources and FAQs about the future of post-16 level 2 vocational qualifications in England

Visit our BTEC Level 2 reforms webpage

To receive the latest news, policy updates and any responses to any announcements straight to your inbox,

Sign up to vocational education and training updates

We will invite you to webinars to explain how changes might impact your curriculum

Book a place at our webinars or watch on demand the recordings

We want to reassure you that we are committed to supporting you and your learners with the latest information and what it means for the delivery of Pearson qualifications.

Ensuring our school and college customers can continue to offer a wide choice of qualifications to their learners is – and will - remain our primary objective.

Funding approved for first teach September 2025

We are pleased to announce that all 12 of our new BTEC Level 3 qualifications submitted for approval in July 2023, have been approved for funding and will be available for first teaching from September 2025.

You can continue to teach BTEC with confidence and be reassured that these highly valued qualifications will continue to be a vital part of the Level 3 qualifications landscape in England in the future.

Download your guide to BTEC Nationals 2025 (AAQ)


The reforms will affect level 3 qualifications in England taken by 16–19-year-olds, and 19+ year-olds funded by the ESFA under the Adult Education Budget, the European Social Fund (ESF) or accessing Advanced Learner Loans.

The post-16 level 3 vocational qualifications landscape in England is undergoing major reform. In July 2021, the Government completed aReview that impacts Level 3 BTEC Nationals, Cambridge Technicals and other level 3 vocational qualifications in England.

In line with previous publications, the latest guidance reiterates the policy of two clear pathways in the post-2025 level 3 qualifications landscape, with a broader choice for adults.

  • Young peoplewill choose either an ‘academic’ pathway or a ‘technical’ pathway.
    • A levelswill form the core of the academic offer at level 3. BTECs will continue to be available in many subject areas to be taken alongside or as alternatives to A levels. These will be known as Alternative Academic qualifications (AAQs).
    • T Levelswill form the core of the technical offer at level 3 and will cover most occupations that a learner might study at 16-19. However, a limited range of other qualifications will also be available to be taken alongside or as alternatives to T Levels.
  • For adults,the same academic qualifications offer will be available as for 16–19-year-olds, but the DfE recognise that a greater choice of technical qualifications will be needed.

The reforms take place in phases:

  • In 2024/25 and 2025/26 qualifications will no longer be eligible for funding if they overlap with T Levels.
  • Alongside this, all level 3 qualifications will be redeveloped in two cycles in 1) 2025/26, and 2) 2026/27 & 2027/28. Qualifications that are not redeveloped in line with new DfE criteria will no longer be eligible for funding.
  • New qualifications will be approved for funding for 3 years rather than the current 12 months.
  • It is important to note that the DfE have prescribed the size of new qualifications, and the subjects and sectors in which they can be developed.

A levels will form the core of the academic offer at level 3. However, a limited range of BTEC qualifications will also be available. In addition to A levels, the DfE plan to approve reformed qualifications to be taken instead of or alongside A levels, known as Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs).

These will be ‘small’ or ‘large’, and the subjects or sectors in which they can be developed have been determined by the DfE.

Small BTECs

Up to the size of an A level (between 150 and 420 glh). The DfE will only fund these qualifications in sectors that are:

  • strategically important (such as STEM and those supporting the NHS)
  • less well-served by A levels (including some subjects where there are A levels)

And in the following sectors:

From 2025

The following qualifications have been developed and funded for first teach September 2025.

  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Applied Science (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Computing (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Construction and the Built Environment (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Early Childhood Development (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Engineering (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Health and Social Care (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Information Technology (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Medical Science (Extended Certificate)

From 2026

  • Art, craft and design / Sound engineering / Animation and visual arts
  • British sign language studies
  • Creative digital media production / Digital games, film and video production
  • Performing, production, and creative arts / Music performance, production and technology / Qualifications for music practitioners or the creative music industry
  • Sport, exercise science, and physical activity / Sporting excellence and performance
  • Uniformed protective services / policing
  • Financial Studies
  • By exception only: In sector subject areas (SSAs) where there is no A level.

Large BTECs

The size of 2 or 3 A levels (between 720 and 1080 glh). The DfE will only fund qualifications in sectors where:

  • there are no T Levels
  • there is a need for a large qualification enabling entry to more specialist areas of higher education
  • there is a clear and direct progression link into higher education.

And in the following sectors:

From 2026

  • Art and design / Fine and applied art
  • Performing arts / Production arts / Music / Music technology / Music performance and production
  • Sport / Sport and exercise science / Sport and physical or outdoor activity

T Levels will form the core of the technical offer at level 3. However, a limited range of BTEC qualifications will also be available for 16-19s and adults, or adults only.

  • Technical additional specialist:small qualifications that allow a student to develop additional knowledge and competencies and specialise within a sector. These qualifications will build on knowledge covered by a T Level or other occupational entry qualification, e.g., low-carbon construction design, building on the Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction T Level.
  • Technical occupational entryandTechnical occupational progression:large qualifications that aim to support a student to enter into, or to progress within a role. These qualifications will only be funded at 16-19 where they do not overlap with a T Level.
  • Technical cross-cutting function:small qualifications that allow students to develop skills that are relevant across occupations.

A broader range of BTEC qualifications will also be available for adults only:

  • Technical occupational-entry qualifications in T Level areas:these qualifications will support entry to occupations that are served by T Levels for example, construction (as well as occupations that are not served by T Levels).
  • Technical employer proposed qualifications:occupational entry qualifications where no standard currently exists for the aligned occupation, but where it may not be appropriate for an occupational standard to be developed.
  • Technical additional specialist qualifications more appropriate for adults:these would include qualifications which may only be suitable for adults (such as those that are essential to certain safety critical industries).
  • T Levels for adults:In September 2022, DfE commenced a two-year pilot to explore whether T Levels should be made available to adults. The findings will inform ministers' decision whether to offer T Levels to adults from September 2025 and would be subject to HM Treasury agreement.

These will be considered in the following sectors:

From 2025, the followingTechnical occupational entryqualifications have been developed and funded:

  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry for Cyber Security Technicians (Diploma)
  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry for Early Years Educators (Diploma)
  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry for Personal Trainer (Diploma)
  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry for Teaching Assistants (Diploma)

From 2026,Technical additional specialistandTechnical occupational entryqualifications in:

  • Agriculture, environmental and animal care*
  • Business and administration*
  • Care services*
  • Catering and hospitality*
  • Creative and design*
  • Hair and beauty*
  • Legal finance and accounting*
  • Protective services
  • Sales marketing and procurement*
  • Transport and logistics.

Those marked * are routes where some of the standards are covered by T Levels. The DfE will not consider occupational entry qualifications for these for 16-19-year-olds.

From 2026,Employer proposedandTechnical occupational progressionqualifications in:

  • Construction and the built environment
  • Digital
  • Education and early years
  • Engineering and manufacturing
  • Health and science.

From 2026,Cross cutting qualifications.

From 2027,Employer proposedandTechnical occupational progressionqualifications in:

  • Agriculture, environmental and animal care
  • Business and administration
  • Care services
  • Catering and hospitality
  • Creative and design
  • Hair and beauty
  • Legal finance and accounting
  • Protective services
  • Sales marketing and procurement
  • Transport and logistics.

The reforms will be implemented in phases, from 2024/25 through to 2027/28.

  • Qualifications will be removed for funding where they overlap with T Levels in 2024/25 and 2025/26.
  • New qualifications will be developed in two Cycles:
    • 1) Cycle 1 2025/26:The following qualifications have beendeveloped and fundedfor first teach September 2025.
      • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Applied Science (Extended Certificate)
      • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Computing (Extended Certificate)
      • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Construction and the Built Environment (Extended Certificate)
      • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Early Childhood Development (Extended Certificate)
      • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Engineering (Extended Certificate)
      • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Health and Social Care (Extended Certificate)
      • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Information Technology (Extended Certificate)
      • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Medical Science (Extended Certificate)
      • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry for Cyber Security Technicians (Diploma)
      • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry for Early Years Educators (Diploma)
      • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry for Personal Trainer (Diploma)
      • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry for Teaching Assistants (Diploma)
    • 2) Cycle 2 2026/7 and 2027/28.
  • Funding eligibility will be removed for existing qualifications where they have not been redeveloped in line with new criteria.

Please be reassured that you can continue to teach your BTECs with confidence. Very few qualifications will be affected in 2024/25.

BTECs are highly valued qualifications used by schools, colleges, providers, universities and employers and they will continue to be a vital part of the Level 3 qualifications landscape in England in the future.

Please check the BTEC Level 3 Funding Checklists below which offer a comprehensive picture of funding in academic years 2024/25 and what we know so far for 2025/26. We will update these to include 2026/27 funding as soon as possible.

  • BTEC Level 3 Funding Checklist for England | Nationals
  • BTEC Level 3 Funding Checklist for England | Other qualifications

Download your guide to BTEC Nationals 2025 (AAQ)

Qualifications that overlap with T Levels in Waves 1 and 2

Please see link below for the list of qualifications that will be removed for funding in 2024/25 because they overlap with T Levels in Waves 1 and 2.

Funding will be removed for 16-19 stand-alone learners only. Funding will not be removed for adult learners, or for 16-19 and adult learners taking these qualifications as part of an apprenticeship.

Download the list of qualifications that will be removed for funding in 2024/25 for new starts*

Also see the BTEC Level 3 Funding Checklists which offer a comprehensive picture of funding in academic years 2024/25 and, what we know so far about 2025/26.

We will update these to include 2026/27 funding as soon as possible.

BTEC Level 3 Funding Checklist for England | Nationals

BTEC Level 3 Funding Checklist for England | Other qualifications

Qualifications that overlap with T Levels in Waves 3

Please see link below for the list of qualifications that will be removed for funding in 2025/26 because they overlap with T Levels in Wave 3.

Funding will be removed for 16-19 stand-alone learners only. Funding will not be removed for adult learners, or for 16-19 and adult learners taking these qualifications as part of an apprenticeship.

The list covers qualifications in the following subjects:

  • Business and administration
  • Engineering and manufacturing
  • Finance and accounting.

The BTEC Nationals in Business, and in Enterprise are not affected, and you can continue to teach these qualifications in 2024/25 and 2025/26. See below for further details.

Download the list of qualifications that will be removed for funding in 2025/26 for new starts

Qualifications that overlap with T Levels in Waves 4

The DfE have published the provisional list of qualifications overlapping with T Levels in wave 4. The list covers the following sectors:

  • Agriculture, environmental and animal care
  • Creative and design
  • Legal.

And all remaining BTECs in the following sectors

Download a list of Level 3 qualifications that will be defunded from 1 August 2025.

  • Construction and the build environment
  • Digital including information technology / computing
  • Education and Early Years including CPLD
  • Engineering and manufacturing
  • Health and science including Health and social care / Applied human biology/ Applied psychology/ Applied science (including forensics).

Also see the BTEC Level 3 Funding Checklists which offer a comprehensive picture of funding in academic years 2024/25 and, what we know so far about 2025/26. We will update these to include 2026/27 funding as soon as possible.

All remaining BTEC Nationals in the following sectors

Final list to be published July 2025.

  • Business
  • Creatives
  • Enterprise
  • Esports
  • Law
  • Protective services
  • Sport
  • Sports and exercise science
  • Travel and tourism.

We have submitted new BTEC qualifications for funding approval for first teach in 2025/26. These were submitted in July 2023 and have now been approved for funding.

The academic pathway

We submitted new small BTEC qualifications to be funded under the new ‘academic’ pathway. These are approved for funding and are available for first teach in September 2025, in line with the DfE timeline for reforms.

  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Applied Science (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Computing (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Construction and the Built Environment (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Early Childhood Development (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Engineering (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Health and Social Care (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Information Technology (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Medical Science (Extended Certificate)

Download your guide to BTEC Nationals 2025 (AAQ)

The technical pathway

We submitted new BTEC qualifications to be funded under the new ‘technical’ pathway. These are funded and available for first teach in September 2025, in line with the DfE timeline for reforms.

All of the following, except for the qualification for Fitness and Personal Trainer, are for adults only.

  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry for Cyber Security Technicians (Diploma)
  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry for Early Years Educators (Diploma)
  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry for Personal Trainer (Diploma)
  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry for Teaching Assistants (Diploma)

Programmes of Study

The BTEC Nationals 2025 perfectly complement A levels as part of a mixed programme of learning, helping to bring more theoretical learning to life.

Find out more

  • These pages will be updated with further detailsas soon as we have them. Do bookmark this page to keep up to date with developments.
  • See theBTEC Level 3 Funding Checklistsbelow which offer a comprehensive picture of funding in academic years 2024/25 and 2025/26. We will update these to include 2026/27 funding as soon as possible.
    • BTEC Level 3 funding checklist for England | Nationals
    • BTEC Level 3 funding checklist for England | Other qualifications

Over the coming months we will provide you with all the support you need to make any changes necessary to your curriculum in the future as the result of these reforms.

If you would like to speak to someone about the vocational reform and what it means for you, your centre and the qualifications you offer now and in the future, please fill out the form below.

Join us at one of the events we are running to explain the reforms. The ‘What is NEW for BTEC’ webinar series will provide you with the latest information on developments around the reforms at Level 3.

Book your place or watch on-demand

Further training events in 2024, to be confirmed. All the events are also listed onTraining from Pearson, under BTEC Level 1-3 and search for BTEC Nationals.

The reforms do not affect Wales and Northern Ireland. However, any changes we make to BTECs in England may affect the qualifications you offer in Wales and Northern Ireland.See our 'Funding Checklists' for BTEC Level 3 qualificationsin Wales and Northern Ireland whichoffer a comprehensive picture of funding in the academic years 2024/25 and 2025/26.

  • BTEC Level 3 Funding Checklist for Wales | Nationals
  • BTEC Level 3 Funding Checklists for Northern Ireland | Nationals

Visit and bookmark our dedicated Wales and Northern Ireland webpage

Latest update

On the 24 July 2024 DfE published further updates about the reform of post-16 level 3 vocational qualifications in England.

Read our latest Level 3 update

Read the latest DfE announcement

Read the 16 May announcement

BTEC Nationals

The current BTEC Nationals will be available until 2026 to support any changes to funding decisions. Please check current funding status for individual qualifications.*

Review the BTEC Level 3 Funding Checklist for England - Nationals

The new BTEC Nationals 2025 are available and funded from September 2025.

Explore the new BTEC Nationals 2025

*Please be aware some qualifications have been withdrawn by Pearson outside of the reforms.

Are you in Wales or Northern Ireland?

The reforms do not affect Wales and Northern Ireland.

Read more

Are you from an International Centre?

The reforms in England will not affect BTEC Internationals.

Read more

Support documents

BTEC Level 3 Funding Checklist for England | Nationals

BTEC Level 3 Funding Checklist for England | Other qualifications

BTEC Nationals 2025 (AAQ) Guide

Continue to teach BTECs with confidence

You cancontinue to teach your BTECs with confidenceand be reassured that very few qualifications will be affected in 2024/25.

If you would like to speak to someone about the vocational reform and what it means for you, your centre and the qualifications you offer now and in the future, please fill out the form below.

L3 Updates | Your BTEC | Pearson UK (2024)


What is UK BTEC Level 3? ›

The Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma is a full time two-year course of study which will develop specialist knowledge, practical skills and understanding within a vocational area and will give you a qualification that is the equivalent to three A Levels.

What is a Level 3 BTEC equivalent to? ›

The BTEC Level 3 equivalent is A-level. BTECs at Levels 1 and 2 are equivalent to GCSEs, with Levels 4 to 7 holding the same status of achievement as a degree.

What is a BTEC Level 3 equivalent to in the US? ›

BTEC qualifications are equivalent to other qualifications, such as the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) (levels 1 to 2), A Level (level 3) and university degrees (levels 6 to 7).

What is a BTEC National Award Level 3? ›

They are level 3 vocational qualifications that provide specialist, work-related learning across a range of sectors. BTEC Nationals are designed to equip students with the specialist knowledge, practical skills and understanding they need to progress along their chosen learning and career paths.

Is BTEC Level 3 worth it? ›

The number of A-Levels that a BTEC is equivalent to depends on the number of modules studied. A BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate is worth a single A-Level. A Level 3 BTEC National Diploma is worth two A-Levels, and a BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma is the equivalent of three A-Levels.

Do American universities accept BTEC? ›

Internationally, over 260 universities recognise BTEC Nationals for admission to undergraduate study, including those within the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and UAE.

Do universities accept BTEC level 3? ›

A BTEC Level 3 qualification is no different to A Levels when it comes to applying to University.

Is BTEC Level 3 harder than A level? ›

That said, a BTEC isn't necessarily an easier option than A-Levels. The top grade you can achieve is D*, which is equivalent to an A* pass at A-Level. You have to pass practical assessments and complete coursework thoroughly and to a high standard to progress.

Does Oxford accept BTEC? ›

Btecs have become popular and more students are taking these alongside or with their A-Levels. The good news is that you can get into Oxford University with Btecs although you will need these alongside A-Levels. This will depend on the course you are taking but it is possible to be accepted with them.

What are the disadvantages of BTEC? ›

The Disadvantages of BTECs

If you tend to lose interest and change your mind on what career you would like, then you may struggle with a BTEC as it is entirely focussed on one subject, with little opportunity for variation. This could lead to you having to start a new course all over again.

What does BTEC stand for? ›

BTEC stands for the Business and Technology Education Council. BTECs are specialist work-related qualifications.

How are BTEC level 3 graded? ›

These are Level 3 qualifications, and the certification may show a grade of Pass, Merit, Distinction, Distinction* or Unclassified (or a combination of these grades appropriate to the qualification). Distinction* is an aggregated grade for the qualification, based on the learner's overall performance.

What jobs can you get with BTEC level 3? ›

btec level 3 jobs
  • Children's Services Manager. The Loddon School®3.9. ...
  • Nursery Practitioner - Level 3. Family First Nurseries3.7. ...
  • Vehicle Technician. Caldicot Group2.8. ...
  • Level 3 Nursery Nurse. ...
  • Body Shop Technician. ...
  • Strengthen your profile. ...
  • Mechanical Engineering Workshop Apprentice. ...
  • Field Service Engineer.

Is BTEC level 3 a degree? ›

They can be studied at various levels, each of which equates to a different qualification: Btec Level 1 and 2 = equivalent to GCSEs. Btec Level 3 = equivalent to A-levels. Btec Level 4-5 = equivalent to 1st and 2nd year of an undergraduate degree.

What is the age limit for BTEC Level 3? ›

BTEC International Level 3 offers learners aged 16 and above the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for a career, continue in further education, or progress to higher education.

Is a BTEC equivalent to a bachelor's degree? ›

Level 6 BTECs are the equivalent of an Undergraduate Degree, and are often taught in universities, whilst level 7 BTECs are the equivalent of a Master's Degree. These are often taken by senior managers and people who have developed a very good knowledge of the field they are working in.

What is BTEC Level 3 program? ›

BTEC International Level 3 offers learners aged 16 and above the knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare for a career, continue in further education, or progress to higher education.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.