Lab - Chapter 12/Hidden Ending (2024)

Not to be confused with Book 1's True Ending.

Lab - Chapter 12/Hidden Ending (1)

The Hidden Ending is the secret ending to Lab and the final ending of the main game as a whole.

  • 1 Obtainability
    • 1.1 Phase 1
      • 1.1.1 Step 1
      • 1.1.2 Step 2
    • 1.2 Phase 2
      • 1.2.1 Step 1
      • 1.2.2 Step 2
        • Part 1
        • Part 2
  • 2 Storyline
  • 3 Trivia
  • 4 References


Note: At least one person in your server must have every single badge in Book 1 and 2 (including all Plant, Factory, and Lab endings). This does not include event badges and the Secret Badge. If you are playing with someone who has all the required badges, make sure they (and you) have the Savior Ending toggled in your Settings. Switching servers or leaving while attempting the ending will reset all of your progress. It is recommended to do this in a private server.

Phase 1[]

Note: Once you complete Phase 1, you will not need to complete it again unless you switch or leave the server.

Step 1[]

  1. Select Docks - Chapter 9 on any mode. Player or Infection (the latter with only one infected) would be the best option since the bot can teleport.
  2. Complete the map without Pony attacking the infected. Please note that if you don't have all the badges and you are playing with someone who has them, then the player with all the required badges must be the one to complete the map with Pony following them, otherwise Step 2 won't commence. If you are playing with 3 or more players, it is recommended to have everyone else escape before the person with all the needed badges escapes.

Step 2[]

  1. Select Camp - Chapter 11 on Swarm mode.
  2. Obtain the Blue Key and unlock the Blue Key Door.
  3. Inside, there will be a keypad. Enter in the code '467854' in the keypad and press the green button with a tick on it. The interface should say "PASSCODE ACCEPTED".
  4. After you finish that, you then can escape or die. Neither one matters when going to the next step, though it is recommended to die if you want to do it as quickly as possible.

Phase 2[]

Step 1[]

Note: The numbers that are revealed using the wrench and the order of the symbols on the keypad changes every round. You must follow the order of number below.

  1. Select Lab - Chapter 12 on Bot mode (it is recommended to have someone distract the bot since they can teleport). You should see a keypad with symbols on the hallway to the left.
  2. Find 4 vent covers around the map and remove them with the wrench.
    • First Number: Near where the Player spawns.
    • Second Number: Beside the room with the yellow safe.
    • Third Number: Near the blue keycard door.
    • Last Number: In the blue keycard room.

Note: You must have all the vent covers removed first in order for the numbers to work.

Lab - Chapter 12/Hidden Ending (2)
  1. Each vent cover will reveal a number corresponding to the keypad.
  2. Type in the code in letters onto the keypad. from the closest number to the farthest. When playing, you can open this tab and use the image on the right to help you type in the code correctly. If the code is correct, the keypad should say "PASSCODE ACCEPTED" and a cutscene will play. If the code is incorrect, the keypad will say "SYSTEM LOCKED" and cannot be used for the rest of the round, forcing you to play another round.

Step 2[]

You will have a boss battle against TIO, the main antagonist of Book 2, and the overarching antagonist of Book 1. There will be a total of 2 parts to the fight. Abilities are disabled during this battle.

Part 1[]
  1. When you spawn in, there will be number codes from the Alleys. Input the code into the keypad to unlock the next room.
  2. The next room has color codes from the Ship. Start from the left wall and key in the colors in the direction of the arrows. Do the same thing for the right wall as well.
  3. The next room has the numerical puzzle from the Docks. Input the Roman Numerals onto the rotating pillar.
    • 1 = I, 2 = II, 3 = III, 4 = IV
  4. The next room has the symbol circle puzzle from the Temple chapter. The black arrow points into the middle of the circle. Ensure that the symbols are aligned to those on the wall.
  5. The next room has the roulette puzzle from the Camp chapter. Press the dots that are colored red onto the roulette puzzle or press the buttons randomly, But the latter strategy does take time. (Tip: The red dot on the wheel that is closest to the temple chapter always has an opposite, this means that if there is a red dot on the top left, there will be a red dot on the bottom right, the one closest to the roulette puzzle is always random).
  6. Walk into the Black Void while avoiding the three Insolence Traps in front of it.
Part 2[]
  1. Once you get teleported, find and give items to the following NPCs: wooden sword for Pony, pipe for Zee and baseball bat for Georgie. After doing this, music called "Let Go" will start playing, TIO will enter a rage state (the bot automatically knows where you are and chases you around), and the upstairs section will open.
  2. Go upstairs and give Doggy a bone, give Bunny a carrot and give Zizzy the grass. Each one counts as one hit. Avoid the Shadow and White Sentinels. The Shadow Sentinel is VERY HARD to see, so be extremely careful and alert as possible.
  3. After Doggy, Bunny, and Zizzy all partially hit TIO with their respective weapons, TIO will be defeated, a cutscene will play and you should get the Hidden Ending badge and the ??? skin.

If this doesn't work:

  1. Check that you (or someone else in the server) have all badges from both books, excluding any of the event badges, including all other badges from Factory, Lab, and Plant.
  2. Check that you have the Savior Ending toggled in Settings, or else the keypad in Camp won't appear.
  3. If the keypad doesn't appear in Camp, then do Docks again and ensure the player with all the badges escapes with Pony following them.
  4. If the keypad still doesn't appear in Camp after retrying Docks, go into Factory and manually earn the Savior ending, then do Docks again.
  5. Make sure Pony doesn't talk about seeing the Piggy in Docks.
  6. Make sure you're doing swarm mode on Camp.
  7. Make sure to play Lab on bot mode.
  8. Make sure you do not activate the crawling trap in Docks. Although it doesn't attack Pony, it will still cause it to fail.
  9. Make sure you have 1:50 left on the timer on Lab for the second phase’s step 1 and 2.


The Player finds a radio and therefore asks Mimi to do her "magic" and get the radio working, while the Player continues to find the cure. Soon, the Player finds the room with the cure, where Willow and Tigry are fighting. The Player starts shouting at Willow to stop fighting, and that if she were to be that angry, then she should rather show her hatred on the infected. Tigry starts to mention how both him and Willow are alike, since they both keep their pain buried in themselves. Tigry also mentions how both of them are separated from their families and friends, and that when they first met, and when Tigry talked to Willow about how he felt, Willow never interrupted, and that he wished they could go back to those times. Suddenly, Mimi interrupts the talk, and asks everyone to come outside to check something, where they see a military helicopter landing.

Sgt. Monroe then starts talking how they arrived, and starts to get confused on how to begin with Tigry, who was once a part of the military, but deserted them, and Willow, an infamous criminal. The Player mentions them having the cure, and Sgt. Monroe sighs on how out of all their outposts, this was wiped out. Suddenly, a bunch of infected rise from the ground appear behind the player and the rest of the group. Sgt. Monroe orders his team to start shooting the infected, when the Player is brought to his mind with???.??? mentions his disappointment about the Player, and when the Player is about to interrupt???,??? reveals his name is TIO, and he is also called as The Entity, The Insolent and The Iniquitous One.

TIO starts to talk about how the Player didn't heed to TIO's warning to follow the current path, since TIO is trying to 'save' everyone from themselves. TIO also mentions that free will is destructive, and free will is also what has destroyed the entire world, since Mr. P has destroyed the world due to free will, and that the cure the Player has will cause thousands of survivors to fight over it for their loved ones, and that many will lose in the battle. What the Player is doing with the cure, TIO says that the Player is causing a grand war in the entire world, and the grand war will not be with the infected, but with the player's own brothers and sisters; survivors of the infection, hoping to cure their families and friends.

The Player disagrees with TIO, saying that the cure is hope for the future, and that it will cause the world to slowly retain its place like how it was prior to the infection. TIO starts to get angry, since the Player is, in his mind, too oblivious and cannot foresee the destruction of the future, and that TIO has no choice but to take out the Player himself. TIO then starts to turn into his distorted form, and the Player, Pony, Georgie and Zee are brought into TIO's distortion. The Player does puzzles in the distorted versions of the Alleys, Ship, Docks, Temple, and Camp. Another distortion comes over the Player, where hallucinations start to appear.

Pony is being attacked by his infected father, Peter, at the distorted City. At the distorted House, Georgie is about to fall from a high place, and below him is his distorted sister, Penny. At the distorted Safe Place, Zee is staring at an infected Zizzy. After giving weapons to each of them to knock out the hallucinations, TIO enters a rage state and immediately chases after the nearest player regardless if he spotted a player beforehand. The Player then thinks of an idea that, since they're in their own memories, then they can use those memories against TIO, and then they boss-battle TIO. The Player goes up to the second level containing distorted versions of the Gallery, the Hospital, and the Mall and gives weapons to memories of Bunny, Doggy, and Zizzy to knock out TIO, while being chased by other memories created by TIO to stop the Player.

After being hit by the memories created by the Player, TIO is defeated, and the Player is brought back to reality. Sgt. Monroe and his team has defeated the infected, and then Pony and Georgie congratulate the Player for defeating TIO. Willow talks with Tigry and apologizes to him for hurting him, and Tigry agrees that she has hurt him a lot. Willow explains that she was so caught up in getting revenge, that she wasn't thinking about her actions, and that if she really wanted to feel the way she did, she would have to go back to the past for a better future. Tigry then forgives Willow, and Willow says that since the military won't let both of them go with them, she suggests traveling around the world, and she'd even allow Tigry to be the leader of this.

Tigry says that he just wanted to have a say, and not be a leader. The Player asks if this is goodbye, but Willow says that it's never goodbye. She also thanks the Player for making her realize that in her pursuit for revenge, she pushed others away, even those she was close to. Willow and Tigry then leave, and everyone goes along with the military. After the credits sequence, all the people are gathered at Kona's house, with an uninfected Zizzy. Pony complains about the increasing prices of carrots. Zizzy suggests he should grow his own. Pony is hesitant. The camera backs up slowly, revealing a distorted passageway, implying that the Insolence might not be fully defeated yet.


  • The code in Step 2 was solved by ElfatihiIlyass on Twitter.
  • It was first thought that while this is the last ending of Lab and the entire game, MiniToon said this doesn't mean that it's the canon ending, and that it won't matter in Piggy: Intercity.
    • Breakout's release however confirms that the Hidden Ending is indeed canon in at least one timeline, due to Tigry and Willow being on good terms. Additionally, either the former or the latter would have been knocked out and died from the explosions in the other 4 endings.
    • This is confirmed again in Piggy: Misfits.
  • During the puzzles area, players can go behind TIO (while he is killing another player) and wait for him to move. (His jumpscare has a 5-second duration, but this trick must be done quickly and correctly.) If done right, TIO will pass through all the puzzles without killing anyone behind him, allowing players to solve the puzzles without worrying about TIO being behind them.
  • The keypad code in Camp, 467854, is a reference to two notes in Piggy: Book 2 that say, "The first is 4", and "The second is 6", since the first two digits are both 4 and 6.
  • This is the only time that the bot enters a rage/panic state after a portion of the ending is completed, which leads to??? directly chasing after the nearest person regardless if he spotted a player beforehand.
  • The badge appearance of the badge icon is pretty similar to the True Ending badge icon, but instead, the background of the badge is a location in Lab - Chapter 12, more specifically, the second distorted section of the Hidden Ending.
    • The pig silhouette might in fact be Penny Piggy's, since she was the bot of Lab - Chapter 12, and all of Book 2 chapter's badges have their silhouette as the bot of their respective chapters.
      • However, the main bot during the Hidden Ending gameplay is TIO, and the Hidden Ending badge may have been a call-back to the True Ending badge of Plant.
  • Initially, many players found codes in Docks (on Player + Bot), Temple (on Traitor) and Distraction (on Infection), which they thought it was needed to find the Hidden Ending.
    • The codes, after a bit of translation, allowed them to translate the hidden keypad symbols in Lab into letters of the alphabet.
    • The first players who found the symbols were Heathermommy1 or HAckermann1180(On Twitter) and verified by Devoun and SuperNob123.
  • The distorted maps after the Lab code have one of the only unobtainable traps and is also one of the only traps spawned without a bot or player using them. These traps are the Insolence traps and Spike trap.
  • Sometimes, when you get killed by the Sentinels or TIO, the item you were holding will disappear and the item won't respawn, softlocking the game for other players.
    • This eventually got fixed and the items will now respawn if a player dies while holding one.
  • The Shadow/Black Sentinel appears to move slightly faster than the White Sentinel.
  • Due to TIO starting to move at a fixed time, players can get spawn killed if their cutscene is delayed.
  • There is used to be a bug where sometimes, in the middle of the boss fight, the whole server randomly gets sent back to the main menu.
    • It's theorized that this may be due to the timer in Lab - Chapter 12 ending, though it's unconfirmed. There's still no solid reason as to why this occurs.
    • If you pass the puzzles, get teleported, and look at the timer, there is a chance the timer will be stuck and not move. Afterwards, you get sent back to the menu.
    • This was eventually fixed when the Epic Update Part 1 came out.
  • The Hidden Ending was set to be released on October 30, 2021, but was delayed due to a major Roblox outage which delayed its release.
  • For a long time, using R6 resulted in falling into the actual void and dying when you walked into the black void after completing the puzzle phase.
  • The reason the first floor of the second phase looks like a castle is because of TIO living in a castle when he was a child. [1]


The discussions tag for Lab - Chapter 12/Hidden Ending can be found here.

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Lab - Chapter 12/Hidden Ending (2024)
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