Ledger-Star from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)

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TAYLOR BLAND SAUNDERS At Blue Ridre Summit Pa riday July 20th 1951 at 10 BLAND SAUN DERS daughter of the late Col Walter Herron and Elizabeth Saunders Taylor Remains will be taken from the Oliver uneral Apartments 1301 Colonial Avenue to Elmwood Cemetery for serv ices at the grave MONDAY MORNING at 8 o'clock It BARR HENRY At Virginia Beach Hospital Virginia Beach Va riday Julv 20th 1951 at 8:40 o'clock HENRY BARR son of the late Joseph and Mrs irieda Barr in the 83th year of his aae Services at the chapel of the Oliver uneral Apartments 1501 Colonial Avenue SUNDAY ATERNOON at 3 riends of the family are in vited to attend Interment orest Lawn Cemetery Kindly omit flowers It HOHECKER JOSEPH HENRY At the residence 509 East Princess Anne Road Saturday morning July 21 1951 at 4:30 JOSEPH HENRY HOHECKER husband of Mary Emma Marasteller Hohecker in the 77th year of his ace uneral services will be conducted at the Hol lonion Brown uneral Home MONDAY ATERNOON July 23 1951 at 2 o'clock riends of the family invited to attend Burial will be in the Charity Methodist Church Cemetery Princess Anne County It JARVIS LOULIE CAPPS At the rest deuce Atlantic Avenue and 12th Streets Virginia Beach at 3:43 riday afternoon July 20 1951 LOULIE CAPPS JARVIS in the 05th year of her ace uneral services will be conducted at the Ewell and Williamson uneral Home at 3 SUNDAY ATERNOON July S3 1951 riends of the family are invited to attend Interment Elmwood Cemetery It MANBY HARRY BROOKS At Vir ginia Beach Hospital Thursday July 19 1951 at 1:30 HARRY BROOKS husband of Mrs Ray Cunningham Manby and son of the late John and Lanry Manby in the ti3rd year of his age Re mains will be taken from the Oliver uneral Apartments 1501 Colonial Avenue to Virginia Beach Methodist Church Virginia Beach Va for services SATURDAY ATERNOON at 2 riends of the family are invited to at tend Interment Nimmo Methodist Church Cemetery Princess Anne County It WTO LORIST PHONE 16609 131 COLLEGE PLACE CORNER MUSH The Norfolk Ledger Dispatch Saturday July 21 1951 Deaths and unerals 4 t' 5 resident BARBAKA HUTTON 79 62 66 of the USS New excellence In battle effi the Coast The workers voted to seek a 4T 5 15 26 37 7 51 60 and Nothing and per and he was ordered to the Navigation as assistant was made chief of the Ordnance in 1931 from 1924 His command at New 1923 to was in station Mrs her if they were secret dispatches hostile government scomo OCT 24 NOV 224 17 28 39 49 62 72 Ahaod Attention Act Thott 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3031 32 conduct uneral at 2 the CANCTR JUNE 23 JUY 23 7 lOTfLAl 52 64 73 Outlet Win Move With Should About avott Settle Today Two Marine Reservists Killed in Plane Crash Cherry Point July 21 UP) Two Marine reservists killed in the crash of their training plane near here yesterday have been identi fied as Capt John Thompson 33 St Paul Minn and irst Lt Ed ward Mowry Jr 29 Orangeburg Their single engine two seat SMJ trainer crashed near Hobucken They were attached to the Cherry Point Marine Air Station (AL) that null the and ex jail and ranklin Lions Club Installs New Officers ranklin Virginia July 21 At the meeting of the ranklin Lions Club recently the following officers were installed for the year 1951 52: President Cdggsdale first vice president Hayes Holland second vice president Marion Whit field third vice president John Ray 3rd: secretary treasurer Har vey Pop? lion tamer William Thomas Jones and tail twister Lee Davis These officers and Lions Barham George Watkins chosen queen for her musical talent person? beauty in a contest at the Club King rarcis was a ascinating Important And Your Srmin I Th And Emotional Imputation Planned People And Relationships People ast Desirvs Of Mon Storms Trip Are Today fvrtin Today Traffic Plans Cheerful Brewing Hold Aloof 78 Top One Norfolk sailor was killed and five other servicemen were injured one critically near Wil liamsburg riday night when their car went out of control while at tempting to pass another and crashed into a tree A Williamsburg ire Department ambulance attendant identified the dead man as Anthony delVicario Robert another Nor SAGOTAJUUS NOV 23 DfC 13 2 18 29 40 5043 Woman Drops Dead At Birthday Parly Tampa la July 21 (JP) Eva McGrew let a few of friends know she would like to have a party to mark her' 85th birthday anniversary today They arranged the celebration for last night And Mrs McGrew was getting the party off to a good start by kissing everybody when suddenly she said: take my glasses" And she fell to the floor At Tampa Hospital she was pro nounced dead 'of a heart attack TAURUS APR 21 MAY MA 6 21 32 43 53 78 35 Of 36 Something 37 To 38 Meet 39 Crowd! 42 At 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Approval 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Carwile Accuses Convict Camp Boss Richmond July 21 (P) Howard Carwile Richmond attorney and independent candidate for the State Senate yesterday wrote Governor Battle the of the services of Orr as ser geant in charge of State Road Camp 14 near Honaker Carwile said Orr had shown "utter disregard of my rights as an attorney and of the fundamental rights of my client Willie In a letter to the Governor Car wile said he had been retained by family to represent Carter in efforts to free him as a prisonerat the road camp PtSCES fE8 20 MA 21 9 2031 42 M'S 45 56 40 Of And Which At Brighter AQUARIUS JAN 21 HI 19 1 13 24 35 46 5849 WJ Services Sei for Sunday Memorial services for Robert Lucas Lash formerly of Virginia Beach who died in Washington in July 1950 will be held at the Little Church of ort Lincoln Washington Sunday at 3 Persons planning to attend have been urged to be on time since the church will be closed from the beginning to the end of the service Mr Lash will be remem bered in this area for his installa tion of refrigeration In the Cava lier Hotel At the time of his death he was engineer at Walter Reed Hospital grandchildren children one Barr of Philadelphia and a sister Mrs Bessie Kirschner of Norfolk Mr Barr was a member of Beth El Temple The body was taken to the Oliver uneral Apart ments where services will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 with Rabbi Paul Reich and the Rev A Martin of Beth El Temple of ficiating Interment will be in or est Lawn Cemetery UBRA SEPT 23 OCT 23 Hungary and had been a of Norfolk for 50 years uneral services will be ed at the Hollomon Brown Home Monday afternoon Burial will be in Charity Methodist Church Ceme tery Princess Anne County Eduard Neu 86 died at the resi dence of his niece Mrs Carl West fahl 1410 West 26th Street today at 3:16 a after a long illness A native of Russia and a resi dent of Norfolk for the past four years he spent most of his life in Newark He is survived by one son Wil liam Neu of South Orange and one daughter Mrs Marie Hardy of Newark three grandchildren and three great granacnnaren The body will be forwarded from the George Gregory uneral Home tonight to Newark for funeral services and interment Henry Barr 84 son of the late Joseph and Mrs reida Barr died at Virginia Beach Hospital riday at 8:40 Mr Barr a retired merchant was a native of Russia and a resi dent of this section 63 years resid ing at 2407 Baltic Avenue Virginia Beach at the time of his death Surviving him are four sons Har ry Phillip Lewis and Albert Barr all of Norfolk one daughter Miss annie Barr of Baltimore 10 three great grand brother Herman By CLAY POLLAN Yow Daily Activity Guido According to Wie Stan To drvolop moooago for Sunday rood words corresponding to numbers of your Zodiac birth sign Seek Put You Stay Do Deal You Postpone Avod Life You Decisions folk sailor was reported in critical condition The other injured men were listed as Donald Igef William uoones josepn Grady Gerald Cox all Air orce sonnel Their home addresses bases were not available The injured were taken to ort Eustis station hospital where no details were given 12 Trumanites Indicted in Job Selling Conspiracy Jackson Miss July 21 UP) 1 A dozen Mississippians some of them leaders of the pro Truman faction in the State are under ederal grand jury indictments charging conspiracy to sell ederal jobs in Mississippi Among them are Clarence Hood deposed acting national Dem ocratic committeeman from Missis sippi rank Mize brother of United States District Judge Sidney Mize and chairman of the pro Tru man Democratic Committee in this State Curtis Rogers secretary of the committee and orrest Jack son committee counsel Special Assistant United States Attorney Ben Brooks of Washing ton who announced the indict ments here said that Rogers and Jackson in addition to the counts charging conspiracy to sell ederal jobs are charged also with job selling and with perjury Other defendants and the charges Brooks said are: ormer committee secretary Cur tis Beasley conspiracy to sell jobs and selling jobs Miss Laverne Yelverton commit tee office secretary conspiracy to sell jobs Roy Brashier of Brookhaven Miss conspiracy to sell jobs sell ing jobs and perjury Henry Debrow a Jackson sales man conspiracy to sell jobs and perjury Wilkinson also a Jackson salesman conspiracy to sell jobs selling jobs and perjury Dewey MacLeod of Mt Olive conspiracy to sell jobs and selling jobs Mr and Mrs Murphy of Winona Miss' conspiracy to sell jobs The 12 defendants were covered in 12 bills of indictment returned by a grand jury after an eight day session In the event of conviction a count of conspiracy to sell ederal jobs carries a one year imprison ment or $1000 fine or both Brooks defined a conspiracy to sell ederal jobs as a plot to violate a mis demeanor statute calling for a com paratively light sentence The actual sale of a ederal job is punishable by a similar sentence one year Imprisonment or $1000 fine or both The perjury count is a felony punishable by five years imprison ment or $2000 fine or both Utilities Petition Studied by Court A three judge ederal court has taken under advisem*nt a petition that the Virginia Public Utilities Labor Act be declared unconstitu tional Attorney Sidney Kelsey rep resenting local 333B United Marine Division of the International Long shoremen Association argued to the court yesterday the law should be declared and void and he asked that Norfolk County Court of Law Chancery be enjoined from ecuting contempt fines and sentences against the union two of its officers The judges Armistead Dobie of the ourth Circuit Court of Appeals Sterling Hutcheson and Albert Bryan of the District Court asked him why he had not sought relief from the Virginia Supreme Court rom their questions it appeared they would direct Kelsey to take his case to the higher State court The Court of Law and Chancery had issued an injunction forcing the union to comply with the utilities law which requires five weeks notice before workers go out on strike The employees of the Virginia erry Corporation seeking higher wages and better working con ditions walked out before the five weeks were up The union was held in contempt by the court and fined $7500 Its president was fined $1000 and sentenced to 10 days in jail and the secretary was fined $750 and sen tenced to 10 days in jail Kelsey ad mitted he could have appealed the injunction to the Virginia Supreme Court but chose instead the ed eral Court as he claimed he had a right to CAMHCORN DEC 23 JAN 20 554648 75 4T 76 77 Travelers Praise City Police Work City officials were praised for their efforts to control "unlawful in a resolution adopted by members of the Old Dominion Council United Commercial Travel ers riday night during a meeting at the Atlantic Hotel Brock Scott senior councilor said that the resolution which was introduced by Harvey Barker of the Tidewater Wholesale Broker age Company was passed without a dissenting vote The resolution read in part as follows: a fraternal and civic or ganization interested in the better ment of our city and the protection of our citizens particularly of the younger generation we feel that our City Manager Director of Pub lic Safety Chief of Police Deputy chief of Police and members of our Police Department are doing everything possible to con trol unlawful practices we go on record as favoring the continuance of such work" vntoo AUG 24 SET22 8 12 23 34 kgy 5747 ARIES MAR 22 State Traffic Toll One Shy of 500 By ASSOCIATED PRESS Two non collision accidents the death of a pedestrian hiked Vir 1951 traffic toll to one shy Of the 500 mark today In the non collision wrecks Irvin Lewis Martin 20 of loyd County and Robert Del Vicario a Nor folk sailor weere killed The pedestrian victim was Arthur Lewis Thomas 26 of Alex andria Martin was killed instantly early today on State route 610 Del Vicario was killed and five other servicemen injured last night when their car went out of control while Attempting to pass another vehicle on State Route 168 The accident occurred eight miles West of Williamsburg Thomas died on arrival at an Alexandria hospital at about mid night after being hit by a car on Route 1 in airfax County His death brought to 112 the number of pedestrian fatalities this year was rank Kri as a seaman apprentice who is a native of Me tuchen He is now attending the schoo' for personnelmeh! at the Naval Base King ranci ame to njeen' Lee KRIVAS Lakewood home riday to meet' his partner just after she had won the event at the international moth sailboat regatta Lee was exceptional ality and Wednesday of Norfolk student at Rutgers University New Brunswick when he left to join the Navy GEMINI MAY 22 JUNf 22 10 22 33 44 5445 74 Mrs Sara Page atally Stricken al Race Track Mrs Sara Page of Norfolk died following a heart attack at the race track in ort Erie Ontario riday She collapsed during the excite ment of a close race Hammett Again Going Before ederal Jury New York July 21 UP) Writer Dashiell Hammett author of the series has a second date Monday with a ederal grand jury investigating the flight of four convicted Communist leaders Hammett is a trustee for the Civil Rights Congress bail fund which posted $80000 bond for the four missing Reds He testified be fore tne grand jury earlier this week Another Civil Rights Congress trustee Alphaeus Hunton also is expected to testify Monday Millionaire Leftist rederick Van derbilt ield a third trustee testi nea yesterday in nis second grand jury appearance He was only with the jury who proceedings are se cret for 10 minutes Hammett and Hunton are serv ing six month contempt of court prison sentences for refusing to tell a ederal court who subscribed to the bail fund ield is serving 90 days on the same conviction The government contends that the identities of bail fund contribu tors might provide a clue to the missing Reds convicted of plot ting to advocate and teach violent revolution in the United States Barbara inally Gets Divorce rom Prince Igor Cuernavaca Mexico July 21 (AT Dime store heiress Barbara Hutton finally has her divorce from hus band number four Prince Igor Troubetzkoy Judge Alfonso Roqueni said last night that he signed the decree July 14 four months and 18 days after the blonde ailing 38 year old heiress to the Woolworth million applied Miss Hutton has been in Europe recently where she has been photo graphed with German Tennis Ace Baron Gottfried von Cramm The divorce was held up after the little rich asked for it ebruary 26 because Prince Troubetzkoy claimed he had not been properly notified of his action Troubetzkoy lives in rance and notification consisted of a note posted on the bulletin board of the dingy Cuernavacao courthouse Judge Roqueni of the Morales State Court then ruled he was not competent to deal with the case: the Morales Supreme Court said he was and told him to act The lawyers who ac cused Miss Hutton of trying for a divorce withdrew from the action They never confirmed a report that Troubetzkoy put a $3000000 price on his consent to a separation Miss husbands were: 1 Prince Alexis Mdvani a Rus sian refugee 1933 1935 Married in Paris divorced in Reno 2 Count Court Haugwitz Revent low a Dane for whom she gave up her American citizenship 1935 1941 Married in Reno divorced in Copenhagen Denmark A son Lance was born of this marriage in 1936 3 Cary Grant British born movie actor 1942 1945 Married and di vorced in Los Angeles 4 Prince Igor Troubetzkoy a Lithuanian refugee 1947 1951 Mar ried in Switzerland divorced in Mexico Admiral Latimer Dies at Key West Charlottesville July 21 (JP) Rear Adm Edgar Brown Larimer USN retired of Charlottesville died ri day in Key West la at the United States Naval Hospital Admiral Larimer was born in Tipton Mo the son of George and Laura erguson Larimer August 12 1876 He served as a midshipman on the USS Indiana in the Spanish American War prior to his gradua tion from the Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1899 and in the Philippines insurrection in 1902 He commanded the USS Niagara a submarine chaser in World War I during which he attained the rank of captain After a tour of duty in the Orient he returned to take charge of the Naval Tor pedo Station in Alexandria from 1921 to 1923 and was Chief of Staff counting Meet next shore duty of the torpedo port I While skipper Mexico from 1927 to 1929 the bat tleship twice won the coveted pennant awarded an nually tor ciency In 1929 Bureau of chief and Bureau of which assignment he retired No vember 1 1934 He is survived by his widow the former Miss Mary isher Radford Burwell daughter of Rear Adm William Turnbull Burwell USN a daughter Mrs Richard Royston ell and granddaughter Mary Burwell ell all of Charlottesville Burial will be in the National Cemetery at Arlington at 3 next Wednesday Sherman Pledges Strong 6th leet Naples Italy July 21 UP) Adm orrest Sherman United States Chief of Naval Operations prom ised today to keep the Sixth leet very strong The admiral on a flying visit to the Allied orces Southern Com mand here declined to comment on his talks with Generalissimo rancisco ranco in Madrid is one thing I talk he told a press conference questioner The admiral also side stepped questions regarding the much talked about Eastern Mediter ranean Command He was asked if his conferences in Paris and Lon don had made clear the final structure of the Allied Southern Command He replied that the con versation with the chiefs of the British and rench navies had many of the He was then asked If he could say anything about the role of the British Navy in the Southern Command The admiral replied that he considered naval forces as flexible and mobile and they can be asigned as needed The admiral told the group of Italian and foreign correspondents that his trip to Naples was to dis cuss naval problems with Adm Robert Carney commander In chief of Allied orces Southern Europe and United States Naval orces in the Eastern and Mediter ranean Robbery Sentence Put at 20 Years Afthur Cousins Jr barber shop owner was found guilty of a charge of robbery after trial by jury in Corporation Court riday He was given 20 years in the State Penitentiary A defense motion to set aside th? verdict was overruled by Judge Richard Spindle However the judge stayed execution of the sen tence until October 1 to permit an appeal to the State Supreme Court Cousins was convicted of robbing Alvan Mann of a watch at knife point on Brambleton Avenue April 27 Mann testified that Cousins was one of a group that robbed him and said that Cousins held a switch ilade knife on him Cousins denied the charge and said that he was the victim of mistaken identity uo JUtY 24 AUG 23 3 16 27 38 4741 71 Hollywood Bowl Back in Business nuuywuuu JUiy 1 lie Hollywood Bowl is back in business So is the pilgrimage play A reorganization committee of the bowl association announced last night the bowl would reopen with a symphony program next Thurs day The original schedule of costly stage productions was cancelled when the bowl closed last Saturday night At the time the bowl association blamed lack of public support The new plan is to return to the under the which gave the bowl its world wide fame The Dilsrrimaee olav a dram List of Gambling Trial Defendants Reduced to ive Upper Marlboro Md Julv 21 The number of defendants on trial here on a charge of conspiring to violate gambling laws was whittled down to five yester day The sixth defendant Paul Eckert of Baltimore was cleared late yes terday by a directed verdict of Judge Dudley Digges in the ab sence of the jury in Prince Georges County Circuit Court The trial of the remaining five was expected to be concluded Mon day A recess extends over the week end They are Ed O'Hara former Bowie race track manager his brother Thomas once in charge of pari mutuel system Raymond Kohlhepp ex track cashier Norman Helwig of Pikesville Md and Richard Remer Miami la The conspiracy charges involve allegations that were made at Bowie with Helwig I and Remer acting as and the three Bowie offi cials permitting use of the facilities for the practice (Comeback bets are sometimes made by bookmakers who think they have too many bets on a cer tain horse They bet on the same horse to cut losses in case he wins) Eckert too was charged with I being a but Judge Digges ruled that the evi dence failed to prove that Eckert I had done anything more than de posit money at the track then make bets by using vouchers The judge said that practice was not illegal under racing commission rules and Maryland law The ruling was made after the State had rested its case and de fense had moved for a directed dis missal of charges against all six defendants BIG CABIO This big cabio (or cobia) measuring 66 inches from tip to tip and 28 inches around Its girth caught at Nags Head fell Only a few pounds short of the I 13 pound world record taken at Cape Charles Virginia two years ago Watt Jr of Richmond landed the big fish while trolling from aboard Capt Sam Tillett's cruiser "Spur" in the Gulf Stream off the coast at Nags Head early this week Watt was using a squid for bait when the big fish which weighed almost 100 pounds struck the lure and was subsequently brought to gaff Those in the party were Vernon Hayman John Copeland James Moss and Eugene Roberts of Nor folk Watt Jr and Harry Cheney of Richmond (Photo by Ayco*ck Brown) Cotton seed is used as a remedy for baldness in children at the Santa Clara Indian Pueblo in New Mexico Miss Bland Saunders Taylor daughter of the late Col Walter Herron Taylor CSA aide and ad jutant to Gen Robert Lee throughout the War Between the States died riday night at 10 at her Summer home at Blue Ridge Summit Pa Her mother was the late Mrs Elizabeth Saunders Taylor Miss Taylor was a life lohg resident of Norfolk residing at 619 Stockley Gardens The Taylor Schoo here was named in honor of the late colonel Walter Taylor HI of Norfolk brother of Miss Taylor in 1948 presented a portrait General Lee to Washington and Lee Uni versity The portrait in the Taylor family for about 35 years was orig inally owned by a member of the Byrd family Also surviving Miss Taylor are a sister Mrs Robert Tomlin Norfolk two other brothers Saunders Taylor of West Palm Beach la and Lee Taylor of Baltimore Md and a number of nieces and nephews The body will arrive in Norfolk Monday morning and will be taken from the Oliver uneral Apartments to Elmwood Cemetery for services at the grave Monday at 9 a with the Rev Paul Chaplin of Christ and St Church of which Miss Taylor was a member oinciating Deaths Mrs Sarah Webber Page 78 Norfolk ay Koiner 75r Waynesboro Mrs' Loulie Capps Jarvis 64 Atlantic Avenue and 12th Street Virginia Beach Joseph Henry Hohecker 76 5709 East Princess Anne Road Edward Neu 86 1410 West 26th Street Henry Barr 84 2407 Baltic Ave nue Virginia Beach Mrs Sarah Webber Page 78 widow of Edwin A Page and the daughter of the late John and Mrs Caroline Anthony Webber a lifelong resident of Norfolk died Thursday at 6 at Buffalo 'She was a member of Christ and St Church Surviving are two daughters Mrs Mayfield Sumpter of Buffalo and Mrs Robert Preston of Norfolk and Kingsport Tenn three grandchildren three great grandchildren three sisters Mrs Harold Childs and Mrs Harry Cage of Norfolk and Mrs Charles Lawrence of Philadelphia Pa and two brothers John Webber of New York and Charles A Web ber of Norfolk The body will be brought to the Oliver uneral Apartments ay Koiner 75 died yester day morning at his home in Waynesboro He was the father of Howard Koiner of Princess Anne Park Norfolk Mr Koiner is survived by two other sons Warren Koiner and ay Koiner Jr of Waynes boro and two daughters Mrs Clyde McDowell of lakeland la and Mrs Brumback of Rich mond Mrs Loulie Capps Jarvis 64 daughter of the late Talbot aqd Mrs Nannie Ackiss Capps a na tive of Princess Anne County a former resident of Norfolk and a resident of Virginia Beach for 22 years died yesterday at 3:45 at the residence Atlantic Avenue and 12th Street Virginia Beach She was a member of the reema son Street Baptist Church Surviving are one daughter Mrs Nancy Jarvis Rogers of Vir ginia Beach two sisters Mrs an nie Ackiss Weaver of Norfolk anid Mrs Ethel Carswell Hughes of Virginia Beach three brothers Capps of Baltimore Lee Capps of Montreal Canada and Talbot Capps of lyinston uneral services will be con ducted at the Ewell William ion uneral Home Sunday at 3 by the Rev Sparks Mel ton pastor of the reema son Street Baptist Church Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery Joseph Henry Hohecker 76 hus band of Mary Emma Marasteller Hohecker died at his residence 5709 East Princess Anne Road this morning at 4:30 o'clock Besides his wife he is survived by a daughter Mrs A Smith of Norfolk He was a native of DEATHS One Killed 3 Hurt As Car Upsets Oxford July 21 One man was killed and three were in jured when their car left a high way and overturned near here to day Highway Patrolman Yancey said he had chased the auto five before the ac cident and it reached speeds tween 80 and 90 miles an Pfc Harold Adco*ck 20 of Bragg died in a hospital two hours after the accident the driver Reuben Blackwell 26 of Oxford was hospitalized Pfc James Parham of Oxford and Cpl Lester Howard 22 of Wash ington State escaped with minor in juries Both are stationed at Meade Md After leaving the highway the car traveled 400 feet and over turned several times before grind ing to a stop Coroner Earle Hunt will con duct an inquest Meet Each Other King rancis and Queen Lee sovereigns for the Crape Myrtle estival to be held i Norfolk Au gust 10 12 have met Norfolk Sailor Is Killed 5 Injured in Auto Crash Dock Employees to Seek Guarantee of Days Pay New York Julv 21 UP) Dock: convention of the Atlantic workers in Atlantic Coast ports District of the AL International have voted to seek a guarantee of a Association tun aay pay whenever thev work The workers also voted to ask at single daily which Is forthcoming contract negotiations the traditional waterfront method a minimum pay of $18 for a of hiring work instead of the current $16 Longshoremen hang around the minimum docks and twice each day at 8 a The action came last night at aand one are singled out for ormer Crown Prince To Be Buried Thursday Hechingen Germany July 21 UP) ormer Crown Prince Wilhelm whn HiaH at his villa oalv' vnt Robert Lash Memorial thp familv near his castle The funeral date was set by his son Louis erdinand who came here from Bremen Royalty from Germany and other European countries are expected to attend the Protestant services A daughter former Princess Ce cilie is en route to Germany from the United States where she is the wife of an Amarillo Texas interior decorator The 69 year old crown prince once the heir apparent of the Ger man empire was a son of Kaiser Wilhelm II and a great grandson of Queen Victoria Among the' 200 or 300 telegrams and cables of condolence were one from King George of England and West Chancellor Ade nauer I work Thus they are guaranteed four hours work A single in the morn ing would in effect substitute a guarantee of eight hours work in stead of four for those singled out The convention also instructed the wage scale com mittee to seek $60 monthly pensions instead of the present $35 Talks Begin in August The committee is scheduled to open contract talks next month with the New York Shipping Asso I ATA VinAI'(nC ciation a erouo of shinning and wiw IVIIUI bll stevedoring firms I Agreements with the New York I Shipping Association normally set a pattern for Atlantic Coast com panies from Hampton Roads to Nova Scotia employing about 40000 longshoremen At its meeting riday the At lantic District also re elected Joseph Ryan as district president Ryan has held the job since 1918 and is referred to by the organiza tion as its Ryan also is president of the parent union which opens its own five day convention here on Mon day unerals Mrs Katharine Crowell Hiott 29 103 Bill Street Mrs Rachai Kale Lytle 68 1 8 Granby Street Harry Brooks Manby Oceana Mrs Susan Janie Taylor 900 Bainnridqe Boulevard rank Lafayette Cartwright 69 303 West 49th Street James Thomas Stewart 70 909 ig Street Mrs Gladys Miller Clifton 49 Crowell Avenue Portlock Mrs Katharine Crowell uneral services for Mrs Hiott were conducted at the Hollomon Brown uneral Home yesterday at 2 by the Rev Theodore Swann pastor of the Miles Me morial Methodist Church The body was sent to Asheville for burial in Riverside Cemetery to morrow at 3 Mrs RachaJ Kale Lytle The body of Mrs Lytle was sent from the Hollomon Brown uneral Home to Statesville for fu neral services Sunday at 3 at the Olivet Baptist' Church Harry Brooks The body of Mr Manby who died Thursday was taken from the Oliver uneral Apartments to the Virginia Beach Methodist Church for serv ices today at 2 with the Rev Carlton pastor officiating Burial was in Nimmo Methodist Church Cemetery The pallbearers were William antone Robert ord Walter Gres ham George Hartley John Hatch Clarence Hobeck Kenned Jard and David Malbon Mrs Susan Janie neral services for Mrs Taylor who died Wednesday were conducted yesterday at 4 at the South Norfolk Baptist Church by the Rev rank Hughes pastor Pallbear ers were Williams Dan Ward Theodore Eason Thomas Liver man Linwood Page Dowdy and Young Burial was in Riverside Memorial Park rank Lafayette Cartwright neral services for Mr Cartwright who died Thursday wefe con ducted at the James Derry neral Chapel today at 2 by the Rev Paul Crandall pastor of the Larchmont Baptist Church of which he was a member Burial was in orest Lawn Cemetery James Thomas uner al services for Mr Stewart who died Wednesday were conducted at the James Derry uneral Chapel yesterday at 2 by the Rev Williford secretary of a i diibiL company iAICA Pallbearers were Carson Jesse Thomas Lawrence Whiteny Phelps Stephens and Nicholas Burial was in orest Lawn Cemetery Mrs Gladys 'Miller Clifton neral services for Mrs Clifton who died Thursday were to be conduct ed today at 4 at the Graham uneral Home South Norfolk Bur ial was t6 be in Riverside Memorial Park SWIMMING CLASS TO OPEN Elizabeth City July 21 A beginners swimming class for adults will open Monday at the city park swimming pool it has been announced The hours will be from 11 until 7 The Spratly Islands are located in the afternoon and Tommy Minor in the South China Sea I will be instructor Bland Saunders Taylor Dies at Summer Home atization of the Life of Christ was Vaughan Beale and William A Gris to have closed tonight Instead the son constitute the board of directors outdoor theater near the bowl will the year 1951 52 continue its run for not less man' three weeks officials said The pilgrimage play theater has been jammed since the announce ment that It would be closed The production now can continue with out the financial aid earlier asked from the Los Angeles county board of supervisors said officials Reopening of the bowl will allow the association to use the remaining $40000 of a $60000 grant by the board of supervisors Real Estate Examsl Next Week for 154 One hundred and fifty four per sons have registered for the ex amination to be held at Maury High School July 27 for real estate broker or salesman licenses rancis Burch secretary of the Norfolk Real Estate Board said that 77 of this number are resi dents of Norfolk Portsmouth and Virginia Beach or near by com munities Thirty eight of these 77 are women rThp Ji nn 1 i na nt Burnh caM i clearly tnat the defendant was judged guilty of doing well the job which he had been officially ad mitted to the country to do Throughout the bulky transcript of the testimony the Communist prosecutor treats routine news in quiries from Associated Press of fices in New York and London as for espionage Oatis is pictured as the of an espionage network His news re ports though published for the world to read are referred to as to a Oatis Trial Record Shows No Spying Washington Julv 21 (TP) The full record of the trial and convic tion of Associated Press Corre spondent wnnam uaus in com munist Czechoslovakia has been re ceived by the State Department from American Ambassador Ellis Briggs in Prague Department officials said today that it showed no evidence of what any government in the world out side the Iron Curtain would call espionage Oatis who was arrested April 23 was sentenced July 4 to 10 years imprisonment on a charge of spying The Oatis case is unique among trials of foreigners in the Commu nist countries department experts said because the record shows so already been approved for the ex amination The examination is the first to be held in Virginia since a new law became effective July 1 Heretofore the three members of the Virginia Real Estate Commis sion were authorized to examine applicants from their respective areas as often as they desired but now the entire commission con ducts the examinations which are restricted to four a year in the whole State The examination beginning at 9 a next riday will be the only one in Norfolk for a year The next one however will be at Roanoke October 26 ''7 y' A 1 ''A i 0 I 'A.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Views: 6180

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.