List of Values: Core Values Are What Matter Most (2024)

Table of Contents
What are core values and why do they matter? 1. Accountability 2. Achievement 3. Adaptability 4. Adventure 5. Altruism 6. Ambition 7. Appreciation 8. Authenticity 9. Balance 10. Beauty 11. Boldness 12. Bravery 13. Care 14. Challenge 15. Change 16. Clarity 17. Collaboration 18. Commitment 19. Communication 20. Compassion 21. Confidence 22. Connection 23. Consistency 24. Contentment 25. Contribution 26. Cooperation 27. Courage 28. Courtesy 29. Creativity 30. Curiosity 31. Dedication 32. Dependability 33. Determination 34. Devotion 35. Diligence 36. Discipline 37. Diversity 38. Drive 39. Education 40. Efficiency 41. Empathy 42. Empowerment 43. Endurance 44. Equality 45. Ethics 46. Excellence 47. Fairness 48. Family 49. Flexibility 50. Focus 51. Forgiveness 52. Freedom 53. Friendship 54. Generosity 55. Gratitude 56. Growth 57. Harmony 58. Health 59. Honesty 60. Hope 61. Humility 62. Imagination 63. Impact 64. Independence 65. Innovation 66. Inspiration 67. Integrity 68. Intuition 69. Joy 70. Kindness 71. Knowledge 72. Leadership 73. Learning 74. Legacy 75. Love 76. Loyalty 77. Mindfulness 78. Moderation 79. Motivation 80. Open-mindedness 81. Optimism 82. Passion 83. Patience 84. Peace 85. Perseverance 86. Persistence 87. Positivity 88. Power 89. Pride 90. Purpose 91. Reliability 92. Respect 93. Responsibility 94. Self-awareness 95. Self-discipline 96. Self-esteem 97. Self-improvement 98. Service 99. Simplicity 100. Spirituality 101. Stability 102. Strength 103. Success 104. Support 105. Sustainability 106. Teamwork 107. Tenacity 108. Tolerance 109. Tradition 110. Transparency 111. Trust 112. Understanding 113. Unity 114. Vision 115. Wealth 116. Wisdom 117. Work ethic What are the 3 most important values? Personal Experiences and Histories Cultural and Social Influences Future Aspirations and Goals What are our common values? Respect Empathy and Compassion Honesty and Integrity Justice and Fairness Cooperation and Unity Responsibility Love and Care Freedom Tolerance Peace What are the seven common values? Respect Integrity Empathy and Compassion Responsibility Justice and Fairness Freedom Cooperation What are the five key values? Integrity Respect Responsibility Empathy Courage What are Company Core Values? What is a Core Value Driven Life? FAQs

What are core values and why do they matter?

Our personal core values are the guiding principles that shape our actions, decisions, and behavior in various aspects of our lives. Identifying and understanding these values can help us live more intentional, fulfilling, and purpose-driven lives. The following core values list provides an overview of some common personal values and a brief explanation of how they might manifest in everyday life.

1. Accountability

Being responsible for one’s actions and decisions, owning up to mistakes, and making amends when necessary.

2. Achievement

Pursuing personal and professional goals and striving for success in various aspects of life.

3. Adaptability

Being flexible and responsive to change, embracing new experiences and challenges with a positive attitude.

4. Adventure

Seeking out new experiences, taking risks, and stepping out of one’s comfort zone to explore novel opportunities for personal growth and learning.

5. Altruism

Prioritizing the well-being of others and engaging in acts of kindness, generosity, and selflessness.

6. Ambition

Setting high standards for oneself, pursuing challenging opportunities, and continuously pushing the boundaries of one’s abilities.

7. Appreciation

Recognizing and expressing gratitude for the positive aspects of life, including the contributions and achievements of others.

8. Authenticity

Being true to oneself, embracing individuality, and expressing one’s genuine thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

9. Balance

Maintaining a healthy equilibrium between various aspects of one’s life, such as work, family, social commitments, and personal well-being.

10. Beauty

Appreciating and pursuing aesthetic experiences, recognizing the value of art, nature, and other forms of beauty in daily life.

11. Boldness

Approaching challenges and obstacles with courage, confidence, and determination, unafraid to take risks or make difficult decisions.

12. Bravery

Facing adversity with courage, standing up for one’s beliefs, and defending what is right even when it is challenging.

13. Care

Prioritizing the well-being of oneself and others, demonstrating empathy, compassion, and concern in personal and professional relationships.

14. Challenge

Embracing opportunities for growth, learning, and personal development, continuously striving to overcome limitations and expand one’s potential.

15. Change

Being open to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences, adapting to evolving circ*mstances and embracing personal growth and transformation.

16. Clarity

Seeking to understand and communicate effectively, striving for clear and concise communication in all aspects of life.

17. Collaboration

Working effectively with others to achieve shared goals, valuing the input and expertise of others, and fostering a cooperative and supportive environment.

18. Commitment

Demonstrating dedication, perseverance, and a sense of responsibility in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional endeavors.

19. Communication

Prioritizing open, honest, and effective communication, actively listening to others, and expressing oneself clearly and respectfully.

20. Compassion

Demonstrating empathy and understanding for the experiences, feelings, and needs of others, offering support and care when needed.

21. Confidence

Believing in oneself and one’s abilities, approaching challenges and opportunities with a sense of self-assurance and determination.

22. Connection

Building and maintaining meaningful relationships with others, fostering a sense of belonging, and valuing the contributions and perspectives of others.

23. Consistency

Demonstrating reliability and dependability in all aspects of life, maintaining a steady and predictable pattern of behavior.

24. Contentment

Cultivating a sense of satisfaction and happiness with one’s current circ*mstances, recognizing the value and joy in everyday experiences.

25. Contribution

Seeking to make a positive impact on the world, engaging in activities and endeavors that align with one’s values and passions.

26. Cooperation

Working effectively with others towards shared goals, demonstrating a willingness to compromise, and valuing the perspectives and expertise of others.

27. Courage

Facing challenges and adversity with bravery, standing up for one’s beliefs, and taking risks in the pursuit of personal and professional growth.

28. Courtesy

Treating others with respect, politeness, and consideration, valuing the feelings and needs of others in both personal and professional settings.

29. Creativity

Embracing originality, imagination, and innovation, seeking out new ways of thinking, problem-solving, and self-expression.

30. Curiosity

Cultivating a desire for learning and exploration, asking questions, and seeking out new experiences and knowledge.

31. Dedication

Demonstrating commitment and loyalty to one’s goals, values, relationships, and responsibilities, working diligently to fulfill obligations and overcome challenges.

32. Dependability

Being reliable, consistent, and trustworthy in all aspects of life, following through on commitments and promises.

33. Determination

Persisting in the face of obstacles, setbacks, and challenges, maintaining focus and motivation in the pursuit of personal and professional goals.

34. Devotion

Demonstrating a deep commitment to a cause, belief, or relationship, investing time, energy, and emotion in its success and growth.

35. Diligence

Working hard, persistently, and conscientiously to achieve goals, complete tasks, and fulfill responsibilities.

36. Discipline

Developing and maintaining self-control, focus, and dedication in the pursuit of personal and professional goals, managing time and resources effectively.

37. Diversity

Valuing and embracing the unique qualities, perspectives, and experiences of others, fostering an inclusive and accepting environment.

38. Drive

Demonstrating a strong desire and motivation to achieve personal and professional goals, continuously pushing oneself to improve and succeed.

39. Education

Prioritizing learning and personal development, seeking out new knowledge, skills, and experiences to expand one’s understanding and capabilities.

40. Efficiency

Streamlining processes and tasks to maximize productivity, making effective use of time, resources, and energy.

41. Empathy

Understanding and sharing the feelings and experiences of others, demonstrating compassion and sensitivity in personal and professional relationships.

42. Empowerment

Encouraging and supporting others to achieve their goals, fostering a sense of confidence and self-reliance.

43. Endurance

Demonstrating resilience and persistence in the face of adversity, maintaining focus and motivation despite setbacks and challenges.

44. Equality

Advocating for fairness and equal opportunities for all, treating others with respect and dignity regardless of their background, beliefs, or circ*mstances.

45. Ethics

Adhering to a set of moral principles and values that guide decision-making and behavior, acting with integrity and honesty in all aspects of life.

46. Excellence

Striving for the highest standards of performance and quality in all aspects of life, continuously seeking improvement and growth.

47. Fairness

Treating others with equality, impartiality, and respect, advocating for justice and equal opportunities for all.

48. Family

Prioritizing the well-being, happiness, and success of one’s family, investing time and effort in nurturing and supporting family relationships.

49. Flexibility

Adapting to change and uncertainty, demonstrating a willingness to learn, grow, and modify one’s approach when necessary.

50. Focus

Maintaining concentration and attention on one’s goals, tasks, and responsibilities, avoiding distractions and managing time effectively.

51. Forgiveness

Letting go of resentment and anger towards others, demonstrating understanding and compassion for the mistakes and shortcomings of oneself and others.

52. Freedom

Valuing personal autonomy and independence, advocating for the rights and liberties of oneself and others.

53. Friendship

Building and maintaining strong, supportive, and lasting relationships with others, investing time and effort in nurturing connections and shared experiences.

54. Generosity

Freely giving time, resources, and support to others, demonstrating a willingness to share and contribute without expecting anything in return.

55. Gratitude

Recognizing and appreciating the positive aspects of life, expressing thanks for the contributions and achievements of others, and cultivating a mindset of thankfulness.

56. Growth

Continuously seeking opportunities for personal and professional development, embracing change, and striving for self-improvement.

57. Harmony

Fostering a sense of balance, unity, and cooperation in personal and professional relationships, prioritizing peaceful resolutions to conflicts and disagreements.

58. Health

Prioritizing physical, mental, and emotional well-being, making conscious choices to maintain and improve one’s health and vitality.

59. Honesty

Being truthful, sincere, and transparent in all aspects of life, valuing integrity and trust in personal and professional relationships.

60. Hope

Maintaining a positive outlook on life, believing in the possibility of a better future, and working towards it with optimism and determination.

61. Humility

Demonstrating modesty and a willingness to learn from others, recognizing one’s limitations and shortcomings without self-deprecation.

62. Imagination

Embracing creativity, originality, and innovation, exploring new ideas and possibilities in both personal and professional pursuits.

63. Impact

Seeking to make a meaningful difference in the world, engaging in activities and pursuits that align with one’s values and passions, and contribute positively to the lives of others.

64. Independence

Valuing self-reliance, autonomy, and the ability to make one’s own decisions, while balancing the needs and input of others.

65. Innovation

Embracing change and exploring new ideas, perspectives, and solutions to challenges in various aspects of life.

66. Inspiration

Seeking to motivate and uplift others through one’s actions, words, and example, fostering a sense of hope, purpose, and enthusiasm.

67. Integrity

Adhering to a strong set of ethical principles, acting with honesty and consistency in all aspects of life, and staying true to one’s values and beliefs.

68. Intuition

Trusting one’s instincts and gut feelings, using insight and inner guidance to navigate personal and professional decisions.

69. Joy

Cultivating a sense of happiness, fulfillment, and contentment in everyday life, finding pleasure and delight in experiences, relationships, and personal achievements.

70. Kindness

Demonstrating empathy, compassion, and consideration for others, treating people with respect and warmth in both personal and professional settings.

71. Knowledge

Seeking out information, wisdom, and understanding, valuing learning, and intellectual pursuits as a means of personal and professional growth.

72. Leadership

Inspiring, guiding, and supporting others towards a common goal or vision, demonstrating effective communication, decision-making, and problem-solving skills.

73. Learning

Continuously seeking opportunities for personal and professional development, embracing new experiences and challenges as a means of expanding one’s knowledge and skills.

74. Legacy

Considering the long-term impact of one’s actions and decisions, striving to leave a positive mark on the world and future generations.

75. Love

Fostering deep, meaningful connections with others, demonstrating care, affection, and understanding in personal relationships.

76. Loyalty

Showing unwavering support and commitment to the people, causes, and organizations that matter most, standing by one’s beliefs and values even in the face of adversity.

77. Mindfulness

Practicing awareness and presence in all aspects of life, cultivating a sense of connection and appreciation for the present moment.

78. Moderation

Seeking balance and harmony in all aspects of life, avoiding excess and extremes, and making thoughtful choices that contribute to overall well-being.

79. Motivation

Demonstrating a strong drive and determination to achieve personal and professional goals, maintaining enthusiasm and commitment in the face of challenges and setbacks.

80. Open-mindedness

Being receptive to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences, valuing diversity of thought and opinion, and demonstrating a willingness to learn from others.

81. Optimism

Maintaining a positive outlook on life, focusing on the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead, and approaching challenges with hope and determination.

82. Passion

Pursuing one’s interests, goals, and values with enthusiasm, dedication, and a sense of purpose, fully investing oneself in meaningful endeavors.

83. Patience

Demonstrating the ability to remain calm, composed, and understanding in the face of frustration, delays, and setbacks, valuing the process as much as the outcome.

84. Peace

Cultivating a sense of inner tranquility and harmony, seeking to resolve conflicts and disagreements through understanding, empathy, and compromise.

85. Perseverance

Persisting in the face of challenges, obstacles, and setbacks, maintaining focus, and determination to achieve one’s goals and fulfill one’s commitments.

86. Persistence

Demonstrating determination and tenacity in the pursuit of personal and professional goals, refusing to give up in the face of adversity or challenges.

87. Positivity

Cultivating a positive mindset, focusing on the good in life, and choosing to approach challenges and setbacks with optimism and resilience.

88. Power

Recognizing and utilizing one’s personal strengths, skills, and influence to effect change and achieve goals, while respecting the autonomy and needs of others.

89. Pride

Taking satisfaction in one’s achievements, accomplishments, and personal growth, valuing oneself and one’s contributions to the world.

90. Purpose

Pursuing a clear sense of direction, meaning, and fulfillment in life, aligning one’s actions and decisions with one’s values, passions, and goals.

91. Reliability

Being dependable, consistent, and trustworthy in all aspects of life, honoring one’s commitments and promises, and following through on responsibilities.

92. Respect

Treating others with dignity, consideration, and empathy, valuing the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of others, and fostering an environment of mutual understanding and support.

93. Responsibility

Accepting accountability for one’s actions and decisions, owning up to mistakes, and taking necessary steps to make amends and learn from the experience.

94. Self-awareness

Cultivating an understanding of one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, recognizing personal strengths, weaknesses, and values, and using this insight to guide personal growth and decision-making.

95. Self-discipline

Developing and maintaining self-control, focus, and dedication in the pursuit of personal and professional goals, managing time and resources effectively.

96. Self-esteem

Maintaining a healthy sense of self-worth and self-confidence, acknowledging one’s value, strengths, and accomplishments without arrogance or self-deprecation.

97. Self-improvement

Continuously seeking opportunities for personal growth and development, embracing challenges, and learning from setbacks and failures.

98. Service

Contributing to the well-being and happiness of others, engaging in acts of kindness, generosity, and selflessness, and using one’s skills and resources to make a positive impact on the world.

99. Simplicity

Embracing a minimalist lifestyle, valuing quality over quantity, and focusing on the essential aspects of life that bring true fulfillment and happiness.

100. Spirituality

Cultivating a sense of connection to a higher power, exploring one’s beliefs and values, and seeking meaning and purpose in life beyond material success and personal achievements.

101. Stability

Seeking a sense of balance and security in various aspects of life, including relationships, finances, and career, prioritizing long-term well-being and peace of mind.

102. Strength

Demonstrating resilience, perseverance, and determination in the face of adversity, using personal experiences and challenges as opportunities for growth and self-improvement.

103. Success

Defining and pursuing one’s own vision of achievement, fulfillment, and happiness, setting and working towards meaningful personal and professional goals.

104. Support

Offering encouragement, assistance, and understanding to others in times of need, fostering an environment of mutual care and collaboration.

105. Sustainability

Prioritizing environmental responsibility and resource conservation, making conscious choices to minimize one’s ecological footprint and promote a healthy planet for future generations.

106. Teamwork

Collaborating effectively with others to achieve shared goals, valuing the diverse skills and perspectives of team members, and fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual support.

107. Tenacity

Demonstrating unwavering determination, persistence, and resilience in the pursuit of personal and professional goals, refusing to give up or be deterred by obstacles or setbacks.

108. Tolerance

Accepting and respecting the beliefs, opinions, and lifestyles of others, even when they differ from one’s own, fostering an environment of understanding and inclusion.

109. Tradition

Honoring and preserving the customs, beliefs, and practices of one’s culture, family, or community, valuing the wisdom and lessons passed down through generations.

110. Transparency

Being open, honest, and forthcoming in personal and professional relationships, fostering trust and accountability through clear communication and disclosure.

111. Trust

Cultivating a sense of reliability, dependability, and honesty in oneself and others, establishing a foundation of confidence and security in personal and professional relationships.

112. Understanding

Demonstrating empathy, compassion, and active listening in interactions with others, seeking to comprehend and appreciate the experiences, feelings, and perspectives of others.

113. Unity

Fostering a sense of connection, cooperation, and shared purpose in personal and professional relationships, valuing the strength and potential that comes from working together towards common goals.

114. Vision

Developing and pursuing a clear, inspiring, and achievable long-term direction for one’s life, career, or organization, guided by a sense of purpose and values.

115. Wealth

Accumulating financial resources and assets to provide security, freedom, and opportunities for oneself and others, while using wealth responsibly and ethically.

116. Wisdom

Seeking and valuing knowledge, experience, and insight, applying lessons learned from the past to inform present decisions and future actions, and demonstrating good judgment and discernment.

117. Work ethic

Demonstrating dedication, diligence, and perseverance in one’s professional pursuits, consistently striving for excellence and taking pride in one’s work and accomplishments.

By reflecting on this extensive list of personal core values, you can identify the core principles that matter most to you. These values will serve as a foundation for your decision-making, actions, and overall approach to life, guiding you towards a more meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling existence.

What are the 3 most important values?

When asked about the three most important values, it’s tempting to list universally lauded principles like honesty, integrity, or compassion. However, the crux of defining “importance” lies in the unique lived experiences, cultural backgrounds, personal histories, and aspirations of each individual.

  1. Personal Experiences and Histories

    Every individual undergoes a unique set of experiences that shape their perspectives and priorities. A person who has faced financial hardships might prioritize resilience and hard work, while someone who has been deceived might value trust and transparency above all.

  2. Cultural and Social Influences

    Values are often deeply ingrained through cultural teachings and societal norms. For instance, some cultures might prioritize community and family ties, while others emphasize individual freedom and autonomy. Neither is inherently superior; they are merely reflections of differing societal structures and histories.

  3. Future Aspirations and Goals

    An individual’s future aspirations can also influence what they value most. Someone aiming to bring about social change might value activism and empathy, while an aspiring entrepreneur might emphasize innovation and risk-taking.

In essence, the three most important values are not static principles that apply universally. They are fluid and deeply personal, evolving as we navigate the complexities of life. Hence, it’s imperative for each person to introspect and identify which values resonate most with their journey, guiding them toward a life of purpose and fulfillment.

What are our common values?

“Common values” often refer to the foundational principles and beliefs that many societies or groups share, transcending cultural, geographical, or societal differences. They form the backbone of human morality and dictate how we interact with one another and the world around us. While it’s important to remember that values might be perceived differently based on cultural, religious, or individual differences, the following are some values that are often recognized as universal or widely shared:

  • Respect

    Recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals, irrespective of their background, beliefs, or status. It means treating others as you would wish to be treated.

  • Empathy and Compassion

    The ability to understand and share the feelings of another, leading to acts of kindness, charity, and support.

  • Honesty and Integrity

    Upholding truthfulness in actions and words, maintaining consistency between one’s beliefs and behaviors.

  • Justice and Fairness

    Seeking equitable treatment for all individuals and advocating for those who may not have a voice.

  • Cooperation and Unity

    Working together for a common good, emphasizing community and collective progress over individual gain.

  • Responsibility

    Recognizing and taking ownership of one’s actions and their consequences, both good and bad.

  • Love and Care

    Prioritizing the well-being of others, be it in familial relationships, friendships, or broader societal contexts.

  • Freedom

    The belief in individual rights and liberties, as long as they don’t infringe upon the rights of others.

  • Tolerance

    Accepting and celebrating differences, be they cultural, religious, or personal.

  • Peace

    Advocating for non-violence, conflict resolution, and harmonious coexistence.

It’s worth noting that while these values are widely acknowledged, the ways in which they are practiced and prioritized can vary significantly based on cultural, societal, and individual factors. Nevertheless, they serve as a general framework guiding human interactions and societal norms across many cultures and communities.

What are the seven common values?

There isn’t a universally agreed-upon list of “seven common values,” as values can vary across cultures, religions, societies, and individuals. However, when looking at commonly cited ethical principles and global aspirations, we can identify several values that frequently appear. Here’s a list of seven values that many consider foundational:

  • Respect

    Treating others with dignity and understanding, regardless of their background or beliefs.

  • Integrity

    Upholding honesty, truthfulness, and consistency in words and actions.

  • Empathy and Compassion

    Understanding and feeling the emotions of others and acting with kindness and care.

  • Responsibility

    Recognizing and owning one’s actions and decisions, along with their consequences.

  • Justice and Fairness

    Ensuring equitable treatment and rights for everyone, irrespective of their circ*mstances.

  • Freedom

    Recognizing the rights of individuals to think, speak, and act without undue restraint, as long as it doesn’t harm others.

  • Cooperation

    Working together to achieve common goals, fostering community and mutual support.

What are the five key values?

Here are five values that are often regarded as foundational in many global contexts:

  • Integrity

    Upholding honesty and consistency between words and actions, even when it’s challenging or inconvenient. This entails being true to oneself and others.

  • Respect

    Valuing the inherent worth of every individual, treating others as you would want to be treated, and acknowledging differences without prejudice.

  • Responsibility

    Taking ownership of one’s actions, decisions, and their consequences. This includes accountability for mistakes and a commitment to making amends.

  • Empathy

    The ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s the foundation for compassion, kindness, and mutual understanding.

  • Courage

    Facing challenges and fears head-on, standing up for one’s beliefs, and doing what’s right even in the face of adversity.

What are Company Core Values?

Core values are not limited to individuals; they also play a crucial role in the success and identity of companies and organizations. A company’s core values represent the fundamental beliefs and guiding principles that shape its culture, decision-making processes, and overall strategy. These corporate core values help define a company’s true self, serving as the foundation upon which it builds its brand, reputation, and relationships with stakeholders.

Identifying core values is an essential step for any organization in establishing a strong and cohesive identity. By defining their company core values, businesses can create a shared understanding of their mission, vision, and goals among employees, partners, and customers. These common core values serve as a touchstone for decision-making and problem-solving, ensuring that the company remains true to its guiding principles even in the face of challenges or changes in the market.

Corporate core values can encompass a wide range of concepts, from ethical standards and social responsibility to innovation, teamwork, and financial security. For example, a company might prioritize transparency, sustainability, and customer satisfaction as its key values. These values would then influence every aspect of the company’s operations, from product development and marketing to employee recruitment and performance evaluations.

To effectively implement corporate values, companies must ensure that their core values are communicated clearly, consistently, and authentically to the entire organization. This can be achieved through internal training programs, company-wide meetings, or integration into corporate communication materials. By regularly reinforcing these values and providing values examples, organizations can create a strong culture that encourages employees to embrace and embody the company’s core values in their daily work.

Core values are not only essential for individuals seeking personal growth and fulfillment, but they also play a critical role in the success and identity of companies and organizations. By identifying core values and consistently reinforcing them, businesses can create a strong, cohesive culture that drives decision-making, fosters innovation, and contributes to long-term financial security. Embracing both individual and corporate core values can lead to a more purposeful, authentic, and successful life experience, both personally and professionally.

What is a Core Value Driven Life?

Understanding one’s core values (also called personal values) is a crucial aspect of leading a fulfilling personal life. Engaging in deep self-reflection enables individuals to identify their own core values. This can also be done by examining a comprehensive list of core values and recognizing which values resonate.

By ensuring that one’s actions and choices in life align with their core values, individuals can create harmony between their personal and professional spheres. The most common personal values, when acknowledged and integrated into everyday life, provide a solid foundation for decision-making and overall contentment. Consequently, having a clear understanding of one’s core values paves the way for greater self-awareness and success in all aspects of life, empowering individuals to make big life decisions with confidence and clarity. When one’s core values align with their life decisions, they experience a sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment. This alignment fosters personal growth and development, leading to improved mental and emotional well-being. Furthermore, when individuals live in accordance with their core values, they create authentic connections with others who share similar values, building strong and supportive relationships. Ultimately, embracing and living by one’s core values enables individuals to navigate the complexities of life with a clear sense of direction and unwavering conviction, resulting in a more satisfying and purpose-driven existence.

List of Values: Core Values Are What Matter Most (2024)


What values matter the most? ›

These are some of the top values in life that guide our decisions and behaviors, helping us aspire to be our best selves:
  • Accountability.
  • Altruism.
  • Appreciation.
  • Attentiveness.
  • Authenticity.
  • Boldness.
  • Bravery.
  • Compassion.

What are the 7 cores of value? ›

Seven Core Values
  • Loyalty. Establishes the correct order of our obligations and commitments. ...
  • Duty. Delineates the sum total of all laws, rules, and customs that make up our organizational, civic, and moral obligations. ...
  • Respect. ...
  • Service & Stewardship. ...
  • Honor. ...
  • Integrity. ...
  • Personal Courage.

What are my 5 core values? ›

My five core values
  • Wisdom. Having confidence in decision-making; good judgment; keeping perspective.
  • Accountability. Fairness; justice; cause and effect.
  • Trust. A belief in someone or something.
  • Growth. Intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and physical development.
  • Curiosity. Willingness to explore and learn.
Apr 2, 2024

What are the 3 most important values? ›

The top three values that many people worldwide share include family, honesty, and respect. Family is often cited as one of the most important values in life because it provides a sense of belonging and security. Having a loving family to turn to can help bring stability, joy, and comfort.

What are your top 5 values list them in order of importance? ›

  • Respect : Respect others and get respect.
  • Love : Love has to be in your root. ...
  • Talk to your parents : If you talk to them, they feel good. ...
  • Reward others : Those who deserve, reward them.
  • Live and let others live : You should live in a beautiful way, and help others also to do the same.
Apr 5, 2016

Why are the 12 core values important? ›

Core values can set a foundation for the organization's culture. Core values can improve morale and can be a rich source of individual and organizational pride. Core values can align a large group of people around specific, idealized behaviors.

What are the 3 main core values? ›

However, some values are generally regarded as being more important than others. The top three values that many people worldwide share include family, honesty, and respect.

How do I list my core values? ›

Follow the steps below to generate a list of your core values :
  1. Write down your values. ...
  2. Consider the people you most admire. ...
  3. Consider your experiences. ...
  4. Categorize values into related groups. ...
  5. Identify the central theme. ...
  6. Choose your top core values.
Feb 12, 2024

What are the 9 human values? ›

trust, respect, affection, care, guidance, reverence, glory, gratitude and love.

What are the three ultimate values? ›

The Greek thinker Socrates was deeply dedicated to philosophical discussions as a way to unveil the truth. Martial ethos, religious zeal, and pursuit of knowledge are three examples of ultimate values that guide human behaviour.

What are the ideal values? ›

They are things like freedom, democracy, and fairness. You know that you should value them, and you don't spend much time thinking that other people might have wildly different understanding of what they mean. Despite these differing interpretations, ideal values are considered absolute.

What three things do you value the most? ›

Here are some examples of common values.
  • Family – The value of family has been discussed earlier in this article. ...
  • Health – The importance of health is another basic human value. ...
  • Friendships – Friendship is another basic human value that everyone shares. ...
  • Money – Many people place great importance on money.
Mar 10, 2022

What are the universal core values? ›

Examples of Universal Values
  • Justice. Justice is a universal value that emphasizes the importance of fairness, impartiality, and the equitable distribution of resources and opportunities. ...
  • Compassion. ...
  • Respect for Life. ...
  • Integrity.

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Article information

Author: Manual Maggio

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Views: 6468

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.