List of Venetian Doges (2024)

List of Venetian Doges. This post gives a list of all 120 Doges of Venice, ordered by the dates of their reigns. For more than 1,000 years, the chief magistrate and leader of the city of Venice and later of the Most Serene Republic of Venice was styled the Doge, a rare but not unique Italian title derived from the Latin word “dux” (a military leader).

The Doges of Venice were elected for life by the city-state’s aristocracy. The Venetian combination of elaborate monarchic pomp and a republican (though “aristocratic”) constitution, with intricate checks and balances; makes “La Serenissima” (Venice) a textbook example of acrowned republic.

Despite the great power given to them, the Venetian Doges were restricted by law (unlike theDoges of the Republic of Genoa) to spend the rest of their lives inside theDoge’s Palacecomplex andSt Mark’s Basilica, occasionally leaving for diplomatic reasons.


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List of Venetian Doges (1)

Funeral Monument of Doge Michele Morosini, Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Venice

List of Venetian Doges – Timeline

7th century
  • Paolo Lucio Anafesto(697–717) firstdoge(Latin:dux), dependent on theExarchate of Ravenna
8th century
  • Marcello Tegalliano(717–726)
  • Orso Ipato(726–737) nominated by the popular assembly opposed to the iconoclast policies of the Byzantine Emperor; murdered by rebels during a civil conflict

Brief Interregnum(737–742). Following the murder of the dogeOrso Ipatoin 737, theExarch of Ravennaimposed administration by annual “magistri militum” on Venice.

  • Domenico Leoni (Dominicus Leo Abrogatis) – (737)
  • Felice Cornicola(738)
  • Teodato Ipato(739)
  • Gioviano Cepanico Ipato(740)
  • Giovanni Fabriciaco(741)

Resumption of the Office of Doge

  • Teodato Ipato(742–755) deposed, blinded, and exiled
  • Galla Gaulo(755–756) deposed, blinded, and exiled
  • Domenico Monegario(756–764) deposed, blinded, and exiled
  • Maurizio Galbaio(764–787)
  • Giovanni Galbaio(787–804) fled to Mantua in 803 with family, where they all probably died
9th century
  • Obelerio Antenoreo(804–811) exiled, attempted to return to power, killed & head displayed in the market
  • Agnello Participazio (811–827)
  • Giustiniano Participazio (827–829)
  • Giovanni I Participazio (829–837) arrested, and tonsured (head shaved like monk)
  • Pietro Tradonico (837–864) assassinated, although in this case his successor arrested and executed the assassins
  • Orso I Participazio (864–881)
  • Giovanni II Participazio (881–887) resigned due to poor health
  • Pietro I Candiano (887–888) killed in open battle while invading theNarentines
  • Pietro Tribuno (888–912)

List of Venetian Doges (2)

Doge Leonardo Loredan, portrait byGiovanni Bellini.

10th century
  • Orso II Participazio(912–932)
  • Pietro II Candiano(932–939)
  • Pietro Participazio(939–942)
  • Pietro III Candiano(942–959)
  • Pietro IV Candiano(959–976) people of Venice locked him in palace with son while it burned
  • Pietro I Orseolo(976–978) resigned to become aCamaldolesehermit in theAbbey of Saint-Michel-de-Cuxain thePyrenees
  • Vitale Candiano(978–979) abdicated, for health reasons
  • Tribuno Memmo(979–991)
  • Pietro II Orseolo(991–1009)
11th century
  • Otto Orseolo(1009–1026) arrested, beard shaved, and banished toConstantinoplefornepotism. He was the father ofPeter Orseolo, King of Hungary.
  • Pietro Barbolano(1026–1032) abdicated under heavy pressure to reinstate Otto Orseolo
  • Domenico Flabanico(1032–1043)
  • Domenico Contarini(1043–1071)
  • Domenico Selvo(1071–1084) deposed peacefully to a monastery because of naval defeat, died three years later
  • Vitale Faliero(1084–1096)
  • Vitale I Michiel(1096–1102)

List of Venetian Doges (3)

Doge Francesco ErizzobyBernardo Strozzi

12th century

Enrico Dandolopreaching theFourth Crusade.

  • Ordelafo Faliero(1102–1117)
  • Domenico Michele(1117–1130)
  • Pietro Polani(1130–1148)
  • Domenico Morosini(1148–1156)
  • Vital II Michele(1156–1172)
  • Sebastiano Ziani(1172–1178)
  • Orio Mastropiero(1178–1192)
  • Enrico Dandolo(1192–1205)
13th century
  • Pietro Ziani(1205–1229)
  • Jacopo Tiepolo(1229–1249)
  • Marino Morosini(1249–1252)
  • Reniero Zeno(1252–1268)
  • Lorenzo Tiepolo(1268–1275)
  • Jacopo Contarini(1275–1280)
  • Giovanni Dandolo(1280–1289)
  • Pietro Gradenigo(1289–1311)

List of Venetian Doges (4)

Doge Andrea Gritti portrayed by Tiziano

14th century
  • Marino Zorzi(1311–1312)
  • Giovanni Soranzo(1312–1328)
  • Francesco Dandolo(1328–1339)
  • Bartolomeo Gradenigo(1339–1342)
  • Andrea Dandolo(1342–1354)
  • Marino Faliero (1354–1355) – convicted of treason, executed and condemned to “damnatio memoriae
  • Giovanni Gradenigo(1355–1356)
  • Giovanni Dolfin(1356–1361)
  • Lorenzo Celsi(1361–1365)
  • Marco Cornaro(1365–1367)
  • Andrea Contarini(1367–1382)
  • Michele Morosini(1382–1382)
  • Antonio Venier(1382–1400)
  • Michele Steno (1400–1413)
15th century
  • Tommaso Mocenigo(1413–1423)
  • Francesco Foscari (1423–1457) – forced to abdicate by the Council of Ten
  • Pasquale Malipiero(1457–1462)
  • Cristoforo Moro(1462–1471)
  • Nicolò Tron(1471–1473)
  • Nicolò Marcello(1473–1474)
  • Pietro Mocenigo(1474–1476)
  • Andrea Vendramin(1476–1478)
  • Giovanni Mocenigo(1478–1485)
  • Marco Barbarigo (1485–1486)
  • Agostino Barbarigo (1486–1501)

List of Venetian Doges (5)

Doge Carlo Ruzzini by Gregorio Lazzarini.

16th century
  • Leonardo Loredan(1501–1521)
  • Antonio Grimani(1521–1523)
  • Andrea Gritti(1523–1538)
  • Pietro Lando(1538–1545)
  • Francesco Donato(1545–1553)
  • Marcantonio Trevisan(1553–1554)
  • Francesco Venier(1554–1556)
  • Lorenzo Priuli(1556–1559)
  • Girolamo Priuli(1559–1567)
  • Pietro Loredan(1567–1570)
  • Alvise I Mocenigo(1570–1577)
  • Sebastiano Venier(1577–1578)
  • Nicolò da Ponte(1578–1585)
  • Pasqual Cicogna(1585–1595)
  • Marino Grimani(1595–1606)
17th century
  • Leonardo Donato(1606–1612)
  • Marcantonio Memmo(1612–1615)
  • Giovanni Bembo(1615–1618)
  • Nicolò Donato(1618–1618)
  • Antonio Priuli(1618–1623)
  • Francesco Contarini(1623–1624)
  • Giovanni I Cornaro(1624–1630)
  • Nicolò Contarini(1630–1631)
  • Francesco Erizzo(1631–1646)
  • Francesco Molin(1646–1655)
  • Carlo Contarini(1655–1656)
  • Francesco Cornaro(1656–1656)
  • Bertuccio Valiero(1656–1658)
  • Giovanni Pesaro(1658–1659)
  • Domenico II Contarini(1659–1674)
  • Nicolò Sagredo(1674–1676)
  • Alvise Contarini(1676–1683)
  • Marcantonio Giustinian(1683–1688)
  • Francesco Morosini(1688–1694)
  • Silvestro Valiero(1694–1700)
  • Alvise II Mocenigo(1700–1709)
18th century
  • Giovanni II Cornaro(1709–1722)
  • Sebastiano Mocenigo(1722–1732)
  • Carlo Ruzzini(1732–1735)
  • Alvise Pisani(1735–1741)
  • Pietro Grimani(1741–1752)
  • Francesco Loredan(1752–1762)
  • Marco Foscarini(1762–1763)
  • Alvise Giovanni Mocenigo(1763–1779)
  • Paolo Renier(1779–1789)
  • Ludovico Manin(1789–1797) – forced to abdicate byNapoleon

List of Venetian Doges (6)

Doge Michele Steno (1400-1413)

After theFall of the Republic of Venice, the position of Doge was abolished. Instead, from 1806 to 1866, aPodestàof Venice was appointed by the rulers of the city:Napoleonand theHabsburgs.

In 1860, the nascentKingdom of Italy,created the office of theMayor of Venice(Sindaco di Venezia), chosen by the City council.

From 1946 to 1993, the Mayor of Venice was chosen by the City Council. Since 1993, under provisions of new local administration law, the Mayor of Venice has been chosen by popular election, originally every four and later, every five years.

LINKS (internalexternal)

The Doges of Venice

Introduction to Venice

St Mark’s Square Guide

VIDEO: Venice, Italy: The Doge’s Palace – Rick Steves’ Europe Travel Guide

The List of Venetian Doges The List of Venetian Doges The List of Venetian Doges The List of Venetian Doges

The List of Venetian Doges The List of Venetian Doges The List of Venetian Doges The List of Venetian Doges

List of Venetian Doges (2024)


How many Venetian doges were there? ›

The following is a list of all 120 of the Doges of Venice ordered by the dates of their reigns. For more than 1,000 years, the chief magistrate and leader of the city of Venice and later of the Most Serene Republic of Venice was styled the Doge, a rare but not unique Italian title derived from the Latin Dux.

Who was the most powerful Doge of Venice? ›

Among the most famous doges, capable of exerting considerable political influence because of personal ability, were Enrico Dandolo (doge, 1192–1205), who promoted the Fourth Crusade, and Francesco Foscari (doge, 1423–57), under whom Venice first undertook conquests on the Italian mainland.

How were Venetian doges selected? ›

Election required at least twenty-five votes out of forty-one, nine votes out of eleven or twelve, or seven votes out of nine electors. Before taking the oath of investiture, the doge-elect was presented to the concio with the words: "This is your doge, if it please you."

Who was the longest serving Doge of Venice? ›

Francesco Foscari (19 June 1373 – 1 November 1457) was the 65th Doge of the Republic of Venice from 1423 to 1457. His reign, the longest of all Doges in Venetian history, lasted 34 years, 6 months and 8 days, and coincided with the inception of the Italian Renaissance.

When was the last Doge of Venice? ›

The last doge was Ludovico Manin, who abdicated in 1797 when Napoleon Bonaparte's soldiers entered Venice, thus marking the end of the ancient Republic.

What does doge mean in Italian? ›

The word is from the Venetian language, reaching English via French. Doge, along with the related English word duke and the Italian duce, duca (masculine) and duch*essa (feminine) all descend from the Latin dux, meaning either "spiritual leader" or "military commander".

Who was the first doge? ›

The first elected Doge was Paolo Lucio Anafesto, who was elected in 697. From the founding of the title to the 12th century the doges had extensive, almost autocratic power. However, the title and office never became hereditary, even though many of the early Doges tried to make it so.

Can an Italian understand Venetian? ›

Nowadays, amongst the younger generations Venetian is spoken, but more informally with often the odd word or phrase thrown in amongst the Italian. Perhaps many will say that they understand it, but often don't use it themselves.

Who was the 55th Doge of Venice? ›

Marino Faliero (1274 – 17 April 1355) was the 55th Doge of Venice, appointed on 11 September 1354. He was sometimes referred to simply as Marin Falier (Venetian rather than standard Italian) or Falieri. He was executed for attempting a coup d'etat.

Who was the 35th Doge of Venice? ›

Domenico Michiel (died c. 1130) was the 35th Doge of Venice from 1116 or 1117 to his resignation in late 1129 or early 1130.

Who was the 75th Doge of Venice? ›

Leonardo Loredan (Italian: [leoˈnardo loreˈdan]; Venetian: Lunardo Loredan [luˈnaɾdo loɾeˈdaŋ]; 16 November 1436 – 22 June 1521) was a Venetian nobleman and statesman who reigned as the 75th Doge of Venice from 1501 until his death in 1521.

Who was the Doge of Venice in 1570? ›

Mocenigo family

His nephew Alvise I (1507–77) was doge from 1570; his reign was dominated by a new war with the Turks in which Nicosia and Famagusta were lost but in which the great naval victory of Lepanto was won.

How many Venetians still live in Venice? ›

In 2020, around 258,685 people resided in greater Venice or the Comune di Venezia, of whom around 51,000 live in the historical island city of Venice (centro storico) and the rest on the mainland (terraferma).

What were the most famous Venetian families? ›

The most important families, who dominated the politics and the history of the state, included the Contarini, Cornaro, Dandolo, Giustinian, Loredan, Mocenigo, Morosini and the Venier families.

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