Lowest Credit Score for a Car Loan in Australia (2024)

Finding the right car loan can be a challenging journey, especially if you're worried that your credit score might put the brakes on your plans. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about securing a car loan in Australia, regardless of your credit score.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Credit Score?
  3. How is Your Credit Score Calculated?
  4. Factors Impacting Your Credit Score
  5. Minimum Credit Score for a Car Loan
  6. Improving Your Credit Score
  7. Can You Get a Car Loan with Bad Credit?
  8. How Car Loans Affect Your Credit Score
  9. Responsible Borrowing with Bad Credit
  10. Understanding Creditworthiness
  11. Quick Tips to Improve Your Credit Score
  12. Conclusion



Two questions we get asked often are "What's the minimum credit score for a car loan?" or "Is there a minimum credit score for a car loan?" This guide aims to answer those questions and provide clarity for those looking to secure car finance.

When it comes to applying for a car loan in Australia, one of the most important factors that lenders consider is your credit score.

What is a Credit Score?

A credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness, ranging from 0 to 1200, depending on the credit reporting agency. In Australia, the three main credit agencies are Equifax, Experian, and Illion. They hold up-to-date financial information about you and use their own calculations to allocate you a credit score.

Experian Score Range

Illion Score Range

Equifax Score Range

0 - 1000


0 -1200

Below average: 0-549.

Low score: 1-299.

Below average: 0-505.

Fair: 550-624.

Room to improve: 300-499.

Average: 506-665.

Good: 625-699.

Average: 500-699

Good: 666-755.

Very good: 700-799.

Great: 700-799.

Very good: 756-840.

Excellent: 800-1,000

Excellent: 800-1,000

Excellent: 841-1,200.

How is Your Credit Score Calculated?

Credit scores are calculated based on several key factors, each contributing differently to the overall score. Here’s a deeper look into each factor:

Payment History

This is the most significant factor in calculating your credit score. It tracks whether you pay your bills on time. Timely payments boost your score, while late or missed payments can significantly lower it. Even a single missed payment can have a considerable negative impact, and the longer a bill goes unpaid, the more damage it does to your credit score. This category accounts for about 35% of your overall score.

Your payment history includes:

  • Credit Card Payments: Consistency in paying your credit card bills on time.
  • Loan Payments: Timely payments on personal loans, car loans, and mortgages.
  • Utility and Rent Payments: Regular payments of utility bills and rent can also be reported to credit agencies and affect your score.

Credit Utilisation

Credit utilisation refers to the ratio of your credit card balances to your credit limits. It measures how much of your available credit you are using at any given time. To maintain a healthy credit score, it's recommended to keep this ratio below 30%. High credit utilisation can indicate that you're over-relying on credit, which is risky for lenders. This factor contributes around 30% to your credit score.

Key aspects include:

  • Total Balances vs. Total Limits: Keeping your overall credit card balances low compared to your total credit limits.
  • Individual Card Utilisation: Ensuring that no single credit card is maxed out.

Length of Credit History

The length of your credit history looks at how long your credit accounts have been active. This includes the age of your oldest account, the age of your newest account, and the average age of all your accounts. A longer credit history provides more data on your spending habits and reliability, usually resulting in a higher score. This factor accounts for about 15% of your total credit score.

Factors considered:

  • Oldest Account: The age of your oldest credit account.
  • Newest Account: The age of your most recent credit account.
  • Average Age: The average age of all your credit accounts combined.

Credit Mix

Having a variety of credit types can improve your score. This includes a mix of credit cards, retail accounts, instalment loans, finance company accounts, and mortgage loans. Lenders like to see that you can manage different types of credit responsibly. A well-managed credit mix can boost your score, contributing about 10% to the overall calculation.

Types of credit considered:

  • Revolving Credit: Such as credit cards.
  • Instalment Credit: Such as car loans and mortgages.

New Credit Enquiries

Every time you apply for new credit, a hard enquiry is made on your credit report. These enquiries can lower your score temporarily. Multiple new credit applications in a short period can be seen as risky behaviour, suggesting financial instability. It's best to apply for new credit only when necessary. This factor affects about 10% of your credit score.

Considerations include:

  • Number of Enquiries: The total number of hard enquiries on your credit report.
  • Recent Applications: How recently you applied for new credit.

Other Considerations

Beyond these main factors, other elements like the presence of negative public records (e.g., bankruptcies, foreclosures) and the total amount of debt you owe also play a role in your credit score. Regular monitoring of your credit report for inaccuracies and managing your credit responsibly are key strategies for maintaining and improving your credit score.

Understanding these factors in detail can help you make informed decisions to manage your credit effectively and improve your score over time.

Factors Impacting Your Credit Score

Several factors can impact your credit score positively or negatively:

Positive Factors:
  • Timely payments
  • Low credit utilization
  • Diverse credit mix
Negative Factors:
  • Missed payments
  • High debt levels
  • Frequent credit inquiries

Is there a minimum credit score for a car loan in Australia?

Lowest Credit Score for a Car Loan in Australia (1)

When it comes to securing a car loan in Australia, there is no set minimum credit score that applies universally to all lenders. Instead, different lenders have varying criteria. While many lenders typically look for a credit score of at least 600 to 620, some sub-prime lenders may consider scores as low as 550. It's important to note that a poorer credit score usually results in higher interest rates.

No Minimum Credit Score Requirement

It's essential to understand that any credit score is accepted by some lenders, but not by all. A lower credit score means higher perceived risk for lenders, which often leads to higher interest rates on loans. This means that if your credit score is lower, you might still qualify for a car loan, but you'll likely face less favourable terms.

Specialising in Bad Credit Car Loans

At Ausloans, we specialise in assisting individuals with bad credit to secure car loans. We understand that everyone's financial situation is unique, and we work with a large panel of lenders to find a solution that fits your needs. Our extensive network includes lenders who are willing to consider applicants with lower credit scores, increasing your chances of loan approval.

Factors Beyond Credit Scores

While credit scores are a significant factor, they are not the only consideration. Lenders also evaluate your employment history, income, the amount you are requesting for the car loan, and the age and condition of the vehicle you want to finance. This holistic approach helps provide a more accurate assessment of your ability to repay the loan.

Improving Your Credit Score

Lowest Credit Score for a Car Loan in Australia (2)

Improving your credit score can enhance your chances of securing a car loan. Here are some tips:

  1. Check Your Credit Report for Errors: Request reports from Equifax, Experian, and Illion. Correct any inaccuracies.
  2. Pay Your Bills On Time: Consistent, timely payments are crucial.
  3. Manage Your Debts: Reduce your debt-to-income ratio.
  4. Watch Your Credit Utilization: Keep it below 30% of your total credit limit.
  5. Limit Credit Inquiries: Only apply for credit when necessary.
  6. Maintain Older Credit Accounts: They contribute to a longer credit history.
  7. Regularly Monitor Your Credit: Keep an eye on your credit report and score.


Can You Get a Car Loan with Bad Credit?

Yes, you can get a car loan with bad credit, but it may come with higher interest rates and stricter terms. Here's how to improve your chances:

  • Check Your Credit Report: Correct any errors.
  • Manage Existing Debts: Lower your debt-to-income ratio.
  • Show Proof of Income: Demonstrate stable income.
  • Consider a Larger Deposit: Reducing the loan amount can make approval easier.

How Car Loans Affect Your Credit Score

Impact of Car Loans:
  • Credit Inquiry Impact: Applying for a car loan involves a credit inquiry, which can slightly lower your score temporarily.
  • New Credit: Adding a car loan account can initially lower your score but will improve it with timely payments.
  • Payment History: Consistent, on-time payments positively impact your score, while missed payments can significantly lower it.
  • Loan Diversity: Having a mix of credit types, including installment loans like car loans, can be beneficial.

Responsible Borrowing with Bad Credit

Tips for Responsible Borrowing:

  • Understand the Full Costs: Consider insurance, maintenance, and fuel.
  • Borrow What You Need: Avoid borrowing more than necessary.
  • Plan for Repayments: Ensure you can comfortably make the payments.

Understanding Creditworthiness

Lowest Credit Score for a Car Loan in Australia (3)

Creditworthiness is a measure of an individual's ability to repay a loan and their likelihood of defaulting. Lenders evaluate the 5 C's of credit: character, capacity, capital, collateral, and conditions.

  • Character: Credit history, payment history, and employment history.
  • Capacity: Ability to repay the loan, including income and debt-to-income ratio.
  • Capital: Assets and savings that can be used as collateral.
  • Collateral: Assets pledged as security for the loan.
  • Conditions: Economic climate and interest rates.

Quick Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

1. Build Your Credit History

Establishing a robust credit history is crucial. Start by opening a bank account, securing a phone contract, or obtaining a credit card. Small credit accounts contribute to a longer credit history, positively affecting your score. Ensure you manage these accounts responsibly, avoiding overdrafts and making timely payments. Over time, this builds a solid credit foundation.

2. Pay More Than the Minimum Amount

When paying off credit card balances or loans, strive to pay more than the minimum required amount. This reduces your debt faster and decreases the interest you pay over time. It also signals to lenders that you are proactive about managing your debt, improving your creditworthiness.

3. Make Regular Repayments

Regular repayments, ideally on a weekly basis, can help manage your debt more effectively than monthly payments. Smaller, frequent payments reduce the balance on which interest is calculated more often, saving you money. This consistent payment habit also shows lenders you are reliable, positively impacting your credit score.

4. Consolidate Debts

If you have multiple debts, consider consolidating them into a single loan. Debt consolidation loans simplify your payments and can potentially reduce the interest you pay. With just one payment to manage, it's easier to stay organised and avoid missed payments, which helps in maintaining a good credit score.

5. Keep Old Accounts Open

Even if you no longer use an old credit account, keeping it open can benefit your credit score. A longer credit history demonstrates to lenders that you have more experience managing credit. It also increases your overall available credit, helping to maintain a low credit utilisation ratio.

6. End Old Financial Associations

If you’ve ever had joint accounts with a partner, make sure to sever these financial ties if you are no longer together. Your credit report may reflect their financial behaviour, impacting your score. Contact the credit agencies to update your report and remove old financial associations.

7. Review Credit Reports Regularly

Regularly reviewing your credit reports is crucial. Check for errors or inaccuracies that could negatively impact your score. You are entitled to a free credit report from each major credit reporting agency once every twelve months. Monitoring your reports helps track your progress and address any issues promptly.

Additional Tips

  • Set Up Payment Reminders: Use calendar reminders or automatic payments to ensure you never miss a due date.
  • Consider a Secured Credit Card: If you’re struggling to get approved for a traditional credit card, a secured credit card can be a useful tool for building credit.
  • Reduce the Number of Credit Applications: Only apply for new credit when necessary. Multiple credit inquiries within a short period can lower your score.
  • Use a Mix of Credit Types: Having different types of credit, such as a mortgage, car loan, and credit card, can benefit your score by showing you can manage multiple credit lines.

By following these detailed steps, you can steadily improve your credit score, making it easier to secure loans and receive favourable interest rates. Remember, improving your credit score is a marathon, not a sprint. Consistency and responsible financial behaviour over time are key to achieving and maintaining a good credit score.


Securing a car loan in Australia, even with bad credit, is possible with the right approach and understanding of your financial situation. By improving your credit score, understanding your loan options, and borrowing responsibly, you can enhance your chances of getting the car loan you need.

Ready to explore your car loan options? Contact Ausloans for expert guidance. Our team can help you understand how a car loan might impact your credit score and assist in making the best financial decisions for your circ*mstances.

Lowest Credit Score for a Car Loan in Australia (2024)


Lowest Credit Score for a Car Loan in Australia? ›

You need to factor in that there isn't a universal number in Australia to achieve a car finance approval. Generally, scores below 400 will have less in the pool of lenders and are often declined. Each lender has its own criteria they consider when assessing a loan application.

What is the minimum credit score for a car loan in Australia? ›

When it comes to securing a car loan in Australia, there is no set minimum credit score that applies universally to all lenders. Instead, different lenders have varying criteria. While many lenders typically look for a credit score of at least 600 to 620, some sub-prime lenders may consider scores as low as 550.

Can you get a car with a 500 credit score? ›

It's possible to get a car loan with a 500 credit score, but the lender might have other requirements, too. You might also need to earn a certain amount of money every year or have been at your job for a specific length of time. The best way to see if you qualify for an auto loan is to prequalify.

What credit score is too low for a car loan? ›

In general, you'll need a FICO credit score of at least 600 to qualify for a traditional auto loan. However, the minimum credit score required with vary from lender to lender.

What is the lowest credit score you can have to buy a used car? ›

Lenders look at individuals with high credit scores as a low-risk of defaulting on payments, and will offer lower interest rates as a reward for good credit. But again, there is no minimum credit score for a car loan.

What credit score is needed for a $40,000 loan? ›

Most lenders evaluate the following before making a lending decision: Credit: Your credit score shows how well you have handled past borrowed money. To qualify for a $40,000 loan, you'll typically need a credit score upwards of 670 or a co-signer with good or excellent credit.

What credit score do you need to buy a $30000 car? ›

Your credit score is a major factor in whether you'll be approved for a car loan. Some lenders use specialized credit scores, such as a FICO Auto Score. In general, you'll need at least prime credit, meaning a credit score of 661 or up, to get a loan at a good interest rate.

Can I get a 30k car with a 650 credit score? ›

If your credit score is above 620, you are likely to get a car loan with favorable terms. Most loans you can get with a 650 credit score require a down payment and come with terms of 48 months or longer. You can expect average interest rates because 650 is a middle-of-the-road credit score.

Can I finance a car with a 480 credit score? ›

What Credit Score Do You Need To Get A Car Loan? Many lenders require a credit score above 650 to get a standard car loan. However, if you have a credit score of 550, 480 or even lower, and the bank or dealership denies your application, it is still possible to get a car loan.

Who is the easiest to get a car loan from? ›

Best bad credit car loans
  • Best for shopping around: MyAutoloan.
  • Best for buying a car online: Carvana.
  • Best from a big bank: Capital One Auto Finance.
  • Best for used vehicle selection: CarMax Auto Finance.
  • Best for refinancing: Autopay.
  • Best for low or no down payment: Westlake Financial.
Sep 1, 2024

What credit score do you need to get 0% interest on a car? ›

Lenders want to ensure you have a near-perfect history of making payments and handling your debt before offering you no-interest financing. An excellent credit score — 781 or higher — will get you the best deal on financing, but you can still qualify for a competitive interest rate if your score is 670 or higher.

What credit score do you need to get a $30,000 loan? ›

This allows them to look at your history from the past seven years and see whether you've typically made payments on time. For a $30,000 loan, you'll typically need a credit score above 600 just to qualify or above 700 to get a competitive rate.

What FICO score is used to buy a car? ›

The base FICO score is also called FICO Score 8 or 9. It's not designed specifically for auto loans, but many lenders use it. It's a number between 300 and 850, and a higher score means that a person is more likely to make loan payments on time.

What is the lowest credit score in history? ›

300 is the lowest credit score that a person can have. It's impossible for a score to drop below 300 for any reason. Learning how credit scores work can be mystifying, especially if you're establishing credit for the first time.

What credit score is needed to buy a car without a cosigner? ›

What credit score is needed to buy a car without a cosigner? People with prime credit scores of 661 or higher likely don't need an auto loan cosigner.

What credit score is needed for no down payment on a car? ›

Your credit score is crucial to determine your eligibility for a no down payment car loan. Most lenders require a FICO credit score of at least 680 before you can qualify.

What credit score do you need for a $25000 car loan? ›

There isn't one specific score that's required to buy a car because lenders have different standards. However, the vast majority of borrowers have scores of 661 or higher.

Can I get a car loan with a 450 credit score? ›

If you have an excellent credit score (750+) you may be able to get a car loan with as little as 5% APR. If you have poor credit (between 450 and 600), your APR will be more like 16%. If your score is less than 450, it's unlikely that you'll be able to find many entities that will approve you for a loan.

Can I get a 50k loan with a 650 credit score? ›

You can borrow as much as $40,000 - $100,000+ with a 650 credit score. The exact amount of money you will get depends on other factors besides your credit score, such as your income, your employment status, the type of loan you get, and even the lender.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.