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C# applications have an entry point called Main Method. It is the first method which gets invoked whenever an application started and it is present in every C# executable file. The application may be Console Application or Windows Application. The most common entry point of a C# program is static void Main() or static void Main(String []args).

Different Declaration of Main() Method

Below are the valid declarations of Main Method in a C# program:

  1. With command line arguments: This can accept n number of array type parameters during the runtime. Example: CSharp
    using System;class GFG { // Main Method public static void Main(String[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Main Method"); }}
    Main Method
    Meaning of the Main Syntax:
    static: It means Main Method can be called without an object. public: It is access modifiers which means the compiler can execute this from anywhere. void: The Main method doesn’t return anything. Main(): It is the configured name of the Main method. String []args: For accepting the zero-indexed command line arguments. args is the user-defined name. So you can change it by a valid identifier. [] must come before the args otherwise compiler will give errors.
  2. Without Command line arguments: It is up to the user whether he wants to take command line arguments or not. If there is a need for command-line arguments then the user must specify the command line arguments in the Main method. Example: CSharp
    using System;class GFG { // Main Method public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Main Method"); }}
    Main Method
  3. Applicable Access Modifiers: public, private, protected, internal, protected internal access modifiers can be used with the Main() method. The private protected access modifier cannot be used with it. Example: CSharp
    using System;class GFG { // Main Method protected static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Main Method"); }}
    Main Method
    Example: CSharp
    using System;class GFG { // Main Method private protected static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Main Method"); }}
    Compiler Error:
    More than one protection modifier specified
  4. Without any access modifier: The default access modifier is private for a Main() method. Example: CSharp
    using System;class GFG { // Main Method without any // access modifier static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Main Method"); }}
    Main Method
  5. Order of Modifiers: The user can also swap positions of static and applicable modifiers in Main() method. Example: CSharp
    using System;class GFG { // Main Method public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Main Method"); }}
    Main Method
    Example: CSharp
    using System;class GFG { // Main Method with swapping of modifiers static internal void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Main Method"); }}
    Main Method
  6. Return Type: The Main Method can also have integer return type. Returning an integer value from Main() method cause the program to obtain a status information. The value which is returned from Main() method is treated as the exit code for the process. Example: CSharp
    using System;class GFG { // Main Method with int return type static int Main() { Console.WriteLine("Main Method"); // for successful execution of code return 0; }}
    Main Method
    Example: CSharp
    using System;class GFG { // Main Method with int return type static int Main(String[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Main Method"); // for successful execution of code return 0; }}
    Main Method

Important Points:

  • The Main() method is the entry point a C# program from where the execution starts.
  • Main() method must be static because it is a class level method. To invoked without any instance of the class it must be static. Non-static Main() method will give a compile-time error.
  • Main() Method cannot be overridden because it is the static method. Also, the static method cannot be virtual or abstract.
  • Overloading of Main() method is allowed. But in that case, only one Main() method is considered as one entry point to start the execution of the program. Example: Valid Overloading of Main() Method CSharp
    // C# program to demonstrate the// Valid overloading of Main()// methodusing System;class GFG { // Main method // it can also be written as // static void Main(String []args) static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Main Method"); } // overloaded Main() Method static void Main(int n) { Console.WriteLine("Overloaded Main Method"); } // overloaded Main() Method static void Main(int x, int y) { Console.WriteLine("Overloaded Main Method"); }}
    Main Method
    prog.cs(17, 14): warning CS0028: `GFG.Main(int)’ has the wrong signature to be an entry point prog.cs(23, 14): warning CS0028: `GFG.Main(int, int)’ has the wrong signature to be an entry point
    Example: Invalid overloading of Main() Method CSharp
    // C# program to demonstrate the// Invalid overloading of Main()// methodusing System;class GFG { // Main method // it can also be written as // static void Main() static void Main(String[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Main Method"); } // overloaded Main() Method static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Overloaded Main Method"); }}
    Compile Errors:
    prog.cs(11, 14): error CS0017: Program `5c56b8183078e496102b7f2662f8b84e.exe’ has more than one entry point defined: `GFG.Main(string[])’ prog.cs(17, 14): error CS0017: Program `5c56b8183078e496102b7f2662f8b84e.exe’ has more than one entry point defined: `GFG.Main()’
  • The allowed type of command line arguments is only String array in the parameters of the Main() method.
  • The allowed return type of Main() method is void, int, Task(From C# 7.1), and Task<T>(From C# 7.1).
  • Declaration of Main() method may include async modifier if the return type of Main() method is Task or Task<T>.
  • Libraries and services in C# do not require a Main() method as an entry point.
  • If more than one C# class contains the Main() method then the user must have to compiler the program with /main option to specify which Main() method will be the entry point.


Main Method in C# - GeeksforGeeks (4)


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