Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (2024)

Do you know you can make money by selling your APIs? Building and selling APIs is a great way to create a new source of passive income.

Thus, in this article, you will see how to do that! First, you will create an API from scratch, and then you will sell it on RapidAPI!

What's an API?

Let's start by refreshing our memory on what an API is. The acronym API stands for Application Programming Interface, and it's a way for two computer programs to communicate between them.

In simple terms, it's a piece of software offering its services to other programs through a pre-defined set of functions. The other programs do not need to know about the API implementation because the functions describe how the API can be used. You communicate with APIs through requests, and there are four types of requests:

  1. GET requests - Get all the information
  2. POST requests - Create new data
  3. PUT requests - Update existing data
  4. DELETE requests - Delete data

The API exposes different endpoints that are URLs to which you can make any of the four requests.

Whenever you access a webpage on the internet, you are most likely interacting with an API. For example, when you access the newsfeed of a social media platform, you make a GET request to that platform's API to get the people's posts. Or, when you check your email or weather application on your phone, you interact with an API.

A real-world analogy

Let's look at a real-world analogy by taking a flower shop as an example.

You go to the flower shop to buy some flowers. You enter the shop and ask the florist for a custom bouquet. The florist has a list of all the flowers and decorations you can use. You choose the flowers, the decorations, and then you make an order. The florist prepares the custom bouquet you asked for, and once it's ready, it brings it to you. You buy the bouquet and leave the shop.

Thus, you (client) made a request to the florist (API) with custom data. The florist went to the flower shop atelier (server/database) and brought your bouquet back (API response).

Why APIs?

The use of APIs speeds up the development time and process. It also simplifies the work of developers since they can use ready-made solutions. There is no need to re-invent the wheel and spend time building something that already exists.

Let's take as an example Google Maps, which developers can embed in applications and websites. Rather than building a map each time you need one, you can simply use the one provided by Google. Can you see how much time and resources you save this way?

Additionally, it opens ways to monetize your work. You can create an API and monetize its usage. For instance, the first 1000 requests might be free each month. However, after that, you can charge a sum like $0.001 for each additional request.

Thus, by using APIs, you can save time, resources and also monetize your work!

How can you sell the API

RapidAPI is the largest hub for APIs on the internet, so we will use it to monetize our API! What makes RapidAPI different is that they allow developers to sell access to their API. Thus, you can turn your APIs into a revenue stream and even turn them into passive income.

Additionally, their platform allows developers to discover and consume existing APIs.

What does that mean?

You can use the RapidAPI platform to find and use APIs from all categories. For example, they have Translation, Flight Data, Text to Speech APIs and more. Thus, you can find any API you need for your application.

Moreover, you can use multiple APIs without having to worry about different SDKs and API Keys. With RapidAPI, you can use multiple APIs with one SDK, API Key and dashboard, all in one place!

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (1)Figure 1

But, there is more! Using their platform, you can also add your APIs and sell access to them through pricing tiers. RapidAPI created the infrastructure for you to monetize your API. You do not need to worry about doing any additional work to sell your API. You can simply upload your API, configure the tiers and let developers use it.

In figure 2 below, you can see an example of Imgur, the online image hosting service, monetizing its API. They have four plans, each with its associated price. You can also see the extra charges for any additional requests and uploads.

Thus, people can choose the plan suited to their needs and start using it. This way, you can transform your APIs into a source of a passive income!

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (2)Figure 2

The best thing about RapidAPI is that anyone can sell their APIs. You do not need to be a corporation, a popular developer or anything like that. Anyone can do it!

Thus, let's see how one can sell their API!

Build and deploy the API

If you want to skip straight to the monetization part, you can do it here.

In this article, you will build a very simple application with Node.js and Express. The purpose of this article is to show how you can monetize your API, so you will create a dummy API with only one endpoint.

For this example, you will use the Express application generator, which creates an application skeleton. To start the generator, run the following command in your terminal:

npx express-generator rapidapi-example

The application only exposes one endpoint /users, which returns a list of people with fake details. Thus, developers can use this simple API to test their applications with fake data before making it available to the public.

Let's start by modifying the skeleton application.

Open the project rapidapi-example. After it opened, go to the views folder and open index.jade. Replace the content with the following code:

extends layoutblock content h1= title p Welcome to #{title} p See the available list of a(href='/users') users

The next step is to create a folder in the root directory. The new folder will contain the JSON file with the fake users. Thus, you can create the new folder and the file as follows:

mkdir datatouch data/users.js

Next, open the users.js file and add the following code:

const users = [ { "email": "[emailprotected]", "phone_number": "0740-304-475", "location": { "street": "3655 manchester road", "city": "winchester", "state": "berkshire", "postcode": "YB2 8EJ" }, "first_name": "melissa", "last_name": "fleming" }, { "email": "[emailprotected]", "phone_number": "05761325", "location": { "street": "3391 pilevangen", "city": "overby lyng", "state": "danmark", "postcode": 88520 }, "first_name": "christoffer", "last_name": "christiansen" }]module.exports = users;

In the above code, you create an array of persons and then export it. The reason for doing it is so you can import the data into your API.

Thus, let's import the data into the API. First, go to the routes folder and open the file users.js. After that, import the array of persons by adding the following line under the var router line:

var users = require('../data/users');

Next, replace the line res.send('respond with a resource'); with the following line:


Now, when people access the endpoint /users, they get back the array of people in JSON format.

Run npm start in the terminal from the project's root directory to start and test the application. Then, after the application starts, go to localhost:3000/users to test it!

Figure 3 below illustrates what you should see!

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (3)Figure 3

The final file, users.js, should look as follows:

var express = require('express');var router = express.Router();var users = require('../data/users');/* GET users listing. */router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { res.json({ users });});module.exports = router;

As you can see, the API has only one endpoint that returns an array of people with fake details. Therefore, before publishing the API on RapidAPI, you need to deploy it on a hosting service.

You can see my repository on Github for reference.

Deploy the API

There are many platforms where you can deploy Node.js applications, but you will see how to deploy on Heroku in this tutorial.

The article shows a high-level overview of deploying to Heroku. If you want an in-depth guide, I recommend checking the official documentation. With that being said, let’s quickly deploy the newly created application!

The first step is to log into Heroku and go to the dashboard. From the dashboard, click on the button saying “New” and select “Create new app”. Figure 4 illustrates what you should see.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (4)Figure 4

The next step is to choose the app name and the region for your application. You can use the same details from figure 5 below, or you can use custom ones. Once you finish entering the details, click on the “Create app” button, as shown in figure 5.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (5)Figure 5

After clicking on the “Create app” button, you are taken to a new page where you can find the deployment details. You can deploy your application using the Heroku CLI or Github. Choose the method that fits your needs.

However, in this tutorial, you will see how to deploy to Heroku using Github. On the "deploy" page, choose the "Github" method for deployment. After that, search for the repository name, and once you find it, click on the "Connect" button.

See figure 6 for reference!

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (6)Figure 6

Before going further and deploying the application, you need to choose the buildpack for the API. A buildpack is a script Heroku runs when your application is deployed. It's used to configure your app environment and install the dependencies needed by the application. Since the API is built with Node.js, you will need to install the Node.js buildpack.

As shown in figure 7, go to the settings page and scroll until you see the "Buildpacks" section.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (7)Figure 7

Figure 8 illustrates what you should see when you scroll down the page. Now click on the "Add buildpack" button, as shown in figure 8 below.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (8)Figure 8

When you click on the "Add buildpack" button, a new window appears from where you can select Node.js - see figure 9 below for reference. Click on it and then click on "Save changes".

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (9)Figure 9

Now, you are ready to deploy the application on Heroku. First of all, go back to the "deploy" section. If you cannot find it, it's the third option in figure 7.

Once you are there, scroll to the bottom of the page to see the section "Manual deploy". At this point, you should see a button saying "Deploy Branch" to deploy your application. See figure 10 for reference.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (10)Figure 10

Clicking on the button triggers the deployment, which should be done in a couple of seconds or minutes. Once the application is deployed, you should see a success message, as shown in figure 11.

You can open the API in your browser by clicking on the "View" button!

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (11)Figure 11

Finally, you are ready to publish and sell your API on the RapidAPI platform.

Setup API on RapidAPI

In this section, you will:

  • create a RapidAPI account
  • upload the API to the platform
  • set the pricing tiers
  • release the API to the public
  • wait for passive income

Thus, let's start with the first step, which is about creating a RapidAPI account. To create an account, go to the RapidAPI Hub and sign up with your preferred method.

Follow the instructions, and once you signed up successfully, you should see the RapidAPI Hub homepage, as shown in figure 12.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (12)Figure 12

On the homepage, you should see an option called My APIs (highlighted in figure 12). Click on it, and it will take you to a new page where you can add your API.

At this point, you should be on the same page as the one in figure 13 below.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (13)Figure 13

Once on this page, click on the button saying Add New API, which is highlighted in figure 13. The next step is to enter the details about your API:

  • API Name - name your API
  • Short Description - describe what your API does, so people know its purpose
  • Category - select a category for the API
  • How to specify the API - you can select any option from those five options. However, in this tutorial, you will see the UI

After you enter all the details, click on the blue button saying Add API. Clicking on the button takes you to the API dashboard, as shown in figure 14 below.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (14)Figure 14

The last steps of the process are to enter your base API URL, add the endpoints, and define the pricing tiers. Thus, click on the second step, which is highlighted in figure 14 above.

Add the base URL

The next step is to add the base URL for your API. The base URL is your API's "homepage". For example, the base URL for the API built in this tutorial is:

The reason why you need to add the base URL is that you will have various endpoints. Then, you will need to configure each endpoint individually in RapidAPI. For instance, the only endpoint for this API is:

Moving forward, add the base URL by clicking on the Configure button, as shown in figure 15.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (15)Figure 15

After clicking on the button, a new pop-up appears where you can enter the URL. Enter it and then save it.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (16)Figure 16

Figure 17 illustrate what you should see on the screen. Now that you have the base URL set, you need to configure each endpoint individually. Click on the Endpoints option, as shown in figure 17.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (17)Figure 17

Configure the REST endpoint

On the new page, you can add either a REST endpoint or a GraphQL one. Since we have a REST API, click on the option Create REST Endpoint.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (18)Figure 18

The next step is to configure the following for your endpoint:

  • a name
  • a description
  • the HTTP method and the endpoint

Figure 19 illustrates the details for the /users endpoint. Observe how you only need to specify the endpoint /users rather than entering the whole URL. The reason why this works is because you set the base URL previously.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (19)Figure 19

Now, you can test your endpoint. Save the endpoint by clicking on any of the buttons highlighted in figure 20.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (20)Figure 20

After saving the endpoint, the button Save To Test Endpoint transforms to Test Endpoint. Click on it to test and see if the endpoint returns the correct data.

In figure 21, you can see a successful endpoint test - it returned the array of users.

From here, you can set an example response to display on the API's page. The purpose of this example response is to help developers understand what kind of response they should get for an endpoint.

To create an example response, click on the button saying Create example from response. That's all you have to do!

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (21)Figure 21

Now you can save the endpoint and move onto the next step, which is about setting the pricing tiers. Yes, you are going to see the monetization part in this next step!

To do that, click on the Plans & Pricing option, as shown in figure 22.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (22)Figure 22

Pricing the API

For in-depth information about pricing plans, check the official guide from RapidAPI. It teaches you about advanced options such as custom quotas, rate limiting, and private subscription plans.

In this article, you price the API based on the number of requests made by users. In figure 23, you can see the pricing page on RapidAPI. From here, you can monetize your API.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (23)Figure 23

Let's start with the "BASIC" plan, which is the free plan. To configure the tier, click on the "Edit" button. Once you click on the edit button, a new page opens. On this page, you can configure your pricing tier as follows:

  • Object Name - here, you select based on what you want to charge the users. For instance, with this API, you charge people based on the number of requests they make.
  • Quota Type - quota type specifies the type of quota for users - that is, how many requests are free each day/month.
  • Quota Limit - with quota limit, you specify how many requests are free. In this example, people can make 500 free requests each day.
  • Limit Type - here, you have a hard and soft limit. A hard limit means the users cannot make any additional requests after exceeding their quota limit. On the other hand, a soft limit means users will pay a specific fee after exceeding their quota limit.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (24)Figure 24

For this example, the free tier for the API will have 500 free requests each day. If the users exceed the quota limit, they will not be able to make any more requests.

Figure 25 illustrates the configuration for this pricing tier.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (25)Figure 25

Similarly, let's add some paid plans as well. After all, we are here to make money, right? Click on the "Add Plan" button under the "pro" section, as shown in figure 26.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (26)Figure 26

A new page opens, where you can add the usual details about the tier. For the object name, select "Requests" again because you want to charge based on the number of requests made by users.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (27)Figure 27

After that, enter the following information:

  • Quota Type - choose the monthly quota type.
  • Quota Limit - enter 10000, so you allow people to make 10000 free requests each month.
  • Limit Type - choose a soft limit for this endpoint and then charge $0.01 for any additional request.

See figure 28 for reference. Now you are done with the pro plan as well. Before it takes effect, you need to scroll down at the bottom of the page and save it.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (28)Figure 28

Once you save the plan, you can go back to the pricing dashboard and see the configured tiers.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (29)Figure 29

Additionally, you can click on the "Preview" button, highlighted in figure 29, to see the plans in more detail. See figure 30 for reference.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (30)Figure 30

Configuring the other two tiers - Ultra and Mega - is similar to the two plans you already set up. Thus, as an exercise, create those two tiers yourself!

The next and last step is to make the API public, so other developers can use it!

Publish the API

Before anyone can use your API and pay for it, you need to make it available to the public. Thus, go to the Global Settings, as shown in figure 31.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (31)Figure 31

Once you are there, switch the API visibility to "public". To do that, click on the switch highlighted in figure 31.

After clicking on the switch, a new pop-up appears, which tells you that you are about to make your API public. Lastly, click on the blue button saying "Make API public", and you are done!

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (32)Figure 32

Now, you should see your API in the RapidAPI Hub. That means the API is public, and other developers can use it in their applications.

Figure 33 illustrates the example API from this tutorial on the RapidAPI hub.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (33)Figure 33


Well done for selling your first API! In this article, you learnt:

  • what an API is
  • how to build and deploy a simple API
  • how to sell access to it on RapidAPI hub

As you can see, there is a lot of potential in selling your APIs. You can turn your API into a new stream of income, and it can even be passive. You build the API once and sell it and then sell it multiple times.

Make Money As A Developer By Selling APIs (2024)


Is selling APIs profitable? ›

It can be a lucrative revenue stream for businesses with access to large amounts of valuable data. Offering premium API features: In addition to charging for access to their API, businesses can also offer premium features or functionality for an additional fee.

Can I sell an API? ›

After you build, test, and deploy your APIs, you can package them in an API Gateway usage plan and sell the plan as a Software as a Service (SaaS) product through AWS Marketplace.

How much can I make from my API? ›

How much does an API Developer make? As of Apr 10, 2023, the average annual pay for an API Developer in the United States is $115,975 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $55.76 an hour. This is the equivalent of $2,230/week or $9,664/month.

How do I start selling APIs? ›

This can be done by listing it on an API marketplace, building a website and marketing around it, or many other ways you'd normally promote a product. Once you've attracted some developers, making the API onboarding process is crucial for getting developers to use your service.

Should API ever return $500? ›

All unhandled exceptions should result in a 500 response code. The fact there's an unexpected situation in your software has nothing to do with the user's request, it's clearly an issue on the server side, hence the 500 code.

Can you monetize an API? ›

API monetization is a way that businesses can use APIs to make money, either directly or indirectly. A variety of API monetization models exists, from pay-as-you-go to monthly/annual billing to “bucket” purchases of API transactions to be consumed over time.

Can an API be a business? ›

There are several approaches you can take when creating an API business. You can sell the raw data you deliver through an API, provide data insights, or use the API as a data processor.

What APIs can you sell? ›

Some of the best API marketplaces to publish and sell your APIs in 2022 are APILayer, Celigo, Integrately, RapidAPI,, Abstract APIs, Zapier, and Facebook Marketplace API.

How much is my API worth? ›

API Calculator

API worth = Number of users/10,000 x (Number of dev hours x dev hourly cost), with the entire result divided by the number of competitors +1.

How do I create an API marketplace? ›

Here's how to build an API marketplace in five simple steps.
  1. Planning and API Governance. At Akana, we believe the environment where you publish your API products should be integrated with your API management solution. ...
  2. Implementation. ...
  3. Promotion For Your API Marketplace. ...
  4. Scale API Analytics. ...
  5. Provide Documentation.
Feb 24, 2021

Can you make money with RapidAPI? ›

That is what RapidAPI is all about. You can easily obtain the APIs you require, but as a developer, you can also build your own API, publish it on the RapidAPI Hub, and make money from it. So, in this guide, that is what we will be doing.

How do I create an API and monetize it? ›

There are three main strategies for monetizing an API:
  1. Provide your main services to users through your API.
  2. Use your API to draw attention to your main services.
  3. Offer an API on behalf of an existing non-API service.
Mar 7, 2023

How do I become an API developer? ›

7 API development skills
  1. API design. Understanding how to design API connections between multiple devices can help develop API skills. ...
  2. Cross-platform development. ...
  3. Multiple coding languages. ...
  4. Front-end development. ...
  5. API orchestration. ...
  6. Integration knowledge. ...
  7. Tool proficiency.
Dec 9, 2022

How much does a typical API cost? ›

An API app usually costs $5,199 to build. However, the total cost can be as low as $2,600 or as high as $7,799.

How much API requests is too many? ›

In the API Console, there is a similar quota referred to as Requests per 100 seconds per user. By default, it is set to 100 requests per 100 seconds per user and can be adjusted to a maximum value of 1,000. But the number of requests to the API is restricted to a maximum of 10 requests per second per user.

Why are APIs rate limited? ›

Those limits were put in place to ensure public safety. APIs use a similar criterion, called a "rate limit," to ensure the safety of the API's consumers and the API itself. They can protect you against slow performance and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, allow for scalability, and improve the overall user experience.

Can an API return a Web page? ›

First to be direct - yes, a restful api can 'return a page' as a response - but you are misunderstanding how webpages get rendered. Web Browsers 'render' webpages.

Are APIs hard to make? ›

Complicated as it may sound, creating a basic API service is actually quite easy. Snippet below defines an API service using Python and Flask that allows everyone to retrieve a predefined list of users: If you are merely prototyping, such a basic API service would suffice.

What is an example of API monetization? ›

For example, Google Maps uses a freemium model to monetize their API, but paid plans utilize a tiered model. The pricing model listed on their website allows users to see exactly how much they'll pay depending on the tier. Google Maps API uses a freemium and tiered model as part of their API monetization strategy.

What does an API owner do? ›

The main responsibility of the technical API owner is to ensure that the API is implemented, operated, and evolved in accordance with the company's best practices and standards. Typical activities performed by technical API owners are: Developing the API and its operations as well as implementing change requests.

Can an API be a product? ›

APIs aren't just some back office technical detail, in other words—they're both products for the developers who build today's customer experiences and the mechanisms through which value is increasingly exchanged in modern economies.

Who owns APIs? ›

Typically, the IT department (which might have created most of them) owns the internal infrastructure support APIs. You may also have a group of operational teams and individuals in charge of APIs that integrate systems internally. Lastly, the business itself may own APIs related to customer experience.

What are 3 most common APIs? ›

Today, there are three categories of API protocols or architectures: REST, RPC and SOAP. These might be dubbed "formats," each with unique characteristics and tradeoffs and employed for different purposes.

Can APIs be copyrighted? ›

Without copyright to protect their proprietary APIs from poachers, software companies would essentially be forced to give away their work. In the case of Google v. Oracle, Oracle would be giving its proprietary APIs to a company eight times larger—one that can afford to pay a reasonable price for it.

How much should I charge for an API? ›

How Much Does an API Cost to Build? On average, it costs $20,000 to build a relatively simple API. This figure assumes that you're building a secure, documented, fully-featured API with the services of an experienced API developer based in the United States.

How should I charge for my API? ›

Pay Per Call is best if you know developers are already excited to start using your API. With this strategy, you charge developers (or their end users) a set amount for each call made into your API. For example, PayPal charges 2.9% plus an additional fixed fee for each transaction that runs through their service.

How do you price API products? ›

How do you calculate API price? Permalink
  1. Revenue/cost share – you charge the end user a percentage of revenue or transaction fees. ...
  2. Data volume – based on gigabytes sent or minutes processed. ...
  3. User-centric – pricing based on the number of active monthly unique users.
Sep 13, 2022

Should you charge for APIs? ›

External-facing APIs, ones that are available to other companies outside your organization, are often charged for. Internal APIs, which you might use to interconnect different services within your organization, are not usually charged for, and thus don't require a pricing strategy.

How much are APIs worth? ›

API Calculator

API worth = Number of users/10,000 x (Number of dev hours x dev hourly cost), with the entire result divided by the number of competitors +1.

Are API writers in demand? ›

As long as the information economy continues to drive corporate products and services, APIs and related documentation will be in high demand. Still, it's challenging to find tech writers who are both experts in documentation and programming languages (and docs-as-code tools, too).

How does API licensing work? ›

An API license agreement, or Application Programming Interface agreement, is a legal contract that governs the use of APIs between the licensor and other developers or users who want to use the API. Generally, this agreement includes terms that heavily favor the licensor.

How many developers use APIs? ›

Over 90% Of Developers Use APIs

They break it down even further, finding: 69% use third-party APIs. 20% use internal or private APIs.

How much does an API developer cost? ›

An API app usually costs $5,199 to build. However, the total cost can be as low as $2,600 or as high as $7,799.

Do people buy APIs? ›

If you provide value to your community, they will pay a fair price to use your API. Your API can be worth the price of admission, particularly if your user community considers you the best around. The easier it is to understand, use and integrate your API into a user's system, the more your API is worth to them.

How much does Web API cost? ›

Instant Web API has 3 pricing editions, from $99 to $299. A free trial of Instant Web API is also available.

Is writing API hard? ›

Complicated as it may sound, creating a basic API service is actually quite easy. Snippet below defines an API service using Python and Flask that allows everyone to retrieve a predefined list of users: If you are merely prototyping, such a basic API service would suffice.

How many months to learn API? ›

Online API Courses

This course is expected to take around three weeks to complete for someone who is interested in learning about APIs.

How do I become an API writer? ›

Basic qualifications you must have
  1. Familiarity with 1-2 programming languages or other technical foundations.
  2. Experience writing docs for a developer audience.
  3. A portfolio with writing samples demonstrating the above two points.
Jan 2, 2020

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.