Manage Users  |  Firebase Authentication (2024)

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The Firebase Admin SDK provides an API for managing yourFirebase Authentication users with elevated privileges. The admin user management APIgives you the ability to programmatically complete the following tasks from asecure server environment:

  • Create new users without any throttling or rate limiting.
  • Look up users by different criteria such as uid, email or phone number.
  • List all the users of a specified project in batches.
  • Access user metadata including account creation date and last sign-in date.
  • Delete users without requiring their existing password.
  • Update user properties - including their password - without having to sign inas the user.
  • Verify emails without having to go through the out-of-band action flows forverifying emails.
  • Change a user's email without sending email links to revoke these changes.
  • Create a new user with a phone number without having to go through the SMSverification flow.
  • Change a user's phone number without having to go through the SMS verificationflow.
  • Offline provision users in a disabled state and then later control when toenable them.
  • Build custom user consoles that are tailored to a specific application's usermanagement system.

Before you begin

To use the user management API provided by the Firebase Admin SDK, youmust have a service account. Follow the setup instructionsfor more information on how to initialize the Admin SDK.

Retrieve user data

The primary way to identify a user is by their uid, a unique identifier forthat user. The Admin SDK provides a method that allows fetching the profileinformation of users by their uid:


getAuth() .getUser(uid) .then((userRecord) => { // See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord. console.log(`Successfully fetched user data: ${userRecord.toJSON()}`); }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Error fetching user data:', error); });


UserRecord userRecord = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getUser(uid);// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.System.out.println("Successfully fetched user data: " + userRecord.getUid());


from firebase_admin import authuser = auth.get_user(uid)print('Successfully fetched user data: {0}'.format(user.uid))


// Get an auth client from the firebase.Appclient, err := app.Auth(ctx)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("error getting Auth client: %v\n", err)}u, err := client.GetUser(ctx, uid)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("error getting user %s: %v\n", uid, err)}log.Printf("Successfully fetched user data: %v\n", u)


UserRecord userRecord = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.GetUserAsync(uid);// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.Console.WriteLine($"Successfully fetched user data: {userRecord.Uid}");

This method returns a UserRecordobject for the user corresponding to the uid provided to the method.

If the provided uid does not belong to an existing user or the user cannot befetched for any other reason, the above method throws an error.For a full list of error codes, including descriptions andresolution steps, see Admin Auth API Errors.

In some cases you will have a user's email instead of their uid. The FirebaseAdmin SDK supports looking up user information with an email:


getAuth() .getUserByEmail(email) .then((userRecord) => { // See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord. console.log(`Successfully fetched user data: ${userRecord.toJSON()}`); }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Error fetching user data:', error); });


UserRecord userRecord = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getUserByEmail(email);// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.System.out.println("Successfully fetched user data: " + userRecord.getEmail());


from firebase_admin import authuser = auth.get_user_by_email(email)print('Successfully fetched user data: {0}'.format(user.uid))


u, err := client.GetUserByEmail(ctx, email)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("error getting user by email %s: %v\n", email, err)}log.Printf("Successfully fetched user data: %v\n", u)


UserRecord userRecord = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.GetUserByEmailAsync(email);// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.Console.WriteLine($"Successfully fetched user data: {userRecord.Uid}");

This method returns a UserRecord object for theuser corresponding to the email provided.

If the provided email does not belong to an existing user or the user cannot befetched for any other reason, the Admin SDK throws an error.For a full list of error codes, including descriptionsand resolution steps, see Admin Authentication API Errors.

In other cases, you will have a user's phone number instead of their uid. TheFirebase Admin SDK supports looking up user information with a phone number:


getAuth() .getUserByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) .then((userRecord) => { // See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord. console.log(`Successfully fetched user data: ${userRecord.toJSON()}`); }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Error fetching user data:', error); });


UserRecord userRecord = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getUserByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber);// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.System.out.println("Successfully fetched user data: " + userRecord.getPhoneNumber());


from firebase_admin import authuser = auth.get_user_by_phone_number(phone)print('Successfully fetched user data: {0}'.format(user.uid))


u, err := client.GetUserByPhoneNumber(ctx, phone)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("error getting user by phone %s: %v\n", phone, err)}log.Printf("Successfully fetched user data: %v\n", u)


UserRecord userRecord = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.GetUserByPhoneNumberAsync(phoneNumber);// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.Console.WriteLine($"Successfully fetched user data: {userRecord.Uid}");

This method returns a UserRecord object for theuser corresponding to the phone number provided.

If the provided phone number does not belong to an existing user or the usercannot be fetched for any other reason, the Admin SDK throws an error.For a full list of error codes, including descriptionsand resolution steps, see Admin Authentication API Errors.

Bulk retrieve user data

The Firebase Admin SDK also allows retrieving a list of users based onidentifiers that you provide. You can identify users by their user ID, email, orphone number. A maximum of 100 identifiers can be supplied in a single call.Identifiers can contain a mix of types:


getAuth() .getUsers([ { uid: 'uid1' }, { email: '' }, { phoneNumber: '+15555550003' }, { providerId: '', providerUid: 'google_uid4' }, ]) .then((getUsersResult) => { console.log('Successfully fetched user data:'); getUsersResult.users.forEach((userRecord) => { console.log(userRecord); }); console.log('Unable to find users corresponding to these identifiers:'); getUsersResult.notFound.forEach((userIdentifier) => { console.log(userIdentifier); }); }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Error fetching user data:', error); });


GetUsersResult result = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getUsersAsync(Arrays.asList( new UidIdentifier("uid1"), new EmailIdentifier(""), new PhoneIdentifier("+15555550003"), new ProviderIdentifier("", "google_uid4"))).get();System.out.println("Successfully fetched user data:");for (UserRecord user : result.getUsers()) { System.out.println(user.getUid());}System.out.println("Unable to find users corresponding to these identifiers:");for (UserIdentifier uid : result.getNotFound()) { System.out.println(uid);}


from firebase_admin import authresult = auth.get_users([ auth.UidIdentifier('uid1'), auth.EmailIdentifier(''), auth.PhoneIdentifier(+15555550003), auth.ProviderIdentifier('', 'google_uid4')])print('Successfully fetched user data:')for user in result.users: print(user.uid)print('Unable to find users corresponding to these identifiers:')for uid in result.not_found: print(uid)


getUsersResult, err := client.GetUsers(ctx, []auth.UserIdentifier{auth.UIDIdentifier{UID: "uid1"},auth.EmailIdentifier{Email: ""},auth.PhoneIdentifier{PhoneNumber: "+15555551234"},auth.ProviderIdentifier{ProviderID: "", ProviderUID: "google_uid1"},})if err != nil {log.Fatalf("error retriving multiple users: %v\n", err)}log.Printf("Successfully fetched user data:")for _, u := range getUsersResult.Users {log.Printf("%v", u)}log.Printf("Unable to find users corresponding to these identifiers:")for _, id := range getUsersResult.NotFound {log.Printf("%v", id)}


GetUsersResult result = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.GetUsersAsync( new List<UserIdentifier> { new UidIdentifier("uid1"), new EmailIdentifier(""), new PhoneIdentifier("+15555550003"), new ProviderIdentifier("", "google_uid4"), });Console.WriteLine("Successfully fetched user data:");foreach (UserRecord user in result.Users){ Console.WriteLine($"User: {user.Uid}");}Console.WriteLine("Unable to find users corresponding to these identifiers:");foreach (UserIdentifier uid in result.NotFound){ Console.WriteLine($"{uid}");}

This method returns a list the same size as the input list, with each entrycontaining either the corresponding UserRecord or an error indicating whythat identifier was not able to be looked up. For a full list of error codes,including descriptions and resolution steps, see Admin Authentication APIErrors.

Create a user

The Admin SDK provides a method thatallows you to create a new Firebase Authentication user. This method accepts anobject containing the profile information to include in the newly createduser account:


getAuth() .createUser({ email: '', emailVerified: false, phoneNumber: '+11234567890', password: 'secretPassword', displayName: 'John Doe', photoURL: '', disabled: false, }) .then((userRecord) => { // See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord. console.log('Successfully created new user:', userRecord.uid); }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Error creating new user:', error); });


CreateRequest request = new CreateRequest() .setEmail("") .setEmailVerified(false) .setPassword("secretPassword") .setPhoneNumber("+11234567890") .setDisplayName("John Doe") .setPhotoUrl("") .setDisabled(false);UserRecord userRecord = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().createUser(request);System.out.println("Successfully created new user: " + userRecord.getUid());


user = auth.create_user( email='', email_verified=False, phone_number='+15555550100', password='secretPassword', display_name='John Doe', photo_url='', disabled=False)print('Sucessfully created new user: {0}'.format(user.uid))


params := (&auth.UserToCreate{}).Email("").EmailVerified(false).PhoneNumber("+15555550100").Password("secretPassword").DisplayName("John Doe").PhotoURL("").Disabled(false)u, err := client.CreateUser(ctx, params)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("error creating user: %v\n", err)}log.Printf("Successfully created user: %v\n", u)


UserRecordArgs args = new UserRecordArgs(){ Email = "", EmailVerified = false, PhoneNumber = "+11234567890", Password = "secretPassword", DisplayName = "John Doe", PhotoUrl = "", Disabled = false,};UserRecord userRecord = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CreateUserAsync(args);// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.Console.WriteLine($"Successfully created new user: {userRecord.Uid}");

By default, Firebase Authentication will generate a random uid for the new user. Ifyou instead want to specify your own uid for the new user, you can include itas an argument passed to the user creation method:


getAuth() .createUser({ uid: 'some-uid', email: '', phoneNumber: '+11234567890', }) .then((userRecord) => { // See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord. console.log('Successfully created new user:', userRecord.uid); }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Error creating new user:', error); });


CreateRequest request = new CreateRequest() .setUid("some-uid") .setEmail("") .setPhoneNumber("+11234567890");UserRecord userRecord = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().createUser(request);System.out.println("Successfully created new user: " + userRecord.getUid());


user = auth.create_user( uid='some-uid', email='', phone_number='+15555550100')print('Sucessfully created new user: {0}'.format(user.uid))


params := (&auth.UserToCreate{}).UID(uid).Email("").PhoneNumber("+15555550100")u, err := client.CreateUser(ctx, params)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("error creating user: %v\n", err)}log.Printf("Successfully created user: %v\n", u)


UserRecordArgs args = new UserRecordArgs(){ Uid = "some-uid", Email = "", PhoneNumber = "+11234567890",};UserRecord userRecord = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CreateUserAsync(args);// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.Console.WriteLine($"Successfully created new user: {userRecord.Uid}");

Any combination of the following properties can be provided:

Table 1. Properties supported by the create user operation

Property Type Description
uid string The uid to assign to the newly created user. Must be a string between 1-128 characters long, inclusive. If not provided, a random uid will be automatically generated. Shorter uids offer better performance.
email string The user's primary email. Must be a valid email address.
emailVerified boolean Whether or not the user's primary email is verified. If not provided, the default is false.
phoneNumber string The user's primary phone number. Must be a valid E.164 spec compliant phone number.
password string The user's raw, unhashed password. Must be at least six characters long.
displayName string The users' display name.
photoURL string The user's photo URL.
disabled boolean Whether or not the user is disabled. true for disabled; false for enabled. If not provided, the default is false.

The user creation method returns a UserRecord object for thenewly created user.

If the provided uid, email or phone number is already in use by an existinguser or the user cannot be created for any other reason, the above method failswith an error. For a full list of error codes, includingdescriptions and resolution steps, see Admin Authentication APIErrors.

Update a user

The Firebase Admin SDK facilitates modifying an existing user's data. You needto specify a uid along with the properties to update for that user:


getAuth() .updateUser(uid, { email: '', phoneNumber: '+11234567890', emailVerified: true, password: 'newPassword', displayName: 'Jane Doe', photoURL: '', disabled: true, }) .then((userRecord) => { // See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord. console.log('Successfully updated user', userRecord.toJSON()); }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Error updating user:', error); });


UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest(uid) .setEmail("") .setPhoneNumber("+11234567890") .setEmailVerified(true) .setPassword("newPassword") .setDisplayName("Jane Doe") .setPhotoUrl("") .setDisabled(true);UserRecord userRecord = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().updateUser(request);System.out.println("Successfully updated user: " + userRecord.getUid());


user = auth.update_user( uid, email='', phone_number='+15555550100', email_verified=True, password='newPassword', display_name='John Doe', photo_url='', disabled=True)print('Sucessfully updated user: {0}'.format(user.uid))


params := (&auth.UserToUpdate{}).Email("").EmailVerified(true).PhoneNumber("+15555550100").Password("newPassword").DisplayName("John Doe").PhotoURL("").Disabled(true)u, err := client.UpdateUser(ctx, uid, params)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("error updating user: %v\n", err)}log.Printf("Successfully updated user: %v\n", u)


UserRecordArgs args = new UserRecordArgs(){ Uid = uid, Email = "", PhoneNumber = "+11234567890", EmailVerified = true, Password = "newPassword", DisplayName = "Jane Doe", PhotoUrl = "", Disabled = true,};UserRecord userRecord = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.UpdateUserAsync(args);// See the UserRecord reference doc for the contents of userRecord.Console.WriteLine($"Successfully updated user: {userRecord.Uid}");

Any combination of the following properties can be provided:

Table 2. Properties supported by the update user operation

Property Type Description
email string The user's new primary email. Must be a valid email address.
emailVerified boolean Whether or not the user's primary email is verified. If not provided, the default is false.
phoneNumber string The user's new primary phone number. Must be a valid E.164 spec compliant phone number. Set to null to clear the user's existing phone number.
password string The user's new raw, unhashed password. Must be at least six characters long.
displayName string | null The users' new display name. Set to null to clear the user's existing display name.
photoURL string | null The users' new photo URL. Set to null to clear the user's existing photo URL. If non-null, must be a valid URL.
disabled boolean Whether or not the user is disabled. true for disabled; false for enabled.

The update user method returns an updated UserRecord object when theupdate successfully completes.

If the provided uid does not correspond to an existing user, the providedemail or phone number is already in use by an existing user, or the user cannotbe updated for any other reason, the above method fails with anerror. For a full list of error codes, including descriptions and resolutionsteps, see Admin Authentication API Errors.

Delete a user

The Firebase Admin SDK allows deleting existing users by their uid:


getAuth() .deleteUser(uid) .then(() => { console.log('Successfully deleted user'); }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Error deleting user:', error); });


FirebaseAuth.getInstance().deleteUser(uid);System.out.println("Successfully deleted user.");


auth.delete_user(uid)print('Successfully deleted user')


err := client.DeleteUser(ctx, uid)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("error deleting user: %v\n", err)}log.Printf("Successfully deleted user: %s\n", uid)


await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.DeleteUserAsync(uid);Console.WriteLine("Successfully deleted user.");

The delete user method returns an empty result when the deletion completessuccessfully.

If the provided uid does not correspond to an existing user or the user cannotbe deleted for any other reason, the delete user method throws an error.For a full list of error codes, including descriptionsand resolution steps, see Admin Authentication API Errors.

Delete Multiple Users

The Firebase Admin SDK can also delete multiple users at once. However,note that using methods like deleteUsers(uids) to delete multiple users atonce will not trigger onDelete() event handlers for Cloud Functions for Firebase.This is because batch delete does not trigger a user deletion event oneach user. Delete users one ata time if you want user deletion events to fire for each deleted user.


getAuth() .deleteUsers([uid1, uid2, uid3]) .then((deleteUsersResult) => { console.log(`Successfully deleted ${deleteUsersResult.successCount} users`); console.log(`Failed to delete ${deleteUsersResult.failureCount} users`); deleteUsersResult.errors.forEach((err) => { console.log(err.error.toJSON()); }); }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Error deleting users:', error); });


DeleteUsersResult result = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().deleteUsersAsync( Arrays.asList("uid1", "uid2", "uid3")).get();System.out.println("Successfully deleted " + result.getSuccessCount() + " users");System.out.println("Failed to delete " + result.getFailureCount() + " users");for (ErrorInfo error : result.getErrors()) { System.out.println("error #" + error.getIndex() + ", reason: " + error.getReason());}


from firebase_admin import authresult = auth.delete_users(["uid1", "uid2", "uid3"])print('Successfully deleted {0} users'.format(result.success_count))print('Failed to delete {0} users'.format(result.failure_count))for err in result.errors: print('error #{0}, reason: {1}'.format(result.index, result.reason))


deleteUsersResult, err := client.DeleteUsers(ctx, []string{"uid1", "uid2", "uid3"})if err != nil {log.Fatalf("error deleting users: %v\n", err)}log.Printf("Successfully deleted %d users", deleteUsersResult.SuccessCount)log.Printf("Failed to delete %d users", deleteUsersResult.FailureCount)for _, err := range deleteUsersResult.Errors {log.Printf("%v", err)}


DeleteUsersResult result = await FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.DeleteUsersAsync(new List<string> { "uid1", "uid2", "uid3", });Console.WriteLine($"Successfully deleted {result.SuccessCount} users.");Console.WriteLine($"Failed to delete {result.FailureCount} users.");foreach (ErrorInfo err in result.Errors){ Console.WriteLine($"Error #{err.Index}, reason: {err.Reason}");}

The delete users method returns a list of failures for the users that wereunable to be deleted. For a full list of error codes, including descriptionsand resolution steps, see Admin Authentication API Errors.

List all users

The Firebase Admin SDK allows retrieving the entire list of users in batches:


const listAllUsers = (nextPageToken) => { // List batch of users, 1000 at a time. getAuth() .listUsers(1000, nextPageToken) .then((listUsersResult) => { listUsersResult.users.forEach((userRecord) => { console.log('user', userRecord.toJSON()); }); if (listUsersResult.pageToken) { // List next batch of users. listAllUsers(listUsersResult.pageToken); } }) .catch((error) => { console.log('Error listing users:', error); });};// Start listing users from the beginning, 1000 at a time.listAllUsers();


// Start listing users from the beginning, 1000 at a time.ListUsersPage page = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().listUsers(null);while (page != null) { for (ExportedUserRecord user : page.getValues()) { System.out.println("User: " + user.getUid()); } page = page.getNextPage();}// Iterate through all users. This will still retrieve users in batches,// buffering no more than 1000 users in memory at a = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().listUsers(null);for (ExportedUserRecord user : page.iterateAll()) { System.out.println("User: " + user.getUid());}


# Start listing users from the beginning, 1000 at a = auth.list_users()while page: for user in page.users: print('User: ' + user.uid) # Get next batch of users. page = page.get_next_page()# Iterate through all users. This will still retrieve users in batches,# buffering no more than 1000 users in memory at a time.for user in auth.list_users().iterate_all(): print('User: ' + user.uid)


// Note, behind the scenes, the Users() iterator will retrive 1000 Users at a time through the APIiter := client.Users(ctx, "")for {user, err := iter.Next()if err == iterator.Done {break}if err != nil {log.Fatalf("error listing users: %s\n", err)}log.Printf("read user user: %v\n", user)}// Iterating by pages 100 users at a time.// Note that using both the Next() function on an iterator and the NextPage()// on a Pager wrapping that same iterator will result in an error.pager := iterator.NewPager(client.Users(ctx, ""), 100, "")for {var users []*auth.ExportedUserRecordnextPageToken, err := pager.NextPage(&users)if err != nil {log.Fatalf("paging error %v\n", err)}for _, u := range users {log.Printf("read user user: %v\n", u)}if nextPageToken == "" {break}}


// Start listing users from the beginning, 1000 at a time.var pagedEnumerable = FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.ListUsersAsync(null);var responses = pagedEnumerable.AsRawResponses().GetAsyncEnumerator();while (await responses.MoveNextAsync()){ ExportedUserRecords response = responses.Current; foreach (ExportedUserRecord user in response.Users) { Console.WriteLine($"User: {user.Uid}"); }}// Iterate through all users. This will still retrieve users in batches,// buffering no more than 1000 users in memory at a time.var enumerator = FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.ListUsersAsync(null).GetAsyncEnumerator();while (await enumerator.MoveNextAsync()){ ExportedUserRecord user = enumerator.Current; Console.WriteLine($"User: {user.Uid}");}

Each batch of results contains a list of users and the next page token used tolist the next batch of users. When all the users have already been listed, nopageToken is returned.

If no maxResults field is specified, the default 1000 users per batch is used.This is also the maximum number of users allowed to be listed at a time. Anyvalue greater than the maximum will throw an argument error.If no pageToken is specified, the operation will list users from thebeginning, ordered by uid.

For a full list of error codes, including descriptionsand resolution steps, see Admin Authentication API Errors.

Password hashes of listed users

This API also returns the passwordSalt and passwordHash hashed by theFirebase Auth backend for password users if the user/service account used togenerate the request OAuth access token has thefirebaseauth.configs.getHashConfig permission. Otherwise the passwordHashand passwordSalt will not be set.

Due to the sensitive nature of password hashes, the Firebase Admin SDK serviceaccount does not have the firebaseauth.configs.getHashConfig permission bydefault. You can't add a permission directly to a user/service account, but youcan do so indirectly bycreating a custom IAM role.

To create the custom IAM role:

  1. Go to the Roles page in IAM & admin panel in theGoogle Cloud console.
  2. Select your project from the drop-down at the top of the page.
  3. Click CREATE ROLE
  5. Search for firebaseauth.configs.getHashConfig permission and select thatcheckbox.
  6. Click ADD
  7. Click CREATE to finish creating the new role.

Add the created custom role to the user/service account in the IAM page:

  1. In the IAM & admin panel, select IAM
  2. Select the service or user account from the list of members for editing.
  4. Search for the new custom role previously created.
  5. Click SAVE.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2024-09-10 UTC.

Manage Users  |  Firebase Authentication (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.