Managing an Airbnb: 10 Best-Kept Secrets From A Superhost (2024)

Managing an Airbnb: 10 Best-Kept Secrets From A Superhost (1)

Manage Your Airbnb

If you’re feeling lost, overwhelmed, or simply want to earn more revenue, read on for 10 best-kept secrets to managing an Airbnb with ease.

There are a lot of myths about managing an Airbnb. The biggest of which is that it’s easy, passive income and that if you simply have enough properties, you can quickly become a millionaire while relaxing on the beach all day.

I’m here to tell you that, for most hosts, that’s simply not true.

Airbnb hosting is hard work. Between finding the right property, setting it up, responding to guests, screening guests, figuring out how to command the highest price, doing tons of maintenance and upkeep…Airbnb hosting can quickly amount to much more than you bargained for.

If you’re feeling lost, overwhelmed, or simply want to earn more revenue while spending less time managing your Airbnb, read on for 10 best-kept secrets to managing an Airbnb with ease.

Managing an Airbnb: 10 Best-Kept Secrets From A Superhost (2)


  • Managing an Airbnb: 10 Best-Kept Secrets From A Superhost
    • 1. You can’t rely solely on automated pricing tools
    • 2. Automating your Airbnb messages is an absolute must
    • 3. You’re probably overspending on your Airbnb
    • 4. Becoming a Superhost is easier (and more important) than you think
    • 5. Property maintenance is an absolute non-negotiable
    • 6. You need to know what your Airbnb guests really want
    • 7. You’re not going to earn 5-star reviews with every stay
    • 8. Putting your reviews on autopilot is key
    • 9. Guests will ask for a full refund more often than you’d think
    • 10. It’s not passive income but you can outsource a lot of the work
  • Takeaway

Managing an Airbnb: 10 Best-Kept Secrets From A Superhost

1. You can’t rely solely on automated pricing tools

After testing out two different automated pricing tools my first year hosting, I learned the hard way that no pricing tool is as easy as ‘set it and forget it’. If you rely solely on an automated pricing tool, you could lose out on tens of thousands in revenue.

With AirDNA, you can quickly optimize your Airbnb pricing with data-driven insights while remaining completely in control. Learn exactly how I used AirDNA to gross over $85,000 my first year hosting.

Pro tip: One of the best things you can do to increase your revenue and start earning more from your Airbnb is optimize your listing.

2. Automating your Airbnb messages is an absolute must

As a short-term rental host, you don’t have time to manually send messages to every single guest. You also can’t risk accidentally forgetting to send check-in information or other crucial details guests need when staying with you.

Stop wasting time and avoid costly mistakes by spending a few minutes to set up these five automated messages for your Airbnb.

The best part? Setting up scheduled messages through Airbnb’s built-in tool is totally free. And I’m making it as easy as can be by sharing the exact automated messages I use as a Superhost.

Recommended: 5 Essential Airbnb Messages That Will Save You Time

3. You’re probably overspending on your Airbnb

If you’re checking out what other Airbnb hosts are up to, it might not take long to convince yourself to buy more, more, more for your short-term rental. Makeup towels, tissue box holders, customized coasters…the list goes on and on.

As Airbnb hosts, we’re especially susceptible to convincing ourselves we need EVERYTHING because we never know what will go wrong at our property or what tiny detail our guests will call out in a less-than-glowing review.

But, if you let yourself worry about too much, you’ll quickly find that there’s nowhere to draw the line. Find out how to answer the question “Do I really need that?” and get 10 non-essential Airbnb items truly worth the investment in this blog post.

Recommended: 10 Non-Essential Airbnb Items Truly Worth the Investment

4. Becoming a Superhost is easier (and more important) than you think

As an Airbnb host, one of the best things you can do for your business is earn Superhost status. That’s because knowledgeable Airbnb guests know that Superhosts have met strict hospitality standards and consistently host high-quality stays.

So, as an Airbnb Superhost, you’ll have instant credibility with potential guests and your listing will have increased visibility in search. Find out how to effortlessly become an Airbnb Superhost in three quick months!

Recommended: Effortlessly Become An Airbnb Superhost In 3 Quick Months

5. Property maintenance is an absolute non-negotiable

As a short-term rental host, the importance of regular property maintenance can’t be overlooked. Taking the time to visit your rental propertyat leastevery six monthswill ensure that you’re addressing small issues before they become disasters that impact your business.

In this post, I’m walking you throughevery single step of a thorough property maintenance check. Following these steps will ensure your rental is ready to earn the 5-star reviews you deserve.

Recommended: Rental Property Maintenance: Don’t Miss Out On These Crucial Steps

Managing an Airbnb: 10 Best-Kept Secrets From A Superhost (3)

6. You need to know what your Airbnb guests really want

As an Airbnb Superhost, I’ve hosted over 300 guests. Throughout my first year hosting, I spent hours each week talking to my Airbnb guests, answering questions, resolving issues, and reading their reviews. I’ve also stayed in close to 50 Airbnbs myself, so I have tons of first-hand experience about what it’s like to be a guest.

If you’re a first-time host who wants as many 5-star reviews as possible, it’s crucial you hear these five secrets I’ve learned the hard way that can help your new Airbnb business become a huge success.Make sure to read down to the bottom for my #1 tip!

Recommended: 5 Things Your Airbnb Guests Really, Really Want

7. You’re not going to earn 5-star reviews with every stay

Let’s face it, Airbnb reviews are simultaneously the best and worst part of hosting on Airbnb.

That’s because all the hard work you put into hosting can feel worthwhile when a guest leaves a glowing review. And, well, a less-than-perfect review can make you wonder if you got into the right business in the first place.

Some lucky hosts have nothing but exceptional reviews. Others are struggling to get out of a streak of negative reviews. Most of us are somewhere in between. No matter where you stand, this guide can help you successfully handle negative Airbnb reviews.

Recommended: How To Make Negative Airbnb Reviews Work In Your Favor

8. Putting your reviews on autopilot is key

When it comes to Airbnb reviews, you can’t mess around—reviews can make or break your entire business. Don’t risk learning about how Airbnb host reviews work through trial and error.

Get tons of tips all first-time Airbnb hosts need before leaving reviews for their guests. Get five real examples of reviews I’ve left my Airbnb guests and my super simple 3-step process to make writing your own Airbnb reviews a breeze.

Recommended: 5 Perfect Airbnb Host Reviews (+ How To Effortlessly Write Them)

9. Guests will ask for a full refund more often than you’d think

As an Airbnb host, it’s inevitable—guests will ask you for a refund from time to time. This is especially true for Airbnbs in areas with more extreme weather than their guests are used to, which concerns guests and impacts their travel plans.

But, just because guests ask for a full refund doesn’t mean you have to give them one to make them happy—here’s how to avoid giving refunds and STILL make your guests happy.

Recommended: Rescheduling Airbnb Guests? Read This First To Avoid Losing Money

10. It’s not passive income but you can outsource a lot of the work

While I sharetonsof tips to help younavigate hosting with easeandbecome a profitable Airbnb hostwithout wanting to rip your hair out…well, sometimes we just have to be honest with ourselves about when managingeveryaspect of our Airbnb, every minute of every day, all by ourselves is just too much.

If you’re finally ready to outsource the things youhateabout hosting or are wondering if hiring an Airbnb co-host is right foryou—look no further.

As a realAirbnb Superhostwho just hired her first co-host, I’m breaking down what it’s really like to hire someone to manage your Airbnb. Read on to find out what you need to know BEFORE hiring your first Airbnb co-host.

Pro tip: One of the best things you can do to increase your profitability is optimize your listing.


By implementing the 10 things covered in this post, you’re now ready to earn more revenue, make fewer mistakes, and spend more time doing what you love.

Have any questions about managing an Airbnb? Let me know in the comments.

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Managing an Airbnb: 10 Best-Kept Secrets From A Superhost (4)

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only. You are taking all provided information at your own risk. We are not financial, real estate, legal, investment or other professionals. Nothing on this website should be construed as professional advice. We will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature. For more information, read our disclaimer.

Managing an Airbnb: 10 Best-Kept Secrets From A Superhost (2024)


Managing an Airbnb: 10 Best-Kept Secrets From A Superhost? ›

Listing Quality

Airbnb takes listing quality metrics into account while ranking your property. This includes property details, picture quality, guest reviews and ratings, provided amenities, etc. The better you stand on these metrics, the higher you will rank.

How do you beat the Airbnb algorithm? ›

Listing Quality

Airbnb takes listing quality metrics into account while ranking your property. This includes property details, picture quality, guest reviews and ratings, provided amenities, etc. The better you stand on these metrics, the higher you will rank.

What are the do's and don'ts of Airbnb? ›

Treat your Host's home like your own
  • Cleanliness: Guests should not leave the listing in a state that requires excessive or deep cleaning (moldy dishes, soiled carpets, stains from pets, etc.). ...
  • Litter: Guests should put their trash in designated trash receptacles and be mindful of excessive amounts of trash.

Can I trust a Superhost on Airbnb? ›

Every Superhost has a track record of highly rated stays, which means you can expect outstanding hospitality.

How to make your str stand out? ›

Provide informative photos. While taking photos of your property, you'll want to make sure that you are providing guests with an honest representation of what they can expect during their stay. Here are some of the key spots that you need to photograph: Entrances and points of access to your property.

What is the Airbnb algorithm? ›

Airbnb's algorithm takes into account your response speed. The quicker you respond to inquiries, the higher your listing climbs in search results. Two crucial response metrics are the response rate and response time. Enhancing both can also help you achieve Superhost status.

What is a key to success for Airbnb? ›

Focus on creating a unique customer experience: One of the keys to Airbnb's success was its ability to create a sense of community and provide a more authentic travel experience. Think about how you can differentiate yourself from competitors and create a unique customer experience that will keep people coming back.

What do Airbnb guests want most? ›

The basics: Airbnb must-haves
  • Iron and ironing board.
  • Fully-furnished kitchen so guests can cook their own meals.
  • Washer/dryer and detergent.
  • Hot water.
  • Air conditioning and/or heating if/when necessary.
  • TV (with cable or Netflix etc.)
  • Wireless internet (Wi-Fi)
  • Private entrance to the home.
Jan 26, 2024

How to make your Airbnb listing stand out? ›

10 Hacks to make my Airbnb standout
  1. 1) Competitive Pricing. ...
  2. 2)Increase Guest Reviews. ...
  3. 3) Keep your listings precise, pertinent and enthralling. ...
  4. 4) Target the ideal guests. ...
  5. 5) Invest in great photography. ...
  6. 6) Allow spontaneous bookings. ...
  7. 7) Request other local hosts to recommend your property.

How much do Airbnb superhosts make? ›

According to Airbnb statistics provided by the platform itself, in Q3/2022 an average Superhost made 64% more revenue than a regular host. The one million Airbnb Superhosts collectively earned $23+ billion in income between October 2021 and September 2022, which averages $23,000+ per Superhost per year.

What percent of Airbnb hosts are Superhosts? ›

As a Superhost, you may enjoy a variety of benefits directly related to your elite status. Remember, less than 20-percent of all Airbnb hosts earn Superhost status. The top benefits of having Superhost status include: Attract more guests with the Superhost badge.

Does Superhost get you more bookings? ›

More bookings

It's your badge that is really going to make your profile and listing stand out. You'll also be featured to guests in search results and emails So, when you have reached the Superhost status, expect bookings and enquiries to increase.

How to rank high on Airbnb? ›

How do I rank higher on Airbnb?
  1. Offering competitive prices.
  2. Receiving more 5-star reviews.
  3. Providing high-quality pictures of their accommodations.
  4. Maintaining a high response rate.
  5. Having a flexible cancellation policy.
  6. Taking advantage of the listing description section.
  7. Achieving superhost status.

How to make your Airbnb more profitable? ›

5 Ways to grow your Airbnb Revenue
  1. Optimize your pricing. By analyzing the demand and supply in your local market, you can adjust your nightly rates to maximize your occupancy and revenue. ...
  2. Improve your guest experience. ...
  3. Expand your listing. ...
  4. Use social media marketing. ...
  5. Partner with local businesses.
Mar 24, 2023

How do I get more views on my Airbnb listing? ›

Go all in on the description: Make your title and description fun, detailed, and informative. Explain the amenities, shared spaces, and what makes your space unique. Upload high-quality photos: Your photos are a guest's first impression of your space on the search results page.

Why is my Airbnb listing not getting views? ›

If your listing is not showing up

Here are some things to check: Is it a new listing? Listings are usually visible within 24 hours, but it may take up to 72 hours for some listings to show up in search results. Are the dates on your calendar blocked?

How do I get more bookings on Airbnb? ›

10 ways to get more Airbnb bookings
  1. Turn on Instant Book. ...
  2. Target niche audiences. ...
  3. Become family-friendly. ...
  4. Introduce flexible cancellation policies. ...
  5. Reduce your minimum stay to one night. ...
  6. Use gap night messaging. ...
  7. Provide guests with all the key information pre-arrival. ...
  8. Deliver an immaculate property.
Aug 8, 2023

How do I increase my Airbnb value score? ›

A lower score indicates that it might not be worth the price you've set, so you can try to reduce the price and see if that gets you positive points. Alternatively, you can also check if you can add any additional ammenities to your home, which might increase the value.

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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.