Mastery Rank (2024)

Mastery Rank

Mastery Ranking, commonly abbreviated as MR, is a method of tracking how much of the game's total content a player has experienced with points earned by ranking up Warframes, Weapons, Companions, K-Drives, Necramechs, and Archwings with Affinity; successfully completing Junctions and nodes on the Star Chart; and ranking up Intrinsics.

In-game, every rank after MR30 is called a Legendary (L) and or Legendary Rank (LR).

Players can view their own Mastery Progress and Rank by hovering the cursor over their Avatar on the top left corner of the UI. The profiles and Mastery progress of the player and other squad members can also be viewed by clicking "Profile" under their equipment tab. These details of other players in chat or in communications can be viewed by selecting their name and clicking "Profile."


  • 1 Increasing Mastery Rank
    • 1.1 Mastery Points
    • 1.2 Mastery Rank Tests
      • 1.2.1 Tests for Rank 1-10
      • 1.2.2 Tests for Rank 11-20
      • 1.2.3 Tests for Rank 21-30
      • 1.2.4 Tests for Legendary 1-10
    • 1.3 Mastery Ranks Allocation
    • 1.4 Total Mastery
      • 1.4.1 Mastery Checklist
    • 1.5 Exclusive Mastery
    • 1.6 Hidden Mastery
  • 2 Mastery Rank Benefits
    • 2.1 Equipment Unlock
    • 2.2 Other Benefits
    • 2.3 Indirect Mastery Locks
    • 2.4 Bypassing Mastery Locks
  • 3 Notes
  • 4 Bugs
  • 5 External Links
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 See Also
  • 8 References
  • 9 Patch History

Increasing Mastery Rank

Mastery Points

To increase Mastery Rank, a player must earn Mastery Points through the following methods:

  • Ranking Weapons, Kitgun Chambers, Zaw Strikes, Amp Prisms, Sentinel weapons, and Archwing weapons will earn 100 mastery points for each rank gained up to Rank 30 for a total of 3,000.
    • Kitguns, Zaws, and Amps must be ranked up to 30, gilded at their respective vendors, then ranked up again to award mastery points.
    • The Mastery Rank (1)Paracesis, all Kuva weapons, and all Tenet weapons can exceed Rank 30 by 2 ranks per polarization by Forma and will continue to grant mastery points for each additional level until they reach Rank 40 at 5 Forma, totaling 4,000 mastery.
  • Ranking Warframes, Companions, Archwings, K-Drives, the Plexus, and Necramechs will earn 200 mastery points for each rank gained up to Rank 30 for a total of 6,000, or 8,000 for a Necramech that has been polarized 5 times.
    • MOAs, Predasites, and Vulpaphylas must be ranked up to 30, gilded at their respective vendors, then ranked up again to award mastery points.
      • K-Drives, despite their modular nature, do not require gilding to be able to award mastery points.
    • Necramechs can exceed Rank 30 by 2 ranks per polarization by Forma and will continue to grant 200 mastery points for each additional level until they reach Rank 40 at 5 Forma.
  • A total of 190 Forma is required to fully rank up all Necramechs, Kuva/Tenet Weapons, and the Paracesis.
  • Clearing the main objective of any Mission node for the first time and extracting will grant a predetermined number of mastery points (Map progress can be viewed in the general stats in the profile menu).
  • Victory against the opponent specter in a Junction grants 1,000 mastery points.
  • Each rank of a Railjack's and Drifter's Intrinsics grants 1,500 mastery points.

Take note that each individual equipment will only grant its mastery points once per variant; polarization or selling a Rank 30 equipment and then purchasing & reusing it will not grant mastery points again, including in the event that a copy of already max-ranked equipment is obtained and used. If equipment below max rank are sold, then purchased and reused, only the ranks previously not gained will grant mastery points.

Variants of original equipment count as a different equipment for mastery ranking; MK1, Prime, Syndicate, Vandal, Wraith, Prisma, Dex, Kuva, Tenet, the Mastery Rank (2)MaraDetron, the Mastery Rank (3)CetiLacera, and the Mastery Rank (4)CarminePenta. For example, Mastery Rank (5)Braton, Mastery Rank (6)MK1-Braton, Mastery Rank (7)BratonVandal, and Mastery Rank (8)BratonPrime are all considered different weapons, each with their own set of mastery points, with a total of 12,000 mastery points for fully ranking all four weapons. The same goes for different breeds of same-species Companion such as Chesa Kubrow, Raksa Kubrow, and Helminth Charger. Completing missions in The Steel Path also awards mastery that is separate from normal missions and Junctions.

Excess mastery points are not lost if a player reaches the amount required to advance a rank – these will automatically fill the next mastery bar, displayed only once the player has succeeded on the rank-up test.

Mastery Rank Tests

Mastery Rank (9)

In order to be promoted to the next Mastery Rank, a player must pass a test for each progressive rank they are trying to achieve. Mastery tests can only be accessed in solo play. Each test is different and usually harder between ranks.

When a player becomes eligible for their next Mastery Rank they will be alerted and be given the option to proceed to the test immediately or wait. If the player chooses to wait they can access the test by simply hovering over their profile icon and selecting the "Rank Up" option later. The player's next Mastery Rank test will also be available for practice and, if eligible, for rank up in Cephalon Simaris' Relay room, alongside the player's past completed Mastery Rank tests.

There is a 24-hour lapse in between consecutive attempts, whether having failed and to retake the current test or having succeeded previously and to qualify for the next rank.

It is recommended players go along the right aisle of the Cephalon Simaris room in most relays to practice for the current test beforehand. Outside of practice mode, inability to complete a test due to forfeiting or disconnection will consume the allowed attempt for the current day.

Players are also able to redo previous tests along the Cephalon's aisle. Players will be able to access all the tests previously passed, as well as the one for the next level.

The Operator cannot be used for Mastery Rank tests at 23 and below.

Tests for Rank 1-10

  • Rank 1

  • Rank 2

  • Rank 3

  • Rank 4

  • Rank 5

  • Rank 6

  • Rank 7

  • Rank 8

  • Rank 9

  • Rank 10

Mastery Rank (10)

Mastery Rank (11)

Exterminate Test (Primary)
This test requires players to exterminate three waves of enemies with their primary weapon.

The player starts in the center of a room encircled by eight pillars. From here they must eliminate 3, 5 and 8 enemies within 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00 for each wave respectively.

Mastery Rank (12)

Mastery Rank (13)

Exterminate Test (Secondary)
This test requires players to eliminate three waves of enemies with their secondary weapon.

The player starts in the center of a room encircled by eight pillars. From here they must eliminate 8, 12 and 16 enemies within 0:45, 1:00 and 1:15 for each wave respectively.

Mastery Rank (14)

Mastery Rank (15)

Exterminate Test (Melee)
This test requires players to eliminate three waves of enemies with their melee weapon.

The player starts in the center of a room encircled by four pillars. From here they must eliminate 5, 7 and 9 enemies within 0:45, 1:00 and 1:15 for each wave respectively.

Mastery Rank (16)

Mastery Rank (17)

Survival Test
This test requires players to endure an unlimited onslaught of Infested for a given period of time.

The player starts in the center of a room surrounded by several walls and platforms. From here they must survive for 1:30.

  • Leaving the center will relocate players to starting center instead.
  • Stealth skills can be used to complete the test without issue.

Mastery Rank (18)

Mastery Rank (19)

Terminal Hacking Test
This test requires players to hack six terminals within a time limit of 1:45.

The player starts in the center encircled by terminals. From here they must hack three Grineer terminals and three Corpus terminals to pass the test.

  • Failed hacks do not automatically fail the test, so long as they are completed before time limit ends.
  • You may use Ciphers, despite the test's purpose.

Mastery Rank (20)

Mastery Rank (21)

Target Tracking Test
This test requires players to track targets quickly and accurately with their primary weapon.

The player starts the test standing on a brightly lit circular platform in a dark room encircled with metallic spheres. The metallic spheres will act as targets during the test. The player's camera will be turned toward the first target at the beginning of each round. The sphere that is currently the target will glow red. Once the player shoots the first target, lines will connect unlit spheres in succession before stopping at another glowing red target. The player must follow the lines to find the new target to be shot. This process will repeat itself until the test has ended.

  • Upon missing the white sphere, the original red sphere will be voided, reverting into a normal sphere. A new red sphere will appear elsewhere, thus it is better to take your time aiming rather than attempting to rush your aim.
  • If you take too long to hit the sphere, the test will move on to a new target. A 100% success rate is not necessary to pass the test, so again, take your time.
  • Any accurate weapon with a large magazine size (to avoid wasted time reloading) will do nicely. Shotguns are also a viable option since the test counts one shot per round, not per pellets.

Mastery Rank (22)

Mastery Rank (23)

Timed Exterminate Test
This test requires players to eliminate three waves of enemies within 1:00.

The player starts in the center of a white room with pillars circling the center. Grineer, Corpus, and Infested units will spawn in waves and must be dispatched of before time ends.


Mastery Rank (26)

Mastery Rank (27)

Movement Test
This test requires players to jump across several platforms, with a varying distance between each one. Shooting the red orbs that appear spawns the next platform. Players have three tries to complete the test; any fall from the platforms counts as a try.
  • This test is not timed, so give yourself some time to gauge each distance before you jump.
  • Using advanced movement maneuvers (Bullet Jump, Double Jump, Wall Dash and Aim Glide) is necessary. If you have no experience with them, expect to have to try the test in practice mode (at Larunda Relay, Mercury, with Cephalon Simaris) several times. Note: bullet-jumping from a crouch rather than a slide makes this trial MUCH easier.
  • You are limited to your secondary weapon for this test, so make sure to bring one with at least some range (and not, say, Atomos), or you might have trouble reaching the spheres.
  1. First red orb: Bullet-jump to the platform. Remember to look up, not at the platform, while doing so, to jump higher.
  2. Second red orb: Double-jump to the first platform, then bullet-jump to the second.
  3. Third red orb: Bullet-jump to the platform.
  4. Fourth red orb: Bullet-jump towards the wall, then wall-jump up it to land on the platform at its top. Jump to the next platform.
  5. Fifth red orb: Bullet-jump towards the nearest, lower platform, again looking up. Then at the apex of your jump, aim-glide towards the platform in order to be able to reach it. Once landed, bullet-jump up to the final platform marked with a bright arrow.

Mastery Rank (28)

Mastery Rank (29)

Stealth Test

This test requires players to make use of cover and track enemy movements in order to assassinate targets without being detected using their equipped melee weapon only.

Players start in a room equipped with only their melee weapon. They make their way through three stages with increasing numbers of enemies and increasingly complexity patrol routes. Successful elimination of all enemies in a stage will unlock the next one.

Players are allowed three tries. Alerting an enemy counts as a try and will reset the stage. Falling off a platform does not count as a try. Also, there is no time limit.

At any point in time each enemy will be in one of 4 alert states: "Calm", "Investigative", "Suspicious" and "Alerted".

  • "Calm" is the default state all enemies start in. They will be slowly patrolling along their predefined patrol routes, speaking random phrases in their language. They can be killed with a stealth finisher while in this state.
  • "Investigative" is the state an enemy enters when they briefly see the player for a split second. E.g. showing to an enemy from behind the pillar then quickly hiding back in is what could cause this state to be activated from "Calm". They will pronounce a suspicion phrase that sounds like a question, and alter their patrol course to start moving to the point where they saw the player. The test does not yet fail if an enemy enters this state.
  • "Suspicious" is when they see the player for longer still than what is required to enter "Investigative" state. E.g. falling off the platform in front of an enemy is an example of what could cause them to enter this state from "Calm". They will pronounce a suspicion phrase, then simply stop dead in their tracks and wait for a few seconds. In this state they cannot be killed with a stealth finisher. If they don't see a player within several seconds, they will fall back into "Calm" state and continue patrolling. The test does not yet fail if an enemy enters this state, and in fact it is quite possible to kill a nearby enemy that is transitioning from "Calm" into "Suspicious" state without failing the test.
  • "Alerted", is the state an enemy in "Suspicious" state enters when they only glance momentarily at a player. The test instantly fails, even if you subsequently kill the enemy that entered this state.
  • Primary and secondary weapons, as well as abilities and companions, are disabled.
  • Ranged melee weapons like the Mastery Rank (30)Glaive or the Mastery Rank (31)Vastilok can be used for taking out enemies from a safe distance.
    • Note that the other Gunblades are not silent and cannot be silenced with any mods, although Banshee's Passive Ability can counter this.
  • Mastery Rank (32)Skiajati's passive can make the player go invisible on Finishers.
  • Enemies can see far ahead of them in a cone-shape that expands with more distance. The sounds of running, jumping and falling do not alert them. Swinging your weapon will not alert them either, except if they are in a close proximity.
  • Enemies are also very weak; one melee hit kills them.
  • Increasing field of view in the options helps in glancing around corners.
  • Mods that increase enemy radar (Mastery Rank (33)EnemyRadar, Mastery Rank (34)EnemySense, Mastery Rank (35)VigilantePursuit) are extremely useful. It is also useful to open the full map (default M ) immediately on starting the test.
  • Hitting ESC  will pause the test, which is very useful when following a video walkthrough.
  • First stage: Three enemies. Kill the immobile enemy whose back is turned. Wait until one of the other two is hidden behind the pillars and the other has his back turned; run up to and kill that one. Then jump to the top of a pillar; the enemy can't see you there and you can jump down and kill him from behind at your leisure.
  • Second stage: Four enemies, two at ground level and two on an elevated walkway. Run towards one of the pillars closest to you and jump up it; the lower two can't see you and you can jump down to kill them whenever it's convenient. Then move below the walkway, keeping the other two in view; they can't see you standing below them, so you can jump up behind them and kill them whenever they are far away from each other.
  • Third stage: Six enemies, three in the courtyard enclosed by pillars nearer to you, and three towards the back. First, kill the nearer three: As soon as they appear, run towards the closest pillar on either side and hide. Wait until you are out of line of sight and kill the three enemies one at a time whenever convenient. Then, kill the two in the far corners: Move towards them, hiding behind pillars, and kill them when their back is turned. Finally, watch the last one on his small platform: when his back is turned, jump carefully up behind him and kill him.

Mastery Rank (36)

Mastery Rank (37)

Disappearing Platform Test
This test requires players to eliminate targets at range while maneuvering on platforms in a 3x3 grid that will permanently disappear after a few seconds of standing on them.

The player will spawn in on a normal platform and the test will begin once you enter the grid area. You must kill all enemies spawning periodically atop five elevated platforms which line the far end of the grid. Once the player steps on a platform it will begin flashing increasing in speed until it disappears 8 seconds later.

Players have three chances to complete the test. Falling from the tileset counts as a try.

  • The number of targets is always 15, or, approximately, 1.6 per platform.
  • It is recommended to go on all the edge platforms then use the one in the very middle to make use of all platforms and provide additional time.
  • There are invisible walls preventing players from accessing the elevated platforms.
  • Using Mastery Rank (38)Titania's Mastery Rank (39)Razorwing form can make this test trivial.
  • Using a Continuous Hit-Scan weapon, such as the Mastery Rank (40)Quanta can make hitting targets easier.
  • Using the Mastery Rank (41)Ignis can make the test inconsequential; as without having to aim precisely, you are free to focus on ensuring you have a safe platform to stand on. Mastery Rank (42)SinisterReach is suggested for this approach, but not required.
  • It is possible to stand on a tiny protrusion on one of the enemy platforms removing the urgency to maneuver the disappearing platforms.

Tests for Rank 11-20

Mastery Rank (43)

Mastery Rank (44)

Time Trial Test
This test requires players to make their way through an obstacle course while shooting red orbs to increase the amount of time they have to finish the course. Each orb adds 5 seconds of time.
  • Fast moving frames such as Mastery Rank (45)Volt or Mastery Rank (46)Loki are very handy for this test as speed can significantly ease completion.
  • Using Mastery Rank (47)Zephyr's Mastery Rank (48)TailWind can make it possible to reach the end of the test without the need to go through the entire course. Especially the maze towards the end as she can go over the walls.
  • Be sure to bring hitscan weapons as well, as some orbs move. At one point, you will take a hovering platform slowly up, during which moving orbs will appear. It is critical to shoot these as the time it takes for you to reach the top may run your time out.
    • Using the Mastery Rank (49)Ignis with Mastery Rank (50)Firestorm is an easy way to hit all the orbs without much focus.
    • Using the Mastery Rank (51)Phage without focusing the beam-lasers is another easy way to hit the orbs.
  • When attempting to complete the challenge, it is best to keep moving in the case that you miss an orb. Stopping to shoot the orb can result in you basically using the time you just gained.
  • Using Mastery Rank (52)Titania's Mastery Rank (53)Razorwing allows the player to fly through the test.

Mastery Rank (54)

Mastery Rank (55)

Carousel Test
This test requires players to eliminate enemies while being aware of their surroundings.

Players start on a platform facing a carousel-like structure with two disks connected with a large pillar at their centers. Between the disks are a set of lasers which separate the quadrants of the disks and slowly rotate around the disks, essentially circling the "carousel".

The object of the test is to reach the carousel, eliminate 16 enemies spawning on the outer disk, all while avoiding the moving lasers.

  • The lasers move at about walking speed, and position can be judged by the set in front of the player.
  • The lasers heavily damage shields, but the player is permitted to use revives available to them if they die.
    • Mastery Rank (56)Rhino's Mastery Rank (57)IronSkin can prevent this instant kill.
    • Mastery Rank (58)Ivara's Mastery Rank (59)Prowl with Mastery Rank (60)Infiltrate augment can be used to easily pass this test, as players will be able to walk through lasers unharmed and will still be able to kill enemies on the outer ring.
    • Mastery Rank (61)Limbo's Rift Walk can be used to pass through the lasers unharmed.
    • Using Mastery Rank (62)Titania's Mastery Rank (63)Razorwing allows the player to fly above most of the lasers and towards the enemies, killing them easily.
    • Mastery Rank (64)Wukong's Mastery Rank (65)CloudWalker ability allows you to pass through the lasers unharmed. His passive 5 masteries of death can also allow you extra revives.
  • A relatively accurate weapon is recommended, as the enemies are at mid to long range.
  • Sentinels with Mastery Rank (66)DethMachineRifle or Mastery Rank (67)Stinger can help with eliminating targets.
  • Mastery Rank (68)Ballistica, its burst fire producing a projectile "fan" when mobile, makes this test trivial.

Mastery Rank (69)

Mastery Rank (70)

Advanced Disappearing Platform Test
This test requires players to eliminate enemies while remaining extremely mobile.

Players start facing a number of platforms surrounded by walls which can be run across. Once the player touches a platform, it begins to flash increasingly rapidly and will disappear after a few seconds. The platforms are arranged with one in each corner, and three stacked vertically in the center.

Players have three tries to eliminate all enemies on surrounding platforms. Each fall counts as a try and returns all previously exhausted platforms.

Companions cannot be used in this test.

  • The number of targets is always 16, or, approximately, 2.3 per platform.
  • Plan the order by which you will use the platforms, to avoid getting stuck in a corner.
  • Utilize Power Wall Climbing to stand on top of walls and shoot enemies easier above disappearing platforms.
  • Mastery Rank (71)Mesa can use her Mastery Rank (72)Peacemaker ability to take this test.
  • Mastery Rank (73)Titania can use her Mastery Rank (74)Razorwing ability to hover above the platforms, and ignore the mechanic. Since you only start with 50 energy in the test, using either a Squad Energy Restore or Mastery Rank (75)Preparation is suggested.
  • Similarly Mastery Rank (76)Zephyr can use her charged Mastery Rank (77)TailWind ability to hover, delaying the need to move to the next platform.
  • Using the Mastery Rank (78)Akarius makes this test extremely inconsequential, since the homing rockets fired out of the gun explode upon hitting the ground and deal splash damage.

Mastery Rank (79)

Mastery Rank (80)

Advanced Exterminate Test
This test requires players to eliminate three waves of enemies of levels 15-20.

The player starts on the first level of a tower with multiple cover points and must eliminate targets until they are warped to the next level. There are three waves with Grineer, Infested, and Corpus units respectively.

  • Be careful of the gaps in the level.
  • Transference and Companions (except Venari) are disabled, so try to use a well-rounded loadout.
  • It appears that there is no time limit.
  • Enemy numbers: 10 Grineer, 20 Infested (including both crawlers and ospreys), 15 Corpus.
Mastery Rank (81)

Mastery Rank (82)

Interception Test
This test requires players to capture and hold points in an Interception mission.
  • Some targets may not be standing on the same Interception point or are being blocked by consoles. Punch through will be of some use mitigating this issue.
  • Vauban can use his Tether or Bastille to hold enemies in place to prevent them from capturing points.
Mastery Rank (83)

Mastery Rank (84)

Defense Test
This test requires players to defend a Cryopod for 3 waves of level 25 to 30 Corpus.
  • Wave 1: 8 enemies; Wave 2: 12 enemies; Wave 3: 16 enemies
  • Taking Mastery Rank (85)Frost and using Mastery Rank (86)SnowGlobe will help you complete this test easily.
Mastery Rank (87)

Mastery Rank (88)

Advanced Timed Exterminate Test
This test requires the player to kill 30 Infested targets within a short time limit. Players can melee attack orbs that spawn to add extra time.
  • Taking Mastery Rank (89)Wukong and using Mastery Rank (90)CelestialTwin can make the test fairly simple by having the twin use your primary weapon to kill the enemies while you use your melee to hit the orbs as they spawn.
  • There will be a sphere that upon destruction will grant the player +7 seconds. It can only be harmed with melee.
    • Thrown melee weapons like Mastery Rank (91)Glaive, Mastery Rank (92)Kestrel and Mastery Rank (93)Halikar don't deal any damage to the spheres when thrown.
    • Spin attack of Mastery Rank (94)TelosBoltace can destroy the spheres. As the spheres have object-based health, line of sight is not required to damage them.
    • The charge attacks from Mastery Rank (95)Redeemer and Mastery Rank (96)Sarpa cannot harm the spheres.
Mastery Rank (97)

Mastery Rank (98)

Advanced Defense Test
This test requires the player to defend a Cryopod for 5 waves of level 25 to 30 Corpus.
  • Enemies per wave – Wave 1: 8; Wave 2: 12; Wave 3: 16; Wave 4: 18; Wave 5: 20.
  • Taking Mastery Rank (99)Frost and using Mastery Rank (100)SnowGlobe will help you complete this test easily.
Mastery Rank (101)

Mastery Rank (102)

Stealth Rescue Test
This test requires the player to destroy six orbs without being detected by the 12 patrolling Grineer Lancers, and then escort a rescue target to the extraction point.
  • The player gets three attempts to complete the test without detection, after which the test will fail.
  • Primary and Secondary weapons are restricted, you only have access to your Melee weapon.
  • Active warframe abilities are disabled, however passive abilities (such as Mastery Rank (103)Banshee's Hush) remain in effect.
  • Glaives are ideal for taking out enemies from a safe distance.
    • Mastery Rank (104)Whirlwind increases the throw range of glaives, letting you kill the enemies without being close enough to be seen.
  • The Heavy Attacks of Gunblades create noise and cannot be silenced with any mods, although Banshee's Passive Ability can counter this.
    • Bug: After falling off the map the Gunblade may become unusable, and players can no longer aim glide. The only complete solution is to retake the trial since even failing the attempt in progress doesn't fix the issue. Workaround: assuming one managed to kill all the enemies beforehand, or at least the majority, it is possible to destroy an orb using jump kicks. One has to take a good running start, aim at the orb, run, bullet jump and press and hold crouch (CTRL ) while in the air until the orb is hit. This may not destroy it at first so it might take a few attempts. Moreover, the orb sometimes explodes spontaneously soon after hitting it.
  • As of Update 28.0 (2020-06-11), equipment and gear items are disabled during the test.
  • Mastery Rank (105)Ivara's passive as well as mods such as Mastery Rank (106)EnemyRadar, Mastery Rank (107)EnemySense and Mastery Rank (108)VigilantePursuit will allow you to see enemies on the minimap, making locating and avoiding them easier. Using Mastery Rank (109)Rush, Mastery Rank (110)ArmoredAgility, and Mastery Rank (111)SpeedDrift will allow you to sneak up on enemies quicker, and Mastery Rank (112)CoactionDrift will increase the Mastery Rank (113)EnemyRadar further.
  • Wisp's passive invisibility during jumps and aim-glide works very well with aim-glide mods and enemy radar. Jumping continually, landing behind and melee attack clears the map easily.
  • Mastery Rank (114)RaktaDarkDagger will help you sneak up on the enemies, as this weapon reduces enemy visibility. You will need to ensure that it can damage the enemies quick enough or you will be detected.
  • Using the Mastery Rank (115)Skiajati can trivialize the test, because its unique ability (five seconds of invisibility on Finisher attacks) functions during the test.
  • The best approach is to ignore the orbs and first observe the enemies' patrol patterns and eliminate them one by one. Once all enemies are down, get all the orbs, then get the rescue target. Most importantly DO NOT RUSH the test - a slow and methodical approach makes this test much simpler.
  • Open Mission Progress with (ESC } > View Mission Progress, or TAB ) to see how many Grineer enemies have been killed so far. There is a total of 12 Grineer enemies in the test, and they never respawn once killed.
  • In Practice mode there are up to ~20 enemies, instead of 12.
Mastery Rank (116)

Mastery Rank (117)

Archwing Time Trial Test
This test requires the player to fly between two platforms in Archwing mode before the timer runs out. There is a series of rings between the two platforms that grant additional time of 2 seconds when flown through. The player starts out with 10 seconds.
  • Your Warframe's Mastery Rank (118)SprintBoost aura mod and max or nearly max Mastery Rank (119)HyperionThrusters will make quick work of this mission. You should also sprint (with toggle on) and immediately go for afterburners, and use blink between the rings.
    • Using Blink will NOT take you through the rings, and thus will NOT add additional time.
  • Naturally, take Itzal into this mastery test to grant you an upper edge on the challenge thanks to its higher base speed.
    • If you are not very well oriented with the maximum velocity of the Archwing, consider taking slower Archwing such as Odonata or Elytron to retain more control. You do not need to collect every ring, just make it to the platform at the end of the course.

Tests for Rank 21-30

  • Rank 21

  • Rank 22

  • Rank 23

  • Rank 24

  • Rank 25

  • Rank 26

  • Rank 27

  • Rank 28

  • Rank 29

  • Rank 30

Mastery Rank (120)

Mastery Rank (121)

Timed Exterminate Test
This test requires the player to kill 35 enemies before the timer runs out. The player must destroy several orbs with their melee weapon to extend the timer, which spawn in random locations around the map.
  • The timer starts at 20 seconds, and each orb adds 15 seconds to the timer.
  • A total of 8 orbs will spawn, after which the player will be unable to further increase the remaining time.
  • Ranged melee weapons, such as the Mastery Rank (122)Glaive and Mastery Rank (123)Excalibur's Mastery Rank (124)ExaltedBlade can be used to destroy the orbs from a distance.
  • The map is very vertical, and thus an agile loadout is preferred. Consider bringing a Bullet Jump mod to help travel between platforms.
  • Utilizing a Warframe with AoE abilities such as Mastery Rank (125)Ash, Mastery Rank (126)Ember, and Mastery Rank (127)Saryn, will allow the player to eliminate enemies with minimal effort.
Mastery Rank (128)

Mastery Rank (129)

This test consists of three rounds requiring the player to kill 12 / 18 / 24 Executioners (level 40). The player is given 3 respawns before the mission will fail. Executioners will spawn in pairs, a maximum of 6 simultaneously. The first round has a speed boost modifier, the second round has a health drain modifier (drains 100 health periodically until you have 3 health, killing enemies restores all health) and the third round has a scaling enemies modifier. Falling out of the map uses one respawn.
  • Falling off the arena counts as a death. Take extra precautions to avoid the edge of the platforms or being knocked over them.
  • As gear use is not allowed, it is advisable to equip Mastery Rank (130)EnergySiphon, Mastery Rank (131)Streamline, or Mastery Rank (132)FleetingExpertise for energy regen/ability efficiency.
  • Mastery Rank (133)Ash's Mastery Rank (134)BladeStorm can make quick work of the Executioners.
  • Mastery Rank (135)RapidResilience is recommended to help counter enemy Mastery Rank (136)Cold procs.
  • Ammo is not replenished between rounds; bring ammo efficient weapons.
  • There are ammo, health, and energy spawns scattered around the map; energy is marked on the map with a blue circle, ammo and health have no markers.
  • Loki trivializes this test. Put on Vitality to minimize accidental death in the second round due to health drain.
Mastery Rank (137)

Mastery Rank (138)

Mobile Point Capture Test
This test requires the player to capture 6 mobile control points before the timer runs out by standing within a radius as they move along set paths. Various types of Grineer enemies will spawn throughout the map, attacking the player as they capture the points. Capture progress will quickly decay while the player is outside of the white radius. The point will gradually turn green and then stop moving upon reaching 100%.
  • The player has 5 minutes to capture all 6 control points, with no way to increase the remaining time.
  • The points can move very fast along certain paths, making it particularly difficult to aim at the surrounding enemies. Therefore, area-of-effect weapons and abilities are highly recommended.
  • Control of an incomplete point will rapidly decay if it is not actively being captured.
  • Area-of-effect crowd control abilities can trivialize the test if modded for sufficient range and duration.
  • Some of the control points move much faster than base movement speeds. Equipping max rank Mastery Rank (139)Rush, Mastery Rank (140)ArmoredAgility, and Mastery Rank (141)SprintBoost together grants enough speed for most Warframes to keep up with all but the fastest points with little effort.
  • There are no sources of energy outside of enemy drops, so Mastery Rank (142)EnergySiphon, Mastery Rank (143)Rage and/or Mastery Rank (144)HunterAdrenaline, and high Ability Efficiency are recommended.
  • A high-duration Mastery Rank (145)Loki is ideal as it will allow players to ignore incoming damage by utilizing Mastery Rank (146)Invisibility.
  • Mastery Rank (147)Limbo trivializes this test. Using Rift Walk at the beginning of the test, Limbo can remain in the Rift Plane indefinitely, effectively becoming immune to all damage for the duration of the test at no cost.
  • An alternative way to make this test bearable would be to utilize Warframes with abilities that can distract or divert the enemies' attention.
    • Mastery Rank (148)Saryn's Mastery Rank (149)Molt will divert enemy attacks while the speed boost allows her to catch up with the mobile control points. Equipping Mastery Rank (150)RegenerativeMolt also lets Saryn heal up, further increasing her survivability.
    • Mastery Rank (151)Revenant's Mastery Rank (152)Enthrall can take command of some of the enemies without needing to pause in order to cast it, creating a diversion as the enemies fight amongst themselves while providing ample time to focus on capturing mobile control points.
Mastery Rank (153)

Mastery Rank (154)

Operator Test
This test requires the player to use their Operator to destroy an orb in the center of a small arena, while being attacked by Infested Brood Mothers. The player is given 3 respawns before the mission will fail.
  • Jumping off the platform doess not kill the player.
  • The player has 3 minutes to destroy the orb, with no way to increase the remaining time.
  • The Operator is stripped of their Amp, and thus must carefully choose between using energy for Void Sling, Void Mode, or Void Beam.
    • In the past dying during the test allowed the player to use their equipped amp, but this is no longer possible.
  • Despite how short the obstacles on the arena appear, they cannot be stood on, even using Void Sling.
  • The orb's size and hitbox shrink as it takes more damage.
    • If the player dies - this does not refresh the orb's hit points, giving an opportunity to finish it off after respawning.
    • However orb's hit points will regenerate over time if it stops taking damage for a while.
  • There are two respawning energy orbs on opposite sides of the arena. Use these to your advantage.
  • Falling off the platform will not kill the Operator, but it is still recommended to be careful, as reappearing on the platform can trigger the heavy landing animation and leave them open to attack.
  • Void Mode will detach Maggots, though it will not kill them and they and can leap back onto the player at will, lifespans excepting.
  • Void Sling is effective for evading Maggots, and will also remove any Maggots attached to the Operator. Dashing through enemies will replenish a little energy as well as damage them.
    • Dashing towards the Brood Mothers to knock them off platforms also provides time to concentrate on the orb.
  • Mastery Rank (155)MagusLockdown can help to paralyse enemies for a short duration.
  • Brood Mothers can be killed, but more will spawn to replace them as the test progresses. There will never be more than two Brood Mothers at one time, excepting bugs/glitches.
Mastery Rank (156)

Mastery Rank (157)

Deployable Archwing Exterminate Test
This test requires the player to use an Archwing deployed by the Archwing Launcher to traverse a multitude of floating platforms, killing 50 enemies before the timer runs out. The player can extend the remaining time by melee attacking the orbs that spawn on these platforms.
  • The timer starts at 28 seconds, and each orb destroyed will increase it by 20, up to a maximum of 29 seconds.
  • Each platform contains a respawning Archwing that can be used to travel to another platform once it has been cleared.
  • Blink maneuver can be used to traverse between platforms extremely quickly.
  • Mastery Rank (158)Titania is ideal for this test, as Mastery Rank (159)Razorwing allows her to traverse the platforms without an Archwing and she can freely use the Mastery Rank (160)Diwata without exiting the ability.
  • Enemies falling off the platforms do not count as kills; as such, Crowd Dispersion or melee weapons with high knockback may be undesirable.
    • It is possible to complete the test without using any Archwing maneuvers as shown here
Mastery Rank (161)

Mastery Rank (162)

Advanced Mobile Point Capture Test
This test requires the player to capture 6 mobile control points within 5 minutes by standing within a radius as they move along set paths, while under constant fire from the Grineer. Capture progress will quickly decay while the player is outside of the white radius. The point will gradually turn green and then stop moving upon reaching 100%.
  • In contrast to the normal variant of this test:
    • The Grineer enemies here are relatively high leveled (level 41-46). It is recommended to bring a Warframe that can sustain itself under heavy gunfire, such as Mastery Rank (163)Inaros, Mastery Rank (164)Rhino, Mastery Rank (165)Nezha or Mastery Rank (166)Nidus.
    • The map in this test is much more vertical and open, increasing the overall heavy gunfire that must be endured.
    • You can use your Operator.
    • The mobile points move even faster, and they can move along a vertical path.
  • Much like the normal variant, the player has 5 minutes to capture all 6 control points, with no way to increase the remaining time.
  • There are no sources of energy outside of enemy drops, so Mastery Rank (167)EnergySiphon, high Ability Efficiency, Mastery Rank (168)Rage and/or Mastery Rank (169)HunterAdrenaline, and Zenurik's Mastery Rank (170)Wellspring are recommended.
  • Mastery Rank (171)Limbo or Mastery Rank (172)Loki are ideal as they can ignore incoming damage by utilizing Rift Walk or Mastery Rank (173)Invisibility, respectively.
  • Mastery Rank (174)Saryn can also make the test easy, as her Mastery Rank (175)Molt will divert enemy attacks while the speed boost allows her to catch up with the mobile control points. Equipping Mastery Rank (176)RegenerativeMolt also lets Saryn heal up, further increasing her survivability.
  • Mastery Rank (177)Octavia can also make the test easy, by slotting mods for efficiency and duration such that her Mastery Rank (178)Metronome can last for over 50s, giving Nocturne commensurate duration.
Mastery Rank (179)

Mastery Rank (180)

Index Banking Test
This test requires the player to collect 100 points and bank them within 5 minutes by moving around and grabbing points and banking them. The test will complete when the player has banked 100 points. Lvl25+ Grineer units will spawn during the mission, gradually increasing in level as time passes.
  • Unlike The Index, you have to activate the deposit point to manually bank points.
  • The map is very open to grab points using frames like Mastery Rank (181)Titania, Mastery Rank (182)Zephyr, or Mastery Rank (183)Nova to teleport around.
  • Using Zenurik Tree on your Operator with max bound "Void Flow" to dash around is a fast way to complete this test.
  • Orange orb locations are on the higher ground, worth 3 points each.
  • Blue orb locations are on the lower ground and between platforms, worth 1 point each.
  • Killing Grineer enemies marked with red color will drop an Orange orb worth 3 points.
  • Orbs respawn when the player banks them in for points.
  • It is possible to keep enemies at low level during the whole 5 minutes by not killing them. Making them less dangerous while the player is running around collecting points.
  • Orbs are affected by Mastery Rank (184)Vacuum and Mastery Rank (185)Fetch. Utilizing in combination with Mastery Rank (186)Mag's Mastery Rank (187)GreedyPull makes this test very easy.
Mastery Rank (188)

Mastery Rank (189)

Condensed Thermia Extermination Test
This test requires the player to eliminate 60 enemies within certain time limits. The enemies are initially invulnerable and colored in red, requiring the player to pick up canisters of Condensed Thermia, at most 7 of which will spawn on a schedule in 7 specific different locations throughout the map. The order of the 7 spawn locations is always the same. These canisters must be thrown at enemies (default: MMB ) to make them vulnerable, changing the enemy color from red to cyan. The first canister will spawn 5 seconds after the test starts, and each canister will expire 20 seconds after spawning in, with the expiration timer not stopping when the canister is picked up (however it is stopped once the player has thrown the canister and it is falling). Once a canister is thrown, the next one will spawn in 10 seconds (reduced to 5 seconds if the canister expires without being thrown). If 60 enemies are not killed within 15 seconds of throwing the 7th canister (or within 5 seconds of it expiring without being thrown) - the test will fail. This implies that the maximum possible time the test can run for is 3 minutes 40 seconds (but it will be shorter if canisters are thrown before their 20 second expiration timer, or if some canisters expire before being thrown). This test uses the canister throwing game mechanics first seen in the Exploiter Orb fight but adapted for extermination.
  • Because the maximum number of canisters is limited to 7 - it is recommended to throw the canisters into clusters of enemies to maximize their effectiveness.
  • Enemies need to be killed quickly after throwing a canister as the next canister will always spawn 10 seconds after the current one is thrown with the 20 second canister expiration timer immediately starting upon spawning in even if the player is still busy killing the enemies from the previous canister.
  • As the order of the 7 spawn location is always the same - memorising the order of canister spawn locations may be helpful in order to start moving closer towards the next canister spawn location a few seconds before a canister spawns in there.
  • Gear items (except vehicles such as Archwing or K-Drive) may be used for this test. Summoning an On Call Crew and commanding them to "Hold position" (default: X  while being close to the crew member) will cause the nearby enemies to attack the initially invulnerable crew member thus causing enemies to cluster in that spot (note that the crew member will become vulnerable to enemy damage if a canister is thrown closeby). Periodically dropping a Squad Energy Restore can help to supply energy for any warframe abilities needed.
  • Operator Void Slings are a great way to get to the Thermia canisters quickly, especially with Mastery Rank (202)MagusCadence and Mastery Rank (203)FarSling, and the Operator can carry the canisters even while in void mode (but will drop it on transference in, although if the frame is holding holding a canister - this will continue to be held on transference out/in). Mastery Rank (204)Titania also works very well for rapidly reaching canisters with Mastery Rank (205)Razorwing (however if a canister is held - it will be dropped if Razorwing is activated).
Mastery Rank (206)
Advanced Timed Extermination Test
This test requires the player to eliminate 100 enemies, with enemy levels starting at 50 and ending at 110. The player is given a 14-second countdown timer to kill waves of enemies, each enemy kill resets the timer by 2 seconds. Every 10 enemies killed the test conditions get harder:
  • 10 enemies: enemy level +10
  • 20 enemies: enemy level +20
  • 30 enemies: enemy health +50%
  • 40 enemies: enemy level +30
  • 50 enemies: max timer -3s
  • 60 enemies: enemy level +40
  • 70 enemies: enemy armor +50%
  • 80 enemies: enemy level +50
  • 90 enemies: enemy level +60
If the player dies or runs out of time, they will start again from 0 kills, and have 3 attempts total to succeed.
  • Mastery Rank (207)Mesa's Mastery Rank (208)Peacemaker, combined with some Energy Restores, can make this test trivial. Do not forget to use Mastery Rank (209)ShatterShield (with Mastery Rank (210)StaggeringShield recommended) beforehand to improve her survivability especially later in the test with higher level ranged enemies.
  • Strategically deployed near targeted ranged enemies, decoys by Mastery Rank (211)Loki and Mastery Rank (212)Saryn can both help draw fire from faraway ranged enemies and pull melee-type enemies closer for a faster kill.
    • Additionally, Loki's Mastery Rank (213)RadialDisarm will force ranged enemies to go in melee and close in, making them far easier to take out. It is not recommended to have Mastery Rank (214)IrradiatingDisarm equipped, however, as enemies might chase down other enemies due to the Mastery Rank (215)Radiation proc.
  • Ammo is not restored between attempts; the relatively low number of enemies combined with their buffs will make ammo efficient weapons and/or Ammo Restore gear important.
Mastery Rank (216)
Advanced Survival Test
This test requires the player to kill in each of 5 stages (or waves) a number of level 60-100 enemies (colored in cyan) from all different factions, then level 90-130 Arbitration Shield Drone together with 1-9 level 100-140 Eximus "bosses" (colored in red and highlighted with a globally visible red "target" icon), and finally interact with the Life Support Capsule (highlighted with a globally visible yellow "interact" icon) all while under Survival-style conditions (albeit with a much accelerated depletion timer and an instant failure upon depletion). After killing the bosses, the player must activate a single use Life Support Capsule to trigger the next stage - including one final capsule after killing stage 5 bosses to pass the test.
  • The test may be paused (default: Esc ).
  • Life support depletes at a rate of 1% every 0.66 seconds (which is therefore 2.25 times faster than every 1.5 seconds in regular Survival), and the test will instantly fail when this reaches 0%. It initially starts at 107%, which is therefore 71 seconds before the test fails, but can be replenished up to 100% (giving 66 seconds) in 2 ways:
    • Mobs will occasionally drop Life Support Modules when killed (highlighted with a globally visible yellow icon; these can be picked up either by walking over them, or by walking nearby with Mastery Rank (217)Vacuum/Mastery Rank (218)Fetch equipped on the Companion), extending the timer when picked up by 10% (i.e. by 6.6 seconds).
    • Each of the 5 end-of-stage single use life support capsules when activated increases timer by 35% (i.e. by 23.1 seconds).
  • In case the player gets killed during the test, they will simply respawn on the same spot, but will start again with 100 Warframe energy.
  • Being knocked off or jumping off a platform does not kill the character. This includes both the player, ordinary mobs and bosses - they will simply respawn shortly near their jumping off location.
  • Companions, Operator and most gear items (including Archguns) can be used during the test, but vehicles (such as Archwing, Necramech) and non-companion allies (such as Specters) - cannot.
  • Crowd control and Sprint Speed are both essential considerations for this test, as killed mobs drop crucial Life Support Modules that when picked up extend the test's timer.
    • Bring weapons that excel in crowd control such as Mastery Rank (219)Ignis, Mastery Rank (220)Atomos, Mastery Rank (221)KuvaNukor, and secondary-type Mastery Rank (222)Sporelacer(Primary).
    • Operator abilities as well as arcanes Mastery Rank (223)MagusLockdown and Mastery Rank (224)MagusAnomaly can help both cluster enemies together and do Area of Effect damage.
    • Mastery Rank (225)Mesa's Mastery Rank (226)Peacemaker, with good Health and energy sources (Mastery Rank (227)Rage, Mastery Rank (228)HunterAdrenaline, Mastery Rank (229)Protea's Mastery Rank (230)Dispensary), can quickly dispose of mobs and most bosses, as long as they are not protected by the Arbitration Shield Drone, which is not targetable by the Regulator pistols and thus are needed to be taken down by traditional means. Equipping Mastery Rank (231)Mesa'sWaltz is recommended to help circle around obstacles to take out hiding enemies.
    • Mastery Rank (232)Protea's Mastery Rank (233)BlazeArtillery and Mastery Rank (234)GrenadeFans are powerful crowd control abilities that will help eliminate mobs en masse.
    • Mastery Rank (235)Saryn's Mastery Rank (236)Spores, combined with high Ability Range and good Ability Strength, can make short work of surrounding mobs, while Mastery Rank (237)Molt can help her move faster.
    • Warframes built with high Ability Range and possessing abilities that pull enemies into a cluster (Mastery Rank (238)Nidus's Mastery Rank (239)Larva, Mastery Rank (240)Vauban's Mastery Rank (241)Bastille in Vortex mode, Mastery Rank (242)Khora's Mastery Rank (243)Ensnare, Mastery Rank (244)Mag's short-tap Mastery Rank (245)Magnetize, or Mastery Rank (246)Yareli's Mastery Rank (247)Riptide), will also help deal with the mobs and make Life Support Module pickups more convenient to pick up. Be aware of your energy reserves, however, as Parasitic Eximus units will spawn during this test.
    • Mastery Rank (248)Garuda infused with Mastery Rank (249)Gloom can trivialize this test, as enemies around her are significantly slowed and leaving them extremely vulnerable to attacks. This is markedly better when combined with Mastery Rank (250)Bloodletting and high Ability Strength.
    • Companions join the player during the test. Bringing Nautilus with the Mastery Rank (251)Cordon precept clusters enemies together for an easier clear, and Mastery Rank (252)Vacuum can help collecting Life Support modules (just note that it makes harder to kill bosses as they will be randomly shifted about the map just as any other enemy, however on the balance the benefit of faster enemy kills seems to be more important).
  • The Nox at Stage 5 is arguably the toughest of all the bosses due to his higher stage 5 level, innate damage reduction while his glass cover is not broken, combined with his Steel Path modifications.
    • As of Update 30, knocking him off the platform will simply teleport somewhere nearby his knock-off location (it has been reported to have killed him in the past, but this is no longer the case).

Tests for Legendary 1-10

  • Legendary 1

  • Legendary 2

  • Legendary 3

  • Legendary 4

  • Legendary 5

  • Legendary 6

  • Legendary 7

  • Legendary 8

  • Legendary 9

  • Legendary 10

Mastery Rank (253)
Legendary Exterminate Test (Primary)
This test requires players to exterminate three waves of level 80-85 Terra Corpus with their primary weapon. All Warframe abilities and the Operator are disabled.

The player starts in the center of a room encircled by eight pillars. From here they must eliminate 15, 30 and 45 enemies within 1:00, 1:30 and 2:00 for each wave respectively.

  • Keep in mind that all humanoid Terra Corpus variants resist 75% of all Mastery Rank (254)Cold, Mastery Rank (255)Blast, Mastery Rank (256)Magnetic, and Mastery Rank (257)Viral damage done to their health, so mod your primary weapon accordingly.
  • Reserve ammo is not consumed throughout the test.
  • Due to the high level of enemies and inability to use abilities, Warframes with high base tankiness (Mastery Rank (258)Inaros, Mastery Rank (259)Nidus, Mastery Rank (260)Grendel, Mastery Rank (261)Saryn, Mastery Rank (262)Valkyr) or innate invisibility (Mastery Rank (263)Wisp) are highly recommended to endure the fight. Equipping Mastery Rank (264)Adaptation further helps reinforce survivability.
Mastery Rank (265)
Legendary Exterminate Test (Secondary)
This test requires players to exterminate three waves of level 80-85 Tusk Grineer with their secondary weapon. All Warframe abilities and the Operator are disabled.

The player starts in the center of a room encircled by eight pillars. From here they must eliminate 10, 20 and 30 enemies within 1:00, 1:30 and 2:00 for each wave respectively.

  • Reserve ammo is not consumed throughout the test.
  • Due to the high level of enemies and inability to use abilities, Warframes with high base tankiness (Mastery Rank (266)Inaros, Mastery Rank (267)Nidus, Mastery Rank (268)Grendel, Mastery Rank (269)Saryn, Mastery Rank (270)Valkyr) or innate invisibility (Mastery Rank (271)Wisp) are highly recommended to endure the fight. Equipping Mastery Rank (272)Adaptation further helps reinforce survivability.
    • Due to the test using exclusively high-level Grineer enemies, modding for Mastery Rank (273)Corrosive and/or Mastery Rank (274)Heat damage is highly effective.
Legendary Exterminate Test (Melee)
This test requires players to exterminate three waves of level 80-85 Tusk Reavers, Terra Shockwave MOAs, and Tusk Heavy Gunners with their melee. All Warframe abilities are disabled.

The player starts in the center of a room with four pillars, one in every cardinal direction. From here they must eliminate 10, 20 and 30 enemies within 1:00, 1:30 and 2:00 for each wave respectively.

  • Due to the high level of enemies and inability to use abilities, Warframes with high base tankiness (Mastery Rank (275)Inaros, Mastery Rank (276)Nidus, Mastery Rank (277)Grendel, Mastery Rank (278)Saryn, Mastery Rank (279)Valkyr) or innate invisibility (Mastery Rank (280)Wisp) are highly recommended to endure the fight. Equipping Mastery Rank (281)Adaptation further helps reinforce survivability.
    • As the test enemies employ a lot of knockdown attacks that can chip away the test's countdown timer, equipping mods that allow knockdown resistance (such as Mastery Rank (282)PowerDrift) or quick recovery from it (such as Mastery Rank (283)Constitution) will help mitigate the issue.
  • A melee weapon with innately high status chance (such as a Mastery Rank (284)Ninkondi, Mastery Rank (285)Harmony, Mastery Rank (286)OrthosPrime or Mastery Rank (287)Rumblejack) and Mastery Rank (288)HealingReturn trivializes this test, as constantly hitting enemies and causing guaranteed procs will ensure you get healed.
    • Due to the test featuring largely high-level Grineer enemies, modding for Mastery Rank (289)Corrosive and/or Mastery Rank (290)Heat damage is highly effective.
Legendary Survival Test
This test requires players to endure an unlimited onslaught of level 100 Deimos Infested for 2 minutes.
  • Stealth skills, including the Operator's Void Mode, can be used to complete the test without issue.

Using Limbo trivializes the test, requiring a single button press, Roll, then waiting 2 minutes.

Mastery Ranks Allocation

  • Experience needed for each level, up to MR 30, is calculated by the formula: 2,500 × (Rank2)
  • For Legendary ranks: 2,250,000 + (147,500 * Legendary rank #)
Rank ImageRank NameRank NumberNext Rank RequirementTotal XP RequiredTestNote
Mastery Rank (291)Unranked02,5000None-
Mastery Rank (292)Initiate17,5002,500Primary Test

Rank 1-3

Mastery Rank (293)Silver Initiate212,50010,000Sidearm TestGrineer
Rank 1-3
Mastery Rank (294)Gold Initiate317,50022,500Melee TestGrineer
Rank 1-3
Mastery Rank (295)Novice422,50040,000Survival TestInfested
Rank 12-15
Mastery Rank (296)Silver Novice527,50062,500Terminal Hacking Test-
Mastery Rank (297)Gold Novice632,50090,000Target Tracking Test-
Mastery Rank (298)Disciple737,500122,500Timed Exterminate TestAll Factions
Rank 10-15
Mastery Rank (299)Silver Disciple842,500160,000Wall Dash Test-
Mastery Rank (300)Gold Disciple947,500202,500Stealth TestGrineer
Rank 1
Mastery Rank (301)Seeker1052,500250,000Disappearing Platform TestGrineer
Rank 1
Mastery Rank (302)Silver Seeker1157,500302,500Time Trial Test-
Mastery Rank (303)Gold Seeker1262,500360,000Carousel TestGrineer
Rank 1
Mastery Rank (304)Hunter1367,500422,500Advanced Disappearing Platform TestGrineer
Rank 1
Mastery Rank (305)Silver Hunter1472,500490,000Advanced Exterminate TestAll Factions
Rank 20-25
Mastery Rank (306)Gold Hunter1577,500562,500Interception Test

Three Towers
Rank 15-20

Mastery Rank (307)Eagle1682,500640,000Defense TestCorpus
3 Waves
Mastery Rank (308)Silver Eagle1787,500722,500Advanced Timed Exterminate TestInfested
35 Targets
Mastery Rank (309)Gold Eagle1892,500810,000Advanced Defense Test

5 Waves
Rank 27-30

Mastery Rank (310)Tiger1997,500902,500Stealth Rescue Test

Rank 15

Mastery Rank (311)Silver Tiger20102,5001,000,000Archwing Time Trial Test-
Mastery Rank (312)Gold Tiger21107,5001,102,500Timed Exterminate Test

Rank 26

Mastery Rank (313)Dragon22112,5001,210,000Arena TestGrineer
Rank 40+
Mastery Rank (314)Silver Dragon23117,5001,322,500Mobile Point Capture TestGrineer
Rank 40
Mastery Rank (315)Gold Dragon24122,5001,440,000Operator TestInfested
Rank 15
Mastery Rank (316)Sage25127,5001,562,500Deployable Archwing Exterminate TestGrineer
Rank 25
Mastery Rank (317)Silver Sage26132,5001,690,000Advanced Mobile Point Capture TestGrineer
Rank 41-46
Mastery Rank (318)Gold Sage27137,5001,822,500Index Banking TestGrineer
Rank 25+
Mastery Rank (319)Master28142,5001,960,000Condensed Thermia Extermination Test-
Mastery Rank (320)Middle Master29147,5002,102,500Advanced Timed Extermination Test All Factions
Rank 50-110
Mastery Rank (321)True Master30147,5002,250,000Advanced Survival TestAll Factions
Mastery Rank (322)Legendary 11 Mastery Rank (323)147,5002,397,500Legendary Exterminate Test (Primary)Corpus
Rank 80-85
Mastery Rank (324)Legendary 22 Mastery Rank (325)147,5002,545,000Legendary Exterminate Test (Secondary)Grineer
Rank 80-85
Mastery Rank (326)Legendary 33 Mastery Rank (327)147,5002,692,500Legendary Exterminate Test (Melee)Grineer
Rank 80-85
Mastery Rank (328)Legendary 44 Mastery Rank (329)147,5002,840,000Legendary Survival TestInfestation
Rank 100

Mastery Rank (330)

Total Mastery

Last updated: Update 36.1 (2024-08-21)
(including Zaws)
Normal Missions (nodes + Junctions)254 (241 + 13)27,519 (14519 + 13000)
The Steel Path (nodes + Junctions)254 (241 + 13)27,519 (14519 + 13000)
Railjack Intrinsics575,000
Drifter Intrinsics460,000
Sentinel Weapons2472,000
Robotic Weapons2163,000
Hound Weapons39,000
Minus Exclusives11482,505,038[?]

Mastery Checklist

Main article: Mastery Rank/Checklist

Exclusive Mastery

This section is transcluded from Exclusive Mastery . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Most Mastery-rewarding items can be directly bought, built, or researched. However the following items had a limited distribution period or were removed from circulation entirely.

  • Market Retired

  • Founders Pack

  • Nightwave

  • Event Reward

  • Void Trader

  • Daily Tribute

  • Prime Vault

Acquisition: Events or Special Alerts

These items were once available from the Market but have since been removed. They cannot be traded, but may rarely appear as rewards for Events or Tactical Alerts.

Mastery Rank (339)SnipetronPrimary3,000

Acquisition: None

These items were part of the Founders Program, rewarding those who donated during the crucial early stages of the game. They cannot be traded and will never be offered again.

Mastery Rank (340)ExcaliburPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (341)LatoPrimeSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (342)SkanaPrimeMelee3,000

Acquisition: Wolf Beacon and Nightwave Offerings

Mastery Rank (343)WolfSledge is only obtainable by killing the Wolf of Saturn Six. He spawned during the Nightwave/Series 1 and can now only spawn with a Wolf Beacon. Mastery Rank (344)Vitrica is only obtainable by killing Nihil after purchasing the Nihil's Oubliette decoration and the Enter Nihil's Oubliette Key.

Mastery Rank (345)WolfSledgeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (346)VitricaMelee3,000

Acquisition: Events, Special Alerts, or Celebrations

These items can appear as rewards for Events, Tactical Alerts, or celebratory periods. Their parts and/or blueprints can be traded except for all Dex Weapons, both Plague Zaw Strikes, and the Mastery Rank (347)OpticorVandal.

Mastery Rank (348)GorgonWraithPrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (349)ImperatorVandalArch-Gun3,000
Mastery Rank (350)DexFurisSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (351)DexDakraMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (352)DexSybarisPrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (353)PlagueKeewarZaw Strike3,000
Mastery Rank (354)PlagueKripathZaw Strike3,000
Mastery Rank (355)OpticorVandal*Primary3,000
Mastery Rank (356)BasmuPrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (357)CetiLaceraMelee3,000
* Opticor Vandal can also be purchased from Baro Ki'Teer, which has the only tradeable version

Acquisition: Purchase or Trade

These items can occasionally appear with Baro Ki'Teer's merchandise. Unranked weapons can be traded.

Mastery Rank (358)MaraDetronSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (359)PrismaGorgonPrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (360)PrismaLenzPrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (361)PrismaVerituxArch-Melee3,000
Mastery Rank (362)PrismaSkanaMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (363)PrismaOhmaMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (364)PrismaGrakataPrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (365)PrismaDualCleaversMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (366)ProvaVandalMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (367)MacheteWraithMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (368)PrismaTetraPrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (369)PrismaShadeCompanion6,000
Mastery Rank (370)PrismaBurstLaser*Robotic Weapon3,000
Mastery Rank (371)QuantaVandalPrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (372)AklexPrimeSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (373)VulkarWraithPrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (374)PrismaObexMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (375)PrismaAngstrumSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (376)ViperWraithSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (377)SupraVandalPrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (378)PrismaTwinGremlinsSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (379)AkvastoPrimeSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (380)PrismaGrinlokPrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (381)ZylokSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (382)GlaxionVandalPrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (383)PrismaDualDecurionsArch-Gun3,000
Mastery Rank (384)HalikarWraithMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (385)PrismaMacheteMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (386)VastilokMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (387)VericresMelee3,000
* Prisma Burst Laser is included with Prisma Shade when purchased from Baro, but the items are separate when traded with other players.
‡ Aklex Prime and Akvasto Prime cannot be purchased directly. Aklex Prime parts can be obtained through Axi A2 Relics, and Akvasto Prime parts can be obtained through Axi A5 Relics, both of which are exclusively sold by Baro Ki'Teer.

Acquisition: Daily Tribute system

These weapons are available from the daily tribute system at milestones 100, 300, 500 & 700

Mastery Rank (388)AzimaSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (389)ZenistarMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (390)ZenithPrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (391)Sigma&Octantis*Melee3,000
* Sigma & Octantis will only be available from Day 300

Acquisition: Legacy Relics, Trade, or Prime Vault Access

Relics containing their parts have been placed in the Prime Vault, no longer appearing in drop tables. However their parts and relics can be traded or used normally. These items are available on a random rotating schedule through the Prime Resurgence system.

Mastery Rank (392)FrostPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (393)LatronPrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (394)ReaperPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (395)MagPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (396)BoarPrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (397)DakraPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (398)EmberPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (399)SicarusPrimeSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (400)GlaivePrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (401)RhinoPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (402)BoltorPrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (403)AnkyrosPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (404)LokiPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (405)BoPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (406)WyrmPrimeCompanion6,000
Mastery Rank (407)PrimeLaserRifle*Sentinel Weapon3,000
Mastery Rank (408)NovaPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (409)SomaPrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (410)VastoPrimeSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (411)VoltPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (412)OdonataPrimeArchwing6,000
Mastery Rank (413)AshPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (414)VectisPrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (415)CarrierPrimeCompanion6,000
Mastery Rank (416)SweeperPrimeSentinel Weapon3,000
Mastery Rank (417)TrinityPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (418)DualKamasPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (419)VaubanPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (420)AkstilettoPrimeSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (421)FragorPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (422)NekrosPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (423)TigrisPrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (424)GalatinePrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (425)BansheePrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (426)EuphonaPrimeSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (427)HeliosPrimeCompanion6,000
Mastery Rank (428)DeconstructorPrimeSentinel Weapon3,000
Mastery Rank (429)OberonPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (430)SybarisPrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (431)Silva&AegisPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (432)HydroidPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (433)BallisticaPrimeSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (434)NamiSkylaPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (435)MiragePrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (436)AkboltoPrimeSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (437)KogakePrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (438)ZephyrPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (439)TiberonPrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (440)KronenPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (441)LimboPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (442)PyranaPrimeSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (443)DestrezaPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (444)ChromaPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (445)RubicoPrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (446)GramPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (447)MesaPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (448)AkjagaraPrimeSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (449)RedeemerPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (450)EquinoxPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (451)StradavarPrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (452)TipedoPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (453)WukongPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (454)ZhugePrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (455)NinkondiPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (456)AtlasPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (457)TekkoPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (458)DethcubePrimeCompanion6,000
Mastery Rank (459)DethMachineRiflePrime§Sentinel Weapon3,000
Mastery Rank (460)IvaraPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (461)BazaPrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (462)AksomatiPrimeSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (463)TitaniaPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (464)CorinthPrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (465)PangolinPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (466)InarosPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (467)PantheraPrimePrimary3,000
Mastery Rank (468)KarystPrimeMelee3,000
Mastery Rank (469)NezhaPrimeWarframe6,000
Mastery Rank (470)ZaktiPrimeSecondary3,000
Mastery Rank (471)GuandaoPrimeMelee3,000
* Prime Laser Rifle is included with Wyrm Prime and cannot be obtained separately.
† Sweeper Prime is included with Carrier Prime and cannot be obtained separately.
‡ Deconstructor Prime is included with Helios Prime and cannot be obtained separately.
§ Deth Machine Rifle Prime is included with Dethcube Prime and cannot be obtained separately.

Hidden Mastery

This section is transcluded from Hidden Mastery . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

Some Mastery-rewarding items can be hidden on your profile until you rank the item to at least rank 1 or other exceptions.

  • Warframe

  • Primary

  • Secondary

  • Melee

  • Robotic

  • Companions

  • Vehicles

  • Archgun

  • Archmelee

  • Amps

Total count: 101 (+ 1 for Founders)
Hidden items:

Mastery Rank (472)ExcaliburPrime6,000Founders Program
Mastery Rank (473)ExcaliburUmbra6,000The Sacrifice quest

Total count: 141 (+ 1 for Founders)
Hidden items:

Mastery Rank (487)LatoPrime3,000Founders Program
Mastery Rank (488)MaraDetron3,000Baro Ki'Teer
Mastery Rank (489)TwinVipersWraith3,000Invasion
Mastery Rank (490)ViperWraith3,000Baro Ki'Teer
Mastery Rank (491)Grimoire3,000*Whispers in the Walls quest
* Since it is obtained at max rank, mastery from Grimoire is granted after using a forma on it.

Total count: 213 (+ 1 for Founders)
Hidden items:

Mastery Rank (492)DexDakra3,000WARFRAME Anniversary (around March 27th)
Mastery Rank (493)Korumm3,000Bounty after The New War quest
Mastery Rank (494)MacheteWraith3,000Baro Ki'Teer
Mastery Rank (495)Nepheri3,000Bounty after The New War quest
Mastery Rank (496)Paracesis4,000Chimera Prologue quest
Mastery Rank (497)PrismaOhma3,000Baro Ki'Teer
Mastery Rank (498)Sheev3,000Invasion
Mastery Rank (499)Skiajati3,000The Sacrifice quest
Mastery Rank (500)SkanaPrime3,000Founders Program
Mastery Rank (501)Verdilac3,000Bounty after The New War quest
Mastery Rank (502)Xoris3,000The Deadlock Protocol quest

Total count: 48
Hidden items:

Mastery Rank (503)Akaten3,000Hound from defeating a Sisters of Parvos
Mastery Rank (504)Batoten3,000Hound from defeating a Sisters of Parvos
Mastery Rank (505)Lacerten3,000Hound from defeating a Sisters of Parvos
Mastery Rank (506)PrismaBurstLaser*3,000Baro Ki'Teer
Mastery Rank (507)PrismaShade6,000Baro Ki'Teer
* Prisma Burst Laser is included with Prisma Shade when purchased from Baro, but the items are separate when traded with other players.

Total count: 15
Hidden items:

Mastery Rank (508)Venari*6,000Mastery Rank (509)Khora
Mastery Rank (510)VenariPrime*6,000Mastery Rank (511)KhoraPrime
* Venari and Venari Prime do not show up in the profile even if leveled up, but still provide mastery.

Total count: 13
Hidden items:

Plexus*6,000The Archwing
* Plexus is hidden from the profile until The Archwing is completed.

Total count: 0
Hidden items:


Total count: 0
Hidden items:

Mastery Rank (512)PrismaVeritux3,000Baro Ki'Teer

Total count: 9 (some players may see an additional "amp" that counts, but does not provide mastery points)
Hidden items:

  • All amps are hidden from anyone's profile until the viewing user has acquired an Amp.
Mastery Rank (513)Sirocco3,000The New War quest

Mastery Rank Benefits

Higher Mastery Ranks grants several benefits. These include access to equipment and certain game content such as quests, and raises the cap of certain limiters such as mod capacity, Void Traces, Extractors, Focus, and Syndicate.

Equipment Unlock

  • Warframe

  • Primary

  • Secondary

  • Melee

  • Sentinel

  • Arch-weapons

  • All

Edit Tab

0Mastery Rank (514)Ash (Mastery Rank (515)Prime) • Mastery Rank (516)Atlas (Mastery Rank (517)Prime) • Mastery Rank (518)Banshee (Mastery Rank (519)Prime) • Mastery Rank (520)Baruuk (Mastery Rank (521)Prime) • Mastery Rank (522)CalibanMastery Rank (523)Chroma (Mastery Rank (524)Prime) • Mastery Rank (525)CitrineMastery Rank (526)DagathMastery Rank (527)DanteMastery Rank (528)Ember (Mastery Rank (529)Prime) • Mastery Rank (530)Equinox (Mastery Rank (531)Prime) • Mastery Rank (532)Excalibur (Mastery Rank (533)Umbra, Mastery Rank (534)Prime) • Mastery Rank (535)Frost (Mastery Rank (536)Prime) • Mastery Rank (537)Gara (Mastery Rank (538)Prime) • Mastery Rank (539)Garuda (Mastery Rank (540)Prime) • Mastery Rank (541)Gauss (Mastery Rank (542)Prime) • Mastery Rank (543)Grendel (Mastery Rank (544)Prime) • Mastery Rank (545)GyreMastery Rank (546)Harrow (Mastery Rank (547)Prime) • Mastery Rank (548)Hildryn (Mastery Rank (549)Prime) • Mastery Rank (550)Hydroid (Mastery Rank (551)Prime) • Mastery Rank (552)Inaros (Mastery Rank (553)Prime) • Mastery Rank (554)Ivara (Mastery Rank (555)Prime) • Mastery Rank (556)JadeMastery Rank (557)Khora (Mastery Rank (558)Prime) • Mastery Rank (559)KullervoMastery Rank (560)LavosMastery Rank (561)Limbo (Mastery Rank (562)Prime) • Mastery Rank (563)Loki (Mastery Rank (564)Prime) • Mastery Rank (565)Mag (Mastery Rank (566)Prime) • Mastery Rank (567)Mesa (Mastery Rank (568)Prime) • Mastery Rank (569)Mirage (Mastery Rank (570)Prime) • Mastery Rank (571)Nekros (Mastery Rank (572)Prime) • Mastery Rank (573)Nezha (Mastery Rank (574)Prime) • Mastery Rank (575)Nidus (Mastery Rank (576)Prime) • Mastery Rank (577)Nova (Mastery Rank (578)Prime) • Mastery Rank (579)Nyx (Mastery Rank (580)Prime) • Mastery Rank (581)Oberon (Mastery Rank (582)Prime) • Mastery Rank (583)Octavia (Mastery Rank (584)Prime) • Mastery Rank (585)Protea (Mastery Rank (586)Prime) • Mastery Rank (587)QorvexMastery Rank (588)Revenant (Mastery Rank (589)Prime) • Mastery Rank (590)Rhino (Mastery Rank (591)Prime) • Mastery Rank (592)Saryn (Mastery Rank (593)Prime) • Mastery Rank (594)Sevagoth (Mastery Rank (595)Prime) • Mastery Rank (596)StyanaxMastery Rank (597)Titania (Mastery Rank (598)Prime) • Mastery Rank (599)Trinity (Mastery Rank (600)Prime) • Mastery Rank (601)Valkyr (Mastery Rank (602)Prime) • Mastery Rank (603)Vauban (Mastery Rank (604)Prime) • Mastery Rank (605)Volt (Mastery Rank (606)Prime) • Mastery Rank (607)VorunaMastery Rank (608)Wisp (Mastery Rank (609)Prime) • Mastery Rank (610)Wukong (Mastery Rank (611)Prime) • Mastery Rank (612)XakuMastery Rank (613)YareliMastery Rank (614)Zephyr (Mastery Rank (615)Prime)

Edit Tab

0Mastery Rank (616)Braton (Mastery Rank (617)MK1) • Mastery Rank (618)BurstonMastery Rank (619)Catchmoon(Primary)Mastery Rank (620)Gaze(Primary)Mastery Rank (621)HindMastery Rank (622)LatronMastery Rank (623)NatarukMastery Rank (624)Paris (Mastery Rank (625)MK1) • Mastery Rank (626)Rattleguts(Primary)Mastery Rank (627)SnipetronMastery Rank (628)Sporelacer(Primary)Mastery Rank (629)MK1-StrunMastery Rank (630)Tombfinger(Primary)Mastery Rank (631)Vermisplicer(Primary) • All Kitguns
1Mastery Rank (632)KarakMastery Rank (633)Strun
2Mastery Rank (634)BoarMastery Rank (635)BoltorMastery Rank (636)MutalistQuantaMastery Rank (637)Vectis
3Mastery Rank (638)GorgonMastery Rank (639)TetraMastery Rank (640)Vulkar
4Mastery Rank (641)BratonVandalMastery Rank (642)DeraMastery Rank (643)HekMastery Rank (644)QuantaMastery Rank (645)PrismaTetraMastery Rank (646)Torid
5Mastery Rank (647)DrakgoonMastery Rank (648)DreadMastery Rank (649)GrakataMastery Rank (650)IgnisMastery Rank (651)KohmMastery Rank (652)SimulorMastery Rank (653)SnipetronVandalMastery Rank (654)SybarisMastery Rank (655)Tonkor
6Mastery Rank (656)CernosMastery Rank (657)CintaMastery Rank (658)FluxRifleMastery Rank (659)MiterMastery Rank (660)Penta (Mastery Rank (661)Carmine) • Mastery Rank (662)RubicoMastery Rank (663)ScourgeMastery Rank (664)Soma
7Mastery Rank (665)ArgonakMastery Rank (666)AtticaMastery Rank (667)BazaMastery Rank (668)ConvectrixMastery Rank (669)DeraVandalMastery Rank (670)GorgonWraithMastery Rank (671)GrinlokMastery Rank (672)HarpakMastery Rank (673)HemaMastery Rank (674)JavlokMastery Rank (675)KarakWraithMastery Rank (676)LatronWraithMastery Rank (677)MutalistCernosMastery Rank (678)PantheraMastery Rank (679)ParacystMastery Rank (680)SobekMastery Rank (681)SomaPrimeMastery Rank (682)DexSybarisMastery Rank (683)TigrisMastery Rank (684)VulkarWraithMastery Rank (685)Zarr
8Mastery Rank (686)AcceltraMastery Rank (687)AfentisMastery Rank (688)AlternoxMastery Rank (689)BratonPrimeMastery Rank (690)CedoMastery Rank (691)CorinthMastery Rank (692)ExergisMastery Rank (693)FulminMastery Rank (694)GlaxionMastery Rank (695)KomorexMastery Rank (696)LenzMastery Rank (697)ParisPrimeMastery Rank (698)PerigaleMastery Rank (699)RautaMastery Rank (700)SteflosMastery Rank (701)StradavarMastery Rank (702)Veldt
9Mastery Rank (703)IgnisWraithMastery Rank (704)NagantakaMastery Rank (705)OgrisMastery Rank (706)Phantasma
10Mastery Rank (707)AeolakMastery Rank (708)AmbassadorMastery Rank (709)AmprexMastery Rank (710)ArcaPlasmorMastery Rank (711)AstillaMastery Rank (712)BattacorMastery Rank (713)BazaPrimeMastery Rank (714)DaikyuMastery Rank (715)EvensongMastery Rank (716)LankaMastery Rank (717)LatronPrimeMastery Rank (718)QuantaVandalMastery Rank (719)QuartakkMastery Rank (720)StahltaMastery Rank (721)StrunWraithMastery Rank (722)TenoraMastery Rank (723)TiberonMastery Rank (724)ZenithMastery Rank (725)Zhuge
11Mastery Rank (726)BasmuMastery Rank (727)BoarPrimeMastery Rank (728)BuzlokMastery Rank (729)PrismaGorgonMastery Rank (730)PrismaGrakataMastery Rank (731)PrismaGrinlokMastery Rank (732)PhageMastery Rank (733)Synapse
12Mastery Rank (734)AX-52Mastery Rank (735)TelosBoltorMastery Rank (736)BurstonPrimeMastery Rank (737)CernosPrime, Mastery Rank (738)RaktaCernosMastery Rank (739)FulminPrimeMastery Rank (740)GlaxionVandalMastery Rank (741)VaykorHekMastery Rank (742)PrismaLenzMastery Rank (743)NagantakaPrimeMastery Rank (744)SecuraPentaMastery Rank (745)QuellorMastery Rank (746)RubicoPrimeMastery Rank (747)SynoidSimulorMastery Rank (748)StradavarPrimeMastery Rank (749)SupraMastery Rank (750)SybarisPrimeMastery Rank (751)SanctiTigris
13Mastery Rank (752)BoltorPrimeMastery Rank (753)BubonicoMastery Rank (754)KuvaDrakgoonMastery Rank (755)KuvaKarakMastery Rank (756)KuvaKohmMastery Rank (757)KuvaQuartakkMastery Rank (758)SheduMastery Rank (759)SporothrixMastery Rank (760)TigrisPrimeMastery Rank (761)KuvaTonkorMastery Rank (762)Trumna
14Mastery Rank (763)AcceltraPrimeMastery Rank (764)AstillaPrimeMastery Rank (765)CorinthPrimeMastery Rank (766)FelarxMastery Rank (767)FerroxMastery Rank (768)GotvaPrimeMastery Rank (769)Opticor (Mastery Rank (770)Vandal) • Mastery Rank (771)PantheraPrimeMastery Rank (772)PhantasmaPrimeMastery Rank (773)PhenmorMastery Rank (774)ScourgePrimeMastery Rank (775)StrunPrimeMastery Rank (776)SupraVandalMastery Rank (777)TenoraPrimeMastery Rank (778)TiberonPrimeMastery Rank (779)VectisPrimeMastery Rank (780)ZhugePrime
15Mastery Rank (781)KuvaBrammaMastery Rank (782)KuvaChakkhurrMastery Rank (783)KuvaHekMastery Rank (784)KuvaHindMastery Rank (785)KuvaOgrisMastery Rank (786)ProboscisCernosMastery Rank (787)KuvaSobekMastery Rank (788)KuvaZarr
16Mastery Rank (789)TenetArcaPlasmorMastery Rank (790)TenetEnvoyMastery Rank (791)TenetFerroxMastery Rank (792)TenetFluxRifleMastery Rank (793)TenetGlaxionMastery Rank (794)TenetTetra

Edit Tab

0Mastery Rank (795)BroncoMastery Rank (796)Catchmoon(Secondary)Mastery Rank (797)MK1-FurisMastery Rank (798)Gaze(Secondary)Mastery Rank (799)KrakenMastery Rank (800)Kunai (Mastery Rank (801)MK1) • Mastery Rank (802)LatoMastery Rank (803)Rattleguts(Secondary)Mastery Rank (804)SeerMastery Rank (805)Sporelacer(Secondary)Mastery Rank (806)Tombfinger(Secondary)Mastery Rank (807)Vermisplicer(Secondary) • All Kitguns
2Mastery Rank (808)AkbroncoMastery Rank (809)BallisticaMastery Rank (810)FurisMastery Rank (811)GammacorMastery Rank (812)HikouMastery Rank (813)SonicorMastery Rank (814)Stug
3Mastery Rank (815)AklatoMastery Rank (816)CastanasMastery Rank (817)LexMastery Rank (818)Sicarus
4Mastery Rank (819)AfurisMastery Rank (820)AklexMastery Rank (821)AkzaniMastery Rank (822)AngstrumMastery Rank (823)BroncoPrimeMastery Rank (824)CestraMastery Rank (825)DespairMastery Rank (826)HikouPrimeMastery Rank (827)NukorMastery Rank (828)SpectraMastery Rank (829)VastoMastery Rank (830)Viper (Mastery Rank (831)Wraith)
5Mastery Rank (832)AtomosMastery Rank (833)KohmakMastery Rank (834)KulstarMastery Rank (835)TwinGremlinsMastery Rank (836)TwinVipers
6Mastery Rank (837)AzimaMastery Rank (838)RaktaBallisticaMastery Rank (839)BrakkMastery Rank (840)DetronMastery Rank (841)Plinx (Mastery Rank (842)Tenet) • Mastery Rank (843)Zylok
7Mastery Rank (844)AcridMastery Rank (845)BoltoMastery Rank (846)DualCestraMastery Rank (847)FusilaiMastery Rank (848)SynoidGammacorMastery Rank (849)HystrixMastery Rank (850)LatoVandalMastery Rank (851)MarelokMastery Rank (852)StubbaMastery Rank (853)TwinVipersWraith
8Mastery Rank (854)AkariusMastery Rank (855)AkboltoMastery Rank (856)AkjagaraMastery Rank (857)AkstilettoMastery Rank (858)AkvastoMastery Rank (859)PrismaAngstrumMastery Rank (860)CyanexMastery Rank (861)CycronMastery Rank (862)EpitaphMastery Rank (863)KompressaMastery Rank (864)LexPrimeMastery Rank (865)OcucorMastery Rank (866)PanderoMastery Rank (867)SpiraMastery Rank (868)TalonsMastery Rank (869)Velox
9Mastery Rank (870)AksomatiMastery Rank (871)MaraDetronMastery Rank (872)EmbolistMastery Rank (873)PoxMastery Rank (874)QuatzMastery Rank (875)TwinGrakatasMastery Rank (876)TwinRoggaMastery Rank (877)Tysis
10Mastery Rank (878)AkbroncoPrimeMastery Rank (879)AkstilettoPrimeMastery Rank (880)ArcaSciscoMastery Rank (881)AthodaiMastery Rank (882)CantareMastery Rank (883)SanctiCastanasMastery Rank (884)SecuraDualCestraMastery Rank (885)DexFurisMastery Rank (886)GrimoireMastery Rank (887)KnellMastery Rank (888)MagnusMastery Rank (889)VaykorMarelokMastery Rank (890)SpectraVandalMastery Rank (891)SpiraPrimeMastery Rank (892)StaticorMastery Rank (893)TwinKohmakMastery Rank (894)VastoPrimeMastery Rank (895)Zakti
11Mastery Rank (896)AegritMastery Rank (897)TelosAkboltoMastery Rank (898)CatabolystMastery Rank (899)DualToxocystMastery Rank (900)PrismaTwinGremlinsMastery Rank (901)Zymos
12Mastery Rank (902)AfurisPrimeMastery Rank (903)AkjagaraPrimeMastery Rank (904)AkmagnusMastery Rank (905)AksomatiPrimeMastery Rank (906)AkvastoPrimeMastery Rank (907)HystrixPrimeMastery Rank (908)Pyrana
13Mastery Rank (909)AkboltoPrimeMastery Rank (910)KuvaBrakkMastery Rank (911)KuvaNukorMastery Rank (912)PyranaPrimeMastery Rank (913)KuvaTwinStubbasMastery Rank (914)VeloxPrimeMastery Rank (915)ZylokPrime
14Mastery Rank (916)AkariusPrimeMastery Rank (917)BallisticaPrimeMastery Rank (918)TenetCycronMastery Rank (919)EpitaphPrimeMastery Rank (920)EuphonaPrimeMastery Rank (921)KnellPrimeMastery Rank (922)LaetumMastery Rank (923)LatoPrimeMastery Rank (924)MagnusPrimeMastery Rank (925)OnosMastery Rank (926)PanderoPrimeMastery Rank (927)SepulcrumMastery Rank (928)SicarusPrimeMastery Rank (929)TenetSpirexMastery Rank (930)ZaktiPrime
15Mastery Rank (931)AklexPrimeMastery Rank (932)AkmagnusPrimeMastery Rank (933)KuvaKrakenMastery Rank (934)KuvaSeer
16Mastery Rank (935)TenetDetronMastery Rank (936)TenetDiplos

Edit Tab

0Mastery Rank (937)Argo&VelMastery Rank (938)AzothaneMastery Rank (939)Bo (Mastery Rank (940)MK1) • Mastery Rank (941)CronusMastery Rank (942)DualSkanaMastery Rank (943)EdunMastery Rank (944)FangMastery Rank (945)MK1-FuraxMastery Rank (946)JawSwordMastery Rank (947)KestrelMastery Rank (948)LectaMastery Rank (949)SampotesMastery Rank (950)Silva&AegisMastery Rank (951)SkanaMastery Rank (952)Sun&MoonMastery Rank (953)Syam • All Zaws
1Mastery Rank (954)DualKamasMastery Rank (955)GlaiveMastery Rank (956)KamaMastery Rank (957)MacheteMastery Rank (958)Magistar
2Mastery Rank (959)AnkyrosMastery Rank (960)DarkDaggerMastery Rank (961)DualZorenMastery Rank (962)FragorMastery Rank (963)GramMastery Rank (964)KogakeMastery Rank (965)NamiSkylaMastery Rank (966)OrthosMastery Rank (967)Scindo
3Mastery Rank (968)Ack&BruntMastery Rank (969)AnkuMastery Rank (970)CeramicDaggerMastery Rank (971)DualHeatSwordsMastery Rank (972)GalatineMastery Rank (973)HeatDaggerMastery Rank (974)HeatSwordMastery Rank (975)KronenMastery Rank (976)PangolinSwordMastery Rank (977)ProvaMastery Rank (978)TipedoMastery Rank (979)Tonbo
4Mastery Rank (980)BoltaceMastery Rank (981)CadusMastery Rank (982)EtherReaperMastery Rank (983)GuandaoMastery Rank (984)NikanaMastery Rank (985)ObexMastery Rank (986)PlasmaSwordMastery Rank (987)RedeemerMastery Rank (988)VenkaMastery Rank (989)Xoris
5Mastery Rank (990)AmphisMastery Rank (991)AtteraxMastery Rank (992)BoPrimeMastery Rank (993)CassowarMastery Rank (994)DarkSplit-Sword(DualSwords)Mastery Rank (995)DarkSplit-Sword(HeavyBlade)Mastery Rank (996)DualCleaversMastery Rank (997)FuraxMastery Rank (998)GazalMacheteMastery Rank (999)JatKittagMastery Rank (1000)MireMastery Rank (1001)OkinaMastery Rank (1002)OrviusMastery Rank (1003)RipkasMastery Rank (1004)SheevMastery Rank (1005)Sydon
6Mastery Rank (1006)DexDakraMastery Rank (1007)DualIchorMastery Rank (1008)DualRazaMastery Rank (1009)EtherDaggersMastery Rank (1010)GalvacordMastery Rank (1011)KarystMastery Rank (1012)KreskaMastery Rank (1013)NamiSoloMastery Rank (1014)ScoliacMastery Rank (1015)SerroMastery Rank (1016)SibearMastery Rank (1017)TekkoMastery Rank (1018)Zenistar
7Mastery Rank (1019)BrokenScepterMastery Rank (1020)CaustacystMastery Rank (1021)CerataMastery Rank (1022)DestrezaMastery Rank (1023)DualKeresMastery Rank (1024)EnduraMastery Rank (1025)EtherSwordMastery Rank (1026)GhoulsawMastery Rank (1027)HalikarMastery Rank (1028)HirudoMastery Rank (1029)KeshegMastery Rank (1030)LaceraMastery Rank (1031)PrismaMacheteMastery Rank (1032)PennantMastery Rank (1033)PupacystMastery Rank (1034)TatsuMastery Rank (1035)TwinBasolkMastery Rank (1036)WolfSledge
8Mastery Rank (1037)AnkyrosPrimeMastery Rank (1038)CorufellMastery Rank (1039)RaktaDarkDaggerMastery Rank (1040)DarkSwordMastery Rank (1041)DorrclaveMastery Rank (1042)DragonNikanaMastery Rank (1043)DualEtherMastery Rank (1044)DualKamasPrimeMastery Rank (1045)FalcorMastery Rank (1046)GunsenMastery Rank (1047)HateMastery Rank (1048)SecuraLectaMastery Rank (1049)SanctiMagistarMastery Rank (1050)MasseterMastery Rank (1051)MiosMastery Rank (1052)DexNikanaMastery Rank (1053)NinkondiMastery Rank (1054)OhmaMastery Rank (1055)ProvaVandalMastery Rank (1056)QuassusMastery Rank (1057)RumblejackMastery Rank (1058)SarofangMastery Rank (1059)SarpaMastery Rank (1060)ScindoPrimeMastery Rank (1061)PrismaSkanaMastery Rank (1062)Vericres
9Mastery Rank (1063)PrismaDualCleaversMastery Rank (1064)FuraxWraithMastery Rank (1065)HeliocorMastery Rank (1066)KeratinosMastery Rank (1067)KorrudoMastery Rank (1068)KrohkurMastery Rank (1069)LesionMastery Rank (1070)PathocystMastery Rank (1071)VastilokMastery Rank (1072)VenatoMastery Rank (1073)Volnus
10Mastery Rank (1074)ArcaTitronMastery Rank (1075)BrokenWarMastery Rank (1076)Cobra&CraneMastery Rank (1077)DakraPrimeMastery Rank (1078)DestrezaPrimeMastery Rank (1079)EkheinMastery Rank (1080)FangPrimeMastery Rank (1081)GlaivePrimeMastery Rank (1082)HarmonyMastery Rank (1083)KogakePrimeMastery Rank (1084)PrismaObexMastery Rank (1085)ParacesisMastery Rank (1086)ReaperPrimeMastery Rank (1087)RedeemerPrimeMastery Rank (1088)ShakuMastery Rank (1089)Sigma&OctantisMastery Rank (1090)StrophaMastery Rank (1091)TipedoPrimeMastery Rank (1092)TwinKrohkurMastery Rank (1093)War
11Mastery Rank (1094)ArumSpinosaMastery Rank (1095)TelosBoltaceMastery Rank (1096)SynoidHeliocorMastery Rank (1097)JatKusarMastery Rank (1098)MacheteWraithMastery Rank (1099)NamiSkylaPrimeMastery Rank (1100)PulmonarsMastery Rank (1101)SkiajatiMastery Rank (1102)VaykorSydon
12Mastery Rank (1103)FragorPrimeMastery Rank (1104)GuandaoPrimeMastery Rank (1105)GunsenPrimeMastery Rank (1106)HesparMastery Rank (1107)KarystPrimeMastery Rank (1108)CetiLaceraMastery Rank (1109)NikanaPrimeMastery Rank (1110)PrismaOhmaMastery Rank (1111)OkinaPrimeMastery Rank (1112)OrthosPrimeMastery Rank (1113)Silva&AegisPrimeMastery Rank (1114)SkanaPrimeMastery Rank (1115)TekkoPrime
13Mastery Rank (1116)GalatinePrimeMastery Rank (1117)HalikarWraithMastery Rank (1118)KorummMastery Rank (1119)KronenPrimeMastery Rank (1120)NepheriMastery Rank (1121)KuvaShildegMastery Rank (1122)SlaytraMastery Rank (1123)VerdilacMastery Rank (1124)Vitrica
14Mastery Rank (1125)TenetAgendusMastery Rank (1126)Cobra&CranePrimeMastery Rank (1127)DualKeresPrimeMastery Rank (1128)GramPrimeMastery Rank (1129)TenetGrigoriMastery Rank (1130)InnodemMastery Rank (1131)TenetLiviaMastery Rank (1132)MasseterPrimeMastery Rank (1133)NinkondiPrimeMastery Rank (1134)PangolinPrimeMastery Rank (1135)PraedosMastery Rank (1136)RuvoxMastery Rank (1137)TatsuPrimeMastery Rank (1138)VenkaPrimeMastery Rank (1139)VolnusPrime
16Mastery Rank (1140)TenetExec

Edit Tab

MRSentinelRobotic Weapon
0Mastery Rank (1141)Carrier (Mastery Rank (1142)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1143)Dethcube (Mastery Rank (1144)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1145)DirigaMastery Rank (1146)DjinnMastery Rank (1147)Helios (Mastery Rank (1148)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1149)NautilusMastery Rank (1150)OxylusMastery Rank (1151)Shade (Mastery Rank (1152)Prisma) • Mastery Rank (1153)TaxonMastery Rank (1154)Wyrm (Mastery Rank (1155)Prime)Mastery Rank (1156)ArtaxMastery Rank (1157)BurstLaser (Mastery Rank (1158)Prime, Mastery Rank (1159)Prisma) • Mastery Rank (1160)CryotraMastery Rank (1161)Deconstructor (Mastery Rank (1162)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1163)DethMachineRifle (Mastery Rank (1164)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1165)HelstrumMastery Rank (1166)LaserRifle (Mastery Rank (1167)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1168)StingerMastery Rank (1169)Sweeper (Mastery Rank (1170)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1171)Verglas (Mastery Rank (1172)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1173)Vulklok
3Mastery Rank (1174)MultronMastery Rank (1175)Tazicor
. . .
14Mastery Rank (1176)Vulcax

Edit Tab

0Mastery Rank (1203)Ash (Mastery Rank (1204)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1205)Atlas (Mastery Rank (1206)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1207)Banshee (Mastery Rank (1208)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1209)Baruuk (Mastery Rank (1210)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1211)CalibanMastery Rank (1212)Chroma (Mastery Rank (1213)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1214)CitrineMastery Rank (1215)DagathMastery Rank (1216)DanteMastery Rank (1217)Ember (Mastery Rank (1218)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1219)Equinox (Mastery Rank (1220)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1221)Excalibur (Mastery Rank (1222)Umbra, Mastery Rank (1223)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1224)Frost (Mastery Rank (1225)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1226)Gara (Mastery Rank (1227)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1228)Garuda (Mastery Rank (1229)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1230)Gauss (Mastery Rank (1231)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1232)Grendel (Mastery Rank (1233)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1234)GyreMastery Rank (1235)Harrow (Mastery Rank (1236)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1237)Hildryn (Mastery Rank (1238)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1239)Hydroid (Mastery Rank (1240)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1241)Inaros (Mastery Rank (1242)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1243)Ivara (Mastery Rank (1244)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1245)JadeMastery Rank (1246)Khora (Mastery Rank (1247)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1248)KullervoMastery Rank (1249)LavosMastery Rank (1250)Limbo (Mastery Rank (1251)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1252)Loki (Mastery Rank (1253)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1254)Mag (Mastery Rank (1255)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1256)Mesa (Mastery Rank (1257)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1258)Mirage (Mastery Rank (1259)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1260)Nekros (Mastery Rank (1261)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1262)Nezha (Mastery Rank (1263)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1264)Nidus (Mastery Rank (1265)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1266)Nova (Mastery Rank (1267)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1268)Nyx (Mastery Rank (1269)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1270)Oberon (Mastery Rank (1271)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1272)Octavia (Mastery Rank (1273)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1274)Protea (Mastery Rank (1275)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1276)QorvexMastery Rank (1277)Revenant (Mastery Rank (1278)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1279)Rhino (Mastery Rank (1280)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1281)Saryn (Mastery Rank (1282)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1283)Sevagoth (Mastery Rank (1284)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1285)StyanaxMastery Rank (1286)Titania (Mastery Rank (1287)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1288)Trinity (Mastery Rank (1289)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1290)Valkyr (Mastery Rank (1291)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1292)Vauban (Mastery Rank (1293)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1294)Volt (Mastery Rank (1295)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1296)VorunaMastery Rank (1297)Wisp (Mastery Rank (1298)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1299)Wukong (Mastery Rank (1300)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1301)XakuMastery Rank (1302)YareliMastery Rank (1303)Zephyr (Mastery Rank (1304)Prime)Mastery Rank (1305)Braton (Mastery Rank (1306)MK1) • Mastery Rank (1307)BurstonMastery Rank (1308)Catchmoon(Primary)Mastery Rank (1309)Gaze(Primary)Mastery Rank (1310)HindMastery Rank (1311)LatronMastery Rank (1312)NatarukMastery Rank (1313)Paris (Mastery Rank (1314)MK1) • Mastery Rank (1315)Rattleguts(Primary)Mastery Rank (1316)SnipetronMastery Rank (1317)Sporelacer(Primary)Mastery Rank (1318)MK1-StrunMastery Rank (1319)Tombfinger(Primary)Mastery Rank (1320)Vermisplicer(Primary)Mastery Rank (1321)BroncoMastery Rank (1322)Catchmoon(Secondary)Mastery Rank (1323)MK1-FurisMastery Rank (1324)Gaze(Secondary)Mastery Rank (1325)KrakenMastery Rank (1326)Kunai (Mastery Rank (1327)MK1) • Mastery Rank (1328)LatoMastery Rank (1329)Rattleguts(Secondary)Mastery Rank (1330)SeerMastery Rank (1331)Sporelacer(Secondary)Mastery Rank (1332)Tombfinger(Secondary)Mastery Rank (1333)Vermisplicer(Secondary) • All KitgunsMastery Rank (1334)Argo&VelMastery Rank (1335)AzothaneMastery Rank (1336)Bo (Mastery Rank (1337)MK1) • Mastery Rank (1338)CronusMastery Rank (1339)DualSkanaMastery Rank (1340)EdunMastery Rank (1341)FangMastery Rank (1342)MK1-FuraxMastery Rank (1343)JawSwordMastery Rank (1344)KestrelMastery Rank (1345)LectaMastery Rank (1346)SampotesMastery Rank (1347)Silva&AegisMastery Rank (1348)SkanaMastery Rank (1349)Sun&MoonMastery Rank (1350)Syam • All ZawsMastery Rank (1351)Carrier (Mastery Rank (1352)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1353)Dethcube (Mastery Rank (1354)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1355)DirigaMastery Rank (1356)DjinnMastery Rank (1357)Helios (Mastery Rank (1358)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1359)NautilusMastery Rank (1360)OxylusMastery Rank (1361)Shade (Mastery Rank (1362)Prisma) • Mastery Rank (1363)TaxonMastery Rank (1364)Wyrm (Mastery Rank (1365)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1366)ArtaxMastery Rank (1367)BurstLaser (Mastery Rank (1368)Prime, Mastery Rank (1369)Prisma) • Mastery Rank (1370)CryotraMastery Rank (1371)Deconstructor (Mastery Rank (1372)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1373)DethMachineRifle (Mastery Rank (1374)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1375)HelstrumMastery Rank (1376)LaserRifle (Mastery Rank (1377)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1378)StingerMastery Rank (1379)Sweeper (Mastery Rank (1380)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1381)Verglas (Mastery Rank (1382)Prime) • Mastery Rank (1383)Vulklok
1Mastery Rank (1384)KarakMastery Rank (1385)StrunMastery Rank (1386)DualKamasMastery Rank (1387)GlaiveMastery Rank (1388)KamaMastery Rank (1389)MacheteMastery Rank (1390)Magistar
2Mastery Rank (1391)BoarMastery Rank (1392)BoltorMastery Rank (1393)MutalistQuantaMastery Rank (1394)VectisMastery Rank (1395)AkbroncoMastery Rank (1396)BallisticaMastery Rank (1397)FurisMastery Rank (1398)GammacorMastery Rank (1399)HikouMastery Rank (1400)SonicorMastery Rank (1401)StugMastery Rank (1402)AnkyrosMastery Rank (1403)DarkDaggerMastery Rank (1404)DualZorenMastery Rank (1405)FragorMastery Rank (1406)GramMastery Rank (1407)KogakeMastery Rank (1408)NamiSkylaMastery Rank (1409)OrthosMastery Rank (1410)Scindo
3Mastery Rank (1411)GorgonMastery Rank (1412)TetraMastery Rank (1413)VulkarMastery Rank (1414)AklatoMastery Rank (1415)CastanasMastery Rank (1416)LexMastery Rank (1417)SicarusMastery Rank (1418)Ack&BruntMastery Rank (1419)AnkuMastery Rank (1420)CeramicDaggerMastery Rank (1421)DualHeatSwordsMastery Rank (1422)GalatineMastery Rank (1423)HeatDaggerMastery Rank (1424)HeatSwordMastery Rank (1425)KronenMastery Rank (1426)PangolinSwordMastery Rank (1427)ProvaMastery Rank (1428)TipedoMastery Rank (1429)Tonbo
4Mastery Rank (1430)BratonVandalMastery Rank (1431)DeraMastery Rank (1432)HekMastery Rank (1433)QuantaMastery Rank (1434)PrismaTetraMastery Rank (1435)ToridMastery Rank (1436)AfurisMastery Rank (1437)AklexMastery Rank (1438)AkzaniMastery Rank (1439)AngstrumMastery Rank (1440)BroncoPrimeMastery Rank (1441)CestraMastery Rank (1442)DespairMastery Rank (1443)HikouPrimeMastery Rank (1444)NukorMastery Rank (1445)SpectraMastery Rank (1446)VastoMastery Rank (1447)Viper (Mastery Rank (1448)Wraith)Mastery Rank (1449)BoltaceMastery Rank (1450)CadusMastery Rank (1451)EtherReaperMastery Rank (1452)GuandaoMastery Rank (1453)NikanaMastery Rank (1454)ObexMastery Rank (1455)PlasmaSwordMastery Rank (1456)RedeemerMastery Rank (1457)VenkaMastery Rank (1458)Xoris
5Mastery Rank (1459)DrakgoonMastery Rank (1460)DreadMastery Rank (1461)GrakataMastery Rank (1462)IgnisMastery Rank (1463)KohmMastery Rank (1464)SimulorMastery Rank (1465)SnipetronVandalMastery Rank (1466)SybarisMastery Rank (1467)TonkorMastery Rank (1468)AtomosMastery Rank (1469)KohmakMastery Rank (1470)KulstarMastery Rank (1471)TwinGremlinsMastery Rank (1472)TwinVipersMastery Rank (1473)AmphisMastery Rank (1474)AtteraxMastery Rank (1475)BoPrimeMastery Rank (1476)CassowarMastery Rank (1477)DarkSplit-Sword(DualSwords)Mastery Rank (1478)DarkSplit-Sword(HeavyBlade)Mastery Rank (1479)DualCleaversMastery Rank (1480)FuraxMastery Rank (1481)GazalMacheteMastery Rank (1482)JatKittagMastery Rank (1483)MireMastery Rank (1484)OkinaMastery Rank (1485)OrviusMastery Rank (1486)RipkasMastery Rank (1487)SheevMastery Rank (1488)Sydon
6Mastery Rank (1489)CernosMastery Rank (1490)CintaMastery Rank (1491)FluxRifleMastery Rank (1492)MiterMastery Rank (1493)Penta (Mastery Rank (1494)Carmine) • Mastery Rank (1495)RubicoMastery Rank (1496)ScourgeMastery Rank (1497)SomaMastery Rank (1498)AzimaMastery Rank (1499)RaktaBallisticaMastery Rank (1500)BrakkMastery Rank (1501)DetronMastery Rank (1502)Plinx (Mastery Rank (1503)Tenet) • Mastery Rank (1504)ZylokMastery Rank (1505)DexDakraMastery Rank (1506)DualIchorMastery Rank (1507)DualRazaMastery Rank (1508)EtherDaggersMastery Rank (1509)GalvacordMastery Rank (1510)KarystMastery Rank (1511)KreskaMastery Rank (1512)NamiSoloMastery Rank (1513)ScoliacMastery Rank (1514)SerroMastery Rank (1515)SibearMastery Rank (1516)TekkoMastery Rank (1517)Zenistar
7Mastery Rank (1518)ArgonakMastery Rank (1519)AtticaMastery Rank (1520)BazaMastery Rank (1521)ConvectrixMastery Rank (1522)DeraVandalMastery Rank (1523)GorgonWraithMastery Rank (1524)GrinlokMastery Rank (1525)HarpakMastery Rank (1526)HemaMastery Rank (1527)JavlokMastery Rank (1528)KarakWraithMastery Rank (1529)LatronWraithMastery Rank (1530)MutalistCernosMastery Rank (1531)PantheraMastery Rank (1532)ParacystMastery Rank (1533)SobekMastery Rank (1534)SomaPrimeMastery Rank (1535)DexSybarisMastery Rank (1536)TigrisMastery Rank (1537)VulkarWraithMastery Rank (1538)ZarrMastery Rank (1539)AcridMastery Rank (1540)BoltoMastery Rank (1541)DualCestraMastery Rank (1542)FusilaiMastery Rank (1543)SynoidGammacorMastery Rank (1544)HystrixMastery Rank (1545)LatoVandalMastery Rank (1546)MarelokMastery Rank (1547)StubbaMastery Rank (1548)TwinVipersWraithMastery Rank (1549)BrokenScepterMastery Rank (1550)CaustacystMastery Rank (1551)CerataMastery Rank (1552)DestrezaMastery Rank (1553)DualKeresMastery Rank (1554)EnduraMastery Rank (1555)EtherSwordMastery Rank (1556)GhoulsawMastery Rank (1557)HalikarMastery Rank (1558)HirudoMastery Rank (1559)KeshegMastery Rank (1560)LaceraMastery Rank (1561)PrismaMacheteMastery Rank (1562)PennantMastery Rank (1563)PupacystMastery Rank (1564)TatsuMastery Rank (1565)TwinBasolkMastery Rank (1566)WolfSledge
8Mastery Rank (1567)AcceltraMastery Rank (1568)AfentisMastery Rank (1569)AlternoxMastery Rank (1570)BratonPrimeMastery Rank (1571)CedoMastery Rank (1572)CorinthMastery Rank (1573)ExergisMastery Rank (1574)FulminMastery Rank (1575)GlaxionMastery Rank (1576)KomorexMastery Rank (1577)LenzMastery Rank (1578)ParisPrimeMastery Rank (1579)PerigaleMastery Rank (1580)RautaMastery Rank (1581)SteflosMastery Rank (1582)StradavarMastery Rank (1583)VeldtMastery Rank (1584)AkariusMastery Rank (1585)AkboltoMastery Rank (1586)AkjagaraMastery Rank (1587)AkstilettoMastery Rank (1588)AkvastoMastery Rank (1589)PrismaAngstrumMastery Rank (1590)CyanexMastery Rank (1591)CycronMastery Rank (1592)EpitaphMastery Rank (1593)KompressaMastery Rank (1594)LexPrimeMastery Rank (1595)OcucorMastery Rank (1596)PanderoMastery Rank (1597)SpiraMastery Rank (1598)TalonsMastery Rank (1599)VeloxMastery Rank (1600)AnkyrosPrimeMastery Rank (1601)CorufellMastery Rank (1602)RaktaDarkDaggerMastery Rank (1603)DarkSwordMastery Rank (1604)DorrclaveMastery Rank (1605)DragonNikanaMastery Rank (1606)DualEtherMastery Rank (1607)DualKamasPrimeMastery Rank (1608)FalcorMastery Rank (1609)GunsenMastery Rank (1610)HateMastery Rank (1611)SecuraLectaMastery Rank (1612)SanctiMagistarMastery Rank (1613)MasseterMastery Rank (1614)MiosMastery Rank (1615)DexNikanaMastery Rank (1616)NinkondiMastery Rank (1617)OhmaMastery Rank (1618)ProvaVandalMastery Rank (1619)QuassusMastery Rank (1620)RumblejackMastery Rank (1621)SarofangMastery Rank (1622)SarpaMastery Rank (1623)ScindoPrimeMastery Rank (1624)PrismaSkanaMastery Rank (1625)Vericres
9Mastery Rank (1626)IgnisWraithMastery Rank (1627)NagantakaMastery Rank (1628)OgrisMastery Rank (1629)PhantasmaMastery Rank (1630)AksomatiMastery Rank (1631)MaraDetronMastery Rank (1632)EmbolistMastery Rank (1633)PoxMastery Rank (1634)QuatzMastery Rank (1635)TwinGrakatasMastery Rank (1636)TwinRoggaMastery Rank (1637)TysisMastery Rank (1638)PrismaDualCleaversMastery Rank (1639)FuraxWraithMastery Rank (1640)HeliocorMastery Rank (1641)KeratinosMastery Rank (1642)KorrudoMastery Rank (1643)KrohkurMastery Rank (1644)LesionMastery Rank (1645)PathocystMastery Rank (1646)VastilokMastery Rank (1647)VenatoMastery Rank (1648)Volnus
10Mastery Rank (1649)AeolakMastery Rank (1650)AmbassadorMastery Rank (1651)AmprexMastery Rank (1652)ArcaPlasmorMastery Rank (1653)AstillaMastery Rank (1654)BattacorMastery Rank (1655)BazaPrimeMastery Rank (1656)DaikyuMastery Rank (1657)EvensongMastery Rank (1658)LankaMastery Rank (1659)LatronPrimeMastery Rank (1660)QuantaVandalMastery Rank (1661)QuartakkMastery Rank (1662)StahltaMastery Rank (1663)StrunWraithMastery Rank (1664)TenoraMastery Rank (1665)TiberonMastery Rank (1666)ZenithMastery Rank (1667)ZhugeMastery Rank (1668)AkbroncoPrimeMastery Rank (1669)AkstilettoPrimeMastery Rank (1670)ArcaSciscoMastery Rank (1671)AthodaiMastery Rank (1672)CantareMastery Rank (1673)SanctiCastanasMastery Rank (1674)SecuraDualCestraMastery Rank (1675)DexFurisMastery Rank (1676)GrimoireMastery Rank (1677)KnellMastery Rank (1678)MagnusMastery Rank (1679)VaykorMarelokMastery Rank (1680)SpectraVandalMastery Rank (1681)SpiraPrimeMastery Rank (1682)StaticorMastery Rank (1683)TwinKohmakMastery Rank (1684)VastoPrimeMastery Rank (1685)ZaktiMastery Rank (1686)ArcaTitronMastery Rank (1687)BrokenWarMastery Rank (1688)Cobra&CraneMastery Rank (1689)DakraPrimeMastery Rank (1690)DestrezaPrimeMastery Rank (1691)EkheinMastery Rank (1692)FangPrimeMastery Rank (1693)GlaivePrimeMastery Rank (1694)HarmonyMastery Rank (1695)KogakePrimeMastery Rank (1696)PrismaObexMastery Rank (1697)ParacesisMastery Rank (1698)ReaperPrimeMastery Rank (1699)RedeemerPrimeMastery Rank (1700)ShakuMastery Rank (1701)Sigma&OctantisMastery Rank (1702)StrophaMastery Rank (1703)TipedoPrimeMastery Rank (1704)TwinKrohkurMastery Rank (1705)War
11Mastery Rank (1706)BasmuMastery Rank (1707)BoarPrimeMastery Rank (1708)BuzlokMastery Rank (1709)PrismaGorgonMastery Rank (1710)PrismaGrakataMastery Rank (1711)PrismaGrinlokMastery Rank (1712)PhageMastery Rank (1713)SynapseMastery Rank (1714)AegritMastery Rank (1715)TelosAkboltoMastery Rank (1716)CatabolystMastery Rank (1717)DualToxocystMastery Rank (1718)PrismaTwinGremlinsMastery Rank (1719)ZymosMastery Rank (1720)ArumSpinosaMastery Rank (1721)TelosBoltaceMastery Rank (1722)SynoidHeliocorMastery Rank (1723)JatKusarMastery Rank (1724)MacheteWraithMastery Rank (1725)NamiSkylaPrimeMastery Rank (1726)PulmonarsMastery Rank (1727)SkiajatiMastery Rank (1728)VaykorSydon
12Mastery Rank (1729)AX-52Mastery Rank (1730)TelosBoltorMastery Rank (1731)BurstonPrimeMastery Rank (1732)CernosPrime, Mastery Rank (1733)RaktaCernosMastery Rank (1734)FulminPrimeMastery Rank (1735)GlaxionVandalMastery Rank (1736)VaykorHekMastery Rank (1737)PrismaLenzMastery Rank (1738)NagantakaPrimeMastery Rank (1739)SecuraPentaMastery Rank (1740)QuellorMastery Rank (1741)RubicoPrimeMastery Rank (1742)SynoidSimulorMastery Rank (1743)StradavarPrimeMastery Rank (1744)SupraMastery Rank (1745)SybarisPrimeMastery Rank (1746)SanctiTigrisMastery Rank (1747)AfurisPrimeMastery Rank (1748)AkjagaraPrimeMastery Rank (1749)AkmagnusMastery Rank (1750)AksomatiPrimeMastery Rank (1751)AkvastoPrimeMastery Rank (1752)HystrixPrimeMastery Rank (1753)PyranaMastery Rank (1754)FragorPrimeMastery Rank (1755)GuandaoPrimeMastery Rank (1756)GunsenPrimeMastery Rank (1757)HesparMastery Rank (1758)KarystPrimeMastery Rank (1759)CetiLaceraMastery Rank (1760)NikanaPrimeMastery Rank (1761)PrismaOhmaMastery Rank (1762)OkinaPrimeMastery Rank (1763)OrthosPrimeMastery Rank (1764)Silva&AegisPrimeMastery Rank (1765)SkanaPrimeMastery Rank (1766)TekkoPrime
13Mastery Rank (1767)BoltorPrimeMastery Rank (1768)BubonicoMastery Rank (1769)KuvaDrakgoonMastery Rank (1770)KuvaKarakMastery Rank (1771)KuvaKohmMastery Rank (1772)KuvaQuartakkMastery Rank (1773)SheduMastery Rank (1774)SporothrixMastery Rank (1775)TigrisPrimeMastery Rank (1776)KuvaTonkorMastery Rank (1777)TrumnaMastery Rank (1778)AkboltoPrimeMastery Rank (1779)KuvaBrakkMastery Rank (1780)KuvaNukorMastery Rank (1781)PyranaPrimeMastery Rank (1782)KuvaTwinStubbasMastery Rank (1783)VeloxPrimeMastery Rank (1784)ZylokPrimeMastery Rank (1785)GalatinePrimeMastery Rank (1786)HalikarWraithMastery Rank (1787)KorummMastery Rank (1788)KronenPrimeMastery Rank (1789)NepheriMastery Rank (1790)KuvaShildegMastery Rank (1791)SlaytraMastery Rank (1792)VerdilacMastery Rank (1793)Vitrica
14Mastery Rank (1794)AcceltraPrimeMastery Rank (1795)AstillaPrimeMastery Rank (1796)CorinthPrimeMastery Rank (1797)FelarxMastery Rank (1798)FerroxMastery Rank (1799)GotvaPrimeMastery Rank (1800)Opticor (Mastery Rank (1801)Vandal) • Mastery Rank (1802)PantheraPrimeMastery Rank (1803)PhantasmaPrimeMastery Rank (1804)PhenmorMastery Rank (1805)ScourgePrimeMastery Rank (1806)StrunPrimeMastery Rank (1807)SupraVandalMastery Rank (1808)TenoraPrimeMastery Rank (1809)TiberonPrimeMastery Rank (1810)VectisPrimeMastery Rank (1811)ZhugePrimeMastery Rank (1812)AkariusPrimeMastery Rank (1813)BallisticaPrimeMastery Rank (1814)TenetCycronMastery Rank (1815)EpitaphPrimeMastery Rank (1816)EuphonaPrimeMastery Rank (1817)KnellPrimeMastery Rank (1818)LaetumMastery Rank (1819)LatoPrimeMastery Rank (1820)MagnusPrimeMastery Rank (1821)OnosMastery Rank (1822)PanderoPrimeMastery Rank (1823)SepulcrumMastery Rank (1824)SicarusPrimeMastery Rank (1825)TenetSpirexMastery Rank (1826)ZaktiPrimeMastery Rank (1827)TenetAgendusMastery Rank (1828)Cobra&CranePrimeMastery Rank (1829)DualKeresPrimeMastery Rank (1830)GramPrimeMastery Rank (1831)TenetGrigoriMastery Rank (1832)InnodemMastery Rank (1833)TenetLiviaMastery Rank (1834)MasseterPrimeMastery Rank (1835)NinkondiPrimeMastery Rank (1836)PangolinPrimeMastery Rank (1837)PraedosMastery Rank (1838)RuvoxMastery Rank (1839)TatsuPrimeMastery Rank (1840)VenkaPrimeMastery Rank (1841)VolnusPrimeMastery Rank (1842)Vulcax
15Mastery Rank (1843)KuvaBrammaMastery Rank (1844)KuvaChakkhurrMastery Rank (1845)KuvaHekMastery Rank (1846)KuvaHindMastery Rank (1847)KuvaOgrisMastery Rank (1848)ProboscisCernosMastery Rank (1849)KuvaSobekMastery Rank (1850)KuvaZarrMastery Rank (1851)AklexPrimeMastery Rank (1852)AkmagnusPrimeMastery Rank (1853)KuvaKrakenMastery Rank (1854)KuvaSeer
16Mastery Rank (1855)TenetArcaPlasmorMastery Rank (1856)TenetEnvoyMastery Rank (1857)TenetFerroxMastery Rank (1858)TenetFluxRifleMastery Rank (1859)TenetGlaxionMastery Rank (1860)TenetTetraMastery Rank (1861)TenetDetronMastery Rank (1862)TenetDiplosMastery Rank (1863)TenetExec

Other Benefits

  • Unranked equipment in the inventory will begin with a mod capacity equal to the player's current Mastery Rank, with the maximum being 30 for Mastery Rank 30 (60 for equipment with a Orokin Reactor/Orokin Catalyst equipped, before aura and stance bonuses). Though this will not affect the maximum capacity in any way, it provides higher-ranked players with a significant starting benefit, especially towards polarized equipment.
    • This also applies for Legendary ranks on equipment whose ranks can be increased above 30. For example, Legendary 1 increases the minimum capacity to 31 (62 with an Orokin Reactor/Catalyst).
  • After polarizing Warframes, Archwings, and Necramechs, equipment will retain ability unlocks and/or ranks as if the equipment's rank were equivalent to the player's mastery rank (stats will still reset to rank 0, however).
  • Each rank-up increases the daily maximum Syndicate standing by Mastery Rank (1864)500 (starting from Mastery Rank (1865)16,000 for [MR0]).
  • Each rank-up increases the maximum accumulation cap of Void Traces by 50 (starting from 100 for [MR0]).
  • Each rank-up increases the daily maximum of Focus points earned through Focus Lenses by 5,000 (starting from 250,000 for [MR0]).
  • Each rank-up increases the maximum enemy level in the Simulacrum by 5 (starting from 30 for [MR0]).
  • Each rank-up for Legendary ranks awards a Legendary Core.
  • Each rank-up awards a Mastery Slate Orbiter Decoration.
  • The Mastery Sigil changes in aesthetic design every 3 ranks; as Sigil color is defined by the player; having a bronze, silver, or gold mastery rank does not affect the available Sigil colors in any way. Players have no way of reverting the cosmetic Sigil back to previous designs if they complete the next bronze Mastery Rank test.
  • The number of Extractors a player can deploy is Mastery Rank dependent, starting at one and increasing by one with Mastery Ranks 5 and 10; with Founders and/or Prime Access status granting an additional drone each.
Mastery RankSpecific Unlocks/Benefits
  • The daily maximum Syndicate standing is Mastery Rank (1866)16,000.
  • The maximum accumulation cap of Void Traces is 100.
  • The daily maximum of Focus points earned through Focus Lenses is 250,000.
  • The player is able to deploy 1 Resource Extractor at a time.
  • A free Loadout slot in the Arsenal, with each even-numbered rank attained before 30 giving another one (note that additional slots can be purchased for Mastery Rank (1867)20 each at any time regardless of the player's current rank).
  • Unlocks Trading. The amount of trades a player may complete per day is equal to the player's current mastery rank.
  • Unlocks level 20-40 Bounties.
  • Unlocks all faction Syndicate Melee weapons.
  • Unlocks access to all Relays.
  • Minimium rank required to use and trade Riven Mods.
  • Allows purchasing the Helminth Segment from Son, giving access to Helminth's ability to subsume Warframes, inject abilities, and invigorate Warframes with week-long buffs.
  • Unlocks the ability to deploy 3 Resource Extractors simultaneously.
  • Unlocks ability to auto-slot Ayatan Stars into Ayatan Sculptures.
  • Unlocks ability to purchase more Mod Config and Appearance Config slots (max 3 more slots per item).
  • With The Steel Path unlocked, unlocks the ability to launch The Steel Path Bounties for open world missions.
  • Unlocks all faction Syndicate Primary weapons.
  • Unlocks all Market, Syndicate, and clan Research weapons.
  • Unlocks almost all game content to date, with the exception of some Riven Mods and most Tenet weapons.
  • Unlocks the final rank requirement for equipping Riven Mods.
  • Unlocks all Tenet weapons.
Mastery Rank (1868)

Indirect Mastery Locks

  • Although normal Warframes do not have a lock, certain frames can only be obtained after achieving certain Mastery Ranks, barring Trading or the Marketplace:
  • A majority of Archwing weapons are built via parts purchasable only from Syndicates ([MR3]), with the exception of:

Bypassing Mastery Locks

  • There are bundles on the market which allows the player to obtain an equipment at an earlier rank:


  • Minimum Mastery Rank requirement only applies to trading and crafting from a blueprint; if the equipment can be placed into one's Arsenal (such as through Prime Access, as a quest or event reward, ready-to-claim Foundry items most notably Kuva and Tenet weapons, etc.), it will bypass the lock. For example, Mastery Rank (1933)BrokenWar cannot be crafted until Rank 10, but any player who completes The Second Dream will be awarded a crafted weapon regardless of their rank.
  • Before the Stalker was given a stricter ruleset, he could appear during the Mastery Rank Tests.[1]
  • Mastery Rank (1934)Paracesis's, Kuva Lich Weapons, Tenet Weapons, and Necramechs maximum rank increases by 2 every time it's polarized, up to 40 at 5 polarizations. These 10 extra ranks will grant Mastery Points like normal.
  • Resources dropped during the test seem to be identical to those dropped in the Void.[2]
  • Current Mastery Points rewarded for Star Chart completion has been reduced from 14,627 to 14,579. The cause or intention for this change is currently unknown.[citation needed]


  • Failing a practice test will still increase "Missions failed" stat in Player's profile.

External Links


  • If a player reaches a Mastery Rank that the developers haven't developed a unique Mastery Rank test for it, the game will reuse the previous Mastery Rank's test.
  • Prior to Hotfix 27.3.6 (2020-03-31)[citation needed], Mastery Rank 30 was called "Grand Master".

See Also


Patch History

Hotfix 36.0.1 (2024-06-19)

  • Fixed screen going completely white during the Mastery Rank 20 test.

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

  • Fixed falling off a platform in the Mastery Rank 13 test while riding Merulina resulting in broken physics for Yareli.
  • Removed the Mastery Rank requirement from Maroo’s Bazaar.
  • Trading Legendary Arcanes now requires you to be Mastery Rank 11.
    • It’s important to note that only the player trading requires MR 11 and not the receiver.
      • We needed to address an issue with exploitative Legendary Arcanes farming and ban-evasion account creation used to trade Legendary Arcanes. Other options we experimented with had the risk of innocent players getting caught in the crossfire of the ban-evasion subjects. When we took a look at Trading stats we found that a very small number of players below Mastery Rank 10 trade Legendary Arcanes, and therefore decided to go this route. This is purely a means of deterring the bad actors and ensuring legitimate trading for players.
  • Fixed a script error caused by a player with a Mastery Rank lower than 5 joining an Eidolon hunt.

Hotfix 35.5.11 (2024-05-07)

  • Fixed cases where falling off the platforms in the Mastery Rank 25 test would not teleport you back to a platform.

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

Mastery-Rank Locked Inbox Messages

The following content is already locked behind Mastery Rank, but players receive details about it before reaching that Mastery Rank. Now, these messages will not be sent until players have met the Mastery Rank requirement.

  • The Waverider Quest will now be delivered via inbox upon completing Vox Solaris AND reaching Mastery Rank 3.
  • Otak’s Tyana Pass inbox message will now be delivered upon completing the Heart of Deimos AND reaching Mastery Rank 3.
    • Tyana Pass originally did not have a Mastery Rank requirement, but we are adding it so as to not distract new players from the Main Questline.
  • Fixed the gameplay spheres in a couple of Mastery Rank Tests having extremely blown out VFX.

Hotfix 35.1.1 (2024-02-21)

  • Lowered the Akbolto’s Mastery Rank requirement from 9 to 8.
    • The Akbolto is a manufacturing requirement for the Akjagara, which is a Mastery Rank 8 weapon, so we reduced it so that players can craft the Akjagara without having to reach Mastery Rank 9.

Update 35.1 (2024-02-20)

  • Fixes towards network issues causing Mastery Rank Test completions to register as failures.
    • In extreme cases, where you lose network connection for 30 seconds or more, it is likely that you can still be forcibly disconnected and mark the Test as failed as a result. We have added a loading spinner to help inform you that we are waiting for network issues to pass to save test results.
  • Fixed failing first attempt at the Mastery Rank 19 stealth Test causing enemies to spawn facing the player and detecting them immediately - ultimately causing them to fail the test.
  • Fixed the Tenno Guide prioritizing side objectives and quests (Mastery Rank Tests) instead of the main story Quests.

Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)


Right now, Mastery Rank timers make it impossible for new players to advance to the War Within until 120 real world hours have passed due to their time gating. Our goal is for new players to be able to catch up with their Tenno friends over the course of a weekend. To that end, we have removed Mastery Rank from the Main Quest Path, which includes Junctions.

Mastery Rank requirements remain for Side Quests like The Deadlock Protocol, more advanced gameplay systems like Rivens, and features like trading.

Astute Tenno will also have noticed that The War Within quest implicitly locked late-game content behind Mastery Rank 5, because you needed to be Mastery Rank 5 to complete Sedna Junction and unlock The War Within quest. We still want to prevent new players from diving into late-game content too quickly, so in lieu of The War Within Mastery Rank prerequisite, we have deliberately added a Mastery Rank 5 prerequisite to certain experiences:

  • Kuva Liches and Sisters of Parvos now require players to have completed The War Within and be Mastery Rank 5.
  • Kuva Siphon Missions now require players to have completed The War Within and be Mastery Rank 5.
  • Sorties now require players to have completed The War Within and be Mastery Rank 5.

We also removed the Mastery Rank 2 requirement for Natah.

  • We already removed the scanning requirement to start this Quest, but now we are reducing further friction by removing the Mastery Rank requirement outright.

Added Mastery Rank 3 requirement for Waverider.

  • This is so as not to distract new players from their Main Quest Path, as this Quest originally became available to them upon completing Vox Solaris.
  • The Legendary 4 Mastery Rank Test is now available to those eligible!
    • Cephalon Simaris’ room in the Relays has also been fitted with new Legendary Rank pods as he was running out of room!

Update 33.6 (2023-07-27)

  • Added a “Drifter Mastery” category to the Mastery Breakdown on player profiles.
    • Previously, Drifter Intrinsics were counted in the Railjack Mastery category.
  • Modular Components that can earn Mastery will now show if that component is Mastered when viewed in a Vendor Menu (ex: viewing Zaw Strikes at Hok).

Update 33.5 (2023-06-21)

  • Fixed hitching while taking a Mastery Rank test with Eximus enemies involved.

Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)

  • Fixed Legendary 3 Mastery Test using the incorrect mission (repeating the Legendary 2 test).

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

  • Fixed the Tusk Hellion in the Legendary Rank 2 Test using a shield, it has since been swapped with a regular Hellion.

Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)

  • Fixed the Mastery Rank Test available notification flashing appearing as black squares with Enhanced Graphic Engine enabled.
  • Fixed various pick-ups in the Mastery Rank 27 and 30 test using Forma icons.

Hotfix 32.1.4 (2022-11-09)

  • Removed Helios Prime's Mastery Rank 8 requirement.
    • A follow up to Hotfix 32.0.9, Helios Prime was the only Sentinel with a Mastery Rank requirement, so we removed it to make it consistent with the rest.

Hotfix 32.0.9 (2022-10-05)

  • Reduced the Mastery Rank restriction of all Prime Warframes to 0.
    • Only 11/34 frames had any Mastery Rank restrictions, so we decided to make these consistent with the rest (there were no Mastery Rank restrictions on any non-Primed Warframes).

Hotfix 31.7.2 (2022-08-17)

  • Fixed a script error that could occur during Mastery Test 9 or 19.

Hotfix 31.7.1 (2022-07-28)

  • Fixed Venari Prime not providing Mastery Rank points.
    • Upon login, accounts will retroactively be fixed to provide the appropriate Mastery.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur in the MR 29 practice test in Cephalon Simaris’ room.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)

  • Upon throwing a Thermia Canister, you will now switch back to your Primary weapon if that’s what you were using upon pick-up.
    • This applies to the Mastery Rank 28 test

Hotfix 31.5.4 (2022-05-02)

  • Reduced the number of Eximus spawns in the Mastery Rank 27 test.
    • With the Eximus changes in the Angels of the Zariman update, the test was reported to be rather difficult to complete.

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

  • Mastery Rank 30 test changes:
    • Increased the Life Support pickups from 10% to 20% in the Master Rank 30 test.
    • Lowered the levels of the Eximus units that spawn in the test due to the Eximus changes making them a more formidable opponent.
  • Fixed transferring to Operator as Excalibur Umbra counting towards the exterminate enemy counter in the Mastery Rank 30 test.

Hotfix 31.1.3 (2022-02-15)

  • Fixed several functionality issues with Yareli while riding Merulina in the Mastery Rank 14 test, notably being unable to shoot or ride Merulina anymore.

Update 31.1 (2022-02-09)

  • The Legendary Rank 2 Test is now available to eligible Tenno! We appreciate your patience as we worked on getting it ready.
  • Fixed Ventkids Syndicate indicating that you can Rank up when you’re not actually eligible yet.
  • Fixed rare case of “normal” enemies spawning in Mastery Rank tests that would then attack the fake enemies.
  • Fixed dying as Operator in the Mastery Rank 24 test respawning you as a mini Excalibur.
  • Fixed being able to hit negative Modding capacity after hitting the cap and then upgrading an equipped Mod beyond capacity as a Mastery Rank Legendary 1 player.

Hotfix 31.0.11 (2022-01-25)

  • Fixed a script error that could sometimes result in a crash while attempting to kill the last enemy in the Mastery Rank 25 Test.

Hotfix 31.0.7 (2022-01-07)

  • Fixed sometimes spinning uncontrollably when completing certain Mastery Tests. This also fixes the same scenario happening to the Warframes Displayed in the Personal Quarters when visiting an Orbiter.

Hotfix 31.0.2 (2021-12-16)

  • Fixed Mastery Rank Up not being available from Orbiter Pause Menu.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)


When we first introduced Forma years ago, Warframe was a much smaller game. We had fewer weapons, fewer Warframes, and way fewer Mods. As players continue their Forma journey, there’s often discussions on doing a Quality of Life (QOL) pass to the way things work with our favourite Golden Puzzle Piece.

We want your Mastery Rank to be considered when using Forma to establish a baseline power level for your playable characters!

What does that mean?

If a Mastery Rank 30 player uses a Forma, they won’t have to re-unlock any Abilities (or their Ranks) on a given item! Yes, they’ll still need to level the gear itself to apply another Forma but, depending on your Mastery Rank, you can have access to more (or all) Abilities on your unranked gear! This achieves our goal of keeping Forma essential to build customization, but allowing players with higher Mastery Ranks a more convenient experience.

Right now, using a Forma on a Warframe (or Archwing/Necramech) requires you to start from 0 when it comes to Abilities you can use. Furthermore, you only get the first Rank of your First ability. Take Valkyr for instance. You install a Forma, and you’re back to only casting unranked Rip Line!

Our change will make it so your Mastery Rank impacts how much you have unlocked by default on Forma use. Following our Valkyr example, with this change, a Mastery Rank 10 player would have all of her abilities unlocked upon applying a Forma to her, albeit not at their full strength!

This ranking process is something players already experience in game - you know by the time you’ve levelled your Valkyr on Hydron to 10, you unlock Hysteria. We are making your Mastery Rank ‘match’ those milestones, so to speak, with the end goal being a Mastery Rank 30 player can use Forma without ever having to be locked out of Abilities. Simply put, the higher your Mastery Rank, the higher the baseline of your gear when using Forma.

  • New additions since the Dev Workshop:

Post Dev Workshop feedback and continued conversations have added on another related change to reaching Mastery Rank 30+:

Sorties and Arbitrations now allow Mastery Rank 30+ players that have put at least 1 Forma into their Warframe to bypass the "Rank 30 Warframe" requirement.

  • Fixed incorrect Legendary Core icon in the Legendary 1 Mastery Test screen.

Update 30.7 (2021-09-08)

  • Players under Mastery Rank 2 will no longer see the ‘Update History’ messages upon login, as this information may be overwhelming as they begin their Warframe journey.
  • Fixed an issue where playing as Khora in the Mastery Rank 13 will result in no enemies spawning.
  • Fixed the Mastery Rank Up UI mentioning “Daily Focus Limit” before players have unlocked Focus.
  • Fixed an issue related to Mastery Rank 24 test: this test provides you a non-upgraded, default amp and removes any arcanes. If the player died and respawned, they would have their personal, upgraded amp and any arcanes equipped available to use in the test, making the test easier than intended. Respawning no longer brings the player’s amp and arcanes into the test.

Hotfix 30.5.4 (2021-07-17)

  • Fixed “Available Sessions” window showing Legendary Rank 1 players as MR31.
  • Fixed Hovering over a player that is Mastery Rank Legendary 1 in the Trade screen stating Mastery Rank 31.

Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)

  • Legendary Rank 1 is now available for eligible Tenno thanks to the new Warframe Yareli and the abundance of weapons in this Update!
    • Mastery Ranks beyond 30 are considered/titled as “Legendary 1”, “Legendary 2”, etc.
  • Fixed Nekros’ Shadows of the Dead clones counting as enemies killed in the Mastery Rank 30 test.

Update 30.3 (2021-05-25)

  • Increased the Daily Standing cap you get before including Mastery, slightly reduced the amount you get from Mastery. All players before MR 30 will have a higher Daily Standing cap than they used to, while players at MR 30 will have the same cap as before.
    • In addition to giving more room for Tenno to get to that final rank with their Syndicates, this will ultimately help reduce the time new players spend ranking up with their chosen Syndicates. Previously, if you were Mastery Rank 10, you would have a daily Standing cap of 16,000. Now, with the changes we’ve made, your daily Standing cap for MR 10 is 21,000.
  • Fixed missing teleport volume in the Mastery Rank 15 Test causing players to fall out of the level.

Hotfix 29.10.1 (2021-03-19)

  • Fixed Mastery test rejecting your rankup request due to refunded Intrinsic points not being accounted for properly.
  • Fixed enemies in Mastery Tests spawning with random unintended levels.

Hotfix 29.6.8 (2021-01-25)

  • Fixed typo in the Mastery Rank Inbox message.

Update 29.6 (2020-12-18)

  • A Mastery Rank requirements popup will now show when trying to purchase a weapon you’re not eligible for yet.

Hotfix 29.5.3 (2020-11-23)

  • Separated Kitguns from the Primary/Secondary weapons in the Mastery breakdown into its own category.
    • Kitguns moved from Secondary to Primary in Mastery breakdown in Deimos: Arcana -- since this might cause some confusion we decided to just have Kitgun Weapons in the Mastery breakdown. This also makes it clear you don't double dip!

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Mastery Slates have been added as rewards to each Mastery Rank Test! Upon login of Deimos: Arcana, you will receive an Inbox with each Mastery Slate you have earned thus far! Time to spice up that fresh looking Orbiter!
  • Changed the Mastery Rank Challenge Icons to the new design that was released in Heart of Deimos: Nezha Prime: 29.3.0.

Update 29.3 (2020-10-27)

Mastery Rank 30 is now available for eligible Tenno!

8+ years of Warframe content later and eligible Tenno can now achieve Mastery Rank 30! This is your True Master test. Prepare yourself with skills you’ve acquired on your travels throughout the Star Chart for this pinnacle test.

True Master Tenno will be awarded the following:

  • 3x Umbra Forma
  • 15 Loadout Slots
  • 30 Riven Mod Slots
  • True Master Chat Emoji
    • Access both the :truemaster: and :truemasteralt: Chat Emoji.
  • True Master Emote
    • Only the True Master may use this Emote.
  • True Master Sumdali
    • This Sumdali hull ornament is awarded exclusively to Tenno who have earned the rank of True Master. It can be mounted to the exterior of your Landing Craft to display your Rank to all who see it.
  • True Master’s Font (Relay Blessing)
    • Visit a Blessing Altar in any Relay once every 23 hours to grant a Blessing to each person on the Relay that lasts for 3 hours. Blessings you can grant are:
    • Affinity Boost
    • Credit Boost
    • Resource Boost
    • Damage Buff
    • Health Buff
    • Shield Buff
  • Mastery Rank 30 Facts:
1. Each Mastery Rank beyond 30 requires the same amount of Affinity as Rank 29 to 30.
2. Mastery Ranks beyond 30 are considered/titled as “Legendary 1”, “Legendary 2”, etc.
  • Updated Mastery Rank icons to new Vitruvian design!

Hotfix 29.2.2 (2020-10-06)

  • Fixed a script error when reaching a new Mastery Rank.

Update 29.0 (2020-08-25)

Daily Standing Cap Changes:

Daily Standing Cap changes have been made to grant a higher cap at each Mastery Rank. Upon starting Warframe at MR0, your Daily Standing Cap will start at 8500 and increase at more gradual increments per Mastery Rank (+750 per rank). You will also now have access to a larger Daily Standing Cap at each Mastery Rank than in the previous system! This will take effect next Daily Reset.

Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)

  • Added tooltip to Mastery Rank on hover while viewing your Profile to show total Mastery Breakdown per category.
  • Fixed ability to Deploy your Arch-Gun in weapon-restricted Mastery Rank tests.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • Increased the text fields on the Mastery Rank Up message to better accommodate other languages.
  • Fixed floating platforms appearing way in the distance in the Mastery Rank 29 test.
  • Fixed having Mission Progress open when completing a Mastery Test preventing loading back to the Relay.

Hotfix 27.3.14 (2020-04-15)

  • Fix ability script errors that could occur in the transition between phases in Mastery Rank 14 test (and possibly others).

Hotfix 27.3.8 (2020-04-02)

  • Fixed some players appearing to be eligible for a Mastery Rank Test but upon selecting it would be rejected.
    • This was due to some weapons being considered as ‘Mastered’ when they were not.

Update 27.3 (2020-03-24)

  • Mastery Rank 28 Tenno can now practice the Mastery Rank 29 Test in Cephalon Simaris’ Relay room!
  • Fixed Mastery Rank 15 Interception test UI using old HUD technology.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • Updated the Mastery Test UI screen with more information and style!
  • Fixed broken icons for Mastery Rank in the in-game Market or Inventory if the selected weapon has a minimum Mastery Rank requirement.
  • Fixed Focus Point cap increase missing from the list of Rewards in the Mastery Rank Screen.

Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)

  • A new Mastery Rank 28 Test has been added for soon-to-be eligible Tenno!

Hotfix 25.7.5 (2019-09-09)

  • Fixed inability to complete the Mastery Rank 12 test if you fall off the starting platform.

Hotfix 25.7.2 (2019-08-30)

  • Fixed some players having their Mastery Rank recalculated slightly lower than before as a result of moving nodes around in the Star Chart for the Disruption expansion.

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

  • To keep in-line with existing limitations, the first Ghoul Bounty is restricted to Mastery Rank 1, and the other Ghoul Bounty is restricted to Mastery Rank 3.
  • Fixed your Liset being parked sideways in the Relay after completing a practice Mastery Test.
  • Fixed inability to complete the Mastery Rank 12 test if you fall off the starting platform.

Update 24.4 (2019-03-08)

  • A Mastery Rank 27 Test has been added!

Hotfix 24.2.1 (2018-12-18)

  • Fixed inability to complete Mastery Rank tests (the increased Mastery for K-Drive and Moa-Pets was not being included).

Update 24.2 (2018-12-18)

  • Fixed MOA Companions and K-Drives only giving 3000 Mastery as opposed to the correct 6000 Mastery. The missing *Mastery will be retroactively added on login.
  • Corvas Mastery Rank increased from 0 to 1.
  • Dual Decurion Mastery Rank increased from 0 to 1.
  • Fluctus Mastery Rank increased from 0 to 2.
  • Phaedra Mastery Rank increased from 0 to 3.
  • Grattler Mastery Rank increased from 0 to 4.
  • Velocitus Mastery Rank increased from 0 to 4.
  • Imperator Vandal Mastery Rank increased from 0 to 5.

Hotfix 24.0.9 (2018-11-21)

  • Fixed ability to invite other players to a Mastery Rank Up Test.

Hotfix 24.0.2 (2018-11-09)

  • Fixed inability to complete the Mastery Rank 24 test due to missing ‘continue’ option.

Update 23.10 (2018-10-12)

  • Mastery Rank 26 test added.

Update 22.20 (2018-05-17)

  • Increased time given by targets in the Round 11 Mastery Rank Test from 3.5 seconds to 5 seconds and added aim assist to targets to make them slightly easier to hit.

Update 22.4 (2017-11-23)

  • A Mastery Rank 25 test has been added!

Update 19.0 (2016-11-11)

  • A Mastery Rank 23 test has been added! The War Within introduces enough content to push long-term players that are currently Mastery Rank 22 into Mastery Rank 23!

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • Removed in-mission challenges for all Mastery rank tests.

Hotfix 18.12.2 (2016-05-20)

  • A Mastery Rank 22 test has been added!

Hotfix 18.5.4 (2016-03-07)

  • Removed item drops from Mastery Rank 4 survival test.

Update 18.5 (2016-03-04)

  • Mastery Rank tests against enemy waves have been given a difficulty update.
  • Mastery Rank 5 test has had its hacking puzzles reordered in order of difficulty.

Update 15.13 (2015-02-05)

  • Councillor Vay Hek will no longer require a key to access. He is now a boss on Earth that can only be accessed by Mastery Rank 5 and above Tenno.
  • Daily Standing caps for non-Syndicate missions for have been reduced by half (remember, this cap is determined by Mastery Rank). For example:
    • MR 0 could earn 2000 Standing before, now 1000.
    • MR 1 could earn 4000 Standing before, now 2000.
    • MR 2 could earn 6000 Standing before, now 3000.

Hotfix 15.11.1 (2015-01-22)

  • A Mastery test for Rank 18 to 19 has been added!

Hotfix 15.5.8 (2014-12-05)

  • Fixed various improper localization on Mastery Rank 15 / 16 test completion.

Hotfix 15.5.7 (2014-12-03)

  • Fixed issue caused by falling off the edge during the Mastery Rank 15 test, causing players to be caught in a teleport loop.

Update 15.5 (2014-11-27)

  • Changed boss scaling to consider Mastery Rank 0 players. Should prevent boss encounters from becoming too difficult at lower ranks when higher rank players join missions.
  • Fixed Mastery Sigil rank not displaying properly in profile diorama.

Update 15.3 (2014-11-20)

  • Fixed Mastery Sigils being unable to identify players Mastery Rank correctly.
  • Fixed Mastery rank of Sigils resetting on login.

Hotfix 15.2.1 (2014-11-14)

  • Syndicate Standing gain per day now capped at 2000 + (2000 x Mastery Rank Number).
    • For example, I am a Mastery Rank 15 player.
    • My personal Syndicate Reputation Cap is 2000 + (2000 x 15)
    • Using BEDMAS: 2000 + 30000
    • 32000 is my Daily Syndicate Standing cap as a Mastery Rank 15 player.
  • (Coming in next build, missed build cutoff!) Base Syndicate standing gain is now ten times faster than before.

Update 15.1 (2014-11-05)

  • Added new Mastery Tests for Rank 15>16, 16>17 and 17>18!
  • Changed the cinematic intro to the Exterminate Mastery Rank test to be cleaner.

Hotfix 15.0.1 (2014-10-24)

  • Fixed an issue with Mastery Rank showing as ‘0’ in player Profiles.

Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

  • All players Mastery Rank 2 or greater are eligible to begin the Archwing quest.

Update 14.6 (2014-09-11)

  • Fixed an issue with players being able to mantle vertical walls in the Mastery Rank 7 & 8 tests and falling to their deaths.

Update 14.5 (2014-08-28)

  • Fixed player completing a Rank Up Test and their Mastery Level will not update right away on the Player's Profile Box at the top of the Pause Menu

Update 14.1 (2014-07-30)

  • Fixed an issue with other players being able to join Mastery Rank tests.

Hotfix 14.0.9 (2014-07-26)

  • Sentinels and Kubrows are no longer able to spawn in Mastery Rank tests. These tests are for the Tenno to prove their worth, not the pets!

Update 14.0 (2014-07-18)

  • Fixed the spawn position for a number of Mastery Rank challenges.

Update 13.2 (2014-05-01)

  • Fixed an issue with the player appearing to shoot an invisible weapon during the first Mastery Rank test.
  • Fixed an issue with users being in "Clan Membership Limbo", which also potentially prevented Mastery Rank tests from being complete.

Update 13.1 (2014-04-23)

  • Players under Mastery Rank 2 will no longer be marked by the Grustrag Three.
  • Fixed an issue with the Mastery Rank level 3 to 4 test not working properly in conjunction with Melee 2.0.

Hotfix 13.0.4 (2014-04-11)

  • Fixed an issue with players being unable to properly perform melee attacks in the Rank 3 Mastery test.

Hotfix 12.0.4 (2014-02-07)

  • Fixed all Sentinel Mastery achievements requiring rank 30 to unlock.

Update 11.6 (2014-01-08)

  • Fixed issue with Rank 3 Weapon Mastery Challenge/Achievement not being updated immediately.

Update 11.5 (2013-12-19)

  • Fixed max deployable resource drones:
    • Amount of deployable drones varies – you get one for every five mastery ranks.
      • Mastery 0 – 4, 1 drone
      • Master 5- 9, 2 drones
      • Master 10 +, 3 drones.
    • All Founders/Primes Access get +1 to each tier. So if you are Mastery 14 and Founder, you get 4. If Mastery 14 and no Founder status, you get 3.

Hotfix 11.1.3 (2013-11-29)

  • Fixed Mastery Achievements not being awarded.

Hotfix 11.0.1 (2013-11-20)

  • Fixed Mastery Rank tests not attributing higher rank to player after successful test.

Update 11.0 (2013-11-20)

  • Star Chart progress, Sentinel and Sentinel-Weapon rank now contribute to Mastery level. Note: Complete a mission with your leveled up Sentinels and Sentinel-Weapons to receive this Master XP retroactively.
  • Fixed falling out of level in Mastery Challenge 7 costing a revive.

Hotfix 10.6.1 (2013-11-01)

  • Reduced difficulty of some mastery challenges.

Update 10.5 (2013-10-23)

  • Soma Mastery Rank increased from 3 to 6.

Hotfix 10.2.1 (2013-10-04)

  • Fix for issues with retrying the rank 7 – 8 mastery tests.
  • Fix for issues after failing the rank 9 mastery test not allowing successful retrials.
  • Fix for issues with rank 10 – 11 mastery not informing players of failure.

Update 9.3 (2013-07-26)

  • Online matchmaking now favors hosts within 3 mastery ranks of player when joining a mission where multiple hosts are available.
  • Fixed being able to gain mastery rank without completing test by replaying the tutorial.

Hotfix 8.1.3 (2013-06-19)

  • Tuned difficulty for Mastery Rank Challenges for Ranks 4+ to be more balanced for a wider range of weapons.

Update 7.11 (2013-05-17)

  • Disabled challenges (optional objectives) in Mastery Rank tests.

Update 5.3 (2013-01-10)

  • Fixed loss of Mastery when selling an item.
Game System Mechanics Edit
CurrenciesMastery Rank (1935)CreditsMastery Rank (1936)OrokinDucatsMastery Rank (1937)EndoMastery Rank (1938)PlatinumMastery Rank (1939)AyaMastery Rank (1940)RegalAyaMastery Rank (1941)Standing
GeneralBasicsArsenalCodexDaily TributeEmpyreanFoundryMarketMastery RankNightwaveOrbiterPlayer ProfileResetStar Chart
SocialChatClanClan DojoLeaderboardsTrading
SquadHost MigrationInactivity PenaltyMatchmaking
Player HousingClan DojoDormizoneDrifter's CampOrbiter
GameplayBasicsAffinityBuff & DebuffDeathHackingInvisibleManeuversOne-Handed ActionOpen WorldPickupsRadarStealthTile SetsVoid RelicWaypoint
Damage MechanicsCritical HitDamageDamage RedirectionDamage ReductionDamage ReflectionDamage Type ModifierDamage VulnerabilityHealthStatus Effect
EnemiesBossesDeath MarkEnemy BehaviorEximus (Overguard) • Lich System
MissionArbitrationsArchon HuntBreak NarmerEmpyreanInvasionSortieTactical AlertThe CircuitThe Steel PathVoid Fissure
ActivitiesCapturaConservationFishingK-Drive RaceLudoplexMining
PvPDuelConclave (Lunaro) • Frame Fighter
OtherGravityThreat Level
EquipmentModding and ArcanesArcane EnhancementsArchon ShardFusionMods (Flawed, Riven) • PolarizationTransmutationValence Fusion
WarframeAttributes (Armor, Energy, Health, Shield, Sprint Speed) • Abilities (Augment, Casting Speed, Helminth System, Passives, Duration, Efficiency, Range, Strength)
WeaponsAccuracyAlternate FireAmmoArea of EffectAttack SpeedBounceCritical HitDamage FalloffExalted WeaponFire RateHitscanHolsterIncarnonMeleeMultishotNoiseProjectileProjectile SpeedPunch ThroughRecoilReloadRicochetTrigger TypeZoom
OperatorAmpFocus (Madurai, Vazarin, Naramon, Unairu, Zenurik) • Lens
Drifter and DuviriDecreesDrifter CombatDrifter IntrinsicsKaithe
TechnicalGeneralAI DirectorDrop TablesHUDKey BindingsMaterial StructuresPBRRarityRNGSettingsString InterpolationText IconsUpgrade
Software, Networking, and ServicesCross Platform PlayCross Platform SaveDedicated ServersEE.cfgEE.logFile DirectoryFontsNetwork ArchitecturePublic ExportPublic Test ClusterStress TestWarframe Arsenal Twitch ExtensionWorld State
MathematicalCalculating Bonuses (Additive Stacking, Multiplicative Stacking) • Condition Overload (Mechanic)Enemy Level ScalingMaximizationUser Research
Mastery Rank (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.