Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (2024)

Today is pi day…3.14. Since I am a food blogger, I am going to join the masses of others who turn this mathematics focused day into something food related. Pie day.

Pie is much more fun than the actual math related pi, don’t you think? In all honesty, math is not my strong suit. In fact, when I was choosing my major in college, I based it solely on which track had the fewest math classes. Math and I are not compatible.

Sure, my mom always told me “you’ll need to use math all throughout your life” and I was sure she was right, but I also had a lot of confidence in technology and knew that there would be tools out there forever to be my math crutch. What no one warned me about though is that I’d have a math genius for a son…and no one told me how humiliating it might be one day when he needs help with his elementary school homework and I can’t help him because I am pretty much math clueless.

So, as stereotypical as it may be, Jacob and my husband take care of math homework duty. I bake cookies and cakes and delicious breakfast dishes that takes their mind off the fact that mom is not quite so smart when it comes to anything math.

I’m celebrating pi day with a different kind of pie. It’s baked in a pie dish, doesn’t have a crust, and is served for breakfast so it isn’t your traditional kind of pie. However, this baked oatmeal breakfast pie with cinnamon and sugar is the perfect way to start a great day like pi day…even if you don’t love math, you’ll love this special pi pie.

Recipe: Baked Breakfast Oatmeal Pie

  • 1/2 cup canned pumpkin
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 Tablespoon baking powder
  • 3 cups Quaker instant oats
  • 2 Tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  1. Preheat oven to 350•
  2. Mix together pumpkin and sugar. Add the eggs, milk, salt, baking powder and oatmeal and mix until well blended.
  3. Pour into a lightly sprayed glass pie dish.
  4. Sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon.
  5. Bake for 35 minutes or until firm. Serve hot.

Note – this dish can be assembled ahead of time, refrigerated over night, and baked in the oven the next morning.

Reader Interactions


  1. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (2)naomi says

    Too funny-I’m horrible at math too. I always rely on calculators and my husband as my human calculator.

    Of course the pie looks and sounds wonderful, so who says you can’t have pie for breakfast! Whoo-hoo to breakfast dessert.

  2. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (3)fooddreamer says

    I am getting such a kick out of all the pie recipes today. Love that yours is a healthy breakfast pie!

  3. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (4)Amanda says

    Wow… never would have thought to add the pumpkin! Looks delish!

  4. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (5)Aimee @ Simple Bites says

    So genius, Kristen! We’re crazy about our oats around here, and pie, well, we feel pretty strongly about that too.

    Happy Pi Day!

  5. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (6)Lauren from Lauren's Latest says

    I’m scared for my daughter to get older and I can’t help her with math homework. I hate math too. It is not my forte. I’m surprised I even made it through 2 college math classes.

  6. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (7)JenniferA says

    Oh wow, how unusual! I’ve never seen an oatmeal pie and I wasn’t sure what to think until I read the ingredients and saw the magic word “pumpkin”!

  7. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (8)marla {family fresh cooking} says

    Kristin, this is my kinda breakfast or anytime pie. Love your creativity here 🙂 I too am not a fan of numbers, math or any kinda calculations. xo

  8. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (9)Angela@RecipesFromMyMom says

    The pumpkin and oats sound like a great combination for this snowy day. Love that it can be assembled the night before too.

  9. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (11)Nancy@acommunaltable says

    Happy Pi day!!! What a terrific way to start off the morning – a slice of this would definitely get me through any math homework!!!

  10. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (12)Estela @ Weekly Bite says

    This looks delicious! Never had oatmeal pie before 🙂

  11. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (13)Wenderly says

    How funny, I am mathematically challenged (as I like to call it) and was somehow given a math genius for a daughter! Funny how life works!

  12. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (14)Maria says

    A great way to start the day!

  13. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (15)The Galley Gourmet says

    I love baked oatmeal. I make it with yogurt and applesauce, but I do like your addition of pumpkin purée. Thanks for sharing:)

  14. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (16)Amy | She Wears Many Hats says

    You may not be able to help with math but you sure can bake up some mean goodies. Leave the math to the hubby.

  15. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (17)Tracy says

    What a great pie for pi day!

  16. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (18)Georgia @ The Comfort of Cooking says

    Kristen, I’m having guests stay over soon and I know they would love this for breakfast in the morning! Healthy, hearty and full of flavor. Great recipe! Thanks for sharing.

  17. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (19)Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen says

    I love this pie! No need to roll out a crust or anything, how easy is that? And I have to admit math wasn’t my strongest subject either. Happy Pi day!

  18. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (20)Melanie says

    I love it! I am not a math person either. I gave up trying to help Caden a long time ago;-) I stay in the kitchen too!

  19. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (21)Robyn | Add a Pinch says

    Math and I have never been friends. I’m not sure why. I tried to be its friend, but it just didn’t like me for some reason.

  20. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (22)Kathy - Panini Happy says

    Lol, my math skills are so lacking that my Pi Day post isn’t even going up until 3.15! Well, maybe that has more to do with my time management skills. Whatever. This is such a creative idea for a breakfast pie!

  21. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (23)leslie says

    Me and math do not get along very well!!!
    Love your oatmeal pie!!!

  22. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (24)Caroline says

    I love math – but then again, I’m the one who gets married on Pi day, has Pi shaped cookies as a wedding favor and enjoys making pi-themed treats for the ‘holiday!’ Your breakfast bars look fantastic, for those who not only like math, but those who despise it as well 🙂

  23. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (25)susan says

    Oh my! What a great way to spend “Pi Day”. I love the combo of flavors and I LOVE that is is a new option for breakfast! Tomorrow may have to be pi day in our house!

  24. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (26)peabody says

    I don’t know…math pi can be a lot of fun. 🙂
    But this looks much tastier!

  25. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (27)Tastes of Home (Jen) says

    math pi is fun! haha I didnt know there was a pi day…your celebration is way cute and your pie looks gorgeous and love how healthy and simple it is to make.

  26. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (28)Johnna says

    This looks delicious! Can’t wait to try this soon.

  27. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (29)Anita Menon says

    This is the simplest pi dish ever.

    Thank you sharing.

    P.S. Though am good at maths, I still hate it.

  28. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (30)Melissa says

    Oh my! This is a must for this week. Looks amazing!

  29. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (31)Mackenzie@The Caramel Cookie says

    I love pi! And pie! I like how this can be made in advance and just popped in the oven in the morning. Perfect for busy mornings!

  30. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (32)Barbara says

    Pumpkin pi with oats? Fine idea! Simple and delicious!
    Happy pi day to you!

  31. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (33)Brenda @ a farmgirl's dabbles says

    Oh, boy, do I hear you! I’m no dummy, but my daughter’s math homework sometimes leaves me lost. It’s slowly being turned over completely to Dad here, too. sigh… I’ll stick to the baking, too. This sounds delicious with the pumpkin in it.

  32. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (34)camille says

    I love Pi Day. I also love Mol Day, which, if you know when that is, you win the nerd award.

    I also love pie, sweet, savoury, or breakfast.

  33. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (35)Robin Sue says

    I am a science teacher ( I wear many, too many hats!) and can you believe I showed up to school on Pi Day without a PIE! But I was given the most amazing piece of Gluten-free chocolate peanut butter pie from the math teacher. I am looking forward to co-hosting the Cooking Connections class tomorrow night- can I get any tips from a pro? I looked at your show and you all gave such delicious ideas and recipes. I like the cupcake in the cone idea and I have yet to do that for my own kiddos- I had forgotten all about that one!

    Robin Sue

  34. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (36)Tickled Red says

    It’s such a bummer to know that the boys passed my meager math capabilities around 2nd grade. Then again I’ll whip up your yummy bteakfast pi and they will swoon. Love the story and the recipe. 🙂 xoxo

  35. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (37)Food on the Table says

    Ahh, the photo alone is making me salivate!

    I’m with you on the Pie Day > Pi Day argument. Reason #90832 why I should never be a math teacher: every day would be Pie Day. (Bonus points for bringing 3.14 pies to class)

  36. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (38)kamran siddiqi says

    What an interesting take on the “traditional” pie! Math isn’t my favorite subject, either. It’s a subject that bores me and could put me to sleep faster than a sleeping pill.

    Back to the pie- do you think that this can be made with rolled oats? that’s all we buy around here, now…

    Great post, Kristen!

  37. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (39)Laura says

    Yum-O! I love oats, oatmeal, pumpkin… This looks so awesome, I am trying asap.

  38. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (40)Alison Moore Smith says

    My daddy was a mathematician all his working life. Wish I’d seen this recipe earlier. I’ll make it for him next year.

  39. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (41)The Teacher Cooks says

    Kristen for the instant oats do you mean quick cooking oats? I want to do this for my class on Monday. I think they will love it.

  40. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (42)free software download says

    i enjoy it Celebrate Pi Day with a Baked Oatmeal Breakfast Pie Recipe | Dine and Dish now im your rss reader

  41. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (43)El says

    I love your take on pi day. The pie looks lovely. I too am math impaired- largely from having a few mean, nasty and/ or negligent teachers at critical points in my childhood education. I did actually get a math tutor a few years back just to build up my confidence in the subject. It worked because all of the analogies were baking related! Seriously though, it’s easy to learn it in the right environment. But it’s also easy to lose if you don’t have a job where you put it to use on a regular basis. I have to admit though, it scares me a bit when the teens at the grocery store can’t count back change! High school students should be able to count, no? ;>)

  42. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (44)Amy @ A Little Nosh says

    And now I know what to do with the canned pumpkin in my pantry!

  43. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (45)jes says

    This sounds delish! I love pumpkin and truly I don’t think it gets used enough. You see cool recipes in the autumn and winter..but seriously people, we should be eating pumpkin all the time!

  44. Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (46)Zaylee says

    Hi do u think i can substitute half cup canned pumpkin with nutella or peanut butter?


  1. […] th&#1077 rest here: Celebrate Pi Day including a Baked Oatmeal Breakfast Pie Recipe | Dine … Related Posts:Afternoon Snack: Today Is Pi Day! Celebrate With This Healthy Pie … Today is […]

  2. […] morning I went over to my BFF’s house for coffee and brunch (she made this and cooked up some deer link sausage – so tasty. She’s an amazing portrait […]

Mathematics {Recipe: Breakfast Oatmeal Pie} (2024)


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