Meet Nearby Tango Friends (2024)

The new TangoPartner App is where Tango lovers, outstanding teachers, and event organizers meet to enjoy Tango. Join the fun, live your Tango.

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (1)
Meet Nearby Tango Friends (2)
Meet Nearby Tango Friends (3)
Meet Nearby Tango Friends (4)

Connect with nearby Tango friends

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (5)

Dance at the best Tango Festivals.

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (6)

Learn with the world’s best teachers

The New TangoPartner Application

Live your Tango’ is not just our slogan; it’s our heartbeat. In our newest version of TangoPartner, we’ve danced beyond limits to bring unforgettable Tango moments.

Join the Tango Partner family

As a member of Tango Partner you are always among friends, wherever you go. It is a safer, easier, and by far more social way to experience unforgettable Tango moments.

So many amazing people, just like you, are already inside. Download the App and connect with nearby Tango friends and teachers. Tap into the local Tango scene in every city you visit. Join the family.

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (7)
Meet Nearby Tango Friends (8)

Don’t just dance tango, live tango. is here to help you find a nearby Tango partner and the best events wherever you go. Just swipe through like-minded tango lovers in your area and send a Cabeceo (Invitation to dance) to the ones you like.

  • Find a Tango partner to go to a Milonga with when you arrive in a new city.
  • Share a glass of wine and dance a beautiful Tanda at the local Milonga.
  • Never feel bored or alone when you arrive in a new city again.
Meet Nearby Tango Friends (9)

Join thousands of Tango lovers in 3 easy steps

1. Download the TangoPartner App

Download the Android or IOS version of the app to your phone

2. View Nearby Tango Friends

Just swipe through like-minded tango friends in your area

3. Send A Cabeceo (Invitation to dance)

Send a Cabeceo (Invitation to dance) to the tango lovers you like

4. Match, Meet, Socialize & Go Dancing

Meetup. Go out dancing, share a glass of wine with new friends

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (10)
Meet Nearby Tango Friends (11)

The Best Names in Tango is the global meeting point of social dancers, teachers, singers, orchestras, event organizers, photographers, fashion shops, coaches and tango friends. We bring togetherpeople and brandsthat enrich our members Tango-life daily. Together with our fantastic partners,we inspire meaningful Tango moments. See more here.

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (12)

Argentine Tango USA Official Championship & Festival – USA

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (13)

Pam Est Là & Danilo Maddalena – Italy

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (14)

Michael ‘El Gato’ Nadtochi & Silvina Tse – USA & Russia

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (15)

Samantha García – Portugal

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (16)

Liz & Yannick Vanhove – Belgium

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (17)

Roberto Herrera – Argentina, Germany

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (18)

Sebastián Acosta & Laura D’Anna – Argentina

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (19)

Leandro Palou & Maria Tsiatsiani – UK

Tango Partner is a global life style platform

Tango Festivals

Find a Tango partner for a Tango festival and hit the road dancing. Tango festivals are the meeting point for Tango lovers from around the world, the best tango teachers from Buenos Aires and Tango Dj’s. People leave their daily worries behind and come to enjoy spectacular Milongas, take Tango classes and connect with great people.

If you never experienced a Tango festival before, you are missing. Just imagine a few days of just Tango, Milongas, Wine, Vacation and tons of new partners. Find the best Tango festival by asking the locals. Use our app and connect with local Tango lovers everywhere you go. There are many websites with festivals and milonga listing; most are not accurate and outdated if you want to find the best Tango festivals in the world, just as our local community.

Ready to give a Cabeceo to a world of Tangueros ?

Cabeceo is a traditional way to invite someone to dance. It is done by “cabeceo,” a head nod by one dancer met with eye contact. It is done during a cortina or early in the Tanda. Download our application and start sharing Cabeceo’s with a world of Tangueros.

Make your heart smile

If you love tango you probably know this sensation already: You arrive to a new city and the first thing you do is to check what Milongas are on tonight. Imagine how many Tango lovers, just like you are passing by the same city and have the very same thought in mind. Wouldn’t it be lovely to meet other Tango lovers? maybe share a glass of wine and dance a beautiful Tanda at the local Milonda? Yes you already know it, a good Tanda will leave your heart smiling long after the music stops.

Embrace happiness

Tango lovers comes from all walks of life. The people you are about to meet in our TangoPartner application are there with their heart filled with Tango. They love the dance, the music, the atmosphere and the social sensation. Most were in Buenos Aires at least once, tried empanadas, Media Lunas in La Viruta and surely shared a glass of Malbec. With so much in common it is no wonder that so many people already found a partner to explore a long-lasting moments of happiness through tango.

Experience the word

TangoPartner is not only for Tango lovers on the move. Even if you don’t get to travel, you can experience the world dancing with international Tangueros passing through your city. Embrace variety and show our members a warm welcome. You will enjoy the same gratitude when you hit the road traveling. Living Tango is not just on the dancing floor. It is an international code of behavior we expect all our members to respect.

Improvise together

Argentine Tango is a dance of improvisation, a dance of seduction and a dance that evolve between two people inside an embrace. Only in Tango can two complete strangers share a Tanda long sensation of elegancy and intimacy. Unlike life, in Tango people learn to know each other, enjoy each other and create their own unique moment within an Embrace. The dancers get three songs (called a Tanda) to improvise their own special moment. A moment that will stay long after the Tanda ends.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions TangoPartner app users ask

Is TangoPartner a dating app?

No. TangoPartner is a platform created to help Tango lovers around the world find local tango friends ready to help them discover the local tango scene, and find tango professionals, tango events, and tango offers.
If you want to ask about local milongas or classes you can do it. If you want to find a partner to register together for events you can do it. If you want to simply share a drink, ask questions, or share a taxi, The TangoPartner app is here to help you find nearby tango friends, professionals, events and offers.

Watch an explanatory video here.

What to do if I see the “Unauthorised” notification?

Please follow the following steps:

  1. Make sure you have the last version of the app (3.1.4). You can see this if you open the menu by clicking the three lines at the top left.
  2. Go to settings (it’s on the menu).
  3. Log out.
  4. Log in again.
Why I cannot see any tango friend in the app?

Most probably your profile is not active. A few things you can check:

  1. Have you set your preferences? (Role, Looking for, Profile picture, Home City). If any of those is missing, then the profile remains inactive.
  2. Have you set your distance settings? If not, you can try to increase the distance in the settings.
  3. Does the app have all the permissions it needs to function?

Watch an explanatory video here.

How can I edit my profile’s information and preferences, and add images?

Click on My Profile, and edit the fields “Name”, “I mostly dance as a”, “Partner Preferences”, “Profile Pic” and Home City. These are all fields that need to be filled for your profile to be active.

Following that you can choose to fill the fields “Searching a partner for”, “Other Dances”, “I can offer”, “Date of Birth”, and “Your Tango in A line”.

Watch an explanatory video here.

How to connect with nearby tango friends on Tango Partner

To connect with nearby tango friends, you simply need to click on the button “Connect”. Once you see a profile you like you can click on “More” to see more information, and send them a Cabeceo (the equivalent of a friend request). When they accept the Cabeceo, you’ll be connected in the app and you will be able to chat with each other.

See this video for more clarity.

Why does my Cabeceo stay active for 24 hours only?

We think of as a big virtual Milonga. When people invite others for a dance with Cabeceo, they expect a quick answer. If your partner didn’t respond to your Cabeceo, he or she might no longer be in town. We keep your invitation active for 24 hours. If your partner doesn’t answer, your cabeceo fades away, just like if it never happened. Don’t worry; we are sure you will meet again at another “Milonga”. Feel free to Cabeceo them again.

Why does the option to send a cabeceo to a certain person reappears?

Think of it as a virtual Milonga. The fact that someone didn’t accept your Cabeceo does not make her/him disappear from the Milonga. Cabeceos are active for 24 hours. If the user didn’t accept after 24 hours you can send a cabeceo again. If the user accepted, he/she will be added to your friends list.

How can I find tango dancers, events and professionals that are far away from me?

The app allows you to look for people and events up to about 5000km from you. In the Settings, you have the option to limit your search to the 50km range, 300km, 700km, 2500km, or set it to “No limit” which will give you access to the maximum distance possible.

Once you have set the distance, you can search for people by name and location. When it comes to events, you can search by name of the event or by type (festival, marathon, milonga, etc.).

Watch this video for more clarity.

How to remove friends, deal with unwanted cabeceos, or report profiles

As in a perfect milonga, we want you to be in touch only with the people that you want to be in touch. To remove a friend, you can simply click on the settings icon next to the friend’s profile and remove him/her. If you receive multiple cabeceos from people you don’t want to be in touch with or visible to, simply block their next cabeceo by clicking on the settings icon next to their cabeceo notification. Finally, if someone is doing something you consider inappropriate, feel free to report by clicking on the “Report User” button in the messenger.

Watch this video for more clarity:

What to do if you have trouble logging in with Facebook

If clicking “Log in with Facebook” doesn’t allow you to access the app, this might signify a problem with Facebook’s API.
To solve it, please follow the following steps:

1) In your mobile, go to your Settings, Apps, and find Tango Partner. There delete Cache and Data of the app. Then uninstall the app.

2) Go to Facebook. Click on Settings & Privacy, and then Settings. From there select Security and login, and then Apps and websites. In that list find Tango Partner, and remove it.

3) Now, install Tango Partner again, and try logging in with Facebook.

About the app permissions

We want to create a beautiful and safe experience for the users of the app. The main value proposition of the app is that it helps you connect with other social tango dancers closeby. This way, when someone visits a new city, they can open the app, immediately connect with local tango dancers and ask them for help (which milonga to go to, how to get there, if there are any local classes during this day etc.) Moreover, the moment users arrive to a new city, based on their location they will receive notifications about events, workshops, classes, etc that are taking place close to them. Having that in mind lets see together the permissions:

1) The app needs to know your location to be able to show you people who are closeby. If the app doesn’t know where you are, it cannot show you who is close to you. Also, the app needs to know your location in order to show you only relevant information. When you arrive to a new city, you don’t care about milongas in your home town. You care to know which milonga is available in that new city.

2) The app needs access to photos and camera in order to take or upload your profile picture. Profiles without pictures are ineffective. Tango is a social dance and we want users to be able to see who is the other dancer/teacher/organizer.

3) To block illegitimate accounts from being created, we ask for Facebook or Google verification, since this blocks most of them. We need to protect the experience of our users and this step helps us keep away fake profiles.

The app keeps asking me to update

Here is how to solve this issue. First close your Tango Partner App. Then go to settings and click on Apps. Find Tango Partner and click on it. Inside the app settings, click on storage and then click on clear cache. Now open the App again, it should work.

In the rare case that this doesn’t work, you can also clear all data for the app.

Why does the displayed distance is not precise?

Our user’s safety is our top priority. We know that the Tango community is friendly and will always show a high code of behaviour and respect. But, there is no way for us to prevent non-tango members from using the application. For that, we display only estimated distances. We count on the support of the community to flag profiles that are inappropriate.

When would I be able to chat with my nearby tango partners?

It takes two for tango and it takes two to accept an invitation. Go ahead and send Cabeceos to nearby partners you like. Once your partner accepts the Cabeceo the system will allow you both to start chatting and make the exciting plan for the evening.

What to do if I don’t have any nearby partners and how to invite my friends to connect with me on the app?

Hurrrray! You got the app, you love it, you want to connect with your friends there. Great.

First, click on “Connect” to and write the names of your friends or the city they live in. If they don’t appear you have two options:

  1. Change the distance to “No limit” (Video here) and select that you are looking for Followers and Leaders. To do the second you just need to go to the menu, click on “Me”, then “Details” and then in the Partner Preferences select “All”. After a few seconds the list of friends should update and show you more people.
  2. There is a chance that your friends are not using the app. To invite them, simply click on the three lines at the top left of your screen, and then click on “Invite Friends”. Choose the preferred way to invite them, and boom! You helped the community come closer.

This is how to invite new tango friends to the app: video.

Can I join the TangoPartner team?

Yes, we are looking for Tango lovers to join our team. If you are a tango professional you can contact us to add events and offers on the app. If you are a tango enthusiast and believe you can help the app grow in a certain way, contact us with your ideas.

Meet Nearby Tango Friends (2024)
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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.