Member's Agreement | UK | Loqbox (2024)


This is an agreement between you and us: Loqbox Technology UK Limited (company number 07916178) whose registered office address is Henleaze Business Centre, Henleaze, Bristol, BS9 4PN.


1.1 Loqbox membership gives you access to the Loqbox Members' Area, which is our online marketplace, available via the website. In the Loqbox Members' Area, you can sign up to other products and services offered by us or other companies in our group. These are called Extra Services.

1.2 This Loqbox membership Agreement (the Member's Agreement) sets out the terms and conditions for your Loqbox membership. It applies as soon as you are registered as a Loqbox Member. Please refer to paragraph 9 for additional terms for membership tiers. There are also Additional Terms for any Extra Services you sign up to, and, if the Additional Terms are different from the Member's Agreement, then the Additional Terms take priority over the Member's Agreement.

1.3 When we say ‘this agreement’, ‘the agreement’, or ‘your agreement’, we mean all the terms and conditions that apply to your Loqbox membership as well as any Extra Services you have with us, including the Loqbox Tariff, which sets out our charges.

1.4 The Member's Agreement has no fixed or minimum duration, so it will apply until either you or we end it.


2.1 We may make changes to this agreement from time to time. The changes we can make include:

(a) changing any of the terms of the Member's Agreement or the Additional Terms (including adding or removing terms);

(b) changing or adding extra features to any of our existing products or services;

(c) withdrawing any of the Extra Services;

(d) changing any of the charges set out in the Loqbox Tariff; or

(e) adding new charges to the Loqbox Tariff.

2.2 As this agreement has no fixed duration it could last a very long time. This means that, while we have tried to set out in the next section the reasons we may make changes, it is likely that there might be other reasons why we change this agreement.

2.3 Reasons why we may make changes to this agreement include:

(a) to reflect any changes in laws, regulation or industry codes of practice (including where we have good reason to expect a change), or a decision by a court, regulator or ombudsman;

(b) to implement minor technical adjustments and improvements, for example to address a security threat. These changes will not affect your use of the product or services;

(c) to reflect changes in the way we do business or offer our products and services to you, as a result of changes to technology and the systems we use;

(d) to introduce a new product, service, feature or benefit;

(e) to withdraw or replace an existing product or service;

(f) to improve the terms and conditions of this agreement, for example, to make them fairer or easier for you to understand or to correct any mistakes; or

(g) to make a more significant change to this agreement or to the product or service.

2.4 If the change is beneficial to you or neutral, we will make it straight away and confirm the change by making a notice available in the Loqbox Members' Area as soon as possible afterwards. Otherwise, we will always try to give you at least one month's advance written notice of any change(s) by making a notice available in the Loqbox Members' Area, unless we have to make the change sooner, for example, to follow a legal or regulatory requirement or to address a security threat, in which case we will tell you as soon as we can.

2.5 If you do not agree to the change, you will be able to cancel your Loqbox membership and the Member's Agreement with us, or, if the change affects an Extra Service, you can cancel that and end any Additional Terms, while staying a Loqbox member. You will need to tell us in the Loqbox Members' Area before the change takes effect. If you do not tell us before the change takes effect, we will treat you as having accepted the change.


3.1 You can cancel any Extra Service, or end this agreement completely and cancel your Loqbox membership at any time via the Loqbox members’ Area. In order to terminate your Loqbox membership you will need to cancel or end any Extra Service that you use. You will no longer have access to your Loqbox membership or Extra Services once you have cancelled it.

3.2 We also have the right to end all or part of this agreement. We can withdraw an Extra Service and/or terminate your Loqbox membership completely at any time if:

(a) you do not make any payment to us when it is due and you still do not make payment within 30 days of us reminding you that payment is due;

(b) we suspect fraud, or have concerns that a third party may have access to your Loqbox products or services without your consent or reasonably consider it necessary for your protection;

(c) if you have seriously broken any of the Additional Terms or any other agreement you have with us or any of the other companies in our group;

(d) we learn that steps have been taken in connection with your bankruptcy, insolvency or any similar process;

(e) we need to do so to comply with any law or regulation;

(f) we need to stop providing the product or service; or

(g) you do not, within a reasonable time of us asking for it, provide us with information that we need to provide the products or services to you.

3.3 If we are doing this because of the circ*mstances in paragraph 3.2(f) or (g), we will give you at least 14 days' advance notice before we cancel your Loqbox membership, and the same amount of notice for the closure of any Extra Services, unless the relevant Additional Terms have a different notice period. In all the other cases, we will end the Extra Service or your Loqbox membership immediately and tell you as soon as we can that we have done so.


4.1 If it is necessary for us to interrupt or suspend the provision of our products or services, for example, to deal with any technical problems, or to make any updates to the product or services as requested by you, or to reflect changes in law or regulatory requirements, then we will always try to tell you first. However, there may be circ*mstances where we are not able to do so where the problem is urgent. You acknowledge that the services may also be interrupted for reasons beyond our control.


5.1 We always try to provide a good service, however, sometimes we may not always get things right. If you are unhappy with or have any concerns relating to this agreement, you should contact us via providing full details of your complaint. We have a complaints procedure in place that you must use to raise any complaint or dispute. You can find a copy of this on our website at

5.2 If you are unhappy with our response, you may have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, depending on the product or service you are using. You can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service using the following details: The Financial Ombudsman ServiceExchange TowerHarbour ExchangeLondonE14 9SRTelephone: 0800 023 4567Website:


6.1 You can contact us via the website at or through the Loqbox Members’ Area.

6.2 If we have to contact you we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provided to us when you applied for Loqbox membership. You are responsible for informing us if your contact details change.


7.1 Promotions. From time to time, we may email you with a unique tracking link containing details of any promotions we are offering for a limited period. If a promotion relates to an Extra Service, you must not have broken any of the relevant Additional Terms in order to be eligible. If you do not use the unique tracking link that we send you, you will not qualify to participate in the promotion. We reserve the right to remove any promotion at any time.

7.2 Other Terms. When using Loqbox you must comply with our Terms of Use at, which sets out the general terms applicable to your use of our website.

7.3 We may transfer this agreement to someone else. We may transfer our rights and obligations under this agreement to another organisation. We will always tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the agreement. You may not transfer your rights or obligations under this agreement to another person.

7.4 Our website, the Loqbox Members’ Area and our communications with you. Our website, the Loqbox Members’ Area and our communications with you may contain links to internet websites which are provided by third parties. You acknowledge that we do not have any responsibility or control over the content of these websites and we will not be liable in any way for the content or any loss arising from your use of such third party websites.

7.5 Nobody else has any rights under this contract. The Member's Agreement is between you and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms except for any other companies in our group who provide or help to provide Extra Services. They have the right to enforce any of the terms of the Member's Agreement that relates to or affects the Extra Service. You confirm that, by entering into a contract with us, you are acting on your own behalf and not for the benefit of any other person.

7.6 If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of this agreement operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unfair, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

7.7 Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under this agreement, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the products or services, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.

7.8 Entire Agreement. The Member's Agreement, together with any Additional Terms and the Loqbox Tariff, constitute the entire agreement between us and replace any previous terms provided to you in relation to the products and services.

7.9 Other taxes or costs. This agreement only covers the products and services provided by us. There may be other taxes or costs which may be charged by third parties that you need to pay in relation to our products or services, which are not imposed by us.

7.10 Which laws apply to this contract and where you may bring legal proceedings. This agreement is governed by English law and any dispute will be dealt with by an English or Welsh court, unless you live in Scotland, where it will be dealt with by the courts of Scotland, or Northern Ireland, whereit will be dealt with by the courts of Northern Ireland.

7.11 How we communicate with you. This agreement is provided in English and we will communicate with you in English in relation to our products and services.

7.12 Your statutory right to cancel this agreement. You have a statutory right to cancel this agreement without charge at any time in the 14 days starting on the day after you have registered with us for Loqbox membership. You can do this by contacting us via the website at or through the Loqbox Members’ Area. You will need to provide us with the reference number for your Loqbox membership. Cancelling your Loqbox membership will also cancel any Extra Services you have signed up to use.


8.1 We ask you to share personal information about you in order to provide your Loqbox membership and related products and services. See our Privacy Notice This sets out the terms on which we process any personal information we collect from you, or that you provide to us. We have to process that data in accordance with the Privacy Notice to provide your Loqbox membership or any Extra Services.

8.2 You warrant that the information that you provide to us is accurate, up to date, and complete.

8.3 We will use, and you understand that we will use, the personal information you provide to us:

(a) to supply the products and services to you, and connecting you with our panel of commercial partners based on changes to your credit score as a result of being a Loqbox member, which includes providing you access to their financial and credit products and services;

(b) to process your payment for the products and services;

(c) unless you object, to give you information about similar products that we provide, but you may stop receiving this at any time by contacting us.

8.4 You hereby expressly give us your permission to include your name in any communication that we may have with any friends who you have referred to Loqbox through any of our referral schemes. In addition, where you have been referred to Loqbox by a friend through one of our referral schemes, you expressly agree that we may share your name with the customer that has referred you to Loqbox. This information will only be made available to the other customer in the Loqbox Members’ Area and will only be used for the purposes of paying any additional amount due to that customer.

8.5 We may provide to you the facility to upload information or documents directly onto our website, such as your initial credit report and your final credit report. If you take advantage of this facility you agree that we may have access to these files and the information contained therein for the purposes set out in paragraph 8.3.

8.6 We may at any time seek to procure and access a copy of your credit information as held with one or all of the credit reference agencies operating within the UK. This will be done with your consent, which, if given, authorises us to store such information and to use it to monitor your credit account activity and any changes to your credit score in order to provide you with tailored educational information and additional value-added products or services.



a. We have two types of membership:

i. Loqbox Lite is given to everyone when they sign up and is free. This provides the features Loqbox Save, Loqbox Learn and Loqbox Coach.

ii. Loqbox Membership may be chosen, and costs £2.50 per week. This provides the features Loqbox Grow, Loqbox Save, Loqbox Learn, Loqbox Coach and Loqbox Rent. We may add additional features from time to time. With Loqbox Membership, we may provide, from time to time, a free trial for a period of time from sign up (the “Free Trial”). The Free Trial only applies to the weekly membership charge of £2.50, and does not apply to any Extra Services that you may choose to take during the free trial period (or any payments that you make relating to Loqbox Save).

At the end of the Free Trial, if you do nothing, you will automatically move onto the paid membership option of £2.50 per week. If, towards the end of the Free Trial, you decide you no longer wish to make use of the Loqbox Membership, you can cancel or downgrade to the Lite Membership (information on how to do this is under ‘c’ below). If you downgrade to the Lite Membership, you can then continue to use Loqbox Save, but other features and services that are available with the Loqbox Membership will no longer be available to you.

Any cooling off period applicable to other products or Extra Services is unaffected by this Free Trial, which only applies to the Membership.

b. When you choose Loqbox Membership you will automatically have immediate and automatic access to the Loqbox Grow feature. Loqbox Grow lets you pay for your Loqbox Membership and any Loqbox services, while also building your credit score at the same time. Loqbox Grow is provided by Loqbox Technology UK Limited (‘Loqbox Technology’) in conjunction with a line of credit provided to you by Loqbox Finance UK ('Loqbox Finance'), the trading name of DDC Financial Solutions Limited. You may cancel Loqbox Grow and pay for your Membership on a weekly basis by cancelling the feature in your Member’s Area.

c. You can move between the Membership Tiers at any time using the Loqbox members’ area. This includes cancelling a paid-for Tier and moving to Loqbox Lite. The fee is non-refundable, so if you cancel part way through a week, you will still be treated as having that Tier until the next day on which we would have charged the fee. If you have earned any free Flexi Unlocks on Loqbox Save, you will keep those even if you move to Loqbox Lite. You will lose access to any other benefits of Loqbox Membership when you move to Loqbox Lite.

d. If you pay for your Membership with Loqbox Grow and we are unable to collect your first payment your Loqbox Grow account will be closed and your Membership will be changed to Lite membership.

e. If you do not use Loqbox Grow and your weekly payment for the Tier is declined or returned unpaid you must pay us the fee by the next payment date. If you do not, then we will continue to charge you the relevant fee for future weeks, and if those payments are made we will keep you on the Tier you chose, but will limit your benefits to those of a Loqbox Lite Member for the week where you missed the payment.

f. Missing your Membership payment results in loss of the benefits of Membership, including access to features that you may use. If we are unable to collect your payment when it is due and you have an active Loqbox Save product with sufficient funds to pay the balance owing for that period we can make that payment from your Loqbox Save account. We call this ‘benefits protection’ as it ensures you retain the benefits of being a Loqbox Member. Your membership fee for the period will be marked as paid and will show on your Loqbox Save payments page as “Loqbox Grow payment”. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact Member Support at or through live chat.


a. We make a promise to those with Loqbox Membership who pay for their Tier for 52 weeks in a row while having at least one of Loqbox Save or Loqbox Grow. We call this the Points Promise.

b. The Points Promise says that we are so confident that your credit score will grow by a certain amount after 52 weeks with Loqbox Membership, that if that does not happen, we will pay you a sum of money. The rest of this paragraph 9.2 sets out the conditions you have to meet for the Points Promise to apply.

c. The “Points Promise Period” is a period of 52 weeks in a row in which you pay for Loqbox Membership while having at least one of Loqbox Save or Loqbox Grow. Once one Points Promise Period ends, another begins (so the Points Promise will continue to apply while you are paying for Loqbox Membership).

d. The Points Promise depends on your credit score at the start and at the end of the Points Promise Period. You must give us evidence of your credit score on both of those dates. You can do this by getting a copy of your credit report from a credit reference agency. We will not pay you under the Points Promise if you cannot give us this evidence.

e. In order to qualify for the Points Promise, you must maintain your contractual payments to all of your credit accounts, including Loqbox Save and Loqbox Grow, during the Points Promise Period. If you miss any payments and such missed payments appear on your credit report during the Points Promise Period, then the Points Promise will not apply.


a. If you have Loqbox Membership throughout your first Points Promise Period and have met the conditions in paragraph 9.2, then we promise that your credit score will improve by at least 25 points at the end of the Points Promise Period, and if it does not, then we will pay you £25. If you have Loqbox Membership in subsequent Points Promise Periods and have met the conditions in paragraph 9.2, then we promise that your credit score will improve by at least 1 point at the end of the Points Promise Period, and if it does not, then we will pay you £25. We will pay any money we owe you under the Points Promise by crediting the account of your choice.


a. Priority Support is included with Loqbox Membership. This means that your query will be prioritised whenever you contact our support team using the contact form in the Loqbox members’ area (but not e-mail), so you will be ahead of Loqbox Lite members.

Loqbox Technology UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm reference number 694919 with permission to carry on credit broking and provide credit information services.

Member's Agreement | UK | Loqbox (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.