Money Definition and Function: Importance (2024)

You'll be able to answer all these questions after reading this article.

Definition of Money

The definition of money refers to any asset that you can use to exchange goods and services. That is to say that anything that the other party will accept as payment, and give you a good or service in return, is money.

The definition of money has evolved with time, and today, it is not what it has once been. However, the principle and its use of it have remained the same.

Money Definition and Function: Importance (1)Fig 1. -US Dollars

When you go to a grocery store and try to buy apples, the cashier will ask you to pay in US dollars like the one seen in Figure 1. If you happen to have any foreign currency, you won't likely be able to purchase the good or service using the foreign currency, and instead, you will have to go to a currency exchange and exchange the foreign money into US dollars. You can only pay in US dollar terms.

Hence, we can say that the definition of money depends on the type of transaction you're performing. Although there are cases where you can exchange a good in return for another good, in most cases, the money as we know it today is the currency in circulation.

Usually, the most common types of money are the currency in circulation, which refers to the cash and coins in the hands of the general public, and any checkable deposits. You have checkable deposits if you have a bank account from which you write checks that the receiver then cashes out. These two types of money, currency and checkable deposits, are the most liquid forms of money. The more liquid the money is, the easier it is to perform transactions.

Now, the money supply is what we call the total value of money in the economy. It contains not only the most liquid forms of money but also financial assets and other types of money that are less liquid than cash or checkable deposits. There is more than one way to measure the money supply.

If you have stocks, they serve as a form of money; however, you will have to find a buyer for your stocks if you want to perform further transactions with them.

Importance of Money

The importance of money comes from its ability to provide efficient transactions in an economy. It is a means of exchange. Money is one of the most important tools in an economy as it allows transactions. In the absence of money, the transactions would become inefficient, and the economy will not be able to produce.

Think about it; if it weren't for money, there wouldn't be a good way to trade for goods and services to meet your needs. If you want to purchase some corn to eat, the farmer might only be willing to give you the corn if you have a chicken to give the farmer. Then you have to find someone who is willing to trade you a chicken for something else that you have just so that you can go trade the chicken to the farmer for the corn that you want! And you would have to do this for every single item that you want to acquire. What a mess!

Money narrows it down to just one item that can be used in order to purchase any good or service that we want or need.

Additionally, money allows for international trade to happen. The exchange of goods and other services from different countries is enabled by money, which is a means of exchange.

The cheap goods you buy on Amazon from China can be bought because you give US dollars in return. Imagine if you had to exchange another commodity such as milk for an iPhone case from China. You would have to acquire the milk and find a way to deliver it to China without it spoiling. It will be tough, almost unlikely, for this transaction to take place.

Characteristics of Money

The four main characteristics of money are durability, divisibility, transportability, and non-counterfeit as seen in Figure 2.

Characteristics of Money: Durability

Refers to the physical ability of money to withstand damage, decomposition, or change of any sort. Money should and must be able to retain its durability.

Characteristics of Money: Divisibility

This refers to money's ability to be divided into smaller parts while all the smaller parts have value. $100 equals two $50 notes, and both have the same value.

Characteristics of Money: Transportability

Transportability is money's ability to be easily carried around, which makes it possible for individuals to perform transactions when they go out.

Characteristics of Money: Non-counterfeit

Money can't be easily counterfeited. People need to trust that money is not likely to be counterfeit. Otherwise, all of our money would quickly lose value, and vendors would not want to accept it for payment purposes.

Functions of Money

Functions of money are:

  • the medium of exchange;
  • store of value;
  • unit of account.

These are illustrated in Figure 3 below. Any asset that has all of the following functions is considered to serve as money.

Functions of Money: Medium of exchange

A medium of exchange is an intermediate tool used to enable the sale, purchase, or transfer of products between parties. For a system to operate as a medium of exchange, it must represent a standard of value. Further, all parties involved in the transactions must accept it. In contemporary economies, the most common means of trade is cash.

Functions of Money: Store of value

Store of value refers to the ability of an asset to hold its purchasing power over time. For one asset to be considered money, it has to have value over time. If you have an asset that will decrease in value in a short time, it can't be considered money. For it to be considered money, it must have value for a long period, meaning that you can still buy goods and services with it.

Imagine having money that today can get you ten apples, but no one accepts it the following day, and your purchasing power disappears into thin air.

Functions of Money: Unit of account

Another essential function of money is the unit of account. This means that the money can be measured based on goods and services it can buy. This means it can be used to set prices for goods and services that people want to consume.

For example, imagine that you need $1,090 to buy a MacBook Pro. This means that the value of a MacBook can be measured in terms of money. This is one of the most important characteristics of money, as all goods and services in the economy are expressed in money terms--that is, prices.

You have housing rental rates that are expressed in terms of dollars; the goods at your local grocery store are also described in terms of dollars—basically, anything in the economy.

Is Bitcoin money?

To answer whether Bitcoin is money, you have to look at the characteristics of money. While Bitcoin has grown to be a medium of exchange and a store of value as it is widely accepted worldwide and its value has appreciated over time, many argue that it is hard for bitcoin to be a unit of account. The reason for that is due to fluctuations in Bitcoin's price.

Exchange means as a Function of Money

We previously introduced the concept of money as a medium of exchange.

Money allows anybody who has it to engage in the market on an equal basis with everyone else. A bid is successfully made when a customer uses the money to acquire an item or service that has been advertised at a certain price. This brings order and the ability to predict in the marketplace.

Producers know what they are going to produce and how much they will charge, and consumers can plan their budgets with confidence around predictable and stable pricing structures. The entire transaction is facilitated by money which serves as means of exchange.

If money, as represented by a currency, ceases to be viable as a medium of trade or if its monetary units can no longer be reliably valued, consumers will lose their capacity to effectively and efficiently perform transactions in the economy.

Imagine how hard it would be to exchange using goods. Finding someone who not only has what you're looking for but also demands what you are willing to trade.

Usually, you have the domestic currency of a country serving as a medium of exchange. However, in cases when severe recessions/depressions are hitting a country's economy, they may switch to alternative currencies and use them as a medium of exchange. That is because, in times of crisis, currencies lose value quickly, and the purchasing power drops.

During the recent Lebanese economic crisis, the use of the dollar as a medium of exchange became much more prevalent as Lebanon's currency was losing its value.

There were other alternatives to the currency that were used as a medium of exchange in times of economic crisis throughout history. One typical example of an alternative medium of exchange includes the use of cigarettes in prisoner-camp during World War II. Prisoners were exchanging cigarettes for goods and services.

Store of value as a Function of Money

Essentially, any item, money, or commodity that can be consistently turned into another asset, currency, or commodity at a later period may be used as a store of value. An item's eligibility as a store of value is determined by its ability to be stored, retrieved, and traded while retaining its buying power under any given circ*mstances.

Risk aversion is the basic idea of a store of value, and prices will be maintained as long as there is a continuous demand for the underlying object.

For example, gold and other precious metals are considered "stores of value" since they provide utility due to their extended shelf life and do not depreciate in value over time.

Stores of value also include interest-bearing assets, which qualify as such since they provide income while simultaneously retaining their worth. A commodity, on the other hand, such as milk, is a poor store of value since it is perishable and will expire in due course, rendering it useless.

Throughout much of history, many commodities served as money in various forms. Initially, trade agents relied on assets and commodities, such as gold, as means of exchange because of their inherent worth, durability, and mobility, as opposed to currency.

Generally speaking, money is regarded as a store of value in the monetary system, where it may be utilized to store and transfer capital. Money's ability to act as a store of value makes it easier to move buying power over a period of time.

Because cash has the ability to transmit buying power from one time to another, it is an excellent means of storing value.

For example, when individuals keep money in their pockets until they wish to trade it for products or services, the value of the money remains stable.

Money Definition and Function - Key Takeaways

  • The definition of money refers to any asset that you can use to exchange for goods and services you want.
  • The importance of money comes from its ability to provide efficient transactions in an economy.
  • Fiat money is declared by a government to be the medium of exchange and has no intrinsic value or backing.
  • The four main characteristics of money are durability, divisibility, transportability, and non-counterfeit.
  • The functions of money include being a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a unit of account.
  • A medium of exchange is an intermediate tool used to enable the sale, purchase, or transfer of products between parties.
  • An asset is a store of value if it has the ability to retain its purchasing power over time.
Frequently Asked Questions about Money Definition and Function

What is money

The definition of money refers to any asset that you can use to exchange goods and services for. That is to say that anything that the other party will accept and give you a good or service in return is money.

What is the importance of money?

The importance of money comes from its ability to provide efficient transactions in an economy.

What are the advantages of money?

Efficient transactions

International trade.

What are the characteristics of money?

The four main characteristics of money are durability, divisibility, transportability, and non-counterfeit.

What are the functions of money?

Functions of money include medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account.

Money Definition and Function: Importance (2024)


Money Definition and Function: Importance? ›

It is a means of exchange. Money is one of the most important tools in an economy as it allows transactions. In the absence of money, the transactions would become inefficient, and the economy will not be able to produce.

What is money and its functions and importance? ›

Money is a system of value that facilitates the exchange of goods in an economy. Using money allows buyers and sellers to pay less in transaction costs, compared to barter trading. The first types of money were commodities. Their physical properties made them desirable as a medium of exchange.

What is the most important function of money and why? ›

Medium of exchange.

Money's most important function is as a medium of exchange to facilitate transactions. Without money, all transactions would have to be conducted by barter, which involves direct exchange of one good or service for another.

What is the importance of money? ›

Money allows us to meet our basic needs—to buy food and shelter and pay for healthcare. Meeting these needs is essential, and if we don't have enough money to do so, our personal wellbeing and the wellbeing of the community as a whole suffers greatly.

What is the best definition of money? ›

Money is a commodity accepted by general consent as a medium of economic exchange. It is the medium in which prices and values are expressed. It circulates from person to person and country to country, facilitating trade, and it is the principal measure of wealth.

How is money used in everyday life? ›

In everyday life money is used in following ways: It is used as a medium of exchange and facilitates the buying and selling of goods like car house food clothes etc. It is used as deposits with the banks or to keep it at home like fixed deposits bonds etc. It is used for borrowing and lending like loan.

What are the advantages of money? ›

When you have more money than you need, life becomes easier. You can afford to pay someone else to do your chores for you. Having enough cash makes it possible for you to take a vacation from time to time without having to save up all year first. Economical: Having money makes it easier to buy things.

What are three main purposes of money? ›

To summarize, money has taken many forms through the ages, but money consistently has three functions: store of value, unit of account, and medium of exchange.

What is the most important purpose of money? ›

medium of exchange, something that people can use to buy and sell from one another. Perhaps the easiest way to think about the role of money is to consider what would change if we did not have it. If there were no money, we would be reduced to a barter economy.

Why money is important than everything? ›

Why do we need money? Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy security and safety for you and your loved ones. Human beings need money to pay for all the things that make your life possible, such as shelter, food, healthcare bills, and a good education.

Why money is the powerful? ›

The reason that money holds such a power over people is that it provides them with power – to do what they want to do, whatever that may be. Some people feel money gives them a sense of personal worth.

Why is the value of money important? ›

The time value of money is crucial because it allows individuals and businesses to evaluate how much money will be worth in future terms, which can in turn enable them to make better-informed saving, investment and borrowing decisions.

Can you imagine a world without money? ›

A world without money will require an extremely ideal approach as when people are stripped of the incentives of activity, they choose to not participate in the activity. If workers receive no rewards, they will not work. But this will not eradicate any of the human needs crucial to the survival of humanity.

What is money and its function? ›

Money as a measure of value has made transactions simple and easy. It may be understood that this function of money follows from the first basic function (medium of exchange). It is because money is used as a medium to exchange goods, that each good gets a value in terms of money (called price).

What is the deep definition of money? ›

Money is any item or medium of exchange that symbolizes perceived value. As a result, it is accepted by people for the payment of goods and services, as well as the repayment of loans. Money makes the world go 'round. Economies rely on money to facilitate transactions and to power financial growth.

What makes money valuable? ›

Summary. Currency value is determined by aggregate supply and demand. Supply and demand are influenced by a number of factors, including interest rates, inflation, capital flow, and money supply. The most common method to value currency is through exchange rates.

What are the 4 functions of money? ›

The Four Basic Functions of Money

Money serves four basic functions: it is a unit of account, it's a store of value, it is a medium of exchange and finally, it is a standard of deferred payment.

What are three important functions of money quizlet? ›

Money has three functions: as a store of value, as a unite of account and as a medium of exchange.

What gives money its value? ›

Currency value is determined like any other good or service in a market economy – through supply and demand. Factors affecting supply and demand are regulated by the government through monetary and fiscal policy.

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