Money in Greece - Currency, Banks, ATMs and Credit Cards 2024 (2024)

Here's everything you need to know about money in Greece. Currency, ATMs, banks, credit cards and more, this guide will show you how to get hold of and spend your Greek money.

Money in Greece - Currency, Banks, ATMs and Credit Cards 2024 (1)

Greece Money Travel Tips

There are a few things it's handy to know about getting hold of and spending Euros in Greece, which is why I created this short guide.

If you're planning to visit Greece on vacation, you'll find everything you need to know about money in Greece here!

You'll also find the reader comments section about exchange rates and ATM's in Greece at the bottom of the post useful. These describe real life experiences, and might be quite eye-opening when it comes to taking money out of cash machines in Greece.

If you take anything away from this blog post, make it this: Avoid Euronet ATM machines! (They have a terrible exchange rate and withdrawal fees).

What currency does Greece use?

Official Currency: Greece uses the Euro, which is also the official currency of 19 of the 27 member states of the European Union. The euro system consists of eight coin denominations: 1 and 2 euros, as well as 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 euro cents. There are also six different notes: €5, €10 , €20, €50, €100, and €200.

The Euro was adopted as physical legal tender in Greece on 1st January, 2002. It is available in both coin and note denominations.

What ATM to use in Greece for UK cards?

Your UK bank cards will work on any ATM in Greece. I tend to avoid the Eurobank ATMs when possible as they do not give very good exchange rates, and extra fees are often more than other banks.

Can you use dollars in Greece?

No you can't spend dollars in Greece. You will need to either exchange your US Dollars for Euros, use your cards, or withdraw Euros from an ATM when on vacation in Greece.

Can I withdraw money from ATM in Greece?

Withdrawing money from the ATMs in Greece is your best choice if you have a bank card you can use internationally. There are ATMs in all the main tourist areas, towns and cities in Greece.

Can you use cash in Greece?

You might have heard that cash is King in Greece. This is rapidly becoming dated advice though.

For the last few years, businesses have become obliged to use Point of Sale (POS) machines for cards. Since the pandemic in particular, chip and pin payments have now become the norm.

This means it's easy to use your bank cards everywhere – even in the local kiosks on street corners.

As a result, the days of needing to carry around hundreds of Euros to pay for hotels and restaurant bills are over. You'll still want to carry some Euros with you of course, but there's no need for a bulging wallet!

Just remember that shops and restaurants do not accept foreign currency.

Money in Greece - Currency, Banks, ATMs and Credit Cards 2024 (2)

Best way to exchange money in Greece

If you are looking to exchange your own currency to Euros when in Greece, you'll want to use a foreign exchange. You can find these in most tourist areas, but don't expect any on the small Greek islands.

Many banks also change money, but you should expect the process to take a long time. People think I'm joking when I say it can take over an hour to change money at a local bank in Greece, but try it for yourself and see!

When changing money in Greece, make sure that you don't receive a note larger than a 50 Euro, as it will be difficult to use anywhere.

In my opinion, it's best not to exchange physical currency at all unless you really have to. Either bring some Euros with you from your own country, or withdraw Euros from an ATM.

Getting hold of your money in Greece

You've got plenty of options to get hold of your money in Greece. These include changing money at your domestic airport (terrible choice), changing money on arrival at the Greek airport (bad choice), using a money changer (bad choice) or using ATMs in Greece (probably the best option).

I'd suggest whatever option you choose as your primary means of getting hold of money in Greece, you bring a few Euros over with you anyway.

There's nothing worse than arriving at an airport in a foreign country to find out you can get hold of the local currency because ATM machines are closed, and all the exchange kiosks are shut for the night!

Using ATMsto withdrawn money in Greece

This is probably the best method of getting hold of cash in Greece. You can find ATMs in every major town and city, and practically every inhabited Greek island has at least one machine.

You will find ATMs in supermarkets, airports, ferry ports, metro stations and other public places.

Money in Greece - Currency, Banks, ATMs and Credit Cards 2024 (3)

There are a couple of things to keep in mind when using ATM machines to access your money in Greece.

The first is that there may be a daily withdrawal limit from the machine as well as your card itself. You may even need to tell your bank that you are travelling to another country so that they will authorize its use overseas.

Another thing to keep in mind, is that some machines will offer two exchange rates. One is normally a lot more than the other! You should do your due diligence and work out what your own bank will charge you for withdrawing cash abroad.

Finally, if travelling to a smaller island, you may find that machines run out of cash from time to time. Don't leave it until the last minute to withdraw!

Check out my Revolut Card Review if you're from the UK or non-Eurozone country looking for a travel cash card for your vacation.

If you are from the United States, you might find Wisea better option for travel money.

Are there ATM's in Santorini?

There are plenty of ATMs in Santorini outside banks in Fira (where most cruise ship passengers arrive), and also along popular streets where there are ‘hole in the wall' ATM's. Most ATM's charge to withdraw money, and offer options to choose the ATM's conversion rate or your own bank's conversion rate.

Which ATM should I use?

Personally, I avoid the EuroBank ATMs whenever possible. They are notorious forhidden fees and poor exchange rates.

My preference whenever possible is to use a Piraeus Bank ATM when withdrawing money, as I find them simpler to use. Alpha Bank machines run a close second in my opinion.

You should note that when making cash withdrawals from an ATM in Greece, you may be charged a fee when using a foreign bank card. These may range from 2 to 3.75 euro.

Money in Greece - Currency, Banks, ATMs and Credit Cards 2024 (4)

Using Debit and Credit Cards in Greece

Credit and debit card usage in Greece is becoming more widespread like other parts of Europe. In fact, the government is actively encouraging and enforcing card use for some businesses, particularly in the hotel industry.

So, you will be able to use your credit and debit cards in shops and hotels, fuel stations and shops up and down the country. This includes the Greek islands.

When it comes to bars and tavernas though, you may need to check their machine is working. You would be surprised at how many card machines are ‘faulty' in these places when they work perfectly everywhere else. Very strange!!

Greece Currency Exchange Rates

The dollar to USD rate is always changing. You will also find that currency exchanges in for example the Athens airport give much poorer rates than if you were to withdraw money from an ATM machine.

Even little commission rates can add up during your vacation in Greece. Keep your eye on the exchange rates by using Google. I've included some below for historical information – you might be interested to see how these US dollar euro exchange rates change over time!

In May 2020, the exchange rates were:

Greece currency to USD: 1 Euro buys 1.09 USD.

Dollars to Greek currency: 1 USD buys 0.92 Euros.

Greece national currency to Indian Rupee: 1 Euro buys 82.77 Indian Rupees.

100 Indian Rupee buys 1.21 Euros

InNovember 2021, the rates to exchange currency were:

Greece currency to USD: 1 Euro buys 1.12 USD.

Dollars to Greek currency: 1 USD buys 0.89 Euros.

Greece currency to Indian Rupee: 1 Euro buys 83.69 Indian Rupees.

100 Indian Rupee buys 1.19Euros

In July 2022, the exchange rate in Greece today was:

Greek money vs US Dollar: 1 USD buys 0.99 Euros

Euro to Indian Rupee: 1 Euro buys 80.31 Indian Rupees

100 Indian Rupees buys 1.25 Euros

Money in Greece - Currency, Banks, ATMs and Credit Cards 2024 (5)

Related: Best time to go to Greece

Can I open a bank account in Greece?

If you're only traveling to Greece on vacation, opening a bank account is not really an option. If you plan to spend longer in Greece either as a digital nomad, or you want to move to the country, then it certainly can be.

There's a great guide here on how to open a bank account in Greece.

Money in Greece Checklist

Here's a few things to do with money I suggest you add to your to do list before traveling to Greece:

  • Get hold of a couple of hundred Euros in your own country at the best rate possible
  • Have two or three different cards to take with you
  • Find out if there are any additional fees for foreign purchases or overseas transactions
  • Inform your card issuer you are traveling out of the country
  • Make sure any hotels in Greece you book take a credit or debit card as payment
  • Read this guide on how to hide money when traveling

You might also want to take a look at this International Travel Packing Checklist to save you time in other areas of planning!

More facts about Greece currency

Here's a few more facts and insights into the money of Greece:

Does Greece still use euros?

The euro is the official currency in Greece, and has been in use since January 2002 when it replaced the drachma as legal tender.

What was the old currency in Greece?

Before being replaced by the Euro, the Greek Drachma was the old currency of Greece. It is no longer legal tender, so if you have any old drachmas (the Greece currency before Euro), they won't be of much use to you!

What is the best currency to use in Greece?

You can only use the local currency in Greece, which is the Euro. When spending money for goods and services, you can either use cash or bank cards. Businesses are now legally obliged to accept credit cards or debit cards as payment.

What are the Euro coins denominations in Greece?

Greece is one of many European countries which uses the Euro as its form of currency. The coin denominations are: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cent, €1 and €2.

What are the Euro note denominations in Greece?

There are seven denominations of euro banknotes that are legal tender: €5, €10, €20, €50, €100, €200 and €500. You are unlikely to see €100, €200 and €500 notes in regular circulation as stores are reluctant to accept them.

What was the drachma to Euro exchange rate?

At the time that Greece adopted the Euro as its monetary unit, the exchange rate was set at 340.75 drachmae to the euro)

What currency is used in Athens Greece?

The currency used in Athens, Greece is the Euro.

What is the Eurozone?

The Euro is the single currency for 19 of the 27 member states of the European Union. These 19 countries are often referred to as the Eurozone, and Greece is a member.

So, if you are continuing your vacation to another European country after Greece such as Italy, you will also be able to use Euros there as well.

Did Greece almost leave the Euro?

In 2015, the repercussions of the global bank crisis somehow left Greece holding the bill. Among the drama, the specter was raised of a ‘Grexit', where Greece might either have to leave the EU and abandon the euro.

Whether they would have gone back to the former drachma Greek currency or created a new one was never fully discussed in public. As events came to pass, Greece remains in both the European Union and Greece's currency is still the euro.

What was the money in Ancient Greece?

The Drachma was the form of Greek cash used in ancient times. The were used by several Greek city states, and were originally minted from silver.

How much cash should I bring to Greece?

While you can now use cards everywhere in Greece, it's always nice to carry some Euros with you just in case. Consider bringing 200 or 300 Euros in cash with you, or withdraw more or less that amount when you first arrive.

Money in Greece - Currency, Banks, ATMs and Credit Cards 2024 (6)

What is the currency in Greece?

The currency in Greece is the Euro, which replaced the drachma as legal tender in January 2002. There are seven denominations of Euro banknotes and eight coin denominations in use in Greece. Business are legally obliged to accept credit or debit cards, but it is still recommended to carry some Euros in cash when traveling in Greece.

More Information

Looking for more information on planning a trip to Greece? My travel tips for Greece are a good starting point before moving on to these blog posts:

  • Greek Islands Guides
  • Things to do in Athens in 2 days
  • Numismatic (Money) museum in Athens
  • Day trips from Santorini
  • Sunset Hotels in Santorini
  • Where to go on a Greek road trip
  • Reasons to visit Mykonos
  • Cheapest Greek islands

If you still have questions about anything regarding money for your Greek vacation, leave a comment at the end of the blog post!

Money in Greece - Currency, Banks, ATMs and Credit Cards 2024 (7)Dave Briggs
Dave is a travel writer based in Greece. As well as creating this guide to the currency used in Greece, he's also written hundreds more travel guides to Greek destinations. Follow Dave on social media for travel inspiration from Greece and beyond:

Money in Greece - Currency, Banks, ATMs and Credit Cards 2024 (2024)


Is it better to use cash or credit card in Greece? ›

Although Greek businesses are legally required to have card terminals, you still shouldn't ditch cash completely. Some small businesses and artists still might prefer or only accept cash payments.

Will I get charged for using my bank card in Greece? ›

Greek banks charge a transaction fee of a few Euros to use a foreign ATM card, but the cost is still less than a money exchange. It's usually easy to find ATMs in Greece. Every populated area, especially tourist areas, has an ATM.

Which bank is best for ATM in Greece? ›

If you do need the services of a bank while in Greece, here are some of the biggest and most popular Greek banks to choose from:
  • Piraeus Bank.
  • Alpha Bank.
  • Eurobank Ergasias.
  • National Bank of Greece (NBG)
  • Attica Bank.

What's the best credit card to use in Greece? ›

In Greece, Visa and MasterCard are the most widely accepted cards. Diners Club is less widely accepted. And American Express is still less frequently accepted because it charges a higher commission and is more protective of the cardholder in disagreements.

Should I get euros before going to Greece? ›

Resist the urge to buy foreign currency before your trip.

Some tourists feel like they must have euros or British pounds in their pockets when they step off the airplane, but they pay the price in bad stateside exchange rates. Wait until you arrive to withdraw money.

What is the best way to pay for things in Greece? ›

6 Top Payment Methods in Greece
  1. Cash. While cash used to dominate the Greek market, new laws require most Greek businesses to accept credit cards. ...
  2. Credit and Debit Cards. Credit and debit card usage in Greece has grown steadily in recent years. ...
  3. PayPal. ...
  4. Bank Transfers. ...
  5. Google Pay. ...
  6. Apple Pay.
Feb 19, 2023

How much is a transaction fee at an ATM in Greece? ›

CardsWithin GreeceOutside Europe
VISAEuro 1.00Euro 1.00
MasterCardEuro 0.65 + 0.20%Euro 1.00
DinersEuro 0.35Euro 0.35

How much can you withdraw from ATM in Greece? ›

If you're not Greek, you can take out as much money as you want from an ATM in Greece
  • Everyone in Greece is subject to a €600 ($672) limit on ATM withdrawals.
  • Unless you're not Greek.
Jun 29, 2015

Can I use my US ATM card in Greece? ›

Yes. As long as your ATM or credit card has either a Visa or PLUS logo, you can withdraw cash at ATMs that are part of the Visa or PLUS network.

Which bank does not charge international ATM? ›

Capital One 360

Capital One's online bank stands apart from many banks because it doesn't charge a currency conversion fee or a fee for using a foreign ATM network. If an out-of-network ATM operator charges you a fee, however, it won't be reimbursed by Capital One 360.

Does Bank of America have a bank in Greece? ›

Bank of America operates in Greece, providing services only to companies.

How much money should I take to Greece for a week? ›

Total Greece Trip Budget💲
CategoryAverage Cost
Flights$600 - $1,200 per person
Accommodations$20 - $200+ per night
Food$5 - $30+ per meal
Sightseeing & ActivitiesFree - $50+ per person per day
4 more rows
6 days ago

Which is the best bank in Greece for foreigners? ›

Banks worth considering for expats include Alpha Bank and HSBC, which have branches around the country. There's also the option of Piraeus Bank, which may be helpful to Americans who cannot speak or read Greek since it offers internet banking in English.

Do ATMs in Greece charge? ›

It's also worth bearing in mind that the fee is a fixed amount (2 - 2.50 Euros), regardless of the amount you withdraw: about equivalent to the price of a cup of coffee. Obviously it's nice to avoid even this, but as long as you aren't making lots of small withdrawals it's not going to bust your holiday budget.

Should I use my credit card in Greece? ›

Though most merchants prefer cash, credit and debit cards are accepted at most larger businesses — especially aimed at tourists. Though it's not guaranteed that every island will have ATMs, so be sure to get cash before you sail away.

Is it safe to carry cash in Greece? ›

Travelling with large amounts of cash is a real security concern, so it's best avoided unless absolutely necessary. Consider withdrawing cash at an Greek ATM on arrival instead, or having the money sent by bank transfer.

Do most restaurants in Greece take credit cards? ›

Credit cards are widely accepted in Greece, particularly in the tourist areas. It's actually a legal requirement, as a response to the financial crisis, that working Greek citizens aged below 65 have a credit card, so most hotels, shops, cafes and restaurants should offer the option of paying by credit card.

Is it best to have euros in cash or card? ›

Key Takeaways
  • European travelers should always have some cash on hand; getting it from an ATM abroad is usually the easiest, most advantageous way.
  • If you need cash from an ATM, it's usually better to use a debit card, because credit cards often charge a high interest rate for a cash advance.

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